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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 14 KB, 400x400, nijisanji en logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75716739 No.75716739 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they announce a NijiEN music project AND a 3D concert that will happen on American soil ?

>> No.75717013

you mean to tell me a bunch of autists online cant bankrupt a giant company?

>> No.75717054
File: 35 KB, 656x174, grudgepost5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.75717211

Who says those will be succesful? Q4 will be the beginning of the end for NijiEN but it will be a slow but painful death even worse than what they have now

>> No.75717233

Last hurrah and cashing out. Likely folding to main branch again for the fifth time.

>> No.75717287

>Holotard delusions aren't real
Shocking I know

>> No.75717393

Just remember for the love of god to follow the rules and do NOT post pictures of the crowd on twitter this time just like EVERY OTHER TIME
and also don't post pictures of how the stream won't fucking work, either. We will find them and we will use them to laugh at you. There is a REASON why Nijisanji forbids you to reveal how badly their events are run while Hololive says to go nuts and spread it everywhere within reason.

>> No.75717399
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>Why did they announce a NijiEN music project AND a 3D concert that will happen on American soil ?
desperation to incline the dying branch

>> No.75717457

No fucking way. Wasn't Shu the highest one out of all of them, too?
Are you telling me Shu can't even beat part fucking 7 of a phase eroge?

>> No.75717638

>3D concert
niji: a "3D" karaoke at an anime convention".
Holo: Sells out youtube theater in LA for live concert.
>Music project
putting out 1 original song per month

The amount of copium you are hoofing is dangerous sister.

>> No.75717735

We said they will die after the Q4 report and the shareholders' meeting. Until then, Riku will milk the organs dry.

>> No.75717803

>report isn't out yet and already coping because the cover report is making them seethe

>> No.75717998
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You are going to to the concert, right sister?

>> No.75718011

You're mistaking desperation to try to change public perception of the branch and Niji as a whole with them being successful.
The branch is still in dire straits but they're obviously trying to change that.

>> No.75718036

Won't stop me from trying.

>> No.75718042

The concert is before the shareholder meeting where Riku is gonna have to explain himself and day his plans for the next fiscal year

>> No.75718120
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, Bae dancing over the empty niji singapore concert.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is gonna make it that much funnier when they do crowd shots and it's a completely empty venue

>> No.75718284
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nah the pagpags are streaming online

>> No.75718418

>I thought you anons said NijiEN will die after Q4
Yes. Their Q4 report isn't due until June 13th anon.
See here https://www.investing.com/equities/anycolor-earnings

>> No.75718514

Pagpag sister, your not even gonna attend.

>> No.75718577

they already spent all their money on q4

>> No.75718630


>> No.75718708

So that's the reason why they have been ramping up Phase shit posting. I thought it was trolling when people said Phase is a competitive threat to NijiEN.

>> No.75718756

Vox has been losing to Finana in ccv.

>> No.75718766

>Why did they announce a NijiEN music project AND a 3D concert that will happen on American soil
while having SEAMONKEY for the remaining fans? yeah sister,they are dead,

>> No.75718814

luxiem collab lose to fuckng phase connect,ICANT,sister its over for nijiEN

>> No.75718820

No fucking way phase connect is now consistently mogging niji now

>> No.75718831
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>1 month left
Best of luck, Mr Tazumi-san.

>> No.75719128
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>niji Q4
It was cover's financial report that just got out sister or did you just copingly hallucinate cover's financial growth to be from niji?

>> No.75719170
File: 376 KB, 1191x1684, serenshokku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister, aren't you forgetting something that happened in Q4 that wasn't on the Q3 report?

>> No.75719222

Holotards and Dookibirds in shambles.

>> No.75719263
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They're still trying to expand to the western market. Not sure if there is any nijicucks left there though

>> No.75719279

Anons expecting the Q4 to be a catastrophe should get ready to be disappointed, just in case. Anycolor is going to put into the report everything they can think of to make it look decent enough. The biggest grip of the investors was that Nijisanji was obviously sidelining NijiEN, and that's why they have been announcing and doing so many events and 3D debuts lately, so they can point at them and say:

>See? We are doing lots of stuff! Just wait a little more and you will see the money coming in!

Also, I can totally see them announcing a new wave shortly before the report just so they can say that they are still growing and expanding.

...then again, everyone expected that the Q3 was going to be a walk in the park for Anycolor, and it turned out to be a fucking disaster.

