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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.74 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20240511-211057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75614380 No.75614380 [Reply] [Original]

Unfathomably based


>> No.75614602

He knows more about Hololive than most Hololive fans

>> No.75614681

Holy fuck what is that abomination, please kill it for the love of god.

>> No.75614695

Absolutely disgustingly ugly model jesus

>> No.75614858

I don't want to listen to a basketball person.

>> No.75615214

any good reason why I should watch the video of a nigger?

>> No.75615457

Ignoring the clickbait with the n word, the ugly model, and the Ame dox, he brings up some of the same points this board does about lack of originality and cancel culture

>> No.75615460

Racism and bigotry isn't funny.
This hobby should be enjoyed by every race and gender without being attacked.

>> No.75615623

I would become black if it would banish this creature from our world.

>> No.75615769

>Ame dox
Timestamp i want to report it to Cover

>> No.75615793

Thank you for your sacrifice anon

>> No.75615932 [DELETED] 

Racism is hilarious, actually. Calling someone a basketball person instead of a nigger, however, especially on 4chan of all places, is some cuck shit.

>> No.75616028

It’s literally 11 seconds in anon

>> No.75616186 [DELETED] 

>racism outside of /b/
Have you ever met a black human person irl?
They're almost human like you and me, they don't deserve to be treated like animals.

>> No.75616316

>They're almost human
Fucker preaches to me about racism being bad and doesn't even have the balls to not be racist.

>> No.75616678

I absolutely hate normalfags who go into a community (predominantly Asian nerd niche hobby), get mad because they can't learn or get into it, and then get angry at the people in the hobby for not catering to them.

>> No.75616764

Only one of those posts brings race into this at all you illiterate retard.

>> No.75617083
File: 690 KB, 714x1280, 1688383700841367.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks it's about race

>> No.75617350

That is the most ugly model I have ever seen in my entire life
Didn't watch btw

>> No.75617409

Who is this and why aren’t there tit in my mouth

>> No.75617503


>> No.75620046


>> No.75620063

not clicking this

>> No.75620952

We should always follow DEI, especially focusing on Diversity and Inclusion, in order to promote a better culture, social justice, and create a safe environment that is welcoming and fair for people from all backgrounds.

>> No.75622770


>> No.75623445

He's talking about American streamers who are racist, watch the video

>> No.75623950

this brother could be dropping moses-tier wisdom but i'm not watching something that looks like that. not even for nigger reasons for once, make that thing white and it'd still be hideous. god damn.

>> No.75624018

>watch the video
I'd rather not
let me guess, loli vtubers are heckin bad and problematic ME ME ME ME ME I'm better than everybody where's my respect in the vtuber community shietttt

>> No.75627232

probably the worst model I've ever seen

>> No.75627466

jesus what an insufferable nigger
not finishing this

>> No.75628614

That thing is hideous, how does one even call that a usable model?

>> No.75628813

Made it 5 seconds into that video and then turned it off. That's all I needed to know much of a baitshitter this dude is

>> No.75629172 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 1591x893, migo hard r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers it's unreal bros... Why do they need to interact with my hobby

>> No.75629317
File: 117 KB, 720x720, 1673377345922112.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your video not getting enough traction, or do you just want to stir up shit so you have screenshots for the follow-up?

>> No.75632907

Not going to watch the video but the comments seem to be saying that it's about EN vtubers acting as if they're japanese and that they should stop. I have to say that I agree. ENshits should stay as far away from JP vtubers as possible.
Clickbaiting with Rushia is pathetic though.

>> No.75633284 [DELETED] 

The Bible and the Apostles tell me I shouldn't hate the blacks for being black, because we are all one in Christ Jesus who have accepted the Covenant of everlasting life.

The thing is, however, all of these leftoid youtubers hate God with a burning passion, so calling them niggers is wholly permissible.

>> No.75633361

I refuse to open this video or give it a view. Why does he bring up Ame exactly?

>> No.75633594

>kiara nigga clip
lol last time cover used the "membership only content" excuse to nuke 99% of the videos using that clip, sounds like a good time to do it again.

>> No.75633601

Ame's roommate said nigga because she quoted it in a story she was telling. He just showed that clip in the intro while showing the connection to Amelia and never brings it up past that.

>> No.75633886


>> No.75633897
File: 86 KB, 220x205, 1674561991209613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75633937

>nijisister makes a video

>> No.75634047


>> No.75634237

imagine if ame is being terminated for this kek

>> No.75635220


>> No.75637125

What a fucking niggerfaggot.

>> No.75637189 [DELETED] 

Im asian and I hate black yes you niggers think you owe everyone because of your skin color.

>> No.75637277

Buy an ad.

>> No.75637703


>> No.75637717

>"what the hell is even that?!"

>> No.75637938

Muh originality most streamers just stream games and play them. "originality" only pops up with people that suck at being a solid entertainer otherwise that old timey cartoon vtuber that billions of twitterers shilled would be huge

>> No.75637967

No we won't watch your video loser

>> No.75638054

Since black people choose to look like that when they can choose to look like anything else proves that racism is morally correct

>> No.75638357

I'm tired of people thinking Mewtwo and Knuckles are black.

>> No.75638428

can we please give americans their own internet so they leave the rest of the world alone

>> No.75638436

same people see Piccolo as black

>> No.75638501

Racism is funny, I don't understand his point.

