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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.80 MB, 1320x2554, LoliRyS Flash denied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75853285 No.75853285 [Reply] [Original]

>Even more MHW

>Not a devil cover




>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>Clear folder
>HoloFES 5 non random merch
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>3D Acrylic
>KimonoRyS rerun

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.75853306
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, Gyaru loliRySo comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.75853366
File: 169 KB, 335x339, 1705130987914361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75853440
File: 193 KB, 632x678, 1713064302695240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faucetface animation doko?

>> No.75853462
File: 71 KB, 728x410, poogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate it

>> No.75853500
File: 223 KB, 632x678, 1681194389732673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75853603

I don't remember this one, is there a full version?

>> No.75853624
File: 151 KB, 1000x1778, GLIYC4hacAA-_g9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss pyonRyS...

>> No.75853654
File: 741 KB, 2000x2000, Loli pyonRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75853773
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>> No.75853905

IRyS would be so absolutely disgusted at the idea of some guy jerking it to her pits, it almost makes me want to do it

>> No.75853910

I hope IRyS is enjoying her time with Futan.

>> No.75853951

She's very pretty. She should be glad that I'm attracted to her

>> No.75853970

Pretty sure that was yesterday

>> No.75853996

I hate time zones

>> No.75854022

Flare should tell IRyS to do goodnight tweets and updates like she tells her to put her PoV up

>> No.75854040

where is this pic of pits?
i cant find it

>> No.75854051

How disgusted would she be, if hypothetically speaking, I also spilled “some” seed to her hands?

>> No.75854073


>> No.75854096

IRyS only likes it when I masturbate to her, she's grossed out when any of you do it.

>> No.75854117

She likes me not you.

>> No.75854139

t. Kronii

>> No.75854153

But then she'd get made fun of for her goodnight tweets being at 7 am.

>> No.75854187

I hate faggots so much. It's not great that she sleeps then but nobody should berate her for it

>> No.75854219

IRyS should sleep at night

>> No.75854263

you know what i ment but thanks

>> No.75854377

Yes, I know what you meant. I don't have it at hand and if I did I can't post it due to board rules anyway

>> No.75854402

IRyS should sleep with me

>> No.75854438

when is getto gonna draw lewds again?

>> No.75854477
File: 225 KB, 371x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75854954

You guys are like a family to me.

>> No.75854973

just post your pits already

>> No.75855087

Nword is done posting pictures of her cute self :(

>> No.75855181

red, white, and blue nails when she took a trip back to the states, ahhhhhhh so cute.

>> No.75855183

Can't a male have some positivity in his life?

>> No.75855627

I want to give her positivity. I could say so many nice things to her. I don't know if that means anything to her anymore but she deserves it

>> No.75855818
File: 93 KB, 768x768, 1706720270996762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75855971

I mean it don't bonk. IRyS is so beautiful. She deserves to know that even if it might not have much of an affect hearing that anymore.

If I could somehow recreate that first moment someone tells her she's beautiful I would. I would give anything to make her feel special.

>> No.75855992

another like..
whats she even doing right now lol

>> No.75856064

Lazing around ego searching and reading manga

>> No.75856105

IRyS, I know you are here. Please finish Iceborne.

>> No.75856128

>Thinks bonking the horny out of anons will stop the fapping
What if anons are into that too?

>> No.75856383

Has she continued Punpun yet?

>> No.75856498

What's that?

>> No.75856568


>> No.75856603

What is it?

>> No.75856620

I want to reread pun pun sometime, give me some BGMs

>> No.75856618

Is this MH lingo?

>> No.75856721

Just don't call her bun.

>> No.75856790


>> No.75856842
File: 187 KB, 900x900, 1714079071495231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75857380

Stream today?

>> No.75857424

IRyS should buy a vibrator and use it live

>> No.75857594

She should put it in when she does her Ring Fit stream

>> No.75858098

Imagine if it accidentally audibly pops out while mid fight

>> No.75858199

I am currently manifesting that IRyS collabs with Flare and Kanade today and KanaRyS become a thing.

