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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74888100 No.74888100 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

May Day edition

Previously: >>74269584

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>Put more nations in
>Develop existing ones

>> No.74888143
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.74889607

So what's everyone been working on in between threads? Since posting has slowed down a fair bit recently, I wonder if we should stick to making threads on a weekly basis instead of trying to keep one up permanently. Thoughts?

>> No.74891672

That doesn't sound like a terrible idea. I've been hanging out in /brg/ a lot lately, it's a very unique place. A place where the followers have to go through herculean ordeals just to hear their tiny, flimsy gods.

>> No.74892047
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>>74891672 (me)
Oh, and 27 gods got dumped into the pantheon in one weekend.

>> No.74892973

The true ACCELERATION. Sounds pretty chaotic. So do anons try to watch everyone or is it a bunch of sub-communities all gathered under one roof? It'd be interesting to see a cutthroat, gladiatorial society where only the strongest fans can survive.

>> No.74893304

That's the fun thing, even if the anons really want to watch everyone, they can't, because the talents all have to stream on a shitty iOS-only streaming app and it seems like anons don't have iPhones.
We all have to rely on anons who have an iPhone and the technical knowledge to re-stream the livestreams on the app to Twitch. The average viewer count on the app is usually around 5, while it gets up to 50 on the Twitch restreams.
Another fun thing is that the company gives no support to the talents whatsoever; no pay, tech support, or hardware. They will only unlock support from management if their numbers are good enough, making this a literal vtuber battle royale, so the chuubas are fighting for their life too.
On the anon side, it seems quite united behind saviorfagging all the talents who seem to have fallen for this elaborate scam/doomed enterprise.

>> No.74894578

Like a trainwreck you just can't look away from... Well hopefully a few of them manage to gain some traction and the rest learn something from the experience.

>> No.74895597

I think having a break to refill the creativity tanks is nice

>> No.74898174

safety bump

>> No.74898195

Pan pan! Are we back?

>> No.74898428

Can you use an i-OS emulator or does it need an Apple account?

I got a sinus infection right after I got through with the fatigue bug smack in the middle of yard mowing. Now I have to finish what I started and I have to go over the entire lawn again on a lower blade.

>> No.74898723

Yeah, that's the feeling. It's been nice to see everyone shift from awaiting the implosion of the company to actually enjoying the streamers... which will make the inevitable implosion more painful.
With enough technical fuckery you can probably make it work with an emulator, but I didn't see a way to do that without a bunch of work. Apple isn't the most open source company.

>> No.74898935
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Now that IdolES has released the designs I can start to speculate what their worshipers would be like in Viti.
If there's one thing that they have in common, it's that they all seem to be either magic or combat related from the reveal trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EGoGgrsXM0
This is useful for me lorewise, since I haven't yet considered what the /jidf/ military would be like at all, and these girls would fit the role perfectly.
If I were to sort them into RPG style classes it would be:
Meica: Ranger/Archer
Taiga: Monk/Martial Artist
Ruby: Summoner/Necromancer
Koa: Dark Mage
Lalabell: Light Mage
With this as the basis of the /jidf/ military, we would be mainly magic oriented, with mages being Light or Dark oriented, and with non-magic users typically being archers or specialized in close combat.
I suppose this also means that Jewish magic will be real in Viti.

>> No.74899009

My fever misread "technical fuckery" as "tentacle fuckery".

>> No.74899581

We'd be incomplete without a bit of jewish magic. Are you thinking light/dark magic where light is healing/buffs and dark is offensive magic? Or they're both offensive but Light is "holy" damage kinda thing.

>> No.74899631

Well, it's worth trying, I'd rather be fucked by tentacles than Apple.

>> No.74900065

I can try to worldbuild something with a fever. I'm probably going to restrict myself to flying bakery. Unless you want Dodo boat lore.

