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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75299408 No.75299408 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75253046

>> No.75299425

gold digger

>> No.75299693
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bee nise

>> No.75299830
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Are we friends

>> No.75299892

you are my friend =]

>> No.75300413
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of you are cool
not you

>> No.75300537

Would shondo try this
Would she like it

>> No.75300728

Shondo evil neuro collab perhaps?

>> No.75301128

Me trying to resist the Shontoes

>> No.75301157
File: 102 KB, 909x893, 1713535094061214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone say something, i like posting links and sharing videos, but it's awkward it being the only thing here
Me to shondo btw

>> No.75301183

Just let it die man

>> No.75301214

no, keep posting twitter shit and say its shondo so its 'on topic'

>> No.75301382

Me to the cake that upset shondo's stomach all those months ago(it's her fault, she should've eaten something besides just cake)

>> No.75301629

Shondo and I

>> No.75301661
File: 3.99 MB, 600x279, 1688065655109391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love her

>> No.75301696

Aa ano hi no yume

>> No.75301846

>sending this to shondo via text
>"could've just done this"
>she blocks me(she'll come around someday)

>> No.75302105

I dream about /shon/ more than I dream about shondo

>> No.75302461

Only one more day, then I got a long weekend where I can drink beer, play games and watch shondo vods all day long \o/

>> No.75302503

Sounds nice, hope you have a good time and that nothing gets in the way of your plans

>> No.75303067

Live! Batman today! Yippie!!

>> No.75303124


>> No.75303206

Shondo's like...

>> No.75303352

Shondo when i get home

>> No.75303613
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I'll be your friend anon

>> No.75303938
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>> No.75304142
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Ima demo mada wasuretenain deshou?

>> No.75304563
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>> No.75304847

She's so cute and feminine
I love my wife

>> No.75304917

Pathetic dead thread. Don't bake for another 6-10 hours

>> No.75305000
File: 31 KB, 360x360, 1710166711432818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to go to the store and get snacks, but there's suddenly a storm outside and I've no umbrella

>> No.75305119
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lil danglin' feet

>> No.75305255
File: 253 KB, 473x533, 1694108563449854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've noticed how much more susceptible i am to real life fuckery without her around. my boss unironically makes me want to end myself. just trying to do my fucking job and go home for the day but that's too much to ask for apparently. FUCK. she is my strength. i need her :(

>> No.75305275

>i like posting links and sharing videos
we know
thanks for turning /shon/ into /xitter/ you daft cunt

>> No.75305336

months of patiently working with shondo to overcome her touch aversion and months more to build up into finally deflowering the tight shunny with passionate and gentle love making, eventually escalating into unholy depraved and degenerate desecration of her powerless and fragile body
at first it was your idea but now she keeps taking it further and won't let you stop

>> No.75305363
File: 2.64 MB, 498x284, nadenade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75305372

You could just quit, downsize and hop from minimum wage to minimum wage until you find a tolerable boss/coworkers.

>> No.75305407


>> No.75305444

i dont know how high you think minimum wage is

>> No.75305469

I'm starting to think it's a discord user that has been shit on here before and this is their way of getting us back.

>> No.75305506

I'll lend you my strength if it helps

>> No.75305596


>> No.75305611

>months of patiently working with shondo to overcome her touch aversion
This always bugs me. Why would Shondo spend months working hard on something that only benefits you? She can hug you and autistically pull on your hair just fine. Boo hoo, you can't fuck her. Poor baby. She must spend half a year fixing that for you because your dick is so fucking improtant. I hate men so much it's unreal.

>> No.75305631

Ip molester

>> No.75305637

I don't like spamming it, usually there's people talking that helps spread it out

>> No.75305724

just wait until more posters are active that's usually in the afternoon

>> No.75305759

i married a girl i know i will never get to see with my own eyes, sex is only a bonus for me, it's a fantasy
touch is healthy though and overcoming that would probably be for her benefit, not that i would require it

>> No.75305792

Trying too hard darling

>> No.75305880

>would probably be for her benefit
Objectively false, you're just wasting her time. She can hug when she needs a hug. Virtually all the benefits of overcoming touch aversion are for your selfish ass.

>> No.75305982

okay then we don't have to do that like i said? the most pathetic and disgusted gloved handjob ever conceived is more than enough for me, sister

>> No.75305997

Personally, I really like fallen shadow. I hope she’s recovering well and getting her mental health back in check. I’m looking forward to having fun hanging out watching streams and stuff again.

>> No.75306026

>is more than enough for me
It's also too much for her. No one wants to see your dick. No one, I promise you.

>> No.75306045

I made this post

>> No.75306077

>really like fallen shadow
Finally some honesty, no one can love some schizo girl on the internet.

>> No.75306146
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Yes you can. It's just not wise to love a schizo girl on the internet.