>> No.75858220

She's too retarded it wouldn't work

>> No.75858247

Alright, this has to be a fucking woman

>> No.75858506

Show pits

>> No.75859045

please no, we don't need another collaber

>> No.75859099

She wouldn't let that happen. She'd struggle to keep it in

>> No.75859199

I tickled Cheebs tummy, hurea held her down and assisted me this time

>> No.75859762

IRyS is in Chloe's Birthday Live

>> No.75859826

That would be cool.

>> No.75860003

Is this confirmed or you just guessing?

>> No.75860117


>> No.75861294

fathom the fragrance

>> No.75862404

But what's with Cheebs gatekeeping?

>> No.75862677

She rt soras live

>> No.75862792

is there a stream today?

>> No.75863687

We are hoping that she kisses Kanade tonight. We even got that FemRyStocrat manifesting for it to happen

>> No.75863849

We are? But I thought herpderp collab bad

>> No.75864023

Im not
Id rather have another solo stream

>> No.75864100

Hope it's not a space those don't work on my browser lately for some reason

>> No.75864392

You only have one browser?

>> No.75864435

I'm not a browser whore...

>> No.75864608

>concerned about cheating on a program
Idolshit has really done a number on you, hasn't it?

>> No.75865088
File: 56 KB, 843x700, ChibRyS poogiestocrat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75865163

on their way to destroy Megaman

>> No.75865722

I want to bend that FemRyStocrat over my knee and slap her so bad right right now

>> No.75865781

Go back. Too abusive.

>> No.75865829

Just your little ass. I'll be gentle

>> No.75866444

Mega Man Zero 3 finale later?

>> No.75866616


>> No.75866778
File: 182 KB, 1280x1297, 1696053470867869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% DevilRyS outfit when?

>> No.75867096

I like the kind of FemRyStocrat that wants to drain my life essence…

>> No.75867469

That's just a Fate character

>> No.75867546

Is there any WalRyS fanart anywhere?

>> No.75867638


>> No.75867672


>> No.75867716

Pic source please?

>> No.75867748

Quit fucking around and devour your steed already you fat lump.

>> No.75867837


>> No.75867856

13 hours I just got confirmation

>> No.75868093
File: 4 KB, 394x313, poogiestocrat_114857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75868282
File: 34 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Squeeb is the only thing you DON'T need to worry about, you obnoxious pork chop.

>> No.75868785

Gimme that money

>> No.75870800

Miss the RyS

>> No.75870859


>> No.75870916

No thanks sapling

>> No.75871646


>> No.75871863

someone post the full set

>> No.75872939

cheeb cheeb

>> No.75873953
File: 90 KB, 436x694, 1712520386596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sanity is dwindling, I need nephilim

>> No.75874311
File: 91 KB, 436x694, 1708755812906660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75874352

She's having so much fun :)

>> No.75874403

This is what a FemRyStocrat should do to the tip/head of my cock

>> No.75874602


>> No.75874608


>> No.75874650

Nice, short stream <3

>> No.75874910

IRyS I know you are here, please sing ballads today

>> No.75875087

IRyS, please sing balls

>> No.75875110
File: 3.88 MB, 698x720, Poke danceRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F51ke7p.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS sing the Pokemon meme song

>> No.75875149

If it's JP she probably could

>> No.75875328

doesn't say unarchived so it's likely it's not english slop this time

>> No.75875334
File: 160 KB, 391x477, 1377237183131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to predict that if they're allowed to do it, Holo's will start making covers of this with animations matching the cute dance.
IRyS should think ahead and get in there early

>> No.75875397

She's not a numberfags so the Cheebs cover will release months later and be poorly received

>> No.75875605

I'm glad IRyS is among the most successful ENs without numberfagging. From what I've seen numberfags like mori and kiara are constantly miserable

