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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.87 MB, 1391x1934, EE28F546-FB3B-473B-BA49-7FE66EAC99BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74345882 No.74345882 [Reply] [Original]

My Dancing Chuuba Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>74315898

>> No.74345959

If there is no bread to shill my chuuba, I’ll bake my own.

>> No.74346131

Reminder this happened a year ago

>> No.74346408

What the fuck.

>> No.74346470

The funniest part was Gumpai gained like 600 followers and then purged them all and went back down to 200 afterwards.

>> No.74346530

kinda based

>> No.74346760

tierlists doko

>> No.74347017
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>> No.74347105

Should I have a military-esque outfit when when I am playing more tactical games or games with that kinda theme

>> No.74347399

crab list

>> No.74347501

How is that a crab list? It specifically say don’t fw them ‘like that’

>> No.74347640

STRAIGHT sex with Cabu (I am a male but I am not gay)

>> No.74347772

We have some aspies who have alt costumes for that, the important thing is its generally considered bad taste to wear official military uniforms even if you character is 'military themed'.
Best to stick to non-descript military gear or military-esque as you put it

Not casting judgement with this statement but Americans are in particular sensitive to this, so if you really want a proper uniform you might be able to get away with a different countries BDU

Booth has some assets for military equipment, shame that one really cool live2d chestrig + rifle is no longer being sold.


>> No.74347987

she has really pretty hands, i hope she's feeling better now

>> No.74348300

Is it weird if an artist you really really wanted to work with has no waiting list? Good artists should be swimming in work right? The only two explanations I can think of is that I got really lucky, or I might have over estimated their skills as an artist. Now I’m paranoid that I might have made a mistake in choosing them.

>> No.74348370

>want to stream
>don't feel like playing games
I watch a lot of LCOLONQ so I know coding streams have an audience, but that's because he knows how to code, would anybody watch a retard try to build a resume?

>> No.74348442

>muh stolen valor
Yeah no. American here. Anyone who screeches about stolen valor can go and get fucked.

>> No.74348459

no lol i got lucky and my dream artist is doing my model now and life cannot be greater

>> No.74348487

Reminder last Keitaro stream does not count because it was Clonk pity raided.

>> No.74348620

As long as it's not just "i'm learning to code", give your viewers a clear goal with what you're doing and they'll watch

>> No.74348633

>would anybody watch a retard try to build a resume?
Are you a cute girl? Yes
Are you a boring man in their early to mid 20s who hasn't grown a personality not tied to media consumption yet? No

>> No.74348750

He still did better than Haru.

>> No.74348832

my artist is super talented but didnt get popular until much later after finishing my model and now is swamped with work, kinda funny

>> No.74349061

I'm a brat that need correction

>> No.74349079

Question. generally speaking much of the clothing that you don’t see is actually completed? For example, your t shirt covers the top part of your pants. You will never see the top part of your pants. Will the artist still draw the top part anyway or will they just skip it because it’s not going to be seen anyway?

>> No.74349264

Generally skipped unless the bottom of the shirt for example is expected to have motion applied to it

>> No.74349330

This guy's weird fixation with Keitaro and Haru is comical. It's been months. Nobody else cares.

>> No.74349346
File: 112 KB, 621x601, image_2024-04-23_234615808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyo! doing some art on stream today! Come by and say hai!

>> No.74349494
File: 137 KB, 500x502, 1687138665222475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i find a chuuba that has something similar to the design i've been working on i lose my marbles. especially now that i'm basically done, finding someone similar after the fact seriously drives me insane. i know that everyone kind of gets inspiration from others and it's pretty much impossible to be totally unique, i don't really care about being unique either, but the thought of people saying i "stole" something from someone's design or that i copied them makes me want to punch a wall.

>> No.74349504

>tiktok bill got through
i hope you burgers take advantage of the app before it gets sold off to some shitty burger company and becomes significantly worse for discoervably

>> No.74349637

Okay Haru

>> No.74349729
File: 8 KB, 960x960, the original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just embrace it. Most people won't mind someone with a similar theme or even color scheme showing up, and as you keep developing the design and adding more detail you'll naturally end up differentiating yourself.

