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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75884911 No.75884911 [Reply] [Original]

>p-pleas stop making subway jokes

>> No.75885002

and stop with tiddy comments, you silly boy

>> No.75885057

making jokes without consent is literally rape

>> No.75885352
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Sorry Kronii. We feel bad for what we've done.

>> No.75885419

stop hiding your boobs

>> No.75885432
File: 4 KB, 311x162, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna highjack this sister's garbage bait thread to ask what happened to Quiznos? it was so fucking good(still is) but they are rare as fuck now

>> No.75886572

Business model collapsed.
Then BigSandwich muscled in on their territories and drove them all out

>> No.75886664

Stop thinking men have easy lives outside of the rich of wealthy first bitch.

>> No.75886799

Their mascot was an ugly shrill creature, how is that good marketing?

>> No.75886852

Quiznos was pretty good. Not amazing or anything, but I'd go there if I had an opportunity.
Now Jimmy Johns - that shit tastes like cardboard. Small portions and high prices, too. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.75886855

stop spamming dogshit kronii bait threads you're pushing my good kronii bait thread down

>> No.75886870

Still better than Chuck E. Cheese, a restaurant whose mascot is literally vermin

>> No.75887018

Fuck you, I liked those little fucking weird hamster songs.

>> No.75887105

I remember when I was in High School and we had Computer Lab I'd play the Quiznos Sub commercial to annoy the teacher.
In retrospect I could have been playing DOOM but no I went for the be annoying route.

>> No.75887179
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Yes my queen

>> No.75887198

corpo strangled all their franchisees to squeeze a quick buck out of the company until it reached a point where they filed a class action lawsuit, and then the 2008 recession happened at the same time and they basically never recovered

>> No.75887240

She wasn't that polite.

>> No.75887317

One might even question if Kronii has ever been polite in her entire life.

>> No.75887318

and Subway's was literal child molester, yet they won

>> No.75887380

Don't talk about Kronii like that!

>> No.75887743
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>> No.75888134

>class action lawsuit
On top of over a hundred individual lawsuits.

>> No.75888213

I can smell this image

>> No.75888502

Quiznos wasn't that good when it was around. If there was an alternative nearby, I'd always choose that instead.

>> No.75888831

is this some retarded american or canadian bullshit?
god i fucking hate north america

>> No.75888872
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Eat fresh

>> No.75888913

>P-please give me a Holo yab

>> No.75889034


>> No.75889446

Please take the bait, my CCV is down a lot and I need drama to help my channel

>> No.75889632

bump because this makes newfags seethe

>> No.75889798

why do these uptight whores keep getting one guyed?

>> No.75889797

I’d give Kronii my footlong if you know what I mean

>> No.75889883

>I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters.

>> No.75890115

Because she's constantly one bad comment away from having an outburst. She knows her regulars are already in short supply so she holds it back for them, but when a single guy talks shit in chat she can vent all that anger at him

>> No.75890250

kronii? (s)he actually is

>> No.75890474

all nijiniggers should be executed to death

>> No.75891193

She’s a woman, please understand

>> No.75891266

No it's just women bullshit.

>> No.75892096

People got so little mileage out of those Subway jokes. In fact I'd say they were only a foot long.

>> No.75892360

>No subway
>No titties
Why even watch her

>> No.75892491

Doesn't even play good video games either.

>> No.75892714

did she get made about her tits or a sandwhich

>> No.75893869


>> No.75893953

Someone should put that joke on a times square billboard as a tribute.

>> No.75894050

I’m gonna actually make sub jokes in kronii chats for the next few days at the very least.
This is the same as when Ina said don’t mention her ass

>> No.75894270

Maybe you should've nurtured the memes you want to see instead of being passive and letting NPCs and thirdworlders cling onto the easiest shittiest memes around that require little knowledge of you or your streams.

Yep, her latest design is dykish as fuck, ironically her lack of curves is making her look like a footlong sub.

>> No.75894394

At least the ass/back mentions are cute and lewd and lead to nice fanart, the subway jokes make her look crass and undignified, which is probably why it pisses her off so much.

