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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 136 KB, 966x817, kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75484333 No.75484333 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.75484345
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>> No.75484381

Did someone tell her how streaming hours is on of the least relevant metrics

>> No.75484448

Kiara barely beating Gura by only streaming about 6x as much lmao

>> No.75484524

You already tried this thread

>> No.75484781 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 1940x875, 1715192965183520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

list of proofs that Mumei = Orcschizo https://files.catbox.moe/boq6d5.png

-Orcschizo said that she was gonna debut soon and that she is NOT the VSinger, that means she's part of Council
-"lol no. this wasn't what my 'nervous' message was about at all. its >HOLOLIVE RELATED< but has nothing to do with that. i promise you im not the vsinger...idiots"
here you can rule out the "Orcschizo joined nijisanjiEN" cope
-"no. already told you i was born and raised in Germany, but im not German. dw im still European but im not Germanic"
Moom is the only European member of Council (now Promise)
-Moom didn't try to hide the fact, but rather hint it to everyone with the first clue being the Nazi rune and then the ":D" posting https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_en/status/1458180636452130818
-Mumei really likes Gura and so does Orcschizo, Orcschizo was spouting the famous Gura meme here:
"but this also means i have rewrite some shit in my upcoming update which means more work for me. another delay lets goooo"
referring to this https://youtu.be/NM3MqYbCcEA
-Orcschizo was a racist (do you remember the infamous Kiara BBC narrative?) and Mumei is a white supremacist, coincidence? no!
-Mumei has been to Germany many times https://youtu.be/UTOFHDsqHyM
-that burning KFP zeppelin in the first Dan Dan video looks so out of place, would make sense if she's Orcschizo
-"but im not german. dw im still european but im not germanic. thats why i understand the kraut discordniggers in the first place"
"kraut discordniggers" this probably referred to the trolls that harassed Drachenlord the infamous German youtuber (Kiara undoubtedly also caught their attention) and we know that Moom is a kiwifag
-Orcschizo did a 180 again seeing how insufferable Kiara was after getting to know her, hence further confirming the insider post "Oh if only you knew (that I was right about Kiara)"
-"to which she replied with funny images of Polish pope John Paul II without any context" typical Orcschizo behavior
-Moom doesn't know Japanese very well (Kiara got her spot because of this)
-Kiara said Mumei is what scares her the most
-"Kiara will die childless with her cats" sounds like something Mumei would say
-Kiara and Mumei drama breakdown: https://files.catbox.moe/hu7eq9.png
"Mumei said she's going to hang out with friends that day but she can stream" this is the one weird thing in the story
-Moom was diagnosed with ADHD she's a fucking schizo

and go to hell KFP

>> No.75484852

The absolute scum of a clipper added the images of the chart in by the way, in case you were wondering

>> No.75484877

I'll entertain your rrat. There's a parallel here too Kiara siding with bullies from Nijisanji and Mumei taking care of somebody who was bullied by Nijisanji is this even coincidental?

>> No.75484954

Last bait thread didn't work so well, huh?

>> No.75485050

So the "normal" graph should be that for every 100 hours of streaming you have at least 1 million of hours watched, having less than that means that at least you're working hard, even if people are not really that interested in you

>> No.75485153

>as if orcschizo's actions can be interpreted in any way besides bullying
many holes but this one is the biggest

>> No.75485334 [DELETED] 

goof thread
kill all kfpcucks

>> No.75485380

>Last Kiara bait archives because nobody gives a shit
>Makes another one right away
Mods needs to pin reminder that sage exist

>> No.75485403

Cry harder maybe

>> No.75485440
File: 12 KB, 166x166, 1690182247267899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura num of streams this year: 9

>> No.75485617

9 quality streams from gura are better than stale quantity. Look at the rest of holoEN the only ones that look tike they still give a shit about their jobs is mori kiara from myth bae and IrYS from promise and advent and their content is over saturated repetitive and over done. While with gura you know the stream was worth wait because QUALITY.

>> No.75485967

While Gura CCV caps in over 6x more than her lmao

>> No.75485968

Please understand, there is nothing else so they have to timeloop this now.

>> No.75485994

>sure my oshi only streamed 35 hours the whole year, but she had big numbers!
I will never understand numberfags

>> No.75486022

How does this rrat even still have legs, we KNOW Mumei didn't visit or care for notSelen. The timing of her break was completely coincidental.

>> No.75486205

merch shilling streams are considered quality streams rumao

>> No.75486229
File: 152 KB, 1080x1080, by_shachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'm sure it's just a coincidence

>> No.75486299

Go Biboo Go!!

