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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 735 KB, 2972x1217, MillieAreYouSerous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75181929 No.75181929 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, she couldn't even write her own community thank you tweet?

>> No.75183065

There is literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.75183304

You retard she literally said she used Grammarly. Because she's ESL and wanted to write a nice message.

>> No.75183305

>supposed heartfelt message of thanks to the fans
>actually completely written by AI
SIsters will take anything at this point. Then again, they huffed copium when they found out Raziel basically made Luca's merch, so I'm not surprised their standards are this low.

>> No.75183440

holy cringe
doki wins again

>> No.75183700

>used Grammarly
>"this fun events"

>> No.75183729

NTA but thanks for the clearup.
ik Niji is in an awfully shit position, but i appreciate anons spreading facts.

>> No.75183786

it's far more effort than ESLs here give.

>> No.75183874
File: 2 KB, 125x123, luna wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used Grammarly, but if THIS is the kinda shit it spits out it must not be a very good service.
Millie's tweets here are stilted as fuck, which makes what she's saying sound way less genuine and emotional than it should. A message of thanks to your fans shouldn't read like a high school essay trying to be formal.
If she wasn't confident in her ability to type out coherent English, why not just ask one of her more fluent friends to proofread for her?

>> No.75183923
File: 104 KB, 1254x617, firefox_kaY5hZHVVp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a bit fucked, even if she admits to it. I would've gone to a friend for feedback or used a thesaurus, or just let it ride with whatever her true feelings are, ESL and all.
If anything, this just further shows how impersonal Niji is, like with how the fans seem to be okay with skinwalking concerts instead of watching the talents grow as people.

>> No.75184432
File: 139 KB, 1080x1054, 98bbpfz5b8071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint no fucking way so much for "heartfelt messages" lmao.

>> No.75184487

>bots made her response
>bots are also their primary audience they stream to
This shit it poetic.

>> No.75185219

lmao what do you expect with pag pag eater intellect

>> No.75185366

>asking an AI if a text is AI

rabid millie antis are somehow even more retarded than her. Those detection tools hallucinate all the time

>> No.75185424

Grammarly is literally AI. She admitted to it.

>> No.75185502

Millie genuinely has a double-digit IQ.
It's not her fault, it's just her Filipiness.

>> No.75186906

39 IQ strikes again

>> No.75187690

So is Finana and her community stuff is 30-40% ai tops.

>> No.75188325

>Admits she used AI
>It's not AI because she said she used AI
Why are Milllllie sisters single digit IQ?

>> No.75188467

They're Filipino, that's all you need to know. When the Selen drama initially dropped, they were everywhere of Tw*tter saying that they would back her up no matter what she did, even if she told Selen directly to off herself.

>> No.75188570
File: 101 KB, 551x820, 1583733853848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's EN by the way.

>> No.75188768


>> No.75189236

Yeah, it could be. As an ESL, I've used the paid version to post here before. Not anymore since I've realised most people here are ESLs and nobody gives a shit about grammar. Those semicolons(;) ,or whatever you EOPs call them, appear constantly and she has a couple of them in her tweet.

>> No.75189510

Technically there's nothing wrong, but ethically everything is wrong with this.
This shows:
1. She's not that smart
2. She doesn't really care about her fans to put a writing from the heart
3. The management doesn't care about her, if point 1 and 2 are true, it should be the management's job to write this shit using their own hand.

>> No.75189625

This at least partially explains why it reads like it was written by someone external to the vtubing industry. It must really suck to not have friends you can trust to proofread something for you.

>> No.75189663

Not now Vox

>> No.75189732

Semicolons are extremely based. They've long been the shibboleth of the actual educated English-speaker. The fact that AI has appropriated them is a fucking tragedy.

>> No.75190172

I always tought Millie was in Nijisanji ENGLISH branch. Guess i was wrong...
I can understand that you are not confident enough in a language and want to comunicate with your fans, but what i can't understand is that instead of relying in AI, shouldn't this be management job to translate from her filipino to english?