>> No.75638510

buy an ad nigger

>> No.75638622

He can't he isn't white
He is a poor person

>> No.75638708

Why do negroes hate beauty?

>> No.75638832
File: 150 KB, 1107x1386, Sacred Heart Of Jesus Christ & Immaculate Heart Of Mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless be

>> No.75638833

How do I report dox? What a retard lmao.

>> No.75639638


>> No.75639750

Oh thank god this is not a rainbow corpo and im not talking about anycolor.

>> No.75640011

>He knows more about Hololive
He doesn't even mention hololive, like once.

>> No.75640245

This dumb fuck is going to get absolutely cooked by Cover for using a face dox and connecting it to hololive, never mind all the other shit in the video.
I also love that the engagement to his tweet of the video is filled with SEA's being more racist towards him than any westerner could ever

>> No.75640585

checked it's twitter kek

>> No.75640836
File: 1.16 MB, 611x1080, AO 420969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the comedy and some points of his video, I used to watch Twitch streamer Sky Williams (b4 the smash pedo drama happening, and he pretty much took most of the shit for being the only one coming out with his side) so I know how the mind of blacks on the internet works, and Sky was actually funny, but:

>I'm black
>Y'all racist n shiet
>casually doxx post
>y chu trinna be black?
>I'm black
>y'all niggas crazy for da yty modelz n black coded speech
>y'all art niggas racist fo not drawing blackz
>y'all hate niggaz cuz chu ain't us cuh
>I'm black
Dumb ass NA Negros like him only have one way of thinking… He unironically called out yuri/yaoi baiting/shipping and doom posting on chat, and I agree, but he is not the first one to do it.

>> No.75640874

Jesas why do these social cause retards use such disgusting models? Would it hurt to use a non eye sore model?

>> No.75640902

ugly creates ugly

>> No.75640909

>sky williams
How did you find that morbidly obese yapper entertaining in any concievable way.
Everytime he'd show up on stream during a smash tourney I'd get physically sick.

>> No.75641011

Unknown from M.E.'s original singers are black.

>> No.75641102

Its always weird to me that black male models in particular don’t even try to have any anime influences, only one I can really think of is Oga and he’s obviously Japanese and likely not actually black.

>> No.75641134

He bashes niji a lot in that video, particularly Vox

>> No.75641136
File: 388 KB, 2505x1248, 1694790780925092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the screen is anime girls
>the only chatters are his mods
Sounds like sour grapes.

>> No.75641159

There's nothing wrong being racist /here/, you don't talk face to face like this anyway

>> No.75641160


>> No.75641163

I don't mind the non anime influences, there's cool syles all over the world which aren't as ugly as the style these retards drift towards

>> No.75641197

This will sound crazy and impossibru, but he is literary the only black I decided to watch to this day, I didn't watch etika, LTG, and all other niggers being pushed by twitch/YouTube in the past 10+ years when I found way back, he was playing Wukong which I was trying to learn, Trick2g was second. I just found him funny unironically, on stream at least, lots of people indeed accused him of clout chasing Etika and videogamedunkey.

>> No.75641231 [DELETED] 

Watch yourself negro

>> No.75641240

It's like the ghetto version of the frog character from my hero academia

>> No.75641264

Watch it yourself negro

>> No.75641400

Isn't this guy a good friend to a lot of big Vtubers? I think Mousey even raided him a few times.

>> No.75641446

He's crying that japanese artist don't make vtuber assets for black people.
Where are all the black artists then, why don't they make assets themselves?
They cry about being exclusionary, yet when Mori did some rapping gestures, everyone started calling her racist.
They can invade someone's culture and demand everyone to accommodate them, but they don't like it when someone invades theirs.

>> No.75641473

You do you I guess mate, I cant stand any kind of his content. Even without the cancellation hes always been my least fvsorite part of fightan tourney events.
Woozie from SBFPs and and Majin the tekken pro are some of my favorite youtubers so I cant judge

>> No.75641528


>> No.75641607

Kenji clique?
>Doxx in the first 15 seconds
Of course these clowns never learn, why the hell are they always so insufferable? Even DN is not that bold to use that shit

>> No.75641799

The cherry on top is that he addresses the Kenji doxxing at the end of his video and says that doxxing is not ok.

>> No.75642399

He's friends with HeavenlyFather

>> No.75642455

I hope he joins a black company

>> No.75642509

This guy is a normie, riding on the vtuber wave and shitting on it. He's made from the same cloth as that Kenji retard.
Their fans don't watch any other vtubers.

>> No.75642537

Sad, dude has shitty friends.

>> No.75642654

buy and ad and kys nigger

>> No.75643029


>> No.75643136

Racism is my other hobby, stop attacking it.

>> No.75643334
File: 299 KB, 380x454, tourist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a tldr, i'm not gonna give this tourist a view after seeing that wack-ass snippet from xitter

>> No.75643397

Watch Shofu instead

>> No.75643631
File: 373 KB, 842x842, 1714897972226583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ viewers
>Only chatter is 1 mod
Isn't this the tell tale sign of botting?

>> No.75644381

Nah sadly they do, but only virtue signaling vtubers like these and attack everyone else. Wizard game came to mind, all these offended "vtubers" crawled out of their dens to attack everyone who plays it

>> No.75644649

I’ve watched 1views with a greater variety of chatters so it wouldn’t surprise me.

