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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75181930 No.75181930 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll just leave this here so we stop shitting up /lig/.

>> No.75182135


>> No.75182233

/lig/gers being snakes aka nothing new under the sun

>> No.75182365
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>msn is run by a grifter who lives in his car
>he has been systematically, breaking up friendships and setting streamer against streamer to position his clients better in the crab bucket.
>turns out the company probably doesn’t exist, failed to pay their taxes or register
>they’ve been particularly shitty toward the Southside and 3AM

>> No.75183220
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Here’s a list of very small MSN talents, who don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. On Monday morning, their attorneys will be getting back to them.

>> No.75183457

This is some cartoon villain level shit

>> No.75183776
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I still can't believe all this started from a /lig/ autist.
What a fucking champion. He might have seriously saved careers of actual big names by doing that.

>> No.75183835

what ?

>> No.75183904

Wait so these weirdos blacklisted Takahata? The guy who did G gundam abridged?

>> No.75183932

And the south side is run by that stupid fucking pedophile cunt Krimbo who actively lets sex pests roam in the server freely. So both are pretty shitty in my opinion. Also Seth, pay your denbts

>> No.75183953

I have no idea who the fuck any of these people are or what this thread is about.
Except Cuqoi. She played that duck game with Vinny Vinesauce and apparently always likes to pick the pigeon. That's all I know about her, really.

>> No.75183988

The South Side is just a group of friends, nobody "runs" it

>> No.75184019


>> No.75184025

MSM is a relatively large management company that manages a lot of large indies, the biggest ones being Grimmi, GEEGA, and Vienna, all 4views, with GEEGA also being a vshojo member.

>> No.75184070

Good, I hate most of the people in that image. SS is pretty trash especially as of late.

They feared him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.75184134

Anyone got the MEGA IMAGE that cover all this so I don't gotta dig through a pile of /lig/ and /corpo/ threads

>> No.75184174

>G Gundam Abridged
Anon I think he has a significantly bigger project to his name than that. https://youtu.be/08n8a2MgByI?si=ap8L4Mvx9btowGKE

>> No.75184179

>the biggest ones being Grimmi
Grimmi is not bigger than Lord Aethelstan, PorcelainMaid, RPR, Buffpup, HeavenlyFather, Numi or Yuzu
She has good CCV but she's literally got 30K followers dude

>> No.75184233

Naw, I think his G Gundam abridged was better.

>> No.75184391
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More people who have left a message for their attorney.

>> No.75184415

OK I'll admit I'm a tourist when it comes to /lig/. I only really watch indies too small for it, or Sayu/Doki, which are special cases.
I wouldn't even know about Grimmi if I didn't get to her from a random Sayu raid.

>> No.75184476

Poor Grimmi

>> No.75184491


Rrats being borned

>> No.75184503

reminder krimbo is a clout chasing virtue signaling fag and southside as a whole doesn't collab with him

>> No.75184533


Hi Seth

>> No.75184576

>actively lets sex pests roam in the server freely.
such as?

>> No.75184673

I mean people hate me IRL, but I don't go pouting about it because I don't care. Bro just needed to get over it and thicken his skin. But drama seeking bitches like him, saying he doesn't care about others in MSM but then counter acts that by saying he's giving people (that have nothing to do with Seth's "business dealings" (or lack there of)) two weeks to apologize to his friends or he'll start more drama kind of makes his "truth telling" pretty much void. Kinda proves he just wants attention because no one is talking about the south side. Dude needs to go out and touch grass.

>> No.75184707

R*da & Wes

>> No.75184745

So...not indies?

>> No.75184756

the former isn't a sexpest just pathetic, I know those seem similar but they aren't mainly because no one interacts with reda period, the latter only draws lewd art of like Rummy and they're friends so it's cool.

>> No.75184796

>So...not indies?
Vtubing lacks a word for someone who is not part of a corporation, but is at the same time being talent managed. So technically they're still indies, it's like in the music scene how a lot of indie stars still have producers

>> No.75184830

Ok Krimbo

>> No.75184868

Shouldnt be having a group that resembles/a company of any kind not an indie? An indie should just be someone that do everything alone (plus maybe their management but thats all)

>> No.75184921

not as clear cut as you might think

>> No.75184962


This just tells me he’s right.

>> No.75184979

How does having more followers matter if they don’t watch? You do realize you can buy followers right

>> No.75185048

Heavenlyfather has been creeping on grimmi since she was a 2view. So even when she was small he was still trying to groom her.

>> No.75185066

>no one is talking about the south side
because south side is dead. literally nobody associates with each other in the group and it's been that way since last year. viewers have left en masse because there's no chill

>> No.75185074

anon it's not the 80's anymore. Everyone have managers now, even instagram whores

>> No.75185079


Reminder that Goodwill and ability to make business connections, have a monetary value. If there’s evidence existing of southside and 3 AM being particularly shunned, and the person organized it is spreading lies, that’s defamation, libel, and lost earnings due to same.

>> No.75185085

Well everyone I named also has larger CCVs than Grimmi so it kinda doesn't matter

>> No.75185108

No it pretty much is still indie. The vtubing standard comes from groups that form an identity for themselves. Mythic, MSM, UTA, those kinds of agencies don't do that. People ONLY under them would still be considered indie by vtubing standards. Groups that form an identity for themselves, even if the corpo is small as fuck and self-owned should be considered a corpo. 3AM and VChiban fall under that, and for a much bigger example, VShojo.

