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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74927103 No.74927103 [Reply] [Original]

Nun Beryl Bless This Thread Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>74895882

>> No.74927126

First for Chaos Foundry to Partner by 2025.

>> No.74927361

wahhhhh uuuuuuu uwaaaahhhhhh hic hic hic uuuuu uuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuu huuuuuuu huhuhuuuuu waaa hic hic uuuu

>> No.74927629

can we confess our sins tonight

>> No.74927675

i hope you're suffering you dumb bitch

>> No.74927687


>> No.74927748

I normally end like 30 minutes ago, is anyone here streaming at this time I can check to raid sometime? I never have anyone

>> No.74927854

This could be about anyone.

>> No.74927859


>> No.74928147

I cried a little when I got rejected for a collab by a girl I invited.

>> No.74928168

I'm not brave enough to confess to him yet

>> No.74928222

Are you male? Forget about her, she's just a whore. Your bros wouldn't treat you like that.

>> No.74928309

I wanna see him but I dont think thats a smart idea for either of us, but I think it'd be fun if it were possible

>> No.74928389

Is there good way to change from a dedicated fan-clipper to a general clipping channel?
Should you tell the Vtuber you're goin to, or just do it? Would you want to know why, or would it be better to just make a clean break?

>> No.74928421

I don't think I'm cut out for this but I'm having fun for now.

>> No.74928576

i have no idea what i'm doing

>> No.74928579

Not an expert, but you can ask smaller chuubas if it's okay to clip and post them
Bigger chuubas probably don't need perms for and you can just do it.

>> No.74928630

I really wanna collab with more people, but I have a hard time coming up with a proposal for what the collab will entail. I don't like just going "Let's play this game together!" and leaving it at that because I feel like that's too boring... I feel like I need an interesting pitch and I haven't come up with any so I've just been sticking to myself.

>> No.74928638

the more you wait the less likely you will confess

>> No.74928855

99% likely that I'm never going back to my old account. I have been considering selling my model

>> No.74929060
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I want to have a thick kayfabe and play a character, but every time I've tired to stream I get nervous and just default to being myself... Anyone have any tips for keeping kayfabe while streaming?

>> No.74929083

I sucked a dick today and i wish it was a male aspies' or quite a few female aspies' actually

>> No.74929110

tier list

>> No.74929172

start with shorter streams, keep character notes on screen or near yourself, try recording videos in-character

>> No.74929203

>Anyone have any tips for keeping kayfabe while streaming?
Larp outside of the stream as well. I'm at the point where my name in my internal monologue is my vtuber name.

>> No.74929253
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.74929573

I think of myself as my character a lot now and it's not a great feeling

>> No.74929639

I'm sorry for everything

>> No.74929649


>> No.74929666

I hope one day I can forgive myself

>> No.74929712


>> No.74929725


fuck you tourist

>> No.74929817

it was always pretty cringe, but its better than the faggy shit we have now

>> No.74930085

my oshi called me "angel"
and that made me happy

>> No.74930199
File: 2.33 MB, 1140x1290, wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idgaf about genitals I said what I said

>> No.74930403

I would eat out momo too

>> No.74930662

You think his tentacles taste good with tempura?

>> No.74930722
File: 82 KB, 1162x112, 1713048820276535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.74931038

Had a wild dream. Shania broke into my house in order to tell me we had to go fight a alien vampire invasion that had taken over multiple world governments. Then when we left the house he said hop in and jumped inside a apple in order to fly to the alien mothership that was a giant biomechanical eyeball with tentacles. The vampire aliens were psyionics with exposed pulsating brains that consumed the memories and emotions of people to grow stronger and could melt your mind using their psychic powers

>> No.74931292

I don't trust women

>> No.74931317

that wasn't a dream. the vampires captured you and erased your memories. you need to meet back up with shania to put a cyber stake through the vampire lord's heart. he needs your help. please hurry

>> No.74931393

Do something like Suraya. Short videos with pure kayfabe. With a controlled environment you can develop the kayfabe organically.

>> No.74931757

The Crane one is better

>> No.74931863

Least horny asp?

>> No.74931878


>> No.74931887

I actually do feel kinda bad that when I egosearch here I don't show up.

>> No.74932090

name yourself in a list of other aspies and maybe ill mention you once in a while

>> No.74932177

caught a viewer donating to another vtuber while he was in my chat (active and all). how should i bring it up?

>> No.74932316

Don't. Forget you saw it.

>> No.74932348

>Aware of what's going on in another stream
>/asp/ getting donos
No you didn't

>> No.74932365

i was watching a vod and it wasn't another /asp/

>> No.74932452

I get jealous when I see the boys I like interacting with other girls, because I want to be everyone's #1.

