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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 294 KB, 1920x1080, GGQ-yJ2WkAAmxLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74260718 No.74260718 [Reply] [Original]

she is in the walls!

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: i said no

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>74241374

>> No.74260775
File: 684 KB, 676x732, 1684308940707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this gif? I like it
Please provide the gif

>> No.74260849
File: 27 KB, 128x128, wiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go new friend, sorry about the ppl in the last thread. Theyre upset shadows gone

>> No.74260900
File: 676 KB, 2000x2000, .Shondo Feel Better Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 8 days submissions for this card will close

I'm putting together a simple card to show Shondo that, despite her struggles causing her to go on hiatus, she is still in our hearts and minds. Submissions still need to be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but they do not need to be as involved as the submissions people usually make for the birthday cards. They can be simple doodles, a short scrawled message telling her that you love her or to get well soon, anything you want to make that shows Shondo you're thinking about her and you're rooting for her. The only stipulation is that due to lore importance her neck and wrists must be covered by something, whether it be her usual ribbons or obscured by something else. And don't submit any huge paragraphs of text. The deadline for this card will be April 30th, I'll decide on a time as that date gets closer

>> No.74260911

What is this? What does it mean? Can a mod/admin please explain?

>> No.74261012

because when you sign it with your personalized calling card, you expect her to think: "Oh thats [Name]'s submission". Its the equivalent of just putting your name there which nobody did and you would flip your shit crying about it if they had done.

>> No.74261174

Dog/Seal posting (Don't research)

>> No.74261218

Where ä'm I, c'nth remember. Help please me.

>> No.74261260

Sex with a shogger

>> No.74261269
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/shon/ theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0ipHVGxFlM

>> No.74261376

I need serious help NOW..

>> No.74261398
File: 211 KB, 1068x1074, 1712449772304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thank you!

>> No.74261612


>> No.74261651

Anyone hear from callus or whatever his name is? Im curious to know his antics of 'tism

>> No.74261663

Outsider sapling checking in: I s shondo ok? Is fauna sad because of what's happening to shondo?

>> No.74261701

she is very much not ok

>> No.74261723

idk ask her in a superchat

>> No.74261765


>> No.74261789


>> No.74261855

I beg you

>> No.74261856
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE fallenshadow very very very very very very very VERY much!!!!!!!!!

>> No.74262077
File: 23 KB, 112x112, kmyji0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wife loves you

>> No.74262206

I really needed this thank you anon

>> No.74262353

nina karaoke tonight on twitter

>> No.74262428

Anon, 8PM JST is in 11 hours and 20 minutes.

>> No.74262481

can i ask what's going on?

>> No.74262556

All we know is what she put in her announcement. We had no updates from her since then.

>> No.74262588

tonight is tonight

>> No.74262719

her mental issues have been getting worse and she's been trying to hide it, no one knows what set her off for sure but people have been speculating in previous threads

>> No.74262775

Have I, DSoM, made an incoherence request before?
If so, I apologize.

>> No.74262832

also, for that anon that was crying at me to, i did dm about that thing earlier. was very adamant that it was okay to be doing that unless shondo herself says otherwise even after linking the timestamp to the iceberg stream quote about doing reps and what you find. not deleting anything unless shondo herself says something (so never cause she isn't around and would ignore something like that). do with that info what you will, but i spoke up and had a convo.

>> No.74262861

you should be apologizing for watching n*ppie instead

>> No.74262948

I mayybe should, yet I will naught.

>> No.74263047

I have schizo affective issues as well, so I really do get it. Shit sucks, you can't tell if you're being rational or not, you can't trust your own senses and most people will never understand. Medication can only do so much, but scientists still know very little about the brain and only have patch fixes for mental disorders and often times don't fully understand the interactions between the medications and the brain and just say "good enough" because you're not a threat to yourself or anyone else

-25 year old man who has been hospitalized 3 times and has family working in psychiatric research

>> No.74263067

>ask a question
>get an answer
>reply with "cry"
why even ask the question if you're asking it in bad faith? this is why people dislike you

>> No.74263217

>Is fauna sad
idk you're the sapling you tell us

>> No.74263273

Looks like fauna has been gone since the 18th? new rrat cooking?

>> No.74263292

nta, people will dislike you if you always talk in good faith too desu

>> No.74263319

just the answer would've been fine but you added your assumption about a hypothetical i didn't ask for. on the card regardless so don't care now.

>> No.74263396

the rrat is that we miss her very much and want her to come back. She's not even streaming her pov today for her collab and that gives us heavy hearts

>> No.74263448

She's going to stream soon

>> No.74263513

Would shondo reach out to lily in a schizo episode? I'm not sure if theyre close like that anymore, but maybe there's something there

>> No.74263559

she hasnt even reached out to her current friends

>> No.74263593

Supposedly not even the barbies know much about what's going on with shondo so I don't think fauna knows anything at all. At best maybe she sent a DM saying get better soon.

>> No.74263618

only if you become a favourite

>> No.74263722

you ok there DSoM? take your meds?