>> No.75185114


>> No.75185123


But it’s hard to sue a guy who lives in his car. Maybe he fucked up and left his grandmother on the board of directors

>> No.75185166

>probably doesn’t exist, failed to pay their taxes or register
The company did exist (and was registered), but (never?) paid their taxes and got shut down. It was in 2020 that it got shut down, though, so I'm not sure that any of the people he was in contact with actually ever worked with the company (before it got shut down).

>> No.75185171

3AM and VShojo actually have staff and management
Vchiban is literally just the talents doing all the business amongst themselves, they're just indies working together

>> No.75185183

>viewers have left en masse
Untrue, Coqui and Meat are pulling all time numbers for them and Bodega rrat, Rummy, Peony Possum and Callie Calico have all hit partner in the last calendar year

>> No.75185232

Except Vichiban members are part of MSM talent so they are getting help from MSM, or should be rather

>> No.75185237
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Networking is the number one way to grow your online practice, no matter what it is. It’s the whole point of being online. you make personal relationships are mutually beneficial. Sometimes you become friends and frequent collaborators.

And then slowly, your ability to grow because someone is lying about you and your friends. you lose the ability to grow because there’s bad gossip about you.

One can find the number of MSM talents collaborated with Southside/3AM talents, both before, and after the lies were spread. That difference has a monetary value.

>> No.75185265

Only took three years

>> No.75185293


I appreciate that correction.

>> No.75185313

Pretty sure they have some kind of staff helping them. Even if it's just 1 shared manager between them. I remember Buff talking about VChiban when it debuted and it sounded like there was someone handling a lot of the backend stuff, merch, etc.

>> No.75185333

what is a worse deal? the ramen or the hot sauce?

>> No.75185338



>> No.75185350

Aside from living in his car, he sounds pretty based.

>> No.75185353

Used to collab with Nyan and Aethel all the time
all of a sudden they started to distance themselves from Coqui makes you wonder

>> No.75185387

All their merch is handled by TechyCutie

>> No.75185389


I was ready to buy the Ramen just to Support 3 AM. But it seems like it’s very difficult to prepare properly and lots of people don’t like it. I think the price is fair at $80 if you count individual meals. But I don’t need $80 worth of inedible meals

>> No.75185468

$80 for 9 meals is really bad for something you have to cook yourself. I spend less than $50 a week on groceries.

>> No.75185470

explain the server and the team page, not even the 1view want to associated with them.

>> No.75185518

Pretty sure they were still doing fine without the MSM talent anyway. I mean most of them they tried to collab with had higher ccv too. So even if they were "manipulated", so it kind of evens out.

>> No.75185552

They didn't collab that often but they would talk about/raid into them

Something I've noticed is that Aethel, for a long time now, has mostly been leaving raids up to his mods and rarely acknowledging their choices, which could be him trying to get past Seth's blacklisting by making it his mod's doing, who Seth has no control over

>explain the server and the team page
What do you even mean by this
The South Side has always been a Twitch team and shared Discord server. That's kind of what makes it the South Side.

>> No.75185586

>no nutraloaf
>no spread
>no stinger coffee
The fuck kind of half assed prison food cook-off is that?

>> No.75185634
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I remember fondly the stream where Numi dragged Tobs around like a sub bitch during a VRChat with Coqui and Meat.

And then … poof.

Now Tobs can barely fucking stream. She doesn’t seem to hang around with Numi much anymore either. Way to play around with a sick woman’s head.

Nothing but a full-blown dramafag feeding frenzy going to make a dent in popular opinion. However at this point, it sure looks like the big guy squishing a little guy for profit. And the MS talent all went along with it.

There are a lot of big names in the MSM roster who probably don’t wanna look like giant shitheads.

>> No.75185635


>> No.75185655

Ok Krimbo

>> No.75185676
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>> No.75185751
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Is Krimbo here in the room with us?

>> No.75186021

explain why people have left both the server and the team page. some left for obvious reasons like focusing on their day job but that doesn't explain others.
how about all the kvetching last year over harry potter and trying to demand people donate to gay charities because playing the game didn't align with certain peoples views?

>> No.75186067

Most likely, he's like a dollar tree Beetlejuice. But you only have to say his name once.

>> No.75186099


That all sounds wonderful. Fuck you.

>> No.75186108

I always knew she was a snake, all that "yes I'm a virgin!" shit, and how she seems to suddenly drop girls she regularly collabed or talked with out of nowhere.

>> No.75186153

Imagine actually giving personal information and financial authority to a "talent agency." How fucking retarded do you have to be?

>> No.75186174


>> No.75186195

Quite honestly I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.75186935

No idea what any of this means. Will my boy Heavenly be alright? Is Grimmi still selling hot sauce?

>> No.75186963

We are talking about agencies (not in the JP sense, but the actual meaning of the word).
In this case an agency is a company that provides their work as agents as a service.

So just like a band could employ a booking agent for a tour, they would still as independent, because that agent has no influence on the music of the band.

So with VTubers you could probably draw the line whether the agency owns the IP and/or whether the agency has a say on the content (e.g. through restrictions or obligations).

>> No.75187060
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>> No.75187498

But surely you can see the difference between a complete indie and someone who is part of an agency and collabs with other agency members frequently plus doesn't struggle as much as a real indie since they have people covering stuff for them

>> No.75187578

>Male vtuber fucks shit up yet again
Homos in vtubing was and always will be a mistake.

