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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75569536 No.75569536 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.75569599

I mean he's not lying

>> No.75569680

And the sky is blue

>> No.75570361

That Tempus was hastily launched in response to KuroEN's success with males, probably. He probably would have prepared more time and less pressure.

>> No.75570824

You know, it's funny to think about all this stuff that they do, all the trouble they go to, and the management types all convince themselves that it matters when in fact, nobody is actually ever going to give two shits either way. They're just wasting everyone's time and resources. Fuckin corporate bubbles.

>> No.75571997
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>tempus was created simply to spite niji

>> No.75572072

>competitors compete
And water is wet

>> No.75572100
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>> No.75572117

No wonder the sisters are employing unicorn tactics. Offense to "our liege" indeed.

>> No.75572322

Duh? It's the same for Lazu-Obsydia in the beginning, and then they threw in Ethyria till they hit the jackpot and changed their formula around LuxNoc and then they launched the mixed waves

>> No.75573859

op are you ok?

>> No.75573933

>corporations (plural)
Just because Cover uses underhanded immoral tactics doesn't mean everyone does. He needs to stick to his own lane instead of trying to smear other corporations that he has no idea about.

>> No.75573968

Scooby dooby doo

>> No.75574112

Both you and him are retards

>> No.75574542

You guys don't remember when Iluna was announced IMMEDIATELY after Tempus was and their debuts just so happened to be the exact same weekend as Tempus?

>> No.75575313

This only happens with Cover and Anycolor. Western companies absolutely don't do this. Can you imagine Phase Connect or VShojo pull this shit?

>> No.75575419

You mean it wasn't a coincidence that iLost debuted a day after Tempus? Who would've thought...

>> No.75575523

Why the ever loving fuck can I not alter the fucking volume on a website that is for playing fucking VIDEOS with AUDIO without doing it via my system tray? Seriously. Absolute shit tier design, as per usual for websites now.

>> No.75575639

you can turn a shorts into a video by changing the url.
Just replace
Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ1ChawvCmg

>> No.75575764
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>> No.75577319

This is honestly why I can't hate Homostars. They exist simply to piss off Nijisanji.

>> No.75577369

I have a hard time imagining them doing anything at all.

>> No.75577509

He's really just confirming what everyone already suspected.

>> No.75579326

All of this on top of Western expansion and none of them have realized the high majority of us have no idea what an Asian is and haven't used it to their advantage to lean into Japanese stereotypes.
There's no introduction stairs either. They expect you to KNOW what they're about.

>> No.75580211
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why would VShojo participate in dick measuring contest, they are literally a drifting ship in the sea that occasionally rescues a talent that was throw overboard from another ship.

They don't even actively compete in any other medium like music, video or live production

>> No.75580923

Feels like an all out war lol

>> No.75581153

>lean into Japanese stereotypes
That would be much better than the terribly disappointing reality. As usual.

>> No.75581213

That big expose on AkioAir months back proves that small corpos do this too.

>> No.75581317

VShojo's business is picking up other talents, not in getting into a war like this. The worst they might do and I'm convinced is likely how they got Henya is having talents talk to other talents from other companies who may not be happy where they are and convincing them to jump ship and land in their safety net. But even that's iffy because apparently that's not at all what happened with Kuro and Mata

>> No.75582443

>Apparently that isn't what happened at all with Kuro and Mata

I call bullshit on that, Matara can say "Vshojo didn't contact me blah blah blah" and "On the record" that can be correct. However, she was already friends with Mouse and I guarantee she was asking Nina "innocuous questions" trying to feel out getting her on board and if any other people were as dissatisfied with Nijisanji as she was and relaying that to Gunrun. It happens with talent based companies like this all the time. In fact WWE (in particular Triple H) caught a little heat for doing the same thing to wrestlers contracted at a rival promotion with at least one talent jumping ship back under Triple H's wing.

>Vshojo's business is not getting into a war like this

So like how the debut of "Vshojo JP" was just two ex-Hololive talents (One who had been indie for a year with no stated plans to join another company) and nothing else for a long while?

The orc is right on this, the suits from every company are very much trying to do what they can to disrupt the competition. Now it shows a bit more with Holo, Niji, and Vshojo since they have more power to throw around, but even smaller corpos like Phase won't miss an opportunity if they smell blood (usually Niji's) in the water.