>> No.74932456

Post proof

>> No.74932561

i think i'll just dm him and ask what's going on

>> No.74932626

>Social ineptitude 101

>> No.74932681

I met with an aspie for a surprise collab but we just ended up having sex.

>> No.74932761

I like almost all of you except for one person. The mere mention of this person sours my mood for the rest of the day. I have held onto this hatred for so long it's almost funny.

>> No.74932859

I'll follow through on this when I get home after work in approximately 12.5 hours. Wait for me, anon.

>> No.74932910

This is most likely Shania and Ubume

>> No.74933018

I wasn't a misogynist until after I became a vtuber.

>> No.74933100

Nah. Way more disgusting.

>> No.74933135

Nope. Just a literal who aspie and a rather popular femboy aspie.

>> No.74933248

I can't believe I got NTRed already

>> No.74933356

I get insanely jealous when aspies who were smaller than me get bigger than me. I should be happy for them but it pisses me off

>> No.74933466


>> No.74933640

People call me a boy kisser and I always deny it. But I am a boy kisser.

>> No.74933682


>> No.74933685

Kill yourself jealous bitch

>> No.74933810

I don't crab them I seethe privately

>> No.74934048


>> No.74934063

I live with my parents due to an illness and money issues. I'm deeply black-pilled about this and irl shit, vtubing is my escape from all of it.

>> No.74934115

I’m starting to think being associated with /asp/ was a mistake. There’s not nearly enough gatekeeping to weed out the undesirables. Too many people with ugly ‘models’ are humored and kept around. Other 4chan boards would never tolerate undesirable people in their hobbies. Like if an incel in a shitty L cosplay showed up to a /cgl/ meetup, they would rightfully be ignored by everyone. But here though, it’s Reddit tier hugbox asspats for anyone who shows up and wants to be a part of the community. Its fucking disgusting.

>> No.74934236

Name the ugly models pussy. You won't lol

>> No.74934239

I have a piss bucket it my room and my greatest fear is one day I’ll forget to mute the mic and everyone will know my secret shame.

>> No.74934340

I only became a vtuber to become the daughter of the artist I love and get rigged by the rigger I have been watching for years

>> No.74934398

You know exactly who they are. Anyone who strays away from traditional anime aesthetics should be shunned.

>> No.74934504

>no names
Don't forget to wear your maid outfit when I Dom you. Filthy bottom

>> No.74934532

you had a point until you made it about their models and not their personality. but then, the further I read this post and its follow-up, the more I think you're the kind of person that would be kept out if we were judging people based on the more important aspects.

>> No.74934555

Kys weeb

>> No.74934643

People that are ugly on the outside are usually ugly on the inside as well. It’s their shitty personalities that made them choose those models.

>> No.74934665

>Streaming :)
>Streaming to no one :(
>Streaming to five people :)
>There's a chatter :)
>The one person chatting is a complete moron :(

>> No.74934687

Maybe they are new to art or can't afford expensive models

>> No.74934752

If they can’t afford an expensive model that means they didn’t study hard enough in school to land themselves a well paying career. That means they were lazy and underachieving and they have a shitty personality.

>> No.74934786

I think I somehow angered him, usually he'd yap with me for hours about stupid stuff but for several days I think he got bored of me, his messages are becoming shorter and hours are spaced between the messages, he usually says "I love you" first or says it back but yesterday he seemed more drowsy than he ever was that he didn't. I don't like it when I'm getting paranoid and my paranoia is getting slowly confirmed with all my doubts and linking information together. I'm not going to message him until he feels comfortable enough to do it himself. Just know that if you read this, I still love you, but please at least tell me the truth about how you feel and what's going on, I'm becoming more and more worried about you, or just tell me you're fine and everything is going to be alright

>> No.74934799

>Full time Vtubers transitioned from 6 figure jobs
Please tell me how I'm wrong

>> No.74934946

>you need a six figure job to afford a $1000-2000 model.

>> No.74935012

I earn 60k a year and I would not spend $2000 on a model for a side gig that has basically no guarantee of return

>> No.74935093

>getting into vtubing only because it might make you money and not because you love vtubing culture
You are the exact kind of filth ruining these threads.

>> No.74935138

>Spending $2000 on a hobby that requires your full attention outside of your work unless you're fine streaming to no one

>> No.74935159

I make 33k a year and have blown multiple thousands on plamo, I'm not even good at gunpla my models look like shit.

>> No.74935175

You are going to struggle for the rest of your life

>> No.74935196

No fucking shit. I know for a fact that some /lig/ chuubas blacklisted most of /asp/ies because one of former /asp/ie now /lig/ was backstabbed or something

>> No.74935241


>> No.74935256

he's in love with me now

>> No.74935306

the fucking rat guy from here, i forget his name, is viscerally sickening. he genuinely upsets me.