>> No.75644860


>> No.75645480

>Complains about vtubing being a weeb hobby
>Is a massive weeb himself
>Complains about models
>His own model is over designed dogshit
>Says doxxing is not okay
>Doxxes Ame at the beginning of his video

>> No.75645490

He is based and most of your posts prove him right.

>> No.75646082

Its twitch, you can open 20 tabs and give him 20 viewers there

>> No.75646087

>Dude you're just mad cause he's right
I am mad because he's a dumb motherfucker complaining about dumb shit that doesn't actually matter.
You think it matters if people say 'nigger'?
You think it matters if a person with a cartoon avatar says 'nigger'?
Artists can draw what they want, if they don't draw black characters then find someone who does instead of complaining about the ones that don't.
"Off with their heads" by Mori is still true, get off your ass and make something instead of complaining about what others do you massive faggot.

>> No.75646126

Yall need to tone it down. I know it’s just being edgy but have a little more maturity. The greatest streamer ever, Etika, was black, god rest his soul

>> No.75646167

>SEA's being more racist towards him than any westerner could ever
SEAmen were based for once

>> No.75646358

Wow, heavenly is a cool guy but not this fella

>> No.75646392

It's almost like it has nothing to do with race, but with the attitude.

>> No.75646417
File: 525 KB, 894x738, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. That's a redflag.

>> No.75646425

I know you're baiting but the dude brings up alabama and whitey in like the first two minutes of the video.

>> No.75646524

Rinse & Repeat

>> No.75646737

Dear God, how do these people have a platform.

>> No.75646794

Because the retard cries about racism while screaming about how much he hates white people
>you can't say I eat fried chicken
>you fuck your cousin though
He also doesn't know what nigeru means in japanese. Everyone needs to everything about black people but doesn't want to learn shit about anyone else.

>> No.75646822

This dude ain't even blacker than Dr. Dolittle.

>> No.75646978

The only examples of actual racist vtuber is the Enna clip, that she apologized, the chinese vtuber with the NTR black joke and that's about it.
The rest is Kiara singing a song that has those lyrics, Ame PL (literal doxxing) telling a story and quoting someone saying nigga, and a lot of japanese vtubers imitating nigga from GTA.
For them just saying the word is enough to call you a racist, there's no need for context or anything, you are racist and that's it.

>> No.75647028

He thinks he's a better rapper than Mori.

>> No.75647086


>> No.75647202

Should have gatekept harder

>> No.75647303

Mr. Rogers is a better rapper than both.

>> No.75648348
File: 17 KB, 479x131, 1695415690684561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, he is in the same circle as Evanit0, Kenji and Taledo. Cool, they were also shilled by vshojo at one point. I guess everything that western corpos touch turns to shit

>> No.75648411

He sort of implied on his Twitch stream after he dropped that video that he might do a video or something on Mori. I can't wait to get shit on.

>> No.75648600

Man i love when they try to attack holos, just to instantly get btfo by fans and forced to crawl back into their shitty hugbox, happens all the time. Truly the great wall of vtubing

>> No.75648649

>I can't wait to get shit on.

>> No.75648976

Oh shit, am I him?

>> No.75649094

Sparkledog OC but a nigger

>> No.75649135


>> No.75649386

Reported to CoverCorp, get fucked doxxnigger.

>> No.75649963

So dude cherrypicked 2 moments where 1 is chinkshit and other one where the girl apologized and made 30 minutes video about it? The dramatuber of the century right here

>> No.75650181

The video is about a lot of things
>making fun of male vtubers having deep voices
>making fun of female vtubers having high pitch voices (and doing japanese noises)
>making fun of parasocial viewers
>calling out artists because they don't make vtuber assets in other shades than white
>basically pulling a Britanny Venti, saying that people who watch loli vtubers are pedophiles
More or less the same shit you would hear from a tourist.

>> No.75650218

Proof? I need to see this

>> No.75650326

I for one am glad that Spaniards raped my people so I wouldn't be born with brown skin.

>> No.75650616

>All this shit just to play victim on twitter with your hugbox
Man, i hope they fuck off and crybully somewhere else...

>> No.75650677

oh hey
i saw his post ealier and most people shit on him

>> No.75650683

>basically pulling a Britanny Venti, saying that people who watch loli vtubers are pedophiles
>shoutouts chibidoki
>his own vtuber model is a monster shota

>> No.75650756
File: 59 KB, 331x154, 1698453026287305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starts around here, his mod brings up Mori, later says that he got an idea when his mod said that she was racist.

>> No.75650857

time to report to cover then
fucking retard aiming at big corp and expect no consequences

>> No.75651056
File: 11 KB, 231x218, bold move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moron tourist's first move interacting with vtubing is to attack Hololive

>> No.75651126 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 586x343, 1700901134472989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holotrannies be like

>> No.75651182

Another literal who trying to start to drama for more viewers

>> No.75651259

>Kris the homobeggar prime

>> No.75651262

I don't really want to watch this video. What is it about, anyway?

>> No.75651313

from what i saw in quote retweet
he angry at all chuba that said nigga before

>> No.75651329

Based, HoloGODS actually get shit done and taken down while NIGGERS like the one who made the video whine and complain.