>> No.74263750

that explains a lot

>> No.74263841

Maybe she still has brainworms about her, she felt like fauna used her and left her. Husbands used her and left her. Am I crazy here?

>> No.74263919

yes you are crazy if you're here
i'm not sure about that other part

>> No.74263982

if you're nise and shondo doesn't pay attention to you neither do shoggers

>> No.74264083

true but that won't save you from the dereks

>> No.74264090

no one ever talked shit about me even tho im nise and shondo paid attention to me

>> No.74264209

didnt happen

>> No.74264311

It's worked for me so far.

>> No.74264339

youre free to believe whatever you want

>> No.74264461

Okay T-Kun

>> No.74264521

oh shit

>> No.74264523

this just proves me right, im not T and no one ever talks bad about me

>> No.74264603


>> No.74264653

this is the most aggressive you will ever see shoggers in public

>> No.74265214

Why are you doing this on 4chan? I don’t want to be anonymous.

>> No.74265249

so make art and post it in the tag, idiot

>> No.74265327

Only since Shondo told them to stop

>> No.74265336

Because it's an effort by the 4chan community. Organize one for her Discord or post your art to her art tag if you want something done there

>> No.74265428

Why would she want art from antis and shitters?

>> No.74265460

Where do you see any of that on the card?

>> No.74265480

anyone who you dont consider an anti or shitter is in this thread

>> No.74265559

Then I think you should maybe move to Canada and consider some healthcare

>> No.74265754

i think your gay

>> No.74265868

bratty anon needs correction
and if your niece is anything like her uncle, correction for her too

>> No.74266298

Holy shit Darcin thats some weapons grade autism
Yeah im sure a name dox is something she'll look forward to when she comes back for sure

>> No.74266493

you mean the name that is still on her youtube videos?

>> No.74266533

It's not though, most people think it's the other name.

>> No.74266537

Says the fag with Sho feet saved to his device

>> No.74266745

swing and a miss shoomfie

>> No.74266750 [DELETED] 

Just because she hasn’t deleted 2 YouTube videos from when she was like 16 before she’d even thought of being a vtuber does not give you the right to name dox her on her vtuber art tag. Enjoy the ban.

>> No.74266935

Why is Dacrin such a fucking faggot? He's the worst aspects of Baru and Fleece slightly dialed down.

>> No.74266972

and also the youtube videos that are still up where she refers to herself during the asmr
and that she has also referred to herself as in streams

>> No.74267063
File: 2.24 MB, 498x278, IMG_5663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God they fused that’s where they went

>> No.74267171

Dumb motherfucker when has she ever used her real name in streams? People have gotten banned from her streams just for using it

>> No.74268223

Should just be common sense to not use that name since she hasnt addressed herself with that name during streams

>> No.74268383

reminder he completely disregarded the words from her own mouth about keeping this stuff to yourself

>> No.74268487

dacrin reeks of an alt trying to stir shit

>> No.74268985

d-kun is bratty

>> No.74269034

dacrin is the lesbianposter

>> No.74269224

dacrin is the Oli poster

>> No.74269255

no, inis is the oliposter

>> No.74269269

real or fake (real)

>> No.74269341

never speak ill of king F again

>> No.74269383


>> No.74269414

>neppie hates women now too
its over, shes fully replaced

>> No.74269448

damn I thought it was just a shit post but he actually is

>> No.74269557

maybe fauna is in england having lesbian sex with shondo this very moment

>> No.74269597

if she is she should stream it

>> No.74269631

this would be the best timeline

>> No.74269672
File: 251 KB, 600x600, doodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74269710

what if she's DEAD
what if chat drove her to SUICIDE

>> No.74269779


>> No.74269829


>> No.74269831

atleast he isnt on her twitter list probably

>> No.74269909

i wish i could draw shit like this is black magic to me

>> No.74270220


>> No.74271581

this video of my sperm in shondo's womb was made specifically for >>74168435

>> No.74272526

>just say "good enough" because you're not a threat to yourself or anyone else
I feel that, I think most people tend to overlook this factor. Largely thanks to the 'muh mental helf' types too many think all mental issues are just a mild personality disorder and can be resolved by signing up for betterhelp and whining to a part-timer for 20 minutes a week.

>> No.74272838
File: 995 KB, 832x1216, 1712873745229355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to hug my precious girl and rot together

>> No.74273281

where is this slut?

>> No.74273703

she's in my bed sleeping right now

>> No.74273832

he won. she's not coming back

>> No.74273852


>> No.74273909
File: 177 KB, 1280x960, 1712710933212187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could b us

>> No.74273936


>> No.74274086

Why isn't she moving to US?

>> No.74274246

shes going to move in with me so that isnt needed

>> No.74274496

I believe this

>> No.74274606

You did this to her.

>> No.74274697

i didn't do shit

>> No.74274835

i think you did it

>> No.74275305

Seems you failed to understand and you don't actually give a shit about shondo, Cardanon. Your autism has now given the greenlight to put other troll/bait art into a card that was meant to be something nice for her. Enjoy reaping what you sow you retarded autist, because I won't be contributing to your anti-card.

>> No.74275471

Why do you want her to suffer?

