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File: 52 KB, 730x410, vtuber_mikeneko_major_debut_in_spring_2024_under_the_name_koito_ria_from_pony_canyon-730x410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74790238 No.74790238 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.74790334

do a flip

>> No.74790345


>> No.74790381
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>wedding dress

>> No.74790389

I'm so tired with her that I don't even know how the fuck to react to mike news anymore.

>> No.74790404

Lol her whore and cat murderer behavior cost her the role

>> No.74790423

At this point she might actually do one (for real this time tho)

>> No.74790435

How the hell did Cover keep her in line for as long as they did? Loose cannon doesn't even come close to describing how unstable she is

>> No.74790436
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>> No.74790443

It's not like she was a good singer or anything

>> No.74790486

she just can't find happiness bros...

>> No.74790519

Cover has some SSS tier tardwranglers

>> No.74790592

If Miguel kills herself, Pekora will fall into a spiraling depression.

>> No.74790608

honestly me neither but this is kinda "embracing the allegations" levels of depressing

>> No.74790649

I was Reading Oyasumi Punpun and I had a dream where I was Punpun and Mike was Aiko... and the ending was quite similar

>> No.74790670

To the surprise of absolutely nobody

>> No.74790697

She can use this against mafu, Isn't it?

>> No.74790702

bitch stole rushia's design too

>> No.74790752

they should just leave her alone, really
how can she not leave the internet after all this shits?

>> No.74790831

half agree at the same time i do want her to take some meds which is painful coming from a anon that can't get an appointment with a therapist

>> No.74790844

Same reason Chris Chan never left.

>> No.74790945

Leave the internet and do what? You know why almost nobody's graduation is a real graduation? Because nobody has any ability to do anything else other than be cute online.

>> No.74790969

I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen.

>> No.74791002

Say it ain't so...

>> No.74791025

Looking at her latest cover, I think she'll be fine.
She already got her revenge lol

>> No.74791076

revenge for what? against who?

>> No.74791136

First off, she’s never going to want to get a real job after all this shit so she’ll keep being a lolcow as long as simps keep paying. If DSP can keep kicking on then a cute Japanese bitch will be fine. Secondly she’s hot enough that dudes will still fuck her despite being batshit insane so she doesn’t have to even try to be normal.

>> No.74791164

Mafu lol
No proof, I'm just basing it on both of their latest songs

>> No.74791226

She can't because they're saying it's not because of him.

>> No.74791284

>Please note that the decision to cancel was not due to reports in some weekly magazines, or any disputes in the person's personal life.

>> No.74791341

The termination might have sent her spiraling in all honesty. She might have been manageable in 2022, but at this point no wrangler can tangle with this tard.

>> No.74791342

Anyone can do low skill manual labor.

>> No.74791375

I think the court will decide that, not them

>> No.74791401

The court won't be deciding shit because she is not going to go against this.

>> No.74791491

ayo who's cookin copium around here?..

>> No.74791498

Honestly massive respect for Cover, their management must be actually the best if they can deal with this girl for that long

>> No.74791582

Aren't they in the middle of legal battle?

>> No.74791603

S-tier managers

>> No.74791606

They didn't. They just tolerated her shit and didn't let too much of it show in public. In the event of mental episodes they could just delay or even cancel most things silently because they don't typically announce things before they're ready.

>> No.74791707

Her legal battle with mafumafu has no effect on her record deal getting cancelled.

>> No.74791743

She still makes insane money as an indie believe it or not.
Her career as a serious vtuber might be forever over, but her indie gig still more than pays the bills

>> No.74791748

the alien still has connections with the music industry, so it's certainly him trying to "talk" Pony Canyon out of the deal because he's dead set in ruining Mike's career.

>> No.74791775

He's not trying to do anything. She doesn't have any deal anymore.

>> No.74791830
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>> No.74791845

It doesn't fund the kind of lifestyle she wants to live though.

>> No.74791874


>> No.74791902

It's over

>> No.74791918

hahayai that was fast i just woke up to this

>> No.74791923

It does but she keeps funneling money into a legal black hole of suing her antis. Remember when she hired an army of lawyers for a lawsuit that ultimately led to nothing?

>> No.74792165

annoucement on may 1st


>> No.74792200

What I'm saying is, If she uses it against him.
The court will decide if its valid not them

>> No.74792299

She will cry, claim her dream has been ruined and then next week she’ll do a stream where she shows off her thighs and acts like nothing happened. There may be another round of suicide baiting in the middle.

>> No.74792338

Just like the time she tried to get into that Apex tournament a lot of Mafu’s friends were involved with, even Soraru was there only for her team to be kicked out less than a day after being announced.

>> No.74792407

It does though, this deal doesn’t get cancelled if not for the Mafu shit storm. Mafu is significantly more connected than she is. It’s just a question of whether or not she can prove it.

>> No.74792506

You don't know that.

>> No.74792536

Half of these girls would die attempting to lift a 12pc display of soup cans on to a shelf.

>> No.74792573


>> No.74792576

Manual labor isn't just heavy lifting. She has claimed she was washing dishes at a cafe before so she can just go back to doing that.

>> No.74792789

She should've just retired after 2022 and married one of her richer gachis or something but she just can't let it go

>> No.74792858

She makes way more money from her paypigs.

>> No.74792892

For now.