>> No.75486314

Because they dont care about Holo or any chuuba, the numbers are their oshi
I wish jannies banned every numbernig and dramafag on sight

>> No.75486416

Why is no one seething about Suisei not streaming? she barely streamed more than Gura.

>> No.75486439

Yeah it was Shachi not Mumei who took care of doki. There's no evidence Mumei even knows who Doki even is.

>> No.75486464

Probably because she's constantly dropping hit songs and Gura has to date made what...1 original song?

>> No.75486518

This is the thing that people complain Kiara of doing and she's doing it with no sense of irony. This must be her coping mechanism because she could easily ask her co-workers how much they are getting for what they are doing a year. Not in exact numbers but just a range that is more accurate than the half-data people on here are using now. I bet she won't do it because it would hurt her too much to know where her actual value ranks. I like Kiara but this is really a bad look that proves the complainers right about her.

>> No.75486532

Because Suisei is an actual singer that makes other content than streams and Gura is just a lazy whore

>> No.75486734

>least retarded catalogfag

>> No.75486736

Redpill me on kouseki bijou

>> No.75486823
File: 375 KB, 916x1000, biboogamerlean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she plays games and doesn't really yab.
Her audition video was her beating a mod of sans she made to look like Mori first try

>> No.75487010

Well, this is one of the shitty clippers that I've clicked "do not recommend"

>> No.75487442

Wow! Happy for her

>> No.75488105


>> No.75488268

Didn't we already have this thread?

>> No.75488329 [DELETED] 

Kiara is the no.1 whore of hololive hands down and Suisei is sitting around #6 but ok whatever helps your sleep at night KFPiss

>> No.75488401

Queen Zoomer
Will collab with every girl in Hololive or die trying
Buries the Cringe
Knows she is cute and funny
Doesn't swear only Beeps
Co-dependent to her own chat gets withdrawal when she can't stream
Will spend 6 hours fighting the same boss without tilting
Wants to make every Hologirl her mom or sister
Can tardwrangle her collab mates if she wants but usually she just lets the chaos happens
Vergil Fangirl
Screams to horror games,
Can actually keep up with Kaela
Honorary Hololive ID

>> No.75488549

Kaela, the blacksmith, beat this gem into submission. She moldered her into a fine weapon with her own hands.

>> No.75488604

Honorable Mentions:
Lui and Aki

>> No.75488819

Really milking all you can get out of this one, huh

>> No.75488981

i see no lies here

>> No.75489013

>the one everybody seemingly hails as the queen of hololive singing
>1 original song

>> No.75489108

But they watched twilight and Pinocchio together...

>> No.75489228

>Honorary Hololive ID
thanks, now I know not to watch her

>> No.75489439

Not true, more hours streamed = more VOD views = better ad revenue.
The least useful stat is CCV because it doesn't directly translate into revenue, only indirectly. You can say that someone with a higher CCV will most likely sell more merch or get higher VOD views, but it's not guaranteed.

>> No.75489519

Damn, imagine Gura’s level if she actually tried.

>> No.75489758

Yes but when you are beaten by someone streaming half as much as you or less...
Quantity is usually not what you aim for but something you use to compensate quality.

>> No.75489782

Hololive sisters, explain Koyori's success to me.

>> No.75489904

OP here, I’m trans btw

>> No.75489930

So...what kind of yab will she inevitably fall into? No no one's innocent

>> No.75489985


>> No.75490172

How the heck is Kaela mogging every single HoloEN member (except for Biboo) this year?

>> No.75490324

She streamed three times as much to half as many people. Her ratio of hours watched to hours streamed is terrible.

>> No.75490335

Is that really still a thing? I haven't seen much hype for goomba singing other than the first year, by now she's pretty middle of the pack even in EN

>> No.75490368

orange woman keeps on winning

>> No.75490694

Yes and your seething oshi will never be this big. Unless they bot their stream. Gura win you seethe

>> No.75490783

Biboo is worth nearly 2 Kiara's. The only ENs worth less than Kiara is Shiori, Ina, IRyS, and Ame.

>> No.75490816

It's absolutely hilarious that she tries to spin it into a humblebrag that she's terminally online AND nobody cares. Streaming to no one just makes you an average Twitch streamer.

>> No.75490852

Asking that question makes it painfully obvious that you can't even read basic statistics...

