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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75361933 No.75361933 [Reply] [Original]

Leave mikeneko alone.

>> No.75361990

that dissociative disorder? me.

>> No.75362056

does she seriously not know why people are shitting on her
one of the biggest reasons is vindictive femcorns of mafumafu's

>> No.75362072 [DELETED] 

>Please have a human heart
>says the cheating husbandbeating pathological liar
But it is okay, guys. A mental diagnosis absolves her of any personal responsibility for her actions.

>> No.75362106

She is not being genuine. If she was, she would just stay off the internet.

>> No.75362138

If the diagnosis is legit, it makes me feel sad that it's not her choice to be a piece of shit. She still is though, so I'll continue to avoid her

>> No.75362146

Shondo will look at this tweet and say "this whore deserves another chance, her millionth and one chance uuuuu it was all a misunderstanding T-T"

>> No.75362155

She might be one of the worst people ever to do Vtubing and that's saying something.

>> No.75362214


>> No.75362227

>what have I done to you guys.
According to the unicorns and gachikois the only mortal sin you committed was getting married to a man they consider gay and twink in pursue of your own happiness.

>> No.75362231

what about the animal abuse

>> No.75362246

her downfall should be a fucking case study

>> No.75362251

>boohoo I'm so sick please pity me
I hope she gets fucked over even more. Bitch is reaping what she has sown.

>> No.75362253


>> No.75362277

Yeah is just mfmf femcel and not the seething unicorns and gachikois who still hurt about the discord message lmao

>> No.75362330

Well you say that in jest but that is why Chris-chan got away with it.

>> No.75362366

what did I do now

>> No.75362371

Shondo is currently trying not to die; I'm not sure she's going to bother checking on Mike is up to.

>> No.75362393

Mental illnesses don't magically appear out of nowhere. She's not stuck in the environment that ended up creating them so ultimately they're a result of her own shit personality.

>> No.75362403

retard her gachis are funding her to this very day

>> No.75362407

No, Mel Nekomata is the worst and it's not even a contest.

>> No.75362422

It's literally everyone except gigasimps at this point, she is the laughing stock of the Japanese internet

>> No.75362438

In lieu of a missing /news/ thread, here's what's upsetting her currently: a random song mixer leaking a job request DM from her instead of rejecting it privately

>> No.75362450


>> No.75362484

why is that nigga so upset tho...

>> No.75362491

I mean, it explains a lot. I would’ve gussed BPD but this is a lot better I suppose

>> No.75362510

mike i beg you delete twitter and take a fucking break stop attracting more yabs

>> No.75362548

I mean, kinda unnecessary

>> No.75362567

Depersonalization doesn't make you a piece of shit.

>> No.75362575

She's a woman, pls understand.

>> No.75362597
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>> No.75362607

Well, I agree with her that it is a strange thing to do. Not worth getting your panties in an uproar over though lmao

>> No.75362624

I don't get what this guy's problem is. If I was him I would just reject her in DMs and move on.

>> No.75362638

When will she ever be happy....

>> No.75362646

Depersonalization and dissociation disorders are literally the mildest mental illnesses and they have no relation to her shitty behavior.
It is so pathetic if SHE tries to force herself as a vitcim

>> No.75362662

Man. I would've felt bad if this was any other vtuber.

>> No.75362670

Looks like a nobody with <1k followers, probably figured he could get more clout leaking DMs than mixing the songs.

>> No.75362673

Welll there's also the persistently lying about it part while still grooming her followers and abusing their loneliness and hipelessness for a big profit.

>> No.75362676

she was trying to rip him off and request too much
also the guy hates mike beforehand judging from his past tweets
why did mike pick this guy? I dunno shes a dumbass i guess

>> No.75362684

Betcha it's a mafu fan

>> No.75362715

Mixers are not people with huge followings. They do a job that almost anyone can learn to do on their own.

>> No.75362723

mike pretty much is persona non grata with the japanese

>> No.75362724

Her ex-husband has deep connections within the music world; I imagine many within it hate her. Not excusing his pettiness, but it explains it somewhat.

>> No.75362752

This guy has definitely nothing to do with mafu.

>> No.75362753

Ok that guy is pretty shitty, he is butthurt because he got commissioned... 4 songs... and because he despises anyone known????

>> No.75362762

Maybe a bad actor in her inner circle? Wouldnt surprise anyone

>> No.75362771

Yikes, that's pretty bad. Openly sharing a private DM for something to ubiquitous is more or less signaling to rest of JP it's open season on her and to deny her any business opportunities and dunk on her by posting the requests and then ghosting or rejecting. It'll all depend on whether it trends or not.

>> No.75362804

its definitely something personal. You can easily refuse and keep shit discreet especially since thats common practice in japan

>> No.75362813

Damn this is just bullying now. She should just get a real job at this rate.

>> No.75362823

Sounds like a weird culture, shouldnt the mixer twittertard be the one suffering loss of customers from his unprofessionalism?

>> No.75362859

Wouldn't those two specific disorders make it not a painful experience?

>> No.75362868

The DM mentions a 3D live, so that's a surprise that's gone to waste

So just.. discuss the terms then? She's probably only going off of the commission price on their profile, literally no harm in making her pay more or whatever

>> No.75362896

Everyone hates Mike at the moment so people will dunk on her in anyway they can. It's like with the dream situation.

>> No.75362913

reminder that mafumafu is pretty much male taylor swift in terms of popularity in japan and im sure he has far reaching connections and nobody wants to piss him off or go to mike’s side

>> No.75362919

I never miss an oportunity to anti Shondo, besides the hiatus started a month ago she has to be better or she made it all up to get a pregnancy break.