>> No.74792935

she can't keep getting away with this

>> No.74792976

She will. I don't know how she does it, but she's some kind of semen demon who miraculously escapes with her audience no matter what happens.

>> No.74793016

Sunken cost

>> No.74793052

As long as she keeps showing her sexy body I will keep giving her money.

>> No.74793171

This part actually baffled me. She pulled off the "NOT PETTAN" gag so well for so long, that since I never bothered to look deeper, I thought she actually was flat.
Instead she's fucking stacked like a goddess.

>> No.74793343

Mike never kill cat but Mfmf killed her old cat by accident.

That was Coco and she became out of control after Coco graduated.

>> No.74793379

god gave her the nicest body with a price of her sanity.

>> No.74793477

>That was Coco
This is possible. But Coco was a westerner with the exact same mindset of many westerners that she would push the envelope of what was acceptable as much as possible. When Cover put their foot down finally she couldn't handle the pushback and bailed. Her being friends with Rushia outside of a forced genmate relationship shows her bad character more than anything.

>> No.74793484

She wouldn't settle for anyone below the alien. Which means she will be alone.

>> No.74793513

Emotionally, maybe. She sure didn't have problems getting one night stands and side pieces.

>> No.74793579

The most unfortunate part is her face. Bitch looks like a fucking rodent.

>> No.74793613

cry more bugboi

>> No.74793639

Nijishojo faggots aren't welcome anymore on this board, cry moar.

>> No.74793649

>most fucking loyal audience in the world
>insanely talented
>great looks
>banger of a voice
>was considered the strongest GFE vtuber in the world
>was one of the richest vtubers ever
>was in best vtuber company in the industry
>was even offered a 2nd chance by another smaller company despite her self sabotaging herself so bad
>was given a 3rd chance by a voice acting agency despite her being blacklisted now by every japanese company

>> No.74793685

JAV debut when?

>> No.74793705

ching chong to you too

>> No.74793707

Some people still think it is 2021 and the yellow menace shit works on people still. It is cute they still try to defend their whore though.

>> No.74793744

Hopefully soon, or at least gravure.

>> No.74793746

Nope. She was definitely one of her tardwranglers though but not the only one. You basically have hags like Mio and FBK plus Marine to keep her in line. Also, the fame and money definitely went a long way in keeping her out of trouble. Don't get me wrong though, she was definitely a ticking time bomb and, in hindsight, no amount of tardwrangling would've prevented the incoming explosion of the Mafumafu marriage. Maybe they could've kept a lid on it a bit longer but there was too many moving parts to keep it sealed forever. Worst case scenario would've been Rushia doing an oopsie AFTER Cover's push to expand their IP ala typemoon (TCG, games, Holoearth) which would've made delisting all of her associated media all but impossible.

>> No.74793770

Undiagnosed mental illness

>> No.74793837

She needs a patient caring wealthy husband.

>> No.74793845

Vwhorefags seem to be quite angry with mike for bringing shame on Vshojo.

>> No.74793879

at this point even orca gave up on her
even the biggest if unicorns and saviorfags cannot help her anymore

>> No.74793927

>insanely talented
>great looks
>banger of a voice
I don't know who you're describing, but it sure as hell isn't Miguel.

>> No.74793939

>Vwhorefags seem to be quite angry with mike for bringing shame on Vshojo.
They are currently trying to deflect from the doxxing problem in western vtubing that vshitshow pioneered.

>> No.74794014

What are you talking about?
Even sakana who people thought got tired of her still liked the tweet announcing her latest cover.

>> No.74794213
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Honestly no we did try to save her as we always do with stray talents but she never really did truly interact with the girls outside of kson and she streamed NOTHiNG but APEX. Vshojo is full of controversial mentally ill women but she is on another level. Nothing against Nazuna and so is most of /vsj+/ they still want her to succeed after leaving but she was really quite unsaveable even Henya wasnt able to reach her. You cannot save someone who refuses to be saved

>> No.74794219

i didn't know depressed NOUSAGI and HOLOLIVE historian are vkekjououou fans

>> No.74794285
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She's just a single hot jap menhera hag. You severely underestimate the sheerwillpower of the average tardwrangler.
>t. ex-unionist from a hospital union that had to tardwrangle affiliates during the pandemic.
Do you have any idea how it feels to have to wrangle a whole damned department that's currently going insane out of overworking and paranoia?!
>I've literally seen affiliates climb into a partner's desk and scream at her like giant toddlers.
>Half the time you had to go full drill sergeant stereotype from the films just to be HEARD much less listened to.
>more often than not you had to do this while you yourself were about to break down for probably the same reason, because don't think we weren't overworked, scared and locked up just like they were, but SOMEONE HAD TO FUCKING STOP THE RIOT AND THAT SOMEONE WAS YOU.
Do you understand how hard it is to stand in front of dozens of nurse techs who are well past an average human's breaking point and have to explain that no, we don't have masks today because the civil guard came and sent them to madrid because we're not a priority since we don't have a peak going, so they're gonna have to do their job maskless in the middle of a pandemic, and yes we know its fucking awful but no we can't do shit about it so suck it up buttercup?!

>> No.74794293

No one pretends that what those faggots do is right. The current trend with vshojo is to claim that the vtubers themselves want PL posting to occur.