>> No.75306186

alright i'll lock in the chasity cage then bitch, damn, get off my dick if you hate it that much. see this is why i like shondo, normal bitches like you always got some stupid shit to say

>> No.75306279

It's impossible to love someone you've never met in person since you can't know them, that electrician that talked to her irl for a few minutes learned more about her than (You) did by watching hundreds of hours and doing reps. He has also talked to most of her family.

>> No.75306308

Probably going to drop my shondo sub a tier and sub to Oli and inis. It's much more healthy and they support me and my interests which will help me enjoy shondo a lot more I think. It's a positive thing.

>> No.75306348

shondo shut the fuck up and DM me if you need affirmation this badly, why do you still feel guilty over the electrician being a man, stop being stupid

>> No.75306371

I'd recommend not resubbing until Shondo successfully streams for a whole week without cancelling a single stream or being late. Make her work for that tier 1 sub.

>> No.75306432

She loves me even though I'm retarded

>> No.75306578
File: 44 KB, 701x1280, 1713248107676639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, tier 1 sub is nothing. How much of a poorfag do you have to be to think $4.99 a month is a massive investment?

>> No.75306622

It's not, you just have to ask yourself if Shondo's worth your $4.99
Right now she isn't.

>> No.75306625

you're forgetting this is where the ESL shoggas thrive

>> No.75306711

except she wants kids so it's kind of pertinent to the both of us

>> No.75306778

>overcoming trauma has no benefit
Shondo is much wiser than you, grow up.

>> No.75306835

Retardchama she will give birth to dead babies, adoption would be the more realistic option for her if she's sick of cats.
>overcoming trauma
Waste of time if said trauma doesn't affect your life negatively.

>> No.75306919

>some traumas don't affect you negatively
That's an admission of your own idiocy.

>> No.75306955

Theres streaming services I barely use that I forgot to cancel that cost more than that. It's really not that big of a deal. Now if >>75306308 is a tier 3 sub i'd understand because that's quite a bit more monthly.

>> No.75306959
File: 1022 KB, 2112x2424, less than trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo is my plaything to be used and abused when i feel like it, she's lower than a side hoe
that other alpha male is right, she's barely worth wasting my effort manipulting and breaking her, if she expects me to do that on her terms she's less than trash. she disgusts me. don't give that gold digger a cent, i need her knocked down a peg
now excuse me, i'll be taking my leave, my side hoe is live

>> No.75306961

>goalposts moved into a different continent
i accept your concession

>> No.75307050

Boo hoo we're made of trauma, do you still think of that one time mommy raised her voice at you when you were 3 years old? It probably happened, it traumatized you and now you've forgot about it. Who cares.
Lets not pretend even for a fucking second that the reason you want to solve her touch aversion isn't so you can stick your dick in her. That's your end goal, otherwise you'd try to fix her OCD or something so she doesn't bite her fingernails until they bleed.

>> No.75307086

procreation typically involves a penis in a vagina, yes.

>> No.75307164

>typically involves a penis in a vagina
Moving the goalposts, are we? Test tube babies are a thing, you don't have to do something as barbaric as sex anymore. You're not a caveman, control yourself.

>> No.75307176

>Lets not pretend even for a fucking second that the reason you want to solve her touch aversion isn't so you can stick your dick in her.
not me i'm built differently

>> No.75307186

>I'm horrible with money but consider that a good thing.
Let me guess.. Black skin?

>> No.75307213

weird post.

>> No.75307234

What a juvenile approach to understanding traumas. You either block the memory and trauma stays in place or you deal with it and heal as much as you can. Severity also varies, not everyone has touch aversion for a reason.

>> No.75307247

>It's really not that big of a deal
It is if you have standards and want to incentivize this lazy bitch to do something. Throwing money at Shondo right now would make her never come back, if you're an anti donate $1k a week.

>> No.75307248 [DELETED] 

If I were a nigger i'd have no money.

>> No.75307259

I know you're all bored and without bait the thread would die but do you really need to pretend to be some troon from twitter

>> No.75307313
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This. Let's get rid of this bitch for good. Just wired her 3 grand.

>> No.75307321


>> No.75307356

shondo stop gold digging on /shon/ and get to stripping

>> No.75307412

Good point. Got to remember that.
I'd hate to live the shanty town you live where $4.99 is considered "throwing money"

>> No.75307585

>I'd hate to live the shanty town you live where $4.99 is considered "throwing money"
If it's not a big deal why doesn't Shondo gift me a sub to her channel? It's only $4.99 after all.
HEY SHONDO GIVE qwertymchurtywastaken A SUB!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.75307679
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no beggars

>> No.75307710

qwerty is an anti? no... bapy... make this one painless, he's an old friend...

