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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75865555 No.75865555 [Reply] [Original]

I hate twitch whores so goddamn much

>> No.75865629
File: 853 KB, 2005x1179, 1715703709384058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those grapes are SOUR

>> No.75865717

I have my own axe to grind about female indie vtubers having the same cringe upper body outfits (some combination of choker and cross-chest harness) but bao's outfit here definitely wouldn't be described as whorish

>> No.75865774

>can't afford twitch

>> No.75865813
File: 191 KB, 2558x1480, 1708668645008646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her now

>> No.75865855

I hate Kson more. If she didn't go into flesh streaming and the spineless mods here enabled her, you post her flesh streams you get banned for RM shit, but then they didn't ban all discussion of her because she's a vtuber (unless she''s posting IRL on her vtuber channel in which case it's off limits and ban worthy because she's not a vtuber even though it's her vtuber channel).

What I'm saying is anyone who does facecam steams on their vtuber channel should be banned from being discussed on /vt/ in order to force people to adhere to the virtual element of being a VIRTUAL youtuber.

It's also boring watching them all larp as lesbians or coombait. Either go full camwhore or find something else to talk about, coombaiting is just boring.

>> No.75866015

Wtf, why dont they have internet neutrality

>> No.75866089

Numi is really hot IRL and I would like to give her a STIFF one! Possibly at a con, in the toilet, while leaving her slightly bruised from pressing her against the wall a TAD too hard.
And she would cum twice from having dirty disgusting sex with an ojisan like me.

>> No.75866092


>> No.75866123

fpbp /thread

>> No.75866134

America made it illegal.

>> No.75866140

>I hate Kson more
ni hao
>If she didn't go into flesh streaming
she did that in 2017
>and the spineless mods here enabled her
take your meds wtf

>> No.75866257

They're all hot, which is really funny considering that normalfags all claim that vtubers are ugly irl.

>> No.75866488

Anon kson pretty much ruined vtubing with her western shit
>shes japanese
Anon she grew up next to the hood

>> No.75866519

Kson spends more time on youtube than twitch but I guess that's nothing compared to the amount of time she spends living inside your head.

>> No.75866562

vtubers seem to statistically be more attractive than the average population, of course they're not anime perfect like their avatars or even conventionally attractive but they're certainly not ugly

>> No.75866576
File: 907 KB, 2873x4096, 1715779298724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love twitch whores so goddamn much

>> No.75866604

sorry you can't watch akutan on bilibili anymore lmfao

>> No.75866684

Kson has nothing to do with your EN branch going to shit, sister.

>> No.75866979

Then don't watch them. It is that easy.

>> No.75867119

Yep, the OP got created half an hour ago and the evening is just starting in SEA and india which is peak phoneposting and anti-twitch hours on /vt/.

>Then don't watch them
He can't, LMAO.

>> No.75867135

Bao is not hot. She is average as hell.

>> No.75867181

fleshwhores should be banned here

>> No.75867203

>Everyone that criticizes the fleshcam whore is a zhang
Yeah, your cope got old 2 years ago. Kson is a filthy e-celeb grifter whore. Her only appeal in hololive was "WOAHHHHHHH LOOKS HOW CRAAAAAAAAAAZY I AM NEXT TO THESE PVRE IDOL GIRLS!!!"

>> No.75867218

What is this

>> No.75867235
File: 368 KB, 2044x3040, 1712797781687740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love whores.

>> No.75867252

Bao isn't even a vtuber anymore

>> No.75867263

the reason why we get so many "twitch vs youtube" threads.

>> No.75867356

Isn't 3DPD offtopic on the vtuber board?

>> No.75867527

Bao should learn to put on better make up and get a sense of style

>> No.75867694

Kson had revealed her face long before she was Coco

>> No.75867847

>Numi is really hot IRL
Bro you haven't even seen her without a mask. You learned nothing from 2020.

>> No.75869611

>anyone who does facecam steams on their vtuber channel should be banned from being discussed on /vt/
Preach brother

>> No.75870094

does kyOresu's hyper-realistic model count

>> No.75870125

They're the best.

>> No.75870168

No, cause they also have models and use them regularly. Get fucked purist.

>> No.75870203

god i want baos ass on my face.

