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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74329310 No.74329310 [Reply] [Original]

This is great news for vtubers. Finally they won't be stuck in manipulative, evil corporations that prevent them from leaving with shady restrictions such as this one. The power is being given back to the people. I expect to see a massive wave of graduations as they are finally allowed to leave without any negative consequences.

>> No.74329470

Why are Burgersharts like this? Why are they retarded that they don't know the FTC only serves their mutt hellhole?

>> No.74329609

Let's go Legal Mindset

>> No.74330243 [DELETED] 

Go die for Israel faggot

>> No.74330380

because if AC wants to enforce their noncompete, they'll have to go to court in the states (assuming they're not canadian)

>> No.74330399

It'll still affect vtubers moving from one JP corpo to another though

>> No.74330455

Not in Japan but it might help the Anycolor expats a bit

>> No.74330508

No, she won't join Hololive.

>> No.74330514

No it won't dumb mutt
Why do you want mass graduations so much?

>> No.74330641

Pfft this shit don't work in the JP Corpo side dumbass, this don't change a thing.

>> No.74330681
File: 56 KB, 599x476, Screenshot 2024-04-23 203402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no jp nijiniggers what do we do?!

>> No.74330686

You don't understand /ourlawyer/ Legal Mindset will win in his fight for Mikeneko's rights!

>> No.74330728

So, Vshojo and Phase Connect? Are there any other vtuber companies from the States?

>> No.74330817

Most of the famous vtubers joined another company pretty soon after they left their old one. They still don't get the vtuber models if they leave unless it's part of the companies policy. They have been able to talk shit about their previous company they left on bad terms before with creative alluding. This doesn't really change much.

>> No.74330939

This will apply to any US citizen regardless of where their company is headquartered

>> No.74331151

Foreign companies will simply choose not to hire people that are under a competitor's non-compete clause

>> No.74331704

>companies will simply ignore good talent because their competitors said "nuh uh"

>> No.74331847

Based Biden helping the Vtuber market

>> No.74332163

What dumbassery is this?

>> No.74332277

>Phase Connect
They operate in canada same as Anycolor.

>> No.74333119

Do V4Mirai and Globie operate under other countries or are they under Japanese law?

>> No.74334432

Anycolor doesn't have a noncompete, otherwise the people who graduated wouldn't have immediately reincarnated. Cover might though. I guess we'll find out soon, huh? Tick tock, Mr. Wick.

>> No.74334764

What's it like eating lead paint chips?

>> No.74334881

Didn't the leaked contract specifically state a 6 month noncompete?

>> No.74335314
File: 43 KB, 932x188, noncompete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74337947

It applies for people in the US working with Foreign companies too underagedchama
Read before you post

>> No.74338133

Burgers being retarded not realizing that this doesn't affect Japan at all. So much for celebrating. This only affects chuubas under US corpos.

>> No.74338169

this tends to happen when vassals make demands of their generous empire. you should all feel so lucky to have caught our gaze

>> No.74338252


>> No.74338529
File: 22 KB, 842x254, ESL fwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are they retarded that
(You) are in no position to speak, ESLkek

>> No.74338756

Please don't duplicate threads.

>> No.74338791

Read you fucking monkey

>> No.74338927

No you read you stupid fuck Japanese and The US have their own fucking separate laws you dramastirring faggot. I know you hate Nijisanji but that's no reason to be fucking retarded.

>> No.74339265

Please go back to whatever retarded website you came from. This board is already full of retards, we don't need another one. Thanks!

>> No.74339370

>actually thinks companies have diplomatic immunity kek an actual retard

>> No.74339440

Japanese companies will do exactly that, yes

>> No.74340382

Nijisxsters... Not like this...

>> No.74341010

Can refute my points proceed to throw a temper tantrum like a child I accept your concession.
>conveniently forget to point out that everyone who beat a non compete clause has to hire a lawyer and go to court.
Typical fucking retard.

>> No.74341619

You know I've started seeing people on Reddit say "Nijisisters" and I'm thinking "Well, that explains a lot."
