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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 182 KB, 1200x1200, GLvYZRiXgAAa9R0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74241374 No.74241374 [Reply] [Original]

me and wife

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: hiatus

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>74179398

>> No.74241452

Literally me

>> No.74241458

>me and wife
*you by yourself

>> No.74241482
File: 267 KB, 481x594, Olivia_normal_new_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my new wife

>> No.74241536

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.74241687
File: 437 KB, 3072x3081, 1691822704669680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back soon.

>> No.74241717

Also literally me

>> No.74241772
File: 40 KB, 1144x652, 1713809394114_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74241780

Leave the thread then faggot

>> No.74241960

why does he look like that? *blushes*
im somnium btw

>> No.74242179

Why does he act so tough and then turn into a complete homosexual upon viewing sho, pick a side shogger.

>> No.74242283

he's a Greek warrior

>> No.74242327

Same reason most lesbians are physically abusive. A lot of fags are just angry and aggressive people and it's why their brain chemistry is so warped.

>> No.74242342
File: 439 KB, 1280x1299, gigachad_big_the_cat_by_myfuckedupface_delq4a0-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.74242373

Idk but it's kind of endearing and cute how he acts when it comes to his shomie sho

>> No.74242399

>just angry and aggressive people
True but that's not why they're fags, the vast majority of them will admit to molestation. For some it takes a few beers to admit it.

>> No.74242448

He's a fatherless Brit with a deadbeat mother.(Seems fairly common over there huh) He couldn't be further away from a greek warrior apart from the gay aspect.

>> No.74242473

Sho is to somnium what geto could've been to gojo

>> No.74242523

I don't speak shonenshit. Translate.

>> No.74242527

last thread was terrible, i hoped this one might be better but i see it wont be

>> No.74242553

Be nise

>> No.74242578

Someone translate this into terms I could understand. You'll have to guess what terms I might understand, for fun.

>> No.74242584

Do something about the Oli-fag and maybe I'll change my mind shigger.

>> No.74242585

you jinxed it

>> No.74242620

Are you a shogger because you derek, or do you derek because you're a shogger?

>> No.74242621
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fallenshadow

>> No.74242635

My bad, mask slipped for a second. Gomen bleh

>> No.74242671

I'm a shogger, therefore I derek.

>> No.74242721

ive been watching oli and other barbies
luckily shondo doesnt know i exist so it will be okay until some retard emails her the list of 'cheaters'

>> No.74242732

Are you the strongest because you're (you), or are you (you) because you're the strongest?

>> No.74242755

with all the chatterino fags you'd think they'd be able to find him

>> No.74242761

I derek because I hate certain people and they need to dark souls themselves, does that come with being a shogger?

>> No.74242815

Are you an incel because you think you're in a real relationship with a mentally ill woman who pretends that she is an anime girl online to cope with crippling loneliness, or do you think you're in a real relationship with a mentally ill woman who pretends that she is an anime girl online to cope with crippling loneliness because you're an incel?

>> No.74242838

There's at least 5-10 shoggas watching her right now, probably way more but those are the ones that are chatting.

>> No.74242841

sorry shogga but I already mailed her the list

>> No.74242871

>leftists can't shitpost either

>> No.74242890

>seems to be pretty common over there
The US has the highest rate of single parent households in the developed world.

>> No.74242903
File: 549 KB, 2000x2000, .Shondo Feel Better Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 8 days submissions for this card will close

I'm putting together a simple card to show Shondo that, despite her struggles causing her to go on hiatus, she is still in our hearts and minds. Submissions still need to be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but they do not need to be as involved as the submissions people usually make for the birthday cards. They can be simple doodles, a short scrawled message telling her that you love her or to get well soon, anything you want to make that shows Shondo you're thinking about her and you're rooting for her. The only stipulation is that due to lore importance her neck and wrists must be covered by something, whether it be her usual ribbons or obscured by something else. And don't submit any huge paragraphs of text. The deadline for this card will be April 30th, I'll decide on a time as that date gets closer

>> No.74242952

Typical Brit
>But America America America no no America muh america

>> No.74243065
File: 71 KB, 1600x900, are you .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74243104

Seems pointless to have a deadline if we don't know when she's coming back.