>> No.74349750

Fell in love with another vtuber. Again.

>> No.74349808

Hi Geltaran

>> No.74349811

Do you just orbit this thread to make this same idiotic post in response to everything? Go be an incel somewhere else.

>> No.74349817

Go outside and interact with people for the love of god

>> No.74349844

>significantly worse for discoervably
It was already shit for vtuber discoverability.

>> No.74349872
File: 104 KB, 500x500, SufferingRegu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're saying it as a joke but it still messes with me.

>> No.74349897

But I'm right, people like watching a cute retarded girl do mundane things, but no one wants to watch a cookie cutter gamer guy do the same thing. There isn't an audience for what you want to do. Do you get mad that Jews don't want to buy pork?

>> No.74349938

Did Haru not mean anything to you?

>> No.74349987

its okay LeonidasUmbra, people makes mistakes sometimes

>> No.74349991

ok rebel

>> No.74350015
File: 63 KB, 900x900, IMG_4384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you’re feeling down about your streaming career just remember that Gotham Chess is one of the biggest, most popular and richest streamers in the world. But his true goal, his true calling in life, to be a certified Chess Grandmaster will never ever happen because his streaming career will always sabotage his focus.

>> No.74350024

Tiktok conversion to other platforms is so bad that I almost think tiktok engagement is largely faked. I've seen people grow from twitter and youtube/shorts but never tiktok. Even people who have gotten views from there dont get an ounce of it onto other platforms it seems.

>> No.74350049

Would you watch someone do what you asked about? Answer honestly

>> No.74350069

Literally who

>> No.74350127
File: 61 KB, 500x500, Emote 2 bigthinkv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen this guy, his design looks pretty cool. I like the Ikeoji wizard vibe.

>> No.74350197

You show up to every thread and try to bait people into idiotic incel arguments about how "women can do anything and have an audience" and then move the goalposts every time you're given an example of the infinitely larger male streamers doing exactly that and blowing your darlings out of the water. If you're given the fact that female streamers flounder under 10ccv and burn out all the time, you make excuses and shift the goal posts again.

Kill yourself.

>> No.74350222

I didn't ask about anything rebel.

>> No.74350265

So I’ve noticed artists usually include two revisions as part of their service. Do you think an artist would do more revisions if you paid them for their time and labor?

>> No.74350295

If you think a resume creation stream is a good idea then do it but don't bitch when no one watches it

>> No.74350367

Yeah no one cares about Keitaro at all.

>> No.74350420

Like clockwork.

>> No.74350446

You haven't been able to keep his dick out of your throat for months so that's obviously not true

>> No.74350559

Fun fact: women have an innate radar that tells them the size of a man’s cock just my hearing their voice. Male vtubers that are successful usually have a large following of women because they know they have big fat throbbing cocks.

>> No.74350576

Yes, but its something you have to ask about

>> No.74350625

You got me I am one of his 3 viewers.

>> No.74351144

>male aspie, no viewers
>female aspie, full of male aspie founders
try to make it less obvious

>> No.74351251

The only reason guys start vtubing is to get close to women, this is well known

>> No.74351415

Do you think it’s worth it to break opsec if there’s something really remarkable about you that would just be a waste to keep hidden? Like if you’re a literally who vtuber with only 2 viewers but in real life you just won a boxing world championship belt. Mind you it’s in a shitty weight class no one cares about like flyweight, but it’s still technically a world championship and a huge accomplishment.

>> No.74351479

fuck off

>> No.74351526

I would not do it. Personally. Leave that to the flesh streamers.

>> No.74351608

Do it

>> No.74351670

Hell yeah go off Crane

>> No.74351725

Is there much to gain? Ask yourself how many of your boxing fans would care to see you stream. Then how many would like to see you as an anime character. Then how many would like the content you produce. I personally wouldn't but if you think it would help you grow then go ahead.

>> No.74351800

Biggest con of college while being an asp: I have 5 exams to study for. 1 Thursday, Two Tuesday, and Two more on next Thursday.

So I can't stream, because I need to study. Which means I am dead to the world for 2 weeks.

But on a pro, I can work on assets and stuff in-between studying. So at least I can come back with some better assets.

