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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7553080 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN TTRPG General

Previous thread:


Current campaign listed below in chronological order:

Character creation
Kiara's character intro
Ina's Character Intro
Amelia's character intro
https://youtu.be/CLvdLn_S4uA [Embed]
Gura's character intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MiGxbsKyO8

Official Mythbreakers playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA-nna_2FcXRSeg0un0dogU


Session 3 will be a bit further down the road, most likely on Ina's channel. Kiara will most likely respec her merits to fit in better with Calli's homebrew rules; drop by and give her some advice if she's in need of some nerd savior. Any updates to character sheets will be posted as soon as they can be acquired.

>> No.7553114
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For newfriends / fa/tg/uys: this is a Chronicles of Darkness (CofD) homebrew being played by the fabulous ladies of Hololive English, running under the Hunter: the Vigil module. As most of the players are new to the world of tabletop RPGs, this campaign is being played as more of learning experience, with fun and entertainment the primary goals.


>Mori Calliope
Everyone's beloved, buxom, pink-haired, adorably awkward boomer reaper. A solid journeyman in playing tabletop, she is the acting GM and organizer of this campaign.
>Takanashi Kiara
An explosively extroverted phoenix and savvy owner of the moderately popular fast food franchise, Kiara Fried Phoenix (KFP). Her experience in TTRPGs is limited to a small amount of DnD played as a child. Her character is Tiara, a nobly born foreigner with a talent for handguns and communicating with birbs, particularly her pet owl, Uhu.
>Ninomae Ina'nis
A soft-spoken, sweet-natured priestess of the Deep Ones, also a talented artist whose character renditions has fueled the flood of Huntermyth fanart. A newbie in the realm of TTRPGs. Her character is Yuul B. Alwright, a sleep-deprived college student with a talent for academics, crafts, and vehicular homicide.
>Amelia Watson
An animal-loving time traveler and detective with a rough-and-tumble approach to life. Yet another newcomer to the realm of TTRPGs. Her character is Watoto, a paranoid, conspiratorial dealer of herbal concoctions and drugs who holds his own with rough street charisma and his fists.
>Gawr Gura
An infectiously amiable shark, long-time resident of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. She is also new to TTRPGs, but don't let that fool you, her roleplay and improv performance so far has been nothing less than masterful. After going through multiple drafts and iterations, she has settled upon the party's final character: an illiterate, tough-as-nails country blacksmith named Scout, a melee and survival powerhouse.

>> No.7553142
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Some WoD Lore from a humble /tg/ anon for those here not familiar with Hunter: The Vigil.

>What is World of Darkness
World of Darkness is a Urban-Fantasy Horror brand and setting created by White Wolf Publishing and now owned by Paradox Interactive. The brand is famous for such games a Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension and even some vidya such as VTM:Bloodlines.
The setting takes place in a gothic-punk interpretation of our modern times in which the supernatural is real. Ghosts, Fairies, Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, etc... they're all real in WoD. Normally, these beings all hide from humanity under a veil of secrecy. To answer why, humanity once dropped two nukes on itself in order to deal with other humans that were causing problems. If humanity ever found out about the existence of the supernatural, it would probably go to lengths that would make WWII look like a Sunday service. So the supernatural operate in the shadows, just outside the corner of your eye. Silently feeding off an ignorant humanity.
Setting-wise just think of the movie Blade, the Underworld series or a more Grimdark version of TV shows like Supernatural or Buffy and you've got a rough idea of what to expect.

>Who are Hunters.
An easy answer is just me telling you to "go look in the mirror". Hunters are just average Joes and Janes. Folks that have had a peek behind the veil and have seen the supernatural. Whether they saw a young girl get snatched by the boogeyman, figured out their boss is in fact a literal blood sucking demon, or accidentally clicked on the wrong webm on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Either way the true nature of the world has been revealed to them and there is no going back. Some folks try to feign a normal life, praying that newly revealed horrors never notice their newfound awareness. They eventually do. Others become reclusive shut-ins, praying that they'll be eaten last. They won't. However, some folks go and carve wooden stakes, meltdown silver heirlooms, and grab grandpa's double barrel shotgun.
Hunter is about those folks, those sworn to banish the darkness, drive the rats from their holes, and be the firewall that stands between the monsters and humanity. They do this all while trying to maintain their sanity. After all let's face it, watching a vampire magically reshape your friend's skeleton as if his bones were made of play-dough while your dog's blood begins to boil out of each and every one of his orifices is not good for ones mental health. Especially when that shit happens almost on a monthly basis. It is World of Darkness after all and there are worse fates than being eaten by a vampire.

>Why is it called Hunter: The Vigil?
Because hunting is a never ending cycle. One day a human sees the supernatural and becomes a hunter. The human becomes a fire in the darkness turning the shadows back. He continues to hunt, his sanity slowly grinding away at the horrors he's seen and the sins they've committed. One day they may save a young boy from becoming some bloodsuckers midnight snack. He take the boy under their wing and teach them the trade. A flame is kindled. Now two flames work keeping the darkness at bay. One day the hunter's luck runs out or his mind breaks under all the horror. The hunter dies but the boy, now a man, goes on. Carrying the flame that was given to him by the hunter. The vigil marches on and the cycle begins anew.

