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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74935344 No.74935344 [Reply] [Original]

Try to remember all your expectation from EN1 Debut and how they turned out now

>> No.74935630

I wanted them all to graduate the next day, now I am dating a ENvtuber.

>> No.74935690

My Oshi is doing great. Mythfags can't relate.

>> No.74935735


>> No.74935812

i thought gura was gonna be the biggest vtuber in the world and i was correct and still am

>> No.74935817

I was jp supremacist, do I hated the idea of holoEN with passion.

>> No.74935885

No I obviously got that, I mean the other bit.

>> No.74935924

I just met a cute girl at offkai and it turned out she is a vtuber.

>> No.74935943

It's just like how all black female leaders have white husbands.

>> No.74936007
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>> No.74936178

Loco Bandito is my oshi

>> No.74936204
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>Michelle Obama
>Barack is half white

>> No.74936972

I made that image, nice to see it used.

>> No.74936978
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Artist of EN
Artist of EN (dope)

>> No.74937014

I thought Mori voice fit Ame design better and Ame fit Mori design better at the time....Jesus.

>> No.74937600

I expected it to be shit
Surprise! Surprise! it's shit

>> No.74937757

The only good thing to come out of it was convincing my cute 20 year old german oshi that people want english vtubers
Myth is at best a mentally ill number fag and at worse completely jaded on the idea of vtubing for more than a passive income

>> No.74938123

That they would be shit. But I hoped that they managed to find some people who were genuinely into Hololive and Idols.
They are still shit, but at least my hopes came out in the form of fuwamoco being in hololive.

>> No.74938156

i was obsessed with mori and listened to all her songs on repeat. even the remixed content entries.

ame was the only one i didn't care for because i only gave her debut vod a chance which she bombed (and then she flopped the first full EN collab w/ some lame detective interrogation)

now it's flipped.

>> No.74938335

As expected

>> No.74938445

Gura was going to lead Vtubing into a new era and take us to the wacky world of Japan
>Gura went to Japan alone and prefers not to be the driver
Amelia was going to be the rage gamer and play shitty games for us to laugh at
>Amelia took the shitposting personally and just wanted to play games she liked
Ina was going to focus on architecture in Minecraft and make mega builds and challenge herself at artistic crafts
>Becomes games kitchen girl ever
Mori is going to rap about everything until she becomes a parody of herself. Impossible to make angry.
>The softest and so easy to make cry you feel bad for doing it. Branched out into other music. You can't save her because it would involve saving her family too.
Kiara was going to go from underdog scrappy warrior and ruthless restaurant owner to do anything to succeed
>TEEHEE. This dress is so pretty I need my butt bigger I'm so silly but I like to sing and dance and have fun LOL why are you blushing anon do you like de Deutsche? I'm fluent Japanese too and I don't take myself too seriously.

>> No.74940113

EN4 when?

>> No.74942716

improve yourself

>> No.74942780

Way better than expected. The industry grew fantastic and I've had a lot of good laughs thanks to them. It took a few years to really find my favorites, though.

>> No.74942950


>> No.74943155

Dropped them after the first couple of months. Looking at them now, seems I made the right call.

>> No.74946228

I liked how Ame was hated at debut, loved immediately after, hated again and now has fallen into irrelevance

>> No.74946387
File: 124 KB, 322x309, default_mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I hated Mori at first and now she's my most watched.

>> No.74948543 [DELETED] 

i saw this exact image posted in ame bait thread earlier today

>> No.74948649

after THAT even?

>> No.74948763

THAT being you taking your meds?

>> No.74951931

>Loved Gura and Ame
>Hate them and their horrible work ethic now
>Hated Mori for her wiggerism
>Loves her now for being a cute dork
>Hated Kiara for her annoying voice
>Loves her for being the sovl of EN now
>Didn't care about Ina then
>Still don't care

>> No.74953211

I'm glad en vtubing didn't just peak with them, it makes being into vtubers a bit more interesting

>> No.74956580

>Kiara was going to go from underdog scrappy warrior and ruthless restaurant owner to do anything to succeed
Arguably that's what she is now, though?
She wants to stream her 200-hour JRPGs, but otherwise she fights and numberfags for basically everything she can. The lewdbaiting and business yuri are just natural to her.

