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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75810739 No.75810739 [Reply] [Original]

Spicy Fox Containment Thread

Kirsche is an independent, conservative vtuber and #1 Crime Boss Rockay City streamer.

The Razer Naga
Breaking sex toys from over use

Kirsche was banned from Offkai because the convention planner comes from a long line of bridge builders and he misunderstood Kirsche's negative reporting on BRIDGE DEI programs.

X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/KirscheVerstahl
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kirsche
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KirscheVerstahl

>> No.75811012

you are not supposed to have kirsche op in /lard/

>> No.75811018

>Kirsche was banned for being a dumb bitch and a brand risk

>> No.75811123

Where is the last thread link?

>> No.75811735

>kirsche in OP
>defends kirsche being political
>thinks offkai shouldn't have kicked out kirsche
>doesn't make fun of her weight
>no previous thread link
This was baked by a kirsche fan and not a shitposter. /lard/ is dead now. Fun while it lasted.

>> No.75812249

God I hope she gets banned as a Phase collab partner

>> No.75812783
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Catch me if you can, /lard/ers!

>> No.75812856

>kirsche fan
Don't worry. Their attention spans are short, so it will go back to making fun of the dumb bitch.

>> No.75812880

We are fucking live guys https://www.twitch.tv/kirsche

>> No.75813267

We already have a Kirsche containment thread, is called /pcg/. We even have an entire board dedicated to these "people", look for /pol/

>> No.75813364

Thread died before I finished this so throwing this here.

I meant broad stroking. Sorry I tend to mix up words that use a lot of the same letters.

>Alinsky said that movements are more likely to succeed when they focus attention on a specific person instead of a vague group
You mean like making a folk devil or villainizing someone. Yeah I noticed in that sphere when someone makes a point that is hard to argue people will try to figure out who said it and attack that person instead.

>centering attention on the weirdo who coded their software has nothing to do with the situation at hand and is just desperate
Wait what happened? All I know is Kirsche got political, culture war tourists to jump on this and peddle their usual shit.

>> No.75813758

Well anything that stops people like you from having fun is, by definition, a good thing.

>> No.75814543

/lard/ers! When I search /pcg/ in catalog I couldn't find this thread?

>> No.75815163

I need to breed this fucking slut asap

>> No.75815815

▼/lard/ Friends
/pcg/ >>>/vt//pcg/
/pcgia/ >>>/vt//pcgia/
Lia from Phase Connect
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Ex-Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Sayu Sincronisity >>>/vt//ss/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Other Small Corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/

>> No.75815836
File: 211 KB, 1600x900, asmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asmon read about the Kirsche drama the other day on stream on twitter
>Briefly read Kirsche's whining tweet about being blacklisted, before immediately moving on to some other unrelated shit to react to, then completley dropped the Kirsche subject (even his viewers were confused why he wouldn't actually address it)
>Gave no actual opinion on her being blacklisted.
>Said he would "watch a video' about it, never did the entire stream
>Last stream he STILL didn't watch it, and completley ignored the subject.

OUCH, even her Oshi Asmon won't come to her defense. Not looking good, lard-sisters.....

>> No.75815894

There is no fucking way a single person on this board oshis this. The fuck is that rigging? Jesus. The model? The voice? Even as a shitpost, I couldn't do it.

>> No.75815920

For a quick recap of what this drama is about
>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and is now seething /here/ because OffKai won't allow her to hold a panel and shit things up for everyone.
>Kirsche and her fans are now trying to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into her self inflicted drama, which is undoubtedly going to get her blacklisted from them too.

>> No.75816214

Hmm let's see what kirsche is doing
>news react sloppa

>> No.75816306

> checks on stream
She's talking about unions bad kek

>> No.75816511

Why are /pcgia/ and Lia from Phase Connect there? And if you want to have all PC threads, why isn't /pcgen3k/ there?

>> No.75816581

Not even Papa Asmon wants to talk about her
But she probably applied to Mythic in the past he saw her background and rejected her

>> No.75816674

I think he just copied the pcg friend list, don't recall Sayu collabing with fattie either.