>> No.7553173
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Now that we've covered some of the basics lets get more into how hunters operate, starting with out they organize.
Hunters generally organize themselves into organizations that can be divided out into three tiers. Cells, Compacts and Conspiracies.

Ranging in size from a lone wolf to the local book club. These groups are made up of a handful of hunters who have come together to deal with the nightmares pray on humanity. Whether its the ghoul down the street selling vampire blood to kids, werewolves killing humans for sport, or the haunted mansion at the top of the hill that needs to be investigated. These guys are often the first line of defense against the creatures of the night. Cells are typically isolated in terms of support and operate on limited resources. As such they often take on threats with the resources they can get their hands on. As a result, casualty rates can be quite high in an already ridiculously lethal profession. This is counter balanced by the fact that there are hundreds of hunter cells operating across North America alone with multiple cells often operating within the same city. Think Scooby-Doo and the Gang, the Goonies, or the Winchester Family.

Two hunter cells oblivious to each other kick in the door to a vampire haven at the same time, hilarity ensues. Two cells make contact discussing witch covens on /x/ and arrange a meet up. However it happens, sometimes hunter cells run into other hunter cells. Most hunters agree that there is safety in numbers and that taking on the supernatural is a lot easier when you have n+1 members at your back. So they start to coordinate, share resources, and cover a larger area. Compacts tend to operate on a regional scale but aren't large enough to become full nation spanning conspiracies. If you can picture organizations like the Black Panther Party, III%ers or Hell's Angels, then you've got a rough idea of how big compacts are and what they can get their hands on.

Here be ye BPRD, Delta Green, SCP:Foundation and the lot. These organizations can span entire nations or even reach across the entire globe. They have the money, the men, and the means to take on almost any threat anywhere and aren't scared to throw their weight around. Most monsters think twice before tangling with these guys. What some Cells and Compacts may view as insurmountable hurdles, Conspiracies will view only as small speed bumps toward their goal. One downside to conspiracies is their sheer size. With so many moving parts and competing interests they can be prone to infighting and sometimes infiltration by outside forces. Getting a Conspiracy to act on a threat can also involve cutting through a lot of byzantine red tape (which is sometimes both literal and also magical red tape). But once they do act, any monster that hasn't run for the hills is in for a world of pain.

>> No.7553205
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>Some Notable Compacts and Conspiracies

The Union
An all American compact made up of a rag-tag collection regular average Joes who work hard to earn an honest living while protecting their homes and families from the things that go bump in the night.
One of the newest compacts on the scene. They were a collection of hunter cells that came together back in the early 2000's though some groups can trace their origins back to individual cells that formed out of various labor unions from the early 1900's. The Union is by all means a textbook example of what a Hunter Compact is as well as one of the simplest. With Cells sharing resources and working together to take on threats. The Union tends to opt for a more defensive NIMBY posture regarding the supernatural. They don't actively hunt supernatural creatures unless they come knocking at which point the Union will swiftly bring the hammer down on the poor creature stupid enough to wander onto their turf. Union Cells can range in size and appearance from your average community watch to backwoods militias operating out of a compound.

Night Watch
Started by a homeless Vietnam Veteran, the son of a murdered cop, and their gang-banger buddies in the lawless ghettos of Pittsburgh during the 1980's. These guys got sick and tired of watching their friends, family and neighbors get eaten by vampires and decided to take the fight to them. Their first raid against a vampire haven and their ghoul stooges was such a success that it sparked a riot that drove their bloodsucking overlords out of the city. Made up of the homeless and downtrodden. These guys patrol the streets and protect the meek from those that would make a meal out of them. They also fight crime and work to clean up communities they set up shop in. They run several community outreach programs to help folks get back on their feet, clean up the streets, and keep kids out of prison. Though these are often a cover to recruit new hunters.
Imagine the Guardian Angles from New York City during the 80's and you've got the right idea.

Maiden's Blood Sisterhood
From the outside The Maiden's Blood Sisterhood appears to be a normal college sorority. This of course is a cover for a loosely organized compact that works to keep monsters off college campuses. They got their start when one college professor noticed her students weren't actually exhausted from midterm exams but were in fact being slowly drained by a vampire. With the help of some students and some trust worthy faculty they were able to put a stop to its reign of terror. Since then, members who have not only survived but also graduated have achieved recognition in several academic fields and have slowly started occupying prominent positions in society to better further their cause. They are well on their way to becoming a full blown conspiracy. They primarily get their funding from wealthy alumni and grateful students. They do seem to have an odd respect for witches after what was rumored to have been a botched hunt on a coven. They're actually known to sometimes work with and even recruit witches to help them on their hunts.

Taskforce: VALKYRIE
From the mysterious Men in Black, to shadowy SWAT teams in black uniforms and no unit patches descending from helicopters. Originally a humble hunter cell that formed to back during the Civil War where they staged the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (who had died a few days prior to some paranormal entity during a botched rescue operation), this Conspiracy got its start back in WWII. Disturbing reports from British and French spies told that Hitler had successfully obtained several mystical artifacts, knowledge of black arts, scored an alliance with a clan of werewolves and a handful of vampires to boot. Taskforce: VALKYRIE was reorganized to fight Hitlers army of wizards, undead, and werewolves using nothing but their wits and standard issue army equipment. Where other nations hunters failed, VALKYRIE excelled and successfully killed or captured Hitlers paranormal were-soldiers, disintegrated his wizards, and put his undead horde back into the grave. Taskforce: VALKYRIE exists today to protect the United States from supernatural enemies, both foreign and domestic. They work to not only destroy but coverup any trace of the supernatural like they did at Roswell or during JFK's assassination. Thanks to Uncle Sam, they have all the latest toys to play with. From bullets that can hit ghosts, to grenades that explode like miniature suns. They're also secretly funded by Vampires who sometimes use them to take out their rivals.