>> No.74935388

I know who you are. Watch your fucking mouth.

>> No.74935400

I once again am the argument winner you cannot cope about this being a hobby done out of the kindness of your heart and then also say that you should be dropping 1k+ to get started

>> No.74935405

how dare you talk about charley my beloved like that.

>> No.74935410

you literally do not know who i am

>> No.74935412
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>anyone who shows up
haha yeah..

>> No.74935456

>multiple rat guys
>doesn't bother to name which one
Keep grasping at straws

>> No.74935458

Eh, bills get paid, models get built, doing pretty alright

>> No.74935503
File: 252 KB, 678x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aspiring vtubers thread
>look inside

>> No.74935525

You’re poor. You have already lost at life.

>> No.74935526

Is earlicking the lewdest asmr I can do or is there something else that will get guys to coom more to my streams

>> No.74935532

begone tourist. this is our play pen!!!

>> No.74935570

i think the best asmr you could do would be to read elder scrolls lore outloud

>> No.74935583

>Not being able to drop 1k whenever you want means you're poor

>> No.74935629

you the same girl in the asp discord that keeps dming me asking if you can pratice erp with me?

>> No.74935669

I mean it kinda does. Be honest, how much ramen noodles do you keep in the pantry?

>> No.74935717

What does this have to do with me wanting to make lewd asmr :(
I just want to make guys cum uncontrollably

>> No.74935731

None I buy regular pasta because I like to eat real food

>> No.74935770

>he got raided by swirl and drop again
Wonder how it feels to be literally carried by your partner friends and raids.

>> No.74935788

Be more likable and people will raid you

>> No.74935815

It's way better than sulking here and jerking the circle and experiencing 0 growth

>> No.74935828

i just want to make guys feel safe and comfortable around me...

>> No.74936009

You will never find out.

>> No.74936051

1k on a hobby that you’ve probably already spent a significant amount of time on. /g/ and /v/ have probably all spent 1000+ on their PC, /a/‘s buyfag threads have people spent far more than that on their statues, same with /k/ and their guns or /cgl/ with their costumes and travel and lodging for conventions. Literally the only people on this site to cheap out on their hobby are you people.

>> No.74936211

> Spent 4k on a workout machine that I barely use.
Age and skill diff I guess.

>> No.74936319

A good PC will let you do so many things that you were able to mention two boards for it

You can enjoy anime without spending a cent, no one requires you to have a figurine to call yourself an anime fan

Guns have a use beyond being looked at

Going to a convention in cosplay already puts you in a position to interact with people at a lower barrier than streaming

Spending 1k on a model literally means nothing, even Uwo doesn't have a real vtuber model

>> No.74936354

Say the first letter of his vtuber name then

>> No.74936465

>even Uwo doesn't have a real vtuber model
Teach me the secret to talking with so much authority and enthusiasm about things you don't know and obviously don't watch.

>> No.74936496

>posting on a vtuber board
>vtuber models literally mean nothing
That’s some next level copium.

>> No.74936536
File: 1.19 MB, 1169x651, 54376563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see a $1k vtube studio model in this image

>> No.74936595

I see a room that already bigger than my whole apartment

>> No.74936605

Uwo only uses a shit png and flesh streams. His only audience is brain dead babies. If getting a nice model doesn't instantly get you numbers like his there is no point

>> No.74936625

So.... I should save my money and get a condo??

Smart glad we're seeing eye to eye

>> No.74936735
File: 30 KB, 900x601, FhXbrelWYAAGCBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They in fact do not

>> No.74936739

WHY IS HE SO FAT?!!! This is what made Lava chase after his dick? She has horrible taste

>> No.74936823

Vtubing is a highly visual hobby. The model being the visual part. If you don’t think that shit is important then why are you even here? Why not just be a fleshtuber?

>> No.74936866

Ask uwo that

>> No.74936906

>Uwo doesn't have a real vtuber model
He's not even a real vtuber and he still has one

>> No.74936977

Asp model tierlist when?

>> No.74937054

Please, Im begging god for this to not be about me. I had been having one of the roughest weeks, and I had been falling apart for quite some time, but it's all stacking up now. Yesterday, particularly, I cried myself to sleep, and I can't keep up facades anymore, that's why I am also slowly disappearing from everywhere. As I read this, my eyes get once again all watery, and I can't keep up bearing this pain I feel...
If I was or not who you think I am, I would still advice, for anything that is dear to you, to message this person. If they have found themselves in this situation they might not even be capable of telling someone else how drowned they are feeling, damn, I even want to cry while typing all of this but it's impossible for me now so I have to just bottle up everything once again, do not let your special one drown, please.
And, if it isn't enough of a reason, also know that your feelings will keep accumulating, and you might end up arriving on my end, where the sadness is now consuming me, yet I can't act on anything because fear of everything getting out of control has me frozen up in place. Do not let yourself get into such a bad spot, too.

