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75881025 No.75881025 [Reply] [Original]

>another round of sisters shitting up the catalog over a Holo telling people to tune it down with an overused meme
>meanwhile people try to kill themselves in their shit company and cry on stream over spilling some soup

>> No.75882242

>cry on stream over spilling some soup

>> No.75882319

you'd have to join Vivi's membership to find out, unless the vod has been privated

>> No.75882434
File: 258 KB, 1229x1600, IMG_6710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never watched Vivi but I feel genuinely bad for her

capitalism delenda est

>> No.75882657

HoloEN doesn't even provide good drama and it'd be extremely sad if anyone actually watched them to make catalog shitposts with
it was privated

>> No.75882783
File: 339 KB, 2048x1582, 1660007215968720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nijisanji has been nothing but a blight upon Vtubing all of the worst aspects of Vtubing were brought in by Nijisanji. Fuck off with your fucking gay ass cope. You suck.

Yeah I am posting a Homostars image seethe about it you starving poor Chinese sluts.

>> No.75882945

One of the girls had a mental breakdown after spilling some soup during a member stream, no i am not joking.

>> No.75883106

Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned Subway if you don't like it so much

>> No.75883403

I despise Niji and the Nijisisters but this just has to be a rrat.

She probably didn't cry over the soup, it's probably one of those moments where things are going to shit and the soup dropping is just what pushed her over the edge.

>> No.75883477

why, can nijis not afford food?

>> No.75883486
File: 325 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20240515-131930-307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe your organs shouldn't make suicide jokes on twitter when 2 past members confessed attempting LMFAO

>> No.75883534

congrats you've cracked the code

>> No.75883556

>august 2022
august 2022
>august 2022
august 2022

You nijinegroes should relate, cause in 2 years you will still be seen as the fucking worst of the worst.

>> No.75883561

>poor Chinese sluts
come on anon it sounds like vivi is already worked up i don't know why you'd call her out like that :(

for real though what what she crying about no one watches anyone in niji most can't even hold a ccv of .5% of their subs

>> No.75883686

Shut the fuck up you slutty bitch (you) outed yourself as a slut. Rape correction is too good for you.

>> No.75883915

>Blaming sisters for blue dorito fan autism

>> No.75883963

>thinking any genuine Holofans wouldn't appreciate the girls putting down greynigs and tourist
roru roru

>> No.75883997

It was probably more her snapping from all the stress of the past few months

>> No.75884148

Why do you pretend to care? You're obviously not a member. You haven't watched her before. You're not going to watch her after. So why pretend?

>> No.75884248

I just hate Nijisanji and their fans so fucking much so fucking much. And all of you as well.

>> No.75884251

she spilled her pot of soup during members and cried because it should have lasted her the whole week or something. It even had fresh vegetables in it, which are expensive.

>> No.75884270

Can you imagine what's going inside the head of someone like Vox or Elira right now, with the amount of hate their getting. Must be fucking rough for them.

>> No.75884296
File: 64 KB, 808x138, thiskillstheanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon if not caring about vivi makes you a sister I've got bad news....its bad enough to never get views but if you get views and don't keep them, well that's pretty much that. Not an isolated case at niji; me personally I think vivi is fine but she clearly needs an agency that will provide her with more support in order to grow.

>> No.75884385

I'm a fan of her previous employer and if anything bad happens to her, I'm pretty sure he'd be sad about it so I want to support her if I can.

>> No.75884410

No Anon EVERYONE is a Nijisister until proven otherwise their rot is cancerous. Agreed she needs to get out at the first chance.

>> No.75884418

Vox, Elira and Ike can still repent.
Strip the shoes and socks.
Present their soles.
Give Sayu the curtain rod.
Bottle the tears and auction them for charity.

>> No.75884592

She made like 2k during her entire streaming career as whatever the fuck she's called. She's broke unless she has another job.

>> No.75884664

Elira is probably thinking about how her 3RD anniversary Lazu stream made 48$

>> No.75884674

aw that's sad i don't think fresh vegetables really increase the cost of it that much usually i pack vegetables to cut costs lol regardless though making a weeks worth of soup and something happening to it it's easier to see the impact from the whole receipt vanishing vs a meal here or there being too old and getting pitched

>> No.75884694

I want them in full cosplay as their avatars. Ike heels, Vox's sandles, Elira's sneakers - they must all go into the fire before the beating

>> No.75884806

Flipsie is a fucking cancerous fag who somehow manages to be the first to respond to any vtuber tweet, but sometimes he can be funny.

>> No.75884845

gotta be honest i don't have a fucking clue who that person is supposed to be

>> No.75884861

Selen and…?

>> No.75884900

Ok, but Elira must go on a diet + fitness training + boobjob until she can accurately cosplay her characters.

>> No.75884961

you drive a hard bargain

>> No.75884960


>> No.75885177

Sayu didn't actually attempt tbf, but she says she would have if Yuniiho hadn't reached out to her due to how fucked up her life was at the time due to absolutely nobody else reaching out and how extremely isolated she was.

>> No.75885245

sane take but Vivi is just a mid chuuba, being tolerable in an agency like nijien is what makes her stand out

>> No.75885593

>go on a diet
given that she makes 7k yen on average per stream she already is on a hard "sucking ice" diet
maybe she sustain herself with the cum of the investors
