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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 78 KB, 300x300, bsi0u1pz8zn3jg7fjebsx6s8ehb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75688259 No.75688259 [Reply] [Original]

A child who is not embraced by The Village will burn it down just to feel its warmth

>> No.75688983


>> No.75689537

sayu go back to stream pls

>> No.75690782

watch out, Doki, or this never-was will whine about you while you stream with actual talents

>> No.75691005

>NijiEN just announced their first EN 3D concert
>In bigger venue than HoloEN venue. Biggest EN VTuber concert venue, even
>bait threads started popping up
I wonder who are behind this

>> No.75691184


>> No.75691362
File: 394 KB, 514x978, ZS9zVrRcx1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters get excited about something
>sayu-themed bait threads immediately pop up since she's an easy target
Boy, it's a real mystery, isn't it?

>> No.75691446


>> No.75691976

This is VShojo's biggest crime.

>> No.75692311

She burned the bridge tho

>> No.75692536

Nina did*

>> No.75692635

>Vshojo's incestuous clique
Not all bridges are good

>> No.75692995

Who? You lost sister?

>> No.75693108

not only did she burn the bridge
SHE DID IT TWICE, she's extremely petty

>> No.75693572

Yeah when Sayu leaked DMs and when she said Vshojo was clique right after a collab with Zen? I know Sayu is petty what about it?

>> No.75694480

>sisters, when confronted, resort to fanfiction as usual

>> No.75695253

She's said that VShojo is a clique multiple times, she just repeated it in her last stream a few days ago.

>> No.75695604

>will burn it down just to feel its warmth
can we provide the matches and gasoline?!

>> No.75695629

Yeah, and she's said it a bunch of times before that, too. Everybody fucking knows it, which is why they don't do auditions.
What's next? Is she evil for saying Nijisanji is bad?

>> No.75695917

Vshojo is a clique
Nijisanji is a black company
The sun is hot
What else is new

>> No.75696095


>> No.75696254

>sister didn't even watch her own video
>exact same situation as them attempting to claim the canadian lawyer somehow said Nijisanji was right without actually watching to see him say Nijisanji is a blackhearted company that needs to dissolve for its crimes against humanity

>> No.75696927

>sisters, when confronted, resort to fanfiction as usual

>> No.75699376
File: 636 KB, 1787x4096, sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a Sayu thread, girl is a 9/10 streamer but she desperately needs therapy for that self deprecation, like Jesus Christ. Just stop the pursuit of being an ex-Niji and instead concentrate in being a good indie; she has good awareness for comedy and keeps up with chat really well but the tone shift any time something reminds her of Zaion the vibes get weird. Won't deny that for some people that'll make them want to stay and send donos but for others that's a mood killer.

>> No.75700729

Anon, the self-depracation is part of the appeal

>> No.75702018
File: 465 KB, 1079x952, 1691797986792951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu seems to care about numbers a lot. The combo of knowing she accidently severed her relationship with Matara, and seeing Matara do so well probably weighs heavily on her.

>> No.75702566

It's understandable that she was able to grow since Matara didn't have a massive hate campaign by the second largest vtuber agency at the time on top of being doxxed and harassed for a year.

>> No.75703523

what is this psycho mantis type of bs quote

>> No.75703634

This implies the only way to take down the roach is to create a hate campaign against her plus doxx her

>> No.75703704

>This implies the only way to take down the roach is to create a hate campaign against her plus doxx her
I mean you could kill anybody with a bullet, but I'm pretty sure there's a few steps you could use that'd be less effort. I'm just saying what crippled Sayu.

>> No.75706157

She failed to burn the first village
Dookieturd wannabe won't do shit

>> No.75708351

This exact post was made yesterday and pruned. This is some obvious Sayu anti-shit stirring up stuff probably to loop. I also do not understand why they even make anti-Sayu stuff. She’s tiny and basically a nobod. Why does the Vshojofags keep going after her? She’s a nobody. She’s already lost and will probably just wind up killing herself in a year or two. What more do you want?

>> No.75708445

that sounds like something dramafags want desu

>> No.75708530
File: 188 KB, 1042x568, 1708630001063624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sayu thread
Time to remind everyone that sayu is a tranny lover

>> No.75708688

>sayufaggot unable to hold himself accountable
>blames everyone else instead
Read sayu threads for a change? It's all of her fans seething at everyone and everything that doesn't bend over for sayu despite her burning every bridge possible and making enemies with everyone who denies to let her leech off them.
She already is mad as fuck at Doki and dragoons for stealing her fame and resents Mint too.