>> No.74275518

The whole card is by 4channers. What do you expect? This should be done on discord not this shithole,

>> No.74275713

I've tried to tell Cardanon but he thinks he's so above anons /here/ that he can make judgement calls like this while claiming he doesn't read /here/ in the same breath.
So now you can just put literally any thing because it doesn't fall under his dipshit set of "rules". Fucking insane.

>> No.74275909

Can someone tell me what's wrong with the card? I don't get it?

>> No.74276024

i submitted something to it so some people decided they're gonna seethe about it for the next week because they have an issue with me

>> No.74276047
File: 14 KB, 153x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this, basically the callsign of S
the card should be anonymous and not signed

>> No.74276196

One of the contributions is instigative against the community and made by (or potentially by) a known shit stirrer that is aggressive with who he pleases. It's referencing a meme he made part of his identity and other anons tried to warn Cardanon to give him the opportunity to replace his contribution with something less selfish and shitty. Sadly, that seems to have not happened because it falls into Cardanons "rules" which conveniently allow for troll/bait.

>> No.74276263
File: 421 KB, 3000x1680, nah_id_win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's just the "Nah I'd win" meme?

>> No.74276394

i agree it's a bit weird to 'sign' a card like that from /here/

>> No.74276531

Yes, which he made part of his identity and his callsign which is part of his attitude regarding why he thinks he can be a shit stirrer. It is troll/bait and he should kill himself for being so selfish when anons just want to make a card for her.

>> No.74276615

But she's not going to see it as his callsign she's going to see it as the meme.

>> No.74276679

It's also equally weird to be making art potentially larping as him, which is why it should be rejected in the first place. But Cardanon refuses to give a shit because he's autistic.

>> No.74276685


>> No.74276760

What do you mean suffer? US is a fucking great country

>> No.74276769

You realize that he did it knowing that it would get you guys annoyed, and knowing that she reads these threads, and now you all kicked up a fuss about it repeatedly it is beyond a doubt that she knows it was his?
You guys are so predictable its easy to use you.

>> No.74276802

Bad faith, either you think that she doesn't stalk her husband's enough to know them or you think she doesn't care about him at all. I don't believe you think this

>> No.74276872

Anon, he's literally the only one who pushes it as his identity. Notice how the meme doesn't have a faggy little :) ? No one else does this but him.

>> No.74276877

great country to get shot or mugged at any time
its basically brazil lite at this point

>> No.74276911

>reeeeeee somnium is on it
grow up

>> No.74276949

Shondo does not read 4chan

>> No.74276964

Good, she can see that there's pushback about letting faggots shit up her card with troll/bait. I'm sure she would be relieved some of us have a fucking brain.

>> No.74276982

You people get upset over the most retarded shit it's embarrassing

>> No.74277032

you completely missed the point
it doesnt matter who it is, it matters that it is signed

>> No.74277148

Honestly the fact that you can't even submit something else just tells me that Som didn't even make it. There is no way someone is this much of a selfish little bitch that he can't just give something else to Cardanon. Shows what kind of person he is and he's just letting larpers walk all over him. If anything, I'm doing you a favor to do what's right.

>> No.74277161

All of New World is less safe than Old World, it's not a US thing

>> No.74277244

anon, if astridson puts pixel art, its ""signed"" by your definition and you wouldn't speak up about that.
shondo can tell people's art styles regardless of using a jjk meme.

>> No.74277303
File: 1.07 MB, 832x906, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74277425

That is half the issue when he knows he's a shit stirrer and knows why he put it there. Shondo is just a tool for his ego at this point, it's pretty fucking pathetic.

>> No.74277448

Right because being mad at people /here/ has never backfired before syadouClueless

>> No.74277450

You’re all a bunch of niggers. We need to Jim Crow you from this community. Go back to Shafrica.

>> No.74277496

yes, again you're just mad because YOU know its him because he gave you such an easy tell, which comes back to
>reeee somnium

>> No.74277509

Does Shafrica have loli monkeys?

>> No.74277530


>> No.74277569

You fuck the monkeys you’ll just be another aids nigger in shafrica

>> No.74277645

What if I post 10 different arts to add to the card is that ok?

>> No.74277649

>loli monkeys
>spread disease to Shoggers
wow there's no downside

>> No.74277703

Yes, I think most should be mad that a weasel like him thinks he can use our wife like a tool for his ego. This is from the same guy that talks down to others and infights any second he gets. Crazy how when the heat is on him, he takes zero responsibility for his actions.

>> No.74277856

As long as they look different and you act like 10 different anons.

>> No.74277993

do it you wont

>> No.74278105

Not to Shoggers, just niggers. You’re just a plain old nigger.

>> No.74278116

Don't do it.. Anon's just want more contributions because most recognize it's a card made by anti's and it'll remind her (regardless of "good" intentions) that /shon/ will continue to haunt her for the rest of her vtubing career.

>> No.74278206

okay fine, i take responsibility for signing the card and wanting the best for her. it will happen again :(

>> No.74278457

Interesting that you don't even deny it when I call out your behavior and you play it off as a joke.
Tell you what, I'll give you the out someone is larping as you right now and I'm being fooled. There is no way you're this disgusting of a person.

