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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75234520 No.75234520 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75193559

>> No.75234656
File: 53 KB, 696x1024, 1712743021477409m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife so much!!!

>> No.75234972
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love fallenshadow!!!!

>> No.75235193

The valentine's day stream was very sweet.

>> No.75235852

So Bapy finished high school? I thought underagefags weren't allowed in Shondo's chat.

>> No.75235952
File: 126 KB, 870x768, 1697744664983911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

37 centimeters

>> No.75235982

We almost had 5 nise posts in a row

>> No.75236554
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will forever love the shadow
fuck you

>> No.75237128

sex. sex with shondo. sex.

>> No.75237180

she was so cute when she was still alive

>> No.75237913
File: 23 KB, 835x327, 1711703545691928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally 1984! How could they get rid of a based fetish friend like this?

>> No.75238207

Anyone have the clip of shondo saying the funny mustache man is my friend, he wouldn't do that

>> No.75238302
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.75238396

>give me the clip that spawned a lot of twitter drama
lol ok tourist

>> No.75238429


>> No.75238473 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x702, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6bylng.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go bro have fun

>> No.75238501

sorry, i don't follow most of what happens with her, it was a funny clip tho

>> No.75238559

shondo fans always so nice :3

>> No.75238562


>> No.75238584

What was the book that Shondo was supposed to read by the end of February? If it sounds interesting I might get it on audible.

>> No.75238641

I think it was house of leaves. It's not really one you can listen to, you need the physical book

>> No.75238746

shondo i want this for dinner
get to work

>> No.75238766

It's on YouTube but it's supposedly not great in audio format. I've heard it's a meta book so you need to read it.

>> No.75238875

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75238901

Shoggas I haven't been to the gym all year and it's almost half way over. I fucked up so hard, all my gains are gone

>> No.75238912

>wahh tummy hort
>wahh tummy hort, head hurt
just take an advil.

>> No.75238977

if you quit posting about your failures you might start doing something about them instead

>> No.75239122

Same........ hey, wanna make a deal? We both go to the gym tomorrow, whoever doesn't go has to take a knife and deep cut the upper leg tendons of his left leg.

>> No.75239160

Deal shogga, I'll let you know how it goes

>> No.75239259
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x2000, 1705444370177753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man.

>> No.75239271

>she still hasnt read it

>> No.75239480

neppie is dissing shondo for her vod uploads, trivialising how easy it is to upload vods from twitch
makes sense for shondo tho, she gets to have an excuse to give orange a special place by her side

>> No.75239526

>dissing shondo
I doubt she said "shondo"

>> No.75239621

she likes the dumbest (nonderogatory) memes on X. i wish i could come home from work, sit on the couch, and she runs up to snuggle me and show me all the funny maymays she saved over the day.

>> No.75239625

it is trivially easy though. shondo used to say it wasn't possible, and then when pointed out that it is, she gave some excuse that i can't remember.

>> No.75239937

Internet excuse, it made zero sense

>> No.75239941

Shondo always has a laundry lists of excuses for why she can't do anything.

>> No.75240362

>plans to buy a laptop so she can stream during her vacation
the grass truly is greener on the other side, too bad I don't find her entertainer and I'm already committed

>> No.75240723

It's greener till you start digging.

>> No.75240784

I might suck but a lot of you suck even more.

>> No.75240813

spill the tea shogga, does she have obvious favourites? I know this girl has a million alts

>> No.75240818

that’s nice schnidoo. when you streaming again?

>> No.75240874

Yeah, we're made for each other.

>> No.75240906

no shit then the lawn has holes in it

>> No.75241001

Why are you now in the discord asking for it dramafag

>> No.75241096

My life is driven by drama and suffering.

>> No.75241116

no anon, he needs to laugh. it's been an hour he really needs that laugh

>> No.75241169

Right. Totally not an anti piece of shit.

