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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 193 KB, 456x488, fubuki think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74795596 No.74795596 [Reply] [Original]

This is a split of /jp/, you know that right?
>muh dying language
>muh conquered people
>muh nukes
>muh soulless bugmen (can’t differentiate between Japanese and chink)
>muh ching chong (see above)
>muh kensama
>muh ywnbj
What causes this?

>> No.74795661


>> No.74795698

Faggot EOPs ruining everything as usual

>> No.74795734

One nation absolutely cucked by copyright

>> No.74795746


>> No.74795796

>huge numbers of chinese and koreans into vtubing
>chinese and koreans hate japan
gee anon i wonder why so many people into vtubing hate japan

>> No.74795857

Except for the fact that you can tell it’s amerilards posting that shit /here/

>> No.74795944

korean and chinese amerilards are the plurality of the western VN fanbase, and seafag amerilards.

>> No.74795997

Most posters nowadays discovered Hololive with EN

>> No.74796015

They can't into Japanese

>> No.74796050

i dont hate jp, just the obnoxious cucks who suck japenis cock like their life depends on it. TWNBJ

>> No.74796055

>heh ill go with my tried and true rebuttal

>> No.74796087

May be a part of it, but a lot of them are just 3edgy5me retards

>> No.74796106

I don't think many /here/ hate the actual Japanese, more a hatred of non-Japanese chuuba fans who believe that the JP ones are the only real vtubers and constantly drone on about how the West has ruined vtubing. It's much more frequent to see bait threads/replies about EN vtubers being shit and a disgrace than the other way around.
The only thing that could be conceived as anti-JP are complaints about Japanese copyright laws and general corpo autism, which is a perfectly valid criticism, and not one restricted to fans of vtubing.

>> No.74796111

It is not race thing and more cultural, but I dislike how asians are afraid to disobey authority and mindlessly are following societal structures. Makes me think of them as of bugs that are following their queens and pheromones left by others

>> No.74796182

EOP and japanese corporate autism and artist autism is fucked. I like the cute art but seriously, tag your fucking shit and don't delete your entire fucking portfolio every other goddamn week.

>> No.74796228
File: 41 KB, 225x225, JAPANESE WORD[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F15up87.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74796304

>the West has ruined vtubing
…did it not?

>> No.74796340

the american mind cannot comprehend a functioning high-trust society with mutual respect

>> No.74796351

Seething retarded SEA turds ruined vtubing by doxing everyone effectively ruining the difference between streaming and vtubing.

>> No.74796368

Nah, it was ruined from the start.

>> No.74796406

This desu, they're a culture that's been completely beaten down by their corporate and government masters into blind obedience through consumerism. They accept the moat horrific shit as a part of daily life and put up with an infuriating and byzantine bureaucracy that crushes people underfoot

>> No.74796437
File: 4 KB, 228x221, 1700795192632548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.74796486

i like japan but it's more fun to trigger jp elitists, they are the biggest repository of seethe on this website

>> No.74796489

If you’re American and cannot see the irony of what you just said then I am genuinely sorry for you

>> No.74796539


>> No.74796540

I started hating them because of faggots like you

>> No.74796577

"high trust" society
you mean "harass someone to suicide if they dare complain about their boss raping them in the hallway" society

>> No.74796585

Crying wojak wearing smiling wojak mask

>> No.74796615
File: 14 KB, 577x122, 1708755600610922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has a lot of positives, and a lot of negatives, just like any country and culture, but many people and the Japanese themselves like to portray it as some sort of utopia when the reality is far different. I suspect the Japan hate stems partially from this becoming so tiresome.

>> No.74796646

Never said america was better, it's just as bad in a different way.

>> No.74796716

you probably also think japan has used underwear vending machines on every corner

>> No.74796735

because they are esl browns who adopt anti-jp racism to "belong"

>> No.74796739

Yeah the fetishism of Japan is honestly fucking ridiculous. It's not the fucking garden of Eden, it's just as much of a crushingly bleak dystopia as the rest of the western world just with a kawaii filter and cat ears.