>> No.75187660

>your friend is a bad person
>ok I'll cut ties with her

woah what a loss

>> No.75187760

female behavior: nothing matters other than group consensus (or in this case, implied consensus)

>> No.75187764

Anybody who takes the word of some outsider against someone they consider their friend is a piece of shit, and should be generally shunned altogether

>> No.75187909


My point exactly.

>> No.75188043

god i hate women so much

>> No.75188310

The only team members that left where Sigrid and Bird. Surprise, surprise, they joined MSM and left the team soon after.

>> No.75188595

I used to be under the assumption indies and whatever associations they were in were inherently drama free because there is no big company fanboy shit going on, but clearly that is incorrect.

>> No.75189767

Sigrid & Bird were only "friends of South side", never in it.

>> No.75189923

>Nyanners associates with absolute scum and then dips as soon as they start to get heat

>> No.75189991

>so we stop shitting up /lig/.
So instead you shit up the catalog? Well then, you just opened up your little clique to more scrutiny. If more shitposts happen to come yourr way now, you deserve it. See you later.

>> No.75190031

only holoniji threads allowed in /vt/

>> No.75190091

You can't shit up the catalog because it's already full of shit.

>> No.75190133

>Nyanners part of more retarded shit
It's like telling me the sun is bright

>> No.75190221

Who was she joining before ungraduating, niji?

>> No.75190244

I dont now whats going on but takahata made everyone hate an abridged anime scene I made because incest joke are not ok he said. So everyone should hate him even if he didnt do anything wrong

>> No.75190342

>Geega double dipping with Vshojo and MSM
I'd be more surprised if she was more relevant

>> No.75190375

lol the first one was complaining last year on twitter about how his first meltdown got himself blocked by half of the big indies outside of Southside and nearly had another melty before he deleted the posts

Wes had a meltdown, left, became an un-ironic communist for some reason, made it his vtuber persona also, tried hosting a "communist rally" event, got laughed at and left the Southside discord in embarrassment and created his own discord hugbox

>> No.75190473

>it's like in the music scene how a lot of indie stars still have producers
Those indie stars are in fact not indies. In music "indie" has become a subgenre that was shaped by said formerly indeoendent stars who then got big enough to stop being independent.

In terms of vtubers and streaming I would say that belonging to a management agency makes you not independent.

>> No.75190922

If you have someone above you that can tell you NO, you're not independent.

>> No.75190959

Even if the only thing that person says is "abide by Twitch/Youtube TOS?"

>> No.75191089

>part of a management agency
Pick one. Because there is a difference being a literal nobody on your own doing shit and being a literal nobody with management

>> No.75191150

Thats basically being in a corpo but tax dodging by not filing for an LLC

>> No.75191197

It not about having someone above you, it's about doing everything yourself.

>> No.75191259

faking that youre not in a company when you are is intentional so they can keep that indie appeal. Even those all these people have mangaers and groups that they are apart of and can blacklist others from hanging out with

>> No.75191296

And here I was thinking that Seth was the only one trying to ignore paying taxes

>> No.75191305

A chuuba that hires someone to draw thier model or mix a song is still independent.

>> No.75191312

so the rrat that Grimmi dropped out of a Filian collab because Meat was in it might be true?

>> No.75191365

vshojo having literally investors in them and somehow managing to make people think they are indie is one of the most impressive bussniess things ive ever scene and whoever is in charge of their branding deserves a fat check

>> No.75191579

DESU I would drop out of a collab too if someone unfunny described themselves as "silly"

>> No.75191689

They need to find those people and coordinate the work and payments themselves.

>> No.75191709

Hi Seth, nice lies you got there.

>> No.75191820

Western vtubers seem to define indie as "owning the IP".

>> No.75191843

The beef I have with vtuber corpos is that their talents don't own anything and more importantly don't have the final say in how they operate, culminating with all the stuff with Niji, Idol etc. I don't feel the same for groups like 3am and Vshojo.
The real reason Vshojo doesn't get discussed is the fact that they were there first with their own thread culture and /lig/ split off of that.
If people really went out to make /3am/ they'd still talk about them in both threads similar to /shon/.
All this squabbling about indies only serves to divide people who all enjoy chuubas who own and operate as themselves.

>> No.75191907


>> No.75192140

Hi Krimbo, nice deflection attempt.

>> No.75192347

I'm just a viewer but even I know that Reda is the least menhera chuuba and Wes has had his own discord forever

>> No.75192502

LMFAO, must be a newer viewer, 'cause you don't know shit

>> No.75192561

Wow what awesome proof you have there

>> No.75192652

Who cares about 2 views. Tell me about Seth's grooming empire, how do I get to be like him?

>> No.75192855

I mean I laid out a definition that most people would be fine with if they're not being pedantic. If the group you're a part of is trying to maintain an identity for itself vs if it's 100% in the background and you will never see them outside of maybe slapping their logo on a sponsored event or something. Filian's in Mythic but Mythic has no identity aside from them throwing their logo onto the vtuber awards. MSM has no identity. UTA has no identity. VShojo DOES have an identity. Their logo is on a lot of the stuff they do, the members brandish it on commissioned pieces, and a lot of the group things they do, they do AS VShojo. Smaller companies like 3AM and VChiban do much the same. Being in Mythic or MSM is functionally the same as being indie. Being in VShojo is functionally the same as being indie, but nobody would seriously argue that VShojos are indie, even if they work the same as they did while indie.

