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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 220 KB, 1536x2048, YamuDress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75094663 No.75094663 [Reply] [Original]

Yamu Rozenheart
Previous thread >>74596205

Birthday stream

>> No.75095286

When is the tournament?

>> No.75095352

Yamu's tiny cunny ToT

>> No.75095656

looks nice, I wonder what's going to be the stream about today
I kinda feel bad I couldn't finish my present yet

>> No.75095667

Next weekend

>> No.75095765

You still have time

>> No.75095865
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Yamufy this force feeding Yamu empanadas

>> No.75095979

She haven't made an exclusive hashtag for her birthday, right? Could it be she already has an event planned for today's stream?

>> No.75095989

I barely have some enthusiasm for living rn but I'll think of something

>> No.75096625

Still if you have something you can use her general hashtag or her art hashtag if it fits.

>> No.75096790

What about #YamuCumple?

>> No.75097784


>> No.75097964

She've just reposted her birthday tweet, maybe it'll be charlita. She hasn't said anything about her pc either

>> No.75098230

Some streams ago she said that maybe there would be a handcam soon, if there were to be a special occasion for that it would be today, but maybe she's been too busy to prepare it.

>> No.75098434

I doubt it'll be a handcam too, whatever she does I'll love it. Too bad /we/ couldn't do something for her but I think some anons prepare something good for her individually

>> No.75098973

she will like my dick pics? happy birthday yamu

>> No.75099084

No one wants to see that peanut

>> No.75099432


>> No.75099535
File: 7 KB, 670x485, 1702936797801473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made me believe in myself, I want to be a better person just because of her
I can't thank her enough

>> No.75099674

Seriously, is she so busy that she doesn't have time to tweet about her birthday?

>> No.75099775

you have to be spammed with tweets to don't act like a schizo all the time?

>> No.75099834

tweeterfags, am I right?

>> No.75099848

All other girls give their fans plenty of tweets all the time, it shows they care.

>> No.75099945

>it shows they care
Why are you in this thread? You don't even watch her

>> No.75100064

Did you see any tweets related to her birthday so far this week?

>> No.75100177

Bros.. I'm at the middle of a trip with no means to charge my phone and it's already at 35%, I don't think I'll make it fml...

>> No.75100185

why are you so easy to go full retard? are you going to shit on her maros like last time, fatherless faggots?

>> No.75100235


>> No.75100369

She's so easy to manipulate...

>> No.75100478

Yamu...don't be so obvious

>> No.75100673
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.75100771

I could think of two meanings about this

>> No.75101108

She just liked the art

>> No.75101425

Yamu loses exposure every time she is away, I don't know if she wants to grow or just wants to take things slowly. I would like her to have many more fans.

>> No.75101473
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x1024, e95c322e-a25a-4abd-9bfd-09274b826344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she's going to give us a present too

>> No.75101533

Why would that be? It's her birthday not ours

>> No.75101557


>> No.75101629

It still feels like she hasn't fully come back. I hope she can sort things out soon enough and focus on her activities.

>> No.75101667

Yamu, don't do this to me, the stream membership is very expensive. Right in third worldism :(

>> No.75101685

Valentines was months ago if you mean that.

>> No.75101754

It's like 4 bucks, don't be a cheap ass. And it must be pennies in ARS

>> No.75101891

I'm not argie, tier 2 is the one that has streams and it's like 10 dollars

>> No.75102048

The price is cheap, the only issue is that my card forces me to pay almost double the amount in taxes.

>> No.75102112

>Nisha nepoblocked Yamunfrom getting in idolES

>> No.75102251

>respuesta prioritaria a los comentarios
wtf? Why did she became so greedy all of sudden?

>> No.75102367

She's either desperate for cash, or that was Akami's/Shura's idea

>> No.75102366

>Shitter gets his thread ignored
>Comes here to shitpost
Like clockwork

>> No.75102380

That explains why I no longer liked or responded...
now it's clear to me kek

>> No.75102421

all vtubers do that, for me the problem is the price, the rest is the same as what they all do.