>> No.74796741

This is so common you see it on the news all the time

>> No.74796742

I surr do love bugs leaping to America as a "whatabout" as if the rest of the West doesn't exist.

>> No.74796763

Pippa is right for once

>> No.74796787

Of course not.
That's where they keep the rent-a-woman vending machines.

>> No.74796790

This isn't Google image search

>> No.74796801
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>What causes this?
Being American. It's always the Eternal Burgermutt who posts such dumb shit.

>> No.74796803

Genuine question, have you ever been there for an extended period of time?

>> No.74796815

No, it didn't. Fans with at best a limited understanding of Japanese (who ironically are the same ones who will shit all over non-JP chuubas) fail to understand that a lot of the issues (or supposed issues in some cases) present in Western vtubing a fairly common in the JP sphere as well. Even the argument about twitch thots ruining everything doesn't really hold up to scrutiny given the content many JP vtubers produce on PL accounts - at best you can say that they're somewhat more discreet about it.

>> No.74796826

you have a lot of westerners who go to tokyo and then think that's the whole country.

>> No.74796829

Exact same image modified slightly to not be a duplicate file

>> No.74796842

ENsharts seething hard over their irrelevant whores.

>> No.74796868

Don't forget dying at your desk from exhaustion being considered an honorable and desirable way to die instead of a fucking nightmare

>> No.74796875

No he watched 3 faggots talk about how annoying moving to Japan is on a podcast and decided that Japan is actually a hellscape

>> No.74796882

youre right the rest of the country is even better

>> No.74796907

nta, but yes. i have lived there for an extended period of time. and yes, it has its fair share of problems that get glossed over by weaboos who went to tokyo once. i love japan, but its not perfect.

>> No.74796932

Every trash taste cast member needs to be violently dismembered

>> No.74796990

Even in Tokyo, take a step away from the tourist areas and stop staring at the neon lights to look at the the salarymen sleeping drunk in the gutters because they're forced to work 16 hours a day

>> No.74797104

Yes I have. Japan is a culture where problems are hidden and brushed under the rug, left to fester out of the public eye. The mental health crisis in Japan is insane, but you hardly hear a peep about it because being a stay-at-home NEET is considered a shameful personal failure instead of a result of a society that crushes and ostracizes those that don't obey and conform.

>> No.74797134
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>> No.74797155

> being a stay-at-home NEET is considered a shameful personal failure
…it literally is
Unless you have a very good excuse like being crippled, being a NEET is in fact a shameful personal failure

>> No.74797228

>If you don't want to spend 16 hours a day slaving for your boss before being forced to go out and brown-nose him at the bar all night you're a failure
Nah, fuck that. Japanese work and school culture crushes these people and rather than fix the problem they just write them off as weak willed

>> No.74797252

Because JP vtubers and last samurai are shitty people

>> No.74797270

you sound like one of those self-diagnosed ADHD type retards

>> No.74797309

You will never be a billionaire, stop sucking corporate dick retard

>> No.74797328

not now Hasan

>> No.74797379

>actual corpocuck

>> No.74797390


>> No.74797437

>actual breadtuber enthusiast

>> No.74797479

Japanese are bug people and I don't like them, their slavish obedience to the state and corporation they work for creeps me out

>> No.74797490


>> No.74797595
File: 88 KB, 435x251, i hate the japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly because the Japanese are the most risk averse and milquetoast people on this planet right now. I mean, if they had balls, they'd have been opening a Cover USA back when HoloEN was hitting yuuuuge noombers back in early 2021, expanding their merch distribution, improving muh perms and shit. But they're way too slow and reserved.

Other than that they're very polite and considerate people.

>> No.74797729
File: 78 KB, 708x800, IMG_2221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese are bug people and I don't like them, their slavish obedience to the state and corporation they work for creeps me out

>> No.74797732

Most JP vtubers show no appreciation to the EN audience who are the reason for there even being a vtuber scene for them to profit from.