>> No.75362949 [DELETED] 


>> No.75362958

I hate michael gato and all but this is a pretty dick move by the sound mixer.

>> No.75362984

I know you're trying to help people's perception of how popular he is but he's nowhere near her level in japan

>> No.75363001

Yea pretty scummy imo I bet its personal with this guy and also the clout of shitting on the current most hated vtuber in japan

>> No.75363007

Never followed her, never will, but honestly this whole mess is getting a bit painful to watch.

>> No.75363029

She just asked if he could do 4 songs for her. He had the chance to suggest higher pricing but instead leaked the very first DM from her.

>> No.75363084
File: 30 KB, 604x615, 85A66E33-F3CC-4361-ACB8-B25A72AEB2C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike comissions artists to mix some songs for her
>one of them tried being petty for lulz and broke confidentiality by exposing the request DM to the public, also leaking the fact that Mike is preparing for a 3D live.
i swear /vt/ are pavlovian conditioned to respond like this everytime a news about her comes out.

>> No.75363093

So do you think this guy is getting sued?

>> No.75363139

Good one.

>> No.75363224

she might not, but this guy had his reuptation ruined in an instant. you just don't bully someone like that for no reason. not even the mafu schizos can defend that.

>> No.75363256

because she's offering him like $120 for 4 songs when she's one of the richest vtubers to exist

>> No.75363290

That's both of your fault though. YOU WERE RETARDED ENOUGH TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER.

>> No.75363374

The mixer is a dick trying to farm sympathy points because Mike is so hated, but Mike is still a menhera jerkass too

>> No.75363422

Would be hilarious if she meant $120 for each song so $480 total but when he saw it was her his brain glitch and misunderstood it as $120 for all 4 songs and put her on blast for no reason.

>> No.75363446

>She's offering
she literally didn't offer anything yet, she only said nice to meet you

>> No.75363447

I still would.

>> No.75363449

She might try but honestly there's no reason to. Even mike antis are shitting on this guy because he's an embarrassment.

>> No.75363456

Giri giri…

>> No.75363489

I hope she gets the help she needs and I hope you drama fags get the help you need

>> No.75363503

Menhera gonna menhera, it's within expectations. But the dude legit fucked up. If I were looking for a mixer I would never hire this guy, just for the fact that he leaks business DM's to the public like that.

>> No.75363525

Nah she didn't offer shit, basically just requested 4 songs to be mix'd

>> No.75363629
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Reminder that she married a male behind her fan's backs.

>> No.75363643

nah shes kinda broke these days begging for work

>> No.75363645

How do you think she'll handle a customer being rude and stubborn?

>> No.75363672

Glad everyone on comment dunk on this guy. What an asshole.

>> No.75363688

AV idol is a real job

>> No.75363693

>I never miss an oportunity to anti Shondo
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.75363694

Mel, stop self-posting and focus on your totally real job kek.
>Somethingsomething Micheal Cat did the same thing somethingsomething

>> No.75363697

Her paypigs are still giving her money you imbecile, that's why she's still a vtuber and not working a mcjob.

>> No.75363714

So fucking what incel? Everyone should remain miserable because you're miserable? Get fucked.

>> No.75363729

This is the same girl who thought it was a good idea to ask for streaming advice from a Jun orbiter right after she got fired from Hololive

>> No.75363760

>Please have a human heart
Is she like offering or something?

>> No.75363766

And they're cucks for that just like you.

>> No.75363775

The price is in his bio
For those of you who dont understand, there has been a lot of drama in japan about rich people buying up all the stuff that's priced low to be affordable to everyone who is broke.
This is an issue in supermarkets, restaurants etc basically everywhere in japan right now.
So a rich person coming in and going "I'll take a bunch of slots!" for cheap commissions is going to be frowned on

>> No.75363782

those are just accusations by a known liar btw

>> No.75363786

Did you guys know Mikeneko recently debuted as another chuuba under the company that used to be Wactor?


>> No.75363815
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this guy's career is fucked also >877followers

>> No.75363838

I literally did nothing, I left her alone, I even unsubscribed her channel, so that I can completely leave her alone.

>> No.75363841

This, regardless of what you think of her this mixer just branded them with a giant scarlet letter of being petty and unprofessional as fuck. They best be brushing up on their burger flipping skills and looking for work at a konbini.

>> No.75363853


>> No.75363856
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>> No.75363882

What are you even arguing anymore lmao. First you insulted the people who are seething at her, now you're seething at her while insulting her supporters. Tranny moment I guess.

>> No.75363905

the guy's asking price is around 2000-3000 yen per song, which is 20-30 dollars pre-crash, so yeah the 120 dollars is pretty accurate, but still it's not like Mike is lowballing him with that offer. that guy's just being petty for clout.

>> No.75363918

you can hate her for what she did. i m thankful for all the free dramas she brings kek. But this dude is not professional at all and trying to ride on mikes dick for internet points. good luck getting any request from other vtubers

>> No.75363934

Of course, you can never trust someone who has leaked private DMs of a professional business exchange

>> No.75363938


>> No.75363937

il give it 3 months until she fucks up and gets terminated here too

>> No.75363939

Literally just charge her more, is haggling restricted to Osakan babaas or something

>> No.75363971

Aww the lil tranny's brain broke when called out.

>> No.75363976

>Please have a human heart
Her life fell apart because she didn't have it

>> No.75363988

i have never of mixers. only audio engineers.
are these "mixers" like dollar-store audio engineers? are these some lowlife niggas who opened garage band one time and suddenly think theyre a professional? wtf is tthis?