>> No.75192954

sorry but having a manager and someone doing behind the scenes crap for you means you no longer know the indie struggle

>> No.75193010

no,back to /lig/ faggot

>> No.75193109

Yep, it's like saying "I built my own house with my own two hands" but it turns out you hired a construction company for it, but like, YOU did it, instead of buying it through a real estate development firm.

>> No.75193131

Dumb fuck, there's fucking archived threads, do like I did and research yourself. You know once you get done dick ridin' Krimbo.

>> No.75193142

>Being in Mythic or MSM is functionally the same as being indie
what a fuckng retard,next vshojo is indie too right retardedanonchama?

>> No.75193252

I already read every single post on the entire website and nothing like what you said exists. Guess you need to do more research.

>> No.75193381

Lots of big indies hire personal managers. They're still indie.

>> No.75193390

Is there some kind of tax benefit to being self-employed vs making a company?
Far as I know self-employed gets you fucked on taxes

>> No.75193419

"I already did."*
*Source: Just Trust Me Bro

>> No.75193437
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Me when I don't read the full post.

>> No.75193488

Who's calling VShojo indie

/3am/ did exist for a couple threads but it just didn't take

>> No.75193515

Nyanners being a great judge of character as usual

>> No.75193554

There's a fucking obscene amount of groomers in the general vtubing arena, big and small.
Not even Hololive or Nijisanji were immune to this.
It's even easier to do it in the indie side because a reasonably rich groomer can overwhelm someone with support and use that to ease their way in to DMs. They are also usually legit psychopaths that get off on manipulating people for their own gain.

>> No.75193598

You're right your source is so much better... Oh wait...

If this is the level of be Seth's manipulation msm talent must be retarded

>> No.75193644

Using this logic you could just have a group that tells everyone to never put their logo or name anywhere visible that is functionally the same as Vshojo or even a corpo like Nijisanji and all of their members would still be "indie".

>> No.75193722

Nope they're no longer indie but "Managed"

>> No.75193747

literally me right now, cya virgins

>> No.75193771

these people arent indies

>> No.75193824
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>> No.75193827

why do vtubers attract so many groomers. Obviously youtubers and any self creator job has groomers but it just seems like every even slighty popular women you look at has them

>> No.75194003

Whats to stop someone from just punching seth in the face? Wouldnt that solve this issue?

>> No.75194089

he likes to grace this board with his nauseating presence and spew his retarded takes ever few months so highly likely

>> No.75194090

Who tf said I was supporting Seth? I just fucking hate Krimbo. And since you're bitching like you know oh such more about stuff, just remember there's no bigger crime than dick riding without license.

>> No.75194107

No because he'll use this to garner sympathy and manipulate people more. Guy is a psychopath and does not feel any remorse.

>> No.75194118

>whats to stop someone
the fact that everyone knows one youtuber getting their arm broken in an armbar at a con would change the entire landscape forever

>> No.75194168

Who TF is Krimbo?

>> No.75194227


>> No.75194251

The guy who can't stop thinking about Seth.

>> No.75194372

Seth be less obvious challenge (impossible)

>> No.75194441

>Not even hololive or nijisanji were inmune to groomers
Reminder that, unironically weren't for Ollie surprise inviting Connor to a Collab with moona, that knight guy would have most likely fucked her since he was moona's biggest paypig, to the point she even apologized to him for collabing with connor

>> No.75194519

Krimbo stop seeking attention challenge (probably would off himself first)

>> No.75194527

>apologized for collabing with connor

>> No.75194610

I think a personal, privately hired manager is still within independent operation.
It changes if the manager wants credit so that they can start building their own brand instead of being part of yours.
I believe that even if you end up building a small media company of your own that's all about you and your brand, you're still independent.

>> No.75194616

It was a different time anon, moona wasn't known for homocollabing

>> No.75194631

The amount of people who have collabed with ollie only to get to someone closer to her and then never interact with her again makes me have this conflicted feeling of is she a huge victim or a giant enabler of bad people

>> No.75194693

It's surprising to see Seth running an ineffective defense on 4chan, slap fighting with anons, while he's supposed to have master manipulated everyone in msm. Just how money hungry or dumb are these talents?

>> No.75194723

A combination of lonely people that went in to well-paying jobs, then developed some charisma / confidence over fucking over people in the work place to get to the top.
A lot of the time I've interacted with some of them, they seem to be the kind of people like that, IT types, and usually people that fucked over colleagues to get ahead. They tend to be dicks on social media, short-tempers, always posting silly shit, usually over-compensating in fact. If someone or something gets on their nerves or calls them out, they tend to have full-on over-compensating breakdowns and post more inane random shit rather than shut-up. It's very easy to spot them when that happens.
There's a reason IT and upper management in general is filled with psychopaths, they lack empathy so it's easy for them to see other people they work with as "mere stepping stones".
But they are also usually intelligent so all of that coupled together makes it easy for these types to take advantage of emotionally fragile people.
It's fucking sick. I've had to help a few people deal with sickos like that in the past. (both guys and girls at that, it's not just a female being groomed issue)

>> No.75194751

tldr ollie has had about 8ish people (maybe more I didnt count) that didnt collab with men until she invited them to group collabs and then they started doing male collabs after that

>> No.75194775

If stupidity could be measured in spirit bomb terms .. I would say they have enough to make a Jupiter sized one

>> No.75194809

Bao got scammed by different people and sometimes by the same people multiple times. It reached a point where Bao and getting scammed is a meme now.

