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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75222702 No.75222702 [Reply] [Original]

RxRxR: https://youtu.be/7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://youtu.be/zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://youtu.be/u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://youtu.be/xGgKKwc-jWg
SUKICHUUNO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRYAPM5wcQQ



>Previous Stream:
Karaoke + Announcement: https://youtu.be/pC_FklQyg48
>Current Stream:
Sekiro: https://youtu.be/rl2X5VCs-Ac
>Next Stream
>Free chat/current schedule:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous >>75206954

>> No.75222735

Thanks for the bread!

>> No.75222762

I almost thought we weren't going to get another bread

>> No.75222775

Thanks for za bread!
This boss of gonna make her learn Sekiro

>> No.75222784


>> No.75222817

she's getting it
she's not

>> No.75222826

>12 hours from now
>"One more attempt at genichiro then we finally end the stream for sure this time"

>> No.75222844

So she's still underpowered for this right? atleast she's having fun

>> No.75222856

Yeah, a bit

>> No.75222866

Oh extremely, she kicked my ass and I was here with the +1 shuriken and like 2 more prayer bead necklaces

>> No.75222871

Yeah this fight is rough with this amount of gross health

>> No.75222883

On the plus side this will make the game seem fucking easy to her for a little bit once she goes to where she's supposed to be

>> No.75222916

Baechama why are you getting a drink
You said we were ending an hour ago Baetyan what are you doing

>> No.75222939

If she would only stop getting hit by so many damn shuriken she’d have gotten to phase 2 by now.

>> No.75222941

Calm yo titties
t, Bechan.

>> No.75222958

post bae titties

>> No.75222961

Grandma is going to fucking DIE today

>> No.75222962

>I'm not getting a villain vibe from her
I bet she thinks the same thing about owldad

>> No.75222978

Peek actually means
>Not ending till I see phase 2

>> No.75222993

>he thinks it'll end at phase 2

>> No.75223004

it's just a peak...
Yes but unlike Juzou Lady Butterfly is a really good fight since you're actually learning the combat of sekiro and not getting a beatdown by a fat fuck.

>> No.75223044

the thing that hurts her the most right now is not having a 3rd gourd heal from beating the ogre miniboss.

>> No.75223062

Can you imagine if possibly the first boss of the game had THREE fucking phases? the audacity of the designers

>> No.75223069

and a slightly larger health pool and extra attack and posture damage from Gyobu;s memory

>> No.75223074

Bae sees totally evil bastards become allies and even friends with the heroes in her Japanese media.
So of course in Bae's chuuni worldview, as long as a villain seems very self-assured in what they are doing and aren't cruel for the sake of cruelty, they can't be all that bad when they give some tough love in the form of violence.

>> No.75223093

This boss has two phases only, although the final boss and the demon of hatred are three phasers

>> No.75223119

Demon of hatred is only one phase if you're not psychotic (the phase where you fucking toss him off a cliff)

>> No.75223127
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Rrat Love

>> No.75223130

You forgot genichiro who is only like 30-40% in the game

>> No.75223139

Genichiro has three phases too though the third is a pushover

>> No.75223150

to be fair Genny's 3rd phase is really cool and easy to beat since lightning reversal

>> No.75223188

Owl Dad love.

>> No.75223196

That Phase 1 was CLEAN as fuck

>> No.75223203

I want to have sex with and produce many children with Bae's Owl Father

>> No.75223205

Holy shit she's starting to believe and grasp the true essence of this game
That first phase was great
She might actually get this while underlevelled

>> No.75223209

Oh my dear god she's going in again

>> No.75223250
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>he thought we were ending

>> No.75223263

While Juzou is absolutely shit Lady butterfly is amazing

>> No.75223296 [SPOILER] 
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do NOT open

>> No.75223313

Lady Butterfly is where you learn the game or fucking die
I didn't run...

>> No.75223395

>No hit phase 1

>> No.75223409

That last phase 1 was insanely fast

>> No.75223438
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The tutorial image wasn't lying. She can't deal with the sidestep slash at all.

>> No.75223486

This fight alone has done more to teach her than the rest of the game she has played thus far combined

>> No.75223488

I'm starting to believe.

>> No.75223526

dealing with mobs and minibosses sometimes is harder than the big bosses themselves.
but now that she has breath of life dealing with mobs will be a fuck lot easier

>> No.75223559

Lady Butterfly is Sekiro's Parade Master for her, where the mechanics finally started to click

>> No.75223584


>> No.75223650

She fucking did it...

