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75307685 No.75307685 [Reply] [Original]

After getting the green light weeks ago management cancel the stream 30 min before it goes live

>> No.75307793

Why are all the Manjisanji organs prone to crying?

>> No.75307850

He retweeted the doki smear stream, don't care shit people deserve shit outcomes.

>> No.75307921


>> No.75307986
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Karma is a bitch.

>> No.75308055

that's so weird, I think any one who does handcams have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before scheduling this stream?

>> No.75308173
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>> No.75308341

Yeah Hex is a bitch, he's the guy who does worse jokes than Zaion and still gets comfy ups.
Seems finally karma caught to him...did they ACTUALLY cancelled something 30 minutes before stream? HOLY SHITTO.

>> No.75308537

Okay I know corpo VTubers have to censor hands to avoid hand fetish fans, but what stream was he gonna do that make the manager tell him to pre-record it ? What was he gonna make that has to reveal hands then give the stream to manager to edit censor them ?

>> No.75308570

Should have just fucking asked

>> No.75308691

i assume they are just scared of another yab, like a reflection or something. hence the prerecord.

>> No.75308746

Apparently he was gonna have his mom on stream

>> No.75308820
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>> No.75308832

meh holo has done the same. standard corpo shit.

>> No.75308852

Finana will be immortalized as currency. Millie this quote. Elira the black stream. Enna be lacking. If she stopped streaming everyone will have forgotten about her in a week.

>> No.75308887

Holo only censors the hands, but every handcam streams are live. This one was forced to be pre-recorded for some reason

>> No.75308889

KEK she's never going to live this down is she?

>> No.75309140

i mean the canceling a stream thing

>> No.75309144

6 years of Niji and Holo making bunch of examples and yet the managers couldn't figure out how to handle the handcam stream properly ?

I mean I guess the managers don't trust her, but then the pre-recorded stream would be boring because she won't be able to interact with his fanbase

>> No.75309306

Ok, pointing me the pre-record Holo was forced to do in the last 30 minutes.
>Doesn't exist
Nijisis BTFO again, next corpo licking excuse, please.

>> No.75309400

This "standard corpo shit" you mentioned only applies to streams that got cancelled due to sudden sickness or a sudden irl situation like family members or personal problems

If you planned the stream then got cancelled at last minute for whatever reason that's not the ones I listed, questions will arise, and the manager will be the first suspect, either miscommunication or loss of permission

>> No.75309415

Karma never miss

>> No.75309426

yea, ima guess it came up in a weekly meeting and they pissed themself or something. next manager to fuck up has to deliver a severed finger to riku.

>> No.75309482

Don't care about that snake, get fucked.

>> No.75309499

Gura deflection thread

>> No.75309507


>> No.75309630

Does his mom know about his son stalking the twitter accounts of his underage viewers?

>> No.75309701

that's probably why he needed to have it prerecorded lol

>> No.75309854

This is a more different case considering that NijiEN had lots of handcam streams in the past. The fact that Hex has to do it pre-recorded is probably a sign that management does not trust him in particular to do it.
It's very justified though, considering his actions and how he tried to throw Zaion under the bus. Plus how it seemed like he tried to throw shade at Selen with some vague "truth will set u free" shit.

>> No.75309950

>truth will set u free
I forgot about that. I guess nothing came of it.

>> No.75309962

>truth will set u free
I honestly thought that is him in support for Selen though ? Did he participate in Doki hate or something ?

>> No.75310062

>I forgot about that. I guess nothing came of it.
The black frame stream was posted after that.

>> No.75310094

Niji EN management is not gonna bonk Hex or any of the others for throwing Zaion under the bus or throwing shade at Selen. In fact they went so far as to give a one week suspension to Ren for NOT throwing Zaion under the bus with his "I don't hate Zaion Lanza" tweet.

>> No.75310133

where i come from they say work sets you free.

>> No.75310143

I just don't think this was the case. He announced that the very same day Selen was terminated.
Then the day of the Black Screen stream, he quote retweeted the stream "standing behind my peers on this message".

The cynic in me just thinks he's a snake that deserves it.

>> No.75310184

>We are not at the point we are argumenting management hates their version of the events.
Then why not setting things straight and kept the branch sinking? This pre-recorded shit is gonna make waves and you know it, it's the next nijiyab.
Management doesn't give a fuck as long as the livers obey about getting fucked and giving them money, and they are happy of that because they bully others in return. A shitshow not uncommon in toxic workplaces.