>> No.74900630

When it comes to elemental magic I prefer it when every elemental types has both offense and non-offense/utility spells available. With Light it's common for its offense spells to be Laser beams (Like what Lalabell uses in the trailer video) and electric attacks (Which could apply to Juna in Idol since she's an electric eel). For utility Light spells healing/buffs would be the most fitting choice so I'll assume that our Lalabell worshippers are also capable of that.
For Dark offense magic I'll probably default to generic blasts of death matter as what Demons usually with Koa being some kind of Demon Queen probably. Then for utility Dark magic we have necromancy to raise the dead, and probably mind control magic since Roca and Koa seem like they are also succubi.
Ruby also has those cool chains so there's definitely room for magic that involves manipulating chains, puppets(from what we see in the trailer), and perhaps other inanimate objects.
Also, with Taiga having divine theming, she would definitely be Light magic focused, so I could imagine her combat prowess is augmented by Light magic buffs as mentioned earlier.

>> No.74901175

>Dodo boat

>> No.74901600

Light as an element is pretty tricky. Usually it's holy magic but 90's translations can't have religious imagery. So holy is localized retardedly as pearl, light, or lightning in JRPGs. Usually holy magic is some form of clensing light or clensing water that purifies evil, darkness, corrupt, and rotten. White magic and black magic used to just mean Cleric spells and Wizard spells.

That said lasers can still be holy magic. But holy white magic leans towards purification/clensing of evil.

>> No.74902710

I do love a good laser beam. Lux from LoL had my favorite attacks visually.
Puppet magic invites some voodoo shenanigans, maybe.

>> No.74902782

If anything the trickiest part about Light magic is differentiating it from Fire magic when using a 6 elemental system(Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Light/Dark).
The easiest way to go about it is to just have Light be holy/healing focused and let Fire be the main offense magic, but I just personally prefer the idea of each elemental magic type having access to both offense and utility.
The difficult part then becomes deciding how to make Fire different enough from Light with fire being more difficult to come up with ideas for utility spells.

>> No.74903634

Fire has some uitility. It's the element of warmth. While it's niche in its utility it does have applications. For practical use fire is used in synthesis along with water and earth to create food and medicine. For direct application fire is used in Strength up. It's a combination of filling your mind with a fiery spirit and using warmth to relax your muscles.

Dark/Evil strangely influences charisma with your ability to lie or manipulate. Holy/Light can influence wisdom as light reveals the truth and gives you clarity. Either that or Light influences general luck.

Usually with stats it's.

Fire - Attack Power
Water - Hit Points
Earth - Defense Power
Wind - Speed
Light - Special/Magic Power
Dark - Luck (the Devil's favor) or Magic/Special Defense

>> No.74903788

Mechanically, I think it's common to let fire deal damage over time, while your lasers will be burst damage, so the offense is differentiated.
Something I've seen if to let fire give buffs that increase attack (set the sword on fire) while light gives buffs that increase defense, generally speaking.

>> No.74904100

I think lasers still fall under purification because that much concentrated energy just vaporizes anything it touches.

>> No.74904614

I'm thinking about how Dodos can use rock palms to survive the floods. Any ideas?

>> No.74905968
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I’m trying to write actual fanfics but I’m not really satisfied with what I got so far. It’s still tangentially related to one of the settings here so maybe I’ll post it once I push through

>> No.74906334

I'd like to see it!

>> No.74907435

I'm going to be leaving the house in half an hour. Can you guys keep the thread afloat while I'm gone for the hour?

>> No.74908209

Sure, I've got a stream keeping me awake.

>> No.74910607


>> No.74912591

So I guess there's no one else left?

>> No.74913069

There is, but watching you slowly wither away and die out is more fun

>> No.74913389

So... Worldbuilding?

>> No.74913771

Fuck no kek

>> No.74914442

Anyway... So I'm thinking dodos would find refuge in the library during the catalog floods. The library also has boats made to raft around the caldera when it's flooded like a lake. The dodos memorized where the boats are. Some even made nests in them.

As for the settlement today shipmakers have built brand new flood boats. They've also recoated and repaired the old boats just for the dodos. Now when there's a flood everyone follows the dodos to the boats and wait out the storms or sit on top of the mountain during the tsunami.

>> No.74914784
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So I wrote it! I don’t really know what people want out of fanfics but they probably want more about the character instead of some random OC I just made up

>> No.74916854

Grim... Makes me wonder what form she'll take in her new life.

