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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74243372 No.74243372 [Reply] [Original]

Anny, are you okay?

>> No.74243446

What's going on? Is she alright? Are the vtweeters harassing her again?

>> No.74243449

do what

>> No.74243550

She got the DBZ pedo hunters spamming and reporting her ever since she drew loli on stream.

>> No.74243613

Why are spics like this?

>> No.74243803

Did she get hit by a smooth criminal?

>> No.74243810

Apparently she has new neighbors and they call the police on her for noise complaints every time she tries to stream, so now she’s stressed because she’ll probably have to move.

>> No.74243908

streamers complaining about their neighbors not liking having someone next door that screams at the top of their lungs for hours straight in the middle of the night will never stop fascinating me with their entitlement. perhaps get a fucking house in the woods if you want to be like that?

>> No.74244035

another month, another anny pitybait. You get used to it.

>> No.74244066

That sucks. Hope she can get it sorted out. She seemed nice.

>> No.74244120

>Don't scream
>Build a soundproofed booth around computer

pick one.

>> No.74244127

Someone post that picture with her big fat titties in it, please.

>> No.74244171

Which one?

>> No.74244211


>> No.74244308

How about moving to the TZ of your core audience, instead of screaming lewd shit in the middle of the night?
Or at least have the decency of investing your coomer bucks into hiring a guy to soundproof your room.

>> No.74244354

apparently too hard for western whores

>> No.74244369

The one with the real milkers. She was showing off some doll for merch but had her biggums resting on the table, if I remember correctly.

>> No.74244604

Does anny scream that much on her streams? She always seemed like a fairly quiet person to me even when she raises her voice.

>> No.74244661

are you ok ANNY

>> No.74244753

spics don't care about social justice, it's the god damn niggers.

>> No.74244755

You've been hit by

>> No.74244767

someone gave her a tutorial of how to do it easily but the lazy bitch pulled the "it's too hard card". She just want someone to do it for free...

>> No.74244809

What stopping this 3k average ccv indies on twitch to properly soundproof her room? Is she "poor" or what?

>> No.74244867

She's a refugee from Ukraine and most of her money is locked in a Ukrainian account..

>> No.74244984

They don't care either. They love virtue signaling and the clout that comes with it though.

>> No.74245052

Isn't the the whites that care about this shit?

>> No.74245060

She's been studying art in Japan for 4 years.

>> No.74245113

she lives in Japan so she has paper walls and wants to stream all night

>> No.74245115

why are wypipo like this?

>> No.74245183

hate this cunt

>> No.74245531

Sounds like her neighbor just hates loud gaijin then

>> No.74245883

She recently got help with soundproofing her apartment by CDawgVA, and a few other of the streamers living in Japan, but it seems that her neighbor is now just randomly calling the police and making noise complaints after learning that she is a content creator.

>> No.74246105

Pretty sure he told her to look up his video on how he soundproofed his room but she responded that it was too much work lol
But he did actually go out of his way to soundproof her room then yeah she needs to move
Also her streaming hours might not help shes always streaming late night/past midnight JST time

>> No.74246111

>they came into her apartment
>left the bloodstains on the carpet

>> No.74246275

>and wants to stream all night
Well fuck her then

>> No.74246385


>> No.74246388

Put her in contact with the diy chuuba that cleaned a building of debris. Someone posted her before.

>> No.74246427

Better be tip toeing around as well. Loud people should get the axe.

>> No.74246513

well it is japan, 50% of people there are old.

>> No.74246562

You've been hit by

>> No.74246575

Yeah, because only old people get mad at noisy cunts ruining the peace of night. Do you people not have work or school? Do you not value sleep?

>> No.74246672

They actually sell soundproof closets that you can fit in your room and it's not that unusual for jp vtubers to have them, at least the ones who sing regularly.

>> No.74246693

anon, she lives in japan and streams to a western audience. Fuwamoco had the same problems which caused the whole moving issue.

>> No.74246710

and vedal is too much of twink to do it

>> No.74246715

I keep reading her name as Janny and I feel mad for a second.

>> No.74246747

Still fuck her. Just because she's shit out of luck doesn't mean she gets to be a cunt to others.