>> No.74937064


>> No.74937069

You can
For me though...
>Most Expensive Cities to Buy Real Estate since 2010
Not really

>> No.74937116

We haven't even started discussing objectively poorly rigged models or models with horrendous design for vtubers that still get to 2 view status because they're a woman with big breasts to flop around

>> No.74937145
File: 283 KB, 832x726, british.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74937182

The post seemed pretty specific. O cant imagine there being multiple aspies saying I love you to each other on the daily and then forgetting to yesterday. So if that's you, then you should probably talk to this person. If it isn't, then dont worry about it

>> No.74937385
File: 2.43 MB, 950x1650, model_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.74937505

This is the lowest effort bait all day

>> No.74937545

You have strange tastes

>> No.74937570

I don't wanna crab but
>Basil in A Momo in C

>> No.74937605

Theoretically, I could go all over Europe and collab with various /asp/ies, and I already have some plans for what we could do together. Money-wise, I'm not too worried about it, but the hitch is that I'd be intruding unless I can sort out hotels with top-notch internet. That's the main hurdle, with the secondary issue being the scheduling chaos of each /asp/ie. Mawg, Charley, Merlie... Geltaran? Kuku?Oh, and Totora too. She's not an /asp/ie, but I think she'd dig it.

>> No.74937792

>Putting actual generic white boy png tuber camui above a full 2 tiers ahead of generic white boy vtuber purrsonvt

>> No.74937822

I can't tell if people put me where they do as a joke, to crab me, or because they never bothered to look at my model and just look at the old image the tierlist uses

>> No.74937954

Don't listen to them Charly you are cute and have a nice voice ToT

>> No.74937990

I didn't work on any VTubing stuff last week or this week because I've been stressed about finals. I also feel guilty because I've only streamed once between this week and last.

>> No.74938012

Please like and retweet Haru's model reveal, I want to see it sooner.

>> No.74938067

Nice try, but next time get better glasses because I said to name the first letter of his vtuber name

>> No.74938133

Does Basil have a bad model?

>> No.74938150


>> No.74938151

No. Drop more haru feet pics and I will

>> No.74938165

I'm hopelessly attracted to dark skinned women and it's getting harder and harder to hide. I'm afraid it's going to get me canceled some day because I'm a white chuuba.

>> No.74938248

>Generic anime boy compared to anime boy with some style
Please explain the choice here

>> No.74938261

Just say you are black. Legally no one can say you aren't

>> No.74938323
File: 2.61 MB, 1958x1098, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's crazy. Anyway.

>> No.74938326

His debut post got way more traction than mine. I'm a little upset.

>> No.74938397

How did it get even more ugly

>> No.74938398

>White guy in a lab coat with glasses

>> No.74938412

shhh they're not going to care about why you would use a different model for different types of streams

>> No.74938475

>shoulder to neck ratio is fucked
What the fuck is this anatomy

>> No.74938539

>retards get caught in lazy lie
Normal day

>> No.74938544

He's been waiting to get his for almost a year, it makes sense people would be excited for it.

>> No.74938632

That's a good point though. How many aspies actually have a "backup" PNG for streams where they either can't use their tracked model or where using it would be hard (handcams/cooking streams/etc)?

>> No.74938704

I hope he plays more games like Balatro...

>> No.74938749

I just screenshotted my model and then did it again the the mouth open, and I use that for my PNG.

>> No.74938813

>this is what made kerbybit cum

>> No.74938829

Head is huge as fuck compared to his whole body, sorry. Its like the artist wanted to make him a shota but didnt know how so they just made his head bigger.

>> No.74938963
File: 2.16 MB, 1140x1189, my-image (3) (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are PNGtuber, consider moving into L2D or something that can give you more ways to express yourself, even merlie (and his subsequent works for other PNGchuubas) have more expression than you, that's why you landed in low effort.
If you are a L2D/whatever program you use model, you landed in low effort because there is a complete lack of identity on you, because you are using a generic free model, or because you decided on something too basic.
If you are in hard to categorize, either your png redeems you, or your model is not yet in the real of high quality.
If you are in high effort, you look good, or there has been really a lot of effort behind your actual model.

I am biased towards some, and I couldn't find better words to describe this (maybe appealing/unappealing? But that is besides the point, because there are some PNGs that do look nice, but that lack that spark of being entertaining enough to be looked at for hours)

>> No.74938975

Its a low effort joke model

>> No.74939067

Split high effort into groups. There's too many

>> No.74939071

who is this girl in the OP pic? she looks cute and breedable.

>> No.74939189

For a stick figure png, Spike is actually surprisingly high effort.