>> No.75190353


>> No.75190450

And once /vt/ immediately found out she noticed and admitted it was done using a program. Which does make her slightly smarter than other Nijis, but also means she reads everything people say aobut her too.

>> No.75190546

Where have you been these past couple months? Mille IS the management. Her and the rest of her friends are.

>> No.75190775

>Because she's ESL and wanted to write a nice message
That's not an excuse. ESL vtubers can write a heartfelt message in their mother tongue; the act of doing so will itself convey their love to their anglophone fans, with or without a DeepL translation of the text of the message.

I don't know if she's being lazy; or if this was a skinwalker tweet, and mane-san was being lazy. Neither reflects well upon her.
It's just as well, since the Q4 report is in less than 6 weeks, and the branch won't last for very long after that.

>> No.75190983

No publicly admitting to the world does not make her smart. Rules about containment exist for a reason.
At best all she's doing is showing off how much this place lives in her head rent free. As I said, not smart.

>> No.75191039

>Famous for being full JP even for the defenders

>> No.75192563


>> No.75192863

My team leader at work is Filipino and uses Grammarly. He still asks me to proofread important emails before he sends them, because Grammarly isn't THAT good. It helps a little but like, unironically just save the money and use Word's spellcheck function.

It's not as if he doesn't know English. He speaks it just fine, but for some reason he's not great at writing. He always messes up grammar and punctuation, I wonder if Millie is the same?

>> No.75194102

To be fair, the things I write sometimes get flagged as AI. Some anons have pointed out that this automatic like response, and the emotional detachment present in her tweets (that I didn't notice) are common in AI texts. Sometimes people, like those who are unironically autistic (me) just write like that. Not saying Millie is like that, but...

>> No.75194193

Get off 4chan Millle, you're not convincing anyone

>> No.75194265

Why do you care so much to post it here?
Are you part of her community?
Or are you just another little BITCH

>> No.75194301

Sis, she admitted she used AI, cmon…

>> No.75194508

>It helps a little but like, unironically just save the money and use Word's spellcheck function
Spellcheck only checks the spelling of the words used. It doesn't check for things like idioms, slang, or word choices; it won't stop Grammarly from telling your boss's business partners that the hovercraft is full of eels, or about the adventures of the worm in flap-jaw space.

That's why he asks you to proofread his AI-generated business emails before sending them. He's also much more competent than Niji staff, because he cares enough to be arsed to do a bit of proofreading before publication.

>> No.75195017

I just read that she used Grammarly, my mistake, oops.

>> No.75198381

not reading that

>> No.75198498

I suppose, but at the same time I can't exactly blame her. I work in immigration and a lot of my coworkers speak English as their second language. Its easier to talk to Chinese clients if you speak Chinese, yanno? Their verbal English is fine, but they struggle with written English a lot more. It makes sense when you think about it. Verbal English just needs exposure, its how babies learn to talk. Written English requires formal education, you need to actually learn that shit properly.

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if an ESOL did proofread it and didn't find anything wrong with it. I've seen it happen with migrants hiring other migrants, like Chinese bosses hiring Chinese workers and neither of them speak English properly. I get letters of support back from the boss and you just go "I'm just going to write this for you and you just sign it, it's easier this way for everyone". Maybe I'm biased because I work with people who can't write well but I find it hard to get mad at this.

>> No.75202443

I can. She can't even thank her fans properly, nor does she give a shit to even attempt to understand them, or else she would've known that fans are generally okay with anything as long as it's from the heart. It's pretty gross.

>> No.75202478

Hey, don't bunch us all up as if we're a monolith because trust me that we're not, we're an archipelagic nation, inevitable that we have factions here. There's a hell lot more of us that hated the hell out of her for the bitchy plasticness (Fake concern) she showed to Selen, that shit reminded us of reality where co-workers or classmates would do that after sabotaging us due to crab mentality, where we can't have more successes than they do.

