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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74587623 No.74587623 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed many female vtubers can't drive a car

Why is that? How do they manage to survive?

>> No.74587674

>Americans can't fathom a life without a car

>> No.74587682

they live in japan
japan is civilised and has public transport

>> No.74587718

they live in places with public transportation infrastructure

>> No.74587726

Most cities, even in the US, are walkable.
Unless you live in a suburban or rural area, being able to drive isn't a huge issue.
Most of them are Asian so it's probably best for everyone that it stays that way

>> No.74587822

>europoor too poor to afford a car

imagine my surprise

>> No.74588037

Most survive off of their communities funding their lives.

>> No.74588105

The game was rigged from the start

>> No.74588171

You don't want to drive in Tokyo.

>> No.74588233

Reminder that public transport is for human failures, and cyclists are even worse.

>> No.74588404

Who the fuck drives in Tokyo (or NYC, for that matter)?

>> No.74588452
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>many female vtubers can't drive a car
nah they're driving

>> No.74588694

Imagine living in a big city like Tokyo with good public transport + you can order everything from the internet and have it home delivered

>> No.74588804

this girl is a millionaire

>> No.74588862


Japan has an amazing public transit system and it's just cheaper than owning a car, insuring it, AND doing maintenance on it.

Lives in America. Probably Chicago, LA or New England.

>> No.74588918
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ill have you know my oshi is a professional driver of automobiles

>> No.74588925

public transportation (euros and JP)

>> No.74589024


>> No.74589034

There's no need for an auto in the Kanto region, Anon. All anybody needs to get around is a Suica pass or a mamachari.

In fact, it's better not to own a car, as tax restrictions and parking fees are pretty onerous.

>> No.74589042

>has to choose between affording heart medicine and rent this month, but is blessed by Jesus with the freedom to sit in traffic for 8 hours a week

>> No.74589044
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My beautiful and wonderful tenshi has a license.

Thinking about how she plays Minecraft I laughed harder than I should have when I noticed this was GTA

>> No.74589166

Luna skipped a drivings license for car and went for a motorbike

>> No.74589256

It's the other way around. Human failures are for public transport.

>> No.74589388

>my ship's gonna come in any time, guys. my patented male energy bracelets are gonna have the boys on Shark Tank eating out of my hand

>> No.74589506

Imagine not having a good infrastructure of public transport

>> No.74589545

on top of the whole "can kill you and several others in an instant" thing yeah, cars are so ething to be avoided if you can

>> No.74589588

I live in the US exurbs, I don't have to imagine it

>> No.74589790

Don't even get me started about finding parking downtown or any busy Metro. It's also never free when you do

>> No.74589839
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What does this have to do with riding a subway?

>> No.74589973

This board really shows its age demographic with threads like these.

>> No.74590066

You put one foot in front of the other, then you repeat

>> No.74590084

Car culture is a refuge for losers

>> No.74590199

There’s too much homeless here. I rather drive

>> No.74590262
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>his oshi can't drive a ferrari
skill issue

>> No.74590271

happened to my little sister, and we lived in a suburb where driving was necessary. I suppose it’s a particular manifestation of neurosis, for why it’s gender coded maybe it’s more socially acceptable for women to be dependent on others (boyfriends).

>> No.74590316
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imagine living in a 3rd world country like america which don't have a proper public transport system

>> No.74590443
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people here can't even into watches
it's all underage b&s

>> No.74590613

and defends the culture keeping things that way with their lives

>> No.74590619

I think they’re saying the opposite and that we’re all ojiisans. Getting a driver’s license stopped being a rite of passage in zoomers’ generation, so it wouldn’t be unusual enough to comment on for them.

>> No.74590770

You know it's an amerimutt if they only talk about cars and guns.

>> No.74590857

if you live in a civilized country (not america) you don't need a car to get everywhere. you can literally take a train, or a bus, or any of the other easily accessible public transportation options.