>> No.74794356

>No one pretends that what those faggots do is right
doxxagi has like 100k subscribers

>> No.74794385


>> No.74794423

that's not "nobody", that's 100k holofans who are ok with him selling holomembers' personal information

>> No.74794468

Where's the proof that his subs are "holofans"?
Here's a vshojofaggot that was seething on this board about "holofans" not PL posting on twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3AInsertCoin57848+holo+OR+cover+OR+hololive&src=typed_query&f=live

>> No.74794488

>every single doxxsagi subscriber is a holofan
May I remind you where a large chunk of fucking nijiEN fans hang out

>> No.74794501

how did that faggot come back anyways didn’t he have a meltdown because people turned on him when be doxxed gura and locked it behind a paywall?

>> No.74794589

I didn't realize this faggot had been posted about on this board before

>> No.74794681

>entire identity is based around being a holofan
>posts videos about how hololive is the best and le vshoujou sucks
gee i wonder who watches his videos

>> No.74794733

tourists and dramamongers from the "commentary" and documentary community, actually

>> No.74794765

Yeah POKA was also totally a hololive fan because he said he was.

>> No.74794814

all of this wouldn’t have happened if she just Shut up and avoid yabs after her first major yab

>> No.74794829

sounds like the average thirdie from /#/

>> No.74794850

>vshojofaggot is a newfag

>> No.74794931

sorry i'm not up to date on your bvtm twitter drama

>> No.74795006

You vshojo faggots are the ones who love bvtm though. The guy I pointed out earlier was always replying to him but deleted all proof of it and changed his @ after I pointed it out to him https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/71739214/#q71772217

>> No.74795019

not everyone knows or cares about mikey to know her whales and personal antis you dumbfuck

>> No.74795045
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Proof he gave up on her?

>> No.74795062

You're so fucking new it's getting almost sad. Just tell me, when did you come here?

>> No.74795071

BPD is a hell of a personality disorder

>> No.74795141

This is pretty correct. One thing to remeber is that with her mental problems, it's manageable, if the stress is kept in check.
With her termination and what followed stress levels were high, which sent her onto a uncontrollable self destructive path. Add to that the failing mariage, and other stuff (defamation by antis). You have an uncontrollable monster, because she created an environment of constant stressfactors that lead her to do more stupid shit and thus create new stressfactors.

She needs help, but at this point she likely has lost a lot of goodwill from the people who'd help her (Holomem, kson, etc.). This is the point where only intensive professional help in a controlled environment can do something.

>> No.74795203

Her right move imo is just to lay low and marry one of her few remaining retards start a family and try not to kill her child like what she did to her cat

>> No.74795289

I still can't believe there are people fucking stupid enough to enable her bullshit even after everything came to light. You could fuck their GF in front of them and cum inside. Then with it rolling down her leg she would say she didn't cheat and they would say "of course not"

>> No.74795466

That's not going to happen because she loves her audience too much. Unironically.
Or to put it another way, she loves the attention from them too much.
I think it's pretty clear by now after years that there was no 'shrewd calculation', no 'milking paypigs for some other goal', she is just like this. This is who she is. A sane mastermind would not throw away huge swathes of her audience and then come back to them like nothing happened.
It's refreshing, in a way.
Well, surely at least the anti-unicorns who promised they'll support her even if she's attached are giving her their utmost, right?

>> No.74795574

EOPs don't understand the kind of cancer Mafu is.
He is pretty much the femboy bussy version of trainwrecks. He has loads of connections and enough small-dog syndrom to use them.

>> No.74795629

>to not throw away hordes of her audience
Did they not mind her joining an apex tourney on a team with guys?

>> No.74795635

Her ex-husband is involved with Pony, so it probably was.

>> No.74795705

>How the hell did Cover keep her in line
They didn't. All the shit she did was when she was under cover contracts. Cover are good at covering things that's why you'll never know why mel was terminated and why it happened in the first place.

>> No.74795719

She's not milking paypigs for a goal, she just milking them straight up. That was the plan from the very start. She just wants money and attention.
Don't mistake her being afraid of other female streamers as love for her fans.

>> No.74795761

And mike is the female version.

>> No.74795768

>was even offered a 2nd chance by another smaller company
Vshojo is not a small company.

>> No.74795800

Yes they are.

>> No.74795809

inventing scenarios in your head

>> No.74795834

Voice Ore is though

>> No.74795989

do zhangs really?

>> No.74796022

Vshojo is small, but for their size their success is comparatively huge.

>> No.74796023


>> No.74796074

I was just doing catalog tourism, but then I saw this post and, goddamn, solidarity fist to you brother/sister.
We had to stand workers up in front of hostile reporters and say, "No, our union members are not abandoning sick, mentally disabled people to die. They're being told not to show up to work while they literally test positive for COVID-19. The other 50% are in there working without masks because they took them all for the old-age homes."

>> No.74796186

I heard he is not her biggest paypig now.

>> No.74796212

Yeah, she doesn't give 2 shits about them and never has. She just loves the money for doing next to nothing and more so the attention. The only possible way to rehab her is to work at McDonalds on the night shift

>> No.74796295

that would be quix

>> No.74796332

they have top tier hags that constantly control her and sometimes they took advantage of her menhera state and fuck her

>> No.74796443

He oshihenned to Chloe, but still throws some pity toward Mikeneko.

>> No.74796516

She can do JAV. There are lots of JAV with old women.

>> No.74796740

>by accident
dyrbi? the guy has been actively trying to ruin her life. i believe mike is probably just a nice girl who's mindbroken after being abused.