>> No.75310258

It should be obvious after the black screen that their "truth" is that Selen was a fuckup and they all hate her

>> No.75310374

>I just don't think this was the case. He announced that the very same day Selen was terminated.
>Then the day of the Black Screen stream, he quote retweeted the stream "standing behind my peers on this message".
That's why I don't buy the excuse of
They fucking knew.

>> No.75310436

Well actually the main branch was banned from doing handcams. which left a loophole where NijiEN could do them while the JP branch could not.
When Kotoka did handcams she could get like 15k+ ccv because all the fans of the main branch would pile into her stream, and she would be speaking full-japanese too, streaming in JP hours.
I would bet fans or talents in the main branch complained of the double standard

>> No.75310438

Of course he is. Remember his fucking zaion video where he cruxified Zaion as a rape apologist and shit?

>> No.75310474

>They fucking knew
Of course they did, anything else is just copium.

>> No.75310550

So in any way you twist it, management is incompetent and noticed it only 30 minutes before the streams.
Now, where did managment fucked up timing last time? Mmmm...can't remember, but I hear jingle bells....

>> No.75310642

>hOlO wOuLd HaVe DoNe ThE sAmE trust me bro
Yeah, riiiight.

>> No.75310647

But he's still able to do the handcam as prerecorded content, while even though JP does prerecorded IRL videos occasionally they don't show any body parts on camera. More likely it's related to his mom talking on stream or possibly a combination of her presence and the handcam

>> No.75310793

Do not let this man near any school zones

>> No.75310843

They didn't want him to show his dildo collection

>> No.75310885

Not all of them. Pretty sure Vivi, Scarle, Petra and Rosemi have nothing against her.

>> No.75311077

He and his fans deserve this and worse

>> No.75311174

Nijifags aren't allowed to have their moms on stream?

>> No.75311216

isnt he live right now ? kek, dramalovers getting an erection over nothing.

>> No.75311304

Maybe they were afraid he would put a dildo in his mom or something to that effect.

>> No.75311557


>> No.75311558


>> No.75311622

how does he not know that they are not allowed to stream with their parents after the Hana incident? How did nobody tell him?

>> No.75311725

there was a hana incident?

>> No.75311768

How can you expect him to care enough to know about it?

>> No.75311804


>> No.75311862

years ago Hana streamed with her dad and he went on some racist political rant live on stream. Niji banned streams with relatives after that.

>> No.75311873

Her dad, or "dad", is a communist or something.

>> No.75311937

Based dad, I love how Niji is always about punishing everyone and everything as long as they look good.

>> No.75311957

They DID tell him. They even gave him permission to have his mum on stream with him. They did lots of behind the scenes prep work for the stream over a period of however many days/weeks, including getting her a pair of gloves to use for the stream.

And then management revoked perms half an hour before the stream was set to go live. I dunno what the reason for the revocation was, but the "can't have IRL family members on a live stream with you" rule isn't it, else they would not have given him perms in the first place.

>> No.75312116

Oh, that's why? I heard it was because whenever he didn't show up, people would bug her about where her dad was.

>> No.75312263

I just can't get over some of the names these vtubers have.

>> No.75312288

Nah, that wasn't the incident, it is as after some kerfuffle with Chihiro bringing her sister on that then proceeded to get harrased or something. It was way after Hana did her thing

>> No.75312375

I don't care about drama at all, I just feel bad for them at this point.
Fuck Nijisanji

>> No.75312385

Enna will be remembering for speaking through her nasal cavity as if her mouth does not exist. You cannot convince me Enna actually has a mouth until we see photo evidence of it. That girl is just one giant sentient nasal cavity.

>> No.75312405

Real "mom"?

>> No.75312455

>>You cannot convince me Enna actually has a mouth until we see photo evidence of it.
top lel

>> No.75312493

Holy bullshit this dude

>> No.75312494

Millle's manesan's yubis...

>> No.75312623

>catalog only knows about him in relation to Doki
You... you know what, I'll do you a favor and save you from knowing the actually genuinely depraved shit he does. #cutforhex

>> No.75312678

Huh, almost as if they did this to another one of their talents.

>> No.75312827

Rosemi still using her intro animation with Selen in it, months later, it's pretty clear she has no issue with Selen/Doki.

>> No.75313214
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>revoking the OK at the last second because they just so happened to remember they had a special rule against it
This sounds awfully familiar...

>> No.75313357

technically can but they need to check with management
scarle want to collab to her mom but she mention man time it be pre recorded aka a video instead of stream

>> No.75313549
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It really does, doesn't it?