>> No.74246798
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I know Henya dropped like 20 grand on one of those

>> No.74246881

Anon that's literally their job. They doesn't have a choice unless they change audiences or careers. She's not doing this out of malice or anything, and it's clear she's frustrated and trying to compromise.

>> No.74246897

Tomeru had an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.
Sadly, that wasn't far enough to hide from the long arm of nintendo

>> No.74246898

why would anyone willing move to Japan

>> No.74246917

You and her pussy ass neighbors wouldn't last a week in my neighborhood if noise at night has you calling the cops

>> No.74246933
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A smooth criminal.

>> No.74246966

It sucks. She dug her own hole. Don't be a nuisance to others while figuring it out.
I'm not wearing my monkey speak amuelet, sorry.

>> No.74247042

The irony

>> No.74247093

Does she not know what sound proofing is? Is she retarded or does she live above someone in a apartment and stomps around at 12 in the morning?

>> No.74247204

my bet is the latter. She's a VRchat streamer.

>> No.74247294

Streaming is not a job.

>> No.74247452

Anny is a janny. Source: my alphabet soup spelled anny then janny

>> No.74247624

She's built like a fucking pig too, so I bet even the neighbors' floor would shake.

>> No.74247703

She could just sell nude pics of her vrchat model on fansly until she figures it out

>> No.74247826

C*nnor even offered to help her out with soundproofing since he had the same problem but she couldn't meet him because her boyfriend got jealous.

>> No.74247848

She can buy a soundproof booth. Surely she can afford that.

>> No.74247878

She did a fucking vr dancing stream a few days/weeks ago. At ~3am her time.

>> No.74247932

Light sleepers are like picky eaters, they should just have to suffer through it until they're weeded out by natural selection. I can sleep through thunderstorms, if someone talking in another apartment wakes you up at night you're just weak and deserve your sleepless nights.

>> No.74248080

I can beat you up and rape you in the ass.

>> No.74248089

just hire someone to do that if she's uncapable

>> No.74249163

This fucking drama farmer.

We'll see if the oilers start pouring in.

>> No.74249351

Start the onlyfanssss no one caressss fatass

>> No.74249364

Holy fuck this is retarded. It's as stupid as the ones who complain about losing subs whenever they facepost on those vtuber vs real person trends.

>> No.74249520

I'm about 70% convinced that some whiteguy thought it would be funny to rename the entire spanish speaker group into "Latinx" and thats why things are the way they are.

>> No.74250696

She should just prostitute herself to connor or something. obviously needs the cash and it's not cheating according to japanese culture.

>> No.74250714

Must be nice living in an area where vehicle noise isn't constantly polluting residential areas.
Japanese people really are entitled.

>> No.74250904

Imagine leaving the luxury and standing of the west to go be a dog for the Japanese?

>> No.74250926

I honestly kinda like latinx though. It's not often you get to piss of mexicans, the spanish and brazilians with a single word.

>> No.74251492
File: 3.63 MB, 400x400, 1634163859196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to have a friend who lived in one of those paper thin walled apartments in Japan. He would always get the cops called on him because we would be gaming at around 2 am his time kek. He went through the trouble of sound proofing his entire room but apparently it didn't do shit

>> No.74252159

damn, thot police

>> No.74252512

LMAO, yeah fuck this dumb whore then

>> No.74252674

well, connor is a female vtuber's wet dream for some reason, just think about inviting your gf's celebrity crush to your house, everything can go wrong, specially since once the thing is done she'll start comparing her current bf to connor in every single aspect.

>> No.74252767

Mori tried that, turns out houses in the boonies have shit internet and prevent you from working while leaving you with a hefty lease

>> No.74252802

Is this a ploy to get Connor to save her?

>> No.74252995

/pol/tards cant stop seething about "muh west" boogeyman for long enough to get their info right

>> No.74253644

>VR dancing and streaming all-night in a paper-thin wall and cheap floors of a Japanese apartment
She's not going to make it.

>> No.74253664

>houses in the boonies have shit internet
if you live in a 3rd world country perhaps

>> No.74254404

True, people tend to skip that bit of info.