>> No.74939196

Tell me, /asp/, what are (You) getting into today? Gonna stream? Ironing out some kinks in your setup? Waiting on some assets to come in? Doing some reps? Working up the nerve to ask someone to collab with you? Waging? Share with the class, if you'd care to!
Me? Well, I need to pin down which game I'm tackling to keep with the usual Thursday stuff. It should work out well enough.

>> No.74939257

>Low effort

>> No.74939288

Its still a stick figure in its core, and there isnt even eye or mouth tracking, judt mouse and keyboard one that most league streamers use.

No, as a low effort myself I wont go through so much work.

>> No.74939402

Show us your model, so we can see if you put in the effort too or not

>> No.74939428

bros I can't wait to get my model rigged the waiting is killing me

>> No.74939684

I have to finish organizing everything for my wedding

>> No.74939798

He and others there have artistically improved to do a new take on their model, you can even see it on someone like tiny who already was good but now her newest one looks amazing.
He can make a new png, until then he remains on the lowest category.

>> No.74939996

That guy's obviously cheeseless, Charley. Don't mind him.

I literally just got a new model with my design and I've been using a new png alongside it, it's just not represented in the tier list.

>> No.74940045

I am literally saying his png on the tierlist is higher effort that some of ther other ones like Striped pantsu or silver's weird alien thing

>> No.74940138

I booked an overnight day-of flight to Japan between my last stream and now like a psycho because my buddies originally could go but I couldn't, so I uh, am adapting my schedule a bit for the next three weeks.

>> No.74940314

Who’s behind the art scam accounts on Twitter? It’s Indians isn’t it? It reeks of Indians.

>> No.74940524

Unbirthing asmr, shove a mic into your coochie

>> No.74941017

What the fuck is this meetup in japan about? Was this all an impromptu orgy?

>> No.74941328

I would tell you but jannies would ban me for it.

>> No.74941440

Have fun Alpin!

>> No.74941477

Choke on a dildo or masturbate and orgasm on stream

>> No.74941585
File: 32 KB, 501x513, 1000000870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ubume seems like a nice lady and everything but I am a pure wholesome seiso boy so please don't accuse me of doing that stuff again

>> No.74941772

i really want a female v-daughter

>> No.74941845

Moaning and sloppy sounds, getting fucked/masturbating rp asmr basically.

>> No.74941897

I'm joining nijisanji

>> No.74941929

i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name i wanna say his name

>> No.74941950

Finished my design last night and now I'm going to work on some PNGs to use. I was considering sharing to get opinions on what I made, but I read a post here a while back that said sharing a completed model/design isn't a good idea unless it's already rigged. Not sure why, maybe art theft or something?

>> No.74941954

Am I just autistic or does it seem like female vtubers shoulder the whole "mommy" thing in stride but if somebody called me "daddy" I'd cringe myself inside out

>> No.74942070

>me who just wants to latch onto someone and call them daddy

aha! okai

>> No.74942228

Mommy is more culturally acceptable

>> No.74942288

Easy to be fine with it when you're already in a mindset where you expect to have kids soon/are already a parent/have always been that type of role model.

>> No.74942323

i'm sorry to hear that

>> No.74942329
File: 78 KB, 1070x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.74942387

i would never show it but i miss having this so bad.

>> No.74942402

wtf you really went to japan

>> No.74942423

You should talk to this person, I might not be the one you're talking about, he doesn't really read the thread and posts funny posts, but if he did he'd usually go to my dms directly (also he's not supposed to be awake just yet).
If that person was the last one to send you a message you should talk to them at least one last time, if they are in the same situation as me they probably don't want to bother the person in question and wait until the other one is comfortable enough to talk to them, but they are worried, worried the person they message might be in a very delicate situation, just know that anyone you're close with would listen to you and understand your situation. If that person is me, then I would give you the space you need or take care of you if I can, I wouldn't want to see someone I love get hurt or get into a far worse situation. If it's not me, I still think they'd do something similar.
At the mean time, please stay safe and take care of yourself anon, take the time you need to feel better and get your life together at your own pace, who ever you are, you are probably cared about and loved, but for now you can't see it

>> No.74942517

Say it, sis!

>> No.74942559

me too i miss being called princess and little one it makes you feel safe

>> No.74942649

I don't think anybody takes getting called "mommy" by complete strangers online in stride unless they're already neck-deep in the cooomertuber route

>> No.74942757

>Not high effort
And you also have some horribly bad taste for "high effort". Go choke on a cock.

>> No.74943072

I have the same dislike for the ironic use of the word "cunny" too. Lots of strange things normalized around vtuber spaces.

>> No.74943265

Big things coming

>> No.74943396
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>> No.74943409

I have plans that i cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me

>> No.74943445

Skill issue. Just be more powerful than your haters.