>> No.75102487

you are replying to a shitter or a complete newfag about the vtuber world, also
>the shitter doesn't even know english

>> No.75102494

>member streams locked in the second tier
That's fucked. She should at least make it like Sylvie, where she goes live in the high tier, then releases the archive on the lowest tier later.

>> No.75102509

This is a business, not charity. And besides that's the cheapest tier.

>> No.75102562

Gifted memberships were a mistake, this is the fix.

>> No.75102608

>Eru-like private gloryhole services soon

>> No.75102621


>> No.75102637

idk about making streams in the highest tier tho, how many fags can afford it besides argies?

>> No.75102656

Why do you reply to the idol shill?

>> No.75102702

but it's just 1 dollar

>> No.75102716

Doing it in the second tier is fine.

>> No.75102729

>Partidas de juegos contigo
she always did it for free kek
don't be so stingy yamu

>> No.75102738

>1 dollar
yes but just for argies, what about other countries?

>> No.75102769

You won't even watch her, don't post as if it affects you.

>> No.75102784

The members streams are in the second tier, but I agree with the idea of giving live interaction to members, but releasing the archive on the lower tier later.

>> No.75102819

shouldn't you be shilling koa in the idol thread? why are you /here/?

>> No.75102864

I know her better than you, fag

>> No.75102927

It says 25 bucks for me, but that's the standard price for high tier memberships.

>> No.75102936

Then you're just a poorfag seething?

>> No.75102965

accept it Yamu, just copy Eru, it's stupid to listen to these dumbasses, don't ruin you career

>> No.75103011

It says 25 bucks for me, but that's the standard price for high tier memberships.

>> No.75103029

who is koa?

>> No.75103066

Get fucked poorfag, this is standard in JP vtubers, go back to twitch for your poorfag experience.

>> No.75103158

Watching files is not the same if you didn't see it live. I just ask her to lower it a little, 10 dollars seems expensive to me, it makes me remember when Nisha raised her prices

>> No.75103227

Sopa used to charge $30 for her membership streams, 10 dollars is very cheap

>> No.75103299

Just $10?, poorfag anon...You'll get normal streams for free anyways

>> No.75103488

if you keep with this shit i'll drop you Yamu.

>> No.75103542

If you are such a poorfag does it matter? KEK, get a job.

>> No.75103596
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finally, I thought she would never activate her membership

>> No.75103612

>Justifying something using sopa as an example

>> No.75103729

On the contrary, my post puts in perspective how cheap her membership really is.

>> No.75103797

Burraca making something overpriced means nothing.

>> No.75103815

sure it will be nice to cripple her viewers like that for listen to your stupid ideas

>> No.75103847

I've been asking for this since her PL, I'm glad she finally had the courage to do it. Now she just needs to stick to it.

>> No.75103907

Not everyone is a salty poorfag like you.
Again, get a job. If you don't have money you shouldn't be watching vtubers.

>> No.75103910

stop trying poorfaggot, the price is perfect so shitters like you don't get into the membership streams

>> No.75103920

The exposure is what affects the CCV, the membership is a plus, even if she makes the membership even more expensive, I wouldn't stop watching it on normal streams.

>> No.75103955

Just my membership gives her more money than a thousand watch hours from you.

>> No.75103974

me too, gifted membership are a mistake

>> No.75104668
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>> No.75105285
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>> No.75105493


>> No.75105706
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>> No.75106012

>say you love and support Yamu
>can't even afford her highest membership tier
Why is this thread filled with poorfags?

>> No.75106212 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.75106636

Game anon(s) doko?

>> No.75107447

Tragically perished in a boating accident

>> No.75107569

Paywalled into oblivion

>> No.75107669

any idea what she will do on stream?

