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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74299943 No.74299943 [Reply] [Original]

>Unicorn this, unicorn that
Okay. What if you WERE a unicorn and you actually ended up with your oshi? How would you support her career? Would you do your best to make her unicorn-friendly since it brings the supas?

>> No.74300060

I would make her quit streaming immediately and become my tradwife

>> No.74300184
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>> No.74300345

Shut up, unicorn.

>> No.74300371

Just don't be a retard and watch the cash flow in. Shut the fuck up while she's streaming, avoid that area of the house in general, don't dox yourself on social media so people can compare your tables and shit. Pretty simple.

>> No.74300569

I would change my ideals because I now benefit from the opposing side. Rich socialist.

>> No.74300631

>make her quit a lucrative job with tons of income
holy retard

>> No.74300644

>Would you do your best to make her unicorn-friendly since it brings the supas?
Yeah, 100% pure seiso GFE pandering so we'll be rolling in cash. All done while keeping her constantly pregnant with my children, of course. Pre- and post- stream creampies so she's aware of who owns her, but the actual on-stream content would be pure gachikoi bait.

>> No.74300675


>> No.74300711
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I dont actually want to date my oshi, I just dont want anyone else to

>> No.74300735

Humans are hypocritical snakes by nature yeah

>> No.74302756

>Make her unicorn-friendly
My oshi is Mori, so that's not happening
>Support her career
To date Mori in the first place, someone will have to accept that she's a workaholic whose career comes first. I'd have to be low-maintenance enough to do that. I guess I'd learn how to cook so that she has a home cooked meal ready whenever the stream ends. Outings and dates are probably on her rare rest days, or taking her out to quick dinner places after long recording seshes. I don't post on social media, so no dox risk on my end. Can clean up the cat shit. Basically just be the best househusband I can be because there's no way I can have time to take a real job while still spending an acceptable amount of time with her.

Ultimately I wouldn't know how okay with this arrangement I'd be until it actually happens. As a fan, I wouldn't want her to cut parts of her career for me.

>> No.74302966

>What if you WERE a unicorn
Im not a retard

>> No.74302995

Is your oshi Mori, by any chance?

>> No.74305205

The word "unicorn" has lost its original meaning.

>> No.74305274

If I was a unicorn I'd join Trixie's magic show and have threesomes with her and Starlight.

>> No.74306306
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>How would you support her career?
I would essentially become her producer and double-down on the unicorn content.
More GFE, more ASMR, more supa readings, more zatsus, more kisses, more date roleplays, more cute laughs, more sneezes.
As the unicorn cash starts flowing I would implement more hardcore gachikoi experiences via higher tiered memberships.
JOIs, private DMs, 1-on-1 voice chats, ERP, feet pics, etc.
>She starts getting uneasy about the excessive pandering and worried about our relationship.
I would reassure her that we still love each other and her actions are all for the sake of making money.
Keep ramping up the the membership tiers and rewards turning my oshi more and more parasocial and becoming the ultimate GFEtuber.
>Oil baron princes and giga-whale paypigs start showing up
This is where we strike.
>Start putting ludicrous prices on memberships/supachats for a IRL meetup/date with oshi. Paid flights and all
>Frame it as a cabaret club/hostess experience
>Have paying customers sign meticulous NDAs and contracts for privacy reasons
When the guests arrive they will have a pleasant time with my oshi, truly living the GFE life.
When the date ends I provide a secret menu to all the customers there.
A one night stand option. The prices being tenfold of the original meetup
>Different Postions
>No Condom
My oshi would rack up hundreds and thousands of dollars in one night.
Return to streaming after getting gangbanged while still providing GFE to the rest of her viewers.
Meanwhile behind the scenes I praise her for her hard work and effort as we live a happy and rich fulfilling life.

>> No.74306438

Just fucking hire some other whores for step 3 you cuck.

>> No.74306444

If she was willing to be with me she wouldnt be pure anymore and I would leave her.

>> No.74306473
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What funny about all these answers is the fact that they're an actual reality for a good 80% of the biggest unicorn chuubas out there
This post in particular >>74306306 is almost guaranteed to be the exact situation for a GFEtuber in hololive right now, I'm betting on it.

>> No.74306484

>the post
>Mercurius pic
lmao. Great post.

>> No.74306553
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This is just being a pimp with extra steps.

>> No.74306713

this is literally how the saudi clipper nigger nekomikuri got into hololive and became pekomarine mod then holosfaff, I'm sure of it

>> No.74306756

I hate 3DPD, so I would never be in a relationship with her IRL self.