>> No.7553230
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Finally, a special message to the fine ladies of Hololive English (implying they'd ever be caught dead visiting this dump):

A massive, Mori-melon-sized thanks to each and every one of you for all of your hard work in the creation of the Huntermyth series. This is a truly unique phenomenon for both the tabletop and vtuber community. Your collective efforts have blessed us with incalculable levels of joy, inspiration, and entertainment, and no amount of gratitude could ever hope to match it.

And a very, VERY special thanks to Mori Calliope, chief architect of this project. You are truly an exceptional person and one of the best DMs to grace the realm of tabletop. We love you so much for all you've given us so far, and pray that this campaign will be just one of hundreds, no THOUSANDS of the Huntermyth series.

>> No.7553267
File: 1.04 MB, 915x1173, Yuul Sheet Tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last character sheet. Let's hope we can get these fuckers updated at some point.

>> No.7553347

There was someone who promised to explain mage in full the next time this year was posted and am looking forward to it.

>> No.7553487

Stop. Fucking. Posting. This. Hero. Worship. Nonsense.

>> No.7553597


Link to previous thread

>> No.7553706

Maybe change it too, "nice that your trying something new for EN and clearly giving it an effort amidst all you other Vtuber activities." ?

>> No.7553753
File: 255 KB, 950x1344, 1625021622462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Mori, on the off chance you read these threads stop making every fucking male character the exact same panicky stammering beta faggot. It's really annoying and takes me out of it. Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.7553928

That sounds incredibly disingenuous.

Agreed. Or if your autism doesn't let you do that, at least drop both the entire >>7553205 and >>7553173 posts. They are 100% irrelevant to the game the Holos are playing.

Also consider trimming the OP. That's way too many links and then you just link the playlist? Trip out the character creation and intros, only link the playlist and the most recent session. Plus the booru, I guess.

Also also, rename or get rid of the recap even if you don't trim the rest of the links. It isn't a recap even though the stream is called that. It doesn't perform the function a recap implies, that of a summary of previous events, as it is more 'Thoughts on X's session' and thoughts going forward.

>> No.7554232

you don't belong on VT

>> No.7554234

I honestly hope that during their break they will work on any flaws they had on the last season and talk with each other though discord since three weeks is a long time in between seasons.

>What is that one buff Vamp guy, Chad, Papatoto, Scouts Pa and Ol Crinkle.

>> No.7554386

Mori should give Watoto a flaw that says he can't hurt animals or something. I think it could be an interesting part of his character, and let Ame earn some exp.

>> No.7554619
File: 21 KB, 195x126, That one Pistol Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, i am a fan of World of Darkness. i have played Werewolf the Apocalypse for most of my Adult life. I can really get behind streamer v-girls playing TTRPG's.
These sessions make me feel soft and droopy. like, no real serious shit has ever gone down. sure, they are behind schedule and down a vehicle, but so what? in my first 3 sessions, i had 2 characters. My first ever RPG character died to a Nexxus Crawler in session 2. i dunno, maybe i am just a hard-core battle-slut from a bygone age, but these sessions seem really soggy for some reason.
or, maybe imagine how it might have been.
...Tiara gets pegged with a rifle round and Watoto has to drag her ass away from the dog before they are eaten
...Scout goes to town on Sniff, and he's either killed or left for dead in exchange for Tiara's pain.
...Yuul does more than just spot things.
...Watoto is sentient enough to realize these are the other guy's guard dogs. Maybe he leaves bait and runs.
i dunno, i just hope they get more swings in and evade swings honestly, instead of needing padding.

>> No.7555027
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So does this mean Yuul is dummy thicc and her fat ass got stuck in the hedge?

>> No.7555054

Why make this when we promised to use the /tg/ thread?

>> No.7555117

What is the point of killing a new player with something incomprehensibly powerful in their second session? Never understood that school of GMing.

Or maybe more to the point I wonder if people would enjoy watching your sessions? Lots of women in your games? The fact you play Werewolf at all would put you in a niche in an already niche hobby. Mori is balancing a lot of balls in the air and working with friends who don’t know if they actually like TTRPGs yet.

>> No.7555605

from what i gather, she's average build.
Scout is the thick one
Watoto is fat.
Tiara was poorly described, but we all assume Charlie's Angel's build.

>> No.7556028

If you want to play that way it's fine, but most people will dislike that. Personally, I don't like to spend 5+ hours researching and creating my character just for them to die in 5 minutes to something I had no idea was coming. That's way more of a DnD thing than WoD anyway.

Because it's dead as fuck and somehow has worse autists than here. Once it dies we'll have to make the next one here anyway, so I don't see the point of using it.

>> No.7556247

They should have redone their sheets and fixed their merits before session 1. Now all the problems are creeping up now and they can’t ignore it anymore.