>> No.75241295

>joined the server after not getting a link for his drama video here
Why are you like this and why are you in Maris server as well? Did you join to ask for her Joe biden rap

>> No.75241388

I like how his shirt says ouch

>> No.75241598

>I want to know about all of your life stories
>like all of it
>send me baby pictures too
I wished shondo cared half as much as her

>> No.75241608

found a good sidehoe on pomf

>> No.75241662

she's a fed

>> No.75241675

>what school you went to
>what friends you had
>even if your life isn't interesting I still want to know
if only my wife cared as much

>> No.75241751

It's easy to care when a dozen replies is considered a lot for your tweets, meanwhile if Shondo did that she'd get even people who don't watch her sending her pics and life stories. Think of the sheggs situation, she'd have to force herself to reply to everyone.

>> No.75241757

>Not for one second considering why she would want to know those things

>> No.75241759

>does she have obvious favourites
which chuuba doesnt

>> No.75241818


>> No.75241825

the post wasnt her

>> No.75241856


>> No.75241896

Please stop, I don't want to have to write an essay on it

>> No.75241926

remake GGS. as your husband i am no longer asking shondo, you won't get any beatings until you do

>> No.75241933

you must be shondo with how many excuses you can pull out of your ass on the spot

>> No.75241940

I would really like to have these conversations with Shondo but I understand that it is impossible from a number of dedicated husbands standpoint and also she doesn't care.

>> No.75241995

im just disappointed that promiseposter isnt nise

>> No.75242031

You guys should keep posting about Camila and how she is better than Shondo, the rabbit is old news.

>> No.75242036

she is an actress working for the uk chris handsome

>> No.75242065

no one is nise

>> No.75242087

Except me

>> No.75242136

take your meds and you wont have to

>> No.75242143

I know you're lying, this community is fueled by hate

>> No.75242171


>> No.75242213
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just banter mate, i'm nise, not PG. i promise

>> No.75242240

This is why she should ditch the husband theme and rebrand chat back to being Fallen. Then she can pick her favorite shoggas and marry them in a secret club discord.
I would be invited, obviously.

>> No.75242250

>whaaaaaaaaaaa you didn't reply to MY childhood pics you hate me!!!!!! whaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.75242266

what you newfags don't seem to understand is that shondo was exactly like this back in the day. this is what happens when you incline too much and become a 4view. of fucking course she can't ask 2k people for their fucking baby pictures, you retards.

>> No.75242274

ok i trust you

>> No.75242294

>sekrit club shit
I'd nuke it. Simple as.

>> No.75242307

There are like 100 real husbands and of those 100 she probably cares about like 10. She could ask.

>> No.75242353

Except she was never like that. At most she'd put you on a list and take notes on your hobbies. If you were lucky she'd ask you about them.
Stop pretending you were there

>> No.75242378

Baby pictures would actually be a no diff win for ojisans since we have soulful physical pics and zoomers only have digital trash.

>> No.75242387

i was there. you weren't. post sub badge nigga :)

>> No.75242402

you wouldn't be invited to nuke it, she would only pick the trustful shoggas that would keep it a secret, it might be happening right now and you don't know since they're not talking about

>> No.75242423

nah because all my parents are dead and I threw that shit in the trash ages ago

>> No.75242448

>she would only pick the trustful shoggas
>trustful shoggas
lol lmao my sides

>> No.75242453

Lol irl

>> No.75242578

she's not stupid enough to risk giving someone a nuke like that if their mind changes, she can't do something like that unless it's someone who already has dirt on her or no more than a couple people she might be able to trust

>> No.75242593

i havent laughed in years

>> No.75242594

She's still alive now. Just on break.

>> No.75242620

sucks to be you, you should join them

>> No.75242656

What if she isn't? FT would be smart enough to make her seem active until they finish grieving.

>> No.75242693

Actually hilarious

>> No.75242696

Smile I'm nise

>> No.75242697

your memory is failing you old man, mass adoption of computers wasn't a thing until well after the older zoomers were born

>> No.75242734

not nise enough

>> No.75242747

i have a wife to live for (she prefers my penis)

>> No.75242832

There he goes pushing her again in Discussion. When will his reign of terror be stopped!?