>> No.74943465

I'm big things

>> No.74943582
File: 192 KB, 944x1161, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder never to post IRL photos ever

>> No.74943600

You keep making me want to kill myself and it's really hard to want to talk to you because I'll just lash out if I do.

>> No.74944015

This was intentionally trying to find the guy though

Like don't post right outside where you live but no one fucking cares

>> No.74944224

He says how he did it. He literally just dumps the photo into an LLM. I've tested it. The thing works. It won't probably locate like, hiking photos or whatever in the middle of the woods, but anything where a google street view camera has been is probably cooked.

>> No.74944360

Okay no one fucking cares

>> No.74944395

Thank you for your several posts to keep everyone informed about how little you care.

>> No.74944405

You'd think that it would be easier, but it really isn't. It depends on the persons tolerance for that kind of thing. My original chuuba account was heavily leaning into 'comforting mommy streamer come get your hugs and kisses' and within a week I realized I really hated strangers coming by and calling me mommy. I also wanted to crawl out of my skin at the mere thought of those 'ara ara' redeems. There are just some men and women out there who thrive off that kind of attention and then there are those who could never see themselves in a mommy or daddy role and thus can't stomach the title.
i'll probably still bring back those 'call me a good boy/girl' redeems though

>> No.74944534

Thanks I don't care

>> No.74944615

>This was intentionally trying to find the guy though
No shit retard what did you think it was?

>> No.74944682

Act 4 begins today. Lapis Windbloom and I are continuing our Diablo 2 Un-Ressurected journey, and neither of us knows what to expect now.
The only thing for certain is that our builds are a mess and we're gonna get slapped again by the next boss.

Watch me slaaay live here:

>> No.74944717

Victim blaming a bit but it sounds like you set yourself up for what happened and then realized you didn't actually like it.

>> No.74944734
File: 660 KB, 2560x1440, diablo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my high-effor pic

>> No.74944776

Yeah no fucking shit, I wanted to try something and didn't like it. That's the point of the post.

>> No.74944790

It's because women can get away with anything

>> No.74944839

This is a bad post even by your standards.

>> No.74944888

Tell me how im wrong
Spoilers you cant

>> No.74944955

Your post has nothing to do with what it replied to, idiot.

>> No.74944977

Bruh why have you guys been playing Diablo 2 for over a month how long is that game

>> No.74945198

Any game can take a long time to finish if you stream once a week

>> No.74945450

nothin personnel, kid

>> No.74945609

well that doesnt take away from the fact that women can get away with anything

>> No.74945640

He's got his own house and works in high voltage electrical engineering while being under 50.
Nigga can basically go to any utility company wherever he fancies living and tell them what they're going to pay him.

>> No.74945710

that's a normal guy
sorry to you wimpy twink europeans, but a real american man fed on corn, meat, and potatoes will grow up to be a powerhouse next to you coffee drinking baguette eating weaklings.

>> No.74946195

Yeah I don't know what they're on about either. There's no visible fat in that screenshot. He just has a bulky frame.

>> No.74946328

the european (5 foot 2 and emaciated because he started smoking at 12) fears the american (corn diet encourages growth, ends up 6 foot 5 and could easily beat a lion in hand to hand combat)

>> No.74946331

Love ya, buddy :] don't let the thread get you down

>> No.74946577

You're making this thread as bad as the rest of this website with how outrageously unfunny you are

>> No.74946628

insanely upset european

>> No.74946723

I'm American

>> No.74946841

Clearly not the kind that could beat a lion in hand to hand combat.

>> No.74946920

Why are you doing this to me. This shit sucks...I don't get it. Why do people act like this

>> No.74947112

>the average burger is 5'9
Nation of manlets

>> No.74947137

you got a weak mentality

>> No.74947180
File: 489 KB, 256x256, gmagik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'6

>> No.74947187

Claudette / Boomslang / PineappleWolf / HeraHerachan has made yet another account

>> No.74947259

>joined August 2021

>> No.74947297

you say that like it's brand new or part of some scheme when we can all see the creation date is from fucking 3 years ago
get some help anon

>> No.74947350
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>> No.74947451


>> No.74947472

Get a femboy model because no one will ever see you as a man anyway.

>> No.74947505

Is this nigga a sexpest menhera? because all Ive seen hes done is coom sex goon sploodge glopping noises

>> No.74947521

i'm not into being called daddy or anything but it wouldn't bother me at all and several girls already call me daddy because it gets them off

>> No.74947564

Someone post the screenshot where he talked about dilating his ass on his grandmother's bathroom carpet

>> No.74947601

How has his art not improved over the course of 3 years?

>> No.74947606

i mean, even without the LLM, geoguesser high level people are insanely good at figuring out where you are, at least within 100 miles, and at that point you are basically already doxxed

>> No.74947707

Only important people get doxxed, so none of the 1views here will ever have to worry about that.