>> No.74797765

least entitled EOP

>> No.74797788
File: 83 KB, 401x477, 1712791234950462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wojak poster
Lmao, go back retard

>> No.74797852

>jp bad
>gets called a retard
>replies with a jp

>> No.74797891

Tourist fuck off

>> No.74797915

I dont care for the Japanese and other Asians, not really hate but I just ignore any stream in Japanese if it’s not fetish content

>> No.74798147

Live in a ghetto or hick area and you'll sympathize with Pippa. Cleanliness and order is sorely lacking in much of America today.

>> No.74798300

It's really interesting, JSLs have more varied content to enjoy, but instead they just keep seething about everything on every board.

>> No.74798410

fuck off back to sharty
/qa/ lost

>> No.74798441

Just way too many people on this board who's first exposure to vtubers was some twitch thot or pippa

>> No.74798500

typical shut-in woke tranny. kill yourself, anglo chimp

>> No.74798578

/jp/faggots are some of the most obnoxious elitists on the site.

>> No.74798611

using reaction images isn't approval of the character in the image

>> No.74798616


>> No.74798637

Elitism is good, it keeps bad people away

>> No.74798794

gatekeeping is a good thing

>> No.74798806

That's what I said.

>> No.74798828

sure, that's why /jp/ is the best board on the site.

>> No.74798941

elitism only works if you're actually better than the people you look down on
/jp/ is full of american/canadian chinese diaspora who use japanese media to cope with the fact that their homeland has no popular culture to speak of

>> No.74799060

immigration acts of 1965 and 1990. Thank the fucking Kennedy's.

>> No.74799073

>elitism only works if you're actually better than the people you look down on
Not true lol
The politicians are full of elitists, and a lot of them are retards with half a brain yet can still garner an audience to gain money/power

>> No.74799156
File: 641 KB, 950x3500, 1624050811028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74799174

I mostly don't care about Japan. I fucking hate retarded weebs, though, and shitting on Japan to make them seethe is funny.
>Verification not required.

>> No.74799217

It's funny how every single vtuber in this image is irrelevant in 2024
This image is like pulled out straight from a time capsule bro

>> No.74799229

I don't hate them, but there's only so many times you can see them be shocked at a white person using chopsticks, or hear a white person speak Japanese only to continue to talk about them as if they don't understand you before you realize an awful lot of them think of everyone that isn't Japanese as mud dwelling pig people that could never grasp the glorious nippon language and superior traditions.

>> No.74799371

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.74799431

>an awful lot of them think of everyone that isn't Japanese as mud dwelling pig people that could never grasp the glorious nippon language and superior traditions
I think this about foreigners too
It's a peaceful life to look down upon people who are different from you

>> No.74799460

Pippa is a great vtuber tho, I like seeing roasties and chudcels seethe at the mention of her

>> No.74799523


>> No.74799846

You need to go back way earlier during the slave trade which was predominantly Jewish owned
They were also responsible for establishing the ghetto culture and destabilizing society

>> No.74799869
File: 378 KB, 2048x2048, 187097451649851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this the dump pit for le heckin EOPs so the LARPers get to keep /jp/ all to themselves? Now that this board is the 4th most popular board that regularly surges to being the most active in the whole site, you want in?

>> No.74799948

brown hands typed this

>> No.74799962
File: 682 KB, 1080x960, fkzgqtactnj61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If their culture is so glorious and peaceful why do they keep killing themselves lmao

>> No.74800014

>why do they keep killing themselves lmao
Because that's a meme
Same as pantsu vending machines and groping on public transport

>> No.74800072

To be clear, those insults are for (You). Obviously Holomems are universally respected.

>> No.74800180

Actual faggot.

>> No.74800187
File: 314 KB, 1417x2362, n-suicide-g-20170531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74800192

US and Korea both have higher suicide rates than Japan

>> No.74800240
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>pic related

>> No.74800278
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Damn, somebody already beat me to the bar graph.