>> No.75242877

stop posting about yourself, disgusting attentionwhore

>> No.75242883


>> No.75242909

That post has finally pushed me over the edge on him. Horrible stuff

>> No.75242922

Cease your homosexuality.

>> No.75242966

i just can't believe this. he gets away with THAT? this shit will reach Hasan at this point.

>> No.75242998

stop giving the attentionwhore what he wants

>> No.75243008

Stop posting about yourself

>> No.75243038
File: 165 KB, 720x829, Screenshot_20240504-110250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this would've been an asshole move then

>> No.75243055

INSANECAT what'd he say? I can't see

>> No.75243083

he didn't lie, he loves me and my man tuff and this was meant for us specifically

>> No.75243089

you don't wanna see it, it's gonna start a huge drama

>> No.75243103

Faggot thread for unironically gay men.

>> No.75243136

And she goes offline on discord as soon as he said that. Unbelievable.

>> No.75243154
File: 60 KB, 446x1024, 1712002743918112m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically gay men
Somnium, dewd and pink names

>> No.75243254
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i do...

>> No.75243259

>2 minutes after
it has to be him self posting or one of the most pathetic people alive. You dont have anything else going on? not even video games youre playing, or a youtube video you want to watch?

>> No.75243290

You know what they say, if you don't have haters you're doing something wrong
Keep it up big D

>> No.75243327

No fucking way...

>> No.75243329

find a fucking hobby already, dewd

>> No.75243331

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75243358

No but really, i'm curious and i can't check, what'd he say

>> No.75243365

Kys ironically

>> No.75243369

i dindu nuffin :c

>> No.75243408


>> No.75243414

he asked for /shon/ to start talking about him since he wasn't getting enough attention lately and it worked

>> No.75243415

He told her that in the Discussion channel????

>> No.75243422

Im talking to you.

>> No.75243429

Such a soulful Sho, you can tell Giru is a homosexual (compliment).

>> No.75243477

and now Chester throws his hat in the ring. what is in the water today? who put bees in their bonnets today?

>> No.75243485

That doesn't seem particularly believable, but I'll believe it nonetheless

>> No.75243515


>> No.75243575

I want to rape sho so badly
Possibly more than I want to rape shondo
I'm not gay or anything though
He's so erotic...
Giru should draw more sho

>> No.75243626

>uses something innocuous to attention whore
>gets called an attention whore
>plays victim and acts innocent
>strawmans people calling him an attention whore by ignoring the attention whoring of the innocuous post
you just can't help but manipulate, even when she's struggling on her break. no thanks to you, groomer.

>> No.75243645

Quite generally hate him.

>> No.75243697

Im fucking losing it today, dont you fucking see all he wants is to get your attention. Literally do not respond to his bait posts here and he loses everything. Its him every fucking time hes brought up you retards. stop fucking responding to him

>> No.75243700

>attention whore
oh no he posted in a places that Shondo might see! what a groomer the mods should ban his ass fr fr no cap unironically on god blud

>> No.75243711

I'm gonna lose my marbles
What a time to not be able to check discord

>> No.75243714

Clearly thats why she went offline on discord. This is just too much oh my gawd

>> No.75243779

its just him responding to himself on cooldown, nothing we can do

>> No.75243802

This isn't him you sperg, that's the most obvious larp.

>> No.75243843

>liked a gay meme on main

>> No.75243847

hi groomers, i know you want every crumb of attention you can get but please stop posting about yourself, no one cares if you say you love shondo
don't ignore the ten other posts from the groomer defense team

>> No.75243856

Me af when shondo

>> No.75243903

the post never addressed her being gay
further confirmation

>> No.75243906

>no one cares if you say you love shondo
except for shondo ;)

>> No.75243958

You guys just hate Chester because he has all the friends in discord and gets a personal 'Goodnight' from Shondo every stream.
You wish you could attain even a fraction of his power.