>> No.74947725
File: 265 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_m7a6at6qah1r45g3go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which aspie would you commit pic related?

>> No.74947754

I throw around EXTRMELY subtle red herrings to throw off schizos who will try to doxx me in the future

>> No.74947929

who cares
nobody's travelling to stalk you

>> No.74947948

This isn't a good attempt at an insult or a clever lie. How lazy are the trolls in this thread?

>> No.74948058


>> No.74948276

Yeah I’m sure one of the three guys who actually watch your streams will care enough about you to dox you. lol. Lmao even.

>> No.74948278

Clauvio literally followed aspies because of this thread.

>> No.74948547
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, 1641307565272.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just lie about myself and encounters I've engaged in and write them on a notepad file to establish my "lore" IRL. If someone knows me IRL already, they'll know none of this is true, or it'll at least convince them that it couldn't be me. If someone doesn't know me, and they try to find me through people that do know me, I'll deny any involvement and tell the truth about myself instead of my lies. I've gone so far that I know that if/when I get big, people will have this idea of a human that I can back up with stolen screenshots from Battlestation threads and vague Facebook group posts from a people I am not affiliated with that it'll be realer than the real me.

>> No.74948711

In case anyone forgot, obvious threadshitting is against board rules and you can report them

>> No.74948817

ive reported too much stuff and jannies probably sigh when i send a report :pensive:

>> No.74948845

Post ideal art improvements

>> No.74948847

Having good opsec is fine. Being extremely paranoid over having your location doxxed is just an exercise in futility. Are you just going to avoid ever going outside for the fear that someone will figure out which city you live in and somehow fly all the way into your city to live there for months to figure out your normal patterns within said city? That's basically just even more insanity that's never gonna happen.

Unless you live in tokyo, japan where you can take a short cheap train ride to stalk someone, dont expect anyone to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to stalk you, you are not that important to be worth that much.

>> No.74948948

>you are not that important to be worth that much.
I have only contempt for people who write this sort of thing. "You're not important enough to care about opsec." is legitimately stupid advice.

>> No.74949045

Did I say opsec isnt important? Do you due diligence and cover your tracks but to go above and beyond to worry about taking sky pictures because someone might triangulate which hemisphere of the planet earth you are in is just insanity.

>> No.74949077
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>> No.74949146

You're at the stage where you're making things up to pretend that people are talking about them.

>> No.74949213

And you’re a literal schizo.

>> No.74949390

If this thread hasn't demonstrated it yet, any reason and no reason is a good enough reason to fuck with people. People online don't give a shit because to a troll, the Internet isn't real do whatever you do to a person you see online isn't real either. If low viewer numbers or any of that other shit were a shield against being doxxed online there wouldn't be a constant stream of doxxings on twitter, especially among vtubers/vtweeters. It also just assumes that anyone who isn't famous or notable right now will always remain that way, in the "aspiring vtubers" thread of all places. If you're personally not concerned with it, that's on you. Don't go around recklessly telling other people not to take their own safety seriously.

>> No.74949455

You're a literal idiot.

>> No.74949517

This thread proves that trolls are spineless bitches who dont watch streams or do anything except make shit up for people to get baited.

So I dont get your argument really, trolls just try to waste your time and make you feel like they're some big threat to your safety so you have to worry about getting swatted when they're just thread shitters that just disappear once you stop looking at the thread, is that it?

>> No.74949604

Do any of you use reddit to selfpost? Have you guys noticed how fucking idiotic is is now on r/virtualyoutubers?
You used to be able to promote yourself on there but the fags who run it removed the self-promo tag and downvote anything that isn't shit-throwing drama

>> No.74949647

This reads like you're missing the point intentionally.

>> No.74949691

>fwofie went to Japan for 3 weeks
>alpin is in Japan for 3 weeks now

>> No.74949720

>being garbage
huge news, there's a reason that established channels don't self-promo there either unless they're making their own subreddits. The virtualyoutubers subreddit is also a magnet for vtweeters because they think they're "part of the community."

>> No.74949739

i know people bitch and moan about
>i regret associating with 4chins
but the reddit crowd is the one everyone should really avoid
how desperate for numbers are you to even think about reaching out to redditors?

>> No.74949756

Good for him. Hope it works out.

>> No.74949775

I gained most of my first hundred followers from reddit and some of my best chatters from there as well.

>> No.74949823

> 4chan schizos
> guy who browses reddit, mostly normal but opinionated, probably has a job and can sub to me
The choice is clear

>> No.74949929

Going to blow your mind when you realize the majority of 4chan also has day jobs and ordinary lives.