>> No.75223661


>> No.75223667

This rat has exceeded my expectations today wtf

>> No.75223686

I will NEVER doubt my rat ever again
That was so insanely impressive that my knees are dust. I know I certainly can't do that while underleveled

>> No.75223688
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Bijou is STILL in chat lmao

>> No.75223691

>chat spoiling it
Oh my fucking god
Shut the fuck up you useless niggers

>> No.75223692

Actual retards in chat trying to spoil the twist holy shit

>> No.75223720

>ok let’s take a quick peek at Genichiro

>> No.75223743

that was crazy
All of a sudden she perfected Phase 1 and then blitzed into Phase 2
also yeah fuck those chat spoilers

>> No.75223744
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>Beats both Juzo and Lady Buttefly earlier than she's supposed to
>It's just a peek bro
Any words doubters?

>> No.75223806

I'm kneeling

>> No.75223824

Chat is always obnoxious with games like this.

>> No.75223855

>Bae is happy to to continue
We're SO back

>> No.75223880


>> No.75223900

I am going to skin that stupid fucking korean rat alive for reminding her of MMR holy shit let me sleep

>> No.75223908

Oh fuck
Bae my sleep please

>> No.75223918

>possible MMR
Bae LOVES us!

>> No.75223936

jp only stream les gooo

>> No.75223947


>> No.75223955

Yayoi and his consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.75223981

Dont worry she'll forget everything by tomorrow and return to the bae we know and love

>> No.75223983

Man I felt so much fucking pride when she overcame Juzou
Her beating Butterfly surprised the FUCK out of me, I was certain it was going to be a Phase 1 and then scared off by Phase 2 situation
She's going to make it, I can feel it

>> No.75223988

Lets go
love having more streams i can watch

>> No.75224047

Well guess I'll get some work done and stay up tonight
I'm so excited for MMR and possibly the Genichiro fight tomorrow
Gyoubu is going to be a CAKEWALK now, she even has the firecrackers

>> No.75224055

Learning the different sounds cues and knowing you can just keep attacking until the opponent parries you removes about 70% of the game's difficulty. You saw the switch flip in her in real time when she found out what chat meant about the clangs.

>> No.75224094

Yeah, it basically made her realize “oh fuck I can just stunlock the boss”
Knowing that TRIVIALIZES Genny 2

>> No.75224123

I feel so happy and satisfied watching her rise up from complete despair into beating Juzo and then destroying Lady butterfly and becoming in-tune with the game's rhythm
Definitely one of my top 3 most proud moments

>> No.75224129

Very true, a lot of bosses can be straight up attacked out of animations- a lot of Genichiro's swings you can hit him and he'll stagger out of it
Bosses not having insane hyperarmor like Lies of P is actually so fun for aggression

>> No.75224173

Despite her usual insta-loss record, Bae has a crazy good anti-doubter record in general
Like every time I start to feel worry about anything, she brings it way back, it's crazy

>> No.75224187

This is exactly why Sekiro's combat is so good. It feels nigh impossible at first, but then something just clicks and you become a god and bossfights actually feel like a duel between two warriors, trying to outsmart and outmaneuver each other.

>> No.75224324

This has happened so many times with games…
I’m hoping she at least internalized the strats to deal with mobs

>> No.75224389

it's wild how she'll just appear to hard bounce off a section, only for her to double down and somehow come out having more fun than when she went in.

>> No.75224446

It’s her awakening
She’s evolving her weapon more

>> No.75224481

>Bae is Kanoh Agito

>> No.75224527

It's because most of the boss fights in Sekiro are very fun, but a lot of the minibosses are extremely unfun. Juzou nearly filtered me out on my first playthrough. It took me over 20 tries to kill him, having to stealth past the first set of mobs, then clear out the second set near Juzou every time. No other boss or miniboss came anywhere close to that death toll for me, not even Isshin.

>> No.75224557

yupe, Sekiro is pretty much like a fighting game with frame advantage for parries and frame disadvantage for bocks. 90% of the times whenever you parry an attack you have the frame advantage to land a counter attack and most people who played this game never even realize it.
Counter slash is one of the most powerful techniques in the game despite how simple it is.