>> No.75243962

what does that have to do with antiing yourself /here/? oh right you want to earn points with shondo

>> No.75243980

>Shondo cares
>she retreated offline as soon as he pushed her again for the impossible standards he puts on her
Truly horrid.

>> No.75243985


>> No.75244020

why are you so mean to me? now I have to DM wife about all the hate I get from you mean shoggers :(

>> No.75244027

The tweet was about spiders you retards.

>> No.75244038

You joke but I bet he really does consider them friends. Some people are so delusional

>> No.75244054

this thread is so fucking shit. I'll be back tomorrow to check in with you gym bro but thats it, im done with these

>> No.75244084

>used the wrong frowny face
0/10 larp

>> No.75244087

She says goodnight to me everytime I leave early though

>> No.75244103

Wow thanks for announcing that anonymous. What am I going to do without your amazing posts.

>> No.75244175

So what'd bro say in the discord that got you shoggas to react like that??

>> No.75244198

I'm not gay but I would probably fuck Sho and give him a reach around while he plays Fortnite.

>> No.75244234

It was nothing, just him posting here about himself to bait

>> No.75244243

He said 'keep being epic shonshon' while she was online, meaning that there's a chance she saw his post. Gasp.

>> No.75244263

Hi Lurk/Vito

>> No.75244276

Nothing. The post here was a joke pretending to be mad and so were the first few replies. Then people got angry people were having fun and giving attention to him

>> No.75244299


>> No.75244330

The joke is about spiders on the surface level, however the subtext of the joke is that it is about gay people.

>> No.75244360

Why are you pretending to be me? You didn't even try to write like me. Really weird

>> No.75244372

I swear to god these fucking groomers...

>> No.75244393


>> No.75244474

i hope shondo reads all the posts where i say i love her here

>> No.75244540
File: 166 KB, 400x215, 1697926553858989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright alright. every post was me today, including the one's calling out my attention whoring. yes... and the gay spiders posts...

>> No.75244568

Chester, Neon, Azusa and Vito are cut from the same autistic cloth. Azusa and Vito are more tolerable because they dont overshare.

>> No.75244643 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 411x512, shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about that. We are all just waiting warmly for shondo's final return.

>> No.75244656

Would it hurt you to be friendly

>> No.75244683

im very friendly c:

>> No.75244719

i would quite literally kill for her
the husband trials will be a victory for me

>> No.75244816

The trials won't happen, but I'd win

>> No.75244851

>killing for a woman
lol pathetic simp

>> No.75244850

Chester, neon, bred, azu, lurk and Oliver(I know you're here) all need to be drowned in Otis piss. All greeters and all the literal faggots that have joined this year need to go

>> No.75244857

if you think youre the only one you will fall quickest of them all

>> No.75244880

>All greeters
leave my man hirosaijo out of this

>> No.75244912

she's not a woman she's shondo and she's worth it, i pity you who knows not her light

>> No.75244926
File: 85 KB, 312x261, 1706664299214317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up to clean house
>see shondo in discord
>send her something a lil cringey but sweet in Discussion
>dopamine like when i used to DM her
>enjoy my coffee while watching the new RLM
>open current thread to read on the side

>> No.75244944

I would totally kill if shondo asked me to

>> No.75244969

He gets the pass because he has funny autism

>> No.75244973

>rizz her like a man
>live the rest of our lives together
>enter heaven as a pair
so much winning

>> No.75245006

He poopied

>> No.75245097

my boy hiro loves Sonic the Hedgehog and shit himself in front of his own wife and she still loves him. we will never attain the heights he's achieved.

>> No.75245165

if you dont greet you're inhuman
discord greeting is gay tho

>> No.75245240

>>enjoy my coffee while watching the new RLM

>> No.75245305

I make sure to tune into stream 14 minutes after the start time. 1 minute to sit and relax, I don't care about any of you in the slightest and I certainly don't need you to pretend to care about me. I have shondo for that.