>> No.75364004

I don't like hypocrite whores that discover purity when it's convenient for their career. Old Shondo was a drunkass hoe that would get wasted on discord and talk about loli porn, new Shondo can't see a nipple without "y-yabai!! O///O"

>> No.75364070

she accused mafu^2 of that, not the other way around

>> No.75364090

my pavlovian conditioning in regards to mickey kot is the desire to ejaculate on her face every time I see her

>> No.75364117

It's a dramafag looking for (you)s. They have no real opinions.

>> No.75364120

you need to have your ears checked if you think that's her.

>> No.75364146

There are fandead who still think they can fix her.

>> No.75364166


>> No.75364261

>muramako got in too
Huh, good for them I guess

>> No.75364334

What is she? A fleshlight for corpos. Wtf?

>> No.75364338

Mixers have always been a thing, it’s when you dont have the software to do your own mixing. Just like you’d send your track to mastering at an audio engineer because they got all the good hard/software. So yeah, it is kinda cheaping out but you know.

>> No.75364373


>> No.75364402

Mentally abused individual joins an abusive company. What could go wrong amirite ?

Would be based of her if she can finish off Wactor for good

>> No.75364438

Kek what a KWAB

>> No.75364469

I don't want to defend her, but the dissociative disorder diagnosis makes a lot of sense. She used to say that if she couldn't be Rushia anymore, she would die. She seemed genuine when she was Rushia so knowing the mfmf stuff was going on made me wonder how she directly lie to so many people that loved her every day in chat and not feel guilty at all. I think this might explain the apparent sociopathy.
Part of it is that in her head, it's not her doing bad things or betraying people, it's someone else. It's not her that people are mad at, it's someone else. But she doesn't know who. She can't know who. It's scary stuff if she isn't faking it and the doctor is correct.

>> No.75364475


>> No.75364498
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>good for them

>> No.75364559


>> No.75364772

That's not what depersonalization is at all. Basically you feel like you aren't part of your body and environment, like you are detached from everything. Distressing, yes. But it doesn't consequently follow for you to be compelled to engage in antisocial behaviour.

>> No.75364826

NTA, but if you promise your fans there are no men in your life (or become an idol so that's implied), then you shouldn't be surprised when those fans you lied to and manipulated get angry.
No one forced her to lie. You can call others incel, but you're an objectively bad person.

>> No.75364848

Mike just can't get a break, can she?

>> No.75364899

>She recreates the model every time she fails at something or cannot meet another demand with the current character.
>She likes to throw away burdensome responsibilities and reset quickly.
How can you trust what someone like her says?

>> No.75364931

I left her alone a while ago. She's just an anime girl online. I can't be bothered to care too much about what she does with her paypigs.

>> No.75364937

is this like when you guys thought haachama reincarnated as an indie i'm too lazy to open the video

>> No.75364985

This, but unironically

>> No.75365066

i'd feel pity but she does it to herself. there's only so many times you can watch someone thrust their hands into the fire and complain about getting burnt

>> No.75365071

How long will it take before this persona is swarmed by all of her old fans and her attempt at reputation reset becomes completely nullified?

>> No.75365112

Is this supposed to be concrete proof or something? Who is this guy?

>> No.75365150

I don't, are they black? If so then her being there would help with the eventual self-implosion anyway

>> No.75365181

yknow retail isn't the only real work out there. Even for 0 requirements jobs. You can work in many office jobs with just primary education, plus you can be a street sweeper or garbage disposal, or janitor, or doorwoman, etc.

>> No.75365206

>how she directly lie to so many people that loved her every day in chat and not feel guilty at all.

She is still holding the title of most superchatted VTuber in the world for 4 consecutive years. She believes that her tactic makes her mega rich and she believes she can get away with anything because her blind loyal fans will defend her at all cost

The fact that she fucking married to someone means even "The symbol of GFE" doesn't give a flying fuck about the number one rule of being GFE streamer. The remaining Nekofamis may cope and try their best to give her an exception, but they know they are hurt deep inside, and some hardcore fans already left her for someone else like Soju the clipper

If she actually cared about GFE and her fans, she should have never thought about marrying someone, and she definitely should have never lied about her being super seiso and eternally loyal to the fans

She distanced herself from the majority of community to please the gachikois

She actively cucked them for 3 years until the ex-husband dropped the curtains

No one did this to her. Kore did not plant Mafu into her life. She did this to herself. This is "fuck around and find out" and no amount of illness can excuse what she had done

>> No.75365222

>Who is this guy?
ex dubai foreign intelligence

>> No.75365295

In Japan.

>> No.75365298

Man, that's a name I haven't heard in a while

>> No.75365314

People talk so seriously about shit on here. Reading this makes it sound like Mike is a serial killer

>> No.75365342

If you can read hiragana/kanji check out japanese social media, some of the people going after her are straight up insane.
There are schizos of a level there I would only have thought possible to come out of china.

>> No.75365389

It is always gonna be sort of funny to me that /vt/ of all places decided to basically support Mafumafu

>> No.75365399

>says the cheating husbandbeating pathological liar
>says the cheating, grooming, alien looking pathological liar
It's crazy to me that people here believe anything mafu says, just goes to show that /vt/ is mostly eop's I guess.

>> No.75365420

Yeah she is too fucked up for this kind of thing

>> No.75365428

Just because she still has her gaggle of gigasimps supporting her doesn't mean some of the unicorns didn't turn on her, which btw would have been totally deserved. When you build your house on tricking mentally unstable loners into sending you money, you also deserve to suffer the fallout from it all

That said mafumafu fangirls are probably worse because of how vindictive women can be

>> No.75365429

I do find it funny that vt of all places just believes anything mfmf says is true and that he isn't also a fucked up dude craving attention and, like all celebrities, constantly trying to find ways to get it while fucking over other people if it helps him

>> No.75365431

How? She can't do anything besides stream, she tried to branch out into VA work because of that but the alien twink mad them break off the contract.

