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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7480694 [Reply] [Original]

She really makes you realize what a snoozefest the majority of VTubers are and that the only reason people watch them is that they have a cute voice, because they have absolutely no personality to speak of. This is what real charisma looks like, someone who is just so compelling that they can make any game fun to watch. It's hard to go back to anyone else now that I know what I've been missing out on.

>> No.7480733
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Selen LOVE!

>> No.7480763

You found your oshi, congrats! You don't need to shit on others, though.

>> No.7480785

Worst fanbase though.

>> No.7480825

Tell that to chumkeks and nusagis

>> No.7480864


>> No.7480935

> being a shit fanbase
Is that a race that you want to win at?

>> No.7480950

She shows how much Nijisanji fans like watching Apex that's for sure. Way more people watching her play Apex than her RE4 streams.

>> No.7480998

Isn't korone the same ?

>> No.7481006

falling from falseflaggers, typical retard.

>> No.7481007

>but what about
retard you're worse than them

>> No.7481020

Nijisanji Ollie but better apex skill

>> No.7481037

it's too bad she's not good at other games. watching her play platformers is painful.

>> No.7481040

People missing out missing any of her streams


>> No.7481068

Enjoy your oshi, anon. I'll be over here enjoying my own oshi as well. Have fun!

>> No.7481273

Well Ollie without being a whore.

>> No.7482217

Selen playing Apex be like

>> No.7482299

I can't wait for the BF2042 stream

>> No.7482449

I really don’t see the appeal apex is overplayed

>> No.7482598

If you're into FPSes it's the most well made satisfying FPS ever. If you're not then of course you don't like Apex.

>> No.7482713

t. chumbvud

>> No.7482743

Didn't get to see much of her platformer skill because when I tuned in to her Shovel Knight stream I saw her skipping through all the dialogue like she's my brother or something so I was like "Nope" and closed the stream.

>> No.7482756
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>> No.7482981
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>he most well made satisfying FPS ever
>zoomers actually believe this

>> No.7483028

Prove him wrong.
Pro Tip: You can

>> No.7483071

you can prove him wrong, but the fact that people like watching it, rather then the attempts to bring back something like Quake or even CS apart from russians, keeps streamers away from such games.

>> No.7483102

Not even close to the arena deathmatch fun of Quake 3 or the tactical skill and twitch aim of Counter-Strike.

>> No.7483164

Literally only appeals to LoL kiddies with its "its a team game so if I lose its my teammates fault and not my own" mentality.

>> No.7483219

>She really makes you realize what a snoozefest the majority of VTubers are
>I'll take I've never seen a single entertaining person in my life or I'm just a retard that thinks VTubers need entertainment to be quantified differently.
Underaged or just incredibly stupid.

>> No.7483288

her minecraft stream was the first time i actually found minecraft entertaining

>> No.7483302

do you think anyone would get/bother with the streaming rights for quake 3, a game that very little people would watch?

>> No.7483381
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Not the point

>> No.7483451

She sounds fat

>> No.7483483

Shhhhhh! Stop that, you'll summon the architects

>> No.7483505

Forget getting streaming rights, do they even *know* the ins and outs of either game? Games that old and established are guaranteed to have a ton of longtime players just shooting the shit; they'll be sealclubbed and turned off in a hurry if they weren't there for it too, and I honestly doubt most are. And that would kill future interest for the VTuber themselves.

>> No.7483511

Thanks for reminding me I haven't blacklisted her channel yet.
Now please, go watch her garbage and never post shit like this again.

>> No.7483512

the point that people are making is that it's not about how popular it is, it's the claim of being the most well made satisfying FPS ever, meaning of all time. The guy could have just said apex is a great possibly even top tier FPS, but most well made satisfying ever? how about nah.

>> No.7483546

She is.

>> No.7483556


You're making a different argument now though. It's already obvious that the reason you don't see people playing superior, but old, games, is because of logistical issues like this.

It's kinda like how drug companies drop production for a product once it's patent runs out, regardless of it's quality, and make tweaks to make a new patentable product, even if it's worse.

Incidentally, vtuber streaming Tribes when.