The entirety of latam*
Someone unironically almost got chopped near where I live because some retarded city zoomer who went into the countryside for reasons kept calling a drunkard neighbour "latinx" to "own him", that went on for like half a year, one day he got sommersaulted through his window and screamed at 3:00 AM by the other dude with machete in-hand.
Zoomie moved out of the state.
Never mess with tanned constructions workers who look like they belong in an Arnold movie set and function with just sweet bread and Coca Cola under the scorching sun of the tropical regions all-day, alcohol is for late at night.
>T. Spic

>> No.74255043

>moves to Japan
Why women do this?

>> No.74255295

you gonna insult USA like that?

>> No.74255424
File: 31 KB, 704x176, ss24443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit internet
while it isnt great by any means, its not shit
picrel is what i get and my nearest neighbours live 23 km away.
I know im inviting 500 sweaty nerds to say it is in fact shit with this.

>> No.74255473
File: 1.03 MB, 2608x4096, __ado_cloud_nine_inc_and_1_more_drawn_by_orihara_ewkkyorhr__12c1edf66234a1058522c84ee937e494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why an average NND utaite like Ado can soudproof using literal closet when she was still a teenager and still literally who, while 3k+ streamer can't?

>> No.74255607

soundproofing a room effectively is very expensive and not really something you can do yourself
some retard suggesting to tape some foam to your wall is not helpful

>> No.74255634

Because they're a weeb

>> No.74255682

She does VR stuff with a lot of stomping around

>> No.74255721




>> No.74255846
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She didn't do shit though. Connor did offer her some advice but she responded with
>muhhhhh it's too hard :(

>> No.74256080

Typical lazy woman. Can't she get one of her simps to do it?

>> No.74256490

>one day he got sommersaulted through his window and screamed at 3:00 AM by the other dude with machete in-hand.
holy based

>> No.74257610

she said it was too hard to do on her OWN
shes literally begging conor to come over and HELP her

>> No.74257722

yep, lazy hoe

>> No.74257780


>> No.74257995

LMAO hope he doesn't fall for her trick. He has got far better choices than obese slav woman.

>> No.74258089
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>> No.74259468

Delicious hag tits

>> No.74259838

Unironically this.

>> No.74259955

Yeah, I forgot she moved to japan.
Should've seen that coming a mile away.

>> No.74260194

>100+, almost 200 Mb down
>up measured in Mb
yeah I've seen a whole lot worse, you could absolutely do some work with that. idk how good a livestream is gonna be with those numbers though

>> No.74262361


>> No.74262374

cuz anny walks more so it's not as simple

>> No.74264967


>> No.74265066

Ado-chan... my wife...

>> No.74265957

most spics are very anti loli and overall progressive
t. spic

>> No.74266064
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>> No.74266175

>gush over some guy on the internet
>hey that dude I gush about is inviting me to meet, cool if I go?
Would you anon?

>> No.74266332

it's the truth

>> No.74266735

Aren't fuwamoco a pair of fucking canucks?

>> No.74266768

literally not true

>> No.74266771

>for some reason
This gives me "why girls go for the bad guys" when all the so-called bad guy did was actually talk to the girl.
Connor is exceedingly normal and as mature as you would expect a late 20s guy to be while still being fun to be around. This is apparently fucking rare in the streamer world and nearly non existing in the vtuber world. Of course they will flock to him over a sea of manchilds.

>> No.74266851

Yeah, they don't have a drop of asian blood in them. Japan probably despises them IRL, despite loving their twin gimmick.

>> No.74266963

Another Anny menhera moment where she locks her twitter and goes silent on discord. Not even responding to sub gifters in her offline chat.

>> No.74267361
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 879A7FF1-AD4B-42C4-8C93-86A08F199E84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74267494

not in the same level as w0ke twitter, but there is a general inclination towards showing off how morally superior you are, not to mention argies and spaniards, but of course, the more you focus on niche weeb communities the less true this statement becomes

>> No.74267601

Dude, you can go to a rural piece of shit village and buy a child bride for like two goats, we aren't doing shit.

>> No.74267782

Which villages specifically? Goats are dirt cheap here.

>> No.74267972

Didn't she choose a soundproof room despite being a streamer?
Didn't she even care about that?
If that's the case, I can't sympathize with her.

>> No.74268151

those people dont even have access to the internet

>> No.74271501
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If she did vtuber streams with a 3D model I would cum.