>> No.75365437

we hate whores here

>> No.75365469

Stay the fuck away from girls with uncontrolled BPD. Don’t try arguing with them, they will not admit they’re wrong, even with actual evidence and manipulate the shit out of you. Even if you caught her playing "APEX" with man all night, she still will be able to convince your dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back. Get ready for her to try and contact you every few months for the next several years. Chicks like that are absolute serial cheating psychos.

>> No.75365491

No you don't. There's whole generals devoted to VShojo, Niji, Idol, Phase, Holo etc.etc. I can assure you there will be multiple individuals throughout that who are seeing other people and have seen other people throughout their careers so far.

VT just has a big crush on Mafumafu for some reason

>> No.75365504

they can both be terrible people, they can both be arseholes that sold their audience lies and took advantage of vulnerable loners

>> No.75365513

>she has to be better
My aunt has schizophrenia, she was locked away for close to 2 years one time.
Her meds stopped working and she tried to stab pencils into her ears because the weird grandma she hallucinated didn't stop screaming at her. (Not that it would have actually helped her to go deaf)
She has cameras all over her apartment now, so she can look at her phone to see if the people talking to her are actually there or not.

>> No.75365554

>headcanon is equal to confirmation
ok cuck

>> No.75365556

But maybe he wants to in the future.

>> No.75365559

>even the symbol of GFE doesn't give a flying fuck
I hate this world
I hate how it is set up
If i suggest changing it for the better, i get called "selfish" or "a tyrant"
If it truly can't get better, that being a world where she means something, then the heat death of the universe can't come soon enough even if it's actively helped to come faster.
Fuck this suffermaxxing shit man

>> No.75365608

>another month, another drama baiting
why can't she just fuck off already?

>> No.75365614

>put price on a product
>person wants to buy product
Wow, I wonder why the yen is collapsing.

>> No.75365625

Sure but that isn't what /vt/ says. These threads are never 'Mike and mfmf suck' they are almost always 'Mike sucks' and a lot of the time basically repeat what mfmf said as all the evidence they need.

>> No.75365667

If you genuinely think none of those girls and guys have relationships going on there is nothing I can say. You're clearly an idiot or desperately lying to yourself for some reason.

>> No.75365678

>this guy's career is fucked
Maybe he hopes to get into the massive mafumafu circle.

>> No.75365682

we love homos here. ask /#/

>> No.75365710

Mostly because the same antis apparently have her name in their filters and flock to all of her threads

>> No.75365737

It is true, surprised how progressive /vt/ is. Like Silvevale is hated but if anyone shittalks Froot people come out of the woodwork to defend her. Expected that on twitter and reddit, surprised to see it is even the case here

>> No.75365744

Imagine a corpo so black that even Nijisanji isn't as evil as them.
The CEO had a termination announcement listing the full name and other info about one or more of his former talents

>> No.75365748

>more cuckcanon

>> No.75365762

She is trying to escape from the crazy japanese netizens. If you think /here/ schizos are bad you have seen nothing.
Any mentally stable person would just drop her and move on with their life.

>> No.75365777

women like this are incapable of happiness
they destroy anything that could lead to happiness through their inescapable neurosis

>> No.75365784

Sure, but doesn't change what it is. Surprised /v/t likes tonguing Mafumafu's ass so much.

>> No.75365834

Shondo doesn't have schizophrenia and her meds work for the most part, what she's going through right now assuming it's not a pregnancy break is a bipolar depressive episode.

>> No.75365843

She can take a break and come back when she's not having this painful experience she's talking about. She makes a regular worker's yearly wages in a month of streaming so she can afford it.

>> No.75365850

Ever considered trying to go outside, touch grass and find an actual live girl to match up with to have that type of girlfriend ‘experience’?

>> No.75365869

Shitting on mike is not going to get him there.

>> No.75365879

I think a bunch of random fucks on the internet anonymously posting as if they can actually diagnose people they barely know just shows how absolutely retarded we are. We might as well be reading tea leaves and nodding to ourselves.

/vt/ really is just the Vtuber drama gossip board now, there really is nothing else going on here outside the generals

>> No.75365889

That's what I'm saying though, until anything gets proven in court you should not believe any of the two. Mafu is a known lier and schizo on the japanese net. It's like Vesper would come back and say Mori abused him and suddenly anyone would believe him of all people.

>> No.75365920

GFEfags and GFEwhores deserve each other

>> No.75365931

Sure, but more than enough people have made the mistake on social media of thinking they'll start some shit to advantage themselves and then it backfiring on them.

They clearly miscalculated here, the heat on Mikeneko hasn't been intense for a while now and it is hard to spin this situation as really a reasonable action in response to her.

>> No.75365932

mafu isn't a vtuber, i don't think it's a misrepresentation to say that most people here care more about the most super chatted vtuber and not about the weird alien guy. bringing up mafus allegations isn't taking his side, it's just using him as a cudgel to beat mike with, the validity of his accusations mean nothing else

>> No.75365981

I've come to assume that every chuuba is dating behind the scenes but there is a distinct difference between selling your availability online by doing GFE and just being a normal entertainer. So stop making this about some homo she was married to, Mike is just reaping what she sowed

>> No.75366003

the catalog of any popular board is gossip central, it's not /vt/ exclusive

>> No.75366006

>there are "people" ITT defending Mike
how? why?