>> No.74918883
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>>74914784 (me)
Also I originally wanted to post it on AO3 since spectra’s been calling us to post more fanfics there but I don’t know if I should because of how it turned out

>> No.74918987

You've done a good job. I'd say give it a proof read before posting.

>> No.74921601

Disposing rotten breadog bump.

>> No.74923569
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>> No.74925886


>> No.74927454

It's over bro

>> No.74929229

Ohh nice, taking a look later.

>> No.74929365
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Which one of you fuckers are commies?

>> No.74929538

Probably all the 2 AuroraLiveVr fans

>> No.74930180

Kenzies, of course.

>> No.74931251

The bastion of communism, the HoloCN pantheon, was torn down long ago.

>> No.74933241

Maybe hololive has a communist faction now, didn't they come back to bilibili?

>> No.74934924


>> No.74935892


>> No.74935979
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fucking lolis is legal in viti. just a reminder. It is a tradition as old as time.

>> No.74936653
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Oh and as a reminder before I head out to unironically have sex with a chubby spanish girl

>> No.74936703

Idolcorp is flooding the loli market, can hardly walk through the catalog without stumbling into one.

>> No.74938736

cool stuff

>> No.74941098

Wait, who's top right?

>> No.74941782

We actually stayed afloat through the night.

>> No.74941933

A dystopian society with fanatics that try to give all their worldly possessions in order to get a chance to perform ridicilous rituals to divine a connection to infant gods who need to receive the prayers to survive

>> No.74943485

Someone get me the defi!!!

>> No.74945468

Absolute cinema. It's a funny thing to have a setup where the followers almost have power over the gods, very unusual.

>> No.74946818
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Oh hey, we're back

>> No.74947900

Cute charging fauna, I steal.

>> No.74949878
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>> No.74949880


>> No.74951836

I finished mowing the yard. In two weeks weeds here grow almost three feet high. I want to make a bread menu again.

>> No.74952207

Such fertile land!

>> No.74953740


>> No.74953832
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So were gonna make Nijisanji peasant land ruled by extremly rich fuckers right?

>> No.74953987

Just driving my gold plated yacht down the street

>> No.74954027

Go right ahead

>> No.74954097

Not really. The land used to be a trailer park in the 70s. Boomers thought it'd be a good to lime the land. Now the dirt's too caustic to grow grass. Only weeds can grow. We just barely got grass to grow after four years.

>> No.74954495

How do you drive a yacht in the street?

>> No.74954697
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I hereby propose that regardless of the state or absence of the VTWBG general that an attempt should be made at the first of the month by the relevant authorities

>> No.74954894

A diseased and mortally mangled general limping along asking for but a scrap of attention. I dig it.

>> No.74955207

>tfw no cute girl with a "massage" attachment to her robot hand.

>> No.74955377


>> No.74955466

Tank treads or wheels?

>> No.74955599

Peasants carrying it on a litter.

>> No.74955719
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Ask the ones who did this?

>> No.74956068

Sure, though there's also the non-zero chance that the EN branch is just scrapped and all the NijiEN generals die.

>> No.74956162

Imagine being a carchump and not living in Venice or Amsterdam Got I wish I lived in Venice or Amsterdam

>> No.74956357

I like tanks.

>> No.74956430

Yacht Tank would be pretty cool I guess, or would that just be a mobile home with tank treads?

>> No.74956783

More like a fortress to keep those pesky dumpgoons from raiding the yacht. Don't forget flamethrowers and machine guns.

>> No.74956956
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Indonesia already got you covered. Look up the X-18

>> No.74957021

Been working on and off on the next vDriver update, but a bunch of other tasks fell on my desk last month, so I don't know when it'll be ready.

>> No.74957209

I imagine orangutans running and piloting tank boats now.

>> No.74957266
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i dont know what half this shit means but heres specs.

>> No.74957341

But imagine an amphibious Yacht Tank that can blast peasants on land and in the sea

>> No.74957718
File: 237 KB, 539x348, screenshot-imgs.search.brave.com-2024.05.02-16_41_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt the Pinisi a yacht?
Guess whose back
Back again

I cant believe I actually used these things for warfleets in old vtwbg like what the fuck was i thinking?