>> No.75582857

they do.

>> No.75583555

council didnt do aswell as expected

>> No.75583680

>The orc is right on this
He's right in the most painfully boring way. Of course Holo wants to succeed over competitors, but If you think a man baby like Vesper knows literally anything beyond surface level, you're falling for rhe same lies his Stars fans did when they thought he was cool tech grandpa.

>> No.75583754

feels like an all out war right now

>> No.75586236

yeah this is pretty obvious. its not a pleasant things but businesses do this all the time.

>> No.75590718

i dont know if all corpos do this, but there is no doubt a feud between holo and niji. just remember last time gura streamed all over nijis shit. i dont have it at hand, but ive seen a chart of average holo stream hours and those spiked a couple of times niji deputed a wave. i dont take yagoo for a spiteful motherfucker so i guess there is a reason for this. who knows how this started. luna ran from niji to holo meaning they must know for some time now to some degree the inner workings of niji. as for spys i doubt that. they announce debuts before hand, so that cant be it.

>> No.75595108


>> No.75595985

What is an example of espionage between anycolor and cover corp? Like they hack into emails or send a disguised janitor into the office or what? Also did Anycolor try to do any thing to disrupt Cover Corp around Feb/March 2023 which was around Covers IPO and the HoloMyth 3D showcase?

>> No.75596044

I like how this looks like he's just too fucking stout to be hanged

>> No.75596622
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They're both Japanese companies so they constantly hire ninjas to fight one another looking for trade secrets and the blood of the opposing company. It's a giant chess game they have going.
Blood. Strategy. Tactics, and cute anime creatures.

>> No.75597816

The spying part seems like the most damning part of this.

>> No.75598251

Why am I supposed to believe the schizo ramblings of some habitual liar?

>> No.75598997

Why would you discuss anything this guy says, everything he does is for the bit and i say this as someone that watches him, dont take him seriously.

>> No.75600249

Yeah the talent freedom ad campaign in japan never happened

>> No.75600481

Spying, yes
Sabotage? That's retarded. No putting out a wave or gen or what fucking ever is not the sabotage. Holy retard god.

>> No.75600824

Probably scoping out when the competition is going to debut their next gen/wave and counter programming with their own release. That's about the only espionage they could muster. Niji managers are fucking college students, they're not hacking shit.

>> No.75603342

It's probably more about Niji then Holo

>> No.75604460

He's just answering questions and this isn't a bit

>> No.75607179

I think that's what's being suggested at the end of the short

>> No.75607323

kek what a fired bitch

>> No.75608705

He's not just talking about Holo, but all the companies

>> No.75609048


>> No.75609524


>> No.75611637


>> No.75612325
File: 173 KB, 463x453, 1712959103077821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Randon talks about an entire gen being thrown away to disrupt a competitor
>as he says this, the "Doritos" in the graphic are changed from "Limited Edition Mountain Dew" to "Nacho Cheese"
the orc literally confirmed the rrat that cover corporation originally hired tempus to be cool gamerbros, but switched them up to be ironic cheeselords in some sort of six-dimensional mahjong gambit

>> No.75612795

A bunch of talents left Vshojo, so it's pretty obvious that they're all stabbing each other in the back, too.

>> No.75612811

I wouldn't believe anything Mr. "I can't do any of the work literally every other talent in Cover has to do" says.

>> No.75612932

But in all seriousness, everyone in Holostars should be terminated.

>> No.75612978


>> No.75613374

He did do the work, just slower

>> No.75614355
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>changed from "Limited Edition Mountain Dew" to "Nacho Cheese"
>nacho cheese
he's right, holostars is indeed not my cheese

>> No.75614468

>"Doritos" in the graphic are changed from "Limited Edition Mountain Dew" to "Nacho Cheese
That's his editor Akashi who makes these shorts for him and Vesper last year, so I'm not sure how much we can really read in to it.

>> No.75615515
File: 650 KB, 4096x2858, GDnk_AFWIAAC8EO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it

>> No.75615789

Don't you remember how Iluna auditions were announced, and then 8 hours later Tempus auditions were announced?

>> No.75616100

Cause glasses are sexy?