>> No.75224583

can't wait to see how frustrated Bae is going to be when she'll face the blazing bull. that one is also a filter for a lot of people

>> No.75224595

For me, the miniboss that frustrated me the most was the Lone Shadow at the well
Absolute fucker

>> No.75224606

Eh, firecrackers trivialize the blazing bull

>> No.75224629

I’m actually very glad she got it early
Firecrackers are always useful

>> No.75224637

Blazing Bull has been nerfed. Launchday that shit made me so mad I hit the wall and broke my hand.

>> No.75224642

Sekiro has both really fun and extremely unbelievably unfun sections.
Lady Butterfly is really fun.
That Shinobi Hunter and Juzou are extraordinarily unfun, especially if you do him early like Bae did.
The Sekiro mini-bosses in general are just not good. There's so many of them that have large groups of normal enemies surrounding them, it's aids.

>> No.75224656


>> No.75224805

O'rin is probably the worst for me, especially on charmless.

>> No.75224880

Orin also beat the shit out of me until I completely gave up on attacking and went full defence
I couldn’t really parse her moveset until then

>> No.75225033

The bull? It's fucking easy lol do people actually struggle with it?
Easiest boss in the entire game

>> No.75225049

I think a lot of people just run in and face tank/parry it and burn to death

>> No.75225179

The winning tactic was exactly running after it and playing aggressively. I didn't use firecrackers because I was a retard, just tried to avoid all its attacks because my brain was still wired to souls-style gameplay. When I was like "fuck it" and just hunted it down, it went from borderline impossible to trivial.

>> No.75225372

Honestly the reason i havent replayed sekiro is that i actually hate 80% of the game.
I feel like the game is just badly designed in a lot of places but every time i was about to drop it i encountered a fun boss and kept going

>> No.75225392

Honestly, lots of games are like that for me sadly
There's always a long section(s) that sucks and drains my motivation to keep playing

>> No.75225414

Most of Sekiro is bad or annoying, but the highs are so fucking high nobody really cares about the lows

>> No.75225563

There's a boss run mode now.

>> No.75225642

Sekiro is a very agressive 7 that turns into an 8 in boss fights and would have been treated as it should had it not been a fromsoft game.
Dont get me wrong i love the game, but even if you are truly good at it you find yourself taking twice as much time as you should with minor stuff (like walking to X spot, clearing up camps, setting up minibosses, getting your tools).
Between that, ganking squads being just as bad as in DS2 in terms of cruelty and bad enemy placement (like sniper corridor) it makes some parts of sekiro just downright bad.

Is being a 7 bad? No, not at all. But the aesthetics and the bosses do so much heavy lifting that its unreal

>> No.75225747

the thing about the blazing bull that not a lot of people know about is that its head is actually it's weak spot and that he's really weak to thrust attacks.
the bull is actually one of the few enemies in the game where if you dont hit its weak spot it takes severely less damage so thats why people struggle with it

>> No.75226455

I miss Bae...
normally I watch a lot of streamers but for some reason she's the only one I've been enjoying lately

>> No.75226560

good week for it, LOTS of Bae
Might have more Bae in just 4 hours

>> No.75226666

I'll be eeping
And busy during next sekiro
Lots of vods which will be nice

>> No.75227213

Nice digits
These kinds of games are great to have on in the background honestly, though this time I was engrossed watching her fight

>> No.75227776


>> No.75227828

oh nice

>> No.75227866

She said it'll be short so I'm going to be lulled to sleep by a rat tonight

>> No.75227895

Super short, totally
Just a peak, you could say

>> No.75227925

oh no
8hr endurance MMR

>> No.75229201
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>> No.75229279

What the fuck is going on with her spine

>> No.75229306

Rats are uh, flexible

>> No.75229412

the consequences her daki pose has had on my dick are unspeakable

>> No.75230578
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>> No.75231274

>fall asleep after and a half hours
>She went another 2
>There's also MMR

This is hell

>> No.75231371

Don’t know if it was mentioned yet, but Blue Lock Season 2 was announced for October

>> No.75231386

well how else was she gonna "just one more peak" lady butterfly until she won

>> No.75231443

She beat Lady Butterfly faster than I did at a lower level…

>> No.75231469

well maybe you should be a chuuni autistic rratwoman then

>> No.75231548

Well on the upside I beat Juzou a lot faster lmao

>> No.75231905

I'm about to dive into 8 fucking hours of VOD, bros. Wish me luck

>> No.75232016

It’s a full emotional journey man, strap in

>> No.75233152
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>> No.75234293
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>> No.75234504

oh hey good morning rrat how did the stre- EIGHT HOURS?