>> No.75816697

>Twitter hates her
>Youtube hates her
>Twitch hates her
>Reddit hates her
>4chan hates her
>Farms hates her
>Virtual Aslyum hates her
Just who exactly is her audience?

>> No.75817195

Kiwifarms and political tourist I'm guessing.

>> No.75817278

>why isn't /pcgen3k/ there?
I don't want to fuel dramafags there.

>> No.75817279

Trump supporters

>> No.75817301

Literally people from /pol/

>> No.75817313

Damn he knows she's a huge fan of his too. Or maybe that's why he couldn't give his real take.

>> No.75817466

Not really. Say what you will about them /pol/tards would be disgusted by a grifter on the scale of Kirsche, her audience is literally people who watch Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro, etc., but younger.

>> No.75817552

Pcg friend list? Where? /pcg/ has no friend list, that thing does not exist. Rrats used to be believable, anon.

>> No.75818626

Kirsche is having a very based stream and you guys still refuse to watch her.

>> No.75818804
File: 1.69 MB, 1378x721, cats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, cute kots.

>> No.75818827

>open stream
>react slop trash
>close stream

>> No.75819456

>No true scotsman
The average /pol/tard is to stupid to realize they're being grifted because they just want to own the libs.

>> No.75819457

Then why are you here?

>> No.75819994

Asmon isn't nearly as retarded as people think. He immediately recognized that he has nothing to win by inserting himself into this drama. The core of this drama is a relatively small indie vtuber getting blacklisted by a relatively small con. Asmon in general is very pro corpo with his takes too, he wouldn't even necessarily take her side and might actually have defended the con, saying they can invite or blacklist whoever they want.

>> No.75820048

nta but mostly to make fun of you. Man, is that really your oshi?

>> No.75820115

lard friends should just be a link to the fruit farms

>> No.75820171

>Virtual Aslyum hates her
The owner cheerleads for her and is a VIP in her channel, what gives? Did people get tired of their antics already?

>> No.75821115

>The owner cheerleads for her and is a VIP in her channel, what gives? Did people get tired of their antics already?
They're honestly pretty divided right now, there's somewhat more favor towards her there than /vt/ but it's pretty split.

>> No.75821208

cool, go back

>> No.75821473

This is pretty much exactly what his take would be, but it's so obvious that he probably didn't need to say it and get involved

>> No.75822598

Does she have NO presence at the con, or are they just stopping her from holding a panel?
How is she dragging other people into it?

>> No.75822856

Just banning her from the panel, she can still attend as a guest.

>> No.75822983

>Does she have NO presence at the con, or are they just stopping her from holding a panel?
Someone invited her to be a guest on thier panel, offkai said no, but that she could still go to offkai itself if she wanted.
>How is she dragging other people into it?
When she was sharing the screenshots of her DM's with offkai she made sure to avoid showing who's panel she was going to be on, but left in her mentions of Pippa and showed them on stream.

>> No.75823541

Also I doubt Asmon wants to stir shit in the con scene in general if it can be avoided given his connection with mythic.

>> No.75824056
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You're trying too hard, you journogandist.

>> No.75824733

His take would exactly be: Kirsche can believe what she wants. Off Kai can invite whoever they want. Don't like it? Make you're own convention. Put you're own convention together. *Goes on for a little bit about sponsors and the likely capitalism business model*. See what you do is vote with your wallet. If Off Kai's decisions are unpopular then people won't go. Simple as is.

I think Kirsche knows on some level what he would think.

>> No.75825208

This copypasta has made so many anons seeth across threads and its funny

>> No.75826406
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>> No.75826992
File: 158 KB, 795x1132, boomer-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look "Kershie", you can cry and bitch all you want about the con banning your lard ass, but these are facts, all you are is some fat cunt trying put yourself on a pedestal for incepting politics on a weeb fucking hobby and then proceding to call everybody that doesn't agree with you or your clique a "tourist", but now that these weirdos from commie-fornia just told you to basically fuck off, and let's be honest, you could see this was gonna happen from a mile away, let's not kid ourselfs, it's fucking commie-fornia you dumb bitch, what did you honestly expect you dumb whore? but now that these fart sniffers of the other extreme of the community have basically blacklisted you from an event you youself said has less attendees than one of your regular streams, all you've done so far is prove these tards right, that you are nothing more than a controversial individual. Honestly, no disrespect to your hustle but if you can't even act profesional in these types of situations you really deserve to be blacklisted from every fucking event, threatening the organizers that you are gonna use your influence to cause all this drama ruckus and shit, you are no better than a BLM protester at this point, but then again i'm talking with the same bitch that thinks sending e-mails to politicians is doing a political stance... fucking dumb bitch, you're a prime example of why millenials and gen z are still under the boomers thumb.