>> No.74243112

you are dumb haha

>> No.74243142

guys please don't add me to the list I'm just supporting the barbies I'm not a cheater I swear!

>> No.74243157

This, the deadline should be her birthday unless we hear anything from her before that

>> No.74243167

thanks for letting her know i exist shiggie

>> No.74243219

>giving someone a get well soon card for their birthday

>> No.74243295

I'm not even a bong, but there's a good chance you're American and I just find it funny that you guys like to shit on every other country despite being worse in almost every metric.

>> No.74243331

>knowing all these stats about the US

>> No.74243334

>Happy birthday, hope you're ok and I wish you well
Unheard of
It's that or we wait till the funeral announcement and modify the message

>> No.74243360

All the people who keep posting about 2022 Shondo, or 2023 Shondo need to leave. This is 2024 Shondo town now, if you don't like it then get out.
She will EVOLVE and if you aren't prepared to accept her evolution then you need to go away and leave her alone and stop trying to tear her down just so you can get your schizo punching bag back.

>> No.74243387

>funeral announcement
even if she died it would only be announced after the funeral takes place

>> No.74243395

If only she actually did that

>> No.74243412

>2024 Shondo
The worst streams since PNGTuber era when she was mumbling.

>> No.74243444

Surely ft would invite us to the funeral, he and shadowmama would want us to be there

>> No.74243492

the 2022 streams were peak and we're never going back

>> No.74243493


>> No.74243496

>it would only be announced after the funeral takes place
lmao thats how much she loves you delusional incels

>> No.74243515

why are these threads full of the people who claim to love her the most but behave the worst towards her

>> No.74243535

It will be there for her when she gets back

There will be a birthday card too

>> No.74243553

I'm grieving

>> No.74243592

So if she didn't, whats the issue? 2022 and 2024 would be the same.

>> No.74243598

we call them antis

>> No.74243610

nice trips

>> No.74243612

Because we don't love her. It's not rocket science, most of us like her at best but she's a masochist so who gives a shit? I will torment her if I feel like it.

>> No.74243637

Because she's starting to remove those people from her community and this is the only place where they can sperg

>> No.74243646

Genuinely, if she's not back before her birthday and we haven't heard anything is there any point in making a card for her

>> No.74243678

Fuck off

>> No.74243687

none of the uuuuuuuuuuu 2022 was the best uuuuuuuuuuu faggots will ever dare say that publicly to her
she calls them favorites
they cant be removed, one stream and they will be back. one ban and they reincarnate.

>> No.74243690

I'll do it because I want to

>> No.74243705

>she's starting to remove those people
What does this mean? She removed that newfag Fleece.

>> No.74243769

>She removed
He removed himself

>> No.74243775


>> No.74243786

Fleece called a spade a spade.

>> No.74243799

>will ever dare say that publicly to her
Yeah, we just imply it all the time by suggesting fun things that happen to be from 2022.

>> No.74243816

Post a SadCat in chat right now

>> No.74243890

>none of the uuuuuuuuuuu 2022 was the best uuuuuuuuuuu faggots will ever dare say that publicly to her
Fuck off, anti. Do you want people to tell her they miss "old shadow" or something? Do you know the damage that will do to her mental?

>> No.74243911

man fleece could've stayed a king if only he didn't care about the hymen encyclopedia

>> No.74243972

>Do you know the damage that will do to her mental?
Yes, I'm salivating at the thought

>> No.74244040

>highlighting the duplicity of shoggers who claim they love her is being an anti
youre the anti here, nigger. keep telling her you love her and then crawling here to complain constantly while talking about the good old days. uuuuuuuuuuu 2022 shondo uuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.74244049

A reminder that if you don't come back shondo, it's reasons like this that I wont hold it against you. But I will be sending you a proper goodbye.

>> No.74244132

But I'm not here complaining. I just know her better than you do and I actually care about her.