>> No.74590887

once europe's demographics looks like america's in a few decades, you'll wish you could get a car, but the eu will have already made it unaffordable. enjoy

>> No.74590943

I can't drive a car and I'm not a female.

>How do they manage to survive?
By living in an area where "all you need to survive" shops are within walking distance. Obviously this isn't possible if you are a yank and NEED transport to survive.

>> No.74590965

I live in a major US city. Train station is a block from me, and from there I can get to anywhere in the city and out to the suburbs (not that I'd want to). Never owned a car in my life, and I'm pushing 50.

>> No.74591011

trains are faster than cars in tokyo.

>> No.74591193
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eh if europe became to expensive i'd just move back to osaka assuming japan will still be around in this imaginery timeline :D

my husband is a weeb so i'm sure he wouldn't mind :D

>> No.74591224

>Getting a driver’s license stopped being a rite of passage
you mean
an attainable objective

>> No.74591261

It's not our fault our country is so big
Driving the distance from one city to the next here would take you through three different countries in Europe

>> No.74591265

Is driving in Tokyo as fun as the racing anime make it look? It sounds like the government intentionally puts a lot of burdens on car ownership.

>> No.74591430
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>> No.74591481

You can get literally everything you need delivered to your door.
Because they work from home, for anything else you can call an uber. It would be cheaper than paying upkeep on a car with insurance and shit considering most of these women are shutins

>> No.74591737

Realistically will the US ever build a Japanese style train system? A lot of cities with trains have transit budget shortfalls due to low ridership (though this might be a pandemic thing) and Americans are so allergic to tax hikes and property seizures by the government that I don’t see it happening.

>> No.74591816

you are aware America is 300X bigger than Japan

it is unfeasible to have high speeds trains coving that much area

>> No.74591881

There are a surprising amount of American vtubers who also don't have a car or license even into their mid- to late-20s

>> No.74591949

>America too poor to afford public transport

imagine my surprise

>> No.74591993

It's not an issue in Japan, now how most of the EN girls can survive is another story.

>> No.74592074

I've seen what the rideshare prices are in Japan as well, legit would be cheaper to use those for the rare cases you need to drive than actually own a car.

>> No.74592082

Not the entire US but maybe a smaller region. Like wasn’t California supposed to have a high speed rail 20 years ago?

>> No.74592121
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Public transportation in Japan is actually good.

>> No.74592270

I legit didn't know this of Kanatan, that's cool.
that makes 3 out of 5 in the gen right? Since Luna also drives her motorcycles and iirc Coco also knows how to drive even though she doesn't have a license. No idea of of Watame and Toppi tho.

>> No.74592303

There are a few pitfalls to public transportation in the US.
>the US is fucking big
This isn't as big of an issue as people make it out for bullet trains but it is something that will effect the cost of setting up the system.
They can and do lobby against this system since it would be cheaper than flying and basically kill off domestic flights.
>urban peoples
If you live near a major city you'll notice this, mine for example the county around the city works very hard to keep busses and metro from leaving the bounds of the city. They won't explain the reason why but you can put the pieces together. And that is in a more urban area, imagine how it would be to try and set up public transport in suburban or rural areas.

Best case we'll probably have the major cities connected but nothing here will ever be as connected as Japan because there are to many social and political issues blocking it before the cost is even taken into account.

>> No.74592408

I get that Japanese public transport is probably the best in the world but getting sandwiched between so many people was not pleasant. Decided to use taxis the rest of my trip. The gachapon machines at the stations were cool though.

>> No.74592455

>Like wasn’t California supposed to have a high speed rail 20 years ago?
It's a good show of how much of a mess it would be to do it on the full scale of the US. Already spent $11 billion since 2015 and nothing is actually complete and they don't expect to be done till the 2030's.

