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74491810 No.74491810 [Reply] [Original]


Anyone else of note killed their entire career dead by pulling the whole "PARASOCIAL FUCKS" thing?

>> No.74491920
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>> No.74492046

I don't laugh at these girls because at least they had some balls. More than anything I hate the girls that lean on GFE to get started and then their affection dries up when they feel like they have momentum.

>> No.74492076

Several twitch streamers tried it but then backpedaled heavily.
Hell, Vox did it in NijiEN but turned back because the money was too good.

>> No.74492115


>> No.74492125


>> No.74492219

Well, Fauna and Elira both gave "the talk" but neither lost any real viewership. Hell, Fauna's is higher than it was back then.

>> No.74492310

looks like the secret is not beeing a massive cunt. who would have thought.

>> No.74492329

They used to make Kronii threads with "have you forgiven her?" in the subject. I think they stopped after Magni and Vesper left. I take it they have forgiven her now because I never see those threads in the catalog anymore. Am I right?

>> No.74492349

Nyanners kinda

>> No.74492355
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Going the "PARASOCIAL FUCKS" route is conforming to the mentality that's being drilled into Western women's heads constantly; you should never be subservient to men, you have the right to demand absolutely anything no matter how unreasonable it might be and not give anything back in return.

>> No.74492379

This but unironically.

>> No.74492559

Momo from Idol did it right by deleting her ASMR's without a peep. Vtubers who have "the talk" with their fans deserve to work a 9-5.

>> No.74492604


>> No.74494375

Meanwhile, someone like Mint openly embraced her own parasocial attachment to her chat and the result is a borderline zealous fanbase. She doesn't even do that usual GFE pandering, she's more like one of the guys. Is it perhaps a good thing to be "parasocial"?

>> No.74494471

The thing is you can't just change it at a whim and expect the fanbase to follow you.
Sayu has someone who's seriously just reached his 50 month streak, and several others who're above 40 months. This means that not only were they there throughout her whole graduation, entrance to niji, and termination, but they were even there before she was a vtuber.
Sayu's got a special brand of parasocialism that works extremely well and is likely the only reason she's still alive and hadn't killed herself last year.
It's definitely symbiotic if everything's laid out plainly in the first place, and you actually stick to it. I don't know much about Pomu beyond her interactions with people I've enjoyed, but it sounds like a similar case for her fans.

>> No.74494937

So they supported her through her marriage and divorce? Damn, I guess some people are just born cucks.

>> No.74495033

That, plus Fauna never changed her content. She never pandered to unicorns. That's why she keeps to seiso triggers in her ASMR as well, and keeps things like the slime ASMR locked behind members.

>> No.74495068

I know it's hard to believe for some people here, but supporting someone in any way is not automatically synonymous with wanting to fuck them.

>> No.74495109

Financially supporting women who already have men in their lives is cuckoldry.

>> No.74495117

That's exactly right. Mint/Pomu never was parasocial and that's why I enjoyed watching her. She's open about her degeneracies and embraces them. Any chuuba who does that is a-ok in my book.

>> No.74495176

...What kind of insane fetish do you have in order to think like this? Don't you have female friends?

>> No.74495220

You must live a very sad and lonely existence, anon.
Hope life turns around for you someday.

>> No.74495673
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You financially support a vtuber because they provide a good service which is essentially being an online cabaret club hostess and so that they continue being there to provide that service. It's the same as wanting your favourite restaurant to stay in business. Are you gonna sperg about getting cucked if that restaurant has female employees or god forbid a female owner?

>> No.74495940

Unicorns do not interact with females that are in a relationship or interacted with a male in public outside of themselves.

>> No.74496013

Not exactly the same because the relationship with a restaurant is one between seller and buyer.
There is a defined product you exchange for money.

With a streamer the product is less srrictly defined - its just their content.
And you dont directly buy it.

But with your financial support you create an incentive for the streamer to continue doing this type of content.
In a way you invest in your future entertainment.

>> No.74496233

Why is it such a big deal when they find out that streamers are in relationship? Is the streamers' personal life is part of the content?

>> No.74496341

lonely men hate being reminded that they're lonely, I guess.
They only see the vtuber as some kind of callgirl they can imagine themselves, and nobody else, fucking.

>> No.74496386

there was one like 3 days ago

>> No.74496520

>Anyone else of note killed their entire career dead by pulling the whole "PARASOCIAL FUCKS" thing?
Akumako Rei aka Mogu Muge aka Blaise Shinryu. She fucked up so bad that her entire base of original fans, indie friends, and friends in Production Kawaii have unpersoned her. Now she's living in Eien Project with barely more subscribers than she had as a 2view indie.