>> No.7556363

Mori is taking it easy on them by design, at least for the first sessions (shit, one of them got hooked to almost-death by a True Fae in her character's session zero, due to so many factors out of everyone's control). No fans aren't expecting them to go through the meat grinder anyway, it's been stablished that Mori is running it fast and loose through Rule of Cool, and letting the characters take center.

The problem so far is that she threw these big threats, in a way the PCs can't possibly handle in direct confrontation even with prep (the sniper changeling and briar wolves), so she had to work overtime in bending the rules to keep the characters from getting wrecked, specially when it's just a detour away from their actual first mission. Considering how the characters are, it would be better if they worked against smaller threats that can still make them sweat, like spirit possessions or trickier entities that won't challenge the PCs physically (they can barely climb over a wall without burning Willpower).

>> No.7556406

Hopefully, I really don't want to assume but I think its making the game less fun for them, that's the vibe I got in session 2.

>> No.7556496

the real point is that we risked things and got places. i did have 2 characters survive the overall campaign, at the loss of 3 others.
if you play it as written, even Werewolf is very lethal.
enjoy watching? well, yeah! we pushed hard and did a lot of shit. we didn't fuck around. after 10 minutes of constant rolling we've done 3 combat rounds. we had like 4 seconds to decide anything. when one of us died, we'd make a new character fast as we could, then literally got shooed into the next reasonable spot
(including "i was watching, and decided to join when you lost a bro")
women, yes!!! i had a HS friend who was part of the MtG group. she joined with a Child of Gaea, then picked up a Silver Fang Galliard that stuck around until the end. She was no looker, but this hopeless normie guy who payed with us was her future husband. I had my ex Girlfriend join for 3 sessions: she saw there was a Mummy book, went and BOUGHT the book, and played a mummy that we just had to bring back from the dead. she bitched the first time but then it became fun to RP coming back from a ka ritual. we didn't really have other women players that weren't someone 's GF or fiance joining. this was the 2000's.
Werewolf isn't that niche. we had the second biggest WoD group in town, but also playing Star Wars helped us too.
Eclipse Phase is niche. Aeon Trinity was niche...no one played that that i saw.
i bought the Wraith Book, and never used it. fucking amazing background though.
there were non-WoD RPGs out there that were way more Niche-within-niche, like Oathmarked and Gear Krieg.

>> No.7556574

5 things to know. "Arcana" govern what things a spell can effect, these are rated in dots 1-5. The more dots you have the more "Practices" you know for an Arcanum, these dictate how it can effect the things. Three types of spells, Rote spells are fixed effect spells you can learn that are much easier to cast, then you have Improvised spells which give you a whole lot of flexibility but are more complicated and prone to bad stuff, and then Praxes which are Improvised spells that you're practised with and better at. Spells have factors (Potency, Duration, Scale, Range, Casting Time) the bigger these factors, the harder and more costly a spell is to cast. Then you have Paradox which is basically backlash from warping reality, the more you "Reach" to cast powerful spells the worse these effects are, non-magic types seeing you do it doesn't help either. All of the above will determine what any given spell requires, can do, it's difficulty, and its cost. There is a host of magical tools and techniques that make these things easier. Every faction has is preferred tools that are symbolically important, basically magic wands. You don't need them, but it makes it easier.

These are the 10 Arcana and their purviews.
Darkness, decay, ectoplasm, ghosts, the Underworld, souls, cold, absence, enervation, endings
Blessings, hexes, probability, fortune, oaths, promises, intentions, destiny
Electricity, gravity, radiation, sound, light, heat, fire, weather, movement
Healing, disease, food, animals, plants, evolution, metamorphosis, physicality, vigor
Alchemy, gases, solids, liquids, shaping, crafting, transmutation, stasis
Communication, language, hallucination, Goetia, thought, memory, mental projection, the Astral Realms
Magic, the Supernal World, Nimbus, truth, Yantras, Mana, Hallows, tass, resonance, revelation
Distance, separation, sympathy, conjuration, scrying, warding
Essence, spirits, the Shadow, the Gauntlet
Prophecy, change, postcognition, time travel, time contraction and dilation

Here are the 13 Practices and the dot you get them for any given Arcanum.
>1 Dot
Compelling: Nudge a preferred but possible outcome into reality.
Knowing: Deliver knowledge about something directly to the mage.
Unveiling: Expose hidden things to the mage’s senses.
>2 Dots
Ruling: Fuller control over phenomena than a mere Compelling spell.
Shielding: Provides protection against phenomena under the Arcanum’s purview.
Veiling: Conceal things under the Arcanum’s purview from detection, or conceal a target from concrete phenomena under the Arcanum’s purview
>3 Dots
Fraying: Degrade things, weakening them and enhancing their flaws.
Perfecting: Improve things, bolstering them and enhancing strengths.
Weaving: Alter nearly any property of a target without transforming it into something completely different.
>4 Dots
Patterning: Completely transform a target into something else that falls under the Arcanum’s purview.
Unravelling: Significantly impair or damage phenomena under the Arcanum’s purview, or directly inflict severe damage using the forces of an Arcanum.
>5 Dots
Making: Allow for the creation of whole new phenomena ex nihilo.
Unmaking: Annihilate subjects under the Arcanum’s purview entirely.