>> No.75894478

That's what happen when you filtered vesper out of your chat. Nobody remember kronii for anything other than the whole psychward skit she did with the oldfag and the sandwich stuff. Kronii should grow a spine and tell all those people to fuck off there's nothing wrong with eating sandwiches who the fuck cares? Hololive fanbase sometimes can be as retarded as the fucking nijisister willing to die for a quick huff of riku putrid asshole. Eat all the sandwiches you want and say fuck you to the haters clock woman.

>> No.75894511

Today I will remind them
This played on national TV. It was an entire campaign in collaboration with an Internet video series nobody knew about.

>> No.75894954

I don’t care. I like them

>> No.75895656


>> No.75896710

If Mori has to deal with eternal dad jokes for like 3 years now you can handle a sandwich Clock lady.

>> No.75896812

Thing is that Mori actually accepted the meme and took Biboo and Kobo under her wing

>> No.75896902

Being a fucking cunt is more crass than a god damn sandwich.

>> No.75896974

That’s the point, Kronii should just accept it and go for a subway sponsorship. Mori used to say “I’m not your father” all the time but eventually she decided it was better than being called mommy. Is it really the worst thing to have a subway joke brought up occasionally?

>> No.75897022

you would know sister

>> No.75897155

i respect mori, she also acknowledged the stallion...dare i say based

>> No.75898223

Mori at least understands that just accepting it kills off almost all incentive by shitstirrers to get a reaction out of her.

>> No.75898443
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>> No.75898445

Biboo would never play into hands of baiters clipfags did the something when Casey Edward just dropped by to say hello and to say he liked biboo rendition of his song. Biboo ignored all that mori wouldn't be able to ignore it for long.

>> No.75898892

Its not as good as subway or mcdonalds

>> No.75900936
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>> No.75901205

But why did she had to continue on at her PL account? At first I thought she mixed up accounts but it seems she doesnt give a shit any more and even snapped at people in Holo.

>> No.75901323
File: 306 KB, 500x500, 4a97746fbdc95f4245c8ca138f11e626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One meme
I don't know why
I just want this stupid subway meme to die
Clip views they mined, all the sammies I dined
To regret in due time
All I know

Restraint is a laughable thing
Watch them spam it with all the updoots it brings
Watch it go down at the end of the day
Decieved myself to say
It's so funny

I'm just a stupid hoe
Watched my health go right out the window
Tryin to hold on, it's all for the show
I wasted it all just to watch him go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried
My career fell apart
What Subway meant to me, it's reminding me, of a memory, of a time when

I memed so hard to mask my yab
But in the end it doesn't even matter
It's been a year, it's time to stop
'Cause in the end it reminds me of Vesper

>> No.75901432

She peaked when she put the goddamn week old sandwich in the blender and she knows it.

Actually, she peaked when she ate it.

>> No.75905859


>> No.75906048

She'd rather have a different kind of footlong.

Though seriously. Why try to shut down one the things associated with you. If you want people to stop talking about it, make a new gimmick to replace it. That's what the other girls do.

>> No.75907054
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P-Post what? It's entirely innocent.
There's nothing wrong with Spyro making subway sandwiches for Kronii.

>> No.75908000


>> No.75908168

kek nice one

>> No.75908745
File: 1.38 MB, 1510x2281, sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75910851

Now I understand why Kronii said what she said

>> No.75911066

its actually a fascinating story if you want to check the wiki sometime. Basically quiznos corporate office grifted local franchisees. They would sell them the rights, make them buy insanely overpriced equipment, make everything proprietary and mark everything up and drive them out of business, so they could then sell that location to the next sucker again. They made a ton of cash this way until people finally got wise to it and started lawsuits and eventually shut down all the restaurants. Recently they've been trying to make a comeback under new management though. I hope it succeeds, their sandwiches were good as hell and those stupid gross monkey mascot things were hilarious.

>> No.75911511

>not cheesed to meet Charles Entertainment Cheese
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