>> No.75709005

This is straight up a lie. Sayu generals rarely mention anyone but her. These threads are clearly not Sayu threads but just drama bait, they are exact copies and get churned out and immediately swarmed with Vshojofags and Godwin. There are always some people saying schizo things, in every general, but these are just drama plait for people like you. Sayu isn’t mad at either of them, she’s explicitly said they’re great people who deserve their success, even said Doki deserved it far more than her. And, again, why do you care? Sayu’s a nobody, she’s insignificant, she’ll be dead soon. She’s the single smallest most pointless ex-Niji, if you hate her so much why even waste time on her? She’s already lost and will forever just be considered a child rapist pedophile by the vtubing scene. What more do you want?

>> No.75709006
File: 151 KB, 1080x607, 1715183497388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this enrages sayu and sends her into a depression spiral

>> No.75709116
File: 130 KB, 657x864, firefox_KyEhfnmXde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 79 days since sister's started crying about her gender confusion
It hasn't even been a day since you last bitched about it

>> No.75709149

Yes, it does. You must really hate her.

>> No.75709196
File: 64 KB, 1000x836, narcissist-prayer-by-dayna-craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man those /ss/ threads that spend 100 out of 150 posts seething at vshojo, matara and finana(?) Are totally made by your george soros or whatever you say
How delusional and stupid are you?
Oh I forgot sayu is terminally /here/
Repeat the narcissist prayer sayu

>> No.75709322
File: 282 KB, 393x463, 1707835444079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this village shall burns

>> No.75709335

Those /SS/ threads barely ever hit bump even, again, you’re thinking of drama threads, like 5is one, where Godwin is literally the very first response.

>> No.75709338


>> No.75709451

>ignore every piece of evidence and just follow my narrative, thanks
Sayucord isn't sending their best today

>> No.75709489

You haven’t provided any evidence.

>> No.75709537

What village? Half the people there are indies and not part of a "village".

>> No.75709573

Sayu already had her win but she drank too much of the dramafag kool-aid and has now become a lolcow she should've moved on when she had the advantage instead of trying to dig her heels deeper into the mud.
Everyone just knows her for drama these days.

>> No.75709578

>sayufag falseflagger fighting against sayu anti nijisisters
Ok this is pretty funny

>> No.75709582

The Ex-Niji Village

>> No.75709604

NTA but you literally provided 0 evidence

>> No.75709705

Open wi~~~~de sayucord hypocrites

>> No.75709730

Yeah, she’s a nobody, she’s hated, she hasn’t won anything, she’s a laughingstock and a loser hated by all, even this board now hates her. She called Vshojo a clique, you aren’t allowed to do that

>> No.75709762

This! so much this!
If you're against my queen Sayu you're nijisisters!

>> No.75709766

I like these kind of sayings
>A man who isn't sexed by village will rape just to feel the warmth

>> No.75709800

$0.10 has been deposited into your child support banking account

>> No.75709819

That is one post. You can open up any general for any tuber or tuber company and there will be at least one, probably more, shitflinging response. That isn’t evidence, are you new to this site? I’m starting to think you are Godwin, it seems like it’s just one really dedicated anti who keeps making herse exact same breads over and over. Miss the IP counter now.

>> No.75709884
File: 109 KB, 1112x991, firefox_1JG4uwrOW1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sayu general
>reaching 150 posts
90% of sayu general posts are concernfags or people thirsting over her thighs. If you post anything about vshojo they tell you to fuck off.

>> No.75710041

why are all sister catalog threads so predictable, like a wave of them happened at once

>> No.75710076

If she's generating this much seethe, it seems like she's doing something right

>> No.75710115

this thread is 4 hours old, elaborate your claim

>> No.75710245

an archaic idea cant you see that the "village" you speak of has become self-reinforcing change is impossible

>> No.75710384

landwhale sees Niji AX feature, decides to shit out her agenda onto the board again

>> No.75710533

Godwin why do you keep making these threads? We know you hate Sayu. But, these aren't necessary? You're fighting a war you've already won. Sayu is a nobody, Vshojo has, and will continue, to make sure of that. She will never be successful or have a large audience. What more do you want at this point? You've already won.