Yell at me to record audio for shorts later. It's 1:30 am, this bacteria enjoyer needs sleep. - Bacilly.

>> No.74351960

>set up throne account as a joke
>list nothing but a case of Dr Pepper
>someone actually buys it
Sweetest drink I’ve ever drank.

>> No.74351986

my goal is to get invited to guess the elo

>> No.74351992

what would you rate it out of 10?

>> No.74352075

I wish someone would pay for my PC on Throne...

>> No.74352077


>> No.74352246

Remember to link yourself next time!!!

>> No.74352299

I'm not Renata, but someone buy her a PC! She needs it!!

>> No.74352358

All those orbiters, no supporters....

>> No.74352467

>the only reason guys start vtubing is to get close to women.

I don't know about you, but I started VTubing to get better at things & learn new skills (like video editing and content creation). Interacting with women is just a little bonus.

>> No.74352528

You were doing great until you outed yourself in the last sentence

>> No.74352534

I had been a social recluse, and I keep it that way.

>> No.74352565

I will start to get closer to boys :3c

>> No.74352810

I hope it gets funded. She's a silly person and I'd like to see her stream

>> No.74352885

bro why virtue signal here, just give her a cent instead of "hope it goes well!"

>> No.74352975


Not really, I just didn't elaborate. The reason interact with women is just a little bonus is because I'd rather be called a fagtard behind my back then to my face.

>> No.74352981

Then explain to me why all my vtuber friends are gay men.

>> No.74353031

thats quite the computer to start, specially if she is just gonna stream art

>> No.74353084

I hate women, I don't trust women, I will never get close to women, I have never DM'd a female vtuber, and I refuse to try to collab with any female vtuber.

>> No.74353106

wait how is she even going to make art if she is accustomed to phone and finger drawing

>> No.74353274

isn't she drawing in sai on her old dusty crusty laptop

>> No.74353736

Have any of you escaped from being 1views? If so, how?

>> No.74353754

She won't. She'll have to relearn.

>> No.74353795

perseverence. I still fall back into 1 view somtimes but just keep streaming and it'll get you places.

>> No.74353805


>> No.74353823

Which /asp/ies get bullied the most by their viewers?

>> No.74353879

What to do if there are people watching but the people are quiet? I worry about intimidating lurkers sometimes

>> No.74353910

Assert your dominance

>> No.74353918

Gscha's cheese gets stolen every single stream without exception.

>> No.74353940

I vtube because I really want to create a good community that's supportive and helps each other. Streams have no post production so it's faster than when I make youtube videos.

I'm at an age where I don't really care about getting close to women. I just want to make good friends to play co-op games with and work along side.

>> No.74353974

youre right im going to go berserk. also sire do you have any tips on what tags to use on twitch other than vtuber

>> No.74354009

Nope. Been a 1-view for almost a year now with only 1 viewer in chat (me)

>> No.74354031


>> No.74354032


>> No.74354038


>> No.74354064

Post your link anon, unless you're completely mute I'll chat with you :)

>> No.74354149

I'm already done streaming for today. You'll have to find me next time.

>> No.74354183

nta but that's why you're a one view. post your link dammit

>> No.74354189

ohhh, okay, link it!

>> No.74354265

I wouldn't blame anyone of not wanting to be associated with this shithole

>> No.74354300

>one of the vtubers I follow started this year and already has 500 followers on Twitch. Last time I checked he had 18 - 20 people in his stream with a very active chat.

A different vtuber who I saw just starting out on Twitter this year or maybe last year already has 1000 followers. To be fair I think his real life girlfriend/friend/sister? is also a vtuber and collaborates with him frequently so he might have gotten that huge boost due to her.

I’m happy for both of them, but fuck my life it’s kinda depressing to see other succeed while I’m left behind.

>> No.74354344

only if your model has the Ippo artstyle

>> No.74354479
File: 1.87 MB, 4096x2304, 42224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISP cucked stream, but there is still tomorrow!~ <3

The downside to growing is that more people are poking at Tulpa.


>> No.74354579

Any recommendations for 3d model artists? A Quick Look on Vgen shows they all have weird TOS about modifying models or are backed up forever.