>> No.75366008
File: 613 KB, 635x923, ifuckinghateretardedanonswhocantkeeptheirfuckingmouthsshutiftheyhavenofuckingideawhattheyaretalkingaboutsofuckingmuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366011

How is the court going to prove that she's not actually a piece of shit who married a dude while pretending to love her fans?

>> No.75366067

You have to be restarted to publish work request dm's in the first place, so don't think about it like a normal person.

>> No.75366100

she need to off from internet and live in the village...
come back after 2-3 years again if she want come back...
or she will get attack by mafumafu crazy fans + troll until she off her self...

>> No.75366108

Yeah I agree with that

>> No.75366129

That's just asshole stuff though, he is also saying she cheated during the marriage and shit.
You can just drop her for being an asshole and that's it, the people hunting her down everytime she tries to stream are mafumafu femcels als schizos that think they have to defend their lords honor. Like nijisisters on uppers.

>> No.75366168

Pretty sure that her off-ing herself is what is going to happen now, basically the whole vtubing internet sphere is rooting for it.

Besides, when she does we'll get a bunch of threads here discussing how it is good she killed herself and that mafumafu will hopefully be happier now

>> No.75366185

That would only work if she has invested her earnings smartly, if she was/is a spender (and she sure seems like one) how is she going to earn her living in some village? She can't do anything besides stream.

>> No.75366216

Whatever you say, quix. She's not going to marry you.

>> No.75366253

I have no problem going out into nature and getting fresh air. But have you ever try actually thinking critically about the people you interact with instead of just saying whatever you can to maintain the least stressful interactions possible?
People are fucking dogshit and that only scales up when there's more of them to a group.

>> No.75366281

Learn japanese and go take a look for yourself.
I'm also already married.

>> No.75366345

Hi, double retard.

>> No.75366349

Take a look at what? She is a shit person.
>inb4 b-b-but mafu!

>> No.75366481
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>A mental diagnosis absolves her of any personal responsibility for her actions.
Won't do any good if you're proven in the wrong 100%

>> No.75366532
File: 58 KB, 809x661, Anotherretardedpieceofshitwhohasnoideawhatheistalkingaboutbutlikestoyapintothevoidtomakesureeveryoneknowshehastheiqofalobotomizedgoldfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said my aunt is schizophrenic. I know what schizophrenia is.

>> No.75366588

No the fuck you don't if you think schizoaffective and schizophrenia are the same thing. Is schizoid personality disorder also the same thing as schizophrenia in your peanut-size brain because it has the word schizo in it?

>> No.75366595

Well the fact that both her being married while doing GFE and leaking the info of hololive members to dramafags alone is enough to hate her. Whatever truth that comes from the court case is just icing on the cake.

>> No.75366609

Would it even be possible for Mike to lay low for a while? It seems like people know exactly who she is across the country because that tabloid reported her situation.
And the same internet is more fast paced than it’s ever been, that’s just asking to kill her status in the algorithm.

>> No.75366662

I never said she isn't despicable, just that the alien is most likely just as bad.

>> No.75366719

Anon, I...

>> No.75366749

People meme about chuubas being schizo, but having real schizophrenia defacto the worst things a human being could ever deal with.
My condolences to your aunt anon, hope shes doing better.

>> No.75366781

>depersonalization and dissociative disorder
What does this mean in western medical terms?
Is it basically a "i'm sick and my sicness is I don't take responsibility for anything"? or is it something more well known like BPD?

>> No.75366803

A lot of these disorders have very similar names. It's confusing and stupid. Also, she should just go find something else to do and stop being mike or vtubing at all.

>> No.75366823

Truly an attention whore of the highest sort

>> No.75366871

It's the same fucking thing, just that your symptoms get triggered by mood swings (or the other way around) instead of sensory input.
I literally fucking know people in real life that have that mental illness from visiting helpgroups and mental hospitals instead of reading wikipedia and acting like a smartass.

>> No.75366883

Schizoaffective isn't the same as schizophrenic. Most importantly schizoaffective doesn't have hallucinations or delusions.

>> No.75366884

kek all those people shitting on him
remember kids, if you want to be a professional then you need to act like it, even if you dislike the person you're negotiating with

>> No.75366948

Thanks, people don't understand how bad it really is. (or can be, modern medication can help a lot)

>> No.75367004

Legit question, if she is still Rushia doing Rushia things, would it be more acceptable if she married later on after she decided to retire as Rushia? I've seen lots of "consequences of being married while doing GFE"and that's fair but what's the acceptable boundary for GFEs who also wish to marry, then?

>> No.75367035

>she even says herself it can lead to her having hallucinations or delusions
>.gov website tells you it can trigger hallucinations or delusions
>nu-uh, it can't lead to hallucinations or delusions
based retard

>> No.75367040

of course she is a schizo

>> No.75367174

its not good if she off her self....
the one push her to off her self will get attack by mike hardcore fans...
same like what happening with mike when she get attack by hardcore mafumafu fans...

did mike don't have anymore family member..?

people in village not care about drama, they care if she can work together with other in the village...

>> No.75367184

Those are western medicine terms. She still has to take responsibility for her actions, but it's sad that she has no one in her life that will do an intervention and make sure she gets help.

>> No.75367209

Schizoaffective does cause hallucinations and delusions but I think with it is that mood disorder a la bipolar is more apparent. Such a retarded classification tho.
>t. Off meds schizoaffective pt

>> No.75367295

>did mike don't have anymore family member..?
At least I can't remember her ever talking about them back when she was Rushia. I didn't watch her after so I don't know.