If you want to decide a coinflip, that's Compelling Fate and thus requires 1 dot in Fate. A Death Knowing spell could tell you how someone died. A Ruling Forces spell might let you snuff out fire, or change the direction of gravity. A Weaving Life spell could change the physical appearance of someone or even their attributes. A Patterning Spirit spell could allow you to change one type of spirit into another type of spirit. A Making Time spell could make a pocket of time that makes the whole world freeze while in it. An Unmaking Life spell could kill a person.

You can also combine Arcana together to effect a wider range of things, Time and Life Weaving could make a person physically older. With a Making Space spell you could create a pocket dimension, but you'd need at least 2 dots in Time for Ruling in order to allow time to flow normally there, and you'd need 2 dots in Death in order to allow ghosts to use it too. A Pattering Life spell would let you shapeshift, but you'd also need Matter at 4 dots to shapeshift your clothing and gear along with you. Stuff like that.

That's pretty much it, I'm only at 4431 characters too. Not sure what else I should say that's actually important for the broad strokes of how they work. I guess I'll touch on Attainments. Basically each dot in an Arcanum gets you a new magic trick, they're like spells but not spells. At one dot you can Counterspell that Arcanum. 2 gets you a Mage Armour for each one, as well as a free Merit-like "Lesser Utility". 3 dots comes with better summoning of things related to it. 4 dots comes with the "Greater Utility" for each of them which tend to be pretty fun. With 5 dots you get to make your own Rotes.

>> No.7556608

>Tiara was poorly described
>Kiara literally made official art of what she looks like exactly.

>> No.7556620

See >>7556574

>> No.7556749

Nah, he's right fuck off with that Hero Worship bullshit.

>> No.7556758

All good points, also compile the sheets into a single image or PDF. We don't need a 7 post OP. It's crazy.

>> No.7556820

Oh, this board has higher character limits?

>> No.7556878

Yup. 5000. Don't ask why, it seems largely pointless.

>> No.7556882

It'd be nice to foster discussion on both boards IMO, but I agree they should follow continuously on each board (like /tg/ threads should follow from /tg/ threads and /vt/ ones from /vt/ ones).

>> No.7556951

The problem that making this thread killed any discussion on /tg/.

>> No.7556954

seconding this.

>> No.7557014

Also drop the hero worship.

>> No.7557053

i fucked up, the old RPG was Oathbound:Domains of Forge, there is a new game called Oathmark.

>> No.7557067
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>Tiara was poorly described, but we all assume Charlie's Angel's build.
From what we can gather on the first season, Tiara has a build similar to Scout based on not only that she tied Scout in an arm wrestling but also carry the van by herself. Plus like anon said she has official art that was in season 1.

>> No.7557127

hero worship? these girls are gametards and their characters are scraping bottom.
do you mean the simp attitude?

>> No.7557150
File: 103 KB, 1676x1080, VirginYuul & ChadVic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board made for vtubers to accommodate its recent popularity
>community of autists and untreated mental cases does everything in its power to disparage and scare their very idols from interacting with them
>Huntermyth pops up as a small pillar of positivity in a sea of shit
>retarded bucket crab anons pounce on it
I have never seen a community be both needy for redemption yet so determined for its own destruction as /vt/. You guys give /r9k/ a run for their money sometimes, holy shit.

>> No.7557155

That much should be obvious by now. It's unironically cringe, even by /vt/'s standards.

They mean this reply >>7553230

>> No.7557212

I'm a deadbeat and even I find that shit so fucking cringe.

>> No.7557238

It's neat and should be on all boards.

>> No.7557277

yeah, fucking simps. old school simps, if the age of 2019 can be called OS.

>> No.7557284

Discussion on /tg/ is worse because of the vtuber hurdle but I still think it's worth making threads for each session in the same way as the CR crowd does. More eyes on WoD on the board would be cool.

>> No.7557304

Eh, probably not. I honestly think it'd do more harm than good. I just wrote 5000 on Mage, and would do the same for pretty much any topic. The 2000 limit helps keep me a little more focused. I'm pretty prone to ramble so I appreciate the boundaries.

>> No.7557376

The discussion with the recent /tg/ while slow was decent. There’s no hurdle with the vtuber since it filters out people.

>> No.7557426

>It's neat and should be on all boards.
You obviously don't visit the schizo-wall-of-text centrals that are /pol/ and /v/

Getting any meaningful discussion on /tg/ is always a hurdle. The board has some of the bitterest wretches society could possibly produce. Toxic Avenger-tier personalities, there's no hope for some of them.

>> No.7557448

It wasn't always like that.

>> No.7557707

Now that the series has been growing, I'll take the steps to making the OP more digestible and less of a text dump. Just wanted to keep the general alive for the moment; rumor has it we've got a 3 week stretch between the next session, so there's time to do some much-needed editing.

We wuz productive an sheeeit.

>> No.7557747

we had a /tg/ thread that would last for another day.

>> No.7557810

No, it was never particularly productive (anything that got done like AdEva was usually done off board). But it was a lot less negative and toxic, cringe shit was more OK. People weren't coming to the board just to fucking hate everything.

>> No.7558113

Sounds like you want dead people. Maybe with an M streak, and there's nothing wrong with that. But any GM can make a hard game. You can always throw in traps or spawn more foes to overwhelm players. A good GM, however, is the one that gives players the most fun, while being able to tell the desired story. So a more relevant issue is whether the story is engaging.

