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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.74506860
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>> No.74506927
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Draw or be fried, less than a month left

>> No.74507312
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>> No.74508048
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I think this would work as normal going-out clothes

>> No.74510124
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that is it
i will retain semen until i marry my Priestess.

>> No.74510577

a bit too fancy to pass unnoticed

>> No.74511457
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>> No.74512130

where i live i think it actually would
a lot of people here openly dress up weeb-like and that sort of fashion, its neat

>> No.74513696 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.74515206
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Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the dumbest girls in hololive that I’ve had the “pleasure” to watch. A sullen, dull and quiet girl, she added nothing to holoEN except, “Gee, let's blow up KFP.” Also, illegally released many classified Chickens. A real dope!

>> No.74516256

love it

>> No.74516981

I would instantly rape any woman that walks around in public like that

>> No.74517394

I have a thing for animu women with sharp canines

>> No.74518066
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>> No.74518214

Fact: This is the most erotic woman in the world

>> No.74518532

Also the coolest and cutest

>> No.74520543
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>> No.74520584

Ina sure is cute, but I have never seen proof that she is actually cool.

>> No.74520948
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>> No.74521747

Everyone's reaction to meeting a wild konbini Ina

>> No.74523895
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>> No.74525062
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>> No.74525387
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Do you think there’s a hidden Tako aboard the ISS who is truly having a good morning afternoon evening?

>> No.74525785
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this reminds me I've never had a picnic

>> No.74526118

I think she literally just woke up, expect a delay

>> No.74526232


>> No.74526526


>> No.74526601
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>> No.74526837

Is it just me being really tired myself or does she sound kinda tired and adorable?

>> No.74526904

she probably isn't done with her other deadlines

>> No.74527150

Wait, why wasn't there a pre-game zatsu?

>> No.74527153

There is no done, there's always something going on

>> No.74527163

>Little sister GF

>> No.74527233

she just woke up

>> No.74527350

bro? your Kirino gf? your Ako and Riko gfs? your Miyuki gf?

>> No.74527374

GIrls are cutest when they're almost retarded.

>> No.74527422

Has Ina remarked at all on whether this Saber is a boy or a girl? I heard the game purposefully makes it ambiguous.

>> No.74527496

>the game purposefully makes it ambiguous.
maybe if you're stupid

>> No.74527506
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I don't get it, who is this supposed to be possesing imouto?

>> No.74527525

Well I hardly know shit about this game, so please inform me.

>> No.74527563

it's a dude, dude

>> No.74527623

MOst dudes in Fate are girls.

>> No.74527625

meant for >>74527422

>> No.74527691

Time to recharge Imouto's mana.

>> No.74527718

weird sexy jekyll and hyde

>> No.74527840

That's Seiba's wife that sacrificed herself so he could keep living

>> No.74527921
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yeah...she explained it herself... after I made my post

>> No.74527925

It's never stated, and even the F/GO servant doesn't have a gender. The VA is female, so basically believe whatever you want

>> No.74528026
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this is old japan and this character was married to a woman, it's 100% a dude. The "IT HAS A FEMALE VA" cope doesn't work because a lot of women voice dudes

>> No.74528101
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Yeah, and King arthur sired a son.

>> No.74528108

Saber has a girl's vagina and puffy sensitive nipples atop small perky breasts

>> No.74528130

I literally know nothing about fate, what’s it even about?

>> No.74528171

Yeah, just like King Arthur, Nero Claudius, Okita Souji, Oda Nobunaga, and so on

>> No.74528176

Is FGO otherwise explicit about it for other characters? Like on an in-game profile or actually having gameplay ramifications for modifiers or some such.

>> No.74528205

about conquering fate

>> No.74528231
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it's just a stretched series based on a porn game, don't think too much about it

>> No.74528243

Pet cattos

>> No.74528313
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>> No.74528333

Historical figures come back as big titted women and do something to get a holy grail or something. Doesn't matter, just pay attention to the porn and Prisma Illya

>> No.74528511

It's a gameplay mechanic on occasion and specifically listed in the bios ingame, yes.

>> No.74528585

The fact that Ina 100 percent knows this and still considers this one of her favorite franchises is making me hard.

Also I wonder if she’s made some fate lewds in private?