>> No.74959462


>> No.74960039

Damn, let them cook, I dig it.
Forest camo for a boat is kinda questionable though. Maybe it's just for river ops.

>> No.74960903

Today's menu is levin breads. Rolls, baguettes, loaves, breadsticks, etc. Just bread today.

>> No.74962007

Pffft. Got nothing on flying yachts that can carpet bomb villages.

>> No.74963590

I'm feeling like some baguette with butter and ham.

>> No.74963763

This but with rolls, honey glaze, boiled green beans, and mashed taters in a sandwich.

>> No.74964828
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Biscuits with honey is going to be amazing for tea time

>> No.74965471

Right now it's nap time forever for breadog.

>> No.74965563

>what the fuck was i thinking
When have you ever?

>> No.74965956

>what the fuck was i thinking?
welcome to the club. it's the same with me and my old languages. that shit was stupid

>> No.74966079

one man's stupid is another man's SOVL

>> No.74967873

Not as stupid as the blackout saga in /nasa/. The karma led to Sana's graduation.

>> No.74967953


>> No.74968606

after i nut
at least your creative.

>> No.74970272
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I refuse to believe that

>> No.74970367

Breadog is past his expiration date. It's time to put him to sleep.

>> No.74971249

gonna toast my bread, that helps stale bread a lot.

>> No.74971558

Don't griev for breadogs. Once you bake their new dough they're as good as new. Assuming their frames aren't too damaged. Even then frame maintenance is easy. And you can bet software and data is preserved.

>> No.74972793
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>> No.74972909

So do we have ideas for Sapling lore?

>> No.74973995
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Ohh that was fun! Pretty tense, really feel how outmatched the COs are. I like this:
>The lavender livery was alien to her, and the viridian streaks accentuating its shape guided her attention to where its head should be – a circle of vantablack void trimmed by horns, puffs of green smoke prancing around it, as if they were frenzied cultists performing an eldritch ritual.
Very flowery phrasing, in a good way. The smoke is some kind of nanomachine shenanigan, right? Gathering material from spikes from scrap around is pretty smart.
Oh, I just got to the part that says it's nanomachines lol. What a nice ending!
I liked the story, felt nice to see space stuff again after a while.

>> No.74974511
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It is! I was watching Kokone’s Lancer stream and she expressed interest (in appearance since she wasn’t going through the crunch) in both Balor (the nanomachine one) and Minotaur (the one I wrote) so I decided to mix both. Since Kokone’s gonna be the GM my choice won’t conflict with what she would eventually pick in the game it’s also a bit awkward to write Liora as a mecha pilot
It’s meant to be very one-sided since they’re fighting one of the gods of this world and said gods treat it as entertainment, but I feel my writing made her came out as being callous. Maybe that’s one reason why my home thread doesn’t seem to care much about it (that and there’s barely any words dedicated to her)

>> No.74975033
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Oh shit Lancer looks so cool I've been wanting to watch someone play it since my friends aren't into ttrpg.
Based on the other fanfics I came across on /vnug/, you're missing a few sex scenes to catch their eye kek. She does come across as callous, but that might be because the commander's fate is a bit ambiguous after the end. The sentiment is very different knowing that she's okay after the goddess' embrace.

>> No.74975072

I think what you should do is write a follow up. Or at least explore ideas in writing the next story. Even if you don't publish discovery is half the process.

>> No.74975591
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Anon? Where'd you just blow in from?

>> No.74975929
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Guess I’m not meant to be writing fanfics for V&U after all
I think I’ll still put it on AO3 so that I can say I tried (kinda) and maybe work on a follow-up if I figure out how to handle it. I like the “playthings of the gods” trope and I think it matches the personality of many of them. Then again banters usually don’t involve life and death situations so maybe it doesn’t translate well in this framing

>> No.74976198

It've been here. I'm still the Sanallite. However I've been thinking a lot about constellations lately. Constellations are not just for navigating at sea or horoscopes. They're also used to tell time and the seasons of your area. I've been wondering if very old saplings have a hobby of stargazing and what benefits that has for Saplings.

