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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75181779 No.75181779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The discrepancy in the understanding of the target audience between the English and Japanese VTuber scenes is evident. In Japan, VTuber fans are typically regular individuals with a slight penchant for nerdy interests like anime and manga, and they see VTubers as akin to traditional streamers. However, in the English-speaking community, the audience consists mainly of hardcore fans with limited social skills, deeply immersed in a culture foreign to them. They harbor resentment toward mainstream culture and those outside their niche, leading to backlash against interactions between male and female VTubers. The divide between these two factions is significant, making integration challenging. My suggestion to male VTubers would be to focus on appealing to fans in Asian markets, particularly those interested in male-oriented content, as the Western scene may not be welcoming.

>> No.75181814

Incoming Amerigoblins coping and seething that they're not ruining everything they touch

>> No.75181926

The last thread just died, better let it be dead

>> No.75182033

Too long, can you reword this into Fortnite terms?

>> No.75182037

>in the English-speaking community, the audience consists mainly of hardcore fans with limited social skills, deeply immersed in a culture foreign to them
This is just Hololive fans

The wider (and growing) English vtubing scene is populated by a lot more "regular people." The networking between VShojo and various indies with more mainstream streamers and creators has helped push vtubers further into the mainstream eye, which brings in more mainstream audiences.

>> No.75182079

This implies Americans are the best fanbase while nips are cucks.

>> No.75182103

>My suggestion to male VTubers would be to focus on appealing to fans in Asian markets
>particularly those interested in male-oriented content
You almost had it. Try again

>> No.75182122

Nigga Japan has its own hardcore fans, but because of the pandemic, it brought in a bunch of normies and changed the perception that anime stuff is an otaku-only thing. Right now in Japan you actually need to know some anime stuff to be popular compared to before where it is stigmatized.
Basically japanese failed to gatekeep.

>> No.75182196

Nah it's Phasefags/Idolfags/Kawaiifags etc. if anything

>> No.75182229

>regular people
Vhoekek you mean faggot normies who barge into the culture and is very quick to denounce anything that doesn't fit their woke standard.

>> No.75182239
File: 22 KB, 896x768, AnimeYouTubeVtubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is what the EN vtuber fanbase looks like.

>> No.75182288

>we should steal imports from other countries and make it our own
Do Amerimutts really?

>> No.75182304

>anime in Japan was only for otaku until COVID
Are you fucking stupid?

Normal people

>> No.75182358

i don't know what you are on, but go suck american cocks somewhere else.

>> No.75182378
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>> No.75182386

>Yo, listen up! The dealio with VTubers is like this: In Japan, they got these fans who are just regular peeps, kinda into anime and manga, you know? They treat VTubers like they’re just regular streamers. But hold up, in the English-speaking world, it’s a whole different vibe. We’re talking hardcore fans, but sometimes their social skills are like a gray loot drop—limited, ya feel me? These folks are deep into a culture that’s not their own, and they ain’t vibing with mainstream stuff. So, when male and female VTubers mix it up, there’s some serious drama. It’s like building a mega ramp in creative mode—tricky as heck! The divide between these squads is massive, making it tough to merge 'em. My advice to male VTubers? Focus on the Asian servers, where the male-oriented content gets the hype. The Western scene? Well, it might not be as friendly as a cozy campfire.

>> No.75182423

there shouldn't be that much "Vtubers" outside of "Anime", but yeah kinda
the overlap between all 3 is probably tighter than that honestly, especially between video games and YouTube
like who would be playing video game but never used YouTube lmao

>> No.75182446

Since when was Fortnite a cheesy "reach the kids" PSA from 1997

>> No.75182448

You think it's normal to be a scold? Or that it should be?

>> No.75182447

Please understand /a/ invented anime

>> No.75182471

I like how this thread is being used by one obsessed brown in order to try and shit on AmeriGODS

>> No.75182476

I don't know, ask bing AI.

>> No.75182499

>normal people = a strawman of all the things I hate
Listen man if you're not going to engage with reality I can't continue this conversation

>> No.75182536

>can't read
Are you fucking blind? You can't read retard?
Go to Japan before the pandemic and call yourself an "otaku" and brag about how much you love anime, manga and games and see the reception.
It is the opposite now, it is actually "uncool" to not know about them.

>> No.75182599

Retard that is a different anon.