>> No.75827167

No way this weird voice hag has a general kek

>> No.75827192

That fag is not much better given him kissing up to Pippa while doing shit like this despite her being as vocally pro loli as she is.

>> No.75831055


>> No.75831139

How the fuck is she "worse than a BLM protester"? that doesn't even make any sense

>> No.75834388

Based rat.The only non-chuuba Pippa looks up to that's not a faggot is Jim.

>> No.75837150


>> No.75837989

Take Lia from this shit stain of a thread right this instant you waste of human resources

>> No.75838218

don't call them anons, they are kiwiniggers

>> No.75838366

Kirsche is a political lewdtuber and needs to be kept out of every convention and steered far away from other chuubas

>> No.75838498


>> No.75841183

>this shit is still up
you're doing god's work, have a bump

>> No.75841418

I would agree if all vtubers who inject politics would be kicked out from conventions too, but that clearly isn’t the case just looking at offkai’s current guest list

>> No.75842171

Off Kai have kicked out other people including ones that Kirsche have complained about and Niji who would bring in a lot more money. It's not black and white.

>> No.75842497

It’s great to live in a free country. Fascists can broadcast their “based” horseshit, and they have every right to do so.

What’s really great about that is when it’s time to line them all up against the wall and eliminate the problem, they will be easy to find.

>> No.75842701


Saul Alinsky was a hero.

>> No.75843314

standard tactic. The groomer troons always larp as a neutral and say "you're no better than one of THOSE guys"

BLM leaders raped children and burned down court houses, their financial officer was a literal terrorist that planted a bomb in the capitol building in 1983. Their stated goals were the destruction of the family unit, they successfully defunded police in multiple leftist cities causing the current violent crime epidemic. But they were being controlled by the establishment elites, so as soon as election season was over they got put back in the drawer.

But saying all that was bad means you're JUST AS BAD!

And vtubers have always been political since communist china canceled Coco or the japanese sports industry canceled Gundo or leftist pedophiles that want to transition children and keep them as sex slaves have repeatedly tried to cancel Gura.

>> No.75843540

among pedophiles and npc-brains.

>"Accuse your opponent of what you are doing"
Leftist groomer trannies sure have this down. They always attack cartoon vtubers for having "loli" models while they themselves are actively trying to groom or rape children. 100% of leftists are pedos.

>> No.75843811

They kicked out Nijisanji because of workplace harassment and slander against a former coworker, they kicked out that tranny vtuber because he took part in a hate campaign, and they kicked out the mofongo fags because they were under fire for “doxing” Kenji. Kirsche is the only one being kicked out because she has the “wrong” opinions.

Going by the discord leaks Offkai would have kicked another vtuber out, highly likely to be Bao, had they known about the retarded fat controversy surrounding her and the director basically admits this would have been the case.

>> No.75844431
File: 493 KB, 1039x876, Kirsch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not really mad, right?

>> No.75844561

has Pippa thrown her under the bus yet or are they still going on that Bigfoot trip

>> No.75844676

She's avoided any mention of it and thanked chat for not bringing it up last week. Take that as you will.

>> No.75846164


I only wish BLM was that effective and that they wanted to do half of that shit.

>> No.75846440

The really funny thing is that you assholes don’t think leftists own guns.

>> No.75846683

how dare kirsche talk badly about us, she's just a pippa leech.
without pippa and us she would have NO audience.
fat women complain about everything
this obese orbiter
that ungrateful bitch. i'm gonna fuck her because i hate her so much

>> No.75846813

Funny how people can literally try to overthrow the country using weapons, planning bombs, killing the speaker and constructing a gallows to hang the vice president on Jan. 6 but this schizo BLM shit is what you only focus on. Let's just try to stay more on topic.