>> No.74796795

>i believe mike is probably just a nice girl
So you haven't seen the old clip where she's getting told that she's promoting a potentially illegal app.

>> No.74796883

I actually feel a bit bad for her now.
I... I can... maybe.. maybe I can fix her?

>> No.74796910

she married the man, told him to buy her an apartment for herself, and told him he couldn't live with her

>> No.74797030

No, that one is too broken. We don't need another needless casualty.

>> No.74797045

She's nice... If she can do everything her way and however she wants to without any sort of resistance or consequence no matter how far everyone else sees it coming. Then you're immediately a hanten and the gloves are off

>> No.74797146

How does that freaky alien nigga even have connections everywhere

>> No.74797417

he's actually successful, unlike Mike

>> No.74797483

Someone who does GFE while getting married behind her fans' back is peak scumbag behavior. If she's actually nice then she should've been honest with her fans and dropped the GFE before she got married. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.74797487

He's japanese-youtube old blood.
He's equivalent to guys like JackSepticeye or Markiplier and co. in the west.

>> No.74797578

he meant smaller than holo ESL-kun

>> No.74797638

He bought the apartment out of his own volition according to himself so that they could live together and she wouldn't have to worry about him cheating, but once she moved in she didn't want him there.

>> No.74797780

nah shes a total wreck I suggest you just get a better newer vtuber

>> No.74798080

Gfe fags can’t be this delusional can they?

>> No.74798184

Just look at >>74795045. Some are that delusional.

>> No.74798283

He's still very active when it comes to her even if he gives her money.
I would only consider it oshihen when his attention is divided in the similar proportion to sakana.

>> No.74798372

>even if he gives her money.
*less money

>> No.74798430
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It's over, we can't fix that damage.

>> No.74798449

Wut? The only picture I know of was a heavily photoshoped photo from her social media that looks like a skinwalker wearing synthetic human skin. I would rather go dating monsters in Silent Hill than this thing

>> No.74798457

i'd argue that other fans are more involved than he is

>> No.74798474

Next stop is a jav career.

>> No.74798565

bait used to be believable

>> No.74798570

His twitter activity is pretty much half and half between the mike account and chloe account and he still watches all of her streams. He's still doing the exact same thing he has always done but with lower superchat amounts.

>> No.74799020

that's what i meant, there are other people more into her now, various jp's, various eop's, whatever quix counts as

>> No.74799411

He was never the most dedicated one. He just stood out due to writing a wall of text akasupa every single stream. I think meganewakame was the top donor in her twitcasting while she was still in holo and he bailed pretty soon after her firing if not even before it.

>> No.74799655

megane is still around i think, just very very subdued

>> No.74799773

Technically she did; she stopped saying I love yous on stream for a period of time. Then the marriage went to shit and she went back to it

He lasted until around early 2023 before dipping

>> No.74799778

Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.74799882

Really? He deleted his account pretty early on but I guess he reactivated and changed his @ so I just assumed he was forever gone.

>> No.74800120

Don't forget Apex collab with some sexpests.

>> No.74800170

He heraru'd multiple times and deleted the account then, but left for good after a public on-stream argument about something I don't remember what, probably when she promised to gift something for the top 20 donators and never delivered I think

>> No.74800320

I saw someone mentioned someone called SirHeraru or something. Did he leave for good?

>> No.74800360

i remember when quix was smugly talking about what he had won over the japanese winners. the japanese winners got donuts or starbucks giftcards, where as the kaigai got pics of her. this was the first instance of him admitting to her dming him frequently.

>> No.74800387

I see.

>> No.74800413

that is the one known in public as vegeta

>> No.74800674

Megane had a massive falling out with her last year over her failing to send a new year's card to her top 5 donors after he went all in on paypigging to take the top spot. He fought with her about it during a stream and then immediately dropped her. He was replaced by Akhevan, who left back in December due to her sending him psycho DMs and accusing him of things he didn't do by name on stream. Quix has been the biggest paypig ever since Akhevan left.

>> No.74800753

i remember akhevan. she leaked his dms more than once. first on her nazuna account, blamed him for something if i remember. then leaked that she had been dming him in secret and that he was at fault for something she had done.

>> No.74800792
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>> No.74800802

He's gone. Her response to the mafu news confirming the marriage made him feel betrayed so he made a few tweets shitting on mike and then got blocked by her.

>> No.74800823

>sending him psycho DMs
What the hell? Qrd?

>> No.74800867

Was he one of her top paypigs?

>> No.74800948

Bro its 2024, trainwrecks aint got shit. Wake up grandpa.

>> No.74801000

I never kept up with her or her fans that much so I don't know. I only know of what little I looked up and came across here.
I know that he was definitely one of her biggest defenders here though.

>> No.74801034

she blamed him for her lack of success, and some other stuff

he wasn't one of her biggest paypigs, but he was one of her biggest defenders

>> No.74801093

She has a heart condition which is part of the reason all the choreography in Fan Fun Island was so shit so no she can’t

>> No.74801132

>one of her biggest defenders
How did you know he was /here/?
Can she do JAV with her heart condition?

>> No.74801204

he posted a screenshot of his tweet from his account, showing the statistics. since it showed the stats, we knew it was him

>> No.74801223

her heart condition just gives her anemia anon, she's not victorian romance novel protag dying of consumption

>> No.74801269


>> No.74801378

was he related in some way to that one nekofami, arigathanks?