>> No.75194869

Doesn't help that M-CHAN is basically ID female omega

>> No.75195167

She's way too much of a unityfag with everyone, remember Kiara had to tell her to chill out because Ollie was messaging every fucking senpai constantly and they were getting pissy

>> No.75196188

>sorry but having a manager and someone doing behind the scenes crap for you means you no longer know the indie struggle
So Doki isn't an indie?

>> No.75196403

If you're the one employing them, rather than working for them, I'd say it's still fair to call you an indie.

>> No.75198838


Seth has never been a vtuber, he's just a fat jew

>> No.75199892


>> No.75200077

>So Doki isn't an indie?

>> No.75200887

Everyone above and below this post deserves cancer.

>> No.75201742

The manager isn't making your content. Their job is to take care of whatever menial tasks you assign to them.

>> No.75201990

Grimmi is a good girl.
Coqui is a good girl.
That's all I need to know...

>> No.75202002

You could apply this infinitely.
Yeah you assembled the house, but you didn't even chop the trees by hand so can you REALLY say you built it? Oh, you chopped the trees by hand? Did you water and grow them yourself? No? You're just leeching off of everyone else's work.

Corpo vtubers are a specific term to refer to streamers who tend not to own their IP and rely entirely on a company that tries to force its own bubble. Often they're restricted in what they can or can't do because of this in order to not harm the "brand."

>> No.75202125

I'm not talking about the definition of corpo, I'm talking about the definition of indie.

>> No.75202236

>I'm not talking about the definition of corpo, I'm talking about the definition of indie.
indie is pretty much everything that's not corpo. Otherwise there would be no "indie" video games, as nearly all of them use some form of contracting or have employees.

>> No.75202448

>all started from a /lig/ autist
QRD? what'd he do or keyword to archive search

>> No.75202714

basically, a random /lig/ger got curious on a whim and dug into MSM... only to find out that it literally does not exist. It got killed for tax evasion or some shit and all public records show that the company has been operating without a license since like 2020. It's a very big legal nightmare for anyone covered by them.

>> No.75202771

Different domains different definitions. Most indie video games have publishers and dev companies, they're just small and relatively free of capitalism corrupted financial interests so they get the indie label. Except for the few people who make simple games solo there is no one making games without help, so indie = solo isn't a useful definition.

Vtubing however is easy to do solo and there are thousands of people who just do literally everything themselves, making indie = by yourself a meaningful definition, and the one most people understand when you say indie vtubers.

>> No.75202776
File: 296 KB, 2650x1129, 1704674966146213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post right here if you want to go back in the archive. Basically it appeared like some msm people were attacking 3am girls when they were streaming, someone said something about MSM's owner being in debt, and some /lig/ autist googled shit about Seth, the owner of MSM and found out the company techincally shouldn't exist since it was in forfeiture since 2021. Led to other anons and apparently Krimbo to dig and find a laundry list of seth's shit, including 3+ failed businesses, multipled debt and lawsuit related court cases, and a few criminal cases as well.

>> No.75202903

holy BASED truth seeker

>> No.75203069

so aethel worked for a homeless guy in a car and somehow landed dick first in hag vtuber pussy?

>> No.75203111

listen I know people hate on aethel but he worked hard to fuck his oshi and really we should all be taking notes

>> No.75203194

Guys give it to me straight is Numi a lying whore? She always seemed so sweet.

>> No.75203326
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>with VTubers you could probably draw the line whether the agency owns the IP and/or whether the agency has a say on the content
I don't care about the "indie vs corpo" discussion going on right now, but there actually is a documented instance of MSM enforcing restrictions on one of their talents. Lucy Pyre was told by her management that she was no longer allowed to put the word "moan" in her stream titles. This could not have been a decision made by Twitch because they already have a rigorous filter in place to prohibit even words like "blind" or "schizo" from being put it in the title, the website just won't accept your input. This is someone representing a different party controlling her content, and the only other suspect is her talent agency MSM.

This was also around the time that Persona 3 Reload sponsorships were being given out like hotcakes to even 2views, and yet no one in MSM was able to secure that sponsorship much to the disappointment of both Lucy Pyre and Lord Aethelstan

>> No.75203362

If you hire you own manager you're an indie. If your manager is from a company, you have a contract with that company, that company makes your merch, you appear at events under that company's branding, you are a member of said company.

>> No.75203438

I don't care about any of these "people."

>> No.75203509

Given that Jabroni Mike who is also signed with MSM just straight up ignored all of MSM's direction I think this goes to show that a lot of people in vtubing don't seem to realize that a talent agent is your employee, not your boss, and you can tell them to suck your dick and fuck off it you want to. 9 times out of 10 the agent will take it too because if tehy don't you can terminate your contract at will and move on in most cases. Mike knew this cause he's been around the music industry and real estate, these chuubas who are new money to entertainment? not so much.

>> No.75203569
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>> No.75203601

Didn't make your avatar by yourself? Not an indie, faggot.

>> No.75204072

For indie games it's about having a publisher and not about being a solo developer.

"Indie" games with publishers are definitely not truly independent. You could make a point that some itchio game that gets publisher involvement only after full release are at least independently developed, but having a publisher during development can affect the development in several ways, from receiving funds they wouldn't otherwise have, to having limited time for development due to publisher set deadlines.