>> No.75846963

The Legal guy is speaking about the Kirsche drama right now. Wonder how he will spin it. Pretty sure he will hard defend her.

>> No.75847033

retards who want to preserve "culture"

>> No.75847939

How's it going /lard/? Did Kirsche won yet? Did Offkai apologized for their offences and gave her her rightful place in the con?

>> No.75848129

If she liked Pippa she wouldn't have done this shit

>> No.75848818

I think you overestimate how much people actually care, dramanigger. This situation is awkward for Pippa at worst. Kirsche's pretty much told her three viewers to boycott OffKai next year instead of this year because most people have already booked hotels. Phase obviously isn't going to pull out next year for Kirsche, but this """drama""" will be entirely forgotten by then anyway. She's just riding the news vtuber wave for exposure until the focus switches to something else a couple days from now.

>> No.75848983

Is Kirsche even a 4view?

>> No.75849238

Ghost raided in to a dizzy stream and his chat were trying to drop her dox in the stream chat.

>> No.75849422

funny thing is, bao is probably one of the most outwardly leftists vtubers period. an actual socialist, but she's still a vtuber. kirsche barely qualifies as of recent due to her hyperfixation on culture war topics lately
the vast, vast majority don't. tankies and revolution larpers are a tiny internet minority and i'd bet most of them don't even own firearms
her streams settle at around a thousand viewers, typically

>> No.75849474

correction, a thousand viewers on youtube. i have no clue what her typical twitch numbers are

>> No.75849691

I do wish we get more game streams. Cause /lard/a we game bros get nothing and tangent fags get it all. Like new MMO game comes out she should play it and reveiw it with her MMO experience.
1500 you tube 1000 twitch. though some may be watching youtube and chatting on twitch.

>> No.75850712

based rat

>> No.75851984

still a minority as you can't give the mentally ill guns, idk I am not American, also irrelevant leftoids would get executed by the working class, the only support leftists have comes from the corporations and illegals, ironic but if you would be smart you wouldn't be a leftist

>> No.75853503

Kick.tv viewers

>> No.75853635

Why is this topic still veing discussed?
>Kirsche obviously lost and has no one btubing wise on her side at this time.
>Offkai hasnt been affected even in the slightest and is still going forward just the same
>Pippa hasn't said a word, and is very unlikely to take her side at all on this and will continue to support offkai
>The only result is most likely Kirsche having alot of sponsorship and future con opportunities gone now as a result of showing the DMs

That's it, there's nothing else to say stop making threads.

>> No.75853720

That's some heavy duty copium. If you like someone you don't cause problems for them just to enrich yourself. Yeah maybe you are right, maybe everyone will have forgotten about this in a short while but that doesn't make Kirsche's behavior any less garbage.

>> No.75854194

>showing the DMs
thats the biggest proof that she is a woman child, those messages did not show any kind of aggression, plus they left the door open for her to do other activities, which makes it quite clear that they had to remove her from the panel due to some situation beyond their control, she exposed herself as a person with very poor judgment, thats bad for any kind business.

>> No.75855550

>that korsche in the back

>> No.75857398

Not enough chins.

>> No.75857963

uuuuuuuuuuuu He hates Her uuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.75858015

All me

>> No.75858174

Yeah, seems fitting. Reminder that his default position is who cares until it directly affects him.

>> No.75858315

Kirsche is objectively in the wrong and blatantly lying about getting blacklisted, of course he is not going to defend her.

>> No.75858696

You think he did enough research into it to even know?

>> No.75858738
File: 86 KB, 640x479, 1689922291919765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT are buttblasted liberal faggots in denial getting a taste of their own meds for a change.
I hope vtubers are forced to draw political lines and take explicit stances just so every last one of you gets bullied by the worst parts of the internet. Daily reminder that pippa courted this audience for the longest fucking time until Hogwarts finally reminded her that her audience of chuds would lynch her if she ever voiced what she really thought. Kill yourselves, and enjoy the cancer you've reaped, /pcg/fags.