>> No.74801389

awright, I'll go fix kyOresu instead

>> No.74801439

You have a chance to fuck her if you do it right.
Mikeneko is impossible unless you look like twink aliens.

>> No.74801598

Her heart condition didn't stop her from cucking him on his wedding night and fucking other males

>> No.74801609

She accused him of cheating on her, blamed him for her declining numbers, and openly speculated about him being responsible for anti posts on 4chan and twitter during her streams. The worst was saying he sent threatening DMs just after Henya raided her during a Nazuna stream. She apologized and admitted it was a lie the same day during a members only twitcast while crying and begging him to not leave her.

>> No.74801643

All you need to get inside of her pants is Money that's it.

>> No.74801734

did she really kill her cat?

>> No.74801866

Easier than becoming a twink alien, right? Just work and save money for her pussy.

>> No.74801996

yagoo told her to close facebook because it was a liability, she did like a good girl.

>> No.74802040

or OR OR OR maybe just MAYBE COVER was in the WRONG!

>> No.74802086

NTR theme JAV when? She has talent and expereince to do it rumao
Kek, she deserves it.
If only Yagoo was there when she had that Discord yab.

>> No.74802099

Ok, how?

>> No.74802131

I have no idea.

>> No.74802239

Great, now simply prove it.

>> No.74802301

nah she looks even more closed-off than ever these days, she barely talks now which is sad
probably paranoid over stalkers which is fair

>> No.74802337

Anon SHE is the sexpest.

>> No.74802506

Reminder that the Discord yab is her fault, because SHE demanded mfmf update her all the time because of how paranoid and jealous she was

>> No.74802583

12 talents and probably twice as many staff, at best, is objectively a small company

>> No.74802612

Mega based

>> No.74802724

The 24/7 messaging was mafu's idea but he came up with it because she wouldn't stop accusing him of cheating.

>> No.74802797

Reminder that it was his suggestion and that he got jealous of her listening to Eve's - another utaite's - songs. They're two peas in a pod

>> No.74802834
File: 42 KB, 554x554, bkufgccfiw271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. BPDs will destroy everything good in their life, and anyone around them, to avoid addressing that core wound.

>> No.74803499

Mafu sent her text "Mike-chan, I'm coming home~"
Mike was fucking her boyfriend then replied "NO YOU CAN'T COME HERE!!!"

>> No.74803751

I thought that was Matsuri

>> No.74803755

i unironically hope she kills herself

>> No.74803878

Reminder that these are people in their 30's imagine that right now

>> No.74803983

Complete and utter victory for karma once again

>> No.74804110

Mafu wanted to come clean with the fans too but rushia was adamant on keeping their marriage a secret because she had broken a record of merch sales with her engagement rings that she sold to unicorns and gachikois and that would only spell disaster for her career. I wonder if cover knew and if they knew why did they okay something as unethical as this? Like you think they would be aware of who her audience consisted of. But I guess making money out of impotent fools was more important.

>> No.74804190

>engagement rings
Did Cover offer a refund after that yab? She was not wrong, they were forever engaged to her because she had a husband at that time.

>> No.74804312

They did I bought her nendo with the money

>> No.74804386

Which he was, think she caught him with another girl at his house or something

>> No.74804446

>people being surprised at girls fucking up everything served to them on a silver plate
I mean, how long have you all been on /vt/ now? Come on.
If anything, it just proves that Ru..., I mean A... I mean Mike got away with everything.

>> No.74804463

yeah they offered a general refund on rushia merch

>> No.74804495 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 680x510, 1700048995685873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true, anon.

>> No.74804515

She said he raw dogged both aqua and shion at the sametime but considering who Mike is everytime she has said something it always been a confession, she likes to project a lot. So I'm going to guess she had a threesome with 2 e celebs.

>> No.74804760

She was accused of hanging out with "Guy C" or whatever so that may be the truth after all

>> No.74804824

>Mafu wanted to come clean with the fans too
I don't necessarily trust him when he says that because she said the exact same thing and they both had a clear motive to keep it hidden, but him saying that isn't a totally obvious lie as it is when she said it since he at least attempted to stabilize the relationship.
>I wonder if cover knew
They already said they don't care about personal relationships. Gachikoi pandering doesn't mean that someone is not in a relationship.

>> No.74804939

Cover didn’t offer refunds until Rushia got the boot if I recall right, none of this information about marriage to someone else was known at the time. They also offered refunds for Sana and Mel’s merch that was on sale at the time, so I don’t think Rushia’s situation was unique. Hell, I think Coco was the only one with a unique situation where she and Cover agreed to sell her limited merch again one last time to screw over scalpers before she left.

>> No.74805006

His fake acting of "surprise" in korekore revealing mike's name is pretty obvious, though whether that's because he's a liar or because he's just so done with her bullshit he doesn't care anymore is anyone's guess

>> No.74805317

Or maybe he knew deep inside that it was mike doing this. So he really wasn't phased after having his suspicions validated. When you marry someone as volatile and crazy as Mike you have to assume that the person would do just about anything to get what she wants. The truth behind this is. Mike married him because of his fame and money he to her was just a trophy husband she knew a lot of women wanted him and would even kill themselves for him but she was the one he married and the one he comes home to at night and that would make a lot of kpop fujos seethe which is what she wanted. Mafu isn't a Saint either because just like rushia he was also taking advantage of mentally ill women and also sold them engagement rings around the same time rushia had announced her rings. He was cucked and cheated on but they both deserve each of other both are pieces of lying shit.