>> No.74800359

Success breeds jealousy.

Simple and plain. Imagine being an Amerimutt having to live in a tranny fatfuck ridden woke hellhole and always virtuesignal to avoid being called out as racist and getting shot like nothing. Imagine being a SEA/latin jungle monkey having to live in their irrelevant and filthy thirdworld ghetto cesspit forever

>> No.74800418
File: 50 KB, 847x900, bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an aging industrialized society in decline like the rest of us

>> No.74801275

Why do you hate China tho?

>> No.74801517

go off chumbie

>> No.74802508
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1683510845798944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I NOT hate China?

>> No.74802602

Cause you're an amerimutt and been told so?

>> No.74802677
File: 32 KB, 800x280, 1696991996634006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European, actually

>> No.74802810

Congrats you've been brainwashed.

>> No.74802884

Go carve into your apartment's wall with a spoon, Zhang

>> No.74802936

Japan has the same average birth rate as most first world (think Scandinavian) European countries. In Asia Korea is has lower rates.
Japan works more on average, but not more than Americans, who, being hyporcites like they are, are normally the ones shitting on Japan for their work culture, as if America has a goood work culture.
Japan has a lower suicide rate then many countries, it is definitely higher than some, but again, it is lower than Americas. who are often the ones making fun of it.
Japan has its problems like any place, and it is absolutely facing extreme stagnation the country, an econoic crisis with the yen, and the aging population etc.... It isn't a utopia, but it also isn't the shithole you contrarians on this website want it to be.

>> No.74802937
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending the CCP

>> No.74802965

Go suck tranny's imaginary dick

>> No.74803017

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.74803032

>Chink accuses someone else of being brainwashed

>> No.74803062

I would love Japan more if they banned migrating gaijins.

>> No.74803099

Yeah anon, japan is known for not having immense consequences for disagreeing with social norms.
Not like the US where you can get cancelled. That would never happen in japan.
Japan is known for their freedom of speech and christian hatred of trannies (not like the idea of a trap or femboy came from japanese stuff. Thats crazy talk)

>> No.74803121
File: 81 KB, 1334x750, 1693205117870530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ hates /jp/ because /jp/ hates retarded faggots who cross into /jp/ spamming EN and unrelated bullshit. /vt/ shouldn't exist as a board and most of the board being garbage mundane E-celeb drama is proof to why
>inb4 im a "holodrone" or whatever the fuck the buzzword is now
I literally do not give a flying FUCK about Nijisanji being cheap as fuck over in Singapore, because i never want to go to Singapore, and Nijisanji are cheap fucks who get what they deserve.

>> No.74803151

>Japan is just a normal country like everyone else
Weebs need to realize this. Orientalism is out of control

>> No.74803283

Changs be like
>Im not brainwashed
>I just love my country so much I never ever criticize it
>Or admit that it did anything wrong ever
>And defend it online every time it comes up
>You're the one that's brainwashed!

>> No.74803299

Because they bully my oshi.

>> No.74803351

I refuse to learn the language in any real compacity. I lile media from there and would like to visit and stay in a big city for a few weeks. That's it. I don't need to be Japanese to enjoy Japanese things.

>> No.74803353

I'm not even a chinese.

>> No.74803478

For your own sake i hope thats a lie or you mean it in the "i am american/canadian now" way

>> No.74803481

Do you hate the CCP and condemn their actions?

>> No.74803560

I just hate murica and all of faggotry that comes from there.

>> No.74803654

>Dodging the question
Okay zhang

>> No.74803703

Thats fine, me too, but am not retarded enough to think china is somehow better

>> No.74803821

He's not retarded, he's either a CCP agent or has been subverted by their propaganda
Fuck off commie

>> No.74803864

Eop and Japanese apologists like 95% of this board are the reason Japan is usually shit on direct your seethe at the obvious white legendary gaijin who think he can just walk in Japan and think there's some peasant feudal era farmer waiting for his arrival so that he can be gifted 3 of the farmers virgin daughters.