>> No.74592487

having and maintaining a car can be expensive if you have a low paying job sure, but you can still borrow your parents' car to go places, right? the thing that's weird to us millennials is that you guys aren't even learning to drive and getting a license. that used to be something, for americans at least, that you just did, regardless of whether your circumstances meant you would use it or not.

>> No.74592494

youve never been on the MTA anon

>> No.74592546

They probably mainly live in Tokyo area where everything is notoriously connected by trains and subways. Cars actually have a massive disadvantage there.

>> No.74592687

I mean if no one drives then the streets should be empty enough for drift racing right?

>> No.74592874

It's a New York issue, no one drives because there's too much traffic.

>> No.74592890

We do though. Just not all over the country.

>> No.74592905

>It's a New York issue, no one drives because there's too much traffic.
NY still has gridlock no matter what.

>> No.74592962

No one can not fix New York, best to just start over.

>> No.74593057
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No. Hell no.

>> No.74593191

Man how do you even convince voters to dump billions of dollars into something that takes 16 years to possibly not work

>> No.74593277

You've never been in a bus or train in New York have you?

>> No.74593329

Russia is bigger, poorer, more spread out and yet have better public transit both within cities and between them.

US got mindbroken by automotive lobby into believing that dogshit they've been served is a best thing they could hope for.

>> No.74593505

lets compare russian GDP vs American GDP

hmm i wonder which worked out better

>> No.74593542

They never leave their houses so why would they. Plus I imagine even if they do go out Japan is small enough that public transport can get them anywhere.

>> No.74593550

Cars are fucking money sinks

>> No.74593586

not if you are a man and actually know how to work on one

>> No.74593818

looks like fun...

>> No.74594215

remember oil execs are cucks for cash

>> No.74594257

You're at the mercy of oil execs for basically any travel method that isn't walking or cycling.

>> No.74594370

Most vtubers in general can't drive because most of them are shut-ins with mental disabilities.

>> No.74595630

cars are evil

>> No.74595896

i own two cars and i cant drive either
one is a sought after JDM exclusive that i imported as well
i am not an intelligent man

>> No.74596023

building transnational passenger rail infrastructure is not worth it in the US and inner-city transit is full of homeless people and ethnic minorities which makes it an incredibly dangerous clown show

>> No.74596069

modern vehicles are a nightmare to work on and when things are all electric in 10-15 years it will be next to impossible

>> No.74596333

>russia is poorer and bigger and can still do public transport
you're... proving the other guys point for him...?

>> No.74596479

In 10-15 years, mechanics will be replaced by actual robots like from Star Wars.

>> No.74596647

>Russia is bigger, poorer, more spread out and yet have better public transit
ha.. ha… hahaha… i wish… the public transit is dogshit here too…

>> No.74596818

Bro a coworker from Russia showed me pictures of her village just 20 minutes from Moscow and it looks straight out of the 14th century. You don't want these russian comparisons, trust me.

>> No.74596936

They don't. Ubereats/Instacart or their parents sustain them.

>> No.74597037

It's too late. It's not impossible to do but there's no political will for it. The problem is that piecemeal tracks aren't nearly as useful as having an entire region or even country connected all by train. So the value of each individual piece is less than the whole, and the piece isn't worth it on its own, so it doesn't get built.

>> No.74597092

She needs it as she works as courtesan

>> No.74597280

American car lobbyists completely brainwashed the country lol

>> No.74597476

The metro on the right looks like it has anime eyes, while the metro on the left looks like business people in suits do business things on it.

>> No.74597790

Ok but why did the rail lobbyists suck so hard at fighting them?

>> No.74597915

You might not feel that way if you saw what they looked like on the inside.

>> No.74598604

based retard

>> No.74598834

No, Moscow and St. Petersburg have public transit. Everywhere else might as well be fallout-style wasteland,

>> No.74600325

it's funny because the business people are on the right and the people on the left will murder you for a dollar.