>> No.74805919

I have a friend with BPD like mikeneko. Something I realized about these people is deep down they enjoy being a mess. BPD people will say "ohh I hate my life" all the time, but you will never see them take the steps to genuinely change themselves because they just like being a trainwreck. Their brains are so cooked that they'd rather become homeless, a drug addict, prostitute, hated, etc. than to take pills & try to control their emotions

>> No.74805994

Hololive is smaller than Nijisanji then

>> No.74806811
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you already post this on twitter sister

>> No.74807228

>talking about VShojo
>starts comparing Hololive and Nijisanji for no reason

>> No.74807696

NTA, but yes? I doubt anyone would argue that Cover isn't smaller than AnyColor (lower networth at the very least, and perhaps fewer staffs too although I will need to look this up). The affiliated groups (namely Hololive and Nijisanji) and their popularities, on the other hand, are different things altogether.

>> No.74807844

Cover definitely had less employees than Anycolor for a long time but the development of Holo Earth might have changed that.

>> No.74810116


>> No.74810417

except Doki is getting treated, while michael isn't.

>> No.74810620

you're a massive retard. Ironmouse thinks that PL being automatically treated as a taboo is bad, and she wants to leave it up to the talent to either reference it or not. or do you see her "out" Henya any time soon? yes, it's an open secret, and no, she still doesn't want the PL association to be there

>> No.74810710

You're a massive retard. Your fellow vshojofaggots constantly claim that ackshually all vtubers want their PL to be talked about.

>> No.74810815

put a paper bag on her head and start doing it doggie style

>> No.74810873

qrd why flare hates her

>> No.74810929

yes. don't let her remaining simps convince you otherwise

>> No.74810986

fuck thats giving me a boner ngl

>> No.74810992

t. Mafumafu simp

>> No.74811059

then why are all pikamee references automodded in Henya's chat? inb4 you start sperging, it was a rhetorical question.

>> No.74811130

the only JP music I listen to is Sigh (the black metal band), so try again keyfag

>> No.74811159

I don't know or care. Your fellow faggots talk about her PL and everyone else's on this board all the time.

>> No.74811176

>EOP dramamonkey
drink cyanide

>> No.74811230

it's also banned in the unofficial discord, so try again.
a seggbe baszott kurva anyád az EOP

>> No.74811231

I hope she's on suicide watch

>> No.74811261

She lost all reason to be subtle about it after the cat (heh) got out of the bag.

>> No.74811277

Again, don't give a fuck. You faggots talk about wevery vtuber's PL HERE.

>> No.74811320

Oh wow it's the homosexual that thinks zentranny is not a man.

>> No.74811334

bring it up with the j-words then. as long as /999/ is allowed to exist in its current form it's fine.

>> No.74811364

She may be a train wreck but no one will be lower than her rabid antis

>> No.74811376

>dramamonkey and a Europoor
keep embarrassing yourself

>> No.74811412

I do it all the time and your fellow vshojocucks say it's allowed because their jannies allow it.

>> No.74811476

Is amazing how Mike cucks turned this topic from shitting on Mike to seething about poor henya that has done absolutely nothing to anybody

>> No.74811506

>seething about poor henya
schizo retard

>> No.74811575

honestly if she started going JAV i would give her money again

>> No.74811631

no, Cover has had more employess than anycolor for a couple years now, 500 to anycolor's 300 something

>> No.74811641

You made it about henya, retard. Literally nobody was talking about her until you showed up.

>> No.74811676

>Paying money for porn
Do you really?

>> No.74811681

go outside and have a walk, amerifat
>because their jannies allow it.
yet /vsj+/ is completely unmoderated... almost as if you were full of shit. hint: you are
and now you know why we despise keyfags.

>> No.74811718

Mafu didn't claim she killed her cat. It was an old cat that died from an accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
Some brown SEAfriend, as usual, TLd Mafu's statement wrong. They read the part where Mafu says "she accused me of killing her cat" and presumably fucked up the subjects so it was TLd as "Mafu accused her of killing his cat"

>> No.74811728

>not paying for things you want to see
this is how your hobbies die out poorfag

>> No.74811796

vshojo jannies exist outside of your echo chamber, retard.
You know this very well since you're always raging hard in the catalog while trying to bait for reportable posts but keep failing and make yourself look like an utter clown.

>> No.74811799

I would say that's a bit over the top, but when I realise that the original Discord message was Feb 22, it means that she had been lying to her fans for 2 years straight about being married.
Considering that, you really can't blame anyone for shitting on her on the way out

>> No.74811819

>go outside and have a walk
as opposed to you, shitposting /here/? lmao

>> No.74811885

Oh I don't blame the guy at all. I fully support anyone that wakes up from that nightmare.

>> No.74811926

>your echo chamber
I haven't been in /vsj+/ for quite a long while BECAUSE it's unmoderated, retard. and if you're posting Ironmouse doxx, that's on you.
I already had my rounds, "sorry" to disappoint.

>> No.74812093

Your buddies are posting doxx (PL) of other vtubers.

>> No.74812127

put a picture of a beautiful girl at the back of her head and start doing it doggie style

>> No.74812198

yet you decided to come back to seethe about a Japanese woman you don't watch

>> No.74812256

>he raw dogged both aqua and shion at the sametime
>she had a threesome with 2 e celebs
which part gave you a boner?