>> No.75307784

Its what happened with my last oshi

>> No.75307797

>never streams
>somehow worth $4.99 a month still

>> No.75307994

You don't get it, $4.99 is not a lot therefore you should still give Shondo money for... doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.75308114

why would my perfect shondo have to do anything to deserve my money? oh you're not being ironic nevermind

>> No.75308213

not true im giving her 15 bucks a month for doing nothing :)
maybe i bought a critter a mcdonald

>> No.75308263

On a related note, seems she turned the streamelements tip notifications off.
Last one I saw was from some autist giving £3.96 and mentioning evilgirlshadow.

>> No.75308265

You always forget how ESL this general truly is until there's money discussion.

>> No.75308339

sorry shondo, no more secret clubs

>> No.75308351

>oh you're not being ironic
I'm not. If Shondo was my tradwife and did absolutely nothing around the house because of her "depression" I'd starve her for 3 days. Get all the snacks out of the kitchen and block her credit card so she can't order anything.

>> No.75308395

Imagine $5 (or $50) a month being a decision you need to debate and seethe over.

>> No.75308541

what does this even mean?

>> No.75308671

>need to debate and seethe over
nah I've decided quickly that Shondo isn't worth $5 a month unless she streams consistently, I'd rather have one more beer than give the money to her

>> No.75308908

believe it or not
>what does this even mean?
wasn't me, you missed all the other times too, but it's her new alt and she got upset i exposed her, for anyone who didn't know

>> No.75308973

trading one addiction for another

>> No.75309075

alcoholism doesn't love me but it makes me happy, Shondo also doesn't love me and makes me worse

>> No.75309135

well now there is a new secret DM club where you can send donos+messages that are not shared with the community
so good job with that

>> No.75309190

i know ;)

>> No.75309225

>turned the streamelements tip notifications off
So now we get paid DMs with Shondo like on shadowchama? Not beating the gold digger allegations Shondo.

>> No.75309320
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1200, shonshine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day closer to wifey returning shoggas.

Antis don't reply.

>> No.75309349
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this girl
its fallenshadow!!!!!!
i love her very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very VERY much!

>> No.75309424

Why would you want Shondo to return if interacting with you makes her insane?

>> No.75309466
File: 149 KB, 500x500, 1713532941611490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did I just say?

>> No.75309487

>no answer
As I thought, you want to kill her.

>> No.75309524

anon that's literally the entire fetish this relationship is built on

>> No.75309542

My shonshine :D

>> No.75309595

It's no longer a yandere lar though, she's actually going insane. One more mental breakdown like this one could result in perma institutionalization since she's an adult.

>> No.75309665

Thats not a real account. Are you hallucinating?

I'm losing brain cells. This is the opposite of secret and it's not a club. There are plenty of ways you could send her "dms". It doesn't matter if she doesn't respond to it.

>> No.75309671

Imagine that..

>> No.75309681
File: 165 KB, 720x829, Screenshot_20240504-110250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this KILLS the antis

>> No.75309737

No one said it was a real account. Someone was being a moron and using the streamelements notifs performatively, so she turned them off.

>> No.75309759
File: 461 KB, 436x656, 1709558498021583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Shondo wife!

>> No.75309765

>It doesn't matter if she doesn't respond to it
Then she can open dms again and just not respond to it, right?
Stop being stupid.

>> No.75309806

mating press with shondo

>> No.75309808


>> No.75309879

>inis getting a 40 inch anal dildo and "giving it to the homeless"
Inis please.. just one more picture

>> No.75309946

Inis practicing her "horseback riding" I presume.

>> No.75309980

would shondo demand access to your social media accounts and discord?

>> No.75310042

She wouldn't want to be seen as controlling but she'd try to log in behind my back.

>> No.75310056

yes but only to see if you're cheating on her.

Lot of husbands here would be screwed.

>> No.75310059

Wouldn't matter for me either way, I'm extremely boring and have nothing on them besides retweets and likes of things I find interesting and zero dms anywhere apart from steam.

>> No.75310114

A better question would be.
>would you hand over the passwords if she asked
Personally I wouldn't.

>> No.75310188

she could kick rocks

>> No.75310232


>> No.75310357

i would let her, that shows trust, hiding it only demands trust

>> No.75310506

I just had a revelation. She talked about trying to masturbate once and hating it, but she must have tried fingering herself instantly. She needed to rub herself instead to get in the mood. Shondo, this can fix you please let me help

>> No.75310580

You're looping a "revelation" from 2023.

>> No.75310636
File: 1.70 MB, 2097x2304, shonhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucks at playing games
>sucks at playing with herself
why do I love this girlfailure so much?

>> No.75310726

>wanting her to become a coomer
I will never understand you people, not having the desire to masturbate would be great. I wish my dick wouldn't get hard in the morning.