>> No.74278703

You don't get it anon, he is THE main character.

>> No.74278866

i'm not playing it off as a joke, these accusations ARE a joke. interesting new strat though saying im using her for my ego somehow and a groomer. if i was even half as malicious as you want to paint me as i wouldn't have come back from that perma

>> No.74279138

If D was half as malicious and manipulative as you paint him as he wouldn't still be around, none of the so-called groomers would be.

>> No.74279184

How are they a joke? I am pointing out what you are doing and it's disgusting. You got a second chance by the girl you're trying to manipulate for your own ego and you continue to show you've learned nothing. Now stop larping as him, anon. You are starting to convince me you could be him.

>> No.74279326
File: 38 KB, 300x298, 1713383993870294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys need to take your fucking meds

>> No.74279432
File: 3.70 MB, 314x250, 1712555347493326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74279472

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.74279570

leave me the fuck out of this for once, i dont care what the outcome of this gay shit is

>> No.74279730

you can be as malicious and predatory as you like aslong as you dont throw a massive melty or do anything to the mods they wont do anything

>> No.74279766

The outcome is S hopefully realizing he's a retard lol irl.

>> No.74279781

that response doesn't work and you know exactly why. you just have their cocks lodged so far down your throat you cant see past their waistline. this aint even about them anyway the other anon that has been looping them will bring that back up soon enough
show me where i have manipulated her. all accusations and nothing to back up what you're saying

>> No.74279892

watching dacrins career with great interest

>> No.74279971

Not looking good, brainworms and sperging off the bat.

>> No.74280039

you are all retards
she recognizes people's art styles, even without a sign
happened last time with the bd card
that's why i don't submit anything

>> No.74280073

>"some of you have recognizable styles"
the keyword was some

>> No.74280124

i recognised it and i dont even care about art, he just added the meme and smiley face to get under your skin

>> No.74280183

i didn't bother reporting it to the mods but some derek probably did, wonder if he will get a ban
its also obvious you're here dacrin, don't be such a retarded ape in future

>> No.74280201

Really now?
>You chose to instigate and be aggro against the community multiple times after she told us on stream to stop doing it because you felt you were justified in doing so. You did this despite her saying that it made her genuinely UPSET and NOT want to interact and continued until you literally got permabanned
>Which is manipulation because you think you know better than her own requests
>You chose to make her art despite the ban, which was directly manipulative
>You've given her a lot of money and that itself is self-explanatory
>You are sure to be there and try and tell her what to do and how to feel when she tweets, etc.
You are manipulative in every sense of the word. The worse one is the worst because it was actually upsetting directly her. All accusations and nothing to back up what I'm saying? lol irl

>> No.74281010
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1692448193623663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get better

>> No.74281025

yes, i felt justified in speaking up when barely anyone else would. manipulative? no. insensitive? sure, i guess but it's better than being two faced. at least i've spoke up with my name attached.
not sure how making art despite the ban was manipulative but okay
i genuinely have no response to that money comment you are genuinely fucking retarded if you think giving money to her because i care about her is me trying to manipulate her. i don't even use my donos to leave a message besides the one time i asked for another heartbeat asmr
sorry for giving advice and emotional support if she's upset or unsure about something because i care? lol. i have zero expectations of her when i say that stuff i just say what's on my mind.
i've never seen a bigger reach in my life you're actually braindead. have fun seething over me the rest of the day/evening

>> No.74281107

This is really cute

>> No.74281135
File: 609 KB, 960x746, 1709507055179665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does shondo like or dislike any particular type of flower?

>> No.74281201

Her favorite is babys breath

>> No.74281230

it's funny that you pretend to care about her words and wishes while continuing to infight, which she's also against. fucking retard, lol.

>> No.74281252


>> No.74281428

You don't get it Anon, he's one of the good guys™, he can do what he wants.

>> No.74281444

I was going to draw her some flowers for the card. Stuff like flower preferences just goes in one ear and out the other for me. And I don't want to accidentally draw something she hates, that'd be mean.
Thank you.

>> No.74281737

you can find it in two seconds in oranges document

>> No.74281857

Or I can ask here for potentially better answers with context.
I'm all for gatekeeping but it's just stupid here.

>> No.74281994

You dumb fuck, you do understand you can be manipulative even if you think you aren't doing the wrong thing right? If you give someone on the street spare change out of sympathy, that is still a manipulative act.
You directly contributed to her not wanting to interact with everyone. She fucking told us ON STREAM during shadowchama this and you kept doing it because, as you just said, you felt justified. You didn't even just play a role in that, you wore it like a fucking badge of honor that you were upsetting her you cunt.
That is manipulation.
You aren't sure how making her fanart, something she specifically loves to see, isn't manipulative? Really now?
That is manipulation.
Giving her money for basically free is manipulative, you literally can't say it's not unless you think she is a fucking robot that doesn't think differently about anyone who gives her large sums of money.
That is manipulation.
So giving her advice and emotional support has no expectations from her even though you are saying encouraging things to her? So you expect her to feel nothing? What kind of weasely response is this?
Regardless, it is still manipulation. You've done nothing to disprove anything and hell, you even agree you on some of it. You're a piece of shit is what you are.