>> No.74244195

fleece just got betrayed by his new oshi fuwamoco too btw kek

>> No.74244281

Shogga pointing at a shogga calling them an anti getting called an anti
Tale old as time
Remember that opinions are subjective, but also 2024 will shape up to be the best year of shondo until 2025 and then 2025 will be best year of shondo until 2026, so on and so on

>> No.74244322

>um i actually care about her unlike you thats why i keep saying that things were better 2 years ago and that now she is boring and the streams are shitty and she doesnt interact with us uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.74244350

What happened?

>> No.74244360

its really sad to see how much she hates streaming now

>> No.74244388
File: 110 KB, 1400x788, 1705467194412066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74244410

It's sad shoggas keep pushing this narrative and people actually get brainworms over it

>> No.74244440

Literally nothing, people are just trying to anti FWMC over them doing a couple of JP language streams for Golden Week

>> No.74244441

How long till someone finds her using a different avatar and putting a different voice on

>> No.74244457

Shogger I never said any of that. Unironically neck yourself, you're a waste of space and oxygen.

>> No.74244461

they moved to japan and promised nothing would change because people got worried, and now they're backing out of that promise to start doing JP content

>> No.74244465

>2024 will shape up to be the best year of shondo
Doubt that. At best there's a rebound when she comes back (if she even comes back this year)

>> No.74244487

>shondo doesn't care about streaming anymore and in 2024 was late practically every stream
>shoggers start to hate her unironically
oh no, consequences

>> No.74244526

She loves streaming so much that she quit. Kinda like how shoggers love her so much that they leave.

>> No.74244586

2025 will be the best year of Shondo after the Husband trials reach the Offkai stage.

>> No.74244640

does anyone actually think that not streaming for a month will magically make her want to stream again

>> No.74244695

stop defending antis masquerading as husbands
oh wait you wont because youre one of them. syadouYay in chat so you can show your two-facedness

>> No.74244713

For some reason there are people that not only think that but also believe she'll somehow fix herself mentally as well

>> No.74244760

This is what happens when we're each other's consolation prize, when we're just stuck with each other. Shondo treated us like a rebound ATM and for most of us an online relationship with a schizo girl like Shondo's the best we can do. We're incels unironically.

>> No.74244775

Not returning to streaming would be the first step to mental stability.

>> No.74244860

Okay yeah you guys blow
Please stop brainworming, thanks
No matter what anyone says your brainworms will slap back
Read the announcement again, that might help you

>> No.74244929
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isnt a consolation prize, she is the prize of a lifetime. the mostest perfect girl. funny, witty, cute as a button, loving and caring and family-oriented, strong despite everything that has happened to her.
shame on you.

>> No.74244944

Barbie fingers typed this post

>> No.74244965

I'm not Inis

>> No.74244979

Livestream it

>> No.74244992

I mean this is my honest opinion >>74244760
That's how I think she views us and I'm fine with it as long as she streams consistently.

>> No.74244996

Oli? A lot of people here like you

>> No.74245008

I agree that it could be the first step but it's a step that won't lead to any others.
Stopping streaming and then laying in bed doing nothing all day will lead to nothing. If she doesn't take further steps to improve herself then this will go nowhere, possibly backwards.

>> No.74245019

Yeah, definitely read the part where she says that its okay to leave forever. Thats the actual important part.

>> No.74245023

No, you speak like Nina actually.

>> No.74245030

I made this post
"Shame on you" is well said

>> No.74245086

the prize is... nothing? an abyss that won't even look back at you when you stare into it?

>> No.74245095
File: 100 KB, 1080x1440, GLnvU72X0AIems6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure about that?

>> No.74245144

No, but I'm sure oli comes here sometimes and gets annoyed at people talking bad about shonders
Idk how to feel about that, but I'm not her
Inis dewd cosplay

>> No.74245157

why did inis swap from a cute sheep into a cockatiel when she doesnt exhibit any birdlike qualities
i guess some speaking birds kinda act schizo

>> No.74245200

How did Inis celebrate the 20th?