>> No.75490917
File: 351 KB, 1050x713, 1693066462608295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ran away and made a new thread because no one gave a shit about his eternal orange seethe

>> No.75490937

She's not "successful", so much as she's the Kiara of JP. She just barely squeezes ahead of Miko in that chart with more than double the hours streamed. She's far behind Pekora with hundreds of hours more streamed. She's behind Subaru even. That sort of chart artifically prioritizes anyone who streams a lot even if they aren't popular, which is why Aki gets so high up these days. Koyori is the most successful person whose main personality trait is "hours streamed" but she's not actually an A-lister. She's perpetually top of the B-tier.

>> No.75491061

How does three times as much = barely? Also, she's in collabs and isn't even primarily a vtuber.

>> No.75491106

Because you can wake up in the morning and take a shit and you'll see kaela streaming during your work break there's a high chance kaela is streaming and when you come home Kaela is streaming and even after you finish your fapping session kaela will still be there streaming.

>> No.75491216

>She's not "successful",
She is by far top10 in holoJP in terms of popularity so if that is not successful what is?
Not beating Pekora or Miko does NOT equal her to being the Kiara of JP are you crazy.

>> No.75491344

>Not beating Pekora or Miko does NOT equal her to being the Kiara of JP are you crazy.
In numberfag terms it is. Oh, this holo didn't get 1 million views on her mv in 1 day? Grim, flop, ooof, etc.

>> No.75491840

it's the metric that sponsors care the most about

>> No.75491919

Sponsors are not gonna sponsor her for 50h of gaming.
Sponsors are gonna sponsor her for 1-3h and want as much as possible out of those hours.

>> No.75491956
File: 121 KB, 1056x1079, 1709343422830363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.75492021

If you're going to try to troll, it at least has to be subtle.

>> No.75492153

By what metric do you imagine Koyori is Top 10 most popular Holos? Because unless it's a metric that includes Aki (which would get you laughed at by everyone), there is no such way to make her out to be Top 10. Top 20 for sure. But not Top 10. Unless you're arguing for her being 10th or something in which case maybe you could make an argument.

>> No.75492243

>I'm an absolute retard who has never watched Hololive
Sponsored streams are literally paid by the hour which is why they are always cut off at the time that hour is up. They do not give a fuck about you streaming twenty hours on your own time, they want concentrated attention exactly when their advertisement is being made. They want numbers for themselves, not numbers for you.

>> No.75492297

This entire thread is anything but subtle.

>> No.75494925


>> No.75496005


>> No.75496330

Why can't Kiara incline the way Fauna did?

>> No.75496434
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, yab[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7u8asc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75496954

nice bait

>> No.75497013

Look, mom, the schizo posted it again

>> No.75497241

Because Fauna has appeals that work for the casual fanbase whereas Kiara's strengths are with the hardcore fans. Obviously there are more casual fans than hardcore ones, hence when given the opportunity, Fauna was able to get a bigger audience.

>> No.75498022

Only a couple of these are good things

>> No.75498248

I like Kiara.

>> No.75498273

I hate Kiara.

>> No.75498440

Or Kiara is just boring because she talks too fucking much. She talks so much bullshit that she doesn't end paying attention to in game cuts scenes and lore then is confused about the story because she doesn't know wtf happened or wtf is going on.

>> No.75498466


>> No.75498717

>m-muh vidya story!
Juat as I said, Fauna appeals to casualfags who care more about the game played than anything else.

>> No.75499404

And you just prove what I just said. How do you double down on being retarded.

>> No.75499849


>> No.75499957

Kek this thread died even faster than the last one

>> No.75500042

I only just found out that not only did Kiara not actually show the table on stream the clipper added it in but that the clipper also rearranged the graph on the thumbnail. Does this count as another case of a clipnigger causing shitposting to happen? I guess there's still no comment section raid. But still, I've seen that image of Kiara with the holo_data graph on screen with schizos saying that she outright showed the graph on screen, and I've also seen Kiara blamed for rearranging the graph on the thumbnail.

>> No.75500397

If there's one thing people love to do on youtube, it's fake thumbnails that were never shown by the actual person, or a scene that never actually appears in the video. Instant thumbs down and ignore channel. Fuck off with the scamming shit.

>> No.75502246

>so much as she's the Kiara of JP.
How the hell is she Kiara of JP? Her CCV is easily in the top half of JP.

>> No.75504513

Every thread about singing will, without fail, have some bumbling fuckface give his uneducated opinion that gura is the best singer.

>> No.75504590

She'll probably cap out at 20 screenshot this

>> No.75508950

I was about to compliment her on having good streaming hours but if she's only in the 80's that's not great. Doubly so if that puts her at one of the top English Holos for streaming hours.
