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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74275107 No.74275107 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck are all these forced drama with FWMC? i've seen it now and then since yesterday and you fags made it as some kinda big deal when it's nowhere but, /here/. are you trannies really that thirsting for drama? go over nijisanji or vshojo you bunch of troons

>> No.74275189

doxx site is down

>> No.74275792

Nyfco got nuked think the Tumblr porn ban and its consequences for this website but worse

>> No.74275952
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Dunno if it's permanent, but for at least a few days to a few weeks we got roommates.
Anyways, an actual tl;dr is the dogs said in a mengen that they're planning on doing some japanese streams more than they have before, and that golden week they want to focus on events and stuff since they're actually able to now. Unfortunately, the dogs are retarded and /here/ and somehow bit the bait that having 6 english streams and 2 japanese streams in a week is "betraying" the english ruffians, and they broke into a sobbing mess over like 2 hours over it. They also said specifically that it's ok to not be able to watch the streams live, and that they love vod watchers too and will try to find a way to make them feel included, and this got twisted as "WATCH CLIPS EN PLEBS"

tl;dr menhera dogs overthinking shit and excessive menhera'ing caused sisters to go feral

>> No.74277049

yea all those sisters who were membered to the dogs

>> No.74277573

It actually affected them like that? That's awful

>> No.74277881

This is why those saying "clip watching is the same as supporting the talents" is retarded. It makes one easily susceptible to misinformation and overblown issues

>> No.74278693

Yeah. The reason there aren't any clips or whatever is because the entire post-battle plan zatsu was mostly just them freaking out. There's no easily available 3-5 minute instance where someone WOULDN'T sympathize with them.

After the 2ish hour battle plan was roughly 2 hours of crying about how they're not trying to abandon anyone and that how they're trying really hard to figure out how to possibly please both the english AND the japanese sides and that their brainstorms haven't gone so well. They know that directly translating everything 50/50 will be badly received and slow down talks, but they also know they can't just randomly swap between them or else it'll hurt everybody. Their managers are pushing them to flex their JP more for the sake of their own personal growth, and right now the biggest worry they have is that if they DO more japanese streams, that EOP ruffians will either feel left out, or hurt themselves and ruin their own personal schedules to stay up to ungodly hours to catch it live. Hence the "It's okay to watch vods. We're going to try to find new ways to show our love to the vod watching ruffians too." Hence the code word thing in today's FWMC Morning... which they promptly forgot about in today's SC reading.

While they've honed their craft in entertainment through years of experience, they're not very bright and as they've said before two people is twice as dumb, not twice as smart, so if one starts getting anxious, the other one feeds off it and they death spiral into a menhera tornado.

>> No.74279063

Perhaps they could do individual streams from time to time, in whatever language they want to recognize?

>> No.74279463

That seems like the most likely plan. The most realistic plan I can see moving forwards if they want to do this path is to have 1 or 2 dedicated JP days. Pikamee did it and she pulled out fine, but I don't think VOMS is that comparable to holo so who knows. A dedicated JP stream a week (not counting collabs or them appearing on other channels) would definitely be nice for the JP ruffians and help them move even more merch, making their dreams of sololive that much more real.
Also if they do 1 JP stream a week, they'll STILL be more consistent than a good chunk of JP Holomems.

>> No.74279495

Doxx sisters barely speak english, there's no way they're learning another language just so they can compile dirt on their enemies (biological women)
It's no wonder they're so upset.

>> No.74279569

>fubuki pic
>fwmc drama
At least let the previous thread hit the archive, man

>> No.74279582

Sisters and cucks hate FWMC extremely hard for being unicorn pandering.

>> No.74279728

Fwmc are precious and i’ll keep watching them regardless of whatever retarded shit some fat reddit tranny wants to post

>> No.74279764

it really jogs the nog

>> No.74279917

>What the fuck are all these forced drama with FWMC?
apparently they said that they will stream more in Japanese and less in English. I don't know. They shared the vod in /baubau/, but I haven't bothered, nor do I think I will, to watch it to confirm if it's true
Here's the link

>> No.74279969

It was a members stream, right?

>> No.74279985

Springtime is the most boring time of the year
Dramafags were forcing drama just as hard like last spring and the spring before that

>> No.74280363

Yeah. For the record, Fuwamoco almost never drops their kayfabe, even in members streams. This is probably the most "real" we've seen them in their hololive persona since that time they answered a question about depression in kiara's holotalk near debut.

This shit is seriously hurting their little doggy brains, and I know they'll get over it since they've been through worse before, but it still hurts to watch them worry about such a nothingburger as doing 8 streams in a week instead of 15.

>> No.74280402

>are you trannies really that thirsting for drama? go over nijisanji or vshojo you bunch of troons
Other way around, it's sisters trying to deflect.

>> No.74280817

>What the fuck are all these forced drama with FWMC?
Never forget
20 seconds of silence over 3k comments.

>> No.74280905
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>holoboard btw

>> No.74280943
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More like forced narrative >>74260485

while yeah, some of it is manufatured a small percentage of it is totally real

>> No.74280972

vod comments are imaginary

>> No.74281038

yeah, there's definitely people worried, just like the ruffians who freaked out over them moving to japan. (I was one of the idiots doing that, too.) They'll either get over it or leave, and either way they'll be drowned out by the regular fans who don't give a shit. Hopefully the dogs toughen themselves up too over this once they realize that they DO have a core fanbase who'll follow them to the ends of the earth.