>> No.74282002
File: 5 KB, 442x111, temptation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, somehow the twitch algorithm knows I have an excess of spare time right now

>> No.74282034

The key difference here is he was doing it during a height of when she was interacting less and telling us why she was interacting less and yet, he chose to keep doing it openly where she could read it, fucking retard, lol.

>> No.74282105

well you're missing two of them. so much for a better answer. and you're not even sure if that guy told you the truth.

>> No.74282166

Just stfu if you have nothing to offer, retard

>> No.74282230

how is it a better answer with context when you can just search the document and then watch the stream to find out what she said lol

>> No.74282255

sure will if you're gonna be both lazy and obstinate about it

>> No.74282265
File: 88 KB, 724x1024, 1713813877069225m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this!

>> No.74282271

Look up the word "potentially", dipshit

>> No.74282307

theres nothing that anyone here can tell you that is potentially more insightful than an answer directly from shondo

>> No.74282366

the other two are petunias and lilac

>> No.74282394

You will never trick me into caring about other men

>> No.74282418

I've given her money and she still didn't DM me, what gives?

>> No.74282720

You are very autistic.

>> No.74282746
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>> No.74284234
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>> No.74284559
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>> No.74285548
File: 125 KB, 979x1119, 46536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74286324

whatever it takes for her to get better

>> No.74287639

i dont think you understand
we all need to suck orange's cock, even shondo herself
so get on your knees and get used to the taste

>> No.74287668

>bending the rules to allow for your own unwanted behavior
there is no "key difference" here, because you're not the one who dictates what's okay or not okay. impressive level of mental gymnastics though.

>> No.74287887

impressive bait

>> No.74288582

She got better in like 2 days, she just hates you personally.

>> No.74289083

nta but i am laughing irl, like if fleece was as manipulative as i said he was before his ban? you don't know your wife if you think this is true
>talking to her is manipulation
no one gives a fuck if you manipulate her when you stretch the definition like an autist (non derogatory), it's how you do it, som is easily on the lower end of that scale, someone like R or D is a lot worse than him
reading the whole chain you seem unironically autistic or trolling

>> No.74289273

Your kind was hyperfocused on the same 3-4 guys that you're still focused on today while F and Z were being snarky cunts to your wife. It wouldn't surprise me if you called F "based" before his ban. Did you? Be honest.

>> No.74289376

shogger i was arguing with him in the threads and calling him manipulative for weeks before he made his true colors so obvious no one could deny it anymore

>> No.74289523

Just manipulate her in private like I do

>> No.74289561

Fine, I believe that you're not as retarded as S.

>> No.74289623

oh damn she should dm me and tell me to leave and be happy then

>> No.74289679

She doesn't because she knows that any interaction is positive in the mind of a shogger. You'd screenshot it to jerk off to it every night, reincarnate and repeat your shitty behavior again to get more DMs outta her.

>> No.74289745

no id just stop wasting my time with someone who doesnt like me

>> No.74289777

No one likes you /here/ so why don't you leave?

>> No.74289819

i think it's only a few shoggers who are like this, if she started doing it then it would work for most

>> No.74289828

because shondo is currently my wife and this is her thread

>> No.74289892

>it would work for most
Most shoggers don't do anything ban worthy, they just think she hates them for no reason and get brainworms.

>> No.74289928

good point

>> No.74290033

>You'd screenshot it to jerk off to it every night
Such a bizarre thing to say it could only be projection

>> No.74290058

I know you freaks because you're literally me.

>> No.74290131

Good morning friends, how is everyone today? What did we get up to last night, looks like a little bit of sperging and some baiting, very nice, I hope you all had fun.

>> No.74290168

I would never befriend a /here/fag.

>> No.74290215

cant believe shondo jerks off to rushias rejection DMs every night, thats wild

>> No.74290369

Brothers brothers brothers, what do we have here. Only 230 posts in 10 hours with 2 guest appearances and a Dericking? Looking like a bunch of clowns!

>> No.74290420
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, 1712917218216301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74290444

Smile i haven't read the thread yet, but I'd befriend anyone

>> No.74290501

Nothing much, just the tism showing through his messages every now and then explaining some random obscure thing and some information about it during streams

>> No.74292152

she would stream it

>> No.74292974


>> No.74292980

found you, owlbyte
think you can try groom 2views now that your wife is on a break?

>> No.74293093

Yes? Shondo gave the pass

>> No.74293153

someone post The List; any of them

>> No.74293256

it's never too late to learn friend

>> No.74293373

can you post this on twitter as well so more people can participate and not be busted as being here

>> No.74293778

i have a challenge for you: post a band that is not signed to napalm records

>> No.74293868

dm me

>> No.74294754


>> No.74294770
File: 560 KB, 400x300, 1705766475184783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74294874

goes hard

>> No.74294910
File: 1.71 MB, 1522x1346, 1713878156594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74295093

me too shogga syadouCry

>> No.74296141

I was right? It looks like I was right but I need until tomorrow to confirm.