>> No.74976738

Hard disagree. I've read some shitty fanfiction. I've also made shitty fanfiction. And what you posted is not shitty fanfiction. So sleep on it and look into writing some more. Follow up, different story and theme, I don't care. Just see what you can come up with.

Professional writing is 40% research, 10% writing, and 50% editing and rewriting.

>> No.74977126
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Idk, I'd have to give it some thought. Part of me wants to say that the woodland saplings, mostly living underneath heavy forest canopies, might not put too much cultural weight into it, but that would also be offset by the longer lived saplings that have had personal experience watching the stars for centuries.
That's not to even touch the relatively new subject of the Seisis, and how much they would use it for sea travel.
I do admit, I'm not well versed in how much worldwide lore we have/had for what our sky even looks like.
I remember asking back in Vitubia, and there was Some lore? Has anyone talked about it for Viti?

>> No.74977356
File: 57 KB, 1061x864, oldpanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for making this

>> No.74977385

Lots of stars and 7 moons.

>> No.74978476
File: 100 KB, 1190x704, 1708345019121318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the kind words anon! I guess despite me being on this site for a while I’m still pretty fragile mentally, hence me sitting on this idea for a while before finally posting it

>> No.74978658

Anon cute...must not groom anon...

>> No.74979946

Don't make me get the brick.

>> No.74980431

Stfu nigger I invented the brick

>> No.74982452
File: 406 KB, 720x720, 1708051549898743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say grooming?

>> No.74983120

You couldn't groom your way out of a paper bag, sit down kid

>> No.74983660

This is Ri2ner all over again

>> No.74986418
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>> No.74989985
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>> No.74991793
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>> No.74991978
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>> No.74994221


>> No.74995745
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>> No.74998443
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>> No.74999589
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>> No.75000252

Olivia, my beloved.

>> No.75001495

All the moons have some fun implications for navigation, actually. For one, they probably make it a lot easier to navigate in all but the most obscuring skies, as long as you have some charts correlating the current date, moon position and your location. Stars are easily hidden by thin cloud cover but moonlight tends to be a lot brighter.
Besides that, I think we'd have a starry sky as expect and some kind of Milky Way-like feature.

>> No.75003146

Kek saving this, beautiful work

>> No.75005206

Good morning!

>> No.75008038


>> No.75010787


>> No.75011755

We should look into documenting the skies and moons.

>> No.75012022

Drawing vtubers in star constellations could be fun.
What constellation would be the north star?

>> No.75012599

I'd like to say Kizuna Ai.

>> No.75014078


>> No.75017070
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>> No.75017148

damn I love blacksmiths

>> No.75019051

New breadog is baking. How are projects today?

>> No.75019254
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Still at work, might write a bit when I get back since we're up.

>> No.75021818


>> No.75023538


>> No.75024169
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>> No.75026753

That was a nap that lasted longer than it should have. Question is which chuubas should be constellations in Viti?

>> No.75026855

I reckon there should be at least one snaking across the sky for the orange dragon, and obviously all the space chuuba end up with something, Usui Clear has a rocket shape going off somewhere, something for Sana, maybe Yatagarasu? He feels pretty constellation-like.

>> No.75029947
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>> No.75030044


>> No.75031326

Same anon, same...

>> No.75032360

Sure I wouldn't mind a Yatagarasu constellation at least since he's originally a mythical figure.

>> No.75034181

Good evening. Today's menu is Cream of potato and leek soup served with dark rye rolls. We have cream of leek and celery soup with lettuce wraps for low carb.

>> No.75036269
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>> No.75038813


>> No.75040323

ES debuts happening tonight, gonna be a trial to stay alive

>> No.75041152

I'm waiting for the number apes.

>> No.75044160

Anyone see that ape IRL that used some medicine leaf to heal up a wound below its eye? Nature be smart bro

>> No.75044223

>The breadog is back. He's freshly baked with no mold or bad smell.