>> No.75616122

From his experience what would "throw away an entire generation" even mean?
Like force debut a new gen and stop supporting the old one just to compete with another companies new gen? Did that ever happen in Holostars? JP sure as hell hasn't gotten new Stars and I don't think Vanguard's debuts were rushed to compete with anyone else but I don't follow that shit too well so i'unno. If anyone knows wtf he's talking about please spoonfeed

>> No.75616284

I think he's just talking about industry stuff and not exactly Hololive. He's had other shorts about auditioning and graduations too.

>> No.75616883

I mean, yeah.

>> No.75616977
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>> No.75617009

Yet another case of Pomu being completely correct about something but /vt/ shitting on her anyway

>> No.75617440

what do you call kotoka ratting out mel then

>> No.75618687

a rrat

>> No.75619031
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>> No.75620237


>> No.75620451

Am I supposed to know who the fuck thatis

>> No.75620658

no, I just liked the so peak comment

>> No.75621827
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>they're based off of videogame characters/roles
>non-fujobait designs
>they changed the channel name from Tempus (implying they're part of HoloEN) to Holostars English, re-inforcing the separation
>dissapointed females spamming catalogue with how "ugly" they are

>Bros, I think they're unironically trying to appeal to us instead of the femoids. First major brotuber gen? I've never even considered watching a male vtuber before, but I might give these guys a try.

>> No.75622866

This was really obvious from the start. Yagoo even said explicitly that he wanted to create a male vtuber branch that appeals to men, that it was an untapped market. Clearly they pulled a bait and switch and tried to turn tempus into a fujo bait thing to get back at Luxiem. This is consistent with Randons criticism of Hololive and Magni too I presume.

>> No.75623363

i mean it did work. but where did it exactly went so wrong for them?

>> No.75623531

Cover got too impatient with the boys. if they just stayed on their lane, Tempus would had still enjoyed being mid 4-views while Luxiem implodes at the distance.

>> No.75623701

Anon, notVesper and notMagni act gayer together than anyone in Tempus.

>> No.75624045

Their not talking about fujobate

>> No.75624629 [DELETED] 


>> No.75624836


>> No.75625515

>Magni looks awful. Noir too. You can look at their sub count and already see there's a big gap. Both of them need redesigns.

>Noir at least looks not like an eyesore in motion, but Magni is cursed with bad model and terrible rigging. I am not sure how that got manager approval.

>I thought Noctyx had some scuff designs with Yellow Mario and Purple Luigi, but those designs are god compared to half of Tempura.

>Thank god Shu failed the Holostars audition. Cover is clearly on some hard drugs.

There's some good readings here!

>> No.75625961
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>> No.75626008

isn't this fag a confirmed compulsive liar?

>> No.75626216

Cover is extremely incompetent. I wouldn't let it past them to think complex plans like this given their track record. they cant even organize covers for their own talents properly

>> No.75626496

It's becoming painfully obvious to me that people don't know the difference between 'saying gay shit with your bro's for the lolz' and 'fujo-bait'. Cause Magni/NotMagni and Vesper/NotVesper are far and away more guilty of that than the entirety of the current StarsEN branch combined.

>> No.75627878


>> No.75628989

Maybe not a liar, but definitely not someone I trust giving out any kind of advice ever.

>> No.75629109

Yes, I wouldn't believe anything he says

>> No.75629690

The reason why people were saying he was a liar back then was because he could not show an image of the spear while he was in Holo (which made people think it was fake) and that his irl experiences would be exaggerated so he could turn them in to fun zatsu stories.
In these shorts he is just talking about things most people wonder about vtuber corporations and the crap all corpo vtubers know but cant say.

>> No.75629877

In his return stream, Randon literally threw shade at "Dorito supremacists" for not hypothetically supporting him on his non-holo channel, so this Dorito=hololive code is 100% on brand for him

>> No.75630124

Kind of, but wasn't that comparing his shape, he was a triangle and then he was a circle

>> No.75630263

He was talking more about Niji

>> No.75630279

Yeah, Randon with Lando is very obviously closer to a Game Grumps/Supermega/Oneyplays/SBFP style "being gay with bros" kind of thing that has an 80%+ straight male audience.