>> No.74949977

I already said its a fucking orgy there. I say that mama will be the next to have a three or two week trip to japan

>> No.74950002

I don't give a fuck about Gacha, Apex Legends, League of Legends, XqC, Jerma, or most nonsense other people talk about and I feel out of place

>> No.74950038

>Such a potent schizo that everyone with a shitty model is me

>> No.74950072

Why dont you like gscha? T-T

>> No.74950080

I just want a hug tbqh

>> No.74950114

>Doesn't like Jerma
Contrarian Andy

>> No.74950159

My hate for my fellow man is immense and palpable. I want everyone to suffer.

>> No.74950158

Jerma is the first vtuber, time to learn to respect your elders you fucking wanker

>> No.74950179

I don't care about random anime women I can just go on pixiv or any other site to see this stuff
I don't like Jerma

>> No.74950211


Finished all my exams (hooray finals is over). I'll probably work on asset updates when I get home. Holy shit finals took me out.

Hope your day is going well.

- Bacilly

>> No.74950227

About 50% of the front page is self-promo. They just hide the fact that they're doing it behind memes or clips. It's still self-promo.

>> No.74950247

Hello iriya, when are you going to play more apex? I wanna see those sick techniques.
t. Fellow man

>> No.74950273

Who the fuck is Iriya

>> No.74950567

Not (You)

>> No.74950632

Do you think 1.5k followers in less than a year and a half is good?
Before anyone says it, yes. I am a woman.

>> No.74950645

Someone liberate me from my pain!! All I need is you to name one chuub :3c

>> No.74950648


>> No.74950692

Post follower count

>> No.74950695


>> No.74950767

Even by female standards that is outstanding, sis!
But the real question is: CCV? Peak viewers? Are you aspiring for a corpo, have a particular goal, or why are you chuubing overall? Are you making bank? Are you using those funds to keep growing as a vtuber?

>> No.74950801

Follower count isn't the best metric. I have close to 200 but my ccv is higher then one of the chubbas I watch that has over 5k followers.

>> No.74950811
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>> No.74950874

I can't take it anymore. I need a office lady with big tits to harrases me and crush my balls with a stapler

>> No.74950946
File: 22 KB, 717x117, My Twitter screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74950966

Good thing I won't have an audience to miss me when I'm gone

>> No.74951226
File: 30 KB, 643x1280, Doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if they dont ask for it, i think it would be nice to provide them with a reference when they ask for chuub, after the face all the rest of bacilly left my mind and i went with cat lol here chuuber, speedran it because im that good, cya nerd

>> No.74951327

Pancake nips to mosquito bites tierlist

>> No.74951331
File: 60 KB, 487x680, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which /asp/ie is this?

>> No.74951352

QB and Denpa are live

>> No.74951399

brother, dont ever again cook.

>> No.74951427

Any way to build up interest for my first stream besides self posting? I'd like to chat in other's streams, but worried it'll come off as grifting and tweeting seems pointless if I have no followers to begin with.

>> No.74951435

Average ccv right now is 35, peak is around 100 occasionally with raids. I'm not aspiring for anything but to make friends with vtubers I think are cute and for people to think I'm cute.
Also I want money to spend more on vtubing and branch out more with VR or making crafts on stream. Specifically, I need a new deskmat before I can do it because I spilled coffee on mine. Even with that ccv I make around 75 bucks a month without donations. Sounds like a good amount of money but I'm poor so I use it on other stuff.

>> No.74951507


>> No.74951549
File: 1.65 MB, 1680x1050, 2024-05-02 13-25-51.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fueled by bodycam videos playing in the background and adderall (actually just caffeine pills and green tea)I craft with imperfection THIS WORK IN PROGRESS

>> No.74951620

Just dont make the chatting about yourself. I will chat with whoever, and if they stream i will follow them after finished my stream.
Also make tweets like reveals, looking for friends, and such. Engagement bait that will give you a chance to interact with those who do help, or by which you can provide some type of value to those who like/rt.

>> No.74951819

Me whenever I talk about bacteria.

>> No.74951923

Matches the vibes. Thank you Anon.

>> No.74952033

if you cant even handle the unfiltered opinions of 4chan what makes you think you can deal with reddit?
if anything, they're worse for going out of their way for actually raiding harassing and doxxing for wrong think
here we'll call you a faggot, laugh at your numbers, and maybe you'll get a dedicated schizo if you're cool enough
good luck on wasting your time over there i guess

>> No.74952105

when does lava's ban end?

>> No.74952163


>> No.74952181

you're right, homomo should be lower

>> No.74952201

i will never understand twitch brain rot and im glad i never will

>> No.74952253

You're right he should have been a demon catboy! Fits his branding a lot more

>> No.74952424

Somebody cock

>> No.74952657

It ended today anon

>> No.74952734

Lava having finals