>> No.74600481

>it's another europoor carlet cope thread
oy vey

>> No.74600646

Driving is fun
Commuting by car is not

>> No.74600820
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China did this in under 20 years, America has been trying to set up a high speed rail network in California since the 80s and gotten nowhere, there is literally no excuse for being this retarded and bad other than the fact that your country is a corrupt oligarchy ran by octogenarians.

>> No.74601201

I mean construction’s a lot easier when they have no environmental protection laws, they can seize your private property for any reason, and used forced labor for construction

>> No.74601222

14th century village sounds comfy when compared to places in America like rural Appalachia.

>> No.74601233

Chinese leadership are trying to improve their country. American leadership are trying to launder public money. They're not stupid, they're just corrupt because there's no way to oust corruption in the US. It wouldn't be a problem if the leaders weren't corrupt but here we are.

>> No.74601470

No, but it is our fault that we have government officials willing to do whatever it takes to put roadblocks in the way in exchange for another check

>> No.74601650

I don't think you understand just how American this mentality is. I'm in Canada, basically little America, in my 30s in the upper middle class and most people I know don't drive. This is literally just north of the border before getting to Europe or the Asias.

Americans are the only people in the world who care about this. They always have been.

>> No.74602015

Has this thread deteriorated to the point that vt of all places is shilling for zhangs?

>> No.74602153

the only way to go is rural. fuck you city faggots I hope you enjoy all those niggers

>> No.74602247

The business people are in both but on the left they're mixed in with people who haven't owned a suit their whole life.

>> No.74602374

This is grade A copium from Amerilards
>Forced slave labor
Like the kind you subject inmates to in your prisons?
>Seizure of property
You mean like the hundreds of acres seized in Texas to build Trump's border fence?
>Environmental protections
My brother you just had a train derailment happen last year that dumped tons of toxic chemicals into the Ohio river and it's because your infrastructure is SHIT.


>> No.74603105

If those prisoners could be used for construction jobs, awesome. But since they’re not construction is still expensive. It’s a lot easier to seize that land on the border because it’s on the border - it’s not going through peoples homes or businesses not to mention the federal government owns a lot of it already. I don’t get how the ohio derailment relates this. The environmental protections I’m referring to are shit like NEPA that requires years of ecological impact studies to determine if construction will go through a certain area. And the derailment was due to a mechanical failure on the train, not due to any infrastructure afaik

>> No.74604331

Trumps fence didn’t even get finished lol. It got hammered by red tape, environmental lawsuits, challenges from local landowners, and construction problems. If the US can’t build a wall to protect its own borders than what are the chances for high speed rail?

>> No.74604516

kek /thread

>> No.74604607

Bald and Bankrupt seemed to do ok until he got banned. He would show beautiful Russian train stations, and train rides to small towns with cheap, soviet-era hotels

>> No.74604624
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I'm in my late 20's and never got a license
Yes I'm american

>> No.74604644
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>> No.74604844

I'm almost 40 and I live in America. Not only do I not have a license, but I don't even know how to drive. I'm only just now applying for a learner's permit and pursuing my license, which I'll have to go to driving school for. And I'm only doing it for fun, I'm still not going to buy a car even after I get my license.

>> No.74604909

Are you lost? Did you click /vt/ on accident when trying to go to /vp/ or something?

>> No.74605042

That's pretty pathetic man, how do you not know how to drive by HS?

>> No.74605159


>> No.74605294

What the fuck, am I on /int/?

>> No.74605374

how do you take your kids anywhere?

>> No.74605496

Did he get banned because of the cosmodrome break in or was it something else?

>> No.74605530

Someone else drives them for them. Take a guess on who it is.

>> No.74605736

Cosmodrone break in, yep.

>> No.74605806


>> No.74605902

This is when you realize this board always was /int/ with a vtuber theme and no flags.

>> No.74606352

You also don't have to deal with feral minorities but they're being imported en masse so you'll see your infrastructure weaken.