>> No.74354591


>> No.74354887

what resolution are PNGs for png tubing usually at?

>> No.74354955

Get kliff to buy it for you bitch

>> No.74355013

Just make it 4k, no balls.

>> No.74355020

512 x 512

>> No.74355059

When there are Hololive members associated with this place while 0 views are not asssociated with this place, I know which one to pick.

>> No.74355063

you don't need it at hi res like regular live 2d models, just make it around 1500x1500 or lower

>> No.74355333
File: 32 KB, 303x203, youlooklonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my viewers are my little babies and they could never bully me

>> No.74355430

if only you were a cute femboy shortstack I would bully you so much

>> No.74355927

study streams are still streams
but if you're adamant on being afk for 2 weeks, just take the hiatus. im sure people will understand

>> No.74356006

The best and most supportive friend!

>> No.74356204

depends on the program. i've used 750x750 for pngtuber+ and 2048x2048 for veadotube

>> No.74356822

That would be pretty hot, huh. I only know of one shortstack male gobbo on Twitter and he’s a cutie

>> No.74357105

thx for the response, for a moment I thought I needed a resolution that was much bigger

>> No.74357151

Male shortstacks are underappreciated

>> No.74357394

I plan on starting so people could laugh at my suffering

>> No.74357493

me getting with a terminally online vtuber woman sounds worse than than a woman getting into a terminally online man like me

>> No.74357840

What part of a male shortstack is stacked?

>> No.74357885

We're talking comically large balls, basketball sized at least, two fucking watermelons just hanging out living life

>> No.74357887
File: 785 KB, 4080x3072, AnnaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mainly wanted to get back into my hobbies while improving on them and vtubing has helped me do just that. as a positive im able to share them with the community, no matter who they are.
and i'd say it's been going great, especially since some have even gotten inspired and stared doing hobby/handcrafting streams as well

>> No.74358020

The one I know of has very thick thighs and a fat butt. That’s all I need to be happy

>> No.74358180
File: 1.12 MB, 1120x1124, 1692807755910789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no viewer like this

>> No.74358455

I have like 3 viewers like this

>> No.74358723

do you think it's even worth making one at this point? been considering this and/or instagram but idk

>> No.74358843

I'm a dude and I have two of these
I appreciate both of you please stop beefing with each other

>> No.74358871

i do this to you i just don't share it

>> No.74358872

Im still doing it just to see the funny number go up, but take the clips you make for tiktok and upload them to shorts/reels

>> No.74359665


>> No.74359841

How do I lewdtube? I also don't want to integrate lewdness into existing streams because some of my viewers aren't into that but I feel like I want to explore this

>> No.74360062

If you don't want to integrate lewdness into the regular streams
>If you have artistic talent draw porn
>You can do lewd ASMR.

>> No.74360279

This isn't true.

>> No.74360371

How many of you eat while you stream? What are your go to snacks?

>> No.74360705

If it's pay week, Jerry
If it's not pay week, generally hardboil some eggs the night before, they keep for a day or two and are very easy to consume live

>> No.74361314
File: 210 KB, 441x509, eepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.74361570

He won't, he only leeches. Kliff doesn't offer anything on his own unless he can get something out of it. There's a reason he only made clips of big VTubers when he was still doing that stuff

>> No.74361609

1711 x 2046 is mine

>> No.74361752

I think my chat just loves to tease in general ...

>> No.74361884

>buying laptop
Wasting money

>> No.74362066

But cool gaming laptop…

>> No.74362474

I remember playing around with a model on nizima. On the demo for one of the models, you could hide parts of the body like horns and ears. Where would this menu be on vtube studio? I'm guessing it might be the third icon, the one with the person and the gear. Should it just be on this screen or do I have to dig deeper? I'm guessing the reason I don't see anything similar on my own menu is bigger the artist didn't feel the need to include anything that can be turned off.

>> No.74362753
File: 8 KB, 324x68, VTube_Studio_pqkWtuCaT4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be in the 4th one, this is where toggle expressions are. I don't have anything that completely turns something on/off but it might be in here?