>> No.74528709

It's a "porn game" with like 3 scens in over 5 hours of reading, and they got removed later.

The new scenes they wrote to replace the porn were stupid and made no sense though.

>> No.74528723

Is it just me or Ina sounds more feminine today?

>> No.74528808

I see, but that just goes back to my original question. Has Ina been interpreting this Saber as a boy or a girl when making remarks to chat about the character? Or does she say "they" ever time?

>> No.74528958

No I don't think she's said anything in particular, there might've been once or twice where the translation was bad and used he or she but Ina just calls Saber Saber anyway

>> No.74529011

I’ve never personally gotten into the fate series but I do know that the servants drink cum or get fucked to replenish themselves. Is this also mentioned once and brushed off or is it pretty important?

>> No.74529058
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>but I do know that the servants drink cum or get fucked to replenish themselves

>> No.74529060
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Ina follows the logic in this image

>> No.74529071

That was a "plot" point in the original game but they walked it back when they removed the porn.

Now it's CG dragons.

>> No.74529073

My bad I meant to respond to you. Jesus I need sleep badly

>> No.74529098

It happens like twice in the original VN and then they never made sex scenes again (Rin/Rani fucking your servant offscreen in Extra doesn't count)

>> No.74529167

To elaborate, the excuse for the sex thing was that Saber gets summoned improperly and she isn't getting mana from her master, so she has a giant apetite and gets refilled with sex a couple times in the story.
Normally masters don't have this problem.

>> No.74529212
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sex with this creatures

>> No.74529305

Imagine the Berserker mana transfer

>> No.74529354
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Fate's lore is boring as fuck, and Toaru's is a thousand times better. Fate is just more popular nowadays because of FGO and the porn, and nothing will change my mind.

>> No.74529370

The pig scenes have been the highlight of the stream series.
Ina gets very cute.

>> No.74529374

Are we talking like, Herc-style berserker or Tamacat-style berserker here?

>> No.74529386

I thought pigs said "oink"

>> No.74529388
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I want to suck on Circe and Ina's ears

>> No.74529425


>> No.74529446

They speak Japanese Pig, not English Pig

>> No.74529476

I read a bit of it but it was just some highschoolers with superpowers bullshit and it had nothing on Fate's visuals so I didn't bother continuing.

>> No.74529500

Nah, Sloparu is lame as fuck too. it's only saving grace was Misaka.

>> No.74529510

>that's my fire breathing technique
since when Ina can throw fire?

>> No.74529573

The fact that one of the biggest franchises was spawned off of this plot point. I really need to invest in a fuck ton of adderall and a MacBook, my brain randomly always comes up with shit like this weekly.

>> No.74529586

>he doesn't remember Fire in the Butt

>> No.74529601

She's got a dragon sealed in one of her eyes, you think she can't breathe fire?

>> No.74529614
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>they didn't read the LN
Rookie mistake.

>> No.74529665

But anon nothing draws me to Index to bother putting up with a VN
Trudging through Fate SN was bad enough even if the payout made it worth it.

>> No.74529733
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>considering to read the LN when the anime was mid
neet behaviour

>> No.74529777

The only LNs I read are Overlord and Youjo Senki. Mahouka too if I want to read several paragraphs describing public transportation

>> No.74529856
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>The only LNs I read are Overlord and Youjo Senki
holy based

>> No.74529883
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>> No.74529919
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But why read YS when it has such a great anime and such a great manga adaptation?

>> No.74529935
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The anime was a horrid adaptation of the light novel, took out all of the cool shit and made the characters look worse. Once you get deep enough into it (which does take some time), you become a believer though (especially with the best arcs only being in the LN).

>> No.74530020

This but Spice and Wolf

>> No.74530023
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minimap looks like an old school halo

>> No.74530052

I forgot she started as a confessor before going full weeb with the katana

>> No.74530062

The Spice & Wolf manga was drawn by an excellent H-Artist so that's what I went with.

>> No.74530087

I do like how the YS anime is mostly serious while the manga plays up the humor at points. Makes it feel like it's actually worth checking out each version

>> No.74530199
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kan'eiji-ji mention

>> No.74530239
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I'm jealous of YS, Fate and SAO getting such great anime adaptations while Toaru got rushed and overall done poorly, I hope a good studio picks up NT and adapts it to give some justice to the LN someday (no copium at all btw).

