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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 300 KB, 720x720, Uruha_Rushia_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75573232 No.75573232 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy to think that this girl used to be the prime example of GFE VTuber

If I told them she won't do GFE forever and she will decide to collab with males on her own accord, I would get laughed at and called retarded schizo

>> No.75574187

Fuwamoco are going to invite a popular male JP vtuber on their stream in the future and flirt with them. If you disagree, consider OP’s point.

>> No.75574613

Alternative interpretation: her GFE was so high it manifested in the physical world.

>> No.75577615

You're retarded

>> No.75578382

I've said it once and I'll say it before. Chuubas who purposely play into the GFE angle are way more likely to be malicious whores irl. What kind of decent woman do you know of would prostitute herself in any capacity to strange men online? If you oshi a gfechuuba you should remember to only love the character she plays and be aware that the real person behind her is likely a bitch using you for your money. If you can't come to terms with that, just stay away from them. They'll all break your heart eventually.

>> No.75578611

Amen. remember this dude's words.

>> No.75578879

Facts. Just do a bit of research into talents that are gfe

>> No.75579088

sadly true
cherish the love of your mother because it's the only love from a real woman you'll ever experience

>> No.75579301

>It's crazy to think that this girl used to be the prime example of GFE VTuber
No its not all GFE Vtubers are like this they just want your money they are the pure definition of what a grifter is the people who fall for their game are mentally ill and need help

>> No.75579373

speaking truth bro facts

>> No.75579595

It's just proof that successful GFE vtubers are successful because they have real life experience and a boyfriend who can teach them exactly what men like.

>> No.75579698

takes years of hard experience for a woman to learn that men like when you are nice to them

>> No.75579941

>Why doesn't this desirable woman save herself exclusively for our long-distance occasional non-interactive non-relationship?
Yeah, it's a real mystery how something like this could happen.

>> No.75579982

Nah, don't smear a bunch of innocent girls over the actions of one malicious psychopath. After 6 years in this hobby there's at most 2-3 other names that came even close to doing anything as bad as her. This would be like pretending every gachikoi and unicorn was some schizo irl stalker who wants to rape and murder their oshi when this board knows 99% of those guys are harmless

>> No.75580037
File: 239 KB, 1136x1744, __uruha_rushia_and_uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_enumiyaa__580ec61b809556fce272b0b29d7f41c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much she charges for 1 hour of sex.

>> No.75580100

GFEs are all like mike they are all awful people same for BFEs

>> No.75581082

People say the same shit about people who watch GFE. Shitting on random people because of one evil fuck is insane and you should know that. Unlike Mike, my GFE chuubas actually help me feel better without forcing me to get into an actual relationship(I don't want anything physical).

>> No.75583169

Man even her model has a resting bitch face

>> No.75583437

Yeah.... malicious money hungry e-thot anime larpers who call themselves a GF to hundreads of internet men will not cure the untreated mental illness you have i encourage you to seek out real therapy for that anon.

>> No.75583585

Being lonely isn't a mental illness anon. I just want emotional intimacy with a girl without anything physical.

>> No.75583790

>this girl used to be the prime example of GFE VTuber
kek she still is

>> No.75583972

And ain't that just the saddest shit ever

>> No.75584032

that's the real idol larp though

>> No.75584062

She is still the prime example?
>All GFE Vtubers have an SO of some kind
>You LITERALLY mean nothing to them
>You will still toss money at them
How is she not an example anymore?

>> No.75584141

This is true for BFE vtubers too.

>> No.75584253

>on her own accord
That's one way to interpret what happened

>> No.75584518

Are you a fandead still coping she's not a woman of free will?

>> No.75587482

Considering she lost her husband because she was such a psycho bitch, I'm not sure what that even means

>> No.75587569

amen incelbro

>> No.75587822

>GFE Civ V Gandhi chuuba
Kinda kino ngl

>> No.75588027

I mean, she's also losing her fans because she's such a psycho bitch so, it checks out?

>> No.75589740

Sure but when she was Ru, she was doing well.

>> No.75589891

Hoeh? Anon, Rushia used to straight up DM her paypigs and bait them into dumping more money into her. She's by far THE MOST mentally fucked up vtuber in history.

>> No.75594713


>> No.75595156


>> No.75595408

She is still the archetypical example of GFE. It's just that unikeks didn't figure in the fact that all GFEtubers will eventually sperg out and become deranged whores.

