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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74883563 No.74883563 [Reply] [Original]


Fuwamoco do you plan to do any JP streams in the future?
>yeah, you know, fuwamoco is part of Hololive English
>we want to stream in English so we're going to stream in English
>mainly we're going to do 98% of our streams in English
>98% English
Breaking promises less than a year in...

>> No.74883807
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>> No.74884033 [DELETED] 

Lying whores

>> No.74884059

fabricated drama wont be discussed in 2 weeks

>> No.74884127
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This makes sisters work like clockwork:
>31 NijiEN livers with 3d/outfit reveals and two major events almost got mogged by 5 left for dead HoloJP talents

>> No.74884156

what are you gonna do after this week is over? back to making Gura threads?

>> No.74884349 [DELETED] 

>Ruffian deflectiion post

>> No.74884468
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phasefag raid deflection post

>> No.74884534
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Phase JP

>> No.74884558 [DELETED] 

>Illuminati coverup post

>> No.74884840

>Fwmc bait threads appear
>Gura bait threads suddenly vanish
It's literally the same discord group raiding this place. Range ban these faggots already.

>> No.74885176

There were like 7 other Fuwamoco bait threads today sister, add some variety, will you?

>> No.74885216

They can't though FuwaMoco are too hard to yab against lmao

>> No.74885246

nijiniggers are so desperate.

>> No.74885258

Not bait, just a timestamp of them speaking. It shouldn't be a problem if they said nothing wrong

>> No.74885607

>nobody debates the OP and the points he presents
>ruffians proclaim virctory because they've called OP soinijiphaseidolfagcucksis 50 times

>> No.74885646

>noooo why isn't anyone falling for my bait?

>> No.74885730

When the response is to call you a sister you know you already won
They have nothing of substance to say against it

>> No.74885818

Alright, what did Niji do this time?

>> No.74886459 [DELETED] 
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>> No.74886559 [DELETED] 
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Yeap, is the same group of people.

>> No.74886767

How fucking desperate for dirt against Hololive are you that you have to pretend Fuwamoco speaking in Japanese is legitimate "drama"? Seek help OP, detox for a few days.

>> No.74886817

Did they or did they not break their own word from the timestamp in the OP?
Yes, they did
They lied to their fans
I don't give a fuck about your feelings

>> No.74887117
File: 284 KB, 990x682, 1713943174198651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of their streams are in English, which you would know if you actually watched them. And the majority of their JP streams are with JP members, because they're being respectful.
So no, they haven't broken any promises and you're still a desperate faggot.

>> No.74887163

>endless excuses

>> No.74887194
File: 3.33 MB, 2168x1168, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Phasekeks!

>> No.74887217

And yet not a single argument from you. Ain't that some shit?

>> No.74887328

What's to argue? Your first statement is already false, if not misleading. The "vast" majority of their recent streams are not English. It's barely a majority at all. And that utterly falls apart when in the OP they LITERALLY promise to have 98% english streams
I'm not going to waste time trying to disprove disingenuous "arguments" from a schizo

>> No.74887503

Their channel has 328 videos, they've done 16 japanese streams so far.
You're right that it's not 98% English, but merely 95%. It's so over.

>> No.74887563
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It's over phasebros, we can't use the japan shitpost against fwmc anymore...

>> No.74887577

How many of those are collabs with JP members?

>> No.74887722

No one cares about 6 months ago dipshit
In the last 2 weeks they've done about 50/50 if you count everything

>> No.74887790

Nice goalpost shift you shitposting ape.

>> No.74887805

ogey nijiphasekekssis

>> No.74887850

It's not goalpost shifting you absolute retard
It's common logic
How stupid are you

>> No.74887980

Of the 16? 7. And I'm retarded, it's 14, I was counting the 2 frames for the upcoming Lethal Company collab, which haven't happened yet. Though they possibly already count for the 328 videos, so just keep it that way just in case.

>> No.74888017

>bring up a """promise""" they made on their debut stream

>> No.74888104
File: 17 KB, 709x322, Screenshot 2024-05-01 161447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of the 16? 7. And I'm retarded, it's 14, I was counting the 2 frames for the upcoming Lethal Company collab, which haven't happened yet.
So without JP collabs, it's...98%.
Yeah I'd say OP's just baiting.