>> No.74530287

Could be worse
Could be Overlord (except for the music, man every OP is 10/10).

>> No.74530383
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Maybe Toaru isn't that good of a source material to be made into an anime? also, a real shit adaptation is what they did to Berserk

>> No.74530458

They're making a new Berserk anime aren't they?
Is this finally the run?

>> No.74530528
File: 46 KB, 343x400, agnitako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're making a new Berserk anime aren't they?
t-they are?

>> No.74530544

>Maybe Toaru isn't that good of a source material to be made into an anime?
At worst I'd call it hard to adapt, but it isn't a classic of LNs for nothing, because the worldbuilding in it is some of the best that you'll find out there. Berserk isn't the biggest scam though, the biggest scam of anime adaptations is definitely Blame! (which is rather a movie but you get what I'm saying).

>> No.74530579

The worst part is what they've shown (no animation yet) looks too good to be true
But I've been burned too many times.

>> No.74530634
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>> No.74530635

Since we’re on the topic of all these different franchises, what was your guys’s introduction into anime. Mine was pretty basic, Dragon ball Z when I was like 4 or 5.

>> No.74530700

Captain Tsubasa then Saint Seiya.
But when I was way younger I saw even older shows, I didn't know they were anime. Even saw a Cyborg 009 movie.

>> No.74530762

first anime I watched was DBZ, then Death Note and then I watched nothing for 5 years until a friend made me watch NGNL and Monster Musume.

>> No.74530814

Probably that too, but it's Captain Tsubasa, Doraemon and Inazuma Eleven that got me scotched in front of my TV whenever they aired. Code Lyoko also played a role, but it isn't really an anime by definition.

>> No.74530818


>> No.74530846

My older sis watching Black Butler and Hetalia.

>> No.74530934

Whichever of Pokemon/Sailor Moon/DBZ were on TV first here, I know for sure I watched the original run of Pokemon from the beginning

>> No.74531028

Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon

>> No.74531064

DBZ, Sailor Moon and Saint Seiya were my first but they were just "cartoons" to me back then, I didn't really get into anime until I watched evangelion a few years later

>> No.74531179

Pokémon/one piece—->a shit ton of ecchi anime——> heavy shounentako/storytako from then to now, I’m def more into video games though

>> No.74531182
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I never truly loved mangas until I discovered yuris, slice-of-life (mostly the romances) and psychological stuff. Makes sense that I like Ina now that I think about it.

>> No.74531236

DBZ, Pokemon, Yugioh, or Sailor Moon like most people. I also saw the first 4 parts of Interstella 5555 on Toonami and that got me into Daft Punk

>> No.74531392

I've been a yurifag since I realized Uranus and Nepture were gay (the hackjob dub making them cousins did nothing to impede this)

>> No.74531422

here we go

>> No.74531463
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>> No.74531470

I will survive this for my Ina

>> No.74531597

Also started around that for me, but then the discovery of stuff like Watamote (and HoloJP too to be honest) just sealed the deal.

>> No.74532027

i like when Iori says nigga byakudo

>> No.74532193

this hikki...

>> No.74532308

DBZ, metabots, b daman

>> No.74532375

>b daman
holy fucking shit

>> No.74532901

kinda funny how it was an anime purely made to sell toys, but it sure as fuck worked on kid me

>> No.74532998
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>> No.74533016
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>> No.74533247

Hasbro’s entire existence be like

>> No.74533347

I mean their design was really cool, I had one of the fancy ones with sounds and shit. I have to dig for it in my old stuff now

>> No.74533541

That was obvious, with the hair and the shackles.

>> No.74533641

I don't get the jujutsu kaisen and samsom link

>> No.74533707

my friends keep shilling jujutsu kaise but I genuinely don't care about it

>> No.74533710

Would ya’ll consider someone who watches jjk an otaku? Based off of what I see on Twitter I beg to differ with Inner

>> No.74533734

I can only pay attention when Musashi is on screen

>> No.74533773

this but tamamo

>> No.74533799

Japanese game putting Musashi up against Samson as if they are even close

>> No.74533809

Ina said something about them placing limits to make themselves more powerful. This connects to Samson because he's inhumanely strong as long as he doesn't cut his hair

>> No.74533840

the movie was pretty good, but S2 was kinda mid. Fights were sorta cool but storywise it was kinda shit, even for shounen

>> No.74533887

Yeah, Musashi would basically kill him in one swing at his hair but she seems to be holding back

>> No.74533901

Ina playing the game painfully suboptimal is giving me conniptions for once

>> No.74533977

I see

>> No.74534043

Samsombros...it's ogre...