>> No.74804032

It's so easy to get Japanese pussy bro, they literally hang around the gaijin bars looking for foreigners to fuck

>> No.74804094

You will never be japanese is mocking people skinwalking as japanese you braindead retard

>> No.74804159

Are you me? That's more or less how I see it. Retard burgers hyperinflating the worst parts of Jaoanese culture.

>> No.74804250

That's called prostitution. And is nowhere near the mentality most of them hold.

>> No.74804316

I don't hate Japan, per se.
The culture of Japan, and in fact all of Asia, is so vastly different from my own that I simply have no desire to understand it.
That's why I feel there are many things, including Vtubing, that should have stayed in their lane and not tried to bridge the gap between east and west. Just as there are many things from western culture that I wouldn't expect the average Japanese citizen to understand.
We separated the world into different countries for a reason.

>> No.74804337

I have only ever seen globalfags use this

>> No.74804838
File: 129 KB, 512x512, 1704006920202682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am unironically jealous of them for getting to be born into, live in, and fully assimilate into the only civilized, non-eurofag country on earth

>> No.74805175

>Fully assimilate
Unless you happen to be an autistic weirdo like yourself and you get bullied into suicide/NEETdom, you'd be a faggot regardless of culture

>> No.74805221

Almost like you shouldn't try to tear out uniqueness from something or attempt to assymilate it into whatever the fuck you're doing.
Hell, for the longest time America was broken up into sections of imagrants from various places. My space in the midwest was almost primarily polocks and krauts for at least 150 years. West coast chinks and japs. Southwest was spics and spainerds. You get what I'm saying though. The last 50 years has seen the destruction of those cultural hotspots as they tried to force everything to become homoginized and now we're fucked.

>> No.74805253

/vt/ is a hellhole filled with BVTM/OKBH fags and /vpol9k/ freaks. Every last one of them are tourists who out themselves easily

>> No.74805292

if you want a real answer, post this on /pol/.
there, I said it.

>> No.74805375

the modern western culture is mostly woke garbage even westerners hate and dont understand. only some weirdos like it.

>> No.74805432

The consequences of Banned VTuber Memes and the Discord that raids this board every day. Most of the anti-Japanese posters are Phasecucks who are also electionfags from /pol/

>> No.74806572


>> No.74806950


>> No.74808998

Nobody here hates Japan or Japanese people, just last samurais because they’re obnoxious retards who will never be Japanese

>> No.74809398

This anon gets it.

>> No.74810457


>> No.74810799

If you are a balkan or some shit then yes, I understand, otherwise stop bitching

>> No.74811602
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koone isn't irrelevant, she just needs to fix her sleep schedule

>> No.74812567
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>> No.74812963
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>> No.74814209

Japanese culture is boring outside of weebshit, and most of the good weebshit is translated. Japanese society is also fundamentally flawed and isolated from much of the developed world, leading to irreconcilable differences.
I'm only here for indies and Phase.

>> No.74814338

Based beyond belief Kazamatai

>> No.74814502

>Japanese culture is boring outside of weebshit

>> No.74814846

Yes?, look at the board and the constant drama from ENsharts with their "dramatubers"

>> No.74815620



>> No.74818146


>> No.74818872

They make entertaining enough stuff but fuck that island of flithy degens

>> No.74820909

I don't know when this graph was made, but the most recent info I can find (2019) puts the US above all of these except Russia.

Russia: 21.6
US: 14.5
Japan: 12.2
France: 9.7
Germany: 8.3

Source is the same WHO, taken from wikipedia.
So Japan either fixed their inflated numbers due to counting unresolved murders as suicides, or it went down. Maybe both.
It was probably a shit argument back then, but it's definitely a shit argument now.