>> No.75367327

Once they're retired they can do whatever, what matters is whether what they do would be associated with the vtuber they're acting as or not. Even popular female seiyuus have a don't marry until they're 30 thing to avoid this

>> No.75367371

Exactly, the hallucinations/delusions are usually absent or more mild, until they get into a depression/mania phase, then it can go full on schizophrenia level. It's really more like having schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder instead of having "one combined" mental illness, but I guess it has to be classified differently because the trigger works in another way, which makes different medication neccessary.

>> No.75367388

>depersonalization and dissociative disorder
These make people more level-headed and mild-mannered from what I've seen.
It's either other mental illnesses that are her problems. My vote is on NPD and BPD.

>> No.75367567

>defacto the worst things a human being could ever deal with
Alright lemme find someone with it and i'll trade them my issues. My brain now considers everything so important that im compelled to find hidden meanings in shit and my own thoughts are perceived as other voices in my head? Cant be worse than feeling like every god damn thought is being stalked by a gray fog of dullness that snatches up every stray thought or unattended memory. Go on an act like pseudo-dementia is so much better than schizophrenia.

>> No.75367658

rushia harrassed her brothers wife because she was jealous. her brother got pissed at her and disowned+never talked to her ever since

>> No.75367813

Sir this is 4chan vt. Reddit is on the hallway to your left

>> No.75367873

Hell, I'd say there's a lot of GFE fans who would tolerate the girl being married so long as she isn't a psycho bitch and cheating whore like Mike here. That is so long as the girl made it very apparent she was playing a character and maintain kayfabe instead of using the vtuber avatar as a pseudonym.

>> No.75367879

Every anecdotes I heard about her post-termination only got worse each passing time...

>> No.75367907

kek right

>> No.75368024

They can also make people more extrem, since they don't fully comprehend that whatever consequences their behaviour results in will actually come back to them.

>> No.75368049


I remember there are clips of Rushia gushing about her bro and that one time he tried to protect her from a pedo

If that's true then no wonder her mental went down to the drain

>> No.75368086

Why not you since you like talking about it?

>> No.75368161

there was clips she talked about it with japanese keemstar but its gone now i cant find it anymore

>> No.75368257

So, the key is to not let one's private relationship leaking and staining the keyfabe. Naruhodo...

>> No.75368403

Ask first to yourself where they would even get that kind of info before accepting it as truth mate. Need a reminder we have nyfco refugees infesting the board?

>> No.75368414

>rich people buy up everything
>poor people cant buy anything when they're trying to start out in their life and careers
>Price things so they can afford them starting out
>rich people buy stuff specifically priced for poor people
ask how I know you're a mutt, enjoy paying rent and never getting a mortgage

>> No.75368707

If I said what I said on that place I would get banned

If you don't want to hear negativity about your oshi, don't visit this place

>> No.75368827

As someone who actually has schizophrenic relatives this is a very bad larp. I know you love your lying whore oshi very much, but if Shondo was actually schizophrenic she would be borderline incomprehensible at worst, and too withdrawn to even have the inkling of an idea to stream to hundreds of people at best.

>> No.75368860

>put price on product
>get mad when people purchase at said price
progressive taxation was a mistake. now idiots think market prices should be progressive too. kek.

>> No.75368865
File: 224 KB, 398x374, 1700491453208042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MikeNeko, someone with multiple diagnosed mental disorders, behaves like a menhera on twitter
>Zero sympathy, laughed at /here/
>Doki, someone with a diagnosed mental disorder that is equally bad, behaves like a menhera in private and makes her coworkers miserable for months
>Universally loved

What the fuck is this double standard?

>> No.75368884

>Chris-chan got away with it
He was incarcerated.

>> No.75368928

I don't like dookie either and think everyone acting like they always loved her after shitting on her and her fans for years are fucking retarded.

>> No.75368940

>Universally loved
Does that include you then?

>> No.75368992

>universally loved by dramafags and other grifters

There, fixed it

>> No.75369001

I wasnt complaining about hearing negativity about Mikeneko
I was lamenting the state of the world being so shit that not even the prime example of gfe can stick to the promises of gfe because of how the world works
I dont have a problem with what people say about her, my problem lies in the fact that we have yet to have an honest gfe entertainer

>> No.75369038

The only evidence that Doki has BPD is from her twitter profile from years ago that sisters discovered recently - considering how many people stupidly use BPD to mean Bipolar as opposed to Borderline Personality Disorder it could in fact be Bipolar.
But then again, as I say, the only evidence is "living with BPD" in an old twitter bio of of a woman in her 20s. I find it baffingly that both sides have just accepted it to be true.

>> No.75369059

Well you should know that people here like to make nijifans mad in whatever way possible.

>> No.75369080

In the eyes of the internet he is not guilty, but only because he troon'd out.

>> No.75369152

regardless of all that, the grievance on her part in this case is warranted. that mixer fucked up and hopefully will come back groveling with an apology and hope he gets some forgiveness because otherwise he will have a hard time building back trust to get new work.

>> No.75369169

Miguel cat has bad optics. Both might be bad in private but Doki only shows her good side in public, while Miguel goes insano style.

>> No.75369172
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>> No.75369190
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Looks like Mike won this round.

>> No.75369217

rich people dont pay taxes, retard

>> No.75369263

>Have a human heart
Damn, she's a cannibal now too?
Just when I thought I couldn't love her any more.

>> No.75369341

>>says the cheating husbandbeating pathological liar
Posts like this honestly makes me want to support her just to spite fragile mgtow fags like you

>> No.75369392
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>Make a retarded post against a hated celebrity
>Gain 500 followers
>Delete it and ask sorry

Actual genius

>> No.75369393

The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

>> No.75369397

Shondo is still all of these, it really depends on her mood.