>> No.75858849

>getting a taste of their own meds for a change.
>Kirshe got booted and everyone is already over the drama
Wow, very impactful. Perhaps if she suicide baits like your picrel it will blow up more.

>> No.75859078
File: 383 KB, 935x701, 1703803363090591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, very impactful.
Buttblasted Nijisister liberal detected. You and your ilk seethe about politics up until it's a faggot like Uki doing his dumbass shit. So fuck right the hell off with that sanctimonious garbage you're spewing, troon.

>> No.75859092

This faggot belongs to Night Media like all astroturfed media influencers (Hasan, MrBeast), he's an actual grifter who said to his audience that the WEF was just a conspiracy theory even though they are completely transparent about their agenda, Kirsche is the first person to bring attention to BRIDGE which is basically DEI on steroids, his handlers are going to get mad at him if he talks about her.

>> No.75859170

Nah. I just think its funny watching her try and weasel her way in after saying on stream she expects to get kicked out of places

>> No.75860482

The dude is a multi-millionaire and co-owner of multiple companies. He doesn't do any research (or thinking) for himself. One of his mods probably went through the whole thing and realized that Kirsche is being a fucktard.

>> No.75860922

where does this Kirsche is fat thing comes from ? anyone got a pic of her ?

>> No.75861237

I genuinely can't tell who's side this deranged schizo is on, but it's funny how he ousts himself as a dramafag who has seen maybe 2 doki streams at max and thinks he's a fan.

>> No.75862221

I own the empty space between your ears

>> No.75862509
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Yes, we're seething so hard.

>> No.75862640

She sounds like she weighs 500lbs, her hands looked ultra fat in her handcam stream and she was seething on stream about people calling her fat. Also, supposedly she used to fleshpost in her discord but I ain't joining that shithole to find out.

>> No.75862812

wtf hand stream ?

I heard she looks pretty good from people in her discord but meh, I doubt anyone there would tell otherwise

>> No.75863014

>>4chan hates her
I thought you guys loved her.

>> No.75863021

No weapons
Gallows prop was sized for a midget
Pipe bomber was fbi
Speaker Pelosi felt safe enough to have her kid running a film crew
A government doesn't get overthrown because people are parading around a building, pedophile pedocrats led by A Hole C insurrected plenty of times and never got arrested.
Jan 6 was a psyop to quell protests over the stolen election and crack down on free speech. Even the Pedocrats know this, they just won't say it since their commie agenda is more important to them than you idiots being able to afford rent or groceries.

>> No.75863113

/pcg/ hates her and most of the anti memes come from there. I doubt the rest of /vt/ feels much different. /v/ and /pol/ hate her because "hurrdurr 50 year old man with voice changer"

>> No.75863820
File: 923 KB, 1820x2252, Night Media.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This faggot belongs to Night Media like all astroturfed media influencers (Hasan, MrBeast), he's an actual grifter who said to his audience that the WEF was just a conspiracy theory even though they are completely transparent about their agenda, Kirsche is the first person to bring attention to BRIDGE which is basically DEI on steroids, his handlers are going to get mad at him if he talks about her.
Seriously Kirsche is Asmon's enemy and she doesn't even realize it.

>> No.75863980

she is an idiot

I cant tell if the whole 'simp for asmon' thing is a joke or if she is autist enough to do that for real
either way the outcome would be bad for her
and she still does it

she is an idiot

>> No.75864152
File: 50 KB, 544x348, averagekirschestan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AYO FR FR y'all best be unbanning my qween Kirsche on god, why y'all niggas keep ignoring us? Y'all best be letting her back in else we gon' be HAMMERIN' yo asses every single day, ya feel me?

>> No.75864197

Itsagundamn softredpilled her on Asmon being a giant faggot, bringing up how he tried to get him banned for mocking Pokimane. Kirsche even brought up the cuck-chair thing and didn't defend it at all. Perhaps Asmon refuses to come to her defense will be the final wakeup call for her that he's not her friend and is a giant faggot.

>> No.75864328

>Kirsche's pretty much told her three viewers to boycott OffKai next year
That's ironic, Kirsche already did her damage THIS year and got all her fans and drama tourist to paint anything and anyone under the sun touched by Off Kai as some sort of extreme woke, communism, hug box/private army that loathes America and needs fighting just for not getting on her friend's panel.