>> No.75710564

>Why does the Vshojofags keep going after her?
Bro, near as I know most Vshojofag are either somewhat sympathetic, or don't care about her at all.
It's either Sayu antis trying to drum up sentiment against her by being annoying "in her name", ex-Niji antis trying to paint them as bad guys, or just straight up sisters trying to shit on both and stir up faction wars.

>> No.75710605

This exact same thread, and variations thereof, with the exact same image gets made almost every week, several times. There was one like this yesterday too, with the exact same quote and image, 90% of the time with Godwin responding in the first few responses with 'Sajudas'. These things are obvious bait threads made by someone who has a serious axe to grind against Sayu so they just keep churning them out.

>> No.75710661

No, we hate Sayu too. She's called VShojo a clique, she has to die.

>> No.75710900

You hate her for stating an undeniable fact?

>> No.75711119

VShojo is god

>> No.75711670

Sayu more like SaLOSER

>> No.75711932

Sajudas should kill herself for defying Nijisanji and VShojo

>> No.75712306

Sayu must die

>> No.75712539

>Matara didn't have a massive hate campaign by the second largest vtuber agency
Reminder that the former doxsite used Nina's page as the main staging place for general discussion and it had half a million posts before the site went down. They also gave birth to the Nina bitch catalog and would harass her fans.

>> No.75712572

Kill Sayu

>> No.75712750

I hope Matara and Mint spend their next collab shitting on Sayu

>> No.75712795

I want to watch her kill herself live as she cries over how much better Doki, Mata and Mint are than her

>> No.75713053

Quinn for the WIN

>> No.75713205


>> No.75713246

I want Quinn to join VShojo so that we can get the news the next day that Sayu has jumped off a building and died. Delicious~

>> No.75713380


>> No.75716278

1min apart
1min apart
samefag having fun today, I see.

>> No.75716836

What's causing the seething this time?

>> No.75716909

Cover Q4 report was good

>> No.75720904

nigger proverb

>> No.75720979

Sayu sucks, VShojo rules

>> No.75723107
File: 1.82 MB, 2560x1440, 1697989876011318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters trying to pit sayufags and vshojofags against each other

>> No.75723752

You aren't allowed to use Kson anymore, all VShojo fans must kill worthless Sayufags

>> No.75724371

Sayutrannies are really losing their minds here

>> No.75724769
File: 623 KB, 1080x3556, GNZIfn1bwAAIoec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters need to vent since their other false flagging gay ops failed

>> No.75726126


>> No.75726342

They really are, they can't handle our VShojo superiority

>> No.75726689

nijisisters arent sending their best

>> No.75726783

wow thats a lot of samefagging. pathetic.

>> No.75726905
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up when you see her

>> No.75727002

They can't afford the $80 multi-sided concert tickets, or the AnimeExpo tickets, or room and board costs, or the plane ticket from their shithole, or the taxi to get to the airport.

>> No.75727256

Nina got harassed by political warriors when she initially debuted. Then got harassed by the Luxiem fanbase later on after she traveled with some of the Luxiem guys.

She still managed to leave on good terms.

>> No.75727286

Goodbye Sayu

>> No.75727413

nijivermin not living up to the nickname challenge: impossible.

>> No.75727442

I wish we had a death note and just by writing "Nijifan" it'll eradicate their kind already

>> No.75727913

pot, kettle

>> No.75728194

Anon write kpop fans for better results

>> No.75728565

For someone people claims to be irrelevant she lives in their head rent free yes not just nijisister

>> No.75728784

Sayu more like SayWHO?

>> No.75729516

These threads are good indicator of that especially nijiniggs trying and failing to roast badly if I say so myself

>> No.75730110

>Since this is a Sayu thread, girl is a 9/10 streamer but she desperately needs therapy for that self deprecation
>Just stop the pursuit of being an ex-Niji and instead concentrate in being a good indie;
I don't think it's just that.
There was no reason to publically call VShojo a clique. You can do whatever loop-di-doods you want, but we all know that's a negative way to refer to something and her publically taking that position painted her in a certain light.
There was no reason to go "haha, eat karma dick" at Kenji. Rightious vindication? Probably felt good, but it once again threw her in the spotlight in a negative way.
There was no reason to rewatch that Zaion video.
I don't watch Sayu, but the woman pops up bi-weekly with some new drama. Worst of all, and I hope I'm wrong, I'm starting to believe her own audience want her to engage in the latest drama and an ever-increasing portion of it is willing to walk away if they're not getting their fix.