>> No.75719283

oh nyo

>> No.75719344

I still can't believe how bad Q3 was. I really thought they were doing okay, but now they're completely fucked. At bare minimum, the branch is completely and utterly dead. eventually they WILL run out of subs to manually leave, but the question then becomes will they last long enough to ever reach the same numbers they were at in january?
Hilariously, the people less effected were the ones who had no audience to begin with, namely TTT and Krisis. Vanta's almost completely recovered because nobody fucking subscribed to him to begin with.

>> No.75719352

Well, yeah, no shit Riku will try his best to make an utterly meteoric fall look good. It might work for them with sone retarded suits, but where do they go from there, organ-wise?

>> No.75719715

Honestly seeing how they actially RAISED the expectations before Q3 makes me wonder what the snake oil they are selling. Then again sharebros in JP still think NFTs are an investment so selling the “next one will be better” vs may just work.
Also get ready for the next 3 male wave of 3 views, accellerate into fujobaiting, KEK.

>> No.75719717

>It might work for them with sone retarded suits, but where do they go from there, organ-wise?

There's a few scenarios:
>They arrange the graduations of the problematic members, promote the ones that everyone likes and keep debuting (trying to) new waves until all the organs related to important dramas are gone
>The problematic organs stay because they still bring money, the sane organs get in the the graduation queue, and Nijisanji tries to debut enough new waves to replace them
>No one does anything. Nijisanji pauses the graduation queue and everyone just waits to see what happens next

The first option is the one that makes most sense, but for some reason Anycolor keeps shoving Elira down everyone's throat, so I don't think they have given up on the damaged organs. I think they don't have any plan.

>> No.75719777

>believing what /vt/ anons say
I don't know what to tell you

>> No.75719982
File: 127 KB, 640x640, image_2024-05-13_185546277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already in the red after selen incident and now they are even more in the red after that energy+alchohol drink mix they decided to show that even the government decided to step up also the energy drink company want to claim some damage control money

>> No.75721878

>I thought you anons said NijiEN will die after Q4 ?
you thought wrong

>> No.75722137

Learn to read, fucktard.

>> No.75722169

For how long are they going to fool the investors, though?

>> No.75722229


>> No.75722360

Teach them how to restream niji concert.

>> No.75722423

must be cherrypicked. no way in fuck luxiem cant beat a part 7 of a vn stream like bro, luxiem used to mog council back in the day.

>> No.75722429

Tenma beating Pippa. Always great to see.

>> No.75722720
File: 42 KB, 468x309, earphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is, will there be a meet and greet and if so, will they re-use the same earphone from the last concert?

>> No.75723347

its literally free money. they have no reason to fold EN, even if profits are down, they're still profits. They put almost *nothing* into the chuubas, and everything they get goes right into their pockets. There's just no incentive for them to stop.

>> No.75723404

>NijiEN is accelerating towards PhaseJP's territory

>> No.75723567

Correct. They will keep milking dry the branch until there's no one left.

>> No.75723747

>cant sold out anime impulse and rhapsody
>dare to enter biggest con in US

man the shitposting for empty venue will be a blast

>> No.75724000

It’s almost as though some poor saps agreed to host a concert before they mortally wounded themselves.

>> No.75725074

>Also, I can totally see them announcing a new wave shortly before the report just so they can say that they are still growing and expanding.

Yes, I can See Niji breaking the norm and soon anounce a new wave made 100% of AI

>> No.75726395

lmao as if they could compete with vedal.

>> No.75726470

>it turned out to be a fucking disaster.
Was it? Aside from NijiEN being in the dumpster, the overall boat was still floating. I don't see how they can't just simply sweep it under the rug just like Cover and Holostars.

>> No.75726786

Trying to hide them now after reporting on EN in every previous report and having trumpeted them as a major engine for growth will just confirm what everyone knows.

>> No.75726847

It's everything but confirmation.

>> No.75727169

>shoujo game
>part 7
>full luxiem collab
>fotm game
Fucking kek

>> No.75727380

It might as well be confirmation to anyone who notices the about-face.

>> No.75727569

Notice how holofags don't shit on homos as much as they do on niji? It's because cover spared them from the hard numbers. I guarantee kurosanji will do the same for EN.