>> No.75313692

dumb EOP retards don't know shit about JP and how Utako was still hanging out on stream with her sister way after that Hana shit until the Chihiro thing happened

>> No.75313769


>> No.75314021

>Hex is getting Selen'd now
Oh baby how the turntables accelerate

>> No.75314123

Is there an easy way to filter quote retweets for a specific user? I never got around to saving each of the livers RT of the black stream and it's buried in like 14k retweets now. doing a date search on the liver didn't pop it up for example

>> No.75314430

she never got the ok retard, she got told to wait for the ok and then uploaded it anyway

>> No.75314967
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>Artists confirmed the art didn't change from the storyboards so management already had everyone they needed to contact
>Management has been receiving faxes from rightsholders since august 2022 at the earliest publicly known deito
>Leaves all of this out of their truncated slack hitjob
>Don't do their job with over a year notice
>Don't do their job the month a christmas MV is set to release
>Don't do their job a week before a christmas MV is set to release
>Ghost your talent for 37 hours beforehand
>SOMEONE doesn't want to be in the MV for petty reasons and management doesn't communicate any of that in the entirety of the project that has been going on for 16+ months prior
Management wasn't interested in giving the OK or even showing up to work.
700k subs in 3 months btw.

>> No.75315017
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Stupid cat witch sealed her fate

>> No.75315134

Will 2025 be the year Millie is put out to pasture and her hat inherits the channel/

>> No.75315524

the hat is more fuckable than she is

>> No.75315598


>> No.75315680

That Daddy? All Hana

>> No.75316526

none of this contradicts that she uploaded without permission and then vagueposted on twitter about it. cope.

>> No.75316631

The crater formerly known as NijiEN has been doing a lot of coping for 5 months now. They get the joy of waking up, looking into the mirror, and knowing they did it to themselves. They only had to do their job but they chose to destroy themselves.

>> No.75319754

Karma lol

>> No.75322115


>> No.75323268

>SOMEONE doesn't want to be in the MV for petty reasons

Has someone made a rrat yet about Nina being the one who "denied permissions" since she was part of the clique as a jab to selen which ended up causing everything?

>> No.75324497
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but anon she already has boyfriend

>> No.75324509

The only one I know of in recent times was Gold Bullet’s cooking stream where he prerecorded himself cooking chicken tenders from scratch but talked live about it with chat because he wasn’t confident enough to cook live while avoiding reflections

>> No.75325651

>Not forced
As of now no one has come out saying they didn't want to be in, and if we have to believe NIJI, no one had the time to be even informed before the managers fucked up.

>> No.75326206

Any liver who comes out saying they're the one who denied the last cup of coffee knows they're going to get shit on by the entire internet

>> No.75326291

>As of now no one has come out saying they didn't want to be in, and if we have to believe NIJI, no one had the time to be even informed before the managers fucked up.
I have no evidence, nor history of him having any beef with her, and he was still employed at the time, but I'm going to claim it was Kyo because I hate him.

>> No.75326296

groomer tactic

>> No.75326393

My bet on Hex. Isn't involved in alot of stuff.

>> No.75326426

Did he try just fucking asking to do it none pre-recorded? I've heard that works in niji.

>> No.75326632

I'm just curious how woman genuinely love an overweight mallet with the personality of a tiktoker saying skibidi toilet and Ohio Rizzoli every 5 seconds.
Woman really are weird when you think about it, well that or, "he has money so idc" is the logical approach. Anyways I hate fat people.

>> No.75326656

You probably shouldn't believe niji that can't do their job and go get perms in 16 months. The MV contents being a complete nothingburger only worsens it. Unfortunately we can only wait for enough millie drunk streams for the truth to come out.

>> No.75326713

>As of now no one has come out saying they didn't want to be in
well yeah no one wants to commit a career suicide and confess to that, but it was implied it was related to permissions to the talents that already graduated

>> No.75326714

Sort of, except the rrat was less "denied permissions because she was part of the clique" and more "unable to grant permissions because management required her to do it on the official Anycolor account that she could no longer access due to having graduated 5 and a half months earlier"

In any case, that rrat was debunked by Niji themselves in the black screen

>> No.75326887

That was the PR rrat which they use to deflect from the truth that at least one liver is so fucking petty they're intentionally sabotaging Selen over fucking nothing at the first chance they got.
>All I can say is that from what I was told from management, some livers did not want to be in the MV when it got released

>> No.75327690

nijiniggers why didn't you guys ask?