>> No.75369442

Whenever I see new threads talking about Mikeneko involved in drama again I praise her for still waking up and living everyday

>> No.75369481

The WACTOR CEO was literally trying to fuck one of his talents (presumably two actually).

>> No.75369630
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Is that really Wactor?

>> No.75369635

Based retard can't read for shit and accuses others of larping. Her symptoms were under control by medication, like my aunt is working in an office for most days because of her meds. But go off, since this is an anonymous board you can spew whatever shit you want.

>> No.75369689

Who invited all the ESLs to this thread?

>> No.75369733

The fact that he gained followers for blasting the cat means the japs REALLY don't like her

But now he will probably become more irrelevant than before this shitshow

>> No.75369760

Rich people pay taxes, only super-rich people don't pay taxes.
You have to be rich enough to be able to go into progressive debt until the day you die to completely dodge taxes, and that only applies to people above ~$500m (which is bad enough)

>> No.75369849

910inc literally features Hizuki Miu, the Sora of Wactor

>> No.75369878

anyone in this situation would gain followers. all this proves is people were interested in the drama and wanted to see any follow up that came about as a result.

>> No.75369945

>rushia + Wactor
oh man that incoming yabs that will result from this unholy fusion is gonna make the doki or the taiwan incident seem like childs play wont it

>> No.75370270
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>non zero chance that she and akira going to sue each other for months
she really is a gift that keeps on giving

>> No.75370333

Following someone is not a sign of approval. I would bet that most of those people expect the guy to lock his account so they're just getting in while they can so see what he'll say in "private".

>> No.75370758

What happened to her? Last i heard she was going to keep clipping mikeneko after everything that happened but now it's just bijou

>> No.75371012

Probably decided to drop her because there's always negative comments in every mike clip.

>> No.75371075

The marriage reveal and the drama surrounding it was the final straw for a lot of diehard fans. Shondo also basically wrote her off after that if I recall correctly.

>> No.75371121

Holodrones are the scum of the earth.

>> No.75371714
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Not even half of the people shitflinging her are antis at this point, there's legit former fans dissapointed at her. Like i legit think no one would've cared about her personal life till they revealed she cheated on Mafu.

She ruined her life thanks to her terrible decisions. and all we can do is just watch the death spiral that is her career.

>> No.75371751

That's the only bad thing wactor has under their list that isn't out of the norm for nip corpos.
Niji has a way longer list of wrongdoings

>> No.75371778

I want her to kill me

>> No.75371854

Soju said that she will keep clipping mike and continue to do so for a month after the news.

>> No.75371859

>he bought the ring

>> No.75371862
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I have the feeling another nuclear yab is approaching

>> No.75372103

Considering he publicly shamed her like this, I think this happened Mike Inquired about his services she offered to paid full price, they talk on the phone to come to an agreement he tells her he can give her 2 songs free if he can fuck she said no he was seething and did it. I'm no Mikecuck but the entertainment business in Japan especially the idol/music industry is full of sleaze bags. Idols who are poor have to do fc2 to pay for an ad or fuck some executive to get two minutes ad on TV or radio.

>> No.75372127
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>Leave Mikeneko alone

>> No.75372410

I'm glad people are being sensible, I don't like Miguel but this is a shitty thing to do and I wouldn't want to work with someone like that.

>> No.75372455

well the guy just flambeed any possible career he'd have in mixing beyond pocket change. No one of means wants to work with someone who is so unprofessional they're willing to leak dm's unless the behavior is pretty egregious, which this is not.

>> No.75372792

was there a specific reason to hide it either?

makes you think...

>> No.75372906

I'm surprised nobody has commented on the audacity of this Tweet, specifically this part here
She genuinely hopes/wishes that fans who left her will come back one day. Does her undernourished brain really not realise exactly why so many fans have left?

>> No.75372985

You're the one in need of ear inspection. I bet you're one of the fags who also said she wasn't Nazuna because you really didn't want it to be true.

>> No.75372993

God damn

>> No.75373306

She sounds different to me. Kind of like an hybrid between Mikeneko and Delutaya.

>> No.75373554

More like she couldn't clip Mike because all she did is suicide baiting or overall depresso episodes that she can't just clip it for content

And I would be tired and depressed af if my oshi kept creating dramas

>> No.75373600

There's some things she says that sound very similar to Mike. Even the whole "don't cheat on me" thing she's got going is 100% Mike.
And if the other woman who joined is Muramako, that would make it even more likely. But I don't want to say anything for certain in case some poor random girl gets her career ruined by people assuming she's someone else, so.

>> No.75373970

Mike is not the only girl who can pull off a yandere and "don't cheat on me" anon

>> No.75374093

I'm aware, but off of the Tweet earlier, the supposed evidence is
>similar voice
>her friend joined at the same time
>possibly to collab with men/join APEX tournaments
>apparently Mikeneko fans have their comments deleted post-stream?
>the only stream overlap was apparently a pre-recorded stream from the Wactor girl, so doesn't count
Personally I'd rather it isn't her because this is genuinely weirder than her joining VShojo back in 2022, but it's definitely odd.

>> No.75374881


>> No.75374981

>both sides have just accepted it to be true
Well there's no real reason to think that she might have lied about it but I'll give you that at the time it could have been a self-diagnosis assumption or a teenage larp for attention.
However there are other factors to look at. For instance her infamous laughter that's almost her default reaction to anything, whether it's positive or negative.
Her constant laughter is practically pathological and almost certainly a coping mechanism for some form of trauma or disorder that she suffers from. Mentally healthy/neurotypical people just don't laugh that much even when they're happy and content.