>> No.75630761

Isn't this just normal shit competing companies of any kind do to eachother? I don't know how much it happens now but poaching, putting double agents into a rival company and using leaked information to turn the public against your rival were common as shit like 20 years ago.
I do not believe they sunk an entire gen for this. It seems more like he's just blaming his and his old coworkers faults on "we were set up to fail in order to spite the other guy".
Now if it was a rival corpo trying to get talents fired then I would believe it. I would not be surprised if it turned out that VCR invites to Hololive was done by some other corpo bribing those content creators to fish for information to then use to get a Talent to violate their contract.

>> No.75631097

>I guarantee
I call it a worthless assumption since you have no proof.

>> No.75631341

what does cheeselord mean?

>> No.75631401

>sisters tries to make a story out of vague words
>can't prove who the victims of "being thrown to disrupt is"
Hmmm... The only vtuber generation that fits the bill recently is Obsydia. Both Petra and Rosemi thrown to the fishes with their poor 3D timing.

>> No.75631496


>> No.75631937

What were they trying to disrupt? Petra's happened before the HoloFes concert, Rosemi's happened when there wasn't much of anything going on.

>> No.75632001

There is no brotuber market for VTubers in the west. Ofc they needed to switch things up.

>> No.75632019

Exactly, people are over thinking it, he's just explaining basic things in these shorts.
Literally the next one is on 6$ subs!

>> No.75632075

Yes, but this isn't a lie.

>> No.75632088

The only time he is honest is when he bitches and seethes

>> No.75632205

This isn't bitching or seething, anons here don't realize this advice is useful to people applying to these companies, that's why he's making these.

>> No.75633317

Yet if you bring this up in /mans/ nijikeks will act dumb and say its was holofags that shat on Tempus predebut.

>> No.75633539

i thought he was a faggot
thus automatically proven lair

>> No.75633790

I still remember the hyped up PC building stream then he reveals he knows nothing about current state (at that time) of PC market

>> No.75633966

A male vtuber’s opinion is worth jackshit.

>> No.75634255
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>hiring with the intent of disrupting competitors
How much is FlayGOD paid to be the cucker of small corpos/indies?

>> No.75635889

To this day you guys are still peddling the "Yagoo said they were brotubers" thing. He didn't say that. He said the goal was a brotherhood like group that could appeal to males AS WELL as female viewers. Not to mention before they debuted Cover was looking for hires who had experience with working for female audiences. Holostars have always been and always will be for women.

>> No.75636013

You know I really hated this guy while he was in tempus for being a dramafag, but giving his streams a chance recently he seems alright.
Some people are just better as indies.

>> No.75636245

Not really. He exaggerates things a lot and sometimes says things without considering consequences + corporate work cucks him with all dumb restrictions.

>> No.75639152

>He said the goal was a brotherhood like group that could appeal to males AS WELL as female viewers
>Holostars have always been and always will be for women.

>> No.75639272

>that could appeal to males AS WELL as female viewers
Literally impossible the moment they do fujobait. In fact the only real way to achieve this is to be a brotuber.

>> No.75639781
File: 910 KB, 900x900, image_2024-05-12_175423989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it a girl was a better brotubers than all the males

>> No.75640169

Tempus was almost certainly a response to Niji's Luxiem. That's not throwing a gen under the bus, that's capitalizing on a trend. Randon is retarded though so I'll let it slide.

>> No.75640627

This is pretty normal isn't it?

>> No.75642694


>> No.75643023

VShojo's talents aren't musically inclined, but they've produced 3D concerts, and the videos they've released to hype up new talents are unique among vtuber companies.

>> No.75643201

So LK is a holospy confirmed?

>> No.75643355

because you don't want a brotuber.

>> No.75643472
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Orc lives don't matter

>> No.75643524

Yup. All of that energy would be better spent getting perms

>> No.75644683

the point here is that they were aiming for a male audience which you yourself confirmed

>> No.75645758

Back then, nobody could've anticipated NijiEN destroying themselves just to spite Doki.

>> No.75645868

Hololive/Holostars isnt bad at all, but he was just a terrible fit for whats expected from a vtuber hired from the company

>> No.75646297

lazy and lying whore

>> No.75646373


>> No.75646671

aint clicking that shit
