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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75297393 No.75297393 [Reply] [Original]

because they are proof the only way to make real women cute is to impose ultra strict social rules and threaten them with income cut for breaking them

>> No.75297538

Go visit Japan. It will blow your mind. Feminine women do exist.

>> No.75297563

they were all the same before hololive

>> No.75297589

>income cut
You almost had it, Zhang.

>> No.75297639

Oh you're such a good catch, sir.

>> No.75297730

No, my question is why are most western girls so far off and different from the EN girls here? And we all know it's an act, but why is EN an act and JP and ID for real? Why can't western girls be like that for real too?
What's with you two?

>> No.75297749

Why do you think that every society other than the modern west had social laws limiting women's freedom? Anyway, there's actual cute non-whore indies out there, you just need to learn how to find them.

>> No.75298836

bump! ;3

>> No.75300720


>> No.75303903

Touch grass

>> No.75306632


>> No.75306722

Go back

>> No.75307703

>why is EN an act and JP and ID for real?
Anon do you really believe all the JP and ID talents like coomerbait, GFE, and unicorn pandering? There are obviously several talents that hate that side of Hololive.

>> No.75308262

>muh jap women
just cause women won't fuck you doesn't mean paying japs to is impressive anon

>> No.75308330

No one is threatening them, retard.

>> No.75308372

Yeah, but I don't think even those studios could make you desirable anon

>> No.75310325


>> No.75310414

I somehow manage to watch vtubers without hating women, is there something wrong with me?

>> No.75310988

That's the way it's always been.

>> No.75312570


>> No.75312671

You couldn't make a threat to a fucking fly. lol

>> No.75312716

I think the real reason you are depressed is because women dare not approach you.

>> No.75313907

Only if you're a holofag

>> No.75315310


>> No.75318030

OK but sex with kronii

>> No.75318336

There are feminine women basically everywhere in the world.

>> No.75319214

This fucking reddit-ass board is the most femoid-infested hellhole I've ever seen on this site. What the hell? Why are there so many of you?

>> No.75322097


>> No.75322250

How many extreme misogynists are going to watch vtubers?

>> No.75323990

pic unrelated tho

>> No.75324612

It's called a quality standard. It's the same as how there's a difference between a $5000/night escort and a $50/hr whore.

>> No.75329857


>> No.75329886

>Live in NA
>Everywhere is yoga pants and leggings
>Visit Japan and see women in actual dresses and skirts
>They even wear heels
Yeah, naw, he's right.

>> No.75329919

Isn’t the cheating rate in Japan like absurdly high lol

>> No.75330267

It is a feminine trait to cheat. The traditional nihongo relationship where the husband works 12 hours a day and forks over all his salary to his wife who sits home and makes aesthetic bentos that taste like garbage for her Instagram where thousands of simps praise her for being an ideal wife then gives him a pittance for allowance so he can drink himself to sleep in overnight manga cafes cause he works too much overtime to catch the last train giving his wife time to cheat with the package delivery man while he’s gone is the ideal marriage. None of you western libcucks get it.

>> No.75331033
File: 13 KB, 521x438, infidlty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn’t the cheating rate in Japan like absurdly high
That's a meme perpetuated by click bait youtube videos. Cheating rates in Japan are actually around average compared to most other developed countries. No matter what chart you look at, it's always around the bottom half.

Thailand is #1 in cheating with US and several European countries always beating Japan in infidelity.

Keep in mind this is all relative and the cheating rates in the "lowest" most faithful countries still averages around 50%.

>> No.75331598

Why does the column say single or married? How do you cheat if single? Do they define single as unmarried but in a relationship?
Also how were this many people cheating in lockdown 2020?

>> No.75331928

You must only watch JPs then and not Mikeneko or La+ or other whores. Otherwise there is almost nothing redeeming about women who grift for a living fr fr. But if you picture them purely as voice actors playing an anime character, well, you wouldn't expect Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari to act differently to appeal to you personally- would you? Sadly most westoid vtubbers lack kayfabe and are just here trying to find the last flakes of gold in a gold rush that happened 4 years ago.

>> No.75332194

It’s because the source is kinda bs. Seems to just reference some trashy online articles. Ironic that the poster mentions click bait but has posted click bait himself.
One very well known stat consistent through all articles though is that men tend to cheat more than women, so the whole premise is kinda funny. It’s not the women that need fixing. Manwhores have always been a bigger problem than thots.

>> No.75332318
File: 232 KB, 960x684, 6841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going by the legal definition. If you're not married, legally you're considered single by the government. Dating relationships don't count.

Here's another more recent chart.

>> No.75332574

That is why people hate islam for telling the truth, you should be able to beat the shit out of your daughterwife to discipline her.

>> No.75332793

>sources: durex, various dating websites

>> No.75332986

And yet no matter how strict the corpo or how much income they have to lose, male vtubers are still infinitely worse. Incorrigible sexpests and retards the lot of them. Real men are hopeless and incapable of being proper human beings no matter what you do with them. Must be something wrong with the Y chromosome.

>> No.75334528


>> No.75334680


>> No.75340265


>> No.75343134

Uhhhhh BASED?

>> No.75347181

I love these girls