But people should still go this year to this terrible place, give it money and only parade about her and pander culture politics? Give me a break. You can see Kirsche making new rules and flip flopping because Pippa and Phase has poured so much money into this event and promoted it. It's disgusting.

>> No.75864423

I don't think it's a joke, Kirsche used to be a 2view mmo streamer for most of her career. Not that crazy to imagine someone who does content like that would like Asmongold. The politics grift only started in 2022 after collabing with Pippa.

>> No.75864953

>You can see Kirsche making new rules and flip flopping because Pippa and Phase has poured so much money into this event and promoted it. It's disgusting.
Why doesn't Pippa just go independent?

>> No.75865323

She will, later this year

>> No.75865516 [DELETED] 

This is the last post since this isn't the place.

There were weapons including guns
People were breaking into different offices calling out for people they weren't going to touch to stop an electoral process
The speaker and VP at least would have been killed
There were four bombs found
All the representatives including speaker and VP had already been moved in the nick of time
People died; one of which had to be shot when she was breaking further in where other people were at
A police men was being crushed into a door; another died afterwards
someone took a dump inside the capital
it was organized to the point that they were planning the routes
Documents and laptops stolen
You know actual treason and overthrowing stuff but the great evil is some tree hugger or a kid who sits in the middle of a road?

>> No.75865536

I just checked the archive and those bot posts are real, this shit is crazy.

>> No.75865637

Is she going to remain a rabbit? I like the breeding motif.

>> No.75865846

>it was organized to the point that they were planning the routes
What? We literally have footage of police officer unlocking or straight up opening doors for "protesters" to come in.

>> No.75865848 [DELETED] 

This is the last post since this isn't the place.

There were weapons including guns
People were breaking into different offices calling out for people they weren't going to touch to stop an electoral process
The speaker and VP at least would have been killed
There were four bombs found
All the representatives including speaker and VP had already been moved in the nick of time
People died; one of which had to be shot when she was breaking further in where other people were at
A police men was being crushed into a door; another died afterwards
someone took a dump inside the capital
it was organized to the point that they were planning the routes
Documents and laptops stolen
You know actual treason and overthrowing stuff but the great evil is some kid who sits in the middle of a road or Kirsche not getting a panel at a convention?

>> No.75866038

Why on earth would pippa ever go indie? She has no real career outside of vtubing, and I can't see her pulling off a post indie thing like doki and mint. why throw away the easiest job you could ever have as a corpo vtuber.

>> No.75866457
File: 264 KB, 479x412, 1686696590546370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has any kirshe fan art?

>> No.75866777 [SPOILER] 
File: 625 KB, 640x454, A68EaeCd9YDc-KDB-kXf9I_b_DLgHm9PqEDh14_ujQw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine but cute

>> No.75867121
File: 185 KB, 420x420, 1684747709058858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im glad im not a fan of any of them...

>> No.75867149

no one is

>> No.75867171

What the fuck was that?

>> No.75867347

How can we get Kirsche to read this on stream?

>> No.75867548

My post went too off topic so I just gave up the point. It doesn't really matter for the Kirsche situation.

>> No.75867665

message her?

>> No.75868745

Nobody tried to doxx Dizzy, they were spamming the nword and other dumb shit because his chat is retarded. Also this boomer didn't raid Dizzy because he wanted, someone paid him a lot of money to be there without specifying it was a raid

>> No.75868845

I'm glad that Kirsche got kicked out of OffKai. The convention rooms will smell a lot better now. All the chuds who are bitching about it should neck themselves.

>> No.75868878

Kek, his community does shit like this and he's surprised that he's deplatformed everywhere, what a retard.

>> No.75868957

>tranny infected axe wounds

>> No.75869229

>convention was cool until some indie couldn't squeeze into a panel this year
Got it.

>> No.75869336

She actively started posting in her alt and made absolutely no mention, even tangentially, of this horseshit. Pippa isn't going to stick her neck out for a hanger-on that was just as willing to smear pippa in her shit when it seemed convenient. Kirsche is done.