For vtubers the line would be receiving support through a middleman (corp, "indie" agency, etc.) rather than doing it yourself.

>> No.75204119

>that aethel clip
He fucking knows at that point something was rotten you can't convince me otherwise. He's also been really hands off with MSM shit for a while now and before the site redesign they removed him from the front page where he was one of their banner talents for a long ass time.

>> No.75204515
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Takahata 101 tweeted this out a couple of hours ago, seems like he's confirming what krimbo said about him being on the blacklist

>> No.75205128

Taka needs to get a new model. He's had that same thing since like 2020 with no updates.

>> No.75205212

So was he just wrong about it being limited? Which 2 views got it?

>> No.75205956
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>> No.75206004

holy kek

>> No.75206013

>Vtubing however is easy to do solo and there are thousands of people who just do literally everything themselves, making indie = by yourself a meaningful definition
That's a completely shit "no true scotsman" laden definition

>> No.75206053

Ah, so that's why Sayu was playing it that one time and getting free shit. They were just handing it out to everyone, huh?

>> No.75206101

Everyone except MSM

>> No.75206327

>a talent agent is your employee, not your boss, and you can tell them to suck your dick and fuck off it you want to
So, like a consultant?

>> No.75206399

Wait, not like a consultant, unless you can have two managers?

>> No.75206446

Holy Shit

>> No.75206544
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So does this mean I'm not getting my hot sauce?

>> No.75207022

My guess is whoever was handing out those promotions knew MSM stank and avoided them or Seth didn't bother reaching out and just lied and said they didn't get the sponsorship

>> No.75207052
File: 1.47 MB, 864x1152, the little HOT SAUCE girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terribly cold, snow falling, almost dark
>grim little girl, bareheaded and barefoot, walks through the streets on New Year's Eve
>In an old apron she carries several bottles of hot sauce, and she holds a crate of them in her hand.
>No one had bought any from her all day long, no one had given her a cent
>Drinks a bottle to warm her up and sees Liggerman
>Oh Liggerman take me with you! I know you will disappear when the feeling of capsaicin on my tongue has burnt out.
>Drinks the whole crate of hot sauce to keep Liggerman with her
>both of them fly away in brightness and joy above the Earth all the way to Mars
>But in the corner, leaning against the wall, sits the grim little girl with red cheeks and smiling mouth, frozen to death on the last evening of the old year.
>The New Year's sun rises upon her little pathetic figure.
>sits there, stiff and cold, surrounded by bottles of hot sauce
>"She wanted to warm herself," the /lig/gers said
>No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, and how happily she had gone with old Liggerman into the bright New Year

>> No.75207210

whats with all the anti-dingdong here

>> No.75207368
File: 43 KB, 367x367, Kevin-h2osakana-367x367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I heard that hot sauce sponsorship isn't working out. Can I interest you in some high quality coffee?

>> No.75207376

>whoever was handing out those promotions knew MSM stank and avoided them
Nah, I don't think so.
>Seth didn't bother reaching out and just lied and said they didn't get the sponsorship
I think the ones handing promotions were working on a cool-just-check-you-and-you-get-it basis, and Seth knew they'd notice his company didn't exist, so he didn't apply.

>> No.75207863

retarded purple cat is very well known for being a cunt and a normie bridge anon, the same as whoremune, if both get fucked it will be well deserved.

>> No.75208006

You think your coffee is better than BASED coffee?

>> No.75208249

Only the finest for our talents!

>> No.75208771

Actually Seth here,
It's real cute you guys are samefagging the thread. You're doing more harm than good, just making out like real dumb shits that think this "campaign" which is drier than your accusations will work. I gotta thank Krimbo for doing everything for me and boosting my talent agency even further by the free advertisement! Glad a hololive board like/vt/ cares so much about my talent agency that even a "smear" attempt is garnering nothing.
Ciao 3am and Southside

>> No.75208934

Actually Seth here,
Ciao 3am and Southside

>> No.75208969

>a tourist knowing how to spell this hellhole correctly
nice try

>> No.75209204
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>> No.75209522

No you can get it if you go to Offkai and ask her directly.

>> No.75209818

>vtubing is easy to do solo
literally 99% of vtubers got popular because they were friends or were associated someway with someone else who was popular thats the only thing that matters

>> No.75209957

>literally 99% of vtubers got popular because they were friends or were associated someway with someone else who was popular
Unless you can provide a counterexample, change that 99 to 100%.

>> No.75210579
File: 487 KB, 640x867, 1708365755396534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olivia Monroe tripled the CCV of her biggest friends in only half the time

>> No.75210806

Nah, she also counts, started when she changed her original model due to MIA modeler to a more sex one, and then went hard with the networking, also has been raided before by the very big twitch chuubas.

>> No.75210878

Who did she network with and who was she raided by?

>> No.75211170

The entire group you mentioned
>her biggest friends
Also got noticed by VShojo and ex-VShojos, thought that's more on her.
My point was that the wording on >>75209818 was misleading. It could've been something like this.
>because they were friends or sucked up to someone else who was popular

>> No.75211647

I just don't think you're giving enough credit to Olivia and other chuubas who can entertain in ways that no one else has been able to and do it in such a way that allows them to grow. And just pointing to southside and saying "they made Olivia" isn't good enough when they were around the same size when they first started interacting and now Oli towers over them

>> No.75212448

it's almost a talent with how he managed to scam so many large indies for so long. They probably can't recover anything since the guy likely spent it all already.