>> No.74888109

>make promise
>keep it for a few months
>break it later
>"wELl tHeY kEpT iT fOr 6 mOnThS sO iT cOuNtS"
I'll go tell my boss that because I had perfect attendance last year at work I can just not show up when I feel like it lmao
After all I kept my promise a long time ago to be there

>> No.74888222
File: 340 KB, 773x793, 1713882135321692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If sisters spent 20% of the time they waste bitching about Hololive girls /here/ then miload wouldn't be a pathetic 3view with an universally reviled outfit.

>> No.74888274

If old streams "don't count" then you can't count whatever """promises""" they made in their very first one, nigger. Yeah, sorry, but you can't have both.

>> No.74888310

Wow you're actually an idiot
I thought you were trolling but you're legitimately this stupid LMAO

>> No.74888399

Nigger you can't be this stupid.

>> No.74888454

>makes a big stink about """promises""" from the debut stream
>pretends only streams from the past 2 weeks matter when it turned out 95-98% of their streams are, in fact, in English
>calls others stupid
Okay Mr. Samefag. Wait more than one minute next time.

>> No.74888536
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This is the funniest thing I've seen on this board in a long time
This guy literally didn't finish middle school
Yeah, you're stupid

>> No.74888567

Nah nigger i don't even hate fuwamoco. Im just a tourist dramafag but god your comment are fucking retarded

>> No.74888667

huh, niji en is still higher than shibu hal's neo-porte despite neo-porte apparently having a talent on number 8 in the vtuber's most watched hours chart.

>> No.74888807

You brought up their debut stream just to whine about JP collabs, you don't get to fucking act like their entire history doesn't matter when it proves just how much of a lying bitch you are.

>> No.74888956

Sorry you feel left out

>> No.74889013

You're right. Their entire history doesn't matter when they do a dramatic change in behavior. That's how literally everything on the planet works. Figure that out before posting next time, hun :)

>> No.74889387

>a dramatic change in behavior
Literally one non-JP member collab in the past 3 weeks is in Japanese. You're a lying dramafaggot.

>> No.74889950

They need to understand that collabs with JP members already count as JP content. They shouldn't have done that Shashingo stream in JP since they had just done a JP stream with Marine just the day before.
If they're gonna keep doing JP collabs every week then they should just keep their individual streams in EN and everyone will be satisfied.

>> No.74890108

not anymore I won't, after the asmr thing I expect at least a blowjob and countdown english asmr

>> No.74890198

We're wuffians and we're here to tell you... WE DON'T CARE

>> No.74890303

Ok mori. Go fix your tits. No need to defend them. The dogs don't deserve en.

>> No.74890513

Are you sure nigger? Bc ruffians keep replying to these retarded bait threads.

>> No.74890636
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At this point Ririka is more english than them

>> No.74890734

Who cares, pathetic betas will keep throwing money their way while happily getting cucked, the idiots that enable them are the real problem not the bitches that use them for economic gains.

You can't expect a women to behave without training her, they are no different than pitbulls.

>> No.74890971

Don't do it ruffians. DONT.

>> No.74891038

Sisters so starved for Holo drama that they are rehashing the same "Fuwamoco JP streams" bait for the past month or so...

>> No.74891041
File: 2.27 MB, 1308x1430, Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 14.04.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the last 2 weeks they've done about 50/50 if you count everything
For the whole of April, they done 2 JP streams on their channel. So they did 21/23 ~ 91% EN streams.

>> No.74891052

"We think it will be educational for you(chat) too"
The hags are dizzing us AIEEEE

>> No.74891065

98% of their streams still are in English, you stupid phasenigger.

>> No.74891126

How did ruffians go from the most hopeful and happy fanbase to the most pathetic and cucked one?

>> No.74891145

*bats eye*
*closes thread*

>> No.74891179

a couple of months ago every reply would have been BAU BAU
being on the defensive is a sign of weakness

>> No.74891231

This is an outright lie, they already told us that this week would be almost pure JP content because they want to get more Japanese fans, taking advantage of golden week to grow their channel while ignoring EN.