I think all the other sessions have been fine. But for the last one, Calli perhaps undersold the mysteries of the Hedge. There could have been any creatures more threatening than just the changeling, turning it into a three-way battle while our protags run for their lives, not knowing what the hell they had walked into. They don't have to battle undefeatble foes, but just knowing those things are hunting them would add so much more to the atmosphere.

>> No.7558154

>4988 letters
Holy based. Madman actually did it while staying informative.

>> No.7558161

I was wondering why the /tg/ thread was so active. Jesus christ. What a stupid argument.

The girls themselves have said they were going to update their sheets after the tutorial sessions. They forgot to do it. They said they'd update after session 1 and forgot to do it. It's caused problems for them repeatedly, and will continue to do so.
>b-but they're having fun
No, these issues are getting in the way of their fun. Kiara isn't having fun when she tries to use gunslinger and gets told she doesn't actually have it. Of course they should fix their character sheets.

>> No.7558296

At least put some more points into Athletic instead of skills they never actually need.

>> No.7558349

I've bugged them about it on their streams a time or two. Kiara's taking steps so far, but they need to sit down for an experience session and do some respeccing, their current setups are less in-character than they are horribly gimped. It's all about finding the time, and teebeeaych if they spend a full 3-hour session on respecs, I'd love to see it. Better they get shit straight before a big fight comes up and they get sent back to the bar in a mop bucket.

>> No.7558487

Yeah, I don't get it either. Apparently any advice is the same as screaming in their chats about it until you make them feel like not playing at all

I imagine at some point I'm going to have written something like that for every splat and major mechanic.

>> No.7558508

>I've bugged them about it on their streams a time or two.
So you admit you're a backseater then? The whole reason you ragequit the /tg/ thread?

>> No.7558588
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They're not me. This is exactly what I meant. You just assume everyone is the same dude. Just stop trying to shit up a thread for like 1 whole day, please.

>> No.7558766

NTA. I just got their attention with some SCs or asked about it in chat. I'm trying to not be too pushy, but if they got their character sheets sorted out it would REALLY improve everyone's experience, theirs especially.

Character sheet is like the pick screen in a MOBA. 90% of the game is determined right there.

>> No.7558801

>You just assume everyone is the same dude.
Again with your projection.

>> No.7559020

>Character sheet is like the pick screen in a MOBA. 90% of the game is determined right there.
Ehhh. You can make a "bad" PC and still have a great game. MOBAs don't have a GM making sure the game works for all the players either

>> No.7559049

But that's constructive criticism, not backseating, illiterate-chama

>> No.7559174

Just because you think it's "constructive criticism" doesn't suddenly stop it from being backseating.

>> No.7559255

Please stop relying to the troll trying to make every thread about them.

>> No.7559415

A collection of the timestamps where Kiara talked at length about the TTRPG, including her issues/worries

>> No.7559462

I can't watch this yet. If someone could bulletpoint this when they watch it, I'd really appreciate it

>> No.7559486

NTA but people who argue against backseating ideologically instead of meritorically should go to hugbox echo chambers because they will never be able to handle any criticisms.

>> No.7559490

Posting this because it's probably the most TTRPG talk we've gotten besides Mori's "recap"

>> No.7559650

They sperged out last thread because I was "contradictory" for saying that Calli is a good GM while also saying she has problems. So, yes, they're an insane autist who takes everything as "the best thing ever" or "irredeemable shit" with zero middle ground. Best to just ignore them, they'll either get bored or get banned.

>> No.7559716

Unsolicited backseating is a cancer on streaming in general. It would be one thing if Calli specifically asked for people to send her feedback about what she could do better. All you faggots are doing is screaming at her to fix things because it's not up to your "professional standards"
At least try not to be ironic when you use pitiful hyperbole.

>> No.7559809

Nah, they hero worship.

>> No.7560052

yeah , I hope they can utilize their merits to the fullest next session

>> No.7560097

>Unsolicited backseating is a cancer on streaming in general
This is an ideological position because it does not consider the merit of the backseating comment. Even as philosophy it is flawed, because most mistakes done by streamers are not committed willingly.

Like when Gura fails to pick up a key item that will prevent her progress later on, any comment pointing that out is, by definition, unsolicited, and yet almost always welcome and acted upon, because they are fundametally mistakes Gura would not willingly commit. In another instance, chat helped Kiara remember her pistol can't activate her revolver skills, and she fixed that right away. Those are prime examples of good unsolicited backseating.

The worthless backseating comments would be personal opinions, like "why not try this favorite weapon of mine", or entirely wrong information etc. They have to be judged by their merits.

>> No.7560319

it's not worth it, anon. They're just after your attention and will give some retarded follow up to get more of it.

>> No.7560456

>Streamers have to play CORRECTLY, and if they don't I MUST TELL THEM!
That's what your "argument" boils down to. Let them make mistakes on their own. Constantly holding their hand and telling them what to do does nothing but trivialize them as puppets you think you can control
Nah I'm just after yours since you're so assblasted someone has a differing opinion than yours :^)

>> No.7560498

Kiara's ESL is really hurting how she's interpreting her performance. She's actually the only one actively interacting with the game systems

>> No.7560499

Told ya.

>> No.7560543

All this samefagging paranoia could be solved so easily with thread IDs. If /pol/ can manage it while also anonymously defending civil society against the Jews and their nefarious plans, it could work on every board.