>> No.75213277

No, I was just autistic in that the getting popular definition of >>75209818 could be stretched to any vtuber who got popular.
>And just pointing to southside and saying "they made Olivia"
It's why I also included the being noticed by VShojo thing in the comparison. Otherwise she'd have ende up as a mid-high 3view /lig/ darling, instead of the current 4view /lig/ darling she is now.

>> No.75213288

So who are the MSM people who ignored the blacklist?
I would think grape, being friends with bat, would know better than to trust other peoples opinions, but I don't think she ever really interacted much with southside besides one or two raids from meat iirc

>> No.75213417

According to >>75185552, the guy nyanners collabs with a lot.

>> No.75213436

You don't understand what no true scotsman is kek

>> No.75213459
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>> No.75213490

Grape was in Coqui's chat the other night, Jabroni Mike's done a lot of stuff with Coqui and Meat, Saeko from MSM had Coqui on stream with her within the last month, Aethel's been on Coqui's streams before and always shouts her out and stuff, and meat's said that she's talked to grimmi in in DMs but Grimmi has mysteriously been pulled from on screen stuff with Coqui and Meat in high profile collabs like Filian's Date night or a Oktoberfest collab Coqui had set up

>> No.75213517

Isn't Aethel interacting with Coqui a lot?

>> No.75213550

yeah they might not stream together very often but he's always shouting her out when he sees her in chat and when he got his dog he asked her on stream for name ideas. They also share several mods so their communities are close

>> No.75213559

I feel like they haven't collabed in ages, but I don't really watch aethel

>> No.75213567

So the purple man finally got more content

>> No.75213616

Which VShojos have boosted Oli or even interacted with her?

>> No.75213645

He used to raid her a lot
I don't think he does anymore

>> No.75213836

So is the blacklist just within MSM? Like MSM talent weren't allowed to interact with 3am?

>> No.75213918

>noticed by VShojo
Who in VShojo has interacted with Olivia?
She met up with Nyan and Aethel at Twitch Con, but this was after Nyan left, and there were no collabs or raids (they're completely different time slots).

Someone (I forget who) mentioned Olivia to Mouse a couple months back, but that's it. And that's well after Olivia's CCV skyrocketed.

>> No.75213924

The lawyer dude?

>> No.75213984

Enter the Newsman

>> No.75213991

Aethel is a gigantic pussy always dancing around drama but never being direct he has no balls.

>> No.75214055

from the implication it was a within MSM blacklist but I'm willing to bet they spread it to other groups outside of MSM via gossip

>> No.75214111

Funny how he's the first one to dig in balls deep on making fun of Niji but when the same bullshit is fucking over people he knows he runs with his tail between his legs. Shows you the real measure of a man.

>> No.75214136

Could be Legal Mindset, Could be False, could be one of the other dramatubers

>> No.75214182

Kendrick writing a new diss track right now

>> No.75214221

Grimmi did a collab earlier that day and her excuse was that she was too exhausted to do the date night. She's not wrong, though. When she collabed with Filian some time after the date night, she said interacting with Filian was very tiring.

>msn is run by a grifter who lives in his car
I want this to be true. Is there any proof?

>> No.75214288

Yeah he used to be really close to Sayu back then and collabed with her all the time before she joined Niji
now I think he has only raided her once or twice
and has avoided to do an actual collab with her

>> No.75214339

I think it Might be False or Khyo I don't think the grifter lawyer would do free work for someone like Krimbo

>> No.75214348

to be fair same could be said in regards to yuzu. maybe he just became whipped

>> No.75214396

Pink Cat bad

>> No.75214499

Most likely False since he was tagged in Krimbo's original post

Did you two miss the Dark and Darker arc where Aethel, Nyan and Yuzu were collabing frequently

>> No.75214546



>> No.75214646

There was a VR Date Night stream ran by Filian and when she made the announcement she announced Grimmi and Meat for it as well as others and said she invited Lucy Pyre. Come the day of Date night, Grimmi said she dropped out and apparently Lucy never responded.

>> No.75215124

I've heard it's an internal list but they also spread slander like gossip around to harm their interactions and sponsorships too

>> No.75215182

come to think of it leaflit's talked about being blacklisted by someone before. Maybe same people?

>> No.75215223

Leaflit talked about being blacklisted by trans people for playing that shitty harry potter game which sounds like a completely different thing

>> No.75215353 [DELETED] 

>male vtubers causing shit
The unicorns were right

>> No.75215893

based, fuck these twitch whores and m*les

>> No.75216028

isn't that the girl who had a rice purity socre of like 10? why do people watch these disgusting whores?

>> No.75216087


>> No.75216210

So won't Seth just delete everything so no one can leak stuff? Thats why you make the twitlonger before going live with your complaints

>> No.75216366

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.75216882

*counter rapes you and sends you to ohio*

>> No.75217748

>say seth, I hear you like'em dumb

>> No.75217791

They're funny

>> No.75217844

He obviously already has the evidence if he compiled a doc

>> No.75218477

Zero percent chance it's Khyo. Krimbo's /here/ enough to know that Khyo's a retard. If it's not someone who's actually involved (3AM or Southside or something) then yeah False is the most likely one.