>> No.75182649

You don't really know how small of a player Vshojo really is
The twitch vtuber bubble is a teensy tiny little thing anon, any opening made from it is less a gateway and more of a metaphorical cat door

>> No.75182658

>you mean faggot normies who barge into the culture and is very quick to denounce anything that doesn't fit their woke standard.

Your answer:
>Normal people

Then it's:
>a strawman of all the things I hate

You're a fucking dolt.

>> No.75182687

You've never been to fucking Japan.

>> No.75182691

Both are me btw

>> No.75182763

Basically, the Japanese vtubing community would ironically unicornpost as a joke to make fun of the kinds of people who actually had emotional meltdowns over their oshi speaking to a male, but EOPs who couldn't parse that they were being mocked took unicorn culture seriously and emulated it while also cranking it up in intensity, leading to the current state of affairs where vtubers can never branch out and network to grow their industry because the fan's fragile emotional state has to be constantly babysat

>> No.75182785

>Listen man if you're not going to engage with reality I can't continue this conversation.
And i am you.

>> No.75182799

NTA but I heard pretty much what he said recently too, right now it's literally impossible to have a social life in Japan UNLESS you watch anime. As in its mandatory. It's cooler than sports. That wasn't always the case.

>> No.75182814

>Normalize being a weeb
Grow up. It is just a phase. At some points in life claiming to be an otaku is just cringe

>> No.75182842

Good, normalfags should kill themselves out of my hobby and leave us "manbabies" and our hobby

>> No.75182855

Bascially you are a faggot and never saw Japanese unicorns.

>> No.75182858

Understand that the people unicornposting are pasty fat maladjusted slobs who won't do shit with their "demands." All they have here is whining on 4chan. Not even Japanese idolfags (namely AKBfags) from last decade were that fucked up

>> No.75182901

It was always cringe, western fags like you thought it was cool, but in japan it was always a negative.

>> No.75182915

>go to Japan and be the biggest fucking weirdo nerd you can, see how people treat you!
You're so fucking stupid

>> No.75182936

Did "manbabies" attend Holofes? Because I think you'll be shocked to find the opposite being true.
Grow up kid

>> No.75182948

>op image is titled "reply to my bait damn it"
>people genuinely reply
is /vt/ the most low-iq board?

>> No.75182961

never actually saw much unicorn posting but rather alot of unicorn baits from nijiniggers like you.

>> No.75182967

Your frame of reference is Filthy Frank's weeaboo video from almost a decade ago.

>> No.75182966

This. I get cringed when ever I try to talk to a "vtuber fan" in public.

>> No.75182971

No, I stripped all the schizo away and was only responding to "normies"

>> No.75182994

100% this nigga was bullied in school and is now projecting it on others

>> No.75183033

You are a complete retard with your own delusion. You merely have to talk about anime you stupid fuck. go kys.

>> No.75183040

I'm sorry but it actually took me until this post to realize that half of the thread was thinly veiled shitposts, God that is one awful post though, I'm gonna fuck off and let you monkies do your thing

>> No.75183101

You literally don't know the first thing about Japan if you think that anime was only normalized after COVID

Protip: the simple act of liking anime does not make you an otaku, you fucking retard

>> No.75183127

It is from bilingual japaneses living there now.
But you go ahead and make your own narrative retard.

>> No.75183134

>anime isn't popular in japan only losers like it
>let's take anime and make it our own culture
>haha ur a loser for liking anime
>leave me, the loser alone for liking anime
I'm convinced this is all one incel seething on cooldown

>> No.75183178

Kson wrote this. Anyway, the reason EN fans like girls only has nothing to do with being attracted to their oshi.

>> No.75183180

Hypocritical last samurai are still seething, I see.

>> No.75183187

>leading to the current state of affairs where vtubers can never branch out and network
Should change this to Hololive, because it's really the only one this is a big thing in. Niji stopped caring about male collabs the second Luxiem debuted and outside of an incredibly small minority that concern never existed in the first place with indies / VShojo.

>> No.75183200

Go make your own narrative you stupid fuck, you don't know shit but keep pulling things out of your ass. Waste of time to talk to you, go talk to the wall.