>> No.74362788

Add toggle
Set/unset expression or add animation

>> No.74363426

Mawg is mine

>> No.74363784

No that sex pest can go fuck themselfs

>> No.74364149
File: 99 KB, 512x512, 63e9794d88ad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to stare at you, /asp/

>> No.74364167

nazrin has ruined a generation of men

>> No.74364172
File: 32 KB, 500x500, eye of the beholder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so the abyss stares back.

>> No.74364217 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 833x925, binoculars guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74364623

I'm a 10/10 irl and nobody will ever know.

>> No.74365035

My face shows up in my local linkedin from time to time so I'll keep my opsec strong until I die

>> No.74365104

at that point I'd have my own IRL aligned socials separate from vtubing anyway, so no need to break opsec

>> No.74365827
File: 100 KB, 1162x112, 036375670456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.74366169

I believe in you.

>> No.74367152
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1083, 1142855373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel?

>> No.74367185

Sir Shabby

>> No.74367190

me (male)

>> No.74368394

Playin more DS2 in about 30 mins!

>> No.74368684

I wanna squeeze the life out of someone with a great big hug! Which /asp/ies are the most durable for this purpose?

>> No.74369302

>TFW actually like this
I need to stop but I like them soo much.

>> No.74369509

name em sis etc

>> No.74369537

im happy you feel that way about me but i'm a married man

>> No.74369880

I am physically indestructible

>> No.74370161


>> No.74370163

someone bought me a zapper and refuses to identify themselves

>> No.74370240


>> No.74370410

What a chad

>> No.74370577

I will put you through your paces, then

>> No.74370814

you werent talking about alpine you were talking about me, stupid

>> No.74370898
File: 1.94 MB, 985x1132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74370919

Spike nobody wants to ruck you

>> No.74371070

Who is looking forward to fwofie's feet pics?

>> No.74371216

Don't talk about my wife like that.

>> No.74371227

Not even for a Scooby Snack?

>> No.74371254

charleyfolds bouncing .... belly bouncing.....

>> No.74371260

Don't talk about my wife like that.

>> No.74371275


>> No.74371295

No, I don't need them to know they have an obsessive person like me as their fan. I use two accounts to
I'm not sure they have been posted in /asp/ but I know they browse this basket weaving forum
It's not you, at least I'm not that for you, someone else may be

>> No.74371361

>not talking about an /asp/ie

>> No.74371477
File: 152 KB, 1140x632, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74371628

What am I supposed to make of this?

>> No.74371722

Weird way to admit you're off-topic sis

>> No.74371954

why are all the schizos in category A

>> No.74372183

Because you’re a bitch ass baiting faggot, that’s why

>> No.74372217

None of them get the D

>> No.74372274

Is it still off topic if they are an aspiring chuba, they just don't post about themselves in /asp/

>> No.74372429
File: 258 KB, 381x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

karaoke with pafu!!!!

>> No.74372451

All chuubas are aspiring in that case then. That means I can talk about any chuuba

>> No.74372531

Yes, this is not a thread for gosling viewers.

>> No.74372976

Oh, sorry about that. I thought /asp/ was for newer or ones who are smaller than those posted in /wvt/ and /lig/
I'll stop now.

>> No.74373074

cute buff man dancing in the woods by himself while no one is looking. pretending he's a ninja forgetting to offer me twix yet again

>> No.74373102

qb never posted herself and yet she still gets posted here. do whatever you want

>> No.74373350

Wrong. She just has plausible deniability.

>> No.74373484

Kliff’s a known egomaniac
But Abigail, Camui, and Crane aren’t too far behind
It’s annoying hearing these guys whiff their own farts every single day

>> No.74373503


>> No.74373597
File: 82 KB, 628x815, 53209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74373623
File: 439 KB, 542x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheen's twitter got hacked

>> No.74373957

Poor guy can't catch a break

>> No.74374127


>> No.74374206

Kill yourself

>> No.74374247

you first :3c

>> No.74375381

Yuki love, Arch (feminine) hate.

>> No.74375852


>> No.74376472

How can I make VODs more enjoyable ?

>> No.74376492

Dumb nigga this whole thread is full of gay ojisans. You think you call them fags holds any power?