>> No.75044543

Orangutans have been known to use plants as medicine for a long time. I don't remember the myth but I barely recall there's story about a medicine man being an ape. But it was a very long time ago. I can't quite remember.

>> No.75047248
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NEXAS lore

>> No.75051465
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>> No.75054086


>> No.75054102

Fresh bake bread bump.

>> No.75054979

I'm likingthe spic witch, she sang the stack song.

>> No.75055041

fucking hate stack bros

>> No.75060659


>> No.75061572
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>> No.75061919

did you watch the idol ES debuts?

>> No.75064075

Should I make flat breads or tortillas for our new ES friends?

>> No.75065966

tortillas, spicy chorizo and Queso Oaxaca
cut the chorizo open and fry it in a pain and shred the quaxaca over it and let it melt over it. Maybe some pinto beans on the side, cooked in the left over crease of the chorizo

>> No.75066996

I never had chorizo before nor queso oaxaca.

>> No.75067112

well go buy it from an international market. Qaxaca also has the same consistency and taste of mozzarella. You can put it on pizza

>> No.75067429

Chorizo I can buy from the grocery store down the street. I'll have to see if they got cheese.

>> No.75067668

also corn tortillas, none of that flour shit

>> No.75068328

Real tortillias are corn. Wheat tortillias are just flat bread. Anyway bed time.

>> No.75070775


>> No.75073609
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>> No.75074730


>> No.75076441

>runs a finger on the shelf
whens the last time someone dusted around here....

>> No.75077764

survive the night

>> No.75080336

Good morning!

>> No.75081545
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Me meeting people that hate my oshi

>> No.75083865

Emergency coffee bump.

>> No.75085263

hell yeah you really need those to get the right flavor.

>> No.75086261

What do you all think the average age of consent would be for Viti?

>> No.75086298

Probably hovers between 14 and 16 in most places, and then 11 in /jidf/ kek.

>> No.75087881

If she bleeds, she breeds, just as nature intended.

>> No.75087907

Varies by nation because some creatures live longer than humans. Some live younger.

>> No.75087957

>Sex with a 12 year old chumbud hag

>> No.75089370

Good morn. Today's menu is breakfast burritos.

>> No.75091460


>> No.75092202

I think Baker-chan has limited access to Sanallite networks. So she'll be at mercy of constellations and parchment maps for travel.

>> No.75094489

planets dying anon

>> No.75096708

smelly smell

>> No.75098255

Where would the Yatagarasu constellation be?

>> No.75098379

He feels like a fast moving boy, so I'd put him somewhere above the equator where he's gonna be slithering across the sky at max speed.

>> No.75100337

Ok now for the real question. Which nation contains all the niggers?

>> No.75100372

Constellations move in both the planet's orbit and rotation.

>> No.75100714

Do they?

>> No.75102219

I'll have to look into it.

>> No.75104312
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>> No.75106138
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>> No.75107732

So constellations do change over time. But we're talking over hundreds to tens of thousands of years. Everything in the universe does have its orbit. However that's more on the macrocosm of things. We're talking about seeing space from the perspective of Viti's land. So as the planet rotates and orbits around the sun the constellations from our perspective looks like it rotates around the planet. Which is where the idea of Earth being the center of the universe comes from. Constellations appear to move east to west (in Viti's case west to east). So I guess the gummi worm can be closer to the equator. Which means Yatagarasu is north on the southern hemisphere and south on the northern.

>> No.75109545

p10 hump

>> No.75109620

Earth is the center of the universe by our perspective. Even though we know Earth orbits the sun. Even though we know the galaxy orbits the void. Those don't matter because Earth is the only planet we can reach within our sixty year lifetime that life on it. And we know our great grand children will always be weak retards living in good times that make multi-generational voyages pointless. Perhaps Viti is more lucky that there are other inhabital worlds you can reach within a generation or two in the galaxy. Perhaps not because this could mean battles between inter-galactic forces. Maybe it's best to never know and let Viti live as the center of the universe.

>> No.75111373

Existential dread bump.

>> No.75112197
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i dont shit about space stuff other than things going pew pew.

>> No.75114435

pew pew