>> No.75234577

feels like a somewhat early anime face and colouring, i like it

>> No.75234675

Yeah I like the colors

>> No.75234788

I think the shading is what makes me not like it that much honestly, it's a bit weird. But I like the concept kinda like that mako from klk

>> No.75234928
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ORD of last night's stream?
I was so tired I kept nodding off and couldn't follow what was going on besides Bae running away and skewering random nibbas

>> No.75235067


>> No.75235224

She had an Ackerman style awakening and went god mode on Lady Butterfly
I'm not even joking

>> No.75235240

Bae entered Hirata Estate and suffered for 5 hours
She unlocked Ultra Instinct in the last hour, was crazy

>> No.75235412
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Blue Lock must've rubbed off on her more than we think it did...

>> No.75235457

i wish bae spoke more english in these morning streams

>> No.75235546

I missed you too Bae...

>> No.75235595

>went to coles not woolies


>> No.75235667

She has spoken nothing but English???

>> No.75235776

Hey now, let's not become Wuffians

>> No.75235860

I completely relate to those awkward periods while travelling where you have no choice but to get takeout

>> No.75235919

shes spamming it right now?

>> No.75235997

I remember that one day she had a really strong craving for shaved ice

>> No.75236155

black company...

>> No.75236182

>Cover still hasn't sent her the merch
This has to be a running joke among management at this point

>> No.75236243

I mean, I still don't have news on the birthday merch to the point i kinda forgot about it
And god I think I made a mistake argentine customs are gonna rape my ass when they see the daki

>> No.75236301

oh yeah, is there an archive of the concert yet? I still havent seen it

>> No.75236335

Her live Mess was unironically better than the Studio version
Also my rat is stuck in merch signing hell...

>> No.75236377

ok, be honest what do you think of slower less "hype" song performance? Personally even if I really liked the fes performance I think I would have gone crazy if it was psycho or rxrxr, but it just made me cry a lot

>> No.75236447

It has a paid archive and its up on the usual place ripped

>> No.75236496

Who cares shut the fuck up this nigger isn't his own celebrity

>> No.75236572

Imposter syndrome HATE

>> No.75236591

confirmed to have a plan for 1 mil

>> No.75236599


>> No.75236682

Bae is suffering flight burnout...
Also Rat family including Papa rat will be visiting her in Japan on Christmas because she doesn't want to fly back this year

>> No.75236683

Kek didn't we predict or joke about this, mama rat was just gonna live in the walls

>> No.75236684

friendtaro is my real oshi lets go friendtaro ikz her penlight color is blue

>> No.75236706


>> No.75236890

>move to Japan
>Entire family now sees her house as their free hotel
Many such cases

>> No.75236940

The visit to Mumei's house...

>> No.75236955

I thought talent got preferential treatment and would get merch early...

>> No.75236989

They used to get the prototypes actually, i dont know what happened

>> No.75237338

bae watches those sigma edits tiktoks...

>> No.75237368


>> No.75237372

What the fuck is Bae even talking about right now

>> No.75237436
File: 40 KB, 153x199, 1702488750712606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you? 13?

>> No.75237451

The main character of Peaky Blinders is another one of those Joker cases where zoomers make alpha male/Badass shorts and motivational quotes around the character

>> No.75237485

Sigh, back in my day we simply said we were gay for a man and called it a day.

>> No.75237499

They still should be getting prototypes. Shiori just did a CM for her bday goods.

>> No.75237579

Sigma male content is made for people who don't go to the gym to have their locker room moment with the boys

>> No.75237678


>> No.75237985

I stopped going into fit when i realized their advise overlapped with Sigma edits

>> No.75238104


>> No.75238179

Shut up frank You are not my real dad

>> No.75238276


>> No.75238303
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you're hurting me nick, and you've got ziggy messed up in all your shit too

>> No.75238542

Bae is willing an earthquake into existence

>> No.75238568

en btw

>> No.75238614

Bwos... she's sleeping like shit again and it isn't even her fault this time, just bad luck with bad dreams

>> No.75238619 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.75238715
File: 128 KB, 240x260, Screenshot 2023-11-03 194817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm what if bae did a 24/ 48 hour special?

>> No.75238855

Japanese corpo slave culture...

