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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7570647 [Reply] [Original]

So where did IRyS and Project: Hope go so wrong that she has fallen this far after less than a month since debut? With this bad of an investment on their hands, how long will it be before Cover decides to just cut their losses and invest elsewhere, such as EN2 or a return to JP with gen 6?

>> No.7570666
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>its another post about irys numbers

>> No.7570691

Holy shit what happened to Kiara? 1 day and less than 100k views?

>> No.7570712

Cover forgot it was a vtubing company first and have wasted a lot of time and money on other bullshit. They could have scooped up even more of the talent that the competition has gotten and satisfied the bored EN fandom with new genmates to occupy their time for another half a year at least. Sad state of affairs.

>> No.7570790

Wow, impressive for a 75 minute video to have almost as many views as a 7 hour video from someone with twice as many subs.

>> No.7570802

No offense to the talents but none of the NijiEN vtubers can meet the standards that Hololive has. In Hololive you have to bring something to the table other than being a streamer.

>> No.7570847


You are an idiot. IRyS' range seems to be 6-7k for debuff games, 9-11k for buff games, and 15-20k for singing. She is doing just wonderful and you need to shut the fuck up and stop making these threads every fucking day.

>> No.7570853
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So where did Kiara go so wrong that she has fallen this far after almost a year since debut? With this bad of an investment on their hands, how long will it be before Cover decides to just cut their losses and invest elsewhere, such as EN2 or a return to JP with gen 6?

>> No.7570856

You say that but then there's Ame.

>> No.7570875

They are an entertainment company.
You don't need 80 employees to manage 50 livestreamers.
If anything they are going to dump even more money because singing has a proven higher ceiling than streamers.

>> No.7570900

Ame is the only one though and then again Ame has a lot of technical expertise and does shit with her streams that the others just don't do like the small ame 3D. My statement probably goes double for gen 2. Just look at IRyS. She was a singer with over a decade of singing experience online. That is the standard of talent that they are probably looking for when it comes to gen 2. They aren't just going to hire moderately popular indie chuubas.

>> No.7570918

>Anon can't do math probably

I know this is bait but god you are retarded

>> No.7570923

Let me tell you about the 5 indies with 25 avg viewers that I found two months ago, and that are totally EN2 material. You heard it here first!

>> No.7570957

Selen was top 500 in Apex.

Meanwhile Kiara

>> No.7570968

>They could have scooped up even more of the talent that the competition has gotten
Missing Selen is a shame, but it is just one talent.

>> No.7571003

What a condescending statement. I can easily do the same thing by saying that Selen only reached pred during the early days of Apex when it was significantly easier to do and couldn't sniff pred today. I won't do that however.

You know that Kiara was an actual idol in Japan right?

>> No.7571024


>> No.7571050

lol why is there a Kiara thumbnail there for comparison? Am I meant to be shocked that IRyS is doing worse than an established member of EN who's been streaming for almost a whole year?

>> No.7571089

Do you unironically believe that?

>> No.7571099

>significantly easier to do
Did you do it then? Did anyone in Hololive do it?

>I won't do that however.
Well you just did, retard.

>actual idol
Anyone can be an idol in Japan. It's not a licensed profession. She got featured in how many magazines again?

>> No.7571135

An unsuccessful one, only got a chance because she is exotic in the market. If it wasn't for her ethnicity, she'd never have seen the light of day. Why do you think she started being a camwhore? Because she was so successful at being an idol? How many idols do you know that camwhore on the side?

>> No.7571938

Holy shit no one is gonna defend Kiara's camwhore career? KFP?

>> No.7572112

You should probably look at the number of hours they put in. 7 hrs and can barely crack 100k within the day when the first 2 days are usually where most of the views come in. That being said, it probably doesn't matter since a lot of her income comes from superchats from a small dedicated group. Even if Ina gets more live viewers, Kiara still earns more superchats in most cases when pitted against her.

>> No.7572335

I'm still waiting to see how holoEN2 turns out before I say anything. If they turn out to be bland garbage we'll all look back at their slowness to pick up new talent and how nijisanji one-upped them by scooping them up first, but they might hit it out of the park again and I don't want to bet against them.

>> No.7572440

It's like IRyS had no idea what to stream, so her manager just suggested that she speedrun all of the tired, played out meme games the rest of the Hololive girls streamed months/years ago.

>> No.7572485

Stream kusoge now, then spam Minecraft and Apex later on

>> No.7572619

I mean it's almost guaranteed to be that, she's playing shit that they already have permission to play and brought in viewers whenever they were the fotm.

>> No.7572658

Yeah... They have no wiggers. What the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.7572708
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they already did anon, didn't you watch her crying about sparks and her music

>> No.7572747

good job censoring her face, anon.

>> No.7572869
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I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.7572997

Yeah, a wigger who gets millions and millions of views on every song they put out. Remind me, does any NijiEN member even have an original song yet? Calli had one prepared for her debut.

>> No.7573114

>Peaked at 8.5k viewers play a kusoge during JP hours with Pekora, Miko and Subaru (plus others) streams overlapping. Got almost as much views as an 7 hours stream from other EN members
I don’t see the issue? If anything, this showed that her numbers are still pretty good outside of EN hours.
Or is this another thinly veiled anti Kiara thread?