>> No.75310818

another seiso like on main
i love my pure wife

>> No.75310819

When you age past 20 you'll get better

>> No.75310881

>try something once
>isn't immediately good at it
>never do it again (dyrbi?)
lets not timeloop this further

>> No.75310882
File: 1.29 MB, 2150x2508, 1695472039314590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naïve shoggas still believe that Shondo didn't flick the bean to Anny's lewd ASMR multiple nights in a row

>> No.75310904

>Masturbation mentioned itt
>Shondo likes for what is basically porn to her
Shondo what the heck..

>> No.75310966

Yeah, she was inviting us to party time with her.

>> No.75310990

No, she flicked her bean to her loli model though

>> No.75311152

theres no need to hate on onions wars publicly just because you think it will make her like you

>> No.75311247

even i couldn't hold back...

>> No.75311255

especially since she ended up liking LOTR so who knows

>> No.75311258

i've been a life long onions wars anti

>> No.75311292

What did onion do?

>> No.75311318

No you haven't, your politics are getting in the way.

>> No.75311372

its a dangerous game, the snowman might get you

>> No.75311414

Oh no Bapy the high schooler might get me!

>> No.75311448

He's washed up.

>> No.75311511

>politics getting in the way
you couldn't be more wrong
but i like the newer ones more actually because they're easier to sit through

>> No.75311512
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>> No.75311560

Ok actually what are you guys talking about

>> No.75311586


>> No.75311611

Lewd asmr?? How awful!! Where?

>> No.75311640

alt stuff, if youre not there then you dont need to worry about it

>> No.75311646

There's plenty of them, she even did a countdown in the subathon.

>> No.75311668

bapy, get him

>> No.75311754

nta im diamonds rn

>> No.75311784
File: 10 KB, 658x819, 1701134101315032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i decided to not be a dumbass today

>> No.75311812

I will report every single one of these. To my pants.

>> No.75311845

Nise job S

>> No.75311898

Oh gosh 0///0

>> No.75311914

thanks FF, i know you always believed in me :)

>> No.75312112

do u guys think shondo will be jealous if i found a gf on the femcel dating app

>> No.75312140

I doubt it

>> No.75312204

over you? no

>> No.75312291

she'd be glad you're gone

>> No.75312296

make an account on there with rtx

>> No.75312401

If you started taking about your girlfriend, posted a censored picture of you both and basically just did what she did then I'm sure she'd snap. If you're in the top 30 chatters that is anyway.

>> No.75312611

Most of the top30 chatters are irrelevant

>> No.75312652

fuck u i worked hard for my position

>> No.75312687

Other than you I'm sure,
Top 5 gifters or donators then perhaps

>> No.75313034

>basically just did what she did

>> No.75313186

lol irl
let's not time loop this years old basic knowledge

>> No.75313259

>years old basic knowledge
are you talking about pre vtuber shit? nobody cares

>> No.75313319
File: 208 KB, 675x675, 1714626457763715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo please come back and stream some bloons and hang out uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.75313344

Tourists and repless newfags out please

>> No.75313350
File: 2.83 MB, 2400x3200, 1703287418979186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead the nonbeliever.

>> No.75313394

i will pin her down and corrupt her pure soul

>> No.75313423

>pure soul

>> No.75313456

>pure soul
she is evil (which is good in an evl way)

>> No.75313500

>minor typing mistake
good work tuffnar, get banned forever soon idiot

>> No.75313519

i know, but this is shondo (forma de ribbon priestess) not shondo (forma de real)

>> No.75313545


>> No.75313683


>> No.75313689

that ain't me little bro, but he's my shogga and he's right

>> No.75313808

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75314037

i will pin her down and indulge her evil soul

>> No.75314175

nobody else keeps talking about how she is evil all the time

>> No.75314210

erm its GOODgirlshadow sweaty

>> No.75314227

he gets copied a lot, as he does others, shoggas share ;)

>> No.75314236
File: 3.19 MB, 640x572, 1695477877177562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my evil wife

>> No.75314333
File: 176 KB, 680x551, GKNXyRFXoAE-yaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75314571
File: 343 KB, 657x895, 1710609083097861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey...please...the health update...

>> No.75314754

>Needy groomer wants to know his wife is doing ok
Ugh.. you are not owed anything

>> No.75314882

She's obviously doing better.

>> No.75315153

I think the response to Camila's apology is a good sign; I doubt she'd bother to even acknowledge it unless she was feeling at least a bit better.

>> No.75315171

Her apparent recovery period was pretty brief. There is no guarantee she hasn't relapsed again.

>> No.75315305
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, 1690621364701099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will be okay guys.
Goodnight shoggas.

>> No.75315358

this is disgusting shondo. it's been days since your last update. how are we supposed to know you're not dying if you aren't posting online every few hours? you're my WIFE! this is abuse.