>> No.75239083

I bet she subconsciously planned this around the CHaD housewarming party but that hasn't happened yet I presume

>> No.75239215

if she gets the doogs to come round, she can tell irys she can play monhun irl and irys will be lured out of her house

>> No.75239475
File: 423 KB, 1008x1182, Screenshot_20240506-122218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.75239481

Remember that time Bae said she wanted to be cuter? she has been cuter lately so maybe she has been working on being cute and it's actually working because she's cuter than before, as cute as she already was

>> No.75239527

Hakos Baelz?

>> No.75239541

This woman is menhera for Bae

>> No.75239592


>> No.75239593

Short stream my beloved!

>> No.75239636

Bae turned her gay

>> No.75239659

It looks like Advent might be flying to Japan soon. Maybe she can invite them all for an off-collab?

>> No.75239669

No, Haykows Balls.

>> No.75239740

>paypig can't SC for one stream and dumps his entire wallet to write a thesis in the following stream
holy shit fuck off

>> No.75239746

Ever since IRyS made the sanpo tweet I've been hearing it a lot in porn...

>> No.75239753

Bae chan

>> No.75239781

I need her

>> No.75239809

Whats ironic is he didnt get his money's worth in character limit

>> No.75239866
File: 765 KB, 194x360, waiting to present her work.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the cutest girl on earth

>> No.75239922

she should of made this stream a jp only one since thats all she replies to in these

>> No.75239992

She should continue being cute on stream and I enjoy when she engages with her JOP brats on the side as well

>> No.75240021

Baes japanese is very cute

>> No.75240067

Why is there a guy in our thread who so consistently bitches and moans about every single little thing. Not gonna give him a (You) but just wondering

>> No.75240191

she and Izumi should meet

>> No.75240201

we're on 4chan you fucking retard

>> No.75240245

I knew it was gonna come to this with this primate, gonna ignore this attention seeking retard

>> No.75240259

this has being the case for months, at least since I joined here last year, don't mind him.

>> No.75240299

My Hakotan has a kirei kor.

>> No.75240360


>> No.75240377

Maybe I should start yelling at Bae to speak Swedish regardless of context and situation.

>> No.75240437

Bae should speak more Cantonese! hers is cute!

>> No.75240495

That Moth must've snuck back in her aussie luggage

>> No.75240528
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>> No.75240703

I always randomly confuse this song with Blooming in the mud sometimes

>> No.75240705

Giga retard

>> No.75240748

I understand

>> No.75240763

samefagging won't get you a (You) attention seeker

>> No.75240817

Don't even mention this tard who has been plaguing this thread lately. It works

>> No.75240833

Yeah I get the similar vibe

>> No.75240846

Can you leave us alone and stop trying to derail the thread for a single stream you lobotomite

>> No.75240858

I want to hear her singing Hated by life itself

>> No.75240896

That's a classic. It would go so hard

>> No.75240955

Bae should do a stream about teaching us Cantonese.

>> No.75240989

Okayu is still my first favorite on that cover but i'm sure Balzz can do it as good as her.

>> No.75240990

Take your own advice you obnoxious moany cunt, you aren't slick

>> No.75241017

>More Sekiro
>Shorter stream due to grocery

>> No.75241055

If you genuinely think you're making the thread better by biting every single piece of bait and acting like some obnoxious retard over it you're beyond help
But I don't even know why I'm trying you're probably just the same dude samefagging

>> No.75241058

If she shopped at woolies this would never happen

>> No.75241072

Oh a stream where i can likely go to fuckin bed after the zatsu and not 3 hours before she ends it

>> No.75241095

>shorter than 8 hours
That still could be good

>> No.75241121

She named the moth Lucy because it has fat tits, a fat ass and keeps getting ryona'd.

>> No.75241151

i wish she spoke en there..

>> No.75241161

Why does Bae just adopt insects instead of killing them

>> No.75241203

Most of them are harmless and help eat actual annoying fuckers

>> No.75241285

I thought you were the baiter but anyways, yeah you're correct. I'll take the l and stop giving it attention henceforth

>> No.75241300

This is your reminder that an episode of Peppa Pig got banned in australia (twice) because it was like "spiders are your friends and won't hurt you"

>> No.75241303

Bae will get to Genichiro and forget she has to buy groceries for 9 hours while Tsudaken calls her a bitchass

>> No.75241339

Moths are relatively easy to jar and keep, they dont need much air either so a few holes suffices for them. Throw a few leaves in there once in a while

>> No.75241397

Bae cute
Time to sleep

>> No.75241440
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rate the eepy rat

>> No.75241498

MMR Bae always heals me/10

>> No.75241544

My one selfish wish is she go out and search some acoustic instrumentals of other songs to expand her playlist if shes worried about stagnation
Bae cute, glad we got some hints of her anticipation of her channel milestones, the plans sound exciting

>> No.75241671


>> No.75241716
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>> No.75241929

Frame up

>> No.75242024

If the MC's name is Wolf then who is Sekiro?