>> No.74376608

Faggot (positive)

>> No.74376649

Add zoomer bait stuff in post like taking up most of the screen with subway suefer stuff, randomly deep frying your audio, add explosion sounds

>> No.74376663

Trim the [starting soon] bit or make timestamps (video chapters) for people to go through? That's what I do.

>> No.74376771

Alright let me pull out some other homosexual slurs next time you are right

>> No.74376966

Lmao I was already engaged when I started. I was trying to break into the higher level of content in my hobby.

>> No.74376987

Alpins first official collab was fun


>> No.74377004

And just after fwofie collabbed with alpin.

>> No.74377060

Unless you have hidden things going on in the vod, like a "where's waldo" but with rewards or something that justifies watching it by itself, vods can only be more interesting by making the stream itself more interesting. Try the basics: more talking, yapping, and consistent dialog. More consistency with your chat and more engagement with chatters. Try having storylines or arguments that can be followed without any extra input from the viewers. And remember to have the constant "baby filter" on, explaining anything that you think viewers might not instantly get. Or have good enough gameplay!

>> No.74377242

Alpin has cucked cheen and mogged keitaro, what a chad

>> No.74377270

Alpin you know we can see that you are the one who made these clips right?
Don’t talk about yourself in third person, it’s weird and Camui/Crane-like.

>> No.74377320

Thank you for the replies. The other day someone told me its "not the same"

>> No.74377336

I'm not him

>> No.74377407

Stop lying, we can even see the clips were made recently

>> No.74377751

>18 hours ago
not that recently, dipshit

>> No.74377789
File: 23 KB, 474x478, th-490163022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first character in each name

>> No.74377792


>> No.74377906

Hi Alpin/Fwofie

>> No.74377929



You should trust that person cause none of these are me btw just putting that out there. I self identify when I post

>> No.74377942

im goingto fucking jam an ice pick in your brain stem. sick of nasty little trolls shitting up every single thread i show up to.

>> No.74378186

Alpin please, this is just making it worse.
Now we know you are browsing the thread as the same time >>74376987 this was posted.
So now its more likely YOU are the one who made that post, because guess what, a vocaroo don't mean shit, people LIE ON THE INTERNET.

>> No.74378401


>> No.74378447 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 995x143, Screenshot 2024-04-24 122413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Appreciate the concern but I'm not much of a liar, not interested in it. Believe in whichever Alpin you wanna though, just wanted to put that out there. I'll only ever self-post and identify or anon post helping people out with questions, anything else isn't me.

>> No.74378545
File: 92 KB, 912x657, 446b6a0f16d495107ceecdd7304bb7bb03da6e184fc9b6df71ee379e76609312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp it was a good run but now the thread has decided to turn on Alpin. Time to move on to the next thread darling.

>> No.74378547

Anyone in group A can be shipped together and anyone in group B can be shipped together. Tupo can be shipped with anyone.

>> No.74378636

Don't care if it's Alpin or not, but is it normally looked down on if you clip your own streams?

>> No.74378651

>him and I are in separate groups
I reject your interpretation

>> No.74378654

Tupo, dont be so desperate . . .

>> No.74378665

can it be me

>> No.74378670

Tupo should be with me damnit! he can fix me!!

>> No.74378673

I hope it's Keitaro that's turned on next

>> No.74378675

Name him then, sis!

>> No.74378714

No, it's good to clip your own stuff and feature them so that people can view the good contents they may have missed. Especially if you're a 1-2 view

>> No.74378739

What is looked down upon is posting about it in third person

>> No.74378877

hey hey you you someone name a chuuba

>> No.74378914

That happened last year already.

>> No.74378920

What if I get 15 to 25 views instead of just 1 or 2 viewers?

>> No.74378937


>> No.74378965

The reason it's looked down is because it makes it feel all the support he gets is artificial and he has a big ego

>> No.74378970

Yeah but like more.

>> No.74379004

>1 view = 1 digit views
>2 view = 2 digit views
Most people don't have active clippers in their community. It's completely fine. You'd need them anyways if you wanted to make edited clips and no everyone is watch every minute of your stream.