>> No.75245320

actually asked in the discord before here faggot
this isn't me
found it on my phone, fuck you, i wish shondo the best

>> No.75245323
File: 39 KB, 663x579, 1695275311349021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75245346

>I have shondo for that.
She doesn't even pretend though.

>> No.75245347

Nothing is wrong with greeting people but its such overkill to have 3+4 people doing it in the same time slot. Vito expecting one back everytime or else "theey hate me uuuuu" is genuinely annoying.

>> No.75245370

Can't wait for the drama video Mr news reporter.

>> No.75245413

Greeters are fine and I'm glad they're there, i would never send a hi in chat first and it's nice
It is pretty gay though
I'm in chat hours before stream starts and i spend them chatting away with my shoggas

>> No.75245444

God it gets me so excited when he cries like that

>> No.75245470
File: 244 KB, 49x54, 1710379731385325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75245475

If it isn't too much trouble, could you please post it? I would be very grateful.

>> No.75245488


>> No.75245497
File: 86 KB, 342x341, glasses6.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wifey....the megane....please...

>> No.75245533
File: 96 KB, 644x1024, 1711767221954004m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SyadouPogger HE'S BACK

>> No.75245561

Didnt shondo say she had 2-3 asmr videos ready to go? Why hasnt she uploaded them?

>> No.75245594

watch streams

>> No.75245598

because [INSERT EXCUSE 4921]

>> No.75245639

Hiatus + waiting on the artists for the art + art riggers(?)
She has one ready that she needs to edit iirc

>> No.75245657

Why do you guys act as if she owed you something?

>> No.75245682
File: 493 KB, 684x727, IMG_3176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed me??

>> No.75245686
File: 986 KB, 1920x1080, beware_the_snowman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've ruined 9 shogger's lives

>> No.75245694

Because she owes us everything you retard.

>> No.75245701

We literally pay her bills.

>> No.75245749

People will try and down play this but it's entirely valid to have this view point.

>> No.75245756
File: 655 KB, 760x806, 1713703679547649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i miss a lot of shoggas

>> No.75245777

She isn't your wage slave. By acting in this manner you demonstrate that you don't actually love her at all.

>> No.75245816

I pay her bills because I love her and I think she deserves it.

>> No.75245837

nta so what if he doesn't love her? she's a content creator that doesn't put out any content, she also doesn't put out in general but that's besides the point

>> No.75245924

/lig/ has ruined me
This place is far too slow

>> No.75245927

Nice digits also nta
>By acting in this manner you demonstrate that you don't actually love her at all.
Not really no
>so what if he doesn't love her? she's a content creator
That's fair enough imo, I don't get why you'd be here if you don't love her though

>> No.75245953

>I don't get why you'd be here if you don't love her though
most people here hate her

>> No.75245955

If you loved her, you would think she deserved your money regardless of whether she does you favors or not.

>> No.75245974

>give her money by your own free will, explicitly agreeing that you have no expectations
>complain about having expectations

>> No.75245998

>I don't get why you'd be here if you don't love her though
this is the fallenshadow anti thread, is it not?
>explicitly agreeing that you have no expectations
I dont remember agreeing to that

>> No.75246069

Thats completely fair because shondo doesnt have other expectations from us outside of the rules either and would never punish us for not following her hidden thoughts about something

>> No.75246112

I'm not complaining. Part of the transaction in this relationship is that she stays productive, thinks of ideas for entertainment or just hangs out with us. She has many options even if she wanted to just be a react Andy and do fuck all.
I would just hope she would keep being productive because that's just overall good for her.

>> No.75246170

almost had me

>> No.75246173
File: 346 KB, 702x653, 1692068247479824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anything ever being said here?