>> No.7483593

Wait, I misread. Okay, then this is way different from the point being made. I'd argue that the point is in itself mood considering >>7482449 isn't exactly about Apex's quality as an FPS; it's more about why it's a streamer game.

>> No.7483628

mood -> moot; nice work with the typo there selfchama

>> No.7483723

I just hate team based BR games. Why the fuck would I want teams in a slow paced survival game?
I want to take my time looting and doing my thing, not relying on 2 other people jacking off in a corner while I get 3v1'd

>> No.7483737

Okay but I don't see you naming a more satisfying FPS because I think you subconsciously know that if you actually named one you found better you'd be laughed at for daring to think it's a better game than Apex.

>> No.7483754

Guffawing every 2 seconds does not personality make

>> No.7483770

Well for one thing calling Apex slow paced shows that you know absolutely nothing about Apex, and for two if you were any good at the game you'd be able to 1v3 enemy teams. If you lose it's because you suck.

>> No.7483871

Better gunplay and I can have fun killing shit. The BR is shit though.
Mechas and movement is fun. Far more satisfying blowing shit up with mechas.
>r6 siege
>inb4 b-but my opinions
Apex as an fps game sucks. The guns are terrible and shoot like shit, plus the reg is God fucking awful.
Plus as a PC player you automatically lose to controller players because controller players get a free aimbot
As an fps game it sucks to play. As a BR game it's playable.

>> No.7483909

Not even gonna bother with a (You) for this one; fuck you. Unreal Tournament, the OG. The dual-mode weapons were my lifeblood. Also, call this moving the goalposts but Apex is under a subset of FPS that can't be directly compared to other FPSs like Quake (arena), Battlefield (large-scale warfare), or one other I refuse to name (arena also, but hybrid with tank-like mechanics).

>> No.7483912

You're projecting your insecurity, but the actual reason is because if you're a true veteran FPS player, you legit don't need to start naming off other games that would contend for being a more satisfying well made FPS over Apex. Like a few other states, Quake, add the Doom engine to the list, the original CS and even CS GO (you want to talk numbers game?), battlefiled series, call of duty series; all of these would easily out-do Apex as well made most satisfying. Further if you read his post he says "FPS", never said battle royale etc, so you have a large list of games that everyone knows is better.

>> No.7483938

Apex games take 20-30 minutes. That's slow paced.
Even the movement and firefights are slow as fuck with a 3hour ttk.
>hurrdurr just outskill every 3 man you find
Literally not how the game works and long ttk means you can't turn the tables as easily because you'll always be taking damage. The only times you can 3v1 is if you're smurfing

>> No.7483944

>if you were any good at the game you'd be able to 1v3 enemy teams
Wrong. If you 1v3 teams its because the game has shit matchmaking and is putting you with bots. 3v1 with 4 equally skilled players will always favor the 3.

>> No.7483973

‘Cold War’ bitch, classic three lane murder fest. The formula just works, especially on PS5 at 120.

>> No.7483994

This post right here. Assuming equal skill at the top end, numbers always win. It takes a significant skill different to beat that difference in raw number of guns and HP.

>> No.7483997

>Played Apex and reached D4 once, but repeating the same shit. I got tired
I watch my chuubas and work. It was easy to feel a burnout.

>> No.7484000

Hi-Rez shut down Tribes years ago dude.

>> No.7484043

Fuck, really? Damn... it's not likely a game I can play due to its ridiculous pace clashing with my ~250ms ping, but it's still a shame.

>> No.7484047

>settling for female Kuzuha.
Do Nijifans really? That's like liking an inferior copy of the original.

>> No.7484095

Didn't tribes ascend just come out a few years ago? Not the same but close.

>> No.7484130

retardbro did you just start playing fps yesterday?

>> No.7484176

I do like how apex hipfiring is viable.
I'm tired of every fps game acting like not using ads means you can't hit the side of a barn.

>> No.7484202

Thanks for making me waste 30 mins watching this girl do nothing but giggle over nothing. Why do you do this? Come on the internet just to tell lies?

>> No.7484487

you think i care?

>> No.7484514

>watching this girl do nothing but giggle
Correction: fat girl

>> No.7484559

you think i care? pt2

>> No.7484741

>EOP discover a vtuber with a normal personality the thread

>> No.7484755

Shazbot. At least there are still private servers for Tribes II.