>> No.75315365

Why am i being called a needy groomer for wondering if my wife is starting to feel better? At least not throwing up?

>> No.75315402

you aren't wondering, you're begging and guilt tripping constantly

>> No.75315500

Im pretty sure that post was sarcastic.

>> No.75315506

Because it's fun

>> No.75315531

because she took a step back from you and you're insisting on breaking that boundary
she'll update you when she's ready, in her own terms

>> No.75315548
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 3.0 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure okay

>> No.75315552

You dont even know what those word mean

>> No.75315582

>because she took a step back from you
That's what we call a breakup, she should be honest about it.

>> No.75315734
File: 152 KB, 1850x1058, 1713593504507578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75315834

Good night
Nade nade

>> No.75316020

My mother just called me up to say "have you heard they're making an Afghan Barbie?"
"It's a blow up doll"
Then laughed and put the phone down. Would shondo enjoy the company of my family?

>> No.75316054
File: 72 KB, 673x1024, 1712700473444667m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until i see the divorce papers this marriage is forever

>> No.75316098

they aren't necessary, there were no marriage papers to begin with.

>> No.75316232

>heh, shondo divorced you
do you think you're doing something here? i'll still love her forever, the marriage has nothing to do with that, i await your impotent response

>> No.75316326

I'm worthless

>> No.75316369

except sex and physical intimacy is proven to strengthen relationships and make you love someone more. hence the importance of monogamy/low body count so you’re not desensitized by banging dozens of other people.

who’s Ip and why does he keep getting molested in these threads?

>> No.75316460

Getting intimate in order to coerce them into loving you is a form of domestic abuse.

>> No.75316561

i can see you typing already. stop, delete what you put and realize you're getting trolled and write your new response based upon that

>> No.75316702

Booooring. I want to reply to bait all day!

>> No.75316758

i can tell its a troll because its the same language i would use if i wanted to act like a stinky femcel. all highfalutin and matter of fact

>> No.75316843
File: 115 KB, 850x567, 1708953946370241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replying to obvious bait can be fun sometimes but at least post wife art or wife reactions to keep the folders full

>> No.75316863

you need a therapist not a wife
get help

>> No.75316871

it doing that is how you know everythings working alright
just dont touch it

>> No.75316930

>femcel dating app
bumble or other

>> No.75317056
File: 45 KB, 1056x1698, IMG_5376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ribbon indenting thigh meat
now that’s what professionals refer to as “the good shit”

>> No.75317165

Hi gym anon did you workout today? I just got back from the gym, ty for the motivation

>> No.75317547

This art is so cute i love the line work.
A cultured anon as well i see. Thigh squish is very SyadouPray

>> No.75317668

How much longer will it be until I can hear shondo doing asmr live again

>> No.75317924

she did one just after her new chuuba debut
you are subbed to her youtube alt, right?

>> No.75318022

That was ages ago now I miss her whispering voice so bad

>> No.75318327
File: 196 KB, 1080x1714, 20230223_224646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the gym anon but good luck on those gains

>> No.75318338

Why do you drop this every thread like it's some massive hidden slamdunk of knowledge? Anyone here knows.

>> No.75318507

what upsets her is very weirdge amd inconsistent to me. school shootings are fine for ber to joke about but call someome a fatass and you’ll be on her shit list until you reincarnate

obviously not if theyre asking about it

>> No.75318571

>Shondo is inconsistent with her opinions and has double standards for both you and her
Say it ain't so..

>> No.75318928

idk i just heard there was one

>> No.75318992

>shondo will never discuss her bras with you again
fine WHORE i’ll let Olivia talk to me about her massive tiddies then!! (sorry don’t know where that came from)
i’d like to imagine shondo wouldn’t wear a bra no matter how big her tatas were because she just stays in her room 24/7. extremely cute and sexy to think about. just brushing up against her and feeling those bare nipples :)

>> No.75319016

25+ and thats a lie

>> No.75319065

what youtube alt? doko?

>> No.75319160

i need free access to run my hands up her shirt and grope her chest like you wouldn't believe, i need to feel her nipples get hard under my fingers as well

>> No.75319169

isnt anny morbinly a beast?
i feel like i can smell the Doritos when she talks.

>> No.75319254

she just did recently why would she do it again immediately?

>> No.75319333
File: 82 KB, 500x500, IMG_6367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this is it a lil funni to youu?

>> No.75319388


>> No.75319421

Gee anon, if only there was some medium streamers could use to make their actual appearance completely irrelevant to what they do, particularly the lewd ones.

>> No.75319472


>> No.75319481

nta but it does help if they're a semen demon like shondo

>> No.75319605

i wish i was black so shondo would love me

>> No.75319629

Not funny shondo

>> No.75319718

initially i thought her mental illness was hot and a charm point but after so long now I wish she didnt have that affliction because i love her and dont want her to be in mental anguish all the time. shes very talented and it gets in the way of her dreams.