>> No.75107754

She will probably speak, but I'm not so sure

>> No.75107875

I got into a fight with my girlfriend and I wasn't in the mood to finish the game

>> No.75108065

Dead thread.

>> No.75108083

A couple of days ago one of them said he would try to finish his in time but he wasn't so sure he would be able to.

>> No.75108104

wich one? there are like 3 different games

>> No.75108397

I got tired of waiting for Yamu, so started simpig Yuricom instead

>> No.75108467

>Shitter is so bored in his dead thread he comes to shitpost here instead

>> No.75108909

Absolutely fucking dead thread

>> No.75109059
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, 17451256025125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbearably comfy

>> No.75109316

You better don't mention other girl here
Are you the lore anon? I was wondering why there was no updates lately

>> No.75109419

That we delivered that Himea demo game was nothing short of a miracle, we went there with no prior experience only fueled by our love for her, before that I had never coded even a simple app just edited some python scripts kek.
Shortly after she played it some mechanic stopped working, crashing the game and I haven't been able to fix it, using a simpler alternative instead to patch it. Content wise it's mostly finished but needs adjustments to fit her current lore. Then I experimented with another engine for a side scroller that I posted in Christmas, I still don't know what to do with it.
Saying that, work got in the way and I haven't touched them in like two months... They'll be finished tho, that's for sure.
On another note the guy I was working with, began working on another game using another engine, he's making progress on his own.
Then there's another dude who asked for some AI pics and also got a couple BGMs from here, he posted his demo around a month ago.

>> No.75109498

Anon, he's a shitter intentionally saying that. Be he has never touched a single line of code.

>> No.75109974

True, the real game anon don't even come to /vt/ anymore
The project died like months ago

>> No.75110046


>> No.75110317

yamu is seeing his gifts on twitter now...
what will she do on stream? handcam?

>> No.75110319

You have him there two post above you

>> No.75110374

This nigga is trying too hard to make Yamu feel bad because his thread is fucking dead

>> No.75110539

Yes, I'm just not in the mood so I'll drop the game. I won't drop Yamu since she's one of the few reasons why I'm not dead yet

>> No.75110778


>> No.75111379

I need a challenge stream of Yamu buying tres docecenas de empanada and not being able to finish the stream unless she eats every single one of them on the same stream

>> No.75111793

Keep your inflation fetish on check anon.

>> No.75112025

>t.architecture student

>> No.75112091

I'm the one doing the lore, after uploading that demo I was having a couple of personal troubles so I couldn't be focussed enough
also I wasn't able to draw shit since CSP stoped working for me
I was planning on finish it by today but I won't be able to do it

>> No.75113196

So you are just a larper

>> No.75113476

got crazy and ended like the drowned god creator.

>> No.75113984
File: 2.91 MB, 852x480, architect hal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your train of thought.

>> No.75114692
File: 16 KB, 153x107, 170236548754254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is lazy as shit, but well

>> No.75114810

so small but still cute

>> No.75114950 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 537x90, 0000000000000000000000000000000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it

>> No.75115126


>> No.75115244

Looks nice

>> No.75115343

>8% battery
I want to kms AAAAHHHHHH

>> No.75115357

I hope everything goes well, I don't trust handcams

>> No.75115654


>> No.75115757


>> No.75115977

All her handcams went perfectly, and the one time it didn't it had nothing to do with it being a handcam.

>> No.75116017


>> No.75116730

it's over for you bro.

>> No.75116988


>> No.75117708
File: 668 KB, 1061x476, yamukoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75117819

would yamu acept if I comission her some emotes for her membership?

>> No.75117911

also meica in an hour kek

>> No.75118378

Maybe those are temporary emotes until she draws the actual ones

>> No.75118939

>discord call
Owari da

>> No.75119153

Why are you fine with yamu being groomed by akami?

>> No.75119238

Not at all.