>> No.75875613

>IRyS should think
You're asking for a whole lot there

>> No.75875704
File: 286 KB, 720x720, IntelligenceRyS [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F15wgue.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75875767

do you sometimes think IRyS is smarter than she lets on

>> No.75875789
File: 135 KB, 1280x1576, 118681277_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should do the lolirys roleplay stream she mentioned after the april fools stream, it would prompt artists to finally draw some fucking loliRyS, besides menhera anon and koianon there's barely like any art at all

>> No.75875796

My wife has smarts sometimes

>> No.75875869

not a cover but

>> No.75875917
File: 13 KB, 107x120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that fat fuck, damn thats fat

>> No.75875975

Half of Hololive already has a Pokédance short already

>> No.75875993

What? She constantly plays FOTM and does #short streams.

>> No.75876027

No but she has a high luck stat so she sometimes pulls a Nat20 for Int rolls

>> No.75876063

Yeah that's accurate, also add maximum charisma

>> No.75876097

Vsinger is back

>> No.75876156

WOOO! My oshi is going to bless me with her voice.

>> No.75876157

Chances of her singing something copyrighted and fucking over the vod

>> No.75876231

Ohh shit, I've got plenty of notice. I think I might take the opportunity to D/L a good flavor of Linux for my Pi so I can spin my TV 90. I want to see what the fuss is about.

>> No.75876287

Chances of fewer than one user archiving it and sharing the archive: 0%

>> No.75876411

IRyS should copy Kroniis approach and make a community post. A single time will do it. "Anybody who disrepects my friends Bae, Mori, Kronii, etc are not a part of my fanbase because a real IRyStocrat would respect all of the people I care about". The usual suspects would be killed off with one simple post.

>> No.75876441

It happens. I'll be archiving it in case. If I have to buy more data I will. I have WiFi right now but burned through my 12 GB pretty quickly with Monster Shitter + other usage.

>> No.75876448

>IRyS should copy Kronii
stopped reading right there

>> No.75876521

>IRyS should copy Kronii
Not even Kronii would recommend this

>> No.75876533

She's right.
She's not going to. It's not her style. She's more of a "I'll take your money and you can say what you want" kind of girl. There are advantages to that kind of approach but the shit doesn't half float to the top sometimes.

>> No.75876539

>IRyS should have a woman moment
roru. rumao even.

>> No.75876541

IRyS would never do something so direct

>> No.75876553

Oh yeah kronii had a yab so expect raids I guess?

>> No.75876572

What did she do?

>> No.75876594

I archive every karaoke regardless

>> No.75876602

Gave too much attention to subhuman clipwatchers.

>> No.75876613

Get a backbone but still reply to dumbasses

>> No.75876630

Sandwiches give her ptsd

>> No.75876654

How is that a yab? Clippers are scum but it happens.

>> No.75876661

>Get a backbone
She should get thicker skin next

>> No.75876671

I have a faucet for you cheebs


>> No.75876679

Started a war in the comment section of a clip about her blended subways. She didn't even talk to her fans about this, shs went straight for the bait like Kiara earlier

>> No.75876717

Heh. That does sound like Kronii

>> No.75876719

>Standing up for your friends is having a woman moment
I take it your father wasn't around when you were a child?

>> No.75876729

>She didn't even talk to her fans about this
I guess that stream didn't happen

>> No.75876741

I'm glad IRyS isn't retarded

>> No.75876778

Continuing with the period talk from yesterday, Kronii's is a perfect example of the opposite end of the scale
IRyS just gets annoyed easier and curses a bit more and Kronii goes to clip channels' comment sections to fight clip watchers

>> No.75876790

Retard that is nothing like the Kiara situation. She never got into arguments with fans in the comments and all she did was address it on Stream, and then make a comment on a clip

>> No.75876857

>and then make a comment on a clip
Which is something that she shouldn't have done in the first place and she should've know about that because this isn't the first time it happens with her.

>> No.75876876

She made several comments replying to antis in that comment section, as opposed to Kiara doing the same on twitter

>> No.75876891

do the kronies document her cycle.