>> No.75733585

Pretty much yeah. If you're happy Kenji got doxed because he wronged you in the past, then the first thing to do is be happy quietly because it is an amazingly bad look to do so publicly. And the VShojo thing a day after she got into a collab with one is just not a good look regardless. I believe her fans when they say that she doesn't talk about drama 24/7, but if she does it consistently enough that there's a steady flow of clips about it that's not great regardless.

>> No.75736139


>> No.75736235

Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks Sayu sucks

>> No.75736314

wow look at all that mental illness.

>> No.75736429

She's a constant shit stirrer.
Everyone else has moved on but every month she brings shit up again.

>> No.75736447

Total Sayutranny death

>> No.75736459

I'd burn those bridges too. Cliques deserve the boot.

>> No.75736542

No Sayufags welcome, they must be eradicated from /vt/ and everywhere else along with their pedophile cunt.

>> No.75736603
File: 38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look SayWHO! Look! Fucking nobody likes you! Fucking worthless ass pedophile rapist! Matara will never talk to you! Fucking kill yourself!

>> No.75736749

KWAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET FUCKED SAYU

>> No.75736788

I can't wait for the delicious meltdown that is going to occur when Doki, Mata, Mint, Quinn and Michi all collab in VShojo! It will be too good, Sayu's going to fucking die from depression, it will be amazing. They should invite her just to block her at the last second and laugh at her

>> No.75736898
File: 395 KB, 672x637, 1708156908561973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomettes fear the hag

>> No.75736905

Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu Hate Sayu

>> No.75737000


>> No.75737030

Infinite genocide on Sayu is the only acceptable route

>> No.75737085

Who cares about NijiEN concert, everyone knows it will be trash and empty.

>> No.75737364

Yeah, also really missing the ip counter. The fact that the jackass doesn't realize there's no one bothering to talk on this thread and continues to bump their shitty baitpost for hours on end screams a stupid child being an attention whore. Holy fuck this kid's parents need to take away their internet access and take the idiot to see a psychiatrist. If nijisisters don't at least disown and call for an ip ban on this idiot, then this is going to make their image even fucking worse. Least obvious mentally ill retard posing as vshojofag.

>> No.75737369


>> No.75737410

Vshojo rules Sayu drools!

>> No.75737662

lmao sayufags getting BTFO’d by some underaged kid having a melty

>> No.75737807
File: 133 KB, 438x438, 1701113994428525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the most blatant trolling and falseflagging I've ever seen that reads like it was written by Sayu herself to fuel her own victim complex "SAYU SUUUUCKS KILL SAYU PRAISE BE TO VSHOJO"
>"Hmmmm this must be the work of THE SISTERS!!!!!"

does this board just completely lack the ability to think criticially or are Sayufags simply underage

>> No.75737836 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Sayufag, go tell your Oshi to kill herself

>> No.75737925 [DELETED] 

Only Vshojo allowed here, go fuck yourself, we've won

>> No.75737960

Sayufags can't win anything, just like their Oshi, Dragoons and VShojofags unite!

>> No.75737983
File: 308 KB, 523x521, TAKE YOUR MEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this nigga smoking

>> No.75738014

Go falseflag somewhere else Sayufag, you've already lost

>> No.75738054

Infintie Mint Superiority

>> No.75738105

Mint > Sayu

>> No.75738154 [DELETED] 

Get fucked you worthless Sayufag

>> No.75738205


>> No.75738244

I'll agree with you on this: I too hate Sayu

>> No.75738347

She's going to be the surprise guest at wrestletube I can feel it. Sayu's meltdown will be glorious!!!!! lmao

>> No.75738700

The amount of posts 1 min apart in this thread is concerning.
I miss the IP counter.
It's actually incredible how much a single low 4view lives rent free in this single woman's head. I wonder if it's ACTUALLY Quinn again since I can't think of anyone else who'd hate her this much.

>> No.75739153

You mean QuWINN! Sayufags BTFO! Quinn will be in VShojo soon

>> No.75743610


>> No.75746916

conglatulation anon you finally got a chance at not getting 11hour part timer copy pasting birthday merch for the first time in years. this time remind the people to actually cut out graduated organs from the pre recorded concert, okay?

>> No.75749530


>> No.75750181

More like Vshojo's best decision

>> No.75752176

Exactly, death is too good for Sayu after she fucked with Mata and Doki

>> No.75752297

Sayu is a curse upon all Vtubing and Vshojo will destroy her
