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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75860333 No.75860333 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.75860405
File: 40 KB, 700x552, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75860453

It's okay when JP does it

>> No.75860504
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>> No.75860507
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Yes, it's very simple.

>> No.75860525
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>> No.75860596
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>> No.75860614

>teasing, little naughty joke on rare occassion
>Contant obnoxious whoring
Yes, one is ok while the other is plain annoying.

>> No.75860714

>Literally licking a cock on stream with heart eyes

>> No.75860774

try again

>> No.75860815

sister, I'm sorry to tell you... that is not what a cock looks like, personally I would rather throw my self in a volcano, but I'm sure there are plenty other anons willing to show you how one looks.

>> No.75860818

What? You never licked Ice cream, sis?

>> No.75860822

>pic related
>Literally a cock
you think so much about the male reproductive organ that you're seeing it where it doesn't exist you fucking sodomite

>> No.75860938

oh no not ice cream opchama!!

>> No.75860975

You know what was she implying
Stop playing dumb, coomers

>> No.75861024

>thinking about cocks all the time
gay ass nigga
you a gay ass nigga

>> No.75861205

ESL or retarded? Your pick.

>> No.75861239

Learn english first sister

>> No.75861285
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Orca Cute

>> No.75861334

>It's okay when Hololive does it
i'm glad you understand

>> No.75861397

waste of trips

>> No.75861474

She just likes ice cream really, really much, OP.

>> No.75861860

That's maybe why it's different. It's only an implication.

>> No.75861975

what is so wrong with licking ice cream? anon can you tell me

>> No.75862096

>t. femcel

>> No.75862474
File: 94 KB, 356x399, japsama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we as ENchads do not approve of JP whores.

>> No.75863451


>> No.75864932
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>> No.75865214

something something “JP whores want to have sex with you while EN whores want to have sex with anyone but you”

>> No.75866640


>> No.75866839

It's okay when lig, smaller corpos or any Westerners do it too.

>> No.75868027

>Reducing notnoel's work to the same level as Chloe's tease
Weird angle to attack from ngl

>> No.75868193

Yeah, my cock.

>> No.75868913

Sakamata is a lesbian so it's okay

>> No.75868939

>It's okay when lig, smaller corpos or any Westerners do it too.

No it isn't because they're not Japanese you fucking retard.

>> No.75870367
File: 174 KB, 1261x720, F75E72E9-FF94-4BFB-A3C5-E86C9DC84FB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. Funny.
No, it’s actually okay for anyone to do any of this. No one expects you to like it, just shut up your autism and move along.

>> No.75871444

>No, it’s actually okay for anyone to do any of this. No one expects you to like it, just shut up your autism and move along.

You're too normal for this board and you're not suppose to be saying things like that.

>> No.75872029

It's okay when anyone does it actually.
How many more times do I need to say this before you understand

>> No.75872272

I believe in autist shaming.
It’s a disability, but correcting them is the ramp beside the stairs they need.

>> No.75872348


>> No.75872385

God I bet Chloe stinks

>> No.75872410

I know, it’s great

>> No.75872435

And again, you're too normal for this board and that's not what you're suppose to be saying.

You're suppose to say... no wait, what you're SUPPOSE to say is that "Its okay when Hololive JP does it" because when they do it its innocent and they're not being slutty and don't know any better. When a non Holo JP does it then they're basically whores and the fact that you don't get the joke shows that you are the REAL autist and do not belong here.

Go back.

>> No.75872743

Gonna need a webm of her panting like a dog.

>> No.75873692

technically, holoJP are the whores and every other vtuber is just innocently copying them without knowing any better.

>> No.75873934

- Holo JP does something that would make them look like a whore = cute, innocent and they don't know the meaning behind their actions.
- Holo EN / Non holo that's not JP does something that would make them look like a whore = not cute, innocent and they know PERFECTLY well what they are doing.

What, do you think the "Its okay when Hololive does it / Its okay when Hololive JP does" it is only a joke, anon?

>> No.75873938

Does what? Blank comments section on a stream? Fuck your stupid vagueposting

>> No.75876604
File: 122 KB, 674x817, 1692347224904379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This si true talent freedom
>What's that Chloe? You wanna be lewd? Go be lewd.
>What's that Sora? You wanna be seiso? Go be seiso.
>What's that Suisei You wanna be so seiso it's borderline traditional conversative? Go be that.

>> No.75877748

I know you're all autistic, so I'll try to spell it out simply:
jokes and banter, stuff that nobody is taking seriously - okay
erotic ASMR, masturbating on stream, pissing into bottles, and JOI - not okay

>> No.75877921


>> No.75878054
File: 21 KB, 529x580, 1702651808866990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fpbp, we make our own rules

>> No.75878339

Go back to /vsj+/

>> No.75881352

it's always some brown esl mudslime monkey huh

>> No.75881355

Took you long enough

>> No.75881635

Wrong, it's okay because Hololive did it first, newfag.

>> No.75884136


>> No.75885248

it's okay when they eat marshmallows, yes.

>> No.75887515

Eat marshmallows? Anon, you can eat them you know. I know chink mother's are cruel and will call you fat, but you don't need to suffer that abuse.