Not every retard has to be replied to, or even acknowledged, anon. I keep this general alive for love of the Huntermyth project, and that little thank-you letter I include in every thread is of my own making, "cringy" as everyone seems to think it is. Hell, go look at my review of session 2, I didn't treat it with kid gloves because it was hands down the weakest session so far, tutorials included.

>> No.7560573

>That's what your "argument" boils down to
No, you didn't even manage to summarize my point correctly. In no way did I say streamers have to play perfectly. Until you can summarize my point correctly, I see no reason to continue discussion with someone who can not read and respond in good faith.

>> No.7560639

She's still trying her best, and really that's the most we can expect from her. When she asked about the merits, she let chat help her out (as best the spergchat can), so she's making the effort to improve both herself and the project as a whole

>> No.7560743

We need it for mogu spam

>> No.7560806
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Hey, those 24 hour threads were great!

>> No.7560987

It's not even about good or bad PCs it's about having it be functional and remembering what skills/merits they can use. Like Kiara was saying she felt really bad about asking if her merits applied and trying to figure out what she could do in combat. They also know more about how the game and their characters work compared to character creation.
It wouldn't be too hard either, just talking with Mori for like a half hour can get it all sorted out.

>> No.7561035

Hmm, looks like Kiara the most likely candidate for the being the other person with some understanding of the rules. Which sucks, because the complex language used in rule books is really hurting her ESL brain

>> No.7561131

Poor Kiara... She's the only one who gets it, but she's literally surrounded by people who don't.

>> No.7561154

Yeah, what you're talking about is essentially the worst idea for what the girls are actually playing. It's totally fine to like meat-grinder RPGs, but they barely function when you have 3 hours every couple of weeks and an audience of thousands to entertain. Calli is definitely going too easy on them, she's really straining the believability of the narrative to make sure they don't get hurt, but death doesn't fix that. These are all largely RPG newbs, and killing them off will only lead to them getting dejected because they have to make another PC and all the backstory becomes largely irrelevant. It's a narrative heavy chronicle, not one for killpigs.

>> No.7561235

>Kiara's char is the only one that looks like a full blown donut steel
It suits her.

>> No.7561338
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>Kiara was saying she felt really bad about asking if her merits applied and trying to figure out what she could do in combat
Hearing this made me feel bad but also slightly irked. Like, bringing stuff up the GM is totally legit, even encouraged. Out of character convos are part of tabletop. It's not like she's getting into some pedantic 30-minute long bitchfest over a completely superfluous issue.
>Oh, oh oh, Calli, I have danger sense, how could he have gotten the jump on me?
>Oh right, sorry. Yea, I'll let you take a shot at the same time he does, since he was still waiting for you up on the hedge. It'll be an even match
>Oh, right I forgot. We've already done the rolls and marked the damage, remind me next time and I'll make sure to take it into account

I think she feels she's being to interruptive / metagamey because SHE'S THE ONLY ONE DOING IT right now. Everyone else should be doing some OOC to the GM at least two or three times per session. That's how they're going to learn, and it won't hurt the performance one bit.

>> No.7561401

At least everyone understood that last session was too soft. Both Mori and Kiara mentioned it on stream

>> No.7561404

This, some of those descriptions are Half-life: FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES-tier. I write for a living, and even I have to squint and read some of these merits four or five times before the janky syntax clears itself up for me.

>> No.7561463

>I think she feels she's being to interruptive / metagamey because SHE'S THE ONLY ONE DOING IT right now.
Yeah that's definitely a big part of it. I don't think Mori minds at all since she's having a hard enough time keeping track of everything as it is. Kiara just seems to have enough experience to want to ask about these things but not enough to realize it's fine.

>> No.7561520

Hopefully she has a chat / sc reading stream soon. I'll be sure to mention it to her. She's doing the right thing, and a little encouragement from the audience will go a long way.

>> No.7561580

It doesn't help that it's full of grammar that only makes sense if you know the rules. "Suffer the Beaten Down condition" is hard to interpret if you don't know what conditions are.
The SC session of her LoZ stream was pretty much that though, especially the last timestap here>>7559415. She was pretty much asking chat what her merits do

>> No.7561723

Chat actually tried to give her some advice and encouragement though one killjoy sort of soured her mood. But the problem is a lot of the advice or the merits in general don’t make much sense until you’ve played a little. Think or your first time with a new system, or hell any new game really. It takes a few sessions to learn what’s important and what’s not, how things flow and what mechanics come up often. Until you get a feel for that it’s hard to tell if the advice is good or not. I think it will solve itself as they play more but I was surprised and saddened Kiara thought she wasn’t playing well. She got a little emotional actually.

>> No.7561829

Honestly a big problem is that it's streamed to a massive fucking audience so she is extra nervous about whether interrupts the flow of things

>> No.7561937
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>Kiara thought she wasn’t playing well. She got a little emotional actually
It's pretty well known she's got a bit more menhera than the others. She can receive a thousand positive messages, but inexplicably lets a single anti completely shit in her schnitzel.

She's doing pretty damn good for a combat-oriented character thrust into almost exclusively social / investigative situations. Her bird has been way more useful than I thought it would be. Although if you watched the recap, she intended to have Tiara fight 2 of the weak vampires alone, acquire their weapons, then teamfight it out with Vic and Uhu, but she moronically alerted all four of them and shit all over Calli's carefully laid tutorial plans.