>> No.75651379

did you sent an email before replying you bitch kwab

>> No.75651431

Faggot complains about vtubing not being open to black people, which is a fucking lie.
He complains about vtuber artists not making black characters, which is an easy thing to fix, just go find an artist who does
He complains about vtubers acting out a character and not just being streamers with an avatar which is fucking stupid because you decide what sort of content you want to make yourself
Essentially every single one of his complaints comes down to "I want everyone to change the things they do to whatever I want but I don't want to put in the effort to just make that content myself"
He's also a 2view so he's indirectly complaining about the things he bitches about getting views while his own content doesn't.

>> No.75651446

Speak like a real person and not like an outdated piece of farm equipment.

>> No.75651503

quiet down holotroon you don't even have your own opinions without it coming with a $200 piece of merch.

>> No.75651531

The hypocrisy is hilarious, it's just like those fat vtubers complaining about vtubers making fun of them and not having "representation" while they themselves use a thin model instead of a fat one, fucking lmao

>> No.75651538

>actually watch that faggot video
what a faggot

>> No.75651573

buy an ad

>> No.75651596

Sorry that you don't have a system in place that works for you.

>> No.75651605
File: 8 KB, 215x75, 1697939685181407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking king, holo trannies finna shook

>> No.75651653

Someone has to take the fall. I respect that anon for forcing himself to watch the video while vomiting blood so he can tl;dr it to us.

>> No.75651678

fair point

>> No.75652075

>most streamers
Sorry, you only consume garbage. Have you ever considered developing a good taste?

>> No.75652179

opinion discarded

>> No.75652225

all Nigger are subhumnan, the other race are fine

>> No.75652238

Hey, he's pretty good at talking shit about vtubers. He would fit in well here.

>> No.75652472

>tl;dr Nigger being Nigger

>> No.75652533
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1715403047986332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched it. Some of the callouts he made are absolutely valid.
But it's so fucking hilarious that he says "Do better as people" and instantly after this screenshot happens

>> No.75652634

>defending tourists attaking your hobby
You are not very smart, are you?

>> No.75652700

>do better as people
Niiger are not even human though, what a fucking irony

>> No.75652725

The hobby can be massively improved with outside help from this video, sometimes to improve something you need help from people outside your hobby

>> No.75652788

>almost every art on the screen is him getting pleased or harassing female characters

This is the kind of people who calls you weirdo, pedo, misogynist and coomer on twitter btw

>> No.75652818

How about you improve yourself with a shotgun.

>> No.75652833

>Nigger complain about the others
Subhuman have no human right

>> No.75652943

What a load of shit. Your mindset is poisonous to every single hobby. I really hope you have a terrible day.

>> No.75652969

>Outside help
Ah, so Jewish funded diversity hires who'll gentrify it and exclude the ones who built the thing in the first place. I'm good on that actually.

>> No.75653445

my brother in christ your company's EN branch is now based in LOS ANGELES shut your fucking mouth

>> No.75653496

Oh no, you're retarded.

>> No.75653501

Thanks for the summary. I mean, I get why he would feel a bit alienated as black person in the community, but the only way to really fix that is to get more attention on black artists and vtubers. Seems like that would be a better focus.

>> No.75653513
File: 23 KB, 463x371, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dox video still up


>> No.75653563

I'm not racist, but as soon as I hear an obviously black voice in a video, I can't help but lose any interest in it.

>> No.75653700

Eh, you're missing out. But to be fair I only find like 3 black content creators enjoyable and the rest insufferable so maybe you do have a point.

>> No.75653776

>Shitskin vs shitskin

>> No.75653902

>Eh, you're missing out
No I'm not its just a monkey complaning about why people not respecting his own color

>> No.75653913

>doxx 11 seconds in
Reported, thanks

>> No.75653996

A lot of them tend to make their content about politics or race or representation, which I don't care about.

>> No.75654064

>complains about vtubers acting out a character and not just being streamers with an avatar
isn't that supposed to be the point of being a chuuba in the first place? or at least that's what segragates vtubers from e-thots with an anime avatar
and the guy even self-congratulates himself on xitter because "haha i made people mad, they just proved my point"

>> No.75654164

Ah just a filthy soul.
A nasty little guy who lacks higher brain function and is unable to self refelct, hes just saying anything and everything to try and get some attention

>> No.75654215

>public information is now dawksin
the state of dronies

>> No.75654320

Hang yourself DN

>> No.75654318

Of course he's friends with Kenji

>> No.75654440

Worth mentioning the Chinese one is a deliberate mistranslation and no where near what she said. Sadly I don't remember the exact specifics anymore and don't speak Chink to know by myself

>> No.75654452

Anyone who can't come up with a constructive solution to a problem other than tearing someone else down is part of the problem.

>> No.75654577
File: 58 KB, 800x800, Gorilla_-_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the race grifters are trying to invade vtubing again.
Besides we've always had black vtubers, pic related.

>> No.75654580
File: 58 KB, 1047x339, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, it is actually. You can't just post a face reveal for a "faceless" person on the internet.

>> No.75654654

I am tempted to become a maloid blacktuber solely to even the playing fields against these virtual signalling coons. I can't stand African-Americans' insectoid herd mentality.

>> No.75654796

>sour grapes
Nah, Sawa is actually somewhat entertaining.

>> No.75654832

How about the "outside" get their own hobby instead of trying to change shit?

>> No.75655031

wow bros i just doxed a fictional character by looking up who they're voiced by, durrr.