>> No.7484809

I cannot understand why she insists on leaving her BGM on for Apex, which drowns out the game sound and makes it harder to hear footsteps, yet still manages to be better at Apex than most VTubers.

>> No.7485012

It’s the best BR, but it really doesn’t come close to Titanfalls 1 or 2 thanks to the heavily downgraded movement and due to how limited it is as a BR. Not gonna get any wall running and titan combat any time soon.

>> No.7485069

Tribes Ascend is the one that shut down. The original Tribes is a game from the 90s and as such has been dead for even longer.

I am a bit confused seeing people want a VTuber to play a game when you have apparently gone so long without thinking about it that you're completely unaware that it's dead. Like this wasn't a recent thing, it's been gone for like 5 years. So that is a long time to have gone without looking into that game.

>> No.7485190

You got me confused with another anon; didn't mention wanting streamers to play Tribes Ascend. Just felt sad that it kind of died quietly - that, or I completely missed the news.

>> No.7485374

I like that though. That's what's great about this whole concept, you can be an ugly motherfucker but as long as you have charisma, a cute voice, and a good model, you can still succeed. The flesh and blood streamers have this barrier to entry where they've got to be moderately good looking so already you're starting with people who have a huge ego, it's why most of them have absolutely awful personalities unless they're an ugly person who decided to show their face anyway like Jerma. You have to rely entirely on your personality and it forces the people who take up vtubing to be smart, or interesting, or talented, not just some mindless idiot who happens to look pretty. So while I'm repulsed by the yenta shit you people do, and stay away from it if I can, if I happen to hear a piece of information like this, it just makes me like her more because it means she understands what this is all about.

>> No.7485411

>Hi-Rez shut down Tribes years ago dude.
Too bad they didn't abandon the game while it was still in beta, game would have survived if it was just left as one of the earlier patches.

>> No.7485549

Well to be fair to you they did indeed just completely delist it without any announcement. Hi-Rez has a tradition of unceremoniously killing their old games like that every time they pump out a new one, I'm surprised Paladins has yet to suffer the same fate because nobody is playing that game anymore.

I actually am given to understand that the servers for Tribes Ascend are still up but you have to go through this really roundabout method of installing it so there's probably only like two people playing anymore. You'd have to actually set up a match with a friend group if you wanted to still play it. I'm not sure why they left it in that state instead of just shutting down completely but I suppose it's better than nothing.

>> No.7486094
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>Selen got approval to play tf2
Oh fuck yes! Finally some good fucking content.

>> No.7486176

No way she plays on public server right? It's just botfarming and cancer over voice coms.

>> No.7486255

If you've watched her Apex streams you'll notice she mutes voice chat. The only vtuber I've seen who has the balls not to mute VC is Matsuri.

>> No.7486370
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Nijisanji public tf2 server when?

>> No.7486435

Sure thing fatboy, since you are in no position to judge. Still gross.

>> No.7486444

It won't be a real server unless someone drunkenly sings Diamond City Lights over a shitty mic for a full 10 minutes straight.

>> No.7486594

I feel like the fact that she laughs every 2 seconds even when there's nothing funny at all probably tricks a lot of peoples brains into thinking she is much more entertaining than she actually is. Like when they put the laugh track on a TV show.

>> No.7486687

yeah, this is basically vtubing in a nutshell. average looking people and super introverts don't have to worry about that shit and can focus on things they are good at. Voice, personality, and skill shine through the shallow shit

>> No.7486697

Every other EN vtuber is weaselly and will gladly say one thing but whisper another, so Selen stands out as one of the few genuine ones, on top of her charisma and personality of course!

>> No.7486741

Holy shit you're right

>> No.7486776
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Yeah, I can see that.

>> No.7487239

Not really. More cushion for the pushin'.

>> No.7487302

So the big criticism of Selen is that she enjoys herself too much? How fucking jaded can this board get.

>> No.7487306

Sure fatass, hurry up and die from heart disease.

>> No.7487324

you think so?

>> No.7487369

the mindless laughing doesn't bother you? like if someone stared at rock on the ground and started laughing like a lunatic, you wouldn't find that weird?

>> No.7487414

Pretty sure being a fat chink whore is the biggest criticism.