>> No.75246188

it's called a donation not a transaction, when you donate there is no expectation of receiving anything and it explicitly points that out when you go to do it

>> No.75246193

true, shondo would never exaggerate her mental issues to take a hiatus and make her simps suffer for that sunscreen lotion argument

>> No.75246196


>> No.75246201
File: 11 KB, 339x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't owe you shit just because you give her $5 of your neetbux a month

>> No.75246213

I'll be perfectly honest here. This month has given me too much time to find other people. If we don't start up and go into the next golden age then I might have to demoted her to side hoe. Anyone else?

>> No.75246237

>when you donate there is no expectation of receiving anything
except for the subathon, right Shondo? where are my drawings you lazy bitch

>> No.75246285

Do what you wish, you aren't wanted here.

>> No.75246308
File: 98 KB, 611x718, 1702156677452846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75246321


>> No.75246327

shondo take your fucking meds so you can write some better bait, this is just sad honey

>> No.75246339

not really but for some reason i cant leave

>> No.75246340

>nothing in return for donos
Gee, thanks Shondo! You definitely don't' deserve that impostor syndrome or anything, you're truly a hard worker. lmao

>> No.75246367

i'm not your honey

>> No.75246392
File: 591 KB, 1378x1378, 20240506_113743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirf's staring to do megane, megane-san. Maybe you'll get more megane art soon.

>> No.75246408

correct, she doesn't and she works harder than you. she deserves better than what she has even

>> No.75246443

>she works harder than you
A part-time paper pusher works harder than Shondo.

>> No.75246448

Why are you replying to the megane poster with his own megane art telling him he might make more megane art

>> No.75246471
File: 203 KB, 640x512, 1714615766953737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we friends?

>> No.75246487

okay, at this point it's no longer funny. i miss shondo.

>> No.75246508

Thirf is /here/?

>> No.75246523

yes hes referenced /here/ on twitter

>> No.75246553

effort isn't equal to results, a part time paper pusher doesn't have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, they do it with ease
shondo you need to realize this too, dumb broad

>> No.75246560
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, wife_wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

encouragement of megane

>> No.75246599
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>she deserves better than what she has even
You're absolutely right. She deserves the smaller audience she wants with the drastically lowered expectations that her mental health can sustain.
She deserves less retards baiting her with their malicious autism, less dumbasses overall chiming in on the next autistic spam that catches on.
She quite honestly doesn't deserve the amount of "success" she's accumulated because it is clearly too much for her to handle.
She deserves to be comfy and not in any drama spotlights demanding her to make some statement and pretending to be friends with two-faced pieces of shit on twitter.
She deserves a lot of things but it doesn't mean she can and should have it.

>> No.75246601

>doesn't have trouble getting out of bed in the morning
Neither does Shondo, she faked this mental breakdown to go to Japan.

>> No.75246667
File: 66 KB, 247x298, 1707196466896692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75246685

She deserves me. All of you are unnecessary.

>> No.75246688

All artists should be drawing more sho

>> No.75246694

so she played me and lies about everything to get what she wants out of me? fucking hot i love her so much

>> No.75246735

what do you think she does most days while on this break?

>> No.75246760

Rot in bed

>> No.75246762

Inis rtx ass makes me genuinely hony. I hope we get more eventually

>> No.75246765

converts water and coffee into piss

>> No.75246769

doing the sheggs with me

>> No.75246799

I'm starting to develop some decent line art, if I get good I'll draw Sho almost every week excluding her birthday or something.

>> No.75246846

She hanged out with Nina outside and went to various arcades, now she's probably working catching up on business emails.

>> No.75246858

Transactional relationships do not arise from love. Just her existing should be enough for you.

>> No.75246903

But this isn't a romantic relationship, what she's doing could be classified as fanservice for lonely dudes.

>> No.75246907

>Just her existing should be enough for you
>She has many options even if she wanted to just be a react Andy and do fuck all

>> No.75246964
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1681571193668202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing she deserves is for her lithe, porcelain skinned body to be perpetually pregnant with my children while receiving an infinite number of hugs, headpats and kisses

>> No.75246992

quick everyone react with egg heheheh

>> No.75247006

how did they find out about our child????? texting her right now

>> No.75247021


>> No.75247024


>> No.75247028


>> No.75247032

Please don't remind me of this stream.. it's surrounded with bad events

>> No.75247074

is this the one where we all had a great time and then she went to seethe about d* afterwards?