>> No.75119241

Akami makes me sick

>> No.75119394

sweaty sex with akami

>> No.75119430

amplifico mufa

>> No.75119441

She's a lesbian unless you are a femanon

>> No.75119446

what the fuck? Yukine always sounded like this?

>> No.75119560

Yukine real voice omg

>> No.75119862

stop lying, I don't have a membership and she has read several of my comments

>> No.75120005

>selfsert art
>biblical accurate Akami

>> No.75120131

cuando va a aparecer Koa??

>> No.75120338

>see multiple aka supas
oh good for yamu
>3/4 are fucking ars
LMAO poor girl

>> No.75120428


>> No.75120531

Runa Hoshino

>> No.75120757
File: 417 KB, 720x562, Koa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa offered her friendship and she chose Akira's dick, sad

>> No.75120833

tarot incoming

>> No.75121006

>indirectly collab begging

>> No.75121034

I was thinking the same kek

>> No.75121065


>> No.75121093

>Fortune says she's gonna have multiple successful projects
Let's fucking go

>> No.75121109

Is she trying to manipulate yamu?

>> No.75121226

Kinda. The whole "rodeate de gente con tus mismas ganas de crecer" was a giveaway.

>> No.75121241

>Blackmailing Yamu into sex

>> No.75121248

she wants to make her join the yumegirls kek

>> No.75121386

At least they are free of drama, they and Shura's group are a good influence right now

>> No.75121493

>Shura's group are a good influence
>Mai Noboshit and condesa
Shura herself is not free of sin with that "manager" of hers.

>> No.75121508

No, it means she has to marry me, and we'll do just that.

>> No.75121548

>Los suficientes

>> No.75121586


>> No.75121598


>> No.75121703
File: 131 KB, 450x478, imagen_2024-05-04_210103324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my lil sis

>> No.75121725

my two cunnies

>> No.75121736

Ren is so lucky...

>> No.75121747


>> No.75121752

What a cute and funny birthday

>> No.75121840


>> No.75121846

She knows

>> No.75121911

I'm closing the stream, tell me whe that shitter leave so I can keep watching

>> No.75121929

Yamu, Sylvie and other menhera should make their own group.

>> No.75121993

she wants to see anons ravage her.

>> No.75122007


>> No.75122018

How new?

>> No.75122052

ofc she knows, she was drawing with anons after yamu did

>> No.75122086

>other menhera
That's a broad scope Anon

>> No.75122163

She is gone

>> No.75122278

Good whores, you are good girls

>> No.75122305


>> No.75122417

akami actually wants to fuck yamu

>> No.75122492

Slowpoke anon...

>> No.75122583

Fuck off Trannyaa

>> No.75122598

And you don't?
Can you blame her?

>> No.75122665

Maybe she already did, yamucuck

>> No.75122919

Kys Akami

>> No.75123053

i hope, i would love to see it.

>> No.75123981

She's going to eat that burger later?

>> No.75124082

Shura futa is canon!

>> No.75124444
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1632021254521021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamu was a visionary

>> No.75124516

That's some scheming mastermind pulling the string type of shit, really funny lmao

>> No.75124658


>> No.75125137

Holding mine

>> No.75125896

It's time

>> No.75126248

Did she ever interact with Yamu before?

>> No.75126259

who is this? also, am i the only one who cant hear what the fuck yamu is saying?

>> No.75126445

on twitter

>> No.75126725

That's an Ex-Sidosa (Aimi) now reincarnated as Aivy Lovencraft

>> No.75127183

Also as rotten if no more inside than Yamu

>> No.75127335

>Aivy commissioned art for her
Damn, they are not even that close

>> No.75127432


>> No.75127538

Touches herself watching gay porn

>> No.75128168

That's worse than touching yourself watching gore? It sound like you average fujoshi

>> No.75128427

every girl does that, anon

>> No.75128588

Her fingers get thinner every year

>> No.75128998

Yamu's lemons...