>> No.74496598

Two reasons. Both are monkey brain things.
>girl cute
>want girl
>see girl look at other monkey
>get angry

>want to listen to cute girl
>other monkey voice comes on
>dopamine high gone

>> No.74496628

It shouldn't be a problem at all. anyone with a rational mind knows that he will never ever meet any of his oshis in real life, let alone get to be her boyfriend.
That's nothing but an empty fantasy.
But for somen people that fantasy takes over their mind, and that's when things ge problematic.
This is absolutely not a vtuber only thing.

>> No.74496642

who ever thought that "le parasocial bad" is a dumb fuck.
you have to be fucking parasocial to consistently watch streams of someone that last for one two three hours on a regular basis. it doesn't even mean that parasocial = automatically gfe, jfc, it means you like this person, like a friend, like a parent, like your uncle or idolize this person in some capacity.
no fucking different than a fan going to a movie because his favorite movie star was in it, even if it turns out to be a bad movie.

>> No.74496645

>DO NOT flirt with me
Dumbest rule I’ve ever seen

>> No.74496779

>Not exactly the same
It still fits the parameters set by >>74495109

>> No.74496838

The parameters are stupid considering the definition of the word doesn't change just because a few ill adjusted schizos.

>> No.74496935

Bro "parasocial" is when you think someone is your friend, when that someone doesn't know or barely knows you exist. If you start think a streamer is your friend, yet have never even had a 1-on-1 convo with them. You have issues. Being a fan is fine (as long as it doesn't take over your life).

>> No.74497160

The funny thing is that she used to be all in on it and would flirt herself with chat and encourage lewd fanart. One day she went full menhera and deleted everything she had and went all in on PLATONIC and made a huge effort on purging the "parasocial fucks". The only problem was that her new model was very lewd and she went right back to encouraging lewd fanart on discord, etc. Then before getting accepted into Eien, she once again went menhera and deleted everything she had and left with rants about how nothing was ever romantic and that she only liked her fans platonically, putting "platonic" in all caps multiple times.
She is literally an amalgamation of Finana and Yuko with all the worst traits.
Normally, she would just be forgotten by now, but she used to have a tight group of indie friends and friends in Kawaii whom she would regularly collab with. However after her first menhera bout where she purged her Akumako Rei channel, the collabs slowly lessened with her old freinds to the point of not even happening. Eventually her friend Shee Icho deleted all the collab videos with her and all her old indie collab partners likewise unpersoned her, ignored any chat messaged relating to her, and pretended like she never existed.
There is also another controversy with her because she raised money on gofundme for her injured dog, but ended up splurging at conventions shortly after and bought her Mogu Muge model after raising the money. Then she swept any discussion of her dog under the rug and never mentioned the gofundme afterwards.

>> No.74497215

I was specifically responding to that ill-adjusted schizo, the general nature of unicorndom is an another discussion.

>> No.74497228

>streamers are your friend
>that doesn't return the favor
you mean like an actual friends?
what matters is it doesn't hinder your daily activities and doesn't ruin you financially.

>> No.74497251

> Dramatubers

>> No.74497263

It can be fine as long as they don’t pull a Yuko. She literally encouraged people to be parasocial, asked people to be obsessed , asked them to send her maros, asked them to fall in love with her and then goes actually never mind fuck you guys. Also it’s your fault. Let me delete all the evidence in plain site to gaslight the actual fans and make them look crazy to tourists.

>> No.74497357

>Elira didn't lose any real viewership
Well she's a 1k shitter now

>> No.74497402

I think she was a 1k shitter before. She hasn't sniffed a whiff of pomu/selen's shadow in years.

>> No.74497425

If an "irl" friend doesn't know you exist then they're not your friend. I'd also appreciate if you didn't just make up random shit to argue with, and frame it as I posted it.

>what matters is it doesn't hinder your daily activities and doesn't ruin you financially.
Live in the fantasy of having a streamer friend all you want. I don't really care if people go nuts and give all their money away, going homeless in the process. I just get annoyed with people using the term "parasocial" wrong. That's all. I dislike words and terms being used wrong and being ran into the ground.

>> No.74497429

I thought she ran off to bilibili

>> No.74497435

Qrd on sayu? Never heard of her

>> No.74497462

I think in Yuko's case she pandered to coomers too hard, then it attracted some genuinely disgusting people. But she was playing with fire, so she deserved to get burned.

>> No.74497477

Just go to her fucking general thread, newfag

>> No.74497493

Finana didn't really kill her career with that. Her fan base died from a throusand paper cuts followed by a knife. The parasocial fucks moment was one of the paper cuts. Her having a secret discord for select fans was the knife.
Yuko's case was also made much worse by her groomer friends fucking with her viewers, althgough the change in type of content would have done quite a bit of damage on its own.