>> No.74821281

>hurrrrr we don't you /where/ dirty EOP go create your own board!
>/vt/ is created
>oy vey pls let me in goy!
JOP can go eat shit.

>> No.74822342

en belongs in /trash/

>> No.74822455

seethe, that's it basically.

>> No.74822892

At least if you use /vt/ as a marker for it, the original EN demo change was nowhere near as noxious as the influx of CN sisters with Luxiem or the influx of Facebook indogs with Kobo.

>> No.74823194

And (You) belong in a ghetto.

>> No.74823362
File: 160 KB, 1400x1090, 1_K5AxUXVkuGBEbcrU2LoviQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry for me

>> No.74824375

Here comes the amerishart

>> No.74826010

Did cartoon network ruin anime?

>> No.74826257

it's cuz you keep crying about holoEN and screaming for everyone to watch homostarsJP instead. you come across as an insane person and everyone wants to taunt you.

>> No.74826692

two nukes weren't enough

>> No.74826862

I am literally Japanese, I just hate weaboos, they're the wiggers of otaku

>> No.74826885

Last time I checked, woke westerncuck animation gets filtered by the Japs.

>> No.74826980

I don't hate Japan or it's people but I do hate all the Ken Sama and last samurais who keeps embarrassing the Japanese culture. I also hate all the apologists who believe that Japan can not do anything wrong as well.

>> No.74827363

It's always funny how polfags think japs are one of them until they 180 and hate them for also not caring about their dumb bullshit

>> No.74827483

>I also hate all the apologists who believe that Japan can not do anything wrong as well.
This. Japan is just as vile as any other country but weebs see anime tits and immediately start licking the feet of japs.

>> No.74827509

>This is a split of /jp/, you know that right?
This is a re**it/discord tourist board.

>> No.74827530

They only got into vtubing because it was popular, they don't care about the history.

>> No.74827616

I love how like every third response is a different bogeyman and their secret discord raiders, lol

>> No.74827693
File: 91 KB, 1024x538, 1690145430321752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74827737

I hear their suicide forest is beautiful to stroll through this time of year

>> No.74827795
File: 155 KB, 1264x800, 1696963015266373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What causes this
not coming from /a/

>> No.74827821

Better than a stroll through any major democrat ran US city lmao

>> No.74828023

>as opposed to my feral inmigrants shitting and slowly destroying a city

>> No.74828078

>democrat ran city
You don't have to make it so obvious you're a polfag anon, but hey if you wanna kill yourself with the japs so bad don't let me stop you.

>> No.74828131

samefagging lol

>> No.74828187

It's interesting that until it became US hours the thread was mostly genuine discussion and the odd bait reply, then it became actual heated arguments between some JPphiles and JPphobes. This is the issue with JP-EN discussion - it's nothing to do with anti-Japanese sentiment or anti-Western sentiment - it's self-hating Americans who think Japan is paradise on Earth and Americans who think any other country has nothing valuable in terms of cultural or societal lessons.

>> No.74828308

>newfag doesn't know what samefag is
This is why /vt/ is the laughing stock of 4chan

>> No.74828335

>le US hours
you retards literally make this argument any hour of the day

>> No.74828486

Yes, it's just a complete coincidence that replies have started talking about "democrat cities" and a picture of the Japanese surrender to the US after WWII.

>> No.74828735

>muh americans
Americans are the biggest population on either side of any dichotomy here.

>> No.74828862

It's still an excuse you retards use whenever it suits you at whatever hour. Either be consistent or fuck off with that.

>> No.74829012

Weeaboos on this board have been playing both ends against the middle since the beginning, one day they would boast about how superior they are to XXX and then the day after, complain about how some non-japanese chuubas are not able to understand moonrunes or even slander them straight-up, e.g. "XXX chuuba hates Hachama and doesn't want to collab with her". It's very annoying as they don't mind their own business.

>> No.74829227

I am consistent; Euro hours tend to be fine.

>> No.74830121

Man, you guys need to stop bumping this thread.