>> No.74609472

>Burgers can't understand walkable cities and public transportation

>> No.74611632

China is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Certainly more than the USA

>> No.74611832

>muh GDP
please end your life you absolute mouthbreather

>> No.74611997
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we need less female driver. the amount of times I have seen foids almost kill people because they were texting or on the phone is way too goddamn high.

>> No.74612109

I'm going to be honest here, most of the girl are girl failures in general or just failures.

>> No.74612406
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Do you really believe it?

>> No.74612514

Women have more accidents than men, but men cause way more car accident fatalities than women.

>> No.74612922

>americans unable to fathom you can take a train through multiple countries in europe

>> No.74613129

I want transportation freedom, but I also want less of the problems that come with car infrastructure. Should I buy an ultralight aviation vehicle? They don't require a license in the U.S.

>> No.74613278

Because they live in cities. Cities either have good public transportation or are a nightmare to drive your car in due to being tourist traps.

>> No.74613326

Yes but the most people die in freak tech accidents, including public transport malfunctions.
There's no concept of the value of human life in China. You're better off looking to Japan

>> No.74613347

>My beautiful and wonderful tenshi has a license.
Oi, ya got a pehmit for that loicense?!!

>> No.74613351

Most of them just dont talk about it
AZKi can
Noel can
Koyori can
Iroha can because it is imposible to live in the countryside without it
Even a complete retard like Nene can
And they dont bother to drive inside Tokyo because parking fee is a nightmare there

>> No.74613370

Men aren't doing much better these days for most of the same reasons. Most people shouldn't be behind the wheel because they lack attentive/reactive skills and are ignorant to the danger they are creating for themselves and others. I would given anything to have Japan's public transportation system/walking infrastructure over America's highway system, but even in Japan there are still plenty of reasons why you should have a car.

>> No.74613455

lmao I have a car and almost never even use it

>> No.74615623

You've been watching way too many serpentza videos on YouTube, this has the same vibe as
>China total economy collapse in 6 months due to tofu dreg constructed dam collapse!
It's fake us state dept. And falun gong funded propaganda. I'm sure China has it's share of domestic issues but saying most people are dying from faulty infrastructure is sensationalist at best.

>> No.74617040

Faulty tech and crumbling buildings aside, I wouldn't want to live in the dystopian surveillance state China is, either. Same with how much Chinese care about other people (protip: they don't).

>> No.74617102

do you really want someone like Chloe to drive!? She's yabai!

>> No.74618259

That's not a problem that's unique to China. Source: am American

>> No.74620011
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>> No.74620634

God, sometimes I wish I could get in on one of these right-wing grifts. You can sell literally anything as immigrants' fault to you people while people just as white as you pick your pocket.
People are demonstrably dying from faulty infrastructure in the US lmao, I cannot believe this is a glass house they want to throw stones in

>> No.74621166

Our infra is rotting because its not being maintained, not because it was built like shit in the first place when the builders embezzled the money and used compressed sawdust instead of concrete.

>> No.74621410

Men have manly accidents caused by racing and drunk driving
Women have feminine accidents like backing up into someone or swerving into someone's lane

>> No.74622191

Despite what the automotive industry wants you to believe, you actually can survive without a car

>> No.74623867

>150 posts in
>no gosling "i drive"

>> No.74624317
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Bro have you been to China? Do you know how much development has been done in that country? If all of webm related was falling apart it would be international news.

>> No.74624611

survival requirements for a human
>food and water
survival requirements for a burger
>food and water
>a car

>> No.74624735

Will the American government disappear you if you show proof of their crumbling infrastructure?

>> No.74625004

The government is well aware and passed a large infrastructure bill earlier during the Biden administration to expand some things and fix others, but our country is so fucking big and awful at construction that it won't make a huge dent.

>> No.74629230

depends on where you live. Village or small city a car is usefull everywhere in the world.

>> No.74629292

We saw how they handled COVID lmao, you ain't fooling anyone.