>> No.7487475

My thoughts exactly about nyanners

>> No.7487499

when will she do yuribait?

>> No.7489451

I love this purple gigglebutt.

>> No.7489624

selenfags are the pomuniggers of this wave? got it.

>> No.7489640

>reviving a page 10 thread for a fucking niji
Cool, enjoy more mindless antiposting

>> No.7489659

Too bad she has an awful design. How do you go to Niji from Indie and end up with a model downgrade.

>> No.7489670

Selen is actually good though, so selenfags will be less obnoxious than pomuniggers who feel like they need to shill harder to make up for their oshi's lack of appeal and corresponding saviorfag-inducingly poor numbers.

>> No.7489703

what the fuck I wasn't expecting her to be English speaking

But also no offense I watched 20-30 seconds and nothing she said or did was out of character or very different in personality from a holoEN or even vshoujo.

>> No.7489860

Enjoy your Oshi Anon
I'll enjoy mine

>> No.7489908

Zoomer brain go brrrr.

>> No.7489944
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What would her streams be like

>> No.7489954

And Finana sounds tiny yet she grazes on multiple family size doritos bags in one sitting.

>> No.7490015

Who else has a neck as long as hers though? That’s a good design to me

>> No.7490220

If you actually believe this then Apex must be the only FPS you've ever played

>> No.7490281

>bullying that Anon for indulging in chubby women goodness

>> No.7490472

the gunplay feels good and for all the gay niggas and pan-genderd womyn of color on the roster, the aesthetics are decent. the movement also has nice weight to it. as far as BR games go it's the most polished one out there

>> No.7490512

Your forgetting the god awful loot box and how slow and boring the matches can be. Also it’s made by EA. Probably the worst FPS along with fortnite.

>> No.7490562

The deal was sealed when her intro first played. By far the cutest and most soulful intro ever seen.

>> No.7491071

Nah I'd probably smile depending on how cute they were. I love listening to people laugh.

>> No.7491108

her new model suits her better than her old one

>> No.7491121

Her new model is better for her laughing but her old model was much more smug looking which I liked it for. Plus I love Klaeia's art and l2d animations.

>> No.7491227
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>not Escape from Tarkov or CSGO but fucking Apex
Actually I'm glad that you are not playing online games that I do

>> No.7491245

good for you

>> No.7491261

If you say stuff like that you'll attract antis

>> No.7491272

4chan isn't just copy and pasting interesting words you hear from /pol/ you fucking retard.

>> No.7491301

I wish I was as half as good at her. I'm not good at anything.

>> No.7491326
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Pomuniggers sound an awful lot like KFP, which corresponds with my opinions about her for weeks now as NijiEN's Kiara.

>> No.7491340
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kys deadbrap

>> No.7491390

Nah she is too autistic to fill deadair. If she doesnt know what to say or talkabout she just laughs.
She is boring but she is good at apex.at least.

>> No.7491393

that bitch ass pussy attitude is why
if you really want to get good at apex you need to put in the hours which includes things like aim training, spending time in the firing range practicing movement, and just playing in general
same for anything in life really. if there's a thing you want to get good at break the skill down into smaller parts then work on those and over time you'll find yourself where you want to be

learning things/acquiring skills is all about chunking concepts or ideas into smaller digestible parts then assembling them down the road. go get started the future is yours anon

>> No.7491403

This but unironicaly

>> No.7491446


>> No.7491458

This is strangely wholesome. I like it. Thanks, anon! <3

>> No.7491477
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I agree but it's effective and i can crack are smile with her over the smallest and insignificant moments. With her i never get bored.

>> No.7491482

Sorry I don't watch NijICN

>> No.7491533

Bros I'm watching Selen apex vods instead of any of the actually live streams... what is wrong with me...

>> No.7491537

I have a friend who's like this and I love hanging out with him because of it. Just brightens any room to be around someone who's enjoying things and isn't afraid to show it.

>> No.7491656

Cope, Canada makes better vtubers than disgusting amerimutt. And Pomu count as Akihabara resident so she get a pass.

>> No.7491666

The difference is its a personal tick she has that makes you happy as opposed to
>says bad joke
>stares at screen while laugh track plays
She just laughs at everything which is heart warming.