>> No.74245219

I don't know but she's one of two barbies I would watch

>> No.74245241

>Inis dewd cosplay
made me exhale air out my nose

>> No.74245278

>she doesnt exhibit any birdlike qualities
you've never heard her scream

>> No.74245291
File: 852 KB, 894x896, 1691812691664035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt exhibit any birdlike qualities
are you insane
cockatiel fits her personality significantly better than sheep does.

>> No.74245381

>rebound ATM
Every relationship with a woman is like that unless you're a top 6% Chad.

>> No.74245386

Inis was a sheep?

>> No.74245437

Who's the biggest slut of the shoggas?

>> No.74245497

whoever is subbed to the most girls or whoever is hanging out with the most GFE chuubas

>> No.74245534

In what meaning of the word
Actual sluts are greeters

>> No.74245576

she posted this image >>74245095

>> No.74245602

probably a FT viewer since they love neppie

>> No.74245667

I know you ain't talking about me..

>> No.74245770

i read it it announced paree

>> No.74245789

I get labeled a slut but it’s just because I have a lot of love in my heart and people just don’t understand

>> No.74245818

sounds like something a slut would say

>> No.74245827

yeah lol whenever im out i very rarely see a guy who could actually attract a woman. everyone else i see the girl and im like "dayum that guys getting KEKED"

>> No.74245858
File: 177 KB, 1000x1414, GLyKk-ibgAAaWIJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuuuuuu shondo the megane...........

>> No.74245906

Leave and never come back

>> No.74245915

imagine being so mindbroken that the first thing that enters your head when you see two people together is that the woman is cheating on the man
get help

>> No.74245933

Oli's playing as shadow...Who's gonna go in there and ask?

>> No.74245992

No one better

>> No.74246012

but you literally have to be top % or women arent truly attracted and theyll monkeybranch 1st opportunity. thats what the data shows. stop snorting bluepills.

>> No.74246016

Just ask the shogger in her chat to
He's been baiting in the thread all day

>> No.74246041
File: 208 KB, 475x432, 1713746230884935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74246086

Who did this one??? In all my megane shon collecting i havent seen this

>> No.74246115

read the image you blind fuck
you need megane

>> No.74246182

>you need megane

>> No.74246326

>Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli
this needs to be removed from the OP

>> No.74246345

Are you a regular visitor to /r9k/ by any chance?

>> No.74246349

why did neppiefags move on to shitposting about oli

>> No.74246373

I do need megane..you're right oomf..SadCat...i also cant believe i didnt recognize its Ruri from the style alone

>> No.74246403
File: 684 KB, 676x732, 1700494254485.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch vtubers and I find this one particularly creepy (an adult ass woman pretends to be a "loli" and a bunch of creepy pedophiles talk about sexual things under her streams and I assume she just encourages it, but I digress). I just got recommended some videos of hers on youtube and I saw this gif dancing in the corner of her screen. I have no idea what it is, but could you kindly provide the source? I just need this gif

>> No.74246424

how many other schizo lolis do you know?

>> No.74246436

new cunny

>> No.74246469

it's the dancing purple dog, also kill yourself

>> No.74246555 [DELETED] 

This is why having bbc is important. Then you can subjugate the woman with simply your penis by giving her mindblowing orgasms

>> No.74246599

nobody knows what that purple dog is sorry
maybe you can DM xive and find out

>> No.74246606

only this one, the rest are just mentally handicapped (cute)

>> No.74246657

it is simply correct lol

>> No.74246660

>an adult ass woman

>> No.74246713

True, its like how shoggers were cucked by king t, d, d the 2nd, r, the list goes on

>> No.74246822

fuck off tourist

>> No.74246833

I notice you didn't answer my question.

>> No.74246840

THE dancing dog?
Doesn't look like one to me anyway. But you look like a cocksucking nigger, that's for sure.

>nobody knows
That's really unfortunate. This dancing thing does something to me, I want to watch it again and again. Alas.

>> No.74246876
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically naked

>> No.74247070

good thing its clearly a petite adult

>> No.74247096

Ok I'm bored now, the shitposts I started have been ruined by others
Get a new bit

>> No.74247263

>non-loli proportions
Fuck off and never return.