>> No.75130811

That empanada is bigger than her hand

>> No.75132397

I miss the dominatrix gloves

>> No.75133774

Damn she's weak af

>> No.75135788

easy to dominate

>> No.75136246

handholding anon, post it

>> No.75136756

I don't want to get banned again

>> No.75136901

who's gonna ban you?

>> No.75137342
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>> No.75138583

jadeos asmr

>> No.75139507

>tengo algo adentro que me molesta
Mine btw

>> No.75141431

Manhandling Yamu...

>> No.75143429

the hell are those cookies

>> No.75143539
File: 48 KB, 750x1000, 1745210215478452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75144622

I thought that maybe she washed those scissors but seeing her using that screwdriver just like that made me forget about it lmao.
At least everything will be cooked.

>> No.75145672

>si hago un trebol de 4 hoas me matan

>> No.75146416

I WILL marry this woman

>> No.75146539

They finally coerced her into stop acknowledging us on stream...

>> No.75146999

anon love is eternal

>> No.75147328

This level of poverty is triggering my saviourfag instinct

>> No.75147508

I wouldn't eat that after it touched those plastic figurines that were probably never cleaned...

>> No.75148572

>she stirred the tea with the screwdriver

>> No.75149575

then she is going to wonder why she gets sick all the time. tontita...

>> No.75152600

She's so cute, I can't handle it...

>> No.75152909

I love those hands so much I want to hold them forever

>> No.75154051 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 500x320, 163002520215452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75154363

I'm so happy bros

>> No.75154820

I need more of her

>> No.75154934

Yumu? Debe ser griego

>> No.75158030

Good night anons

>> No.75159463

love her...

>> No.75160361

Caressing Yamu...

>> No.75160825

I would eat every single one of those cookies

>> No.75161691


>> No.75163622

I'm suprised she's cool with AI, artists tend to be fags about it

>> No.75165759

trato de protejerte tonta y tu vas y le hablas a la sanguijuela u.u

>> No.75166296

Whar are you talking about nigger?

>> No.75166335

Are you new here?

>> No.75167814


>> No.75168023


>> No.75168300


>> No.75169342


>> No.75170001


>> No.75170482

>replying to a faggot who don't even know spanish

>> No.75170722

Yamu rape

>> No.75170759


>> No.75171330

She'll send me to rape you instead

>> No.75171460


>> No.75171695

this handcam just made me like more like a little sister instead of a waifu, she's not my type at all but she's lovely

>> No.75171856

Yamu handholding while french kissing

>> No.75171952

and penetrating her tiny little cunny

>> No.75172099

I'm okay with lusting for her but not using that lolicon lingo.

>> No.75172155

are you a homo?

>> No.75172250

Not being a pedo apologist makes a homo?

>> No.75172392

it's a word you fucking fruit

>> No.75172436


>> No.75172490

The pedo brothel thread is two blocks down

>> No.75172522

>loliconbait model
>noooooo you can use lolicon lingo.
but i understand why you say, uoh memes and shit is fucking stupid normalfag shit.

>> No.75172565

Seriously, seeing the kind of people they harbor there made me so glad that Yamu didn't join idol

>> No.75172605

who's the horny fag?

>> No.75172634


>> No.75172664

>unironical eunuchs
poor girl

>> No.75172717

Well, there were several newfags in her stream and /here/ so I'll just blame the handcam stream for this. She wants to do it more often but I would prefer them to be mostly for membership

>> No.75172783

The horny lolicon fag has been around for way longer that this and by the way he talks he sounds like a /jidf/ resident

>> No.75172831

I'll lust for her seeing her as an adult petite woman, not as a child.

>> No.75172869

let me guess you are one of those faggots that were seething when she decided to go for this model huh?

>> No.75172903

I was also refering to the other newfag from above

>> No.75172949

I lurked that place for a few days and I was disgusted, they threat their girls like whores from a brothel only thinking about cooming. Decadence of vtubing, I pity any girl that has to put up with them, now I understand why Yuko did what she did.