>> No.75870219

This is not true. More often than not they are below average looking people.
I don't like that she made being a "virgin" such a big part of her personality, but she is otherwise alright.
But if we talking Twitch whore attractiveness Yuzu > Numi = Bao

>> No.75870290

Lmao zhang seething after getting called out

>> No.75870447 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1080x1866, 1712022514220326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never ever hate an Asian woman that was blessed with a big juicy shitter like that. She overcame her genetics.
she was present with her vtuber identity btw jannyman

>> No.75870555

sorry, brother

>> No.75870604

Sometimes i confuse the left one with the right one
Which one is bao and whats the other ones name

>> No.75870636

are there any actual lesbian chuubas

>> No.75870715

Bao IRL looks like she is about to explode from all the grease in her body.

>> No.75870798

...lesbians arent real anon

>> No.75870920

anon have I been lied to for years

>> No.75871203

Twitch is not included in SEAfag's mobile data plans so they can only watch youtube streamers or else they will hit their monthly cap in a few hours.
This explains why they hate Twitch so much and why everything they know about Twitch streamers is through youtube clips and clickbait thumbnails.

>> No.75871313

>those trips confirming

>> No.75871321

what mental illness do you have to seethe at people having fun?

>> No.75871358

This, but unironically.

>> No.75871512

don't think so, I can't imagine some man-hating dyke streaming to a bunch of guys without feeling disgusted

>> No.75871578

Whale seems okay, for a slut. But I will always dislike bao for her "I'M A GIRL, GIVE ME MONEY FOR EXISTING" shit she was trying to do in 2020-2021.

>> No.75871593

anon really copped a ban for posting a vtubers own tweet
great butt btw

>> No.75871714

>Cute girls: Having fun, giggling, being cute, not forcing anyone to look at them

>> No.75871731
File: 675 KB, 483x858, DogFauna3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh I'm American and I still hate twitch? I don't think that explains it. Twitch just kinda sucks.

>> No.75871755

There are a few decent Twitch vtubers, like Limes, but most of them are trash. It isn't even a vtuber exclusive trait, most Twitch streamers are shit.

>> No.75871892

The UI is objectively better and it's much simpler to browse for streams.

>> No.75872014

Yeah but no vods, minute long unskippable ads, vtuber tag crowded by non-vtubers (I don't mean like Kson I mean fucking XQC). It has some good things but a lot of downsides.

>> No.75872092

Twitch is full of whores.
That's enough reason to hate it.

>The UI is objectively better and it's much simpler to browse for streams.
'What the English call “comfortable” is something endless and inexhaustible. Every condition of comfort reveals in turn its discomfort, and these discoveries go on for ever. Hence the new want is not so much a want of those who have it directly, but is created by those who hope to make profit from it'

>> No.75872121

>minute long unskippable ads
literal skill issue

>> No.75872300

>no vods
What? But that's wrong, just scroll down a bit and click "videos", it's right next to "schedule" or just add "/videos" at the end of a channel's link.

>minute long unskippable ads
Install the vaft script

>vtuber tag crowded by non-vtubers
Fair, these fags need to fuck off.

>> No.75872446

>someone posts a twitch timed link
>try to open
>big annoying purple screen
>login/sign up now!
>try to login
>ur password is wrong faggot, two tons of pig manure have been ordered to your address via helicopter delivery and charged to your credit card
>try to reset password, sends a code to my phone with a timeout period, comes through when 20 seconds remain
>enter new password
>sorry your new password must contain at least 30 characters, 6 prime numbers, 12 special characters, one set of currently active nuclear launch codes and an ascii cock
>finally login after writing my password down on a whole roll of toilet paper
>get 3 unskippable ads
>timed link breaks afterwards and I get put at the start of a 5 hour long vod
>chat is full of frogs and pogs within 1 second of stream start
>close twitch
I do like sluts with big butts so it's actually a shame

>> No.75873922

Kek this. Every picture I see shes hiding that hideous bottom half and bao is just fat.

>> No.75874004

I'm not saying she's ugly, I'm just saying everyone wearing masks made me realize how masks can really make a big difference in how someone looks so you can't say someone is hot/ugly unless you see their full face.

>> No.75874592

>tfw during corona's peak and had to wear masks, girls would smile at me

>> No.75876181

What if you don't post pictures IRL like his fans have been doing for 3 years? Is that so hard, stupid newfag?

>> No.75876479

Covid style masks add +2 to any Asian girls attractive, usually because their weak points are nose/teeth/chin.