>> No.74497566

Don't forget that /k/ had a meltdown because their little faggy meetups that used to include Yuko aka Rye was run by a bunch of pedophiles. The organizer is goimg to prison for raping his pre pubescent daughter

>> No.74497612

Cute and unlucky cyborg girl that spams genshin, shes a bit menhera but she generally means well

>> No.74498091
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Pre-Niji Sayu was a primarily gacha streamer who joined Nijisanji in late 2023 as part of the xsoleil wave. She was a high 3view fluent in both english and japanese, but she didn't mesh will with the corporate structure and asked too many questions, butting heads with management too many times and got terminated with a scathing, drummed up list of bullshit. However, back then Nijisanji had a much better reputation so all of their charges "stuck," making her a complete pariah. All of the nijisanji fans believed them wholeheartedly and dogpiled on her, which got even worse since she was recently doxxed and started even receiving harassment in person. Quinn in particular (then Kyo) was caught being one of the people dogpiling on her, as well, which caused even more friction. Dramatubers would constantly shit on her, labeling her random shit from a mother of 2 kids to a pedophile to a rape apologist due to out of context clips of her jokes. For extra poison, Niji had all of her wavemates make videos denouncing her, to different degrees from each.

A bit later, Sayu released a document with her lawyer called "One Girl's Story" which clarified a lot of the dirty laundry that she dealt with during her few months in Nijisanji. It exposed a lot of awful crap like how they gave an untrained 2 week old hired manager to oversee her entire wave, to how the company has a habit of punishing people by forcing suspensions while skinwalking their accounts to say it was just a "health break" or "visiting family."
A few months later she returned to streaming, but she was pretty broken emotionally and a complete wreck. She had another breakdown during a late night stream and exposed a bit more about Niji, naming especially Finana and Kotoka as backstabbers who went the extra mile to twist the knife after her termination. During this, she also let slip that Nina specifically, who had recently graduated, was suffering from crippling self confidence issues in a private conversation they had, tearfully telling her that she was worth so much more than what Niji drilled into her. (If you've heard anything about Matara/Nina ghosting sayu, this is what they're referring to. She cut all contact after this for this statement, and until recently, Sayu's been desperately trying to apologize to Matara to no avail, though thankfully she seems to have finally moved on.)

She's been slowly building herself back up as a streamer since then, changing up her streaming content to be more variety focused, but she's stubborn, unfiltered, overly honest, and very attentive to chat, which leads her to be very, very prone to being baited by bad actors, who tend to twist her words to bring up more shit against Niji, as well as the sisters who've been harassing her near daily ever since her termination (recently she found out they were trying to dox her again, though thankfully they missed.)

After the whole Selen termination, people drew parallels and checked everything against her document, noting the similar stories, which immediately vindicated her to a lot of people who were now willing to give her a chance. She's been growing ever since, though she still gets regular antis targeting her.

>> No.74498295

Thanks Anon. The only thing I knew where something about Nina and her because it popped up in other threads.

>> No.74498314

Nina ghosted her after this? But she said nice things avout her. What?

>> No.74498351

What Fauna was like before the incident?

>> No.74498383

I would assume name dropping/exposing a private conversation wouldn't go down well for most people. More a breach of trust than anything. But I know jackshit about the drama, so who knows.

>> No.74498614
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The best explanation I've seen is that it's absolutely a betrayal of trust since it was something told in confidence, and I can understand that, since it may have caused friction between Matara and people still in the company. However, it's still kind of insane to me since it's not exactly something she's kept secret before or since, especially after Matara loves to talk about how much she hated "Hollywood." It's not like we can force people to be friends again, but as long as Matara keeps it to just ghosting and the two of them don't try to actively smear each other, I'm happy.
Sayu tends to be extremely unfiltered and confrontational, and if she has a problem, she's likely going to confront them directly rather than dance around the issue with vague talk in public. Recently she finally got one of the few people who dogpiled her and spread around the whole "sayu's a pedophile" slander to apologize by effectively forcing them into DMs for a heart to heart and try to reach an understanding.
Her fans are very proud of the emotional maturity she's shown and how much she's recovered from that hot mess she was back last year.

>> No.74498696

I didn't know matara was such a bitch to sayu...

>> No.74498707

>have you forgiven her
Threads are cucks crawling back after there's been no male collabs for awhile, they always get over it eventually, goes to show you how weak their conviction truly is.

>> No.74498858

I mean she only did maybe a dozen streams that I would consider “coomer” and other than that it was standard GFE shit. She also encouraged said supposed “disgusting behaviour”. She said she liked it so people went along with it because she said she wanted it. All people wanted was her to be honest about what she wanted from her audience but then she lied the whole way and blamed her fans.

>> No.74498953


>> No.74499084

Yeah but that's all she was known for, ask anyone about her and they'd bring up the stream where she supposedly masturbated

>> No.74499175
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>> No.74499286

It's not as bad as those two, but Mikeneko's massive outburst around the time of the Apex Matsuri ended up costing her about half of her fanbase at that point

>> No.74499297

Who knows. Maybe some things were said and done when there was no stream running.
Maybe this story has elements none of us knows anything about.