Hell, all you have to do is look at their schedule and see that this week is 80% JP pretty much.

>> No.74891240

And they are gonna keep doing it until the dogs stop shilling for nippon dicks.

>> No.74891249

They've been schizo and desperate since advent debuted the fuck are you on about
/baubau/ has been a hellhole every day since its inception
They'll tell you it's because they're being raided, but unless it's a fucking multi-month long siege, then it's just them. Not imaginary raids that never end

>> No.74891306 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1378x1328, phasenigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80% JP pretty much.
7 eigo streams, 8 JP streams, 80% JP. kys phasekek.

>> No.74891517


Sadly just like Channel Awesome these ungrateful shits are going to get away with it.

>> No.74891635

Sorry you feel left out, wuffians. We're gonna keep cucking you tho

>> No.74891859

>Phase Connect
I have to be that guy...this makes me a bit happy

>> No.74892727

This didn't seem right to me so I skimmed the 314 live streams on their channel and the list of collabs that show up in Holodex. I counted roughly 25 streams and collabs that were JP focused. Also, it's pretty disingenuous to compare the 30 minute morning show to a multi-hour JP stream or to not even consider that their Rock n' Rawr parties are almost exclusively JP songs. In reality, their JP content is closer to 15%+, especially if you factor in that they even mix in JP during their normal streams.

>> No.74892867

kson did a few flesh streams in a row a year ago and people still yell about how she isn't a vtuber anymore. the dogs are jp now. them's the rules.

>> No.74892996

>especially if you factor in that they even mix in JP during their normal streams.
you are full of shit.

>> No.74896273

kson still flesh streams

>> No.74896805

So you mean to say that 2% of their streams are in JP
2%, lmao.

>> No.74897149

we already went over this
what they used to do doesn't count because they changed their behavior
learn statistics

>> No.74897186

don't you have a doki collab to watch phase-sis?

>> No.74897230

I don't watch phase but nice attempt at deflection
With the amount you guys are spamming it you must be really desperate

>> No.74897284


>> No.74897319

>one guy
Again, with the amount you retards are spamming it you must really be desperate

>> No.74897419

there's two accounts in that picture. first you can't handle percentages and now you can't even handle basic addition?

>> No.74897461

I didn't look at your image because it's not me nor does it apply to me, why should I care?

>> No.74897489

Total count still 95-98% Statistics uses totals.
If you really want to be a nigger about it, in the last 25 streams 23/25 are English making it 92%
Any other way you wanna slice it phasekek?
>The stream they did on X date was JP so it's 100% JP! Promise broken!
There I gave you your next angle.

>> No.74897583

Oh now you didn't look at it after claiming it was one guy? Why are phasesisters so disingenuous?

>> No.74897642

I saw the red outline of a superchat and said it was one guy, not paying more attention than that. Are you actually retarded?
This is desperation on an entirely new level I've never seen to cling this hard to non-evidence

>> No.74897854

How can it be non-evidence if you've not even looked at it?

>> No.74897893

>accuse me of being phase
>I know I'm not
>post "proof" that I'm phase
Wow you sure showed me! I had no idea what I was! Thank god your evidence showed me I was wrong about myself!

>> No.74898076

>phasesisters spamming threads anti-ing fwmc
>you make a thread anti-ing fwmc
>we're definitely not the same btw

>> No.74898102

thanks for the concession
zero proof, just your schizo delusions

>> No.74898736

JP chads won

>> No.74898949

False dropped that Nijisanji tried to strongarm weebcon because False made a joke about his standee being among Iluna stamdees.

They tried to force Weebcon to make false to delete the tweet by threatening to blacklist Weebcon from the japanese VA scene.

>> No.74899353

>and the list of collabs that show up in Holodex.
So you can count streams that are not on their channel. Cute. How long until you mention that they talked to their taxi driver in japanese towards the statistics?

>> No.74901494


>> No.74905576
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>> No.74905821

Wtf. regloss isnt even a year old branch with just a single gen and has the same watch hours as nijien, a 3 year old branch with 15 members

>> No.74910244