>> No.75727670

Cover never showed the homos’ numbers separately from the other branches. Anycolor would have to hide something they used to place front and center. You’re comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.75727776

>I don't see how they can't just simply sweep it under the rug just like Cover and Holostars.
Because Holostars has always been just Yagoo's pet project. Everyone understand this, and no one cares how well or bad they do as long as they don't make them loss money.

NijiEN is a different case. The JP market is saturated as fuck and NijiJP can barely grow. Riku has been selling NijiEN for years to the investors as the key to the expansion of the company, and as the best way to bring new fans to the JP side. That's why the Q3 report fucking sunk the stocks.

>NijiJP has stagnated
>NijiEN is declining
>And this happened BEFORE all the recent drama in the west, so get ready for the SELEN SHOCK

Riku can try to hide NijiEN's numbers all he wants, but the investors are not fucking idiots and they want to see them.

>> No.75727974

Yeah, turns out no one actually cared, much in the same way Doki lost 125,000 viewers and can't even crack 10k anymore except for with massive career-defining events

>> No.75727976

The Q4 report is going to be pretty interesting, at least to see how they will try to explain why NijiEN stopped streaming for a month

>> No.75728034

Does Cover explain why Gura doesn't stream in their quarterly report? Why should they explain Vox or Ewiwa, who actually have good reasons like "heart issues from stress" and "getting death threats from rabid Dragoons"?

>> No.75728116
File: 133 KB, 438x438, 1687097024315281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in this case it wasn't just a couple of streamers, the whole branch went into hiding for a while, they got a massive hit on the numbers department and they never recovered.
>but what about gure

>> No.75728411
File: 747 KB, 1366x768, 17146289617455999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"But what about gura"

>> No.75728522

>who actually have good reasons like "heart issues from stress" and "getting death threats from rabid Dragoons"?
Damn, yes, I guess you are right, those are really good reasons.

...So, what did Nijisanji do to help them? Apart from using them as meat shields to harass a suicidal person, I mean.

>> No.75728551


>> No.75729136

niji en are still higher in watched hours than a botted neo-porte who has someone with over a million in watched hours on twitch, not too bad for a dead branch with half of the livers mia.

>> No.75730802

who cares, they announced it too late when everyone is already gone

>> No.75730875

did finana improve her numbers or is he dropping that low

>> No.75730947

They can both basically take breaks for as long as their finances can hold out and they both make passive income. Elira was basically having fun with her friends the whole time.

>> No.75731051

Shu is the highest in that collab. Miload was the lowest iirc

>> No.75731063

>getting death threats from rabid Dragoons
Show me these death threats.

>> No.75731127

NijiGODs always win

>> No.75731140

>Nobody cared
>Hating her for dragging their reputation and profits down
Which is it?

>> No.75731223
File: 81 KB, 750x677, 20240513_084408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone is going to spend $140 to $250 for this

>> No.75731226

Q4 aside, I have to wonder what must be going through the livers heads.
I doubt Kunai and Vivi are happy with having any prospect of growth blown at the kneecaps.
I doubt Rosemi is too thrilled with seeing the branch do a sepuku just as she got her 3D and Tekken.
I even doubt Elira is too happy with being let to sink.
They're all forced to smile through this, but God knows how many of them have switched to antidepressants.

>> No.75731238

>passive income
Must be nice being the favorites and getting all those merch deals while everyone else got left out to dry

>> No.75731248

imagine being so obsessed and seething you make a song like this. Rent free holobrony

>> No.75731272
File: 39 KB, 640x480, sddefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible
How are Organ #'s doing by the way? Are you people really so obtuse that
you think people won't point that out whenever you bring up Doki's viewership which consistently outperform her former peers?

>> No.75731275

>Elira was basically having fun with her friends the whole time
And Kotoka is living her best life playing Valorant 11 hours a day.

>> No.75731353

the AI made it retard

>> No.75731475
File: 197 KB, 720x405, 3328310_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D concert that will happen on American soil
Pic related is the talents POV

>> No.75731931
File: 136 KB, 1080x324, Screenshot_20240513_190531_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope faggot

>> No.75732025

>muh """""""""heart issues"""""""""
Fucking KEK

>> No.75732354

It's really not our fault anycolor can't read the room.

>> No.75732448

It was most likely booked in advance so they're not going to cancel it. I doubt we'll be seeing big events for a while after the Q4 report tanks the stock price again.

>> No.75733875

The report hasn't been released yet?

>> No.75734304

You thought correctly, it WAS trolling.
"WAS." Past tense.

