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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7524157 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7524205

Best chemistry in EN. Everyone else is in denial

>> No.7524324

die, shipfags

>> No.7524529

I like Ina and Kiara more as of late. They are second best.
Takotori > Gurame > Gurina > Takoame > Sametori > Toriame > anyone x Mori

>> No.7524718

Ina Kiara is kino because they just enjoy each other's company and neither feels the need to force cringe yuribait.
KFP your oshi is more than alright. At last I truly see.

>> No.7528456

Iname is better and is approved by Nabe-mama.

>> No.7529462

Mori is the only one who has the balls to admit being straight

>> No.7529700

Doesn't make her any better at collabs.

>> No.7529771

parents disapproving of the best couple as always

>> No.7531018

a me same?
am esa me?

>> No.7531045
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Double graduation when?

>> No.7531094

Wym? Nacho loves gurame.

>> No.7531193

>livestreaming a double suicide

they should just elope instead

>> No.7531274

ame (ah-meh) same (sah-meh), as in amelia + japanese for shark (サメ)

>> No.7531296


>> No.7531344

You all sound like 14 year old girls on Tumblr

>> No.7531389

>Vshojo schedule theme
>new people will still fall for it

>> No.7531657

I'm genuinely baffled you're the first person to point this out, 16 posts in. That was the point of this thread, a bait-and-switch but uh... not sure what happened there.
t. OP

>> No.7531804

Straight boring. I'd rather watch Kiara rant about herself for 1 hour during a collab then watch another Calli collab where she's comatose, mumbling incohrently and clearly doesn't want to be there. Only to do a collab with her IRL friends a day later where she actually cares about doing the bare minimum her job requires.

>> No.7532066

Sametori? What?

>> No.7532095

Has nothing to do with being an entertaining chuuba, a quality she lacks.

>> No.7532106

same is shark in japanese and tori is bird

>> No.7532190

God the amount of shit you'd be getting right now if we were still on /jp/. I guess I'll just have to imagine it.

>> No.7532277


>> No.7532337

>Using a japanese word for shark
Just use English, retard.

>> No.7532343

you unironically need to try drugs if something as minor as that puts you that on edge

>> No.7532365

If anyone else was like me, they probably assumed your post was meant to imply that a gurama collab finally happened again, since it was being requested for months but didn't happen for no discernible reason. I don't watch or care about vshojo so I didn't pick up on any intended bait.

>> No.7532451

you do realize fans didn't randomly think of using japanese words just for the heck of it right?
>gura having "doumo same desu" as a catchphrase
>mori calling kiara "kusotori"

>> No.7532869

Just remembering the good days, back when this shit was fun.

>> No.7532911

But the fact that you're in this thread right now means you do watch over the catalog, and if you do, you would have for certain seen these bright Vshojo collab announcement posts. There's another one up on the board right now, even. Your story doesn't add up.

>> No.7533214

Are you retarded? This isn't 'bait', it's a fucking joke.

>> No.7534817


>> No.7534924


>> No.7538282

Nothing's stopping you from going back there.

>> No.7539470

God I wish Gurame was real.

>> No.7539562

ืNothing beats these two for me in EN, and I am not even a shipfag. This is the kind of thing we should be seeing more.

>> No.7540814

>Ina can work with literally anyone and brings out peoples bests (I would put Morina above Toriame on that note)
>Kiara works far better in collabs than solo as she needs someone to play off her chaotic energy
>Ame works best alone, but has a couple of people who can mesh well with her style. Anyone else, she restrains herself
>Gura is easy to work with but is generally the sidekick in every collab providing funny responses rather than leading
>Mori needs dominant people like Korone to collab with where she can be the panicked stuttering mess she really is rather than trying to act cool

>> No.7540965

You got one of the most non shit opinions on the site, but i'd say Gura is the best collab partner. Ina is the least offensive and can mesh well with anyone, but Gura is the most adaptable, so even if their start is rocky she can usually make it decent by the end (see any Gura+Mori collab). Mori's problem more lies in her simply not wanting to play games with others and checking out mentally. This means her only good collabs occur when she genuinely wants to be there (which is basically never) or when her partner can force responses out of her.

>> No.7540991