>> No.74534063

I’d call em an anime fan if they’ve only watched a handful of shows and just that, but if you’re like me a mexitako I fuckin love dragon quest and dragon ball and blue archive and I’ve got a shitton of dragon ball/quest merch and blue archive merch comin in the mail, basically I’d consider you an otaku if you’re really into some anime shit, so much so that you have a shitton of merch, like I fuckin know inas dope cave of a home is filled with plushies/figures/artbooks

>> No.74534107

I think she can't because it has to be a woman he loves or something

>> No.74534202

>who watches jjk an otaku?
if it's just jjk it's probably for the memes, which just makes them casual shitters just like the Demon Slayer shills

>> No.74534208

Also hes like, a peerless warrior, so cutting his hair in any meaningful way isnt going to happen

>> No.74534310

i liked that reference to the original story, but i don't remember if Sanson still loved delilah before dying

>> No.74534350

who this?

>> No.74534362

time to read the Bible so I can understand Fate lore

>> No.74534621

Having shonen be most people’s gateway into anime (including me) is a blessing because most shonen is great, but also one of the biggest fat fucking curses ever. Most of the people on the online who are “fans” of anime only exclusively watch shonen and make it their entire personality. They are possibly the most insufferable people I’ve seen on the internet. The only silver lining is that it’s an easy test to see who’s an absolute normie so you can disregard their opinion when they begin freaking out on anything that isn’t their favorite show.

>> No.74534654

Who the hell would play this shit twice.

Maybe if you set it to the absolute easiest difficulty so you could speedrun the combat

>> No.74534705

I tried, died against a challenge boss and gave up

>> No.74534727

It has some charm

>> No.74534743

I got every ending and Tiger Dojo in F/SN, but I wouldn't want to with this because of the horrible gameplay

>> No.74534761

she choose the bad or good ending?

>> No.74534814

You have to do a little more than two playthroughs to get the good ending.

>> No.74534820

NG+ is alway a good concept

>> No.74534855
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>> No.74534890

Seeing people talk about different endings, how close to beating the game is she?

>> No.74535312

The anime piqued my interest enough to try the novels, and I've been a lifelong Toaru series fan since then. The WW3 and Othinus arcs unironically are some of my favorites in all fiction, and If the anime was given the love it deserved it could have had the same longevity and recognition as other shows like Eva and Fate. Also people tend to forget Toaru used to be the king of all LN back in the day. I still remember Touma / Accelerator and especially Misaka winning every Dengeki bunko popularity poll back to back to back.

>> No.74535333
File: 645 KB, 3072x4096, IMG_3528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why people do cum tributes to artwork and figures nor have ever thought of doing it myself.

But I think I’m starting to understand…

>> No.74536350


>> No.74536383
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[3_05_20], take=[2024-04-26 19.07.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74536458

If I run an instrument on it does that count?

>> No.74536575
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You won't convince me to watch Frieren, Inya. It looks uninteresting, and this Himmel guy is probably a fag anyway.

>> No.74536720

Thank god the DMPC is here to beat the final boss for us

>> No.74536815

Between this and MH I think Ina just has a thing for games where you wail on bosses for 2 damage at a time for 10 minutes

>> No.74536912

these games are astronomically more fun to play yourself

>> No.74536925

This is just every action game now, I hate it

>> No.74537002

Kind of boring with all the dialog and the pure lack of actual action and personal choices in the gameplay, but at least it's giving us a lot of cute noises.

>> No.74537055

Ina's samson noises were my favorite but that's over now..

>> No.74537324


>> No.74537428


>> No.74537492

Sasaki Kojiro, historic rival of Musashi.

>> No.74537513

Don't compare MonHun to this trash

>> No.74537582 [SPOILER] 
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I'll probably fix this up a bit more but I need to look away from all the damn hatching, I went overboard.

>> No.74537708

She's so cool...
Very nice

>> No.74537936

mister Ben Garrison? what are you doing here?