>> No.74499671

Fauna and Elira were more of a “cut the shit out” before the full parasocialism stuck, Finana and Yuko leaned hard into the shit and then cut it off entirely out of nowhere.
People in this business, or life in general, needs to dramatically understand being right in an argument doesn’t give you superpowers. You can be right in fucking court and lose everything.
How you approach something and how you handle it is AS IMPORTANT as being right about it. That’s all that there is to say on the matter objectively.

>> No.74499920

Apparently she had no regrets though?? Why would she mass delete everything if she “didn’t regret it”. It also wasn’t just the lewd shit that she got rid of too. She got rid of anything that showed any sort of affection towards her audience.

>> No.74499982

so nothing changed? she always hovered around that mark

>> No.74500017

>All of the nijisanji fans believed them wholeheartedly and dogpiled on her
A lot of the nijifags here (probably most of the male ones) were always on her side, but what you said may as well be true in practice, because on twitter the anti-Zaion sisters were the overwhelming majority.

>> No.74500145

Well the difference is fauna never encouraged her audience to get closer. It’s obvious she still cares about her audience but didn’t want them to get hurt. She’s right that there’s no way you can be friends with a streamer in an audience as large as her’s. She seems to be the honest type. Yeah she could have worded it better or kept it to herself but she gave her honest thoughts so it didn’t push people away.

>> No.74500310

t. Kronii

>> No.74500399

Honestly what Yuko did was shittier but I think the real thing that killed Finana was the “trap” controversy. She brought culture war bullshit to her stream. It blew up in her face pissing off a large chunk of her fanbase and then she went back on her comments trying to win them back while pissing off the other side. The first chunk had already left her fanbase. That and her inner circle discord shit didn’t help

>> No.74500739

Why the fuck would I know? Who are you talking to?

>> No.74500803

Depends. Look at the Kiki Lockheart situation: She sold her used gamer chair to a fan for so e serious bucks. Turns out it was never her chair, it was her boyfriend's chair. Not cool.
I assume that any extroverted vtuber has a partner. I just don't want to know or hear about it. I want to see cute and/or funny anime girls do and say cute and/or funny things. If that's too much to ask, I'm not gonna pitch a fit, but I am going to leave.

>> No.74501094

If they do GFE, it actually is.
Well, even beyond that, if they're attempting to be gachikoi friendly, it is. Wasn't it Koyori who was recently upset when people started spreading rumours that she wasn't living alone? These girls know that being seen to be "taken" is bad for their bottom line

>> No.74501203

Sorry I guess you’re missing some context. Uh because it sounds like you were saying that she didn’t want to be known for that shit. On her return members stream she incessantly repeated that she had no regrets and was “still a degenerate”. I’m just pointing out that she was contradicting herself. Perhaps to keep some people from leaving her membership? Just a rhetorical.

>> No.74501310

Well there is a difference between being a degenerate and actually doing lewd content.

>> No.74501537

Reminder that the true endgame was hurting idol
Yuko has not streamed since and has unprivated her PL twitter
The only thing that is left to be posted is her termination note

>> No.74501658

She said she didn't regret anything, she even went out of her way to confirm that she was actually masturbating in those streams and not acting

>> No.74503908

The true answer is "know your customer/audience."

>> No.74504064

This literally doesn't exist. Which I guess is why they're called unicorns - it's a mythical creature!

>> No.74504107

That's because everyone forgot about Momo after she spent half a year recovering from botched korean plastic surgery

>> No.74504261

Mint isn't even parasocial, she's just eager to share the things she's passionate about and we're here for the ride. Meanwhile people like Finana who don't have passions but addictions see their chat as an extension of their own narcissism and are far more judgmental and picky about the image they and her fanbase project.

>> No.74505300
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The trap shit did irreparable damage for sure. Nobody wants culture war shit. Aia's predebut bio had this tirade which hard-filtered everyone except twitter since nobody wants any of that shit in vtubing. What gets me about the trap debacle in particular is that it did a lot more for MtF acceptance in anime groups than literally anything trans people have ever attempted purely by the amount of ironic shitposts about it not being gay in a skirt etc. if she was around the community when trap become common vernacular she would know the people bitching to her are complete outsiders with only their self-interest at heart and validate the discrimination they receive.
The trans community are shooting themselves in the foot by trying to retcon one of the few naturally-occurring cultural phenomenon's that lead to natural acceptance of their ilk purely because they get hung up on the semantics of a word instead of adopting it like Weeb or Nerd. Yet they're ok with saying people "pass" which is at complete odds with progressive body standards.
Anyway, Finana is fake as fuck.

>> No.74505573

The Idol general cope is that she only private them because they were getting reported