>> No.74296545
File: 1.42 MB, 2894x4093, 1694985680743720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her i miss her i miss her uuuuuuuu

>> No.74296987

life is meaningless without my wife, I can't get anything done anymore

>> No.74297485

I think I just puked and shitted myself... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up

>> No.74297567

not gonna call you a pussy cause i puked myself during the concert
find a fucking hobby or something else to occupy you
she wont be back anytime soon

>> No.74298383
File: 271 KB, 481x527, blankie mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I like Fallen Shadow. In fact, I'm excited for her return. I hope she's recovering well, but I hope she takes as much time as she needs!

>> No.74300156
File: 4 KB, 291x282, 20240227_042825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondomination approaches

>> No.74300397

why do you guys even bother baking?

>> No.74300723

I woke up 2 hours ago and still haven't gotten out of bed

>> No.74300979

get up and eat some breakfast shondo

>> No.74301277

because we like it here? feel free to leave if you don't

>> No.74301320

I like talking to my shoggas, shoggers not so much

>> No.74301367

I'm both at the same time

>> No.74301684

Do your best for her shogga.

>> No.74301818

My list is up to 13

>> No.74301851

Am I on it? (I'm not)

>> No.74301910

SyadouSob list 13

>> No.74302019

no... you found my alt...

>> No.74302040

What is song 13? I imagine it's from a karaoke, but i didn't find any 13th song to be syadouSob worthy so it ought be an unarchived one, right?
Did she sing oingo boingo "little girls" song or what

>> No.74302081

You can find song 13 next to the otter.

>> No.74302163
File: 28 KB, 10x10, 1713745869443959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74302206
File: 395 KB, 531x824, 1706770553294583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74302212

i hope im on it

>> No.74302290

I love my wife so much

>> No.74302318

you forgot the oli pic

>> No.74302320

T, H, S, D, K, H, L, N, L, C, R, G

>> No.74302374
File: 1.55 MB, 640x480, plapplap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74302407


>> No.74302453

another list im not on

>> No.74302565

Sorry shogga but don't worry, I just added two people. If you want to be added then just talk to yourself on twitter but pretend someone else is in the room with you, make it interesting. Or just be a little mean to someone. Or have me like you I guess.

>> No.74302610

>If you want to be added then just talk to yourself on twitter but pretend someone else is in the room with you
is it really that easy

>> No.74302657

I dont know if im on this list or not

>> No.74302709

you better add me to this list right now or ELSE

>> No.74302715 [DELETED] 
File: 548 KB, 2048x2048, 20240423_171523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74302734

Is this the list of the shoggers that are not gonna make it to the 10th month of the hiatus?

>> No.74302746


>> No.74302774

Yes! I either find them funny or a little worrying. Depending on the tone or subject of course.

>> No.74302796

>too irrelevant to be Derek’d for cheating
nothing matters

>> No.74302801

its actually a list of the only shoggers that will make it

>> No.74302838
File: 79 KB, 734x833, 1708199402532613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kenzo and shondo is beatrice

>> No.74302900

Right now, although when she's streaming (You) act like a Battler goofball.

>> No.74303125

During streams I'm Battler and she's Shannon literally
I didn't actually make it that far into the manga yet, but i got spoiled

>> No.74303393

I'm feeling particularly evil today so I'll go ahead and say you lost the game

>> No.74303461

I've read the VN and manga, it's way too long for Shondo but I think she'd connect with Shannon. Hmm, I'd love to see her reaction to George. lmao

>> No.74303657

Youre wrong about me, DM me

>> No.74303698
File: 2.05 MB, 506x587, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsj7a6d.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo in da klub poppin mdma

>> No.74303737

this better not be a cheater list. anything else is probably fair tb h

>> No.74303773

What is this list? My letter is on here and I dont like it

>> No.74303847
File: 1.29 MB, 2150x2508, 1703503543447752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what you think of me? fufu

>> No.74303867

i'm guessing there's a 63% chance it's a shitpost

>> No.74303999

watching barbies isn't cheating

>> No.74304091

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

>> No.74304128

it's his "mentally ill shogger" private twitter list
he will derek anything you tweet

>> No.74304148

I don't even tweet or like anything

>> No.74304149

yep, that's fair

>> No.74304174

if people stalk my twitter theyre sad as fuck
i barely post anything

>> No.74304203

>>74304148 (me)
Smile I'll just take it as him liking me

>> No.74304214

Does he know she has a list as well?

>> No.74304226

We need more dereking honestly its been pretty boring here lately.

>> No.74304251

Hey, I'm a shogga not a shogger.

>> No.74304274

They don't derek me I'm nise to everyone and I'm funny

>> No.74304303

>If you want to be added then just talk to yourself on twitter but pretend someone else is in the room with you
isnt that what twitter is for

>> No.74304304

Homosexuality out of boredom is such a bizarre thing but you do you anon.