>> No.75655266
File: 86 KB, 789x768, 1682374710260553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hobby can be massively improved with outside help

>> No.75655277

Same video he says people shouldnt engage in uncovering personal info.

>> No.75655311


>> No.75655361

>false equivalence
Congratulations. You are an idiot, or in scientific terms, fucking retarded.

>> No.75655548

It is insane how much of a debuff dark skin is for vtubers.

>> No.75655662
File: 101 KB, 480x480, i do not associate with n[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmq0p08.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75655699

>You can be anything you want as a vtuber!
>*Black man chooses to represent himself as a chibi snake head demon thing that looks cool as shit*

>> No.75655750

More like black people are debuffs. Pretty much every single African vtuber makes being black their entire personality to the point where nobody but black people can engage with the content and it's not like there are a lot of black people in the vtuber community.

>> No.75655773

>in the video he says theres too many demons
>too many animals
This guy has zero to add to any conversation.

>> No.75655847
File: 21 KB, 678x446, eyeglasses-adjustment-hero-compressor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking this nig's model look good in any way

>> No.75655897

How does one make being black their entire personality? You realize that's literal racism right?
>Creative expression is bad when it offends my shit taste
Just admit you hate black people desu.

>> No.75655946

Can we get less blacks like this guy and more like that buff mone guy?

>> No.75655971

He looks like shit both figuratively and literally
Nobody is saying he should change his model since that would imply anyone would want this nigger to improve or succeed in any fashion

>> No.75655998

Your video is dogshit, gawd you stupid nigger. Kys

>> No.75656021

It's his own words. Stop baiting.

>> No.75656029

>Literally racism

>> No.75656199

You don't get my point, it's not like I'm saying black people can't make references to their own race, I'm saying they should stop shoving it into everyone's faces. They make it the spotlight of their content, in the way they engage in discourse they constantly use the race card. There's a fun way to talk about your race and there's an annoying way.

>> No.75656259

Imagine hating on a nigga for playing Vectorman and surrounding himself with big titty women on his own stream LMAOOOOO /vt/ would never let a female vtuber get away with this

>> No.75656324

And if you watched the video your bitch ass would know he barely brings up race at all. Half of the video could be applied to general streamer culture because y'all honkeys worship mediocrity and reward the same exact people doing the same exact things.

>> No.75656368

Why's this ugly nigger shilling himself here?

>> No.75656444

To collect screencaps of people calling him slurs to use in the sequel video.

>> No.75656463

You're so different baby girl plug your 2 view stream I'll drop some argentinian shekels just for you

>> No.75656472

Nice, hopefully I'll make it.

>> No.75656497

is now racist? damn

>> No.75656509

This is probably the correct answer

>> No.75656528
File: 855 KB, 1508x1368, KUSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verly clearly female model with huge tits
>calls herself a they/them
Why are women like this

>> No.75656588

Are you one of his dipshit twitch mods or something? Do me a favor and tell this faggot to suck my fat cock

>> No.75656786

Because it's the latest "fashion trend" among the prog types especially women. Gotta show everyone how prog you are

>> No.75656874

Yes. Black people "humor" is hearing a sequence of sounds that sound like their no-no word and calling it racist.

>> No.75656900 [DELETED] 

Still lightyears better then most drama vtubers.

>> No.75656999


>> No.75657003

really want to see how starting shit with Mori while he's buddy buddy with IM gonna work out

>> No.75657040

Calm down man. Do you seriously think he's doing something creative or innovative here? I get the criticisms he's putting out for general streamer culture, but he's being disingenuous about the whole "anime woman says the n-word equals they're instantly racist." The way he's framing things is deliberately divisive. Just look at the comments you will see people just completely shitting on the entire vtuber culture. In the "racism" segment of the video, he deliberately interprets people not using darker skin avatars as racist(for some fucking reason). There are some valid points, but the video is not perfect.

>> No.75657142


>> No.75657148

Neither of those things are racist

>> No.75657341

While defending Kenji mind you, dude is a hypocrite.

>> No.75657464
File: 3.76 MB, 1280x720, 1691067114731413.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is comes to sexo EN indies, the model is the only thing of value they have sadly. The koreans are a bit better, but there's a language barrier there so I can't be sure.

>> No.75657494

Fuck this guy.
I don't believe his usage of clips falls under fair use either.

>> No.75657602

>The retard is in the thread and crying because everyone is mocking him

>> No.75657834

there is something magical in niggas like this getting introduced to a world where everyone can be whatever they want to be and realizing that not anyone, not even other niggas, want to be a nigga

>> No.75658167

SHIZZY! my nigga why???????? WHY?!?!?!?!? WHAT IS THAT MODEL, SHIZZY???

>> No.75658281


>> No.75658331

>boohoo woe is me the reason why black people are less preferred is definitely because everyone else is racist. It's not like other races don't like the way we act no no no. It's definitely because they're racist that's the only reason.