>> No.74247299

This except while I'm asleep and I wake up to the sound of footsteps slapping across the floor quickly and getting further and further away along with some devilish giggles
When I look over to my arm I see shondo drew a penis with a smiley face on it in permanent marker

>> No.74247314

we get it, you're into toddler-core

>> No.74247355

that’s cute!

>> No.74247389

sounds and acts like a normal woman too... idk why theyre ascribing their creepy fetish to her

>> No.74247407

that except im asleep and wake to searing pain in my arm while my wife is cutting into it with a kitchen knife before she screams and starts saying "im sorry im sorry im sorry" over and over and over

>> No.74247469

It's made me realize just how many antis and shoggers are devoid of any humor or originality. Pretty sad honestly.

>> No.74247503

alright give me ur best rrat

>> No.74247524


>> No.74247578

still obsessed over a dead lesbian?

>> No.74247584

We need more (you) centered drawings

>> No.74247587

>not british
>not american
you lose

>> No.74247626

whos joking lol u just ain into Raelity

>> No.74247644

Watching clips of her interacting with her mother gave me depression

>> No.74247741

found the tourist

>> No.74247754


>> No.74247784

Fool, I would never give /shon/ my best rrats. It would topple this entire operation. Lives would be ruined. Heads would roll.

>> No.74247812

might as well, if we're just chugging along clinging to deceased rrats

>> No.74247868
File: 382 KB, 800x499, 1713556108256244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74247874

we need something to talk about unless you just wanna loop again for the millionth time

>> No.74247890
File: 12 KB, 480x360, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rrats are too strong for you shogger, you cant handle them

>> No.74247907

I can keep Oli posting instead : )

>> No.74247910

reminder that ribbon cage is about the only person she ever loved (not you)

>> No.74248052

> pedo
projecting. I watch her for her and her cute model, not some fetish shit.

>> No.74248091

some cunny for you to watch while waiting her HER return

>> No.74248095
File: 349 KB, 395x531, shes_perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to support the barbies while shadow is on vacation!

>> No.74248140


>> No.74248149


>> No.74248176

do you think Shondo would consider it cheating to watch that big tit monster porn actress she raided that one time

>> No.74248216

I generally have a good time despite the quality of the threads, but now we're not even on topic most of the time

>> No.74248259

the former JAV actress who speaks good english and has huge tits?

>> No.74248340

>Heads would roll

>> No.74248384


>> No.74248417
File: 23 KB, 112x112, syadouDed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74248424

good news, shonshon responded to my dm and said she's almost ready to come back

>> No.74248463
File: 94 KB, 929x1024, 1713116096389698m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fibbing?

>> No.74248534

yeah chama stream tonight

>> No.74248536
File: 348 KB, 605x526, 1684247491236083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when she calls her chat 'my loves' and spams kisses with a very sweet tone

>> No.74248562

for real, i'm not even that special just drop her a dm and she'll probably respond

>> No.74248564

when she comes back she is going to shame all dmniggers

>> No.74248578
File: 79 KB, 383x309, 1713116988688818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chama stream right now in my head

>> No.74248585

it makes me smile seeing her goofing around and singing

>> No.74248635

all women with large tits are my enemy

>> No.74248655

shondo.... make a gyaru megane megusaki shondo and a gyaru lolina....

>> No.74248745

Shondo a new Bob Gymlan bigfoot video dropped 3 days ago if you even care

>> No.74248859

Imagine if she streamed Bloons in 5 minutes lol. Ahhh fuck.. I wish she did literally anything

>> No.74249011


>> No.74249029
File: 738 KB, 540x494, 2bto9v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a happy dancing Shondo in your mind and she will never leave.

>> No.74249072

had a dream that shondo was very sick and needed dialysis or something and was living near the hospital in some assisted living program. she called me to help give her a ride to the hospital and i missed the phonecall and left her there and she was very distressed. i wasnt there for her and i woke up in tears.