>> No.75320092

she doesnt need to be in mental anguish all the time and im going to make sure she isnt in the future

>> No.75320182

It's not fun when the mentally ill wife experience you signed up for includes getting ghosted for months

>> No.75320269

everyone wants a mentally ill wife until she's mentally ill

>> No.75320271

Thinking about her schizophrenia and irrational behaviour makes me diamonds

>> No.75320429

I had depressing dreams yesterday and today

>> No.75320450

I would bust inside her schizo shunt without hesitation

>> No.75320480

usually that talent is a result of the mental illness, ADHD kids are far more likely to be gifted but like you say their life outcomes are much worse because having ADHD gets in the way of those kids doing something significant with that talent
you can see it everywhere in art and writing. her mental illness is what makes her shondo, there's a reason you're not in love with a girl who was dealt a good hand. i wish she didn't have to be mentally ill to be who she is but that's reality so i won't anguish and mull over it

>> No.75320496

more than that I can see there's things she wants to do and she just cant because if the internet goes out for 5 minutes or there's 1 micro decibal of pops its the end of the world

>> No.75320550

I actually saw this yesterday and dreamed that I was making it last night. The coffee smell was extremely strong and vivid.

>> No.75320697

i dont mind that she is mentally ill she is just a cute and wonderful and charming and nice person that i fell in love with and she would be 1000 times better off if she wasnt constantly subjected to stress by mentally ill old men

>> No.75320833

theres at least 12000mg of caffeine in that it would kill anyone

>> No.75320894

even better.

>> No.75320953

I'm stronger than digi.

>> No.75321119

digi died to like 800mg

>> No.75321154

digi never died

>> No.75321235

shondo debut 5/11

>> No.75321340


>> No.75321353


>> No.75321486

i'll wait until november for you shondo
but only if you post a new otis pic in the next 2 days

>> No.75321987

otis did 5/11
nose powder cant melt steel beams

>> No.75322183

Ok fine shondo, I shot my gunk to your fat whore friend. Happy now? Will you please show me my son now, leaving is one thing but a father has a right to be with his son.

>> No.75322480

Im not doing well but I know shondo is doing worse so I just gotta keep going. Except I dont have anyone to support me, which really sucks

>> No.75323241

not gay btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uXe0AW5Bcw

>> No.75323282

Man up, suck it up. Go stare out a window or go for a walk or something.

>> No.75323341

bi isn't gay
they have separate flags for a reason

>> No.75323423

Shondo we need to you make an official list of all features that your ideal man requires.

>> No.75323425

This makes me want to end it all. Point to a single time she was ever like this with us. Then point to the thousands of times she's told us kissing means nothing to her and she doesn't get it.

>> No.75323431

I wonder what she is thinking about right now

>> No.75323477


>> No.75323484

she's thinking about my bwc penetrating her tight shunny

>> No.75323485

Its about the chase, she has us for free. Getting her oshi to kiss her is something for her to cherish as she worked hard to be known to her

>> No.75323661

So this is why she likes antichads and ryonachads the most. Also explains why she cares more about none husbands rather than whiteribbons.

>> No.75323689
File: 315 KB, 583x710, 1702085074313397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75323883

oh nvm about anything i said lmao she just gave her 100 pounds

>> No.75323913

>Point to a single time she was ever like this with us

Maybe not exactly like that but one romantic moment was when she talked about how she wanted to touch our arm and trace the veins.

>> No.75323948

the last one is 100000000% how she'd be irl
>uuuuuuuuuuuu my hand hort
>uuuuuuuuu my touch aversion is acting up now

>i don't buy my women
>i earn them
yeah, okay bro cool story
P.S. remember that that's the money you gave her for her house. she just spends it on another vtuber

>> No.75323963
File: 221 KB, 785x751, F8GpS2hWUAAm1YM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75323998

>give shondo 100k as a start for the house fund
>she gives it all to women on the internet for virtual kisses
I suppose we're not all that different

>> No.75324020

What bothers me is that she's paying for kisses AFTER the obvious controversy with the femboy. She's so stupid.

>> No.75324025


>> No.75324027

It's ok, I allow her to spend my money on a domestic abuser

>> No.75324054

It was a direct response to a picture she got sent.