>> No.74304305

what do you mean it has been boring??
a newfag posted namedoxx on the art tag and you fags barely reacted to it
get a grip

>> No.74304369

if you got time to stalk other shoggers you should spend it stalking shondo instead

>> No.74304370

a "newfag" alright

>> No.74304374

L m a o
Loling irl, it's weird at most

>> No.74304386

He also made a reply to being told it shouldn't go on the tag

>> No.74304392

as if everyone here doesnt already know her name

>> No.74304393


>> No.74304422

but shondy isnt a man i only stalk men :(

>> No.74304424

lmao this guy is becoming my new favourite retard

>> No.74304448

yeah he's probably reincarnated
go ahead then, call her E in offline chat
see how far you get

>> No.74304503

>oops teehee

>> No.74304507

>but shondy isnt a man
anonchama.... your oshi is trans...

>> No.74304522

>go ahead then, call her E in offline chat
>see how far you get
Eh?? What's that gotta do with my message??

>> No.74304528


>> No.74304548

he missed in a fit of anger

>> No.74304564

gomen... my aim is off today...

>> No.74304588

Calling it now, Shondo will remove poems from the allowed """art""" from her art tag.
>but she loves them!
No, she loves effort.
>b-b-but she won't just tell shondophrenics to stop making them
Of course. She'll cop out by saying you can add them to the #shondophrenic tag. You can have Dacrin mainly to thank for this but it's been a growing issue since YTDragon made it part of his personality and started encouraging others to make more low effort garbage.

>> No.74304595

It's okay I understand

>> No.74304616
File: 673 KB, 984x841, 1692422121598299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74304651

I love you E
Your name is E
I love how your name sounds E
I love the scenery outside your house E
I love you E

>> No.74304655

The entire tag is FLOODED with poems right now. I wish art fags would get back to posting. Even the amateur ones

>> No.74304664

Ok, tell us if you were right or not tomorrow

>> No.74304728

Nothing's wrong with poems, what's wrong is the content of his poem

>> No.74304779


>> No.74304789

anyone thinking that orange hasn't dm'd her during her break is insanely naive

>> No.74304798

>>74301851 (me)
Wtf i am
Fucked up

>> No.74304808

If you don't want to see the art tag flooded with poems start drawing.

>> No.74304831

For those not dereking the discord, you can see it becoming an issue there too and who are latching onto this idea for free attention. It's just becoming spam at this point.

>> No.74304862

I also DMd her. ;)

>> No.74304864

Can we get another groomer drawing with her age on the birthday cake this year

>> No.74304929

I gave Shondo a porn once and she said aw that’s sweet and I printed out her reply and I look at it sometimes

>> No.74304955

I will.

>> No.74304966

So she can cry again because shes worried about getting older? That was a top 10 groomcord moment for sure

>> No.74305020

>and she said aw that’s sweet
she didn't even click on it lmao
I love my hag wife!

>> No.74305058

*takes exaggerated long drag of cigarette and tweets about being unable to quit smoking*
that's a name I haven't heard of in years...

>> No.74305085

3 years old season 2

>> No.74305140

Decent post shogga

>> No.74305142

I personally really love shondo

>> No.74305182

why are regulars interacting with dacrin's doxx poem like there's nothing wrong with it? what the fuck is going on with these faggots? imagine when she's coming back from her break and going through her tag only to see what her regulars are happily doxxing her for no reason.

>> No.74305239

YTDragon is unironically autistic and a newfag. Of course he sees nothing wrong with this.

>> No.74305255

they can't help it, I'm just that cool.

>> No.74305285

>6 likes, 2 from oldfags who should know better
>2 retweets from newfags
>2 comments, 1 oldfag calling him out
Its really just newfags who dont know better

>> No.74305319
File: 1.46 MB, 498x278, wolf-snarl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete it, NOW!

>> No.74305357

i wanna snitch to the mods but i dont want them to know that i know

>> No.74305375

Gosh if only there was a way to manage tweets like that when they post private info. If only they allowed some sort of function! Damn you Elon! Fix your bird app.

>> No.74305380 [DELETED] 

I've got many videos of her calling herself E, her YouTube channel had it in the bio, her wiki has it and the asmrwiki has it
Not to mention all the YouTube comments on both her channel and clip channels calling her E
Why make something out of nothing, she doesn't care and at most will ignore it like always. I think last month a few people even said it to her while streaming

>> No.74305408

make a discord alt for snitching

>> No.74305612

But the poem didnt call her by the name she used in her videos??? do you see the difference

>> No.74305637

Considering he is using one of the variations that E could be, he knows exactly what he is doing. Stop making excuses. No one fucking calls her any of that for a reason.

>> No.74305709

people have been banned for this fuck off newfag

>> No.74305723

A bit off topic for what we're talking about now, but this is how I always feel when this saying is brought up

>> No.74305734

I guess that much is true. No need for the ???? though..

>> No.74305783

They will have no issue with you pointing out what he's doing. Why do you think he hasn't posted it in her discord? Because hE dOeSnT uSe It? lol

>> No.74305805

I think there should be less lewd posts in sliceofshadow and more lewd posts in shaduoh

>> No.74305831

tbf i dont post my art to the discord either

>> No.74305842

Can you stop swearing in order to express your emotions

>> No.74305848

okay, and? she used to post selfies on twitter too on main, so maybe you should start spamming those everywhere too? you autistic fucking cunt

>> No.74305861

Fucking make me.