>> No.74306828

Whores wouldn't work. The hardcore unicorn gachis would instantly sniff out the deception. They would know it wasn't their oshi.
I'm want my oshi to be honest to her fans.

>> No.74306857

your ""wife"" is going to leave you for those oil barons, anon.

>> No.74309063
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I will ensure that she does not sleep with any men, including me, and her only avenue of finding sexual satisfaction will be through streams where longtime members can enjoy masturbation ASMRs.
I will prevent her from interacting with any male eceleb and keep a close eye on any male staff she interacts with.
I will punish her whenever she fails to stream at least four times a week and require her to send longtime members monthly photos of her intact hymen.

>> No.74309243


>> No.74309364

And you think your oshi will keep a relationship with you after she sees that you are prostituting her in the literal sense, You obviously have never interacted with a woman beyond a superficial interaction, not even friends let alone a couple relationship, she would probably reach to the step 2 and that would probably be pushing a little too far, beyond that step she maybe would do it, depends on how money oriented/greedy she is, and later she would dump your ass for the Oil baron with the biggest dick and deepest pockets, and you would en up crying here on other place calling all women whores, because you are to retard to seeing yourself self sabotaging you

>> No.74309551

>What if you WERE a unicorn and you actually ended up with your oshi?
If I was a unicorn I WOULDN'T end up with my oshi, you fucking retard. You can't be a unicorn and simultanuously be with someone unless you are mentally ill.

>How would you support her career?
Do anything not to doxx myself or her, never talk while she's streaming, avoid that part of the place whenever possible. Also, make, 3d print and buy things that would be useful for streams.

>Would you do your best to make her unicorn-friendly since it brings the supas?
Unicorns aren't the only ones who suupa, the content would very slowly be phased out over time or rather SPACED out. The longer amount of time between GFE shit would increase the amount donated through suupas, because you guys are intensely retarded and will come back for it, no matter what saying she "changed", "came up to her sense for us uniCHADS", "said she will do more content like this in the future", etc.
It's incredibly easy to bait, which is both funny and sad. Looking at Gura (and other holos) indicates that spaced out content DOES in fact bring many benefits, which would thus be my strategy to both get your money and not do the content I dislike in too high a frequency.
Oh also, I'd block this website on the router-level so she wouldn't have menhera episodes about you guys' retarded posts. This place is great, except for the part where it erodes your mind. Not that she wouldn't be menhera, just that she wouldn't get so affected by rrats and bad actors, like sisters falseflagging and discord raids.

>> No.74309840
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So, it turns out that unicorns are just lonely incels that don't want anyone to have sex, huh?

>> No.74309880

I only care about what she does as the vtuber. So I'd support her not mentioning me or other males. Nothing has to change. Simple as.

>> No.74310389

I would announce the achievement of my dreams, kickstarting the greatest war in human history where fans from across the world duke it out for a chance to marry their oshi.

>> No.74310874

the good old "if i can't have them no one can"

>> No.74311105


>> No.74311160

Yeah, what about it?

>> No.74311238

Id stab my oshi's enemies with my majestic horn

>> No.74311677
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realistically, I'd trust her to do her job the way she sees fit. I'd only intervene if she were getting too chummy with specific people off stream. Otherwise, I'd just do my job and let her do hers

>> No.74312690

based and same

>> No.74312866

would be househusband, cleaning, cooking, ect. ao she can keep streaming 20h a day

>> No.74313043

Asking me to imagine myself being a unicorn is like asking me to imagine myself being a tapeworm, or maybe one of those parasitic wasps that injects their eggs into other insects. I'd rather not imagine that, thanks.

>> No.74313103

>What if you WERE a unicorn and you actually ended up with your oshi?
I would divorce her and become her biggest anti. Marry me counts as a homocollab, so it would make her a whore. I do not want to marry a whire.

>> No.74313710

If I was a unicorn how would i type on a keyboard

>> No.74316512


>> No.74316713
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You would will the keys to press themselves with your raw, unbridled sexual energy.
Or use magic.

>> No.74316918

The strongest Unicorn

>> No.74318670

I'd just work harder to get up the ladder in my IT career so my oshi wouldn't need to work. Letting her be the emotional support of hundreds of ugly bastards online sounds kinda cucked too, so I would try to actually sabotage her career.
Plant the seed of doubt in her fanbase by shitposting about her in the relevant /vt/ general, demanding sex/attention at several/erratic times so she wouldn't be able to keep a proper schedule, "accidentally" make noise while she streams.
tl;dr I would do this >>74300060