>> No.74812358

I can save and fix her. I know I can

>> No.74812468


>> No.74812564

Someone must have DMed her to mock her

>> No.74812721

Her very definition is fall from grace. Used to be one of the biggest Vtubers in a great company, also being the most superchatted. And once shit hit the fan, there was no stopping the domino effect.

>> No.74812951

PL isn't doxx, otherwise it'd be banned from the board, simple as.
maybe you shouldn't've shit on my oshi then, keyfag.

>> No.74813018

she knew what we at the time didn't

>> No.74813070

Not the guy you're responding to, but you are legitimtely insufferable and are going to cause far more problems than you solve with your bull headed arguing.
Also, I'd advise not making it so blatantly obvious that you spend too much time shitting up /vsj/+, kek

>> No.74813140

PL is doxx according to a lot of people. In any case it doesn't matter what you call it, you still post it.

>> No.74813219

Discussing Mike being a whore isn't even doxx is public knowledge and easy information anybody can search lol. They acting like people are dropping actual doxx shit like her home address date of birth or her social security numbers. They can only call people shitting on Mike doxxfags because they still can't swallow the bitter pill Mike left on their mouth. And that pills is the reality of them being fucking cucks.

>> No.74813243

>but you are legitimtely insufferable
you're still seething at me lmao
talk about rent free
well then, go on IRC and ask the staff to have the rules changed.

>> No.74813390

This isn't about board rules. It's about you claiming that you operate according to ironmouse's beliefs but you just post every vtuber's PLs without actually knowing what they think.

>> No.74813459

This PL discussion isn't about mike. It's about vshojo fans claiming that "holofans" absolutely love DN and other faggots like him because he says he's a hololive fan.

>> No.74813540

>but you just post every vtuber's PLs
I'm pretty sure you mean plural you here, but I personally don't.
oh, so someone trolled you and you took it personally. unironically touch grass, anon, 4chan isn't as serious as you think it is.

>> No.74813597

>oh, so someone trolled you and you took it personally
This all started with YOU taking >>74793845 personally

>> No.74813686
File: 7 KB, 191x264, 1711893494551778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly her story should always be told, but people are missing a point. Because it's a good reminder to every vtuber, everyone that depends on a public image, all it takes is one message, one steam notification, and it's over, all will come tumbling down. Mentally Ill or not she was making it, her fault or not it's over.

Do your OPSEC, keep your private life separated from your professional.

>> No.74813730

that's not me, actually. I won't post a screenshot because I have 4chanX installed so it'd be easy to toggle either way.

>> No.74814021

You're part of the argument that started from that post. This has been all about vshojo fan butthurt from the very first reply from your side.

>> No.74814080

only vshojofans think it's big, the average twitch indie is bigger than most vshojo girls

>> No.74814212

The notification doesn't do anything. It has happened to several holos and they didn't even need to do anything about it.

>> No.74814225

ah, guilty by association. a classic.
I accept your concession.

>> No.74814318

It's not just by association when you're part of the butthurt vshojo fan side. You have made several posts seething about "keyfags" because >>7479384 is absolutely correct.

>> No.74814509

I wasn't even /here/ in 2021 lmao. Henya (not even her PL) was my entry to the scene. I suggest you find other windmills to tilt at.

>> No.74814621

That was a misquote. >>74793845 was right and you really ARE mad that mike made vshojo look bad.

>> No.74814649

hi mr thanks.

>> No.74814722

I don't care about VShojo, only Henya.
>Verification not required.

>> No.74814751
File: 80 KB, 736x840, 1714135825809802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job, fancuck defense force! half of the discussion here is not related to me at all. don't forget to send me more money. i love you muah

>> No.74814864

No more AV then

>> No.74814888

You do care about vshojo because you keep going to vshojo catalog threads.

>> No.74814981

no, I only came ITT to laugh at michael's expense, and I'd've been content just reading, but you faggots absolutely HAD TO drag Henya into this.

>> No.74815030

You're in vshojo threads all the time.
>you faggots absolutely HAD TO drag Henya into this
Literally what are you talking about? Nobody talked about henya until YOU brought her up.

>> No.74815090
File: 229 KB, 1026x1075, EIcCa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matome site
So speculation... wonder who makes these blatant posts...
Meanwhile, the notice reads:

also vshojo out of nowhere...

>> No.74815102

Mikeneko and her fans lie as naturally as they breath.

>> No.74815151

>You're in vshojo threads all the time.
>until YOU brought her up.
also nope.
I'll say this one last time: leave my cute genius wife alone you sick fucks!

>> No.74815216

I'm not her fan, schizo. I've disliked her before you even knew what a vtuber was.
Also, where's the lie? There's not a SINGLE POST in this thread that has said anything negative about henya. Please quote the post to prove that I'm lying.

>> No.74815280

Are you LARPing or just a retard? I'm pretty sure the guy arguing with you isn't even one of her fans, which you'd realise if you had two braincells to rub together, dipshit.
Her fans basically don't post here anymore

>> No.74815323

>this nigga thinks Marineschizo is a Nazuna fan
I'd recommend putting your head down on the sofa and resting a bit, child

>> No.74815369

You are the one who brought her her.
Posts before you started complaining about "seething about poor henya" and finally >>74811476 the post where you claim that someone dragged henya into the discussion despite EVERY SINGLE POST before that one being from you faggots.
Why do you henyaturds lie so much?