>> No.75374983

How is that retarded? I've seen her bleed out fans for years.
There is a certain lack of self awareness to be pining after people who left despite doing everything in her power to keep them away

>> No.75375042

And then his case was thrown out and he was set free.

>> No.75375191

learn JP retard

>> No.75375327

Who else is this referring to, then?

>> No.75375895 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 236x260, 88782C4D-C59D-43A5-8E4B-63E6E23BB8D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds? No, okay then..

>> No.75376115

Perhaps you should try articulating your opinion a bit?

>> No.75376423


>> No.75376544


>> No.75377080

Interesting. That's definitely suspicious.

Ok. With that I'm now, fairly convinced. First minutes sounded different, but her mannerisms here are super close.

>> No.75378107

>But it is okay, guys. A mental diagnosis absolves her of any personal responsibility for her actions.
this, we have to forgive mikechan

>> No.75378277

vshojo is the answer, mikeneko pissed off the twitch fanbase so now they want blood

>> No.75378646

Yes if she hides it she's a liar and a whore if she doesn't lie she's a whore. There's no pleasing people who share your mindset.

>> No.75378657

Cuck detected. Have fun raising your wife's child.

>> No.75378663

Are you kidding? /vsj+/ is one of the only places where you can discuss her without attracting tons of antis.

>> No.75378911

I don't believe it is people from there posting here for the most part, but one of the only reasons why people there don't anti her more is that they don't understand her and they didn't follow Mikeneko. She definitely threw a lot more shade at VShojo than people realised.

>> No.75379083

wtf you talking about you faggots see a link V logo and automatically sperg and spam on catalog seeing us worse than the bubonic plague of vtubing

>> No.75379224
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>Virgin detected
have fun cranking your hog to porn for the rest of your entire life loser.

>> No.75379539

Pillow humper chama...

>> No.75379784

Well yeah the lack of clippable streams was probably a reason too, but there has been some since.

>> No.75379829

>about the discord message lmao
Yes, unicorns and gachi are still seething about that discord message that they could play dumb and handwave away, and not her straight up confirming she was fucking mafumafu and married and then divorced him in the span of like six months.

>> No.75379912

She was the one who was divorced though
>her straight up confirming she was fucking mafumafu
Wasn't she still trying to deny this even after the news of her marriage broke?

>> No.75379993

>She was the one who was divorced though
It's a two way street on that one, anon.
>Wasn't she still trying to deny this
All I remember her denying was his claims that she was fucking another dude in the house he bought her.

>> No.75380005

If she stayed loyal to her fans, she would still be happy in hololive.

>> No.75380211

When she gets pregnant

>> No.75380260
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But why do you care? Is her personal life.
If she hides her life she's a lying whore if she doesn't she still a whore. There's no pleasing people like you. She is an entertainer playing a role her personal life is no business of yours. You paid for a service she delivered her life as a vtuber is completely separate to who she is in real life. Why does this shit need to be repeated to you people pretend to be retarded here for shitpost but after all the shit that's happened here in the last 3 months I can confidently say I was wrong there are actual fucking retards here. You are the perfect example of one of them. In before he calls me a cuck or whatever buzzword of the day it is.

>> No.75380301

I don't care, I'm just telling anon that this is well past people being mad over a simply discord DM bro.

>> No.75380323

Everything I have heard about this cunt has been against my will.

>> No.75380349

How does mafumafu’s cock taste?

>> No.75380481

Insane how she became vtubing's biggest lolcow. It's a non-stop stream of shit with her.

>> No.75380579

>It's a two way street on that one, anon.
Sorry, my implication was that she'd still be married to him if she had her way. The divorce was traumatizing to her and she definitely wanted to stay with him but he was sick of her
>All I remember her denying was his claims that she was fucking another dude in the house he bought her.
I haven't watched her since the reveal but people /here/ was talking about one of her post yab streams where she claimed she was still a virgin. She was also claiming this post termination. That part wasn't in the Fanbox post for obvious reasons
She's the one who sold her personal life as being gachikoi friendly on stream for years to the point of refuting your argument that she was "just an entertainer". That's the reason she's so reviled. She was the one making money on a false impression of her personal life
You weren't watching her, it's very obvious

>> No.75380958

Says a lot about mikeneko's character.

>> No.75381019

>the hiatus started a month ago she has to be better
Something is seriously wrong with this board.

>> No.75381084

there is something wrong with all of us, we wouldn't be here otherwise.

>> No.75381481

girls want to be liked by people that criticize them because they mistake them for their dad

>> No.75381803

That ship has sailed
Literally the best her life can be at this point is marrying one of her paypigs and living in anonymous comfort
but she's too stupid and crazy to even do that, she's going to spend the rest of her life being a crazy person online and wasting what money she has left on desperate attempts to salvage a career

>> No.75382692

I can fix her
Mikeneko, move to Scotland.

>> No.75383001
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Based. Japanese are based for shaming sluts and putting them in their place. Westerners are too cucks for this as proven by the replies on this post. Adultery still is serious business in Japan, simp cucklords.

>> No.75383220

You think that she can still do that when she already have tasted luxury, wealth, fame and alien dick? It's kinda hard to give up, especially if she worked hard for it too. That's why she's trying to stack pity points to get moar attention and possibly, monies. I do believe that she's got a mental illness tho, wish it has been diagnosed and treated sooner before she self destructed.

>> No.75384986

poor mike, i hope she feels better soon. she does not deserve to be bullied and harassed by antis.

>> No.75384997

Do you think Brie Larson is an actual superhero?

>> No.75385348

Mikeneko, you shouldn't have lied to your fans for 5 years.