>> No.75876941

I'm amazed and extremely grateful IRyS remained unchanged by all the terrible influences on the EN side

>> No.75876945

>Made several comments
She did not. Actually look before you type shit

>> No.75877009

Literally the Kronii shit is, is that she's fucking tired of the subway shit being brought up after ignoring it for a year and she's telling everyone to finally shut the fuck up about it because it's a beyond dead meme

>> No.75877085

They claim she only does member's streams on her period but I haven't seen any proof so dunno

>> No.75877135

Pretty funny the closest thing to a Holo "yab" they got is someone telling them to stop making the same tired joke that's been made over and over again for years at this point

>> No.75877157
File: 44 KB, 523x452, Chib cheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75877216

I wish IRyS would do that with the yabaiRyS bullshit

>> No.75877251

Hopefully if she ever does that she follows the Fubuki way and not the Kronii way.

>> No.75877342

I thought the subway meme was an extension of her homo collabs, you know like editing subway sandwiches over penis, a meme lord like Kronii would have to know about them and she started her homo collab arc started at the same time as the sandwich meme.

>> No.75877359

She should do it the Suisei way and have it backfire and lead to even more SexRyS

>> No.75877375

Kronii and Mori's homo hour and shitting on their fans ring any bells?

>> No.75877495

She knows how to do it properly if she has to.

>> No.75877706
File: 485 KB, 1080x1920, 1709185701177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot this was asked for

>> No.75877714

Maybe you should ask the COVER staff that wrote that into her lore.
(Lore is bullshit but still…)

>> No.75877989

is subway kronii's YABAIRYS or BL

>> No.75878083

I love how she addresses those kinds of thing. She always come off very respectful and understanding, it never feels standoffish, which I felt a bit of from Kronii's comment, kinda like "you're not my real fan if you're still doing it after I said no once". You can hear her brain running, choosing the right words to express herself during those moments and I love her for it

>> No.75878108

The BL is because of fags and stinky fujos that push that moniker on her.

>> No.75878260

IRyS always chooses her words carefully because she doesn't want anything to spiral or pour oil on the fire. She's smart in that respect, she'd be smarter still if she dealt with these things swiftly and silently with the ban hammer though.

Some people don't deserve discourse but IRyS is too kind.

>> No.75878341

she doesn't ban because she's an idol
she can win them over with her charm

>> No.75878423

She can't. Some cunts say things explicitly to get a reaction (or lack thereof) out of her.

They don't change when they're a broken record.

>> No.75878597

You know that thing every teacher or group coach says?
>if you have a question, chances are someone else has the same question
IRyS responds for the wayward IRyStocrats who might have felt the same way.

>> No.75878641

If it's a genuine question that's fair enough. Shit ain't that though.

>> No.75878774

Luckily you aren't running her stream and she can do what she wants.

>> No.75878926

Indeed. I'd never have it any other way.

>>75877495 is a genuine question. Other shit she has to deal with (and it's from the same sorts of people over and over again on multiple different occasions, they don't learn) isn't though.

Her approach of minimising attack radius does work to some degree. Some people get bored and go away. Other cunts are more persistent though.

>> No.75879216

She should just dish out bans to anyone that is negative or has the wrong opinion ever. That is best solution when dealing with such a large audience. Doubly so when dealing with cretins from various parts of the internet that have varying degrees of level of skills in communication.

>> No.75879277

But IRyS is a stinky fujo. Does she push it upon herself?

>> No.75879292

She just likes the Bromance

>> No.75879331

IRyS has this crazy super power of being able to ignore things she doesn't like

>> No.75879393

We should tell her to watch the Lethal Weapon trilogy

>> No.75879468

Some things should just be quietly dealt with, like the skinwalker pretending to be human known as Babski

>> No.75879473

She can't though. If somebody sends her a mean super chat or attacks another holo, etc, she's going to give them undue attention.

She can't just say:
>That's not nice I'm not even going to respond to that

>> No.75879550

she ignores supas all the time

>> No.75879669

Which is what makes >>75879468 all the more weird. Why is she happy to acknowledge people like that.