>> No.75869722

Not that anon but didn't Capipis do the same on a Rita Kamishiro stream of all places?

>> No.75869964

Ghost has been trying to get rid of his "trolls" for like 15 years already but they don't leave, it's not like he can really do anything about it. Last clips i've seen, he doesn't even like to do his main show now because of this

>> No.75870109

As this whole shit was folding Pippa reposted some Offkai related tweets, take that as you will...

>> No.75870165

The owner is another slave to pussy and also a brit (double cucked mentalty), why are you surprised he's mindlessly defending a hole he wants to fuck?

>> No.75870562
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>> No.75870608
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>> No.75870650
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>> No.75870678

I still don't think this is because of her politics, I think it's because the Offkai staff see her as a bitch and they don't want to have anything to do with her because they're still mentally in high school and OH MY GOD, did you know what that BITCH Becky said to me after class?
If it was her politics then why keep Rev around, he talks about all the same shit as her.

>> No.75870699
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>> No.75870756
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>> No.75870765

Does Kirsche have a thing for bunny vtubers?

>> No.75870809
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>> No.75870857
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>> No.75870900
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>> No.75870951
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>> No.75871038
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I honestly didn't know Kirsch had this much art. She seems to have a very dedicated community.

>> No.75871080
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>> No.75871122

No, it's because of her politics. Chuds are not welcome in places where decent people congregate.

>> No.75871273

Then why did they let the other Chuds in but specifically ban the one that has an utterly repellent personality to a lot of people?
People who are catty, gossipy, and petty/vindictive, are that way until the way they die, they just hide it behind saying they do shit for other reasons. Some women (99% of the time it's women) are mentally stuck in the high school lunchroom forever.

>> No.75871338
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>> No.75871494

>will be guesting next week on a show with mfing Raz0rfist.
Get ready for an influx of right wing vtuber fans. Your seethe is gunna be delightful.

>> No.75871507

Your chud doesn't get to stroll on up to a panel just because a few others might have snuck in.

>> No.75871508

Foxes hunt rabbits so yes.

>> No.75871574

Rev doesn't do as many funny haha hitler jokes and show as many friendship windmills. I know you really want to blame LIBRUL CALIFORNIA WIMMEN, anon, but her level of /pol/ shitposting is tiresome.

>> No.75871582
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>> No.75871676

Well guys, you had your fun, now it's time to go back to /pcg/, /pcgia/, Lia.

>> No.75871690

You sure the top one is not sleepy after the water park incident with Pippa?

>> No.75871715

Anon I know you're trolling but actually try to engage with what I'm trying to say. When you line up all the facts it doesn't actually point to banning people for political reasons.

>I know you really want to blame LIBRUL CALIFORNIA WIMMEN
It's really just a women thing in general. I live in Georgia and I work in the medical field, there's a reason I can't stand most nurses and female techs, the only ones I get along with are the ones who fucking got over their high school years. Because the rest of them are just gossipy, catty, insufferable people to anyone not like them.

>> No.75871720

He definitely isn't retarded, but he still talks about a shit ton of social issues with Hasan tier background knowledge on the basis of some anecdotal evidence and a few social media screencaps. He may not always do this, but, dear God, he does a lot of framing. So it's not him who is retarded, but his fanbase. I just watch a few of his gaming streams these days, like MH World recently. God, I miss seeing his ugly mug doing mount-offs in WoW autoplay into my YT .
If you get your opinions from content creators, you gotta be fucking retarded.

>> No.75871821

How about you line yourself ip against the wall

>> No.75871834

>I work in the medical field
I've heard more bitchy cat fight stories from family members that work as nurses than the ones that work as hairdressers. Rip

>> No.75871866

Yeah but it's 85k a year so as long as I avoid them when I'm able to, I can live with it.

>> No.75871953

Could this thread be a part of /phex/'s master plan?

>> No.75871970

>the wall
isnt that a trigger for you ?

>> No.75872356

I don't care for RP content, but holy shit working in medical really made me give up on women.

>> No.75873483

She frequently posts her nails so if you're interested check VoDs, preferably on YT as mod respondible for them posts long list of timestamps in pinned comments.