>> No.75242093

That's his last name you idiot.

>> No.75242105

its a name given to him by someone later, Sekiro means One Armed Wolf, because wolf didnt want to reveal his true name

>> No.75242258
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>> No.75242335


>> No.75242475

... (grunt)

>> No.75243372

I'm watching the Sekiro VOD and... do you guys feel second-hand embarrassment often when watching your oshi play?

>> No.75243482

No, I feel proud of her for trying something out of her comfort zone.
The only time I did was the Genital Jousting stream

>> No.75243516

That stream was 100% the result of her not wanting to take 3 seconds to read any text boxes and instead waste literal hours trying to brute force it on her own

She was still fucking asking why the posture meter went down against Lady Butterfly

>> No.75243695

While she can be very retsrded. I find her retardedness endearing and cute and she eventually gits gid anyways in her own savant way

>> No.75243698

Keep watching. She does it.

>> No.75243834

Now you might be thinking she's dumb and all with her looney toon-tier bumbling but stick through it and you will be rewarded

>> No.75244000

I don't mean her skill level. That thing just builds up with practice, and I've seen her do it previously. I mean how she screams and blames the game when she does something stupid. It's okay to be bad at video games and persevere through sheer persistence. But this kind of childish behavior is really embarrassing at her age, and doing it on stream for all the world to see only magnifies the effect. I mean, she might not even be aware of it herself, but I definitely get second-hand embarrassment when someone acts like that publicly.

>> No.75244369

she's well aware that whatever wall she's up against is her own fault past the heat of the moment rage (which I have no idea why you are taking so seriously). If you haven't caught that you might be the one with the 'tism.
Regardless I enjoy her rage. There is no Shame in getting heated over a difficult game and people who preach otherwise can get off their high horses

>> No.75244638

You realize it's completely normal to rage at ragebait games right? I rage while playing souls games too and there's nothing embarrassing about it. It's normal
...why are you watching these streams if you have a problem with her raging so much

>> No.75245025

I think its cute when she gets bratty and angry. Honestly she looks even more like your stereotypical gamer when she starts malding and cussing out the game. Hell would be funny to see her the same way during princess peach gameplay.

>> No.75245052

I'm glad she went through Hirata because Flame vent is really good against the Ogre and the Guardian ape

>> No.75245543

god this post reeks of insecurities.

Its totally normal to rage and curse at the game because you are defusing tension instead of bottling it all up like a beaten up autist. Do you seriously believe everyone plays like those stoic speedrunners that go "oh missed it" and keep grinding? people pop off, curse the character (because we all know we control dante and that doublejump was imputed, not an accident) and yell "OH FUCK YOU THAT'S SO UNFAIR"

She malds as much as she has fun because that's part of the fun of games, you should try it some time instead of pretending to be patrick bateman in online forums

>> No.75245658

I dont know if its because youre autistic or emotionally stunted but people who didnt grow up on 4chan have emotions when they play video games

>> No.75245742

>god this post reeks of insecurities.
Oh the irony.

>> No.75245798

You dont know what irony means
Grow up and have your balls drop

>> No.75246529

Emotions are there for a reason, sorry you never learned how to process them

>> No.75246639

One day, when you grow up, you'll learn the hard way that throwing a tantrum is only normal when your age is in single digits.

>> No.75246756

ok now this is irony in its purest form kek.
wonder if you are the same weirdo that thought painting toenails was for whores

>> No.75246776

You don't know what irony means.

>> No.75246947

Im sorry your dad beat you senseless to the point where you're permanently stunted and can't express themselves
I pity you honestly

>> No.75246977

nice projection

>> No.75247001

Its a very wide bullseye when it comes to freaks like you, not hard to miss

>> No.75247379
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>> No.75247406

This image is real

>> No.75248419
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is the guy who used to post timestamps under bae's videos gone?

>> No.75248470
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Kiwami 2 bros... what happened...

>> No.75248492

YouTube filters his comments and are auto flagged as spam apparently so he sends them to others to post for him last i checked, i wondered the same a few months ago

>> No.75248536

Bae you have to watch this shitty B movie first etc etc.