>> No.74249207


>> No.74249257

i love you

>> No.74249396

I'm sorry but that sounds really funny
If it actually happened I'd feel so bad though(while still laughing about it)

>> No.74249402

have a good song you reminded me of

>> No.74249498

It's taken me this long to become immensely horny. I have needs shondo and it's your duty as my wife to be here for me in order to satisfy them. I'll never forgive you for this.

>> No.74249539

No but why is he looking like that for
It's gross

>> No.74249596

It's a husband's duty to forgive his wife her transgressions.

>> No.74249597

how could you?

>> No.74249997

right after i went back to sleep and had another dream which referenced this one. some red headed autistic girl that was a single mom of two kids got jealous that i was into shondo and not her and stole my car to sell it for drugs. when i confronted her about it she pissed blood all over my bathroom. she got cotinuously more and more disgusting throughout the dream until finally i punched her in the head and i flew off and turned into a bunch of insects.

in retrospect i think this person was adult critter.

>> No.74250054

Sounds awesome

>> No.74250179

typo, it flew

>> No.74250912

you're gay

>> No.74251114
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74251606

i wish i was schizo enough to have these kind of dreams
i just daydream instead

>> No.74251608

imagine if she came back and started caring about husband's as individuals again, started taking an interest in the hobbies they post or talk about and asking them for updates on their lives again. Perhaps she comes back and shares her goals, thoughts, struggles and likes with us as well.

>> No.74251872

because unless you want to keep kayfabe sho is still her. that’s the whole joke around being “gay” for sho
also whoever this dogshit derek is that keeps bringing my family up and making up lies would you kindly kill yourself. that’s all you’re getting :)

>> No.74251947

They're probably right if you're seething about it.

>> No.74252046

>making up lies

>> No.74252066

>because unless you want to keep kayfabe sho is still her. that’s the whole joke around being “gay” for sho
"My husband said I have “boy pussy.”
I am a biological female and a woman. I havent spoken to him since.
For context we were having sex, and at some point with his eyes closed he moaned “yeah that boy pussy…” and then stopped, realizing he spoke outloud.
I’d feel better if he mentioned another woman cause we’re (somewhat) open but i’m pretty sure he’s bisexual and instead of speaking to me about it, fantasizes about me being a twink."

>> No.74252193

>the fag came into the thread hours later to seethe about not being a fag
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.74252238

Why live anymore if I'll never be noticed and get abandoned

>> No.74252279


>> No.74252319

You've made such little impact on her, she couldn't even stick around because you mattered. You really should kill yourself.

>> No.74252363

taking shondo on a trip to cornwall and visiting the places i went as a child

>> No.74252401

You're right. Should I livestream it or just leave a note for her

>> No.74252446

>sho is still her
Sho isn't though. Sho was literally never her and has always been a separate character. I genuinely hope this isn't you because you are proving further that you don't listen to a fucking word she says.

>> No.74252511

Cornwall blows for the most part but I understand the sentiment.
Also picture shondo walking up and down the hills.

>> No.74252514

sho is my boywife and i will impregnate his bussy

>> No.74252577

>always been a separate character
exactly, that's kayfabe you dumb fuck i'm here for her as a person not her avatars

>> No.74252611
File: 326 KB, 689x689, Now You're Gay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9hut8e.opus].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74252650

>it's actually him and he's actually just gay
kinda weird

>> No.74252662

You're so fucking retarded justifying your need to be a faggot it's unreal. Keep hurting Shondo though, dumb fuck.

>> No.74252672

I'm not ready for another day

>> No.74252754

'ate sho
'ate gaspar
not homophobic just dont like 'em is all
simple as

>> No.74252784

i'll let her decide and let me know if i'm hurting her, not some obsessed fag here thanks :)

>> No.74252831

i always liked it around truro

>> No.74252927

Abusive mindset. Disgusting quite honestly.

>> No.74252946

so why is that dacrin faggot posting doxx on her arttag?!?
jfc there was iproe's art too last year
retarded newfags
or if you are are reincarnated oldfag just kill yourself

>> No.74252959

I'm here for her as a person, which is why I keep trying to change her

>> No.74253022

Wait hold on Somnium, I hate this this piece of shit more now.

>> No.74253030

Ironic considering you attack the groomers for saying the same thing.