>> No.74956592
File: 3.86 MB, 960x720, kronii AI bread [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzzu07c.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74956891

I thought "wow finally cute anime girls but im english, this is the start of a new era im so excited. I can't wait for all the amazing streams we are gonna have". And then the reality of this western girls being western girls set in quite quickly as Mori immediately started her subversion attenpts with "Bro mets change the culture bro lmao". I should habe know, you can take the girl out of the west but you cant take the west out of the girl. Now i think the whole branch should be graduated. Keep Kiara in the JP branch and graduate all the others. We need a new rule, if you have lived in US, Canada, EU or speak english you should not be allowed to apply for Hololive.

>> No.74957009


>> No.74957047

Man I feel legit bad for Ame.

>> No.74957100

mental illness

>> No.74957167

why ask this on a place where no one watches vtubers?

>> No.74957600

I thought they would stream

>> No.74957801

turns out, all the doomposting basically happened to every other EN group except holoEN, which is funny.

>> No.74958959

I was so happy for finally having anime girls that I could understand without subs, so exited when I heard Gura's voice, thought Ame was very cute, Calli was so cool and hot, Kiara had a happiness aura, Ina great to relax with.

Everything went to shit :D
Mori goes up and down randomly and Chicken is the only one who got better over time

>> No.74959375

You and 4 others?

>> No.74959382

>>Becomes games kitchen girl ever
Huh? Can I get a translation for the non-brain-damaged?

>> No.74959545

I just want to go back to 2021 and stay there

>> No.74959877


>> No.74960477
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>hated ame for how shit her debut was and thought she would be a runt
>thought mori was alright, other than the really baddebut song
>ina bored me but I expected her to blow up for some reason
>kiara annoyed me and I really didnt like her design
>Had the same opinion of gura as everyone else at the time, really loved the song she sang on debut.
4 years is a longtime and in retrospect I grew to apreciate all of them as a whole, probably the best picks for any corpo gen in the EN scene to date.
There's been some new chuubas here and there since then that excel and do better IMO, but no branch as a whole that is as universally stellar as MYTH.

>> No.74960594 [DELETED] 

Shut up

>> No.74960880

Nigga what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.74961851
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peak gura was incredible, newfags just don't understand. she might be a burnout that doesn't even do the bare minimum now, but damn those first few years were great.
at this point ina is the only myth member (and hololive member in general) that I still watch, even if it seems like she's trying to filter her own audience when she spams monhun and fate streams

>> No.74964552


>> No.74966193

1. Expected more from Ame, but she kinda receded into the back. At the very least, she seems the most isolated now in practically all of EN.

2. Calli is pretty much as expected.

3. Kiara's became more dominate than I expected in Myth.

4. Ina is about as expected as well.

5. Gura flaming out isn't a surprise, but it's surprising it wasn't just a Myth style "still streams, but basically just when bored" style.

>> No.74967150
File: 466 KB, 1100x500, 1618946326722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74967362

I haven't followed Myth in years now but has Gura ever adressed why she barely streams now?

>> No.74967778

>but has Gura ever adressed why she barely streams now?
people just kind of accepted that she doesn't really care about being a vtuber all that much anymore

>> No.74967816

I wish ame would come back

>> No.74967931

>Kiara was going to be idol genki jrpg hag
Turned out not so genki and more of kpop girl but still pretty good and fun to watch.
>ame was the fps girl
>gura was FOTM Cute loli
Both don't stream
>mori is a cringe dork who would leave first
She's still a dork but she turned out to be a workhorse who's committed to the job.
>ina draws
She is the most consistent one. She's still true to her dopey ways