>> No.75247107

Yes.. D:

>> No.75247145
File: 4 KB, 459x320, IMG_20240126_091655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are some of you like this

>> No.75247164

i said it before and ill say it again

>> No.75247178
File: 154 KB, 1318x1068, 1706089422109300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75247186

Because we're miserable but that doesn't change the fact that we're right.

>> No.75247213

feeding shondo sausage sandwiches
and not those awful fucking quorn sausages either
some good chorizo, kielbasa or lincolnshire bad boys

>> No.75247241

we're a month without streams and talking about shondo's husband (me) is some of the best fun to be had anyway

>> No.75247258

my sausage is all she needs

>> No.75247280

From my perspective, I believe that she lays eggs instead of fostering children within her womb. This preference is based on a personal inclination towards an alternative reproductive process. By favoring egg laying over gestation, I am embracing a conceptual framework where reproduction is structured differently, aligning more closely with certain biological or fantastical paradigms. This preference might arise from a fascination with unconventional reproductive strategies observed in nature, such as those found in various species of animals. Additionally, it could be rooted in a desire for a departure from conventional human reproductive norms, perhaps inspired by science fiction or speculative fiction narratives. Overall, this inclination reflects a preference for diversity and imagination in reproductive possibilities, challenging conventional notions and embracing alternative perspectives on the process of creating new life.

>> No.75247308


>> No.75247317

when does being a newfag turn from being a mild buff to severe debuff
she values familiarity and 'loyalty' but almost all the shoggers around all have insane amounts of baggage on an individual and collective level
i need an official ribbon and era power ranking

>> No.75247398

I don't interact with her outside of resub message and I'm a white ribbon. I doubt she values me more than a 3 months sub.

>> No.75247413

https://youtu.be/ZxMygg08EfE?si=x_O4dvXYZRy5_7od I'll delete in an hour or so

>> No.75247418
File: 674 KB, 691x897, 1714944486783991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo's eggs WILL BE fertilized!

>> No.75247475


>> No.75247555

White Ribbons
Post Neuro newfags

Big gap

Post Fillian newfags

>> No.75247579

Nuh uh

>> No.75247583


>> No.75247598

i think it goes both ways for oldfags. they're kind of stuck in place. newfags that don't instantly start larping as a loving husband and just joins to hang out, have fun and joke around with her are probably the best ones for her to have around, because that's what she wants to do. see her relationship with p*ro. she places immense value on people's ability to make her laugh, yet husbandfags have no sense of humor and will be super serious and bitter all the time. i actually feel really bad for her.

>> No.75247632

thirf tune in to olivia she is wearing megane

>> No.75247642

I didn't even know that phrase was a big deal! It's like, if anything, the fuss would come from folks thinking she was being serious, instead of just poking fun at the clueless peeps in the old Soviet Union! It's all about seeing things from different angles, right?

>> No.75247646

I'm funny, i make her and you guys laugh all the time

>> No.75247680

>don't instantly start larping as a loving husband
This is a groomer attempt to make you friendzone yourself with the wife larper.

>> No.75247723

Im 100x as funny irl than I am over text, idk what happens to me. i hate it

>> No.75247727

and you're autistic

>> No.75247783

(me) she still laughs at something i say at least once a stream. sometimes i get on a roll and make her laugh a lot, but not often

>> No.75247805


>> No.75247825

all the founders are dead, white ribbon kings will inherit the earth

>> No.75247851

I'm only about 10x as funny irl, but that's because I can convey emotions better and my mannerism helps

>> No.75247862

white ribbons carry too many crosses, she hates them but cant get rid of them

>> No.75247877

white ribbons don't want you to know this but the longer you stay the smaller the gap between you and them gets

i'm aiming at the king

>> No.75247913
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1705801195651341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't hate them, she just regrets creating them.