>> No.75324099

i have a vein that is pretty pronounced under my eye
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i want her to trace it with her cute little fingie uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shondo uuuuuuu

>> No.75324148

thats my cute confident wife (confidence gone after 1 slight setback)

>> No.75324192

she doesn't gives a shit about you

>> No.75324202

Name one time she ever donated 100 norf coins to you

>> No.75324232

shes spent way more making me happy

>> No.75324310

she gives a shit about me
i know this because she said that she loved me too

>> No.75324367

i melt when she says she loves me, specifically so never =(

>> No.75324529

shes proven that cares about me i dont need to be validated everyday

>> No.75324538

sorry anon i can't relate ;)

>> No.75324634

hi darkkal

>> No.75324698

stop pretending to be ABCs

>> No.75324854

she doesnt
you are not a King

>> No.75324896

another day of slamming incel groomers into the ground(they're obsessed with me)for being mean to my internet wife. She won't just be my internet wife for long though because I will win ;)

>> No.75324911


>> No.75324921

weird larp

>> No.75325041

>gf on period
glad i never have to deal with this mcdonald's ice cream machine works more consistently than my wife's uterus

>> No.75325084

she is extremely fertile

>> No.75325098


>> No.75325160

>ambiguous pronoun
Shogga, people aren't gonna know you're talking about the critter if you don't specify.

>> No.75325216

imagine the critter cun you could get if you moved in with her. shadowmama at night critters in the day. it would be perfect

>> No.75325224

every female in the family is or will be very fertile, but the fertility of the critters doesn't interest me because im not dewd

>> No.75325270

I wouldn't agree with you publicly because that would be wrong

>> No.75325297

sex with shadowmama must be fucking wild

>> No.75325434

uh oh melty

>> No.75325482

Well it certainly wasn't her personality keeping men around.

>> No.75325532

she seems like a lovely person

>> No.75325566

shadowmama... the oiled up tits joi asmr...

>> No.75325607

because she didn't see a problem with it at first. she defended her and she defended wonton too

>> No.75325635

Interesting view. My view is that if shondo had a competent mother none of what we know would have happened

>> No.75325641

based on what we have seen from her on streams she seems like a very lovely person just like her daughter

>> No.75325678

and rushia and yuko and camila and

>> No.75325764

you guys seem very dedicated for people who hate her personality

>> No.75325769

I love her

>> No.75325784

i love shondo personally

>> No.75325804

I love her shunny

>> No.75325834

you can't really love someone if you don't know all their stupid hypocrisies
the fact that i love her despite knowing how bad she can get not that bad really outside of menhera should show my dedication to my beloved darling wife

>> No.75325900

and your take means nothing since what we know is only the bits that shondo has brought up. those kinds of situations are never as simple as "just avoid it to begin with or leave lol."

>> No.75325938

fleece was also adamant he loved her despite his anti posting right up until the day he didn't

>> No.75325949

>just avoid it to begin with
it's that simple

>> No.75325996

This break has been crucial for me. You start to see things for what they really are. I wonder if shondo is coming to the same conclusion that I came to

>> No.75326044

your conclusions probably really gay so probably not

>> No.75326047

Except it literally is that simple.
You're not under mind control no matter what your whore mother told you s

>> No.75326059

unironically this. pretending that someone is perfect is some weird kind of cope stemming from insecurity about your own feelings.

>> No.75326099

stfu piece of shit anti
she's perfect she loves me she never lies
kill yourself

>> No.75326105

i love her about as much as i can love someone ive never met i think

>> No.75326155

i love her about as much as you can love someone you fuck every night but she has to pretend to care about a bunch of simps online

>> No.75326162
File: 924 KB, 686x789, 1714773530430398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you good shiggie?

>> No.75326218

>pretending someone is perfect is when you don't like posting every criticism you have of them

>> No.75326256

holy ESL

>> No.75326260

We're playing the quotation game again S? You really love playing this one!

>> No.75326345

glad i'm not the only one that had a stroke reading that

>> No.75326378
File: 179 KB, 884x1440, 20240307_161609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75326470

what is the thing connect the not-iPod and the headphones?
also why is this slut wearing a garter belt but not sitting on my face?

>> No.75326516

the whole point of physical and mental abuse is control over the other person you dumb fuck. nevermind all the other factors that play into those situations like people being even more at risk and usually provoking worse situations when they try to leave. wouldn't expect some sub 70 IQ lobotomite to know about or take such things into consideration though

>> No.75326626

portable amp

>> No.75326746
File: 243 KB, 922x2048, GM60kSxWoAAZ8KK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo you're starting to get some competition for my heart. You NEED to come back

>> No.75326802

lol irl

>> No.75326817

>shoggers looking to leave for a new femcel
the gears of shondomination turn once more

>> No.75326819

audiocuck trash

>> No.75326903

name atleast 15

>> No.75326904
File: 1.07 MB, 832x906, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly as expected. kys

>> No.75326913

femcels aren't a thing. they can all get laid within minutes if they wanted to, it's just a matter of how delusional they are in terms of what kind of guy they're trying to get matches with.

>> No.75326944


>> No.75326969
File: 17 KB, 1071x1024, 1709177584682417 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love u shondo

>> No.75326981

straight to her grave

>> No.75327086
File: 3 KB, 291x282, 1713885382174145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondomination is coming whether you support it or not.