>> No.75658430
File: 176 KB, 458x438, 1394240839222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop running the same jokes into the ground
>larping as a Japanese person is cringe
>there are too many demons
>no personality people have to resort to coombait
>you have to use a lighter skin model or else it's a debuff because everyone is racist
>there are no "accidental" racist moments, they know full well what they're doing, and their audience looks the other way
>people using mental illness as a crutch for clout and excusing their fuckups
>vtuber artists don't make dark skin assets
>seething fans seeing 2 people together and assume they are fucking are retards
>vtubers seething that they get shipped with people they fuck around with are also retards
>[insert parasocial rant here]
>big collabs suck because it's just too much noise
>stop trauma dumping on streamers, they aren't your therapist (streamers don't need to be dicks about it though)
>being in character ALL THE TIME is cringe
>we need more diverse animals aside from cats and shit
>stay of twitter, don't be a pussy who makes twitlongers about inconsequential shit
>SJWs don't actually give a fuck about the issues, they are just farming drama for clout
>doxxing and swatting are bad m'kay?

If he wasn't black and acting like an obnoxious faggot you people would actually agree with him on most of these things.
But that last one is kinda funny considering the beginning of the video.

>> No.75658556


>> No.75658562

I'm not giving this dude a view. How often does he bring up Hololive?

>> No.75658617

Most of the video is irrelevant to vtubers. Just nomalfags being normalfags and ruining everything. The only relevant parts is when he starts shitting on the vtuber community for not being inclusive enough to black people. That's it. Still a shit video overall.

>> No.75658701

he’s too much of a pussy to bring up their name, besides the ame face doxx

>> No.75658712

I really... don't understand how they got an artist to agree to this design.
Like what the fuck is that

>> No.75658747

I do not care and will suck they titties

>> No.75658834
File: 34 KB, 317x265, 1706683018829127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no personality people have to resort to coombait
>no personality people have to resort to bait

>> No.75658881

So what are you saying is that he is based.

>> No.75658910

It's pretty neat how you can hear a spit second of this accent and know the person speaking has nothing worth listening to.

>> No.75659104

>Is another black vtuber complaining about how people don't take them seriously or love them for being black

>> No.75659316


>> No.75659429

Every time. They throw a Holo member on their thumbnail or in the beginning then never mention them cause their too pussy. They know if they shit on Hololive they basically become an outcast. I hope he does a video on Mori so he can get shit on and lose his Vshojo connections.

>> No.75659651

It's also because the stuff he's saying doesn't apply to Hololive at all. He just used them as clickbait. What a fucking slimy bastard.

>> No.75659968

>that incredibly unfitting voice
This is even worse than Juufuutei.

>> No.75660358

Why did he post Ames pl clip in the beginning? I know what the compilation is about, just why that one specific clip?

>> No.75660543

>You can be anything you want as a vtuber!
>Black man chooses to represent himself as a chibi snake head demon thing...
that seems to be the case, yes
>...that looks cool as shit
well i suppose that's true in a very literal sense

>> No.75660913

I wonder why he didn't use Uki...

>> No.75661370
File: 66 KB, 644x644, 1691331621702766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being in character ALL THE TIME is cringe
Western "vtuber" lol

>> No.75661490

>why are you a nigger all the time then?

>> No.75661691

He's a modern-day sparklepony. The intent isn't what he actually likes or a proper character and personae. It is strictly what is different and, in his case, ironic for the sake of irony.

>> No.75661734

My french and Portuguese ancestors should have genocided you niggers instead of making you their slaves.

>> No.75661811

At this point he might as well drop all pretenses and post Moris old pl deleted tweets if he's gonna drag their pl into this.

>> No.75661840


>> No.75661934

1st time dramanigger but emphasis on the 2nd part?

>> No.75661981

I always wondered where will Kyo end up after Niji. Seems like he is doing good.

>> No.75662207

cause it's a clip of her saying nigga

>> No.75662332

God I want to fuck Dona so badly

>> No.75662351

This guy didn't even watch the whole context, did he? For any of these videos.

>> No.75662380

>there are no "accidental" racist moments, they know full well what they're doing
This is always rich. They attacked a tourettes girl for saying nigger and asked for her cancellation from youtube.
This mind be mindblowing to some, people there are people COMPLETELY cut off from American culture and just like some Japanese people, don't even know that "nigger" is an insult. Negro still just means "black" in some Spanish speaking countries. There's a country called Montenegro. Maybe they should be accused of racism too because entire world has to suffer from the history of American slavery.
>you have to use a lighter skin model or else it's a debuff because everyone is racist
Everywhere I go, and it's mostly around white and asian anime and vtuber fans, everyone loves tanned Gyaru models and Karin from Blue Archive is one of the sexiest characters ever.

>> No.75662507

>guys why won't you make black characters
>only black character he includes is nessa
>guys why are you so horny?
>covers his screen in shit that makes his dick hard

>> No.75662527

>open clip
>the most stereotypical black thug voice
>followed by what looks like a caricature of a hood person
...is this a bit?

>> No.75662662
File: 291 KB, 1536x2048, GLKNIHqXsAAENXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping as a Japanese person is cringe
Yeah, but so is larping as a 'gangsta'

>> No.75662665

Over a third of the video is crying about how racist people are it's over half if you include him crying over artists being racist for drawing what appeals to them.

>> No.75662676

context doesn't matter to blacks, you should know this already

>> No.75662723

how embarrassing

>> No.75662850

>model: god-tier
>voice: artemis-tier
no thank you. I can literally smell her, not in a good way.

>> No.75662908

At least it fits him, can't be any more embarrassing than suburban white homotubers copying their hood lingo

>> No.75663179

Looks like Evanit0 is already signal boosting his vid on Twitter too

>> No.75663178

Dude if this guy ever went to prison he'd come out fruity. This guy is a homotuber in the making.