Don't read their name
Don't read their super
Acknowledge it's not something you want to talk about and move on.

The only reason cunts keep giving her attention is because they know they're going to get it back in return. They shouldn't even be able to send that crap in the first place (ban them). Nobody wants it (except her).

>> No.75879762

I hope IRyS talks about Chainsawman after her karaoke

>> No.75879848

babski drops akas she doesn't want him gone forever

>> No.75879867

Exactly. It all comes back to the money.

>> No.75879919

How much would it take to buy off "people" like that? Is the situation that dire that she needs that?

>> No.75879926

ah you're the schizo from the doxx site

>> No.75879941

I'm not whoever you're referring to.

>> No.75879954

Why do we suddenly get a schizo who obsessed with babski and banning that shitter specifically?

>> No.75879959

just go and make your bait thread sister

>> No.75879969

cover has 500+ employees

>> No.75879977

I knew that's what this is all about. Someone made about that retard for the sake of their oshi joining up with the usual IRyS anti who wants a new holo vs holo angle to attack IRyS.

If you honestly want him banned from all holos, then get him banned from the Cover side, it does not and should not come from IRyS. It's not her responsibility, it's Cover's and if you don't like that you are free to kys.

>> No.75879992

Why does she do streams an hour later now?
Does she want her english fans to suffer? lol

>> No.75879998

All shitters not just him. I'm tired of her taking that shit all because they give her some precious $USD

I understand and respect that this is her decision though.

>> No.75880027

Reddit and Discord I assume.

>> No.75880069

so someone kept bringing up nword and now this guy is posting exactly like the doxx site schizo

makes you think...

>> No.75880145

>I respect her decision
>but I will still come here and bitch about it every day
fuck off

>> No.75880162

Perfect for me tho. Sounds like your issue.

>> No.75880196

karaoke streams are always an hour later because she has to prepare

>> No.75880199

I wasn't even the one that brought it up and you lack compassionate of you at all think the status quo of compounding shit is desirable

>> No.75880228

*lack compassion if you at all

>> No.75880314

why are europeans so autistic?

>> No.75880346

06:00 AM is better for me. I will hopefully get some nice sleep tonight

>> No.75880413

It's more autistic to have a lack of empathy. I care about her at least which is more than can be said about some people.

I know this supas don't affect her in the slightest, she's made of tougher stuff but she still shouldn't have to put up with it.

>> No.75880419

If you are going to post a correction. Do you mind adding some punctuations to it too or read it aloud next time? That sentence is still hard to read.

>> No.75880435

*these supas

>> No.75880444

Most Euros aren't the terminally online type so when you get the type who are it practically writes itself

>> No.75880484

That was intentional. It's meant to read as one string.

>> No.75880491

Karaoke streams start later because they're shorter. She'll wind up finishing hours before she'd end a Monster Slop stream.

>> No.75880499

>reddit spacing
>correcting himself all the time
but for real why are europeans so autistic?

>> No.75880533

I care about her.

>> No.75880593
File: 25 KB, 665x467, Screenshot_20240504-235104~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pork pork pork

>> No.75880621

Piece of shit. I'm going to turn you into a Full English.

>> No.75880641

you care about yourself
you dont want to see the supas or her reaction

>> No.75880697

I care about her. I don't want her to see the shit or her reaction.

>> No.75880731

What even is your argument anyway?

>You only care about yourself so others should be able to shit all over her?

>> No.75880743

then send some feedback here

cover has 500 employees they need the superchat money

>> No.75880826

I would actually prefer if she just didn't read superchats and instead did a normal zatsu

>> No.75880852

It should come from her. If she genuinely wants to keep the shitters then that's her choice.

I won't ask her that because I know it will cause more hassle but I know what's said here will get back to her somehow.

If she genuinely doesn't want anything to change then I respect that. I don't like it but I respect it. She can stand up for herself.

>> No.75880858

I would prefer if she ignored all of (you) and only paid attention to (me)

>> No.75880885

Me not you.