>> No.74281175
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>> No.74281318

Least schitzo fwmc fan

>> No.74282208

>don't worry too much about how often you stream
>concerned over there being less EN streams
So which is it? I don't think he thought this through hard enough.

>> No.74282352

>they can't just randomly swap between them or else it'll hurt everybody
why won't anyone tell that to IRyS?

>> No.74282632

man, I stopped going to /baubau/ because randomly they are schizophrenically jealous. They are checking which comments are being read, checking if that was paypig and even if not, they are seething and screaming that their smiles are no longer protected.
In my opinion there is a huge change that those are actually sick in the head ruffians, because not filtering own audience is like this

>> No.74283530
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>containment site nuked
>grudge post on holos increases

>> No.74283694

Anybody saying their smile isn't protected isn't even a ruffian. /baubau/ gets flooded with trolls.

>> No.74283737

The girls are being very submissive and apologetic in members' so the Indians smell blood.

>> No.74284088

>They are checking which comments are being read, checking if that was paypig
that shit is fucking weird, those schizo ruffians deserve the worst

>> No.74284221

>the Indians
I can't keep up with the boogeymen on this board.

>> No.74284230

baubau's been raided for months at this point, and there's insane schizos constantly using their tags to post RM shit and replying to their posts with RM shit. Please understand if they're being protective.

>> No.74284261

The indians of India.
The Injuns don't watch vtubers, they probably think computers are Satan and lament that they can't go around eating people's brains anymore.

>> No.74284434

They wanted the unicorn audience they got it, unicorns do pay well and probably spend the most money on their oshi, however FWMC will have to deal with their schizo episodes.

>> No.74284563

lol, /hirys/ turns feral everytime theres a jp only stream

>> No.74284670

Yes, because she doesn't stream often enough to have half of them be Japanese only in JP timeslots

>> No.74284682

You can't blame all this on doxxers, sisters, or trolls

>> No.74284761

You mean one faggot goes apeshit and thread hoppers from /#/ play it up?

>> No.74284860

Youre just making shit up. Funny how nobody ever posts clips, because otherwise their weirdo interpretations of the stream wouldnt be believed.

>> No.74284882

>The Injuns don't watch vtubers, they probably think computers are Satan and lament that they can't go around eating people's brains anymore.
Injun band made Coco's favorite song, sorry this joke is four years late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vHAfDjEy3A

>> No.74284918

>They are checking which comments are being read, checking if that was paypig
every general does this, especially whose comments get hearted and shit like that
t. catalogue tourist who hasn't even read the OP

>> No.74284940

As someone who watched Pikamee, when she started streaming only in one language or the other her viewership went down, and I dropped her as well (mostly because she kept the english only stuff on twitch) If a streamer is going to be bilingual then they should do both languages at the same time, not exclude one or the other per stream. Also they're in hololive english, I don't understand why their manager is telling them to focus on jp.

>> No.74284978
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I don't think you understand how bad the dog schizos are. I WISH I was making this shit up.
Yeah sure I totally imagined this stream and am not looking at it right now. .

>> No.74286266

You need to understand that /vt/ is a game of garbage chess, where the pieces are shitposts campaign, and the players are several discords all trying to push/create/snuff out their own narratives. Whenever you read something that doesn’t feel genuine, think about how many people are just trying to stir up the shit pot

>> No.74287796
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Stop worrying about that and relax, Friend.

>> No.74288358

Golden week is coming, why wouldn't they stream more in japanese during that time?

>> No.74289068

all this cry part isnt real btw

>> No.74289751

Yeah, I don't think you're watching the same membership vod I was. They were a quivering mess starting around halfway through.

>> No.74292149
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Shit like this always makes me wonder, why is it vtubing that has the most insane followers?
90% of the time it's either overdramatic simps or future serial killers like your pic.

>> No.74292277

It's what happens when a streamer starts a conversation about doing some streams in another language by literally crying and going, I quote: "P-PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT US". Everyone assumes the worst because that is literally the worst thing you could have said.

>> No.74293782


>> No.74296233


>> No.74296490

They could drop their roommate activities to make time for more FWMC content if they want the JP market so much... but no way in hell they are gonna do something like that, stopping their failure of jpop idol careers?, no way, not when they have the money now to push it further.

In a way, they are very similar to Kiara, but instead of giving up they still believe they can be real life idols.

>> No.74297918

brownoids and EOPsubhumans shitting up the board again

>> No.74297986

WTF, it's nothingburger, this is the exact proff that homobeggars and seethe sisters are plague for holo EN

>> No.74298022

>we got roommates.
why can't they go to that other imageboard that already smells like rotten fish flaps? they'd be right at home there.

>> No.74298056

Yeah the whole thing is a nothingburger. Special golden week with lots of JP event participations and streams. A few more JP streams in general. Busy soon due to loads of offstream work.

They just made it sound so much worse cause they are awful at announcing things. Mococo suddenly crying out of the blue and almost immediately going "if this makes you hate us then I guess that's how it is, we're sorry..." was not needed at all.

>> No.74298138

>antishitposter is so retarded he doesn't know they're postponing their plans by a year

>> No.74301001