>> No.75663186

Who's this nu-Lois Lane wannabe-

>> No.75663241

He has the prison bitch look down already

>> No.75663248


>> No.75663270
File: 95 KB, 1079x696, kill every single on planet earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75663323

Are black people interested in anything but talking abut how racist a hobby or community is?

>> No.75663332

So will anything actually come out of this "drama" or is this just ragebait that will be forgotten about next week?

>> No.75663338

he needs signal boosting from a nigger who can barely get 1000 views on his youtube videos while having 100k subs?

>> No.75663348

I hate black people.

>> No.75663382

this thread is bait to report and anons banned for racism and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.75663424

maybe some funny viral dunk on Mori again that will age even funnier as she gets another anime deal

>> No.75663462

>But that last one is kinda funny considering the beginning of the video
Objectively that's the only bad thing in his video. He didn't need that little edit really.

>> No.75663466

>turns airplane mode on and off and resets cookies

>> No.75663470
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, 1697164477100358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banned for racism

>> No.75663481
File: 443 KB, 665x600, GNZUVs3XkAAHEqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until he deletes?

>> No.75663516

>He complains about vtuber artists not making black characters, which is an easy thing to fix, just go find an artist who does
He actually complained about free asset makers that don't include alternate colours for black vtubers, and criticised black vtubers that use white/asian looking models

>> No.75663617

I mean there really aren't many black vtubers to begin with so why they do that

>> No.75663625

Another example of self inserters ruining everything. You genuinely can't enjoy something unless it looks like you. there has to be some ulterior motive.

>> No.75663669

I don't hate negroes if they're being reasonable

>> No.75663703
File: 467 KB, 1285x617, 1b22e3d4470fc093ee9253d90bfcccf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this guy has enough problems on his own

>> No.75663747

But he didn't have to act like everyone is out to get him. Unironically he could have just asked instead of being bitchy and gay about it.

>> No.75663750

self inflated narcissism

>> No.75663845

He could literally just ask for one

>> No.75663920

Despite being 0.001% of the vtubing population their obnoxious levels are off the charts

>> No.75663954

Black vtubers always melt down at free asset makers for not making colored shit. Always the black vtubers, you never see vtubers who have literally blue or green colored avatars complain about this shit.

>> No.75664298

>I can self-insert as a virgin shota getting fucked
Why can't they do the same?

>> No.75664498

She did, back before he decided to be the "Y'ALLZ RACISS" vtuber. You see, the great grift of TheGawd is that he used to embrace and be just fine with all this shit and then, somewhere around Hogwarts Legacy, realized he could get more traction being an angry black man railing against all vtuberdom. He's to be ignored, and the fact multiple threads just like this one have been made with multiple replies indicates that he's right: grifting with racial bait gets engagement. Congrats fuckers, you fell for it.

>> No.75664533

thats bullshit. what you however should do is report the video to hololive.

>> No.75664591

I've never even heard of this dude until today but basically this is nothing new for him?

>> No.75664794

Timing wise he's basically been doing this about as long as he wasn't doing his now, but at one point he was just trying to be a black vtuber and having a good time. Didn't get much traction, started screaming racism, and still isn't getting much traction, but at least he's getting idiots to engage clickbait videos.

>> No.75664959

I don't care if he's black or not, my most watched non /vt/ content this past week was pretty much some nigga talking about sci-fi books for hours.
But I do care that his model is absolutely horrifying to look at, like some unhinged Deviant Art OC took acid and came to life.
Anything this hideous creature has to say about model artists not catering to him is invalid and using the racism card to justify it just makes him a nigger, also yes vtubing is a Japanese coded hobby just like anime and manga, cry about it. Like I'm actually impressed how often you see retards getting upset by the Japanese influence in their pretend ANIME girls!

>> No.75664969

You really think all publicity is good publicity? No sane vtuber will associate with him anymore. I guess he can try clickbait with doxx for quick buck until he gets his ass banned. Mori next?

>> No.75665425

Niggers are not bright anon, /pol/ is right on this at least.

>> No.75665496

>everyone loves tanned Gyaru models
Tbh people would are ultra horny for black avatars, the problem with black creators is they always have the worst aesthetic sense known to man, so they have something that looks like complete trash that appeals to them but nobody else. This person's avatar is a great example. White/asian normies that coombait vtube also have this problem but it's there's more standard aesthetics to draw from due to the quantity of white/asian coded art, so they go less off track.

>> No.75665512
File: 875 KB, 1024x1024, 1715265183612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK. Every time.

>> No.75666073
File: 261 KB, 486x298, 1699948768704209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, thats his problem i guess. Majority of vtuber watchers are white/japanese/sea so you do need to make design more appealing to them. Here is a good example. Also why always go for just race representation, its vtubing, you can be any creature if you want. Narcissism or what? Does he really need it to be made as close as possible to his real self?

>> No.75666091

>outsiders to vtuber culture who failed to break into the inside making criticism and calling for change
>again, for the second time in less than 6 months

>> No.75666287

>Narcissism or what?
I don't remember the disciplinary term for it, but black Americans have a sociologically unique combination of low achievement and high self-esteem.
Vtubing is one of the few somewhat popular media in which they're not greatly over-represented.