>> No.74253048

what a dumb cunt KEK

>> No.74253057

by the time I found her she was already at 100k. It’d be silly to try to differentiate yourself and try stand out to famous streamer. Tag along for the ride or find a 2view to groom.

>> No.74253082

i think he just mistyped la noire

>> No.74253114

Didn't you fags tell me he wasn't a problem for suddenly making unnecessary replies to her tweets? Don't you ever fucking doubt my Dereking again.

>> No.74253116

you can fool me into giving up, groomer

>> No.74253125

>>74252946 (me)
watch the iceberg VOD!
she said do your reps just not advertise what you learnt!
'secret knowledge people are cringe' - shondo

>> No.74253187

What's hilarious is this is maybe the easiest thing Som could go after a shogger for yet he won't do it because he's a castrated little bitch now.

>> No.74253204

There are like 10+ people who incorporate RTX into their art, some of them on a routine basis. Stop seething. (obviously posting her (supposed) name is pretty stupid)

>> No.74253207

name one time i objectively overstepped her boundaries or tried to harm her

>> No.74253283

I told you guys he was one of the only bad ones from that list a few days ago

>> No.74253293
File: 163 KB, 404x305, F9idsJgXwAAAb7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poemniggers were a mistake.

>> No.74253314

bet. lemme dm him :)

>> No.74253364

Even when he said to delete a deleted video from her merch plugs that someone posted in discord, one of the mods and other shoggers in there attacked him over it. He knows he can't say anything publicly or he won't make it past summer.

>> No.74253375

inb4 you get blocked like all the shoggas by baru

>> No.74253392

Never went that far honestly, furthest I went was Bodmin. Pretty place, I did enjoy it for the most part thinking back. I think it was just getting there and then getting around when there that is souring my memory. The norf make it so convenient with huge motorways taking you everywhere, nothing like the single lane horse cart roads in Cornwall.
I'd love to take her anywhere though realistically.

>> No.74253398
File: 214 KB, 448x448, F1u0xkoWIAAUktk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dacrin, don't forget to post your poem art in her Discord! Other husbands would love to see it.

>> No.74253407

are chumbuds or shondiddlers the more schizo fanbase?

>> No.74253472

i just email mine directly to her

>> No.74253488
File: 734 B, 79x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way too see who bookmarked it? its not in the engagements tab

>> No.74253541

She bookmarked it, Dacrin is the new King D.

>> No.74253630

Castration should be a requirement to making poems

>> No.74253635

that was actually hilarious because i got singled out for that whole thing. though to be fair xive was the only mod there. the other mods clearly saw the issue because that's what let do a media block in the server

>> No.74253667

In reality there are like 20 people that matter and 80 others who just get incidental attention, and old shoggers drop like flies. Third rates can still climb the ranks.

>> No.74253675

Yes yes you're so cool

>> No.74253718

Only shoggers are so mentally ill that they invent a social class system amongst each other

>> No.74253755

>i got singled out i'm so epic xdd
>literally repeating your shitty behavior
You are remarkably stupid.

>> No.74253754

If you work for X, yes.

>> No.74253842

How is telling someone who posted deleted RTX videos from her ASMR days to delete it shitty behaviour? Other people also acted way more harsh to the guy and everyone ignored that and attacked poor Gojo-kun over it after they left the server.

>> No.74253843
File: 276 KB, 600x600, hiatus_card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74253882

I miss my schizo punching bag...

>> No.74253891
File: 103 KB, 756x983, IMG_2607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try not to have thoughts like this but sometimes I think about how hard you’d have to press the knife before it breaks the skin and plunges into her. Mostly fixating on the tummy area. Or strumming my fingers across her ribs, the tactile sensation like going across a washboard. Sticking the serrated blade in horizontally between her ribs. Porcelain white skin oozing deep crimson blood is such a good image.

>> No.74253923

lmao are you really going to sign the get well soon card despite attacking people over and over saying they should just leave her alone while she isn't feeling well?
truly insufferable

>> No.74253948

schizo punching bag anon?!?
it's been so long!