>> No.75248608

i genuinely think kiwami burnt her out on the series by the end like it does all newcomers who get hyped up by 0

>> No.75248628

Im fine with her waiting on yakuzer.
The games are so samey that you end up choking on them if you play them back to back
>helpful stuff is flagged as bots
>the actual bots still plague comments
you know i hate when everything gets progressively worse because number go up is all the corpos think

>> No.75248715

I know nothing about Kiwami 2, does it get any better?

>> No.75248788

Shes a souls gamer now

>> No.75248834

i dont think it burned her, it just think she's taking it slowly.
She has a lot of stuff in her platter and FOMO is also something she has to adress if she wants to hit 1M because as useless as noombers are, its not a bad thing to give them some attention from time to time

>> No.75248863

He's shadowbanned or some shit, somebody else posts his comments for him.

>> No.75248890

Away with you numberfag

>> No.75248987

As much as people shitpost girls not joining arcs, i do feel grateful that bae likes joining in on FOMO.
allows her to cultivate gaming skills, hang around and make some bridgesShioBae collab SOON

>> No.75249021

Anything but more VCRshit

>> No.75249068

yeah yeah we get it you NEED to shitpost about it.

>> No.75249173

Did you expect her to play nothing but Yakuza? She was never gonna do that, regardless of FOTM games or not. So I have no idea why you attribute it to "numbers". It was always the plan to start Kiwami 2 after things slowed down, which would have happened by now if she didn't decide to watch the movie before starting the game.

>> No.75249223

The movie is really shit and im sad we have to watch it and not something genuinely entertaining

>> No.75249226

Im 8 hours in the sekiro vod, is she gonna beat the granma p2

>> No.75249265

If you're that far in, do you really wanna get spoiled?

>> No.75249270
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>> No.75249276


>> No.75249292

Keep watching

>> No.75249413

not saying you are wrong im just saying how the hell did all of this connect

>> No.75249617

I unirocally want this to be the case, as long as she play Dark Souls or Eldenr Ring one day, I woulnd't mind seeing her doing Rust VCR levels of commitment with Elden Ring.

>> No.75249671

How much does Bae have to tease IRyS for her to pick up Sekiro again

>> No.75249716
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can someone edit this like that Mori sweaty one? i feel like this makes a great ahegao
yeah im horny, sue me ok

>> No.75249745

I think itd be really funny to see retards to beg her to go get the magic katana years after its initial nerfing. I wanna see how out of touch the ER casual base is, they probably think bleed is free wins

>> No.75249780

What's lil blud yapping about

>> No.75251556
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So it is called "Shadows Die Twise" because you have to die twi fi you wanna die?

>> No.75251968


>> No.75252149

Tomorrow there is no definitive game is there, it just says gaming

>> No.75253735
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i did all i could

>> No.75256119
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>> No.75258250
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This is the end...

>> No.75258511 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.75259919
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We're not even at bump limit let alone page 10!

>> No.75260013
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>> No.75260524

You just got lucky my Morning Star +8 wasn't at full power!

>> No.75260917

Bae please dont go back to idol showdown

>> No.75261128

yeah bae get into UMVC3.
Magneto fly unfly THC lets goooooo

>> No.75262012


>> No.75262058

There’s a frame up for Sekiro
>he didn’t know

>> No.75262118

nearly every character has one.

no. that's not a joke

>> No.75262137

Bae mentioned she was starting it after we watch the Yakuza movie next weekend

>> No.75262165

Was there even a single reference to Bae when she first played it?
Did they add a reference in with the new update?

>> No.75262246
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you can play dice with her in the rogue like

>> No.75262389

Curious which ones lack one

>> No.75262562

I kinda hope Bae reaches Genny today
The rematches are some of the best bits of Sekiro

>> No.75263372
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from what i can tell, its Iron fist,Ghost rider and Phoenix Wright. 3 of the lowest ranked characters.
Ironically Hsien-ko, the worst character in the game by a large margin, has one.
It speaks to her shittyness to how she has that and is somehow worse than
>a zoner that gets outzoned and does literal 0 damage
>a character who is amazing in the ground but near useless in the air...in an air based game
>The character which is intentionally weak and balanced around 3 RNG moves, changing stance and landing a move to activate his super mode

>> No.75263536

Did she teleport away like they do on stage or just simply poof?