>> No.75595502

Stop being from SEA

>> No.75595524

And you're willing to pay to get neither, lol

>> No.75595627

lol, cope cucky

>> No.75595662

>male vtubers
I predict jpop gyaruos who were big in the 00s

>> No.75595963

This is why I unironically will not watch vtubers who pretend that men do not exist because le secret boyfriend or not, there is a 0% chance they don't regularly interact with men, they're literally half the population. Obviously I don't want to sit and listen to a cute girl ramble about all the men in her life and I don't care for mixed gender collabs, but it's fucking uncanny when chuubas go out of their way to avoid even talking about their own male family members for fear of breaking their fragile GFE illusion and getting eaten alive by schizophrenics

>> No.75596004

Please don't look into Mumei, IRyS, or fauna

>> No.75596246

>but it's fucking uncanny when chuubas go out of their way to avoid even talking about their own male family members for fear of breaking their fragile GFE illusion and getting eaten alive by schizophrenics
Even Rushia used to talk about her brother and father and other male relatives on stream, though

>> No.75597069
File: 78 KB, 850x1117, Roleplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to inform everyone that she admitted it was all just roleplay

>> No.75597956

lmao its always just "roleplay" when these hoes get caught in 4k but never when the grift is going on thats the funniest part and why these types of thots are snake oil salesman through and through

>> No.75598124

wise words

>> No.75599482

Probably an akasupa worth

>> No.75602604

the guys sending akasupas don't get anything. her type is guys who openly treat her like shit

>> No.75605879

>retarded schizo

>> No.75606446

>He says with his fingers crossed as he prepares his next anti-Rushia post.

>> No.75607296
File: 82 KB, 648x1000, whatwomenwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that's called being a woman. Why do you think picrel is one of the best-selling novels of all time among women. The way you judge a woman's intelligence is by seeing if they're willing to admit to it or not.

>> No.75607517

You're playing a dangerous game. Women only love men who treat them like shit until they find it convenient or profitable to accuse them of rape or abuse. It may be thirty years later. You're never safe.

>> No.75608264

You need a good rank in apex

>> No.75610942


>> No.75611103

there is no qrd, it's a dumb catalogposter, especially when the other guy was talking about GFEtubers when there are no GFEtubers in Hololive anymore

>> No.75611235

ah, i see..

>> No.75611496

based and truthpilled

>> No.75611914

Posts like these make me wonder why unicorns like this even watch VTubing if they just hate it for what it may be

>> No.75611988

Don't pretend you're not a unicorn yourself.
Because like them, you think all VTubers are whores

>> No.75612694

The most funny thing is that she is now a 3 view in her new persona in wactor, to think 15k viewers was just a tuesday for her a few years ago lmao. https://www.youtube.com/@YorunoRuki

>> No.75612751

Her numbers are very good as an indie, I don't get going to WACTOR either

>> No.75613073

The only reason I can possibly think is that she wants to start again with a new persona, away from all the drama that has been going the last few months.

>> No.75613360

She realizes the drama isn't tied to her avatar but to herself, right?

>> No.75613425

They were silent when management wanted them to cheer for some fucking guys in Hawaiian shirts and Company Woman Bae had to cover for them

FUWAMOCO may betray you in other ways, but they won’t fuck a guy on stream

>> No.75614277

She is pretty dumb so I wont count on it, she also probably dont know that wactor is a black company lmao

>> No.75615079

They already betrayed most of the ruffians anyways kek

>> No.75616289

I'm not sure I could feel the betrayal through my intense masturbation if that ever happened for real

>> No.75617032

No, just GFE tubers. It's emotional prostitution, but even worse. Emotional gangbangs several times a week.

>> No.75617522

>I can't believe a chuuba that partakes in grifting ended up being a bad person!
Reminder that GFE is inherently predatory and targets the mentally ill.

>> No.75618023

You could say that about a lot of products if you take a liberal enough definition with the term 'mentally ill'

>> No.75618158

true very true

>> No.75618188

From Queen of GFE to Queen of NTR

>> No.75618284
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, Pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the only way it could happen. The obsession needs to be deeply rooted for the NTR to have any impact.

>> No.75618568
File: 23 KB, 500x281, ochinchindaisuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab with males

>> No.75618756
File: 130 KB, 1019x1024, 1670123515804966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never date a fan

>> No.75618796


>> No.75619427

michael cat isn't known to be smart, that's why she's always caught in her shenanigans

>> No.75621302

She was always in the middle of drama even before she became Rushia so it's something she has succeeded at once.
She just doesn't understand that she was never all that relevant before hololive so people could look the other way when it came to older drama.

>> No.75623039

I preferred Noel as GFE