>> No.74271855

Have you watched any of Anny's content? She's retarded.

>> No.74274069

Recently new anny viewer here. Is this kind of thing normal for her?

>> No.74274243


>> No.74274468
File: 9 KB, 300x276, 30998088-8127-444E-B7E7-34CECCC4542B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's been hit by, she's been struck by a smooooth criminal.
hee hee

>> No.74274721

Yeah, and lolis are cutting in on their buisiness.

>> No.74276686

The fuck are they then? Inut? Bc looking at their photos they look very fucking Asian

>> No.74277183

If you've found photos, you probably know about their PL. They have a full family history FAQ on their patreon there where they basically go over how everyone thinks they're asian and what they actually are.
gentle shilling for them, I know.

>> No.74277983

If she's going to live in an apartment. She should look for a single floor, corner unit.

>> No.74278117

You can't sound proof a room without filling the floors, walls, and ceiling with 6" of concrete.

>> No.74278235

Most likely her neighbors are racist and will find any reason to give Anny a hard time.

>> No.74279436


>> No.74279822

shes having a meltdown vedal is fucking filian instead

>> No.74281451

I hope not

>> No.74281506

Have you seen filian's flips? She's gotta be hella strong. She'd split vedal's scrawny ass in half.

>> No.74281867

he had practice with neuro’s doggie gundam

>> No.74281899

what the fuck is a doggie gundam

>> No.74281933


>> No.74281940

She's mad that Vedal is now with a Filipino boy

>> No.74282056

>willingly moving to japan
just deserts

>> No.74284602

I can't remember if it was her or someone else, but I'm at least more than 50% sure she talked about how she couldn't be bothered to soundproof her streaming area.

>> No.74284642


>> No.74284768

This is a violation of the Geneva Convention.

>> No.74284842

I fucking love this. Great job, turtle man.

>> No.74284890

She already judo flipped him

>> No.74285430

lmao she was as smooth and subtle as a brick to the face

>> No.74285456

Yeah, that’s the sentiment being expressed. Noisy people should live in noisy neighbourhoods and not feel entitled to be noisy when they move somewhere quiet. Anny moved to Japan and wants to work her usual schedule throughout night and her Japanese neighbours aren’t happy with their sleep being disrupted constantly. Very simple.

How would you like it if sone foreigner came into your living space and started telling you how to live? That’s essentially what Anny has done. She should know netter and take measures out of consideration for the people who were there before her.

>> No.74285558

Shut the fuck up Rabi

>> No.74285668

>ukrainian bitch being a nuisance to everyone around them no matter where they are

I'm not saying casus belli but...

>> No.74286049

Not now Ivan

>> No.74286553

I'd kiss her belly.

>> No.74286921

>because her boyfriend got jealous
Damn, Vedal's got no chill

>> No.74287582

She actually has a boyfriend u degenerate shipper

>> No.74287684

Damn, Vedal got cucked

>> No.74287700
File: 10 KB, 380x85, sucks to suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get mogged haha....

>> No.74287770

I agree so, why the fuck are the new neighbors complaining when they chose to move next to noisy neighbour in a noisy neighborhood?
The neighbours should suck it up and live with their bad choices .

>> No.74287824

->internet speed from the 90’s
sasuga sea-kun

>> No.74287850


>> No.74287857

and she was shipping herself to vedal? wow what a fucking whore

>> No.74288096

>12km from a town
>cost me 4k to buy a 2000/1000 fiber

Literally no excuse for these pieces of shit, I wish I live in an apartment and had a streamer as a neighbor, I'd either kill them or harass them to the point where they'd kill themselves.

>> No.74288782

this bitch is a landwhale irl doesn't surprise me she's too fat lazy and smelly to do anything

>> No.74288900

Then tell her boyfriend to man up and do it for her lol

>> No.74289039
File: 12 KB, 730x121, 3rd world shitters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit down faggots. My country (UK) might be getting raped by brownies but at least I can download shit quickly. Seriously though I could never go back to sub gigabit. That reading is with 2 people currently using it for work and me downloading a game on the side

>> No.74289351

Ye my cock is too big

>> No.74289450

Arguably worse.

>> No.74290152

He just gave her advice, he didn't offer to come over.