>> No.75880908

she isn't thinking only about herself, she's thinking about the 500 other people that rely on her to bring in money so they can live and support their families

>> No.75880933

I don't care about them I only care about her.

>> No.75881139

>four fucking yabs in a week
>just a mass copy paste drivel form the other every thread with just the name changed
sisters are really desperate huh

>> No.75881224

like half of those aren't even yabs unless you're talking exclusively about niji

>> No.75881245
File: 350 KB, 686x632, baconator-144_medium_US_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75881368

>aren't even yabs
>while the actual cope and deflection is currently happening
sure thing sis

>> No.75881637


>> No.75881747

again? it's gonna get deleted again and people will think it never happened, maybe it's not such a bad idea

>> No.75881974

unlike kronii and her sandwich she still makes dirty jokes, which I'm grateful as fuck for, seiso bullshit is boring

>> No.75882053

What are you talking about? IRyS is 100% seiso. She told me herself.

>> No.75882367
File: 170 KB, 900x900, 1715124725708379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faucetface WIP animation doko?

>> No.75882371

you sound like an anti, you fucking autistic subhuman should learn some empathy from IRyS

>> No.75882443

if it's earlier there is a fucking who complains, if it's later there is another fucker who complains, if it's at the same hour there is another another fucker who complains

>> No.75882472

I care about her. IRyS is incapable of caring about herself sometimes and that's normal (it's hard to have empathy for one's self).

If that makes me an anti then so be it. I want the best for her.

>> No.75882700

>she only does it for the money
then stop saying that shit you massive cunt

>> No.75882752

Why else does she listen to shitters repeatedly? Is she broken? Of course it'll the money. This is her fucking job.

>> No.75882944

there is no hope for you

>> No.75882987

IRyS is my hope.

>> No.75883109

you should use that autism and cut you toenails instead

>> No.75883114

I've read all of these posts before but for a different delusional complaint

>> No.75883158

You're not my girlfriend.

>> No.75883177
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I took a huge shit earlier

>> No.75883192

At least I'm consistent.

I love her.

>> No.75883215

Too much info

>> No.75883294

If the femanon isnt going to clip them. They should at the very least paint them so they look cute.

>> No.75883396

I'm a man. It does not matter if I cut my toenails or not.

I don't have annoying girlfriend by my side to make me.

>> No.75883609

>I’m a man
>Complains and gets defensive over her body
Are we sure she isnt just on her blood moon?

>> No.75883772

I can't solve things with my fists. If I could I would

>> No.75883793

This stream would be at a nearly perfect time for me, because I should be finishing work early and I'd get home with about 30 minutes to spare...but I just know the cocksuckers in charge here are going to add extra work at the end of the day and force me to stay an extra 3 hours.

>> No.75883896

Awww the femanon is a butch dyke. Cute.

>> No.75883911

Fuck off.

>> No.75883973

what kind of work is that anon? are you a slave?

>> No.75884002

That sucks. It'll be archived at least. I hope she sings the songs I like and talks at length about anime

>> No.75884041

It's called overtime. It's probably stipulated in their contract that they have to do so many hours.

>> No.75884327


>> No.75884387

Hourly job making a product. There are 4 'teams' each with their own schedule of what and how much to make. When any other team finishes their scheduled product early, they get to go home early. When my team finishes a product early, the bosses add more onto our schedule to make us stay for the full time period.

>> No.75884919

How have you retards not learned to finish up five minutes before the whistle blows? Have you got a couple asshole workaholics ruining it for you?

>> No.75884987

>working until the bell
Sounds like workaholic talk to me

>> No.75885159

Finishing your requirement just as the shift ends instead of finishing early so you get extra work dumped on you is being a workaholic now?

>> No.75885306

Duh, you are still working

>> No.75885368

Yeah, either way it's work all day

>> No.75885505

Did both of you fail math or something? If you spend 8 hours putting out 6000 pieces you have done less work than if you spend 8 hours putting out 8000 pieces.