>> No.75666505

Skin color is not the issue. Big ass lips and wide noses are the issue. No one and I mean no one not even most blacks like that aesthetic on girls. There are some girls from East Africa that dont have those ape faces and they are gorgeous. So skin color is definitely not the main issue.

>> No.75666672
File: 228 KB, 534x496, 1706240520166482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75667162

Seeing a worrying amount of people debating on whether or not that ame clip counts as doxxing, especially with how he slapped a pic of her model next to her irl self.

>> No.75667271

>It's a dude with a voice changer
>It's a dude with a voice changer
>It's a dude with a voice changer
>It's a dude with a voice changer
Being a male with this level of humor? I can see why he never took off.

>> No.75667330

>3 years for this

>> No.75667499
File: 70 KB, 1431x493, 20240512_155854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch too. Same one who talked about how if she won a vtuber award she'd spotlight real issues in the world lmao. This bitch is such a grifter.

>> No.75667641

>Lack of originality
>Black man
Wants to be a rapper

>> No.75667815

this guy is the reason i have trouble explaining people it's not like i hate niggers, i just hate people like him
you go and try to list all of the annoying personality traits a person can have and the person you're talking with goes
>oh so you just hate niggers got it
because they immediately think of people like this guy and people like him tend to represent an entire race to normalfags for some reason
i don't even know what this video is about, dropped it after a minute or so, don't have time to listen to some schizo ramblings

>> No.75667818

Literally who?

>> No.75667908

No, troons should apply for the MAIDS program.

>> No.75667954

dumb retard with no taste ragebaiting for clicks. whats new?

>> No.75668204

Even when people do try to include them they cry about it because it isn't portrayed correctly to them and try to get artists harassed. Unfortunately, black people ruined it for themselves as they often do and then wonder why artists just don't even bother with including them or drawing them.

>> No.75668252

Evanit0 deleted the post, KEK. I forgot to screenshot it

>> No.75668393

Heavenly has never been cool, especially if you've known him before his vtuber era.

>> No.75668533
File: 40 KB, 599x543, 1714761128032248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evanit0 supporting doxx

>> No.75668605

I just hate niggers
you’re ngmi

>> No.75668675

It's gone lmao, guess he found out about the Amedox

>> No.75668852

>give americans our own internet (back).
Yes please.

But that doesnt mean we like whatever that abomination claims to be.

>> No.75669059

Why is heavenly (not) cool? The only things I know about him are his appearances in lythero's and russianbadger's videos.

>> No.75669189

Nobody important. Just found it funny that she is there and wholeheartedly supports it while also saying she's against doxxing.

>> No.75669262

How come Blacks from the US are so much worse than blacks from anywhere else? Whenever you see some dumb or horrid shit done by a black person 9 times out of 10 it's from the US.

>> No.75669275
File: 305 KB, 1440x1981, 20240512_163223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry plenty of people saved it.

>> No.75669363

You're an idiot. The dude is tired of racism and that's why he was sharing the video. He has a video talking about how black people have to wear white models because of racism and that's what the video was about. He doesn't know Hololive girls for shit all he sucks on are indies and niji.

>> No.75669558

The video still doxxes Ame in the first five seconds you doublenigger

>> No.75669567

$10 says barely anybody actually watched the video, just retweeted it as soon as they saw it like Evanit0

>> No.75669584

>The dude is tired of racism
No one buys that anymore, it's obvious they want racism to exist so they can "fight" it, that's their whole identity. The racism in the vtubing sphere is so sparse, he had to include Suisei saying something that sounded vaguely like "nigga" as an example of it.

>> No.75669767
File: 109 KB, 640x359, q6ii9kgpwfp51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the context for her again, been hearing back and forth about whether she's actually racist or not.

>> No.75669838

Dude is the definition of a crybully, they NEED racism to exist to feel victimized. Majority of vtuber fans/vtubers are not racist and never will be, just don't get in their way just like i don't go to some shit majority of black people enjoy to grandstand that their enjoying it wrong and for wrong reasons. You either adapt or fuck off

>> No.75669845

literally a joke and the monkey in the op got triggered

>> No.75670130

Nobody gives a shit about your skin color but when you start antagonizing people about it in a relatively inclusive hobby and treat them like shit, treating them like they are a problem, don't expect to be welcomed with open arms. There is always going to be people who are unpleasant, why do you spotlight them and validate that what they do bothers you? Congratulations, they will do it more. Also no one has to use a "white" model. That's pure bullshit, get out tourist.

>> No.75670288

This guy has a lot of VShojos and Froot-adjacent people following them and praising them.

And, of course, Quinn. Why am I not surprised he and Kenji would be here. Honestly still don't get why VShojofags defend Quinn so much.

>> No.75670333

Having low views = the entire vtuber community is RACIST

Maybe consider that race isn't a factor at all and you weren't entertaining or appealing in the first place

>> No.75670528

I'm just saying what "is" not what "should be".

>> No.75671800

If the sheer power of Hitlers hatred for the jews reanimated his rotten corpse and he decided the best way to unite the german people was to become a vtuber, Mousey would raid him for the tiniest sliver of clout she could possibly milk out of him

>> No.75672212

Doxxing aside I feel like putting Japanese speakers who obviously don't know why a given English word is taboo saying said word on the same level as people fluent in English saying the same word is, in and if itself, pretty fucking racist.