>> No.74815415

There's a nazuna fan right here >>74815323

>> No.74815488

Knowing who Marineschizo is doesn't make someone a Nazuna fan. It's just about not being a newfag

>> No.74815544

Calling me the marineschizo does make you a nazuna fan. The only reason you would call me that is because you like her and desperately want her to still be friends with Marine.

>> No.74815612

2 out of the 5 are me, including the one where I inb4'd your sperging. I accept your surrender.
I just don't watch corpo slop with shit rigging (holo, niji or phase), so ofc I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even watch other VShojos, just Henya, plus a couple indies.

>> No.74815621

I don't give a shit who she does or doesn't talk to because I don't watch lying whores. It's just that you're also insanely autistic
It's funny watching you go full schizo on the Henyafag though, but you're both retarded.

>> No.74815650

You brought henya into the discussion but you're claiming that other people did it. You're the one surrendering.

>> No.74815654

huh, what non-holo related male celebrity appeared in notifications for other talents?

>> No.74815683

proof next thread?

>> No.74815721

I just proved it by quoting all of the posts that mentioned henya before one of you started moaning about "seething at poor henya" despite there being zero posts doing that.

>> No.74815734

These threads are as unironically autistic as always

>> No.74815777

Why do you hate Marine?

>> No.74815789

she married someone who had way more money than her gachis would and used his connections to get her set up with a music deal and she still managed to tank it by being completely psychotic
an idol doesn't have to be a good singer, the "I want to support you as you grow and take your dream further!" angle is more important than individual skill

>> No.74815831

Coco is a known saviorfag, she just couldnt handle miguel anylonger.

>> No.74815867

>despite there being zero posts doing that.
except all the ones above doing just that. no, I'm not gonna tag them, I'll let you seethe in utter defeat instead, grasping at straws and not knowing what to throw at me next.
welcome to 4chan.

>> No.74815911

>I'm not gonna tag them
NTA, but this is just you admitting you have no argument

>> No.74815916

When notification happened to other holos they law low for a bit, Rushia kept adding fuel to the fire and it exploded on her face

>> No.74815917

There are zero posts "seething about poor henya". Concession accepted. Cope and seethe henyatard.

>> No.74816012

I'm just waiting for the day she finally gets desperate enough for attention and success that she starts to do lewd ASMR

>> No.74816053

It's him being le ebin 4chan trolemaster.

>> No.74816074

I mean you by the way, fuck Henya in her ass with my dick unlubed and immediately go for a deep throat after

>> No.74816113

even if that was true beforehand (it wasn't), you're seething at Henya right now. I know, it sucks not to have the doxxsite for backup anymore, but still, you're hopeless.

>> No.74816197

It's true and I proved that it is. Keep watching your TTS tranny.

>> No.74816285

Or, and this might be a controversial argument, don't date/marry while you're trying to attract gachikoi and you're the most superchatted Vtuber to ever exist.
Why teach people to be better liars instead of teaching them to be decent people

>> No.74816336

Nothing controversial about that. The truth is that it will just keep happening because it's easy money.

>> No.74816394

>someone who had way more money than her gachis would
easy, just marry 10 of her riches gachis. they are cucks and willing to share.

>> No.74816410

>your TTS tranny.
so THIS is why you keep seething at me.
lol. lmao even.
I don't even watch Zen outside collabs kek

>> No.74816457

You're actually mentally ill.

>> No.74816509

I can't say I feel sorry for her or her cuck fans. No worries, she won't die and they'll keep funding her lifestyle.

>> No.74816522

she will do jav

>> No.74816630

They are meant for each other.

>> No.74816911

The human being do not work like this, people want to fuck and find partners for life, money, sucess, glory, nothing can really stop this

>> No.74816958

no, it's a triggered russian who used to beat it to Zen until "finding out"... he's so deranged as to fake voice reveal "oopsies" despite Zen always using STTS, and he's been seething at me ever since I called him out.

>> No.74817071

>still seething about the russian from your imagination
Zentranny is a man.

>> No.74817272

oh, it's you again. hooooly rent free...

>> No.74817364

You have russian simon keyfag seething about poor henya rent free in your head.

>> No.74817402


>> No.74817436

You tell me, schizo.

>> No.74817468

Oh, is that what happened. Then I'm going to assume the announcement that's on her channel in approximately 13 hours is just going to be her crying about it

>> No.74817752


>> No.74818069

Prepare your wallet. Send her akasupa to make her happy.

>> No.74818236


>> No.74818713

Are you reading this thread right now, then?

>> No.74819008

DO IT!!!!!!!

>> No.74819106

God I hate trannies. Neck yourselves Vshotards.

>> No.74819485

She's here. Say something nice about her

>> No.74819729

What's her DM? I saw it's about this thread (match the first 4 numbers 7479).

>> No.74819891

The first part is claiming she can sue people overseas (lol)
Then mocking him for saying that she betrayed her gachikoi before finally egging him on to make more accounts to harass her, followed by presumably blocking him.
All of those www are basically "lols", she types like a 5ch shitposter.

>> No.74820007


>> No.74820030
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>> No.74820225

Her DM is open to everyone?

>> No.74820334

no, she literally has to dm you for you to be able to dm her back