>> No.7562187

Hm? If I recall Calli intended for Tiara to sneak around, not enter via the front door. She didn't even expect her to bring Vic along. And while she did plan the combat encounter, Tiara pretty much has zero chance against even one vampire.

>> No.7562246
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Really, poor Kiara. I hate to see or know that she crumbles like that with negativity. I'm not blaming her mind you, I'm like that too sometimes. I just honestly wish there was something I could do. This is the true pain peko, realizing how powerless I am to change anything.
IJust like Lulu and Coco...

Alright that's enough brooding from me! Hopefully all of them will get more used to it and get a better grasp on the system as time goes. Idk how often they talk in their discord, but in case they haven't, if they had a channel to spam TTRPG questions at Calli 24/7, I think it would help.

That said, hiccups or not, the streams are still super entertaining for me.

>> No.7562522

>write for a living, and even I have to squint and read some of these merits four or five times before the janky syntax clears itself up for me.
Which ones? It's only really Human Prey that's exactly complicated.

>> No.7562557

Calli is basically allergic to using the actual combat rules, Merits, or Willpower.

>> No.7562636

She didn't understand what "Pulling your blows" from subduing strikes meant, for example.
It isn't Calli's job to use Willpower, it is the player's. And the players need to monitor their own merits, Calli has enough to on her plate. You can't pull all the mechanical burden on the GM

>> No.7562850

>She didn't understand what "Pulling your blows" from subduing strikes meant, for example.
Oh well that's not a rules complexity issue, just a rules literacy issue. I was asking what you thought was complicated that it needed 4 or 5 read throughs to grok.

This is why GMs need to not take on this role of "rules explainer" like they're the only source of knowledge, you need to push players to read through the basics for stuff like this.

>> No.7562883

>she was worried about the dog scene
yeah, Ame fucked that one up. Kiara did fine.
>maze had no landmarks
yeah, the Hedge was overpowered for session 2. Kiara's idea to go up, although exposed, did show "3Dimensional thinking"
>doesn't trust bad guys
Again, Kiara didn't fuck up there. but mutilating a bad guy?
>wierd reactions
Calli is literally tard wrangling the session. it made sense if Tiara took 3L to the shoulder and got thrown off the hedge (should have been on the opposite side from Watoto realistically, but, that hurts them both)
>was worried about party split.
second guessing the GM is part of the risk you take. a fun RPG session does have risks involved.
>worried about merits
>worried about the contract
i think all the players missed that one. hell, i never went back and re-watched that.
>My rifle now!
conflict makes the session more fun...this will work out.

>> No.7562885

Especially when playing with new players it's basic GM etiquette to regularly remind them that they can use Willpower.
Not really, she's just the most open about her thoughts/feelings.
Though I hope she'll feel better after the weekend, she mentioned that she didn't have a breakday for several weeks due offstream work

>> No.7563048

The Darkling actually looks like their most dangerous opponent in the future. Sure he can't harm them but they can't harm him either. And a loyalist changeling (I think? He supposedly normally resides in Arcadia and no non-loyalist will willingly go back there) has so many ways to make your lives hell without directly harming you. I mean she can just up and kidnap Scout's sister, Uhu, Neeta, and Watoto's dogs and they can't do anything about it.

>> No.7563316

Reminder that Yuul has a scar on her cheek now from where Tiara shot her and all art should reflect that going forward

>> No.7563347

>It isn't Calli's job to use Willpower, it is the player's. And the players need to monitor their own merits, Calli has enough to on her plate. You can't pull all the mechanical burden on the GM
While this is true, the role of the GM is also that of the player's advocate. She should be reminding players they can do these things if they forget.

>> No.7563438

I agree, it's easy to tell that playing a TRPG to a live audience, instead of having the audience be a secondary thing, is a massive debuff to it because a player has to second guess themselves constantly about so much shit, instead of just enjoying the game and interact with the players with leisure. The fact that those sessions have one of them needing to stream later adds a tight timer to them, too.
It all piles up because the girls can't take their time asking questions to Mori, Mori can't take some time to -really- teach things on the spot... Shit is supposed to be relaxing passtime but it just feels like another streaming job to them.

>> No.7563846

The Bargain was just to escape, no? They've escaped, he's unharmed. Bargain fulfilled. It's all fair game now.

>> No.7563893

There was also the market access bit

>> No.7564946

I will now send an SC every session reminding them about willpower. It's like watching a guy with full potions run around with 1HP screaming OMG HOW DO I HEAL

>> No.7565052
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>I mean she can just up and kidnap Scout's sister
isn't Sniff a dude? a gay dude, but still a dude.
or, do you just love fucking with pronouns?

>> No.7565148

Stop fucking backseating.

>> No.7565175

I just forgot and default to the pronoun I use for 90% of discussions relating to Holos.

>> No.7565319

Sniff is a changeling, most are way past shit like that.

>> No.7565381

Is that a joke?

>> No.7569943

They didn't have to stream it

>> No.7573159

While I agree Mori should remind them about Willpower, they take it less as a reminder and more as an order. I think only Ina and Gura ever refused when asked.

That was funny. I assume she meant "cut" though.

>> No.7574131

I forgot who she asked but in this past session that person refused

>> No.7576590

Is /qst/ dead or something?

>> No.7577197

>They didn't have to stream it