>> No.75218856

Geega's shilled her a lot. I remember her talking about her when she had her old model. Regardless, that doesn't mean she's bad or anything. There's hundreds of really good streamers out there doing great shit that just don't have eyes on them. As soon as they get those eyes, which most commonly happens from raids, collabs, or shilling by bigger names, then they can experience some real growth.

>> No.75218986

That seems to be the rrrat.

>> No.75219045
File: 427 KB, 1290x859, IMG_1710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lig/ update

>> No.75219808

Wait, so Oli is technically not indie anymore? So I can't post her in /lig/ anymore?

>> No.75219833

NTA, retard but you literally said
> Being in VShojo is functionally the same as being indie
No it isn't you fuckign subIQ ape.

>> No.75219884

technically speaking most liggers aren't fully indie anymore. /lig/ chooses to ignore it instead of splitting off into like 3 or 4 other threads

>> No.75219921

I hate male chuubas and I hate Seth.

>> No.75219951


>> No.75220017

Unless this goes further than "seth runs businesses like shit and said some yikes stuff on twitter" I kind of don't care. Those two things happen all the time and in every industry.

If he is hurting grimmi though it's knives out.

>> No.75220088

You genuinely would've need to be living in a bubble to believe this retarded statement.

>> No.75220090

FalseEyeD, probably?

>> No.75220132

Probably not Legal Mindset since half of the Southside Discord freaked out at the mention of his name a few days ago because he was mean to LGBT in the past so I imagine Southside chuubas feel the same due to the audience=what the streamer cultivates

>> No.75220186

FalseEyeD only cares about shitting on Niji.

>> No.75220259
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>> No.75220326

I feel that if we are just screenshotting hours old posts from /lig/ this thread has ran out of steam

>> No.75220427


Tomorrow is another day.

>> No.75220558
File: 658 KB, 1276x1122, Oh Boy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fltk8s7.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75220745

I've been fascinated by how many chuubas on both sides of the divide have been lurking in Tobs' stream tonight. Right now it's Coqui, Grimmi, Aethel, and Heavenly. Earlier Olivia was around too.

>> No.75220805

What did Grimmi said about this whole MSM debacle?

>> No.75220883

Screenshot it next time or you have a dead rrat.

>> No.75220885

Nothing. She's only involved because apparently the "hotsauce company" was dumped onto her. So she owns the hotsauce company and at the same time it might not even exist since people buying the hotsauce have said the receit seems to go to MSM, which in turn also doesn't exist.

>> No.75220950

wait she owns the entire fucking hotsauce company?
I thought she just got a bunch of spare sauce unloaded on her.

>> No.75220961

Not even MSM, it goes to literally seth's paypal. He just sends out the sauce in a box that says MSM.

>> No.75221011

Nope, she was informed, after the fact apparently, she owns the hotsauce company

>> No.75221067

jesus lmao

>> No.75221144

You are the most noticeable anon in the thread, I hated it, kill yourself.

>> No.75221174

You're missing the blacklisting and tortious interference w/ 3am

>> No.75221178
File: 18 KB, 718x275, 1684608740039411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof btw

>> No.75221440

grimmi needs a good husband (me) to protect her from these sorts of scams

>> No.75221513

But I like Nagzz :(

>> No.75221575

I doubt anyone is too directly involved with Seth's shenanigans in any collaborative malicious ways. It's probably a group of people being swindled in some way if there's any substance to it.

>> No.75221684

>I like Nagzz
kill yourself.

>> No.75221966



>> No.75222057


>tortious interference

You get it.

>> No.75222600

The fact she even considered going to niji is a tell of who she is as a person
Anyone that is in the scene already knew how shit niji was and that you only care about grifting money if you get in, lets not pretend otherwise
As far as i am aware, she should've stayed graduated

>> No.75223073

this shit should be as illegal as calling asmongjew a fucking indie.

>> No.75223446

I bet losing that one hurt quite a bit. You’re about to lose more.

>> No.75224092

I truly can't wrap my head around this. How the fuck does something like that even happen?

>> No.75224196

1 - Seth gets a contract written up to establish a company with him as CEO and Grimmi as owner
2 - Seth tells Grimmi to sign the document saying it's just some generic paperwork
3 - Grimmi signs thinking it's nothing important and then Seth racks up expenses in the company's name

>> No.75224220

oh so you mean how he's bankrupted all his prior businesses to the letter then

>> No.75224255

Proof she was going to Niji?

>> No.75224377
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>> No.75224954

what the fuck? if I suddenly realized someone created a company under my name without my knowledge I would be horrified at all the other possible things I might have been misled about. how the fuck do you hear this and just go "wow, cool! I guess I own a company!"?

>> No.75225007

She has literal brain damage

>> No.75225017

I guess presentation is all that matters.

>> No.75225037
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more or less this

>> No.75225289

Does this mean she is going to be liable if something happens?

>> No.75225384

Well, for reference, she didn't have an LLC set up for the hot sauce company and MSM doesn't have an active LLC, so yes.

>> No.75225480

most ligs arent lmao

>> No.75225581

So the hot sauce company is also not legit?

>> No.75225638

any dramatubers pick up on this yet?

>> No.75226021

>If he is hurting grimmi though
She somehow didn't know that she owned the hot sauce company

>> No.75227001

There’s a lot of ways a “talent agency” can hurt you, look into it.

>> No.75227262

I thought a hot sauce company was something she wanted to do but it turns out it was dumped onto her without her knowing. How ominous.