>> No.74537942

really nice!

>> No.74538000

Not nearly enough pointless labels

>> No.74538053

I miss her already...

>> No.74538143

But anon... Frieren is a downer type loli-baba with knife ears, a weird sense of humor, and she's like one hairstyle change away from /becoming/ Ina. She even sounds like her according to some people!
I haven't watched frieren either though kek.

>> No.74538306

These days have been horrible but she makes me smile a lot

>> No.74538305

I feel like I'll realize that Frieren has nothing to do with Ina in terms of actual substance if I start reading/watching the show, and it's honestly just better to get into Bocchi to find Ina's "literally me" character.

>> No.74538376

Ina is really the best

>> No.74538795

Todays stream went by faster than the last FSR one for me, and she was very very cute too!

>> No.74539756 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.74540371


>> No.74540887
File: 1.61 MB, 960x540, bug_story[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1s6f18.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina getting grossed at Shirori's bug story. She referenced it today during that spider encounter in the game.

She doesn't like bugs huh

>> No.74541277

They get pretty big up north to survive the cold. I went camping out by Crater Lake once and the mosquitos are the size of wasps.

>> No.74541335

But then how big are the wasps?

>> No.74541371

anon? no one likes insects

>> No.74541564

we're really not getting rid of novelites for a while aren't we

>> No.74542034

Please get a new larp anon... This one sucks

>> No.74542063

Cute Ina squeels

>> No.74542093

Ben does it again...

>> No.74544602
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>> No.74544619

Ina Ina Ina
I love Ninomae Ina'nis

>> No.74546443


>> No.74548699
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yeah, me

>> No.74549148

me on the table

>> No.74549181
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>> No.74550789

kek, I will never forget the Beavis and Butt-Head faces

>> No.74550969

Beavis and Butthead was the best

>> No.74552763
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>> No.74555129
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I tried watching 3 episodes of Mashle out of boredom. This is some hot garbage and it got multiple seasons? Who is responsible for Ina watching this?

>> No.74555423
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kek I forgot the Bling Bang Bang Born song had an anime

>> No.74555674

Did she watch it? I thought she just liked the song

>> No.74555848

I remember Ina saying she caught up to the latest Mashle episode.
The song carried that pile of shit really hard.

>> No.74555905

the noises she makes at 3 seconds are like the counterpart to the time she went YEEEAH during the recorder battle stream.

>> No.74556150

Sad to see Mob didn't stay in the work-out club

>> No.74557856

It's kinda funny, but it's the same joke over and over. Brainless but fun. I dind't read it for long, the anime has good production values apparently and the song is very catchy.

>> No.74560271

Yeah it’s a gag/shounen manga, but if I want funny I’d just watch cartoons like chowder, aqua teen hunger force, courage the cowardly dog, or bevis and butthead.
Honestly I wish Ina would do a watch along of a season of a western cartoon but she’s a giant otaku so never

>> No.74561202

why is Beavis and Butthead making a resurgence?

>> No.74561719

i'd say it's because of the reboots

>> No.74562474

There's a reboot? There isn't even an MTV anymore....

>> No.74564026

Honestly it was decent, they had a really good joke about bevis and butthead learning white Privilege that blew up on social media when it first aired, which is how most people found out about it

>> No.74565670
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>> No.74566466
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Damn, the schizo was right...

>> No.74566945

streaming platforms are crazy these days, reviving 20+ year old dead IPs and adding a couple more season as if nothing happen while also changing it completely for todays climate (which is absolutely souless)

>> No.74567229

Anything to avoid making something original...

>> No.74567707

>changing it completely for todays climate
this is the part I hate

>> No.74567802

>Rocko's Modern Life movie out of nowhere
>It's about trannies

>> No.74567845

I hate the modern world so much...

>> No.74568333
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At least I liked the Invader Zim movie...

>> No.74569375

florpus was good, i'll give you that. Jhonen was involved as a director so his autism prevailed so his vision stayed true
his streams are pretty ok

>> No.74570004
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>> No.74570555

I think they should bring back and allow 80's and 90's era coke. I think it being less pure and cut with household chemicals caused more creativity in pedowood

>> No.74570920

Why is my father-in-law so cute?

>> No.74571316

should I try rolling for an Altria or keep it all for NP5 Hokusai