>> No.75328071

Isn't this the dildo guy? I see NijiEN management found their new Selen to pick on lol

>> No.75328330

You do realize that by Niji narrative they never checked for perms BEFORE XMas, which is impossible, and the MV was being made before some people even left so how the fuckit was never checked before unless no one gave a fuck until it was convenient to fuck her up again? That she was already looking to leave?
That the manager “accidentally” missed the deadline everyone who was even remotely connected to Niji knew?
It was an attempt at making her look even shittier so graduating would have done even less damage. You don’t need a brain to see what is was, but then again people here proved me wrong actually believing the manager somehow didn’t knew to check around xmas for the MV he should have been waiting for a fucking year.

>> No.75328990
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>> No.75329342


>> No.75332113


>> No.75332540

This. He encouraged his viewers to trauma dump and tagged it with #cutforhex. Some of his fans proceeded to cut themselves and post it online with the tag

>> No.75332580


>> No.75334375


>> No.75334586

That fan that cut did it themselves. Tag started by trolls. He encourage trauma dumping in streamlabs.

>> No.75334785

it's so funny that we have dramaturds watching and looking at waiting rooms of hex out of all people kek keep doing what you do best dramanigs

>> No.75334943


>> No.75335056


>> No.75335359

>"people" believing corpospeak
Anon, nijiniggers aren't people and barely qualify as sapient beings

>> No.75335718

Hex was stupid. Ever since Chihiro it has been forbidden for livers to do shit with non-celebs or non-internet personalities, and that includes bringing family to streams. The manager that approved it was probably an idiot who didn't realize that iron clad rule, and when someone higher up saw told him it wasn't allowed

>> No.75336056
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>> No.75341028

A PR expert made a video on this. He showed a comparison between Selen's case, where Elira, Vox and Ike all apologized for the situation in place of management, and talked about how much she hurt their feelings with what was actually inoffensive bullshit all with the aim of tarnishing her character and reputation by reframing the situation as also having an interpersonal conflict between Selen and the rest of the talents,
And Zaion's case, where Kotoka, Meloco, and Hex all made their own individual streams, also apologizing in stead of management, talking about how much she hurt their feelings with, again, inoffensive bullshit, all with the same goal; to reframe the situation as having an interpersonal conflict between Zaion and the rest of the talents to tarnish her character and reputation.
It was already obvious to anyone who isn't a nyfcojeet or a nijinig that they were trying to ruin the image of Selen and Zaion, but now it's apparent that they have a 'formula' they use to ruin an ex-talent's image and plenty of people that will do their bidding, willingly or not. They also could have done this in the JP branch to other termed livers, but I don't know.
So it only takes analyzing the talents involved and their behaviour, to see who is a snake and who is being strongarmed into it. I personally see only Ike and Meloco as possibly being coerced, because the rest already have a pattern of being cunts and it wouldn't surprise me if they willingly did it when asked.

>> No.75341080


>> No.75341367

I'll never forgive Ike considering he was one of the other livers who seemed particularly close to Selen, but he sounded extremely uncomfortable for the little amount of time he appeared in the stream. Whether that was out of genuine remorse for what he was doing or simply that he had a better idea of how badly this was going to blowback at them maybe we'll never know - but I definitely feel as though it's likely he was pressured into it.

>> No.75341441
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he knew he won't reach the 1million sub mark anytime soon

>> No.75341950

Dude, I would sooner get fired and let a lawyer slug it out than read that faggot twink script his segment had. The only thing it was missing was Ike actually being on stream in a microskirt and cum dripping down his leg.
Seriously, who the hell would have said the dumb shit they put him up to.

>> No.75342138

>all apologized for the situation in place of management
Sister, the stream starts with them saying they were there to share their OWN PERSONAL feelings with approval from legal

>> No.75342811

>technically can but they need to check with management
someone in the main branch probably threw a tantrum since nijijp has been forbidden to collab with their family ever since the chihiro sister incident

>> No.75344701

but i thought you remained unaffected huh

>> No.75346543

he must pay for his crimes.

>> No.75349611

Ike, appearently

>> No.75349679
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Nijisanji makes sure to drive the idea that their talents are nothing without nijisanji repeatedly into their talents heads to make them easier to manipulate into doing retarded shit like this

>> No.75349749

And every single one of their feelings of elira, vox, and ike mirrored the strategies and feelings left by kotoka, hex, and meloco.

Fuck off, sister. Those damn "feelings" are complete dogwater. Doki herself said there weren't even any fucking addresses in there for Elira to freak out about being doxxed with other than her own.

>> No.75354146

Why is nijisanji like this

>> No.75354158

The company has to maximize the profit. That's what companies do.

>> No.75356830

stop pretending companies aren't run by humans with choices.