>> No.74629487

Better than the US did, at least for a little while until the money people yanked everyone's leash.

>> No.74629665

Isn't China losing massive amounts of money because of this?

>> No.74629746

Boarding up people's doors so can't leave their homes as a "better response" is a pretty wild take.

>> No.74629796

It unironically is.

>> No.74629840

Sure reeks of bugs in this thread.

>> No.74629895

try cleaning your filthy room

>> No.74630078

Kind of? They spent a bunch of $ building lines for political capital/generally improving transit in the country, but a lot of the lines cost way more to maintain than they bring in. That's most large scale infrastructure projects around the world though. Heaven knows how many trillions it'll take even to just maintain the U.S.'s current road network.

>> No.74630208

China also overbuilt their rail networks to shit and back and most of them are not profitable at all due to low ridership aka have literally zero merit to exist since they can't cover their own operating costs. They do this because building stuff internally counts towards GDP growth as kind of a life hack to the system to claim beeg noombers of GDP (of which they are huge GDP numberfags, like their entire government runs around it). The rail oversupply is similar to the housing oversupply situation there, only the real estate crash is very obvious to us while it will take some decades for neglected railwyas there to close down.

China's CCP is fucking retarded overall in its impulsive way-too-tryhard gambits to try to gin up GDP growth. They state-funded/subsidized 487 new electric car startups a few years ago and already there are like 40 left today, the rest already closed down from failing - and in another year or two probably there will be none left besides BYD and/or Geely or something. They want to be the next big EV powerhouse but now it's not even certain if EVs will really become as sure a thing as we thought. They literally never innovate for themselves and just try to copy whatever cool new thing the West is doing and try to fund it 100x more to attempt to own the market. Japan got ahead in the 80s by innovating and straight up making far better shit than the US was doing, China doesn't do this but pretends real hard that it does with literally stolen tech.

>> No.74630601

they'll unperson you for showing the ethnicities of those in government

>> No.74631154

Better than America's milquetoast reaction
>uhh should we do a lockdown but what about the economy rich people will momentarily lose money and we can't have that
Followed by vaccine retardation and morons crying about muh freedumbs have been violated by a stay at home order as a result of a global pandemic.

>> No.74631370

They live in the city with the best public transport in the world

>> No.74631376

since when its public transportation civilized? more like poorfags crammed in like sardines that don't have the money or freedom to own their own vehicle like people in real countries

>> No.74633137

The only people driving in a crowded city are doing so commercially. Bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, delivery drivers, chauffeurs etc. AKA poorfags.

>> No.74633312

Why should I drive instead of paying someone to drive for me, while investing the money I saved into earning passive income?

>> No.74633382

You shouldn't, unless you're doing so leisurely. Rich people commute by letting others drive them around. They don't operate a vehicle unless its for recreation.

>> No.74638285

city life

>> No.74638352

because cars are scary and I like being a passenger princess with my snacks and drinks! Whats so wrong about that!

>> No.74638484

>right wing grift
>10 million illegal immigrants have entered in the last 3 years and they are homeless beggars in every blue state
Get a clue you third world cunt.

>> No.74638555

That doesn't even make sense, why are you broke losers always so passive aggressive on an american website?

>> No.74638628

The distance from Amsterdam to Milan is the distance from Boston to Washington DC. You are not real countries.

>> No.74638742
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The ones who can drive also stream out of it

>> No.74638749

Then why are your rivers literally acidified, zhang? The US quite literally mogs the fuck out of you environmentally, having forests with actual animals in them>your endless wastelands of concrete. Seethe and cope.

>> No.74639144

I don't like people who sink to this childish, hyperbolic response, but genuinely, if you think this way, kill yourself.

>> No.74641378

Things are different in Japan than in America.

Where you live within America will determine pretty much everything. Local conditions and infrastructure vary widely between states and even within cities.

>> No.74641507

Seethe harder you dumbass chud