>> No.75885732

>Work Work Work
Real workaholic hours

>> No.75885737

But I'm doing 6000 pieces in 4 hours and not telling anyone until I go home

>> No.75885798

god i hope that's a penis she's hiding

>> No.75886053

Oh, he said workaholic. You know the rules!

>> No.75886078


>> No.75886392

That's what I hope for, you can't add more if I'm already gone before you notice! But usually other people blab and ruin it.
And I need to TRY getting done early, just so I can have the faint hope of being able to leave and catch more of IRyS's streams.

>> No.75886587

Gotta get a job like printing the news (not actually printing the news, though, people don't do that anymore). Oh, what's that? We've run off our 40,000 impressions? Guess it's time to clean up and go home an hour and a half early since there's literally nothing else to do.

>> No.75887336
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I used to work at a printing press (magazines/journals), but that was even worse: it ran 24 hours a day, 12 hour shifts so there was no such thing as getting done early, there was always the next order to start.
It's pretty psychologically damaging when the person you relieve is the same person that relieves you at the end of your shift.
But now I only work 11 hours a day...yay... (but this job is far more easy).

>> No.75887562

>name is a reference to aristocrats
>actually be peasants who work 9-to-9 jobs

>> No.75887757

I was in the same boat at Coca Cola. The plant had four shifts and ran 24/7. 12 hours per with 2 on 2 off 3 on 2 off 2 on 3 off. Once I got used to the long hours it was actually pretty awesome having 50% of my days off.

>> No.75888470


>> No.75889403

Gotta make money to buy merch and send supas.

>> No.75889429

3-4ish years NEET here. Don't care that I only "earn" about 16K a year. I have 0 responsibility and 0 stress. It's amazing

>> No.75889444
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>> No.75889492

I know this one is archived, but is IRyS going to learn My Immortal after realizing she didn't know it in the last unarchived? Because she should.

>> No.75889533

She should learn My Immortal and then read the My Immortal fanfic out loud

>> No.75889535

She should do a better evanescence song instead.

>> No.75890575
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>Take a nap
>Kronies and the autistic creepy tranny brit shit the place up
>nobody cares about the karaoke
Standard /HiRyS/ behavior

>> No.75890639

>take a nap
>lose the ability to read
damn that's though

>> No.75890698


>> No.75891319
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>> No.75891659

Lien should make one for her new chuuni military outfit

>> No.75891915

I wish IRyS would also use her BeegSmol model more often

>> No.75891963
File: 1.81 MB, 598x250, BaeBurger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know... with that Poogie fuck around I feel I'm hating CheebsBae a lot less than before. That said, you're still dinner.

>> No.75892062
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where are your clothes bro?

>> No.75892353

When is the next stream?

>> No.75892368

It's a mystery

>> No.75892514

we need en4 this is bullshit

>> No.75892766


>> No.75893602
File: 1.31 MB, 2107x4096, 1685082561231856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceborne and Sunrise are in the new Humble Bundle

>> No.75893697

but I already have them...

>> No.75893830

buy them for me plz thank

>> No.75894146

I already bought the EDF humble bundle, I don't need to waste money and hard drive space on this trash.

>> No.75896164

She barely ever uses her actual 3D...

>> No.75896471

She said that she doesn't because she doesn't like her poorly it tracks her mouth movements

>> No.75896563

H3D tracking sucks hard and the models are very restrictive in general. Her L2D is way cuter and nicer.

>> No.75896751

Her L2D has shit mouth tracking too starting to think its on her end. Reminds me of when the model swap happened and the tracking was a lot better for some of them.

>> No.75897417

L2D isn't the best but the tracking in her 3D is almost nonexistent

>> No.75897633

3D fixes aren't actually that slow, she should have asked for them long ago.

>> No.75898474

Watching herself twist up like a pretzel and T-posing every five minutes also pissed her off.

>> No.75898574
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IRyS, MY wifeRyS

>> No.75898752
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>> No.75899224
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>> No.75899433

holy fat fuck

>> No.75899889
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>> No.75900073

they should fuck

>> No.75900322
File: 387 KB, 782x870, Cheebooba 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