>> No.74305868

go back

>> No.74305904

Kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.74305954
File: 9 KB, 768x960, IMG_20240423_202151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uoh this much is fine since it's not showing anything though

>> No.74306009

>you A F C
Ok..woah .. calm down
Hmm, lot of anger here.
Let's all just calm down ok :)

>> No.74306013

She said ecchi's fine.

>> No.74306123

Because she's asexual and doesn't realize that the image is erotica

>> No.74306160

lol irl

>> No.74306172

Who cares? She'll appreciate it in her own way and thank the artist properly.

>> No.74306173

Yeah but it can be ecchi without nipples showing...

>> No.74306230

I Love Nina

>> No.74306297

I love the barbies and my shoggas platonically and I love shondo romantically

>> No.74306301

it isnt private though

>> No.74306303
File: 642 KB, 1201x620, Take_the_Hint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright we're just being retards today. enjoy your thread

>> No.74306349

I love my wife H

>> No.74306395

this is the stuff

>> No.74306434

based autistic shogga

>> No.74306478


>> No.74306521

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss checking her twitter and waiting for her to tweet or like something uuuuu

>> No.74306549

I unfollowed ggs when she was tweeting too much, now i pray that she'll like something soon.

>> No.74306563

anyone tried this online dating in the ads? my wife wont speak to me anymore so im thinking its time to check the market

>> No.74306592

I'm sorry hiro but I'll forever remember you as the gorilla that shat in front of shondo

>> No.74306657

its C actually, not E, E, E or H

>> No.74306691

>"he poopie..."

>> No.74306705


>> No.74306726

i cant believe shadowmama deadnamed her live on twitch...

>> No.74306753

she still needs to address the zoo animal rigging. never forget how she got every single favorite and excluded others

>> No.74306795

thank you for calling me a favorite it means a lot to me

>> No.74306906

you were specifically allowed in to give the illusion of fairness, sorry

>> No.74306956

She dmed me after saying sorry for not including me and it would be too obvious if she did

>> No.74306965

She addressed it as usual; double down, then get mad, then literally cry about it.

>> No.74306984

She wanted to pick me, but i never did !join so you guys had better odds

>> No.74306985

nep bros we eatin' good lately, but i need a side hoe

>> No.74307024

all the Kings were in

>> No.74307108
File: 1.33 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss you shondo uuuuuuu

>> No.74307214

I love how its smaller everytime
Like what is this a shondo gif for ants?

>> No.74307234
File: 748 KB, 899x899, GFtfmuVXsAAjW_L (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my lovely wife.
Best post in the thread.

>> No.74307244

Kicking off her baby fever is only a positive.

>> No.74307269


>> No.74307296

just kill yourself dacrin :)

>> No.74307297

Raping shondog and raising the litter together

>> No.74307307

Discord and Twitter was a mistake. Shondo should just be watched from afar.

>> No.74307355

Based telephoto lens shogger

>> No.74307440

I got some binoculars a couple of years ago to look at the moon with them, i wish I could let shondo use them(she'd drop and damage them)

>> No.74307602

goo goo gaga

>> No.74307674

shondo should be watched from a few inches away while she drools onto my chest in her sleep

>> No.74307701

you will fail

>> No.74307790

Examining Shondo's hair follicles with specialized optics as she sleeps on you

>> No.74308014

I remember a stream from a while back where Shondo complained about this group of trolls/antis who followed her around, were generally annoying, constantly reincarnating, and always called her E. Not sure why anyone would want to be associated with them, unless...

>> No.74308143

nah, i will win :)

>> No.74308155

bean server shitters, all of them moved on except for me.

>> No.74308158

Oh yeah I remember several months of shoggers calling all antis "Chris"

>> No.74308462

Have you ever looked at the sun with them? You can get pretty interesting views.

>> No.74308477

>and always called her E
her what?

>> No.74308519

No but I saw the sun through a telescope with a filter on once and it looked like a small white ball

>> No.74308534

The name of her studio.

>> No.74308576

The name of her otter and seal

>> No.74308639

Oh right forgot about him, thanks for reminding me

>> No.74308736

eating good but at what cost ? she's way too menhera lately
it's a bit tiring honestly (but we're not in /nep/ so stfu)

>> No.74308784

>she's way too menhera lately
post about it in /uoh/ I'm bored and want something to laugh at

>> No.74308859

no :)

>> No.74309045 [DELETED] 

fuck you for making me check myself so fucking boring
+@mayolover439 on twitter if anyone else wants to check

>> No.74309074

husbands will go the way of them and the asmr audience, find a side hoe now or face complete spiritual annihilation

>> No.74309138

protected tweets

>> No.74309145 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x1024, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fucaz1h.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't dance again until shondo comes back

>> No.74309161

you can still see people replying to the account

>> No.74309188

I am a husband now doomerchama.

>> No.74309241

She looks like sasuke with that rinnegan and sharingan