>> No.7573157

That's too big brain for numberfags

>> No.7573328

She had 4 songs ready to release in the first week and has released 8 more original songs so far

>> No.7574515

Easier to get the thread going because the sight of the orange color alone is enough to get some people to take IRyS' side.

>> No.7574587

She's like top 1% of vtubers only a month after her debut, and even with the initial hype gone she still gets more than 5k people to watch her play games that we've seen 10 times already. At this point, this is just concern trolling.

> how long will it be before Cover decides to just cut their losses and invest elsewhere, such as EN2 or a return to JP with gen 6?

Audition for EN 2 already took place.

>> No.7575067

Nobody except Burgers and west Europe gives a shit about Zelda. I only tolerate it because Kiara tries her best to make this shit watchable.

>> No.7577093
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>1Hour vs 7Hours
Kindly kill yourself OP
I'm not even an Irys fan (her goddamn design filters me so much that i cant watch her) and i dont give a shit about Kiara, i'm a KFP Anti now but if Irys played APEX for more than 4Hours during JP prime times i'll be sure to tune in. Also if she did play the game for 7Hours she'd have like 600~700K views on the VOD, which is 7x higher than that obnoxious chicken.

>> No.7577166

A vtuber being fluent in Japanese and able to collab with her senpais flawlessly is 100x more important than getting a rank in a single game that will be dead in a few years.

>> No.7577233

Neither can HoloEN, with the exception of Ina.

>> No.7577365

>Cover hired her just for singing
>still tries her hard to play regularly like a common Vtuber
>same cursed model like early AZKI
>still her numbers aren't as bad as AZKI
she's fine just needs to release more originals songs

>> No.7577411
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>>1Hour vs 7Hours
>Kindly kill yourself OP
>I'm not even an Irys fan (her goddamn design filters me so much that i cant watch her) and i dont give a shit about Kiara, i'm a KFP Anti now but if Irys played APEX for more than 4Hours during JP prime times i'll be sure to tune in. Also if she did play the game for 7Hours she'd have like 600~700K views on the VOD, which is 7x higher than that obnoxious chicken.

>> No.7577428

Vsinger cannot really do well in any EN focused groups because the concept of an idol doesn't really exist in most English speaking countries.
Speaking personally I don't give a shit about Japanese culture or idolshit, I just watch some of the ENs because I think they're entertaining. Regardless of how that makes you feel, I suspect that as vtubers continue growing in popularity more and more fans will be just like me: they're just watching another streamer that happens to be an anime girl. They will have zero interest in learning Japanese, learning about Japanese culture, or caring about idolshit.

>> No.7577555

>He doesn't know about AKB48 post graduation life as actual pornstars
Follows a japanese company, doesn't know the most basic shit of jp entertainment.

>> No.7577761

>Anon doesn't understand the underground idol scene
Holy tourist
But she was a host on their own radio program.
Actually, chikim's roommate is quite famous for the ones who follow the underground idol scene, in special because she did an interview, way before she joined hololive, on AramaJapan about her time as an idol and went viral.

>> No.7577895

I’m sure holobronies will defend IRyS with all their might but right now all they’re doing is adding to the project cope

>> No.7578209

>trilingual cosplayer and former idol
>good apex player
Those aren't exactly equivalents anonchama

>> No.7578634

Matsuri's roommate mogs her and she doesnt even try or do a thing unlike that tryhard insecure chicken whore

>> No.7579119

IRyS is niche. Debut hype gave her the illusion of huge popularity but her actual place is at the bottom of EN. Being the least successful member of a successful gen still makes her a success, though, so you're a faggot for pretending she's a failure. You sucks cocks as always OP.

>> No.7579196
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but she almost has more subs than Kuzuha. She'll get this many viewers soon, right?

>> No.7579283


>> No.7579439
File: 500 KB, 1025x1080, 1626100473236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A thread died for this
This smells like tribalism, eggs and a lack of self awareness with a touch of jealousy.

>> No.7580367

With Veibae appearing on BBC
You bet any Holo will mog him the moment they collab with with any western celeb.
>GuraxLoganPaul soon

>> No.7580465

>Mogging somebody
>When she can't get the girl she likes to look at her beyond a colleague
I will take it if it is on dance
But outside that Matsuri is just a hikki neet

>> No.7581018

>Compares a 76 minutes video with a 443 minutes video
You are retarded you know that ? Irys had more live viewers.

>> No.7581202


>> No.7581599

When is IRyS doing some ASMR with that sex voice or hers? I don't care about dick finger game.

>> No.7581737

Why don't they play games like dark souls and others popular buff games
What's with this content drought
It's been forever since the yab, I heard about them getting a lot of permissions back
All the streams are so stall

>> No.7582256

Like everyone was happy watching those streams....

>> No.7582737

Ame's main feature is that she thinks outside the box and puts new ideas out there. You need someone proactive like that to stand out...

>> No.7584085

Lol, Irysfags back to reality after using her to shitpost against others. I've noticed they have been quiet the past 2 weeks.

>> No.7584138

>17 hours

Yeah shes doing ok

>> No.7584327

>1hr stream vs 7hr stream

>> No.7585043

People like OP get laughed out of the numberfag thread.

>> No.7590738

Implying thats a bad thing