>> No.75202888

>it should be the management's job to write this shit using their own hand.
correction on that: it should be the management's job to make millie write the message and check it if its good enough to be posted

>> No.75202954
File: 2.56 MB, 1197x2005, wekkhrnwdmvc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you used facebook you would know they are all dunking on niji and millie "nijibeg" parfait

>> No.75203003

so what's the newest holo jab that caused this deflection post?

>> No.75203032


>> No.75203214

Advent's in JP recording 3D.
It's the only jab I can think of right now. I don't think they even give a shit that Niji exists.

>> No.75203418

Why didn't they just ask the Niji-hired translator to help her instead? It would've been better.

>> No.75203478

Elira was busy playing Xenoblade

>> No.75203527

She still hasn't beaten it?

>> No.75203845
File: 1017 KB, 2894x4093, FmkckvPakAELdWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck if I know. I haven't watched her since like 2022. She's just porn fodder to me now.

>> No.75206987

wrong person. That was Enna.

>> No.75207384 [DELETED] 

I like that she posted this after people made fun of the AI /here/

>> No.75211455

Anon, don’t do her dirty, is Milllllie, officially from NijiEN itself, remember?

>> No.75214527

>Millie, what the fuck is this?

>> No.75215003

>high school essay trying to be formal
What do you think Grammarly is for?

>> No.75216681

>anti AI
>use AI tool to check
lmao at your hypocrisy

>> No.75216846
File: 100 KB, 1193x1200, 1703822802059400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even want to have to defend niji but AI detection tools don't work well and aren't good enough which is why a bunch of big universities don't use turnitin and what not.

>> No.75219013

Why do you care so much to post here?
Are you going to defend it?
Or are you just another little SHIT EATER

>> No.75219214

there's literally no way to know something is written by an AI. this is just stupid bs speculation. I could write something and have it say AI did it too, it's not hard

>> No.75219241 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 597x712, firefox_IaBhLxUrTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not recently, but I definitely enjoyed and supported her early on. Eventually though, we got shit like this garbage exposing just how little she gave a shit about the people around her and how flimsy her words really were. Cunt.

>> No.75219299
File: 54 KB, 597x538, firefox_6jCbAd0c4U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not recently, but I definitely enjoyed and supported her early on. Eventually though, we got shit like this garbage exposing just how little she gave a shit about the people around her and how flimsy her words really were. Cunt.

>> No.75220577

>She didn't use AI to write her own tweet, she used AI to write her own tweet!
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.75220820
File: 1.27 MB, 1748x1650, 1708640959838023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From bots, for bots

>> No.75221788

>(s)he (be)lie(bed)

>> No.75223850

I like how ESL is suppose to be an insult. Why yes thank you for noticing I'm bilingual, trilingual even.

>> No.75223944

>s be bed

>> No.75224327
File: 21 KB, 379x337, 1692139204347595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75224416

Grammarly writing assistant IS an AI retard.

>> No.75224601

Definitely not Chat GPT honest Millie for real

>> No.75225318

An ESL friend in Uni put her thesis through grammarly, but the grammar was better before it so I told her to revert it.
The program seemed pretty shit.

>> No.75228195

.....by doing nothing

>> No.75229851


>> No.75231971

You dumb.

>> No.75232622

>She's just porn fodder to me now.
dangerously based

>> No.75233719

Hey, I'm white and I'm a Shiori anti. I just don't go out of my way to actively anti her. Would still nut deep into her non-descript fat asian pussy though.

>> No.75234073

And also, remember this shit's being shilled by faggots making video essays on youtube
That should tell you about its quality

>> No.75237737

if they were smart they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.75239050

If you feed an AI both AE and BE and possibly CE, AusE, the outcome is usually the most simplified out of all of them with no nuances.
AI generally avoids conflict if possible so something like collective nouns go out the window because of the difference between AE, BE and CE

>> No.75239264

Why does she even need to use a third party service to check her grammar? Just have your manager proof read i - Oh, right...