>> No.74968035

doki turned out to be everything I wished ame was

>> No.74968063


>> No.74968118

I would cry. Cry myself to sleep knowing I'm never good enough, no matter how hard I try no matter what I do she will never love me back. After everything I've tried she won't love me, because I'm not good enough. I'm not strong I'm not smart I'm not good looking. There's other guys better then me in every way possible, I will still try but deep down inside I know I don't have a shot, even if I stay by her side and treat her better then I treat myself she will never love me back. She will complain about guys and say how there is no one meant for her. I'll still be sitting there waiting for my turn, then one day she will start talking to me differently. Is she liking me? I will be thinking, I will revert back to my old ways. Thinking that she loves me and developing hope again. She will start talking to me daily, I try to mask my true feelings but I can't. Look me dead in the eye you see a hopeful kid, after a while I will confess to her. Saying how I love her and want to be by her side, she knows how desperate I am from past conversations, how anyone works even if they don't give two shits about me. I look her in the eyes on the verge of crying, is this a bad idea? Will she ever love me? I think to myself, then she runs over and hugs me. She pulls me her arms and holds me tight, I get flustered because this the first time anyone has held me like this. I'll wrap my arms around her and start to tear up, she holds me while saying how much she loves me, she brushes my hair and says, I love you. Such simple words leave such an impact on me. I've never felt this love before, my mother has never held me while saying she loves me. I still love my mother don't get me wrong but this special, out of everyone, athletic smart strong. She picked me, maybe I am good enough? I think to myself. I look up to her, tears running down my face as I lock eyes with her, her beautiful brown eyes. I lock with them as I cry a little harder, she holds me and laughs slightly. She looks down at me and says, you are all messy, come along let's get you fixed up. She takes me hand and we go to her house, she smiles and looks at me. Hop in the shower, I'll make us some food. I hop in the shower and stand there as water runs down my face, is this a dream? I think to myself as stand there, I hear knocking on the door which snaps me back into reality. I glance over and hear her voice, hey is everything alright? I sit there for a minute, on the verge of breaking down. Y-Ya I'm fine. I stutter out. Ok well hurry up dinners getting cold. I jump out of the shower and get changed. I walk out and take a seat at the table, I look up and see her, her amazing black hair with blond tips, her beautiful eyes and face. I blush a little bit as I start eating we eat and talk having a great time.After she takes my hand and smiles. Wear this, she takes a out blindfold and puts it on me, she leads me somewhere, I feel a blanket over me then something warm pressed against my body. She takes off the blindfold and I look up to see her, we are in her bed, she is holding me in her arms as I rest on her chest. She moves down and kisses me as she whispers. Your good enough, I feel a chill shoot through my body, a tear runs down my face as she says. I love you, everything about you is amazing, your funny talented and over all amazing. I've known you've liked me for a while but only know I've realized how good you are. I love you and always will, I want to hold you when your sad. Laugh with you when your happy, I want you to be mine forever. She turns off the light and rest her head on mine. I stay there in her arms as I fall asleep. A loud alarm goes off. I jump out of bed and rub my eyes. I look around nothing I'm in my bedroom. I sigh as I look at the ground in defeat, I mutter to myself as I get out of bed and prepare for school. I need to stop dreaming.

>> No.74968139

consistent streams, good bantz, likes her fanbase, filters unicorns

>> No.74968433

How would Mike's ten incher fare against Ame's ground pound?

>> No.74969166
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I 'member when FWMC were EN.

>> No.74969762

Low expectations and I thought every modern day anon would lap it up because it's an egirl wearing an anime mask. It turned out to be surprisingly low quality and every EOP anon lapped it up even though it was just sleazy egirls wearing anime masks.

>> No.74970498

I fell victim to phone auto correct when I wrote that. It's SUPPOSED to be 'tamest kitsch girl ever' but since I'm elaborating I don't mean it in a 'her art lacks inspiration', her art abilities are quite good. Ina just never pushes her boundaries. You'll never see Ina attempt something beyond her scope and risk failure. She's very safe. Overwhelmingly so. I guess I expected some artsy bravado.