>> No.75173011

i know you are baiting but this is fucking 4chan nigga, niggers hornypost all the day, and guess what way better than acting like negroids shitting on the girls sister

>> No.75173045

It's not a bad thing that she gains more fans, they'll adapt, and moving the handcams to membership seems like too much for me.

>> No.75173074

handcams should be more exclusive if she wants to do them more often but it also helps to gain newfags
so maybe making one per month or for special occasions for everybody, would be nice
then she can make all she wants on membership

>> No.75173080

>imagine not being honest with your oshi

>> No.75173107

I don't know were do you come from but our thread culture is not like that.

>> No.75173128

tranquilo amigo, es solo un dibujo

>> No.75173158

>Imagine not having anything more than coom brainrot in your brain.
Also she hates coomers

>> No.75173179

where are (you) from? be honest

>> No.75173210

so is a AI generated general or what? ffs stop being so autistic seething at 2 inofensive and ego bosting posts idiot

>> No.75173328

Boost her ego without using pedo words

>> No.75174272

Yamuuuuuu chaaaaaaaaan i want to rape you so badly

>> No.75174503

I kinda get what you mean, handcams attract more people because they feel special, so having those that require a lot of preparation be monthly and public seems more appropriate than having one like weekly. And the ones that are more frequent than that regain that special feeling by being membership.

>> No.75176041

ella literalmente esta echa para ser violada

>> No.75176155

Nigga stop spamming the same shit

>> No.75176411

btw that shitter is not me.

>> No.75176438

can you blame the man? yamu is raepmeat

>> No.75176684

What's your agenda? This is so sudden and not organic at all. Do you want her to hate us, be repulsed by us?

>> No.75176885

>he doesn't know that she has fantasies about being raped

>> No.75176924

Not by (You)

>> No.75176946

im just expressing my sincere feelings
im need a agenda for that now?

>> No.75176964

>No capital letters
Yeah, you're the shitter

>> No.75177005


>> No.75177042

>Everyone I Dont Like Is The Shitter

>> No.75177055


>> No.75177148

Where do these coomer newfags come from?

>> No.75177185

i´m being honest with my oshi and a faggot is being a butthurt

>> No.75177228

There was zero bait in that post, all of that is exactly what I think.

>> No.75177248

To be sincere i don't get why you are so butthurt with this really

>> No.75177265


>> No.75177302

This is not the way we like to treat her and she dropped the coombait ages ago to get rid of fags like you precisely.

>> No.75177345


>> No.75177384

I don't like idiots treating my wife with disrespect.

>> No.75178256

I memorized how every Anon writes, I don't know where this fag comes from

>> No.75178278

holy autism

>> No.75178661

It's not hard to document 15~30 posters, the top I ever counted was 56 but not everyone sticks around
For example the other thread has 3 Koa posters but only one writes like a known Nishadow especially since the other 2 make out of touch uoh jokes
Also the Rubi poster and the cosa rosada poster are new because one was asking if we knew Rubi and the other one was asking about cosa rosada pl
The Kyoresu poster could be new or shit poster

>> No.75178981

That smooth brained kid just wants attetion. He knows he's being annoying, and he actacts like that exactly to farms (you)s

>> No.75179049

The poor kid need his (You)s

>> No.75179103

based cole phelps anon

>> No.75179114

you can't fool anyone when you're such a newfag or some discordfaggot tho
also, the other thread is dead as fuck so no wonder you are so bored

>> No.75179279

Jesus Christ anon. Get a gf, go touch some grass or something.
You're exactly the kind of anon these girls don't want anywhere close to them.

>> No.75179350

just ignore the kid, it's not that hard

>> No.75180244

Having pattern recognition skills is not something weird, I recognized the same anons as him.

>> No.75180246

I have Yamu

>> No.75181047

Yamu my beloved