And then management thought it would be funny to tell Selen that she couldn't upload her MV because Niji doesn't have IP rights to the likenesses of the Nina Kosaka and Mysta Rias characters.

>> No.75734656
File: 2.29 MB, 1832x2711, Screenshot_20240513_105655_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's claiming to that since the concert is scheduled after the deadline for the Q4 report it's "proof" that the branch is doing perfectly fine and isn't getting nijiID'd.

Because Anycolor, has never announced a concert and pulled the rug ever before, amirite...

>> No.75739105

They are based

>> No.75739560

>go to anime expo
>spend 1000 dollars on tickets, food, transportation, and a hotel stay
>spend an additional 300 dollars on acrylic stands, plushes, and keychains
>Somehow too poor to buy tickets for a concert featuring people you like

I don't get it, don't you guys love bragging about how much merch you have?

>> No.75739830

A new wave will have the lowest CCV for a big corpo debut ever. The NijiEN brand is completely radioactive

>> No.75739844

wait I just realized it says any 1 day badge.
So even if you don't have an AX badge for the day specifically assigned to the concerts (sat and sun), you can use it to get in? So that's
80 or 50 for each concert, 160 or 100 for both
65 or 40 for chronoir, 225 or 140 for cheapest all 3
and then either 75-90 for the con for a single day pass, so let's pretend they get the sunday pass only and say 300 or 215 for the absolute cheapest way to watch all 3.
BEFORE TAX, which is likely 10-20%, so make it 360 for good seats or 258 minimum for the concerts.
This is on top of travel to AX, hotel, food, etc.
I really, really hope the sisters disobey Niji again and post the crowd.

>> No.75739930

>and as the best way to bring new fans to the JP side
How would this even work? Why would people watch the JPs more if they don't understand them?

>> No.75740975

Seems financially irresponsible to do such at this time. Other than replying to investors on why they can't be like Cover, it's going to be for a loss. Concerts are not profitable without the sponsors. But I guess the merch at 2% helps.

>> No.75741028

Feeshe was having a good day while overall Vox has killed himself with constant controversy, yabs, and ignorant choices in front of his former fanbase

>> No.75741283

That's the neat thing! It doesn't. The EN fans have never cared about the JP side. That hasn't stopped Riku from promising to the investors that the EN sisters will watch the JP organs and buy their merch.

>> No.75741552

Yeah, they missed targets at best and cratered into the ground at worst.

>> No.75741568

Dunno. Maybe because they signed the contracts for the event months ago, and the event is close enough to happening that they can now tell some of the details of the event to the general public.
They definitely did not JUST book the event. Concerts in Los Angeles and other big cities do not work that way.

>> No.75741722

This. Every company is scrabbling for those limited slots.

>> No.75741980
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>same average ccv as Phase Connect

>> No.75743042

I will get in, I will fuck Petra in front of her uncle Tazumi

>> No.75743290

>He fell for the corpo mandated hierarchy facade
You don't have anything protecting you from Petra.

>> No.75743834

If I were to go to this concert wearing Hololive merch, would they let me in? What are the chances that a sister will attack me?
It's not going to die when the report comes out. What'll happen is that their stock price will go down more. It may be enough to get delisted. Then there may be shake ups in management after wards.

>> No.75744271

It doesn't even need to die. Riku doesn't hold more than 50% of the stock so anyone can just run around buying up shares after the stock melts. You can get enough people together to pool, stage a hostile takeover, pay everyone back over the next 2 years and you're good to go.

>> No.75748582

because the nijisisters still exist.

>> No.75752058

Nobody actually said that

>> No.75756088

>another empty concert
oh no no nijikek
better listen to anycolor and drink your alcohol + caffeine and kill yourself sis.

>> No.75756153

you thought wrong you fucking retard, go kys.

>> No.75756331

Anon, Riku holds 40%, other minor parties hold around 8% and Sony owns 10%.
The only ones who can hostile takeover is Sony and they are not doing it, they have their own problems as SquareEnix just announced they are fucking off the PS exclusive.

>> No.75762548

Can't find the info but for 2023 the applications for a panel (Which I guess this would be filed under?) opened in early December and closed in April. Probably plenty of time to back out if they felt like they needed to.

>> No.75763588
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Lets see Tazumi-sans Q4 report

>> No.75763866

Your circlejerk doxxsite will never return, Nijikek.

>> No.75763966

first time on 4chan?

>> No.75766114

why are you bumping this thread