>> No.75327152


>> No.75327166

that's a man

>> No.75327287
File: 163 KB, 906x1200, GJnAZeHbkAAjBjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo isnt perfect, but she is very nice and i love her, i think, probably

>> No.75327571

I enjoy my time with shondo unless she ignores me then i want to kill myself

>> No.75327618

shondo please just a voice tweet... I miss hearing your voice

>> No.75328113

i dont need shondo anymore i have a new asmr slut

>> No.75328208

>not even binaural
i like her choice of plushies tho
gengar is best boi

>> No.75328334

A movie marathon date with shnidoo as you're both wrapped in blankets. Making stupid and silly commentary with each other during the movies. Fast forward to the last movie in. As it ends and the credits roll you both are snuggled into each other. Her hand rubbing your chest as she slightly drools on your shirt. The smell of her coconut hair fills your nose as you instinctively kiss the top of her head. You're work alarm is what wakes you up, being the shtoopid head you are you forgot to turn it off as you requested the time off in advance. Its morning and the sun is bright. She's unfazed and still sleeping. Not wanting to bother her you slowly pull her close and fall back to sleep.

>> No.75328356

For me it's the jew girls in idol

>> No.75328436

so its back to the silent treatment? ok lol

>> No.75328461

Are you a shogga or a shogger? Is there a requirement for getting to use the hard r?

>> No.75328487

lurk moar and do your reps newfriend

>> No.75328579

I like fallen shadow

>> No.75328606

are you a child?

>> No.75328618

Shadows can't fall retard

>> No.75328698


>> No.75328792

Thats a shadow being cast
A shadow

>> No.75328848

Ok but are you a shogger

>> No.75328905

stfu newfag there is no difference between shogger and shogga. stop forcing this meme and kys

>> No.75328973


>> No.75329083


>> No.75329085

you double shogger

>> No.75329098

of course there is a difference and if you dont know it then you are a shogger

>> No.75329105

existence without my wife is cold and grey

>> No.75329194

she's alive if you don't have notifications on

>> No.75329203


>> No.75329402

not for much longer

>> No.75329458


>> No.75329502

I have faith in her, but I wish I also had faith in medical professionals.

>> No.75329589

i have faith in medical professionals, just not the one(s) she sees.

>> No.75329650

have to say it /here/ and hope she reads it somehow or retards would call be a sperg/anti

Shondo, if you bedrotted all day, I'm not sure going straight back to bed is the best thing to do. Maybe walk around some and get a little exercise? I will backseat your health because I love you.

>> No.75329671

My poor wife. I wish I had powers that could heal her

>> No.75329719

you've never been depressed

>> No.75329743
File: 3.89 MB, 528x648, you know what we doin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc5khx1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shondo please please please take care of yourself ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wish i could be there to make food for you and help you feel better uuuuuu i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you please feel better sooooon

>> No.75329760

erm tell that to my prozac????

>> No.75329827

Shondo, don't take this guy seriously, he's a bitch and is scared of what gay anonymous people has to say about him

>> No.75329843

They're just like any other technician (car mechanics?), where like 1/10 are going to do an actual good job and use critical thinking skills.

>> No.75329871

ssris are for more than depression and it's an umbrella term, i mean the depression where you don't get out of bed all day

>> No.75330045
File: 1.20 MB, 960x1660, 1713990548400589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more just worried she'll get the ick and think i'm a loser

I haven't gone to my classes since spring break and have barely left my house since then. but that's enough about me. post about DescendedDarkness

>> No.75330105

Shondooooo im sorry I didnt mean it, I was just going through the same thing and wanted to feel better
Please feel better soon I miss you and Im worried about you :(

>> No.75330254
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, 1714497633666143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate that she doesnt take good care of herself
please shondo you deserve to be better, please treat yourself better

>> No.75330444

"hmm while I'm here let me check my feed"
FFS vtubers were a mistake

>> No.75330512

>if you were in highschool in 2011...yikes...
safe by a single year =D

>> No.75330515

social anxiety and lack of motivation isn't the same feeling as not wanting to get up from your bed all day, if you don't have a good idea of what i mean then you don't know what she's really feeling, which is fine.
i'm just explaining to you how telling a bed ridden depressed person to get up like it's their fault is something someone who has never experienced it would say

it's paralyzing and no amount of someone telling you to try harder will change that

>> No.75330579

Why does her family not pin her down and force feed her. Her and ft

>> No.75330624

oh so you can just admit you're retarded instead of writing all that. she got up and went downstairs, so i just suggested she stay down there instead of going back to bed retard.
also not socially anxious, but please tell me how you're not lacking motivation by not being able to get out of bed.

>> No.75330698

Women don't eat meals unless a man provides them. They just snack all day. Also nice digits.