>> No.75247959

we've got like 20 kings you gotta be more specific

>> No.75247962

This is true, we are a product of her own design and has changed her stance on everything, and we havent moved onto the new normal

>> No.75247969

I will never understand this bizarre ass campaign to besmirch white ribbons lmao
you little shiggies need more than a stepping stool if you wanna keep punching up at us.

>> No.75247975
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, 1685238543098297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo i love you more than anything else on the entire planet
please wake up next to me wearing one of my shirts that is too big for you and tell me that you love me with a big smile on your face
i'll even let you stab me to death afterwards

>> No.75248032
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>> No.75248080

all of them, whichever ones haven't went sicko mode in 5-10 years

>> No.75248116

i only know of like one or two oldfags that have never sperged out. everyone else have had at least one public meltdown

>> No.75248173

What counts as sperging out?

>> No.75248177
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>> No.75248202

White ribbons are the oldest of the post-subathon subscribers. Shondo has two major eras with the subathon being the gap between them.

>> No.75248229
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 1694769949692954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will lead you all to the nirvana of being loved by our wife. but the more you resist the further you stray from the path

>> No.75248267

Tell me what to do

>> No.75248271

How many snackers genuinely stayed? That Matt D guy was my reference point and he's been long gone

>> No.75248286

Anyone who takes it seriously has something wrong with them

>> No.75248296

the only thing you can lead is the queue at the buffet

>> No.75248380

Guys I have to go for 2 hours can you not post anything for a little bit?

>> No.75248404
File: 567 KB, 752x877, 1709674411351069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a buffet of wife's love

>> No.75248428

considering she had a massive incline after the filian collab, i'm guessing quite a few? not everyone has to be some big community name lol

>> No.75248535

if you dont send atleast 100 messages a stream, draw or whale then you dont matter

>> No.75248630

i'd have to turn around to follow you

>> No.75248740

Ok which one of you just called Oli, got her address and scammed her

>> No.75248767

Shondo you need to be getting sunlight. You need to spend time in the sun. You need to be walking around barefoot in the garden. You need to be scrunching your toes in the grass.

>> No.75248768

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my wifes friend is sad

>> No.75248827

Shondo you need to be getting dick. You need to spend time in bed. You need to be walking around naked in my bedroom. You need to be scrunching your toes in my face while I am balls deep in the shunt.

>> No.75248885

I can't tell if she is really upset or is just kayfabing, or that she started out with kayfabe but then worked herself up into being actually upset.

>> No.75248937

i'm glad my dick is so enormous because when i finally deflower her on the wedding night of our second marriage it will hurt and she would enjoy that

>> No.75248939

Oli moaning on stream

>> No.75248944

She's pretty sensitive.

>> No.75248968

Is my favorite side hoe Shondo back yet

>> No.75249013

I scammed shondo into a blowjob, claiming my semen nutrients can cure her schizophrenia
She doesn't know its a scam yet though. I explained the medicine has to be taken weekly for a year

>> No.75249070

you got scammed, that was actually sho

>> No.75249136

Scammed how?

>> No.75249190
File: 468 KB, 978x1011, 1711866385822131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lives in ingerland, there is no sunlight. It's always covered with clouds.

>> No.75249255

not true, today was great

>> No.75249369

Been pretty amazing for a couple days now. Not a cloud in sight

>> No.75249651
File: 2.29 MB, 398x466, fungey town taco bell [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjp9tp1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75249714

then how come there are so many brown people there? isn't their skin an evolutionary adaptation to strong sunlight?

>> No.75249778

No they're there for a different reason

>> No.75250095

shondo i will choke you lovingly but only if you promise to hug me while i bury my head into your chest while you tell me that everything is going to be okay

>> No.75250128

Evolution of that kind takes thousands of years under environmental pressures which aren't as pressing due to current technology.

>> No.75251318

my wife is so cute, if a little icky ^_^