>> No.75183237

Who the fuck keeps repeating this meme, it doesn't make any sense. Multiple girls in HoloJP have straight up stated that they will never collab with a man, even fucking Fuwamoco haven't done that. Japanese unicorns are very much a thing and are arguably crazier than their EN counterparts.

>> No.75183246

>I'm gonna fuck off and let you monkies do your thing

But he did not leave the thread.

>> No.75183264

She's right though. Not you the fat slob who thinks 4chan speaks for the whole VTuber fandom

>> No.75183296

Homobeggars having a bigger melty than usual. Who knows why.

>> No.75183312

>Japanese unicorns are very much a thing and are arguably crazier than their EN counterparts.
It's become a point where even 5ch unicorns laugh at 4chan ones for being more fucked up. You took shitposting and JP Nijifag falseflagging as reality. That's why they laugh at you gullible faggots.

>> No.75183322








>> No.75183331

i'm convinced none of you fags understand how percentages work because all of these percentages correspond to raw number increases
2023 Q1 -> 2024 Q1
- Hours watched: 251MM -> 403MM
- YouTube (hours watched): 191MM hours -> 245 MM hours
- Twitch: 60MM hours -> 145MM hours
- Male: 47MM hours -> 110MM hours
- JP: 183MM hours -> 212MM hours
- US: 17MM hours -> 62MM hours
- Holo+Niji: 121MM -> 167MM hours
Retards in this thread are literally arguing over a false premise

>> No.75183431
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The reality is that anime has been growing at the same rate it always has been. In fact, it went DOWN during covid before recovering its previous momentum.

You're not fooling fucking anyone by pretending that even though 50% of any given Book Boy is fucking anime goods, and has been for ages, nobody ever actually paid attention to it until four years ago. That the entire Lawson brand didn't actually cater to anyone until four years ago. That streaming in Japan didn't owe its entire foundation to anime. That every other business, corporate or otherwise, having its own anime mascot was just an accident. I don't know what you're trying to prove here.

>> No.75183481

He wants America to steal anime from Japan since apparently everyone there hates it now and this website claims to love it but unironically watch dubs kek

>> No.75183500

see >>75183331

>> No.75183542
File: 190 KB, 463x453, 1714487310438465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homos are unpopular internationally and you can't blame the unicorn boogeyman for them failing. The MASSIVE discrepancy in popularity is much more than a minority opinion. Try watching them instead of whining on /vt/ all day and maybe you'll see why everyone else ignores them. I don't see why women can't dominate a niche hobby without all this cope and seethe when regular streaming is dominated by flesh dudes with 10x the numbers.

>> No.75183586

sounds like a you not understanding semantics issue when people mean some areas lost market share

>> No.75183592

OK but where's the EN kuzuha?

>> No.75183648

It's always funny when people talk about 5ch like it's some authority anyone should care about. Nips are so cucked that anything else than pointing at their limp dicks and laughing is a wrong response.

>> No.75183669

What are you talking about Falseyed, Khyo, Parrot4chan, and DepressedNousagi are very popular here

>> No.75183676

I really enjoy the new meme where they pretend like not liking male collabs is somehow a nijinigger psyop lmao

>> No.75183679

I'm sure this NFT bro has it all figured out

>> No.75183690
File: 51 KB, 454x321, authentic muscular horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people think oversea unicorns are better, because Japanese people are self flagellating

>> No.75183709

That's why the homos are hitting an all time low. Nips love them so much.

>> No.75183713

A fat pasty slob like you can't even see his own dick :^)

>> No.75183755

>falling for JP Nijinig falseflagging
Anon what are you talking about, Falseyed, Khyo, Parrot4chan, DepressedNousagi etc. are very popular here. Even more popular than some of Hololive!

>> No.75183804

You realize they're laughing at you not with you right?

>> No.75183806

Getting offended for someone else. Literal tranny behaviour.

>> No.75183828

You are retarded. The label "unicorn" was done as a mockery, but that is because "unicorns" did exist, and they still do. It's not a joke that became real, it was something real that normal-ishfags wanted to mock, but it became bigger than themselves.
Same with "normies", "chads", "stacies", etc, are all mockeries, but it became something people actually do call themselves.
Also, I find it funny, because the vtuber industry didn't even exist when most of the tropes around idol culture began. And vtubing only took off when they understood that their audience have more in common with anime otaku than the average flesh youtuber/streamer audience.
And this isn't even some kind of amazing revelation or anything, if you googled any anime otaku review of anything circa 2010~2015, it would be full of videos of guys using a vocaloid+anime png, because them themselves knew that is what they wanted.