>> No.74379010

and this is why I hate this place
people ignore and don't care when others are hurt because they think they must deserve it but it will happen to everyone eventually because schizos are always waiting for the opportunity to hurt you
I wish more people defended and lifted up each other to stop this place from being only filled with hate

>> No.74379025

mikio gregg

>> No.74379154


>> No.74379259

This place will always be filled with hate, you need to learn to deal with it or try to remain unnoticed

>> No.74379298

Tupo, why. . .

>> No.74379302


>> No.74379305

this is your first time on 4chan or something??

>> No.74379307

You newfags never heard of "don't feed the trolls"?
For the thousandth time, "defending" someone only fuels the flames. If you can't handle trolls coming here and spewing bullshit you're ngmi and should leave this place

>> No.74379344

Vast majority of people posting here are miserable fucks that only experience some kind of joy when harming others. I avoid the general lot of you for this reason and only really watch those I’ve spent enough time with to enjoy their vibes.
This shithole could never make me hate alpin.

>> No.74379422

please spend time with me I feel a lot of people avoid me bc I've been crabbed since my first week but I just want to get along with some of you guys

>> No.74379451

Pls send a vocaroo calling me a good boy

>> No.74379563


>> No.74379587

my girlfriend made me pass out from crushing my neck between her thighs and blocking blood flow to my brain. I feel high as fuck chat

>> No.74379597

This place could be better if people were as committed to being positive as schizos are to hurting others
The problem is good people give up and have lives while schizos don't

>> No.74379671

I only started crabbing others when people started crabbing me.

>> No.74379692 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 850x849, 1712545331618429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we keep letting stinky niggers use this thread? remember to ban the blacks from your comunity

>> No.74379756

No excuses, I was crabbed since my first time posting here and never crabbed anyone
Being hurt doesn't make it ok to be evil

>> No.74379772

Literally name yourself. You might even get a ccv boost like Rinna did if you bait hard enough.

>> No.74379775

WIPlash is a MAN

>> No.74379816

Yeah a WOman

>> No.74379825
File: 16 KB, 112x112, EmotesJam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself and quit being jealous of my success

>> No.74379837

Skinwalker, meat is in love with Ria, the most basic tanned gyaru in a long time, he would even give her VIP if she was a little bit more active, update your rrat references.

>> No.74379849

I wish I could get my partner to actually choke me. They never grip hard enough and are scared to.

>> No.74379853
File: 36 KB, 214x230, 424alby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74379874

i hope you're okay...

>> No.74379905

do i start streaming to get a gf

>> No.74379906

Arigathanks for another banger

>> No.74379914

Fake hanabi art. He only draws girls to groom

>> No.74379967

In fairness, he deserves everything that is happening to him.

>> No.74380040
File: 381 KB, 480x477, PaZ6NzP4 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i streamed for three whole hours today :^)

>> No.74380042

Voice reps now

>> No.74380048

The best part is if he was a girl chasing after a guy he would be loved and boosted to partner

>> No.74380055

Heya, /asp/ :] if you're streaming today, I hope it goes well, and if not, I hope you can rest and recuperate to the best of your ability.

>> No.74380059

>In a group filled with cuties
My thanks to you

>> No.74380098

Holy shit he actually drew albert what a cool guy

>> No.74380116

hell yeah brother

>> No.74380120

Do it and actively try to groom girls like denpa, mama, mary, poppy, renata, pafu, coco, and any other vwhore/overly flirtatious woman. You will get yourself a stinky cunt in no time that way as long as you live in america.

>> No.74380155

Don't do it, it isn't worth it. Chuuba women are evil and will destroy your mental.

>> No.74380170

Good job Purrson

>> No.74380198

Coco is a guy. Don't encourage any to be gay we have too many fags as it is

>> No.74380208

Name him too!

>> No.74380298

i'm already mentally ill

>> No.74380319

Thanks for leaving the stinky cunt to me, brother.

Also add gobb

>> No.74380333

It'll make it worse please listen to me brother please

>> No.74380420

Do you want to get saved?

>> No.74380428

My cunt is NOT STINKY

>> No.74380549

Stream to better yourself and have a good time. Don't do it just to grab e-girls that will put you in a twit longer some day.