>> No.7491683

is ember actually a real animal or does selen have a schizo backstory for her fake dragon that eats plastic and goes bald from a chicken allergy

>> No.7491696

it's her dog IRL

>> No.7491726

It's a real dragon bro.
Don't you watch the streams?
Stop feeding him chicken.

>> No.7491878

this is the best description of her until now.

>> No.7492080
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>Not even close to the arena deathmatch fun of Quake 3 or the tactical skill and twitch aim of Counter-Strike.
Actually, you were about to hit upon why Apex avoids both.
The twitch aim and low time to kill of Counter-strike makes gameplay very susceptible to camping which is lame and no fun for spectators, whereas in Apex, movement and shield negate most of this, as Selen often shows. The only gun that can break this meta in Apex is Kraber, but killing mobile Apex players with it is so much harder than using the AWP in CSGO.

But does that mean the more movement, the better? Not quite. The incredible movement of Quake or Titanfall means that an enemy a whole screen away can jump over your head in a second. You can't strategize based on enemy locations because they vary too quickly. Whereas in Apex, Selen can better gauge where the enemy teams are, and thus decide to push or retreat, or even tell how many teams she's fighting based on position and shots fired.

In short, among the popular competitive FPS games people play nowadays, Apex is the only game where you have dynamic movement in personal combat, as well as grand strategies based on relatively stable player positions. Does this make it the best? Depends on whether you like having both elements. If you just like one of them, maybe either Quake or CSGO would suit you better.

>> No.7492949

This semen demon needs more lewd art.

>> No.7493644

I hate her stupid laugh so fucking much.

>> No.7493713

I get you only watched hololive before but that's not new anon, there's plenty of vtubers who do more than cheap gfe

>> No.7494046


Gotta start somewhere

>> No.7494145

>what a snoozefest the majority of VTubers are and that the only reason people watch them is that they have a cute voice
Hey man I got nothing against your oshi but sometimes I don't want to watch high-energy, sometimes I wanna watch something chill like Ina and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7494223

There is enjoying yourself and then there's laughing at literally nothing fucking constantly.
I try to watch her but after 40 minutes to an hour I get exhausted with it, I wont stop trying though, I hope she will tune it down.

>> No.7494291

>an enemy a whole screen away can jump over your head in a second.
>a whole screen away
>a screen
what? I thought these were FPS games.

>> No.7494314

text doesnt match the picture, op

>> No.7500636

She makes a snoozefest of an FPS entertaining, I actually learned things. The giggleness reminds me of Ayame, and trash talks like early Ame, but she keeps the energy going for fairly long streams.

Frankly, she's the first Niji I stuck around to watch the full streams.

>> No.7501161


She's gonna do a You Laugh You Lose stream it seems.

>> No.7501202

Stream will end before it even starts.

>> No.7501231

So, 10 seconds stream? How did she think it was a good idea?

>> No.7501285

Really it's win win, either she gets a ton of clips from [instant loss] or she has an entertaining hyped up stream.

>> No.7501347

But she hasn't audibly farted on stream

>> No.7502036

I was about to make fun of you but now that you mention it they both do have these really thick... accents so you might be on to something here.

>> No.7504079


Funny, it doesn't seem to be having the same effect on your post.

>> No.7506902

Why can you never prop up your oshi without trying to drag down other peoples' oshis? Can she not stand on her own merit? Do you really need to be an ass? How many of these threads are you going to make?

>> No.7508049

I used the wrong term but basically it just means "pretty far away".

>> No.7508203
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Call me a killjoy but I only like her laughter when there is genuinely something funny going on. When she laughs over something that is not funny for me, I honestly just get annoyed. But I shrug it off because I wanna watch her gameplay. I like her the best when she gets all serious and dig into her reasoning / experience or make some kind of analysis, not when she constantly laughs.

>> No.7515204


>> No.7515613

Is Selen just an Artia replacement for you chink gremlin lovers?

>> No.7515894

seems like it

>> No.7515963

No you won't.

>> No.7516722

>"I'm going in"
>Finana then plants a market and starts shopping
You have to give Selen mad props for being able to tolerate both Finana and Rosemi's idiocy

>> No.7517134
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