>> No.75183833

>some areas lost market share
All I see is that the market is still expanding because everyone's viewers went up. People are arguing that numbers went down because of toxic discourse or westerners or unicorns when none of that happened.

>> No.75183900

You could easily just go there and grab evidence to back up your claims, but you can't, and for several reasons.

>> No.75183903
File: 493 KB, 691x710, 169209079206152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you all people ever tired of arguing an entire day?
The exact same thread died just a while ago, it was full of tangents, more than 400 replies just talking about basically the same thing, and now want to repeat that again

>> No.75183928

Mori, is this you?

>> No.75183940

It's literally the same unicorns and anti-unicorns that can't stop circlejerking each other in every catalog thread
And despite the fact that nothing ever changes they will never stop

>> No.75183965

>Do you all people ever tired of arguing an entire day?
I will never get tired of defending the honor of the glorious Japanese nation.

>> No.75183967 [DELETED] 

Yes, you're my fucking nigger bitch.

>> No.75183993
File: 73 KB, 720x282, 1713225293969837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijinigs keep reversebotting da bois.

>> No.75183999

No, I like reading things that made me angry

>> No.75184005

We could stop this cycle if deadbeats would kill themselves

>> No.75184034 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3.52 MB, 3200x1800, Sluuurp Slosh Squosh Blourp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they love us

>> No.75184047

Do you seriously believe that the phrase "authentic muscular corns" is praise?

>> No.75184048

>I'm gonna practice water breathing too!
Sounds like the last words of that kid.

>> No.75184064

If it wasn't literally the middls of the night id be tempted to ask my Japanese vtubing friend for a timestamped piece of paper with some notable Japanese building behind it in the background
suffice to say though, you have a funny perspective
It definitely doesn't align with what the majority of the people who actually watch streams regularly are like, but it is amusing nonetheless
Sometimes I wonder how people can be so confused by relatively basic principles and then this board and the posters on here surprise me over again, it's amazing

>> No.75184074

This will end if ENfags surrender and admit that JP scene is superior

>> No.75184094

Anon....deadbeats are already dead

>> No.75184130

You could go find it if you knew Japanese, but you won't

>> No.75184133

Lmao no, make us

>> No.75184136

This will end when the last samurai commit seppuku.

>> No.75184171

I seriously believe you can't back up your claims, and for several reasons.

>> No.75184201

Do we have a source on 2023 Q1 numbers? Because the tweet, he quoted provides a different total hours watched for 2023 Q1 (321MM from the article in the tweet https://streamscharts.com/news/vtubers-q1-2024-report?utm_campaign=news_posts&utm_medium=sc_socials&utm_term=2024_05_01).).
I don't know about you, but it's pretty difficult to mistake 251MM for 321MM.

>> No.75184203

EN seethe HoloJP still winning

>> No.75184219

I would if every male vtuber and e-celeb died

>> No.75184240

I could find it if your dogshit MTL screenshot was in Japanese, EOP cuck.

>> No.75184277

I will defend Baacharu until the end, the rest of male vtuber can die

>> No.75184299

Cool larp bro no one believes you

>> No.75184355

>t-they support our cause
Really? Because outside the few autists that come here and post ESL Holoan bullshjt they either don't get you or make fun of you.

>> No.75184396

This cycle keeps everybody angry so that all male drama explodes in violent frenzies in the EN scene and that violence surrounding every minor action is what we in the western scene might refer to as a "deterrent"
It'll probably cause a really big problem some day and there will almost certainly be some kind of reckoning
But right now it's just a really big self-sustaining anti coed interaction bomb that is steadily rising in intensity and that's good enough for me

>> No.75184400

Please excuse him he's a /djt/ regular and thinks that chantards speak for the whole of this fandom too

>> No.75184409

But Gorilla...

>> No.75184421

I'm going to make the same entire thread again and again.

>> No.75184447

kek are you from the Mikeneko general on /jp/? Exact same posting style as them LMAO

>> No.75184479

I can agree to this, now we just need to find kyuubey

>> No.75184548

gorilla is a cute girl

>> No.75184557

Only one of those is even my post...?