>> No.74380556

Prove it

>> No.74380568

Whats your name? I like to lurk in chats for a few streams before deciding if I should start being more friendly

>> No.74380651

Show us, I bet 20 subs that it's inclean, unshaved, and even puffy due to bacterial infection.

>> No.74380656

i'll go either direction doesnt matter to me

>> No.74380731
File: 513 KB, 1920x1080, book study mercantilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I torture myself with more studying.
I wanna read a bit about guilds on Wiki, then we return to the black and white wall of text and attempt to extract any little nugget of knowledge from this book.
The book actually taught me a lot, so that's why I don't wanna drop it yet.

Watch me chug coffee live here:

>> No.74380793

Going to blow your mind with forbidden knowledge but you can see clips people other than you made and even link them places. Also, viewers don't aggressively clip much on some channels so most of the clips made are going to either be by the chuuba or by some auto-clipper they have set up.

>> No.74380820
File: 16 KB, 524x416, Fv4LV7VaAAA1yZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stinky cunt
That's fair.

>> No.74380865

Knew it

>> No.74380905

"The thread"
I know autism makes people hyperfocus on things but if the only thing your brain can see is the posts by schizos complaining about somebody else then you're the problem.

>> No.74380984

Grace can't stop talking, how can you do that?

>> No.74381039

Noone else is going to do it so get on clipping white boy

>> No.74381065

Groom this groom that. How about you practice some self-grooming and take your monthly shower already.

>> No.74381086

But I shower twice a day

>> No.74381254

Be 21

>> No.74381272

Of course not. Make clips, store content, turn clips into other content. Go nuts.

>> No.74381280

Worse than monthly showering, reduces immune system defenses because you are constantly stripping yourself of the first layer of bacteries in charge of defending your body. Curv your self-grooming.

>> No.74381447

my voice is dropping and im upset because i wanted to be like a little brother to my viewers

>> No.74381518

Archia growth spurt leaving his milk voice behind

>> No.74381739
File: 101 KB, 312x230, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out cute little girl chuuba
>it's a man

>> No.74381889

Name her

>> No.74381983


>> No.74382001

The clown girl

>> No.74382101

the one that says nigger on twitter?

>> No.74382106

I miss mouse I hope she comes to my stream today

>> No.74382144

Whats better, night showering or day showering

>> No.74382219


>> No.74382254

what a retarded disappointment he turned out to be

>> No.74382312


>> No.74382358

Cunnylovers get what they fucking deserve

>> No.74382361

Need goblin shortstack lap pillow

>> No.74382411

I wrote this

>> No.74382521

I don't remember writing this

>> No.74382530

i had a dream about an aspie and i gave him a blowie and i liked it and now i don't know how to feel about him anymore

>> No.74382544

Today Alpin learned about schizophrenics and their paranoid delusions

>> No.74382577

Me too, bro...

>> No.74382679

Exactly brother, but I want a thighjob too afterwards :3c

>> No.74382753

Watching Randon streams and calling it research

>> No.74382840

any /asp/ies online?

>> No.74382841
File: 87 KB, 960x956, GK8FVyyXYAAkdQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, quit it.. What you NEED is prayer and solemn worship

>> No.74382885

He fell off hard

>> No.74382898

Exactly, I need to be worshipped like the king I am

>> No.74382918


>> No.74382942

vita you need psychiatric help

>> No.74383063

Who asked

>> No.74383071
File: 366 KB, 544x680, FxkBTi_XsAMfA-G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ever speak these words about my oshi again

>> No.74383087

>ib4 die

>> No.74383105


>> No.74383132


>> No.74383140

He's one of the only guys that made it to a decent number without prostituting themselves, so go die

>> No.74383307

Wwwhatt :PeepoShock:

>> No.74383320


>> No.74383601

The fact that the person crabbing Alpin also threw in muh Camui muh Crane for no reason should tell you enough to disregard anything they've said about him because it's just "that guy" again trying to start trouble with another aspie they hate for being too outgoing

>> No.74383844

loling at my feed getting totally filled with cheen nft RTs

>> No.74383848

Uwo is not the one behind any of this.