>> No.74253984

He even said he was harsh the way he went about it. I'm just reminding of the fact that he has continued to have learned nothing.

>> No.74253998

I never left. I just grieve in silence.

>> No.74253999

Never hurt anyone before?

>> No.74254017

depends on what you're using

>> No.74254021

Only shoggers are so stupid they think that there aren't hierarchies everywhere.

>> No.74254059

I refuse to believe that is his, it has to be bait from another shogger. It even looks too good to be his art anyways.

>> No.74254066

>wishing her well is the same as attention/interaction begging
any reason to try shit on me lmfao

>> No.74254158

>wishing her well when i relentlessly attack others in her community
any reason to be a hypocrite lmfao

>> No.74254166

it is pretty much the definition of attention seeking, yeah. i thought you were smarter than that but turns out you're just as duplicitous as the others

>> No.74254184
File: 135 KB, 640x640, 1699287910844011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74254231
File: 118 KB, 1004x1004, IMG_2741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re just kidding right haha

>> No.74254274

the top would be fine, except he couldnt resist signing it with his calling card
still made me chuckle though

>> No.74254343

The irony is that it's groomer behavior to act this way. Isolating her after trying to remove as many shoggers as he can? Why are retards so blatant about their actions I'll never know.

>> No.74254429

Hey, Cardanon. Since Somnium or his larper are potentially putting harmful bait onto that card, it's best you don't include his contribution just to be on safe side.

>> No.74254466

you did it. you figured out my master plan to isolate her via a community get well soon card how will i ever recover now my grooming route is discovered :(

>> No.74254545

Taunting about your true nature being exposed isn't exactly helping your case, shigger.

>> No.74254565

Nta but they're right, all you've done since she left is shit up threads telling people to grow up and stop bugging her or begging her for attention or posting about her coming back at all. Any talk about her returning is met with you trying to shut it down because they should "stop rushing her" or whatever the fuck.
You're a bit of a narcissistic asshole if I'm honest. I don't expect you to be able to see it but surely you should consider the problem to be you when you're the one constantly being singled out

>> No.74254596
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, 1f7fb875-308e-4e7d-8278-816d530e6e99_w1200_r1_fpx44_fpy40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst part is the hypocrisy

>> No.74254618


>> No.74254627

i knew it

>> No.74254632

Where's the get well soon card?

>> No.74254692

knows about yesterday's dms? syadouOhgod

>> No.74254747

point to where i've tried to groom her please. i'll wait :)
anon, i've got news for you. not every person arguing on here is me. in fact i haven't even been taking part in those arguments at all i posted maybe one time saying people shouldn't post so much about being upset or whatever and making it about them and that's it.

>> No.74254750

he only did it to taunt people here btw
he cant just do something nice for shondo, he has to try and get on shoggers nerves while doing it. he could have just said "take your time, i love you" but then he had to put his gay little smiley face and shounenshit line on there just to annoy you

>> No.74254814

Imagine continuing still to use this girl at her lowest point to fuel your ego even more. I genuinely get why you cannot see why you are the problem. You are genuinely delusional.

>> No.74254835

Very nice

>> No.74254902

i miss him bros...

>> No.74254949

But anon the joke of that neme was he turned out to be wrong in the end

>> No.74255016

You have been buried in an echo chamber so long it is all you know of

>> No.74255028

she's the exception

>> No.74255088

for the love of god please don't put anti / troll art onto the card. can we not treat her fucking nice for once?

>> No.74255149

Can you explain what's wrong with it to me?

>> No.74255150

okay derek make another prediction

>> No.74255186

>There are like 10+ people who incorporate RTX into their art
name them

>> No.74255233

read the damn thread.

>> No.74255264

in 10 years there's going to be an INTO THE RABBITHOLE INTERNET MYSTERY video about the fake wife vtuber who just disappeared and it's going to do major numbers on reddit

>> No.74255299

Most sub 1 year husbands won't make it to 2025

>> No.74255338

You should have learned by now that this thread and a genuine sizable chunk of her fanbase is incapable of rational thought or basic social cues. They'd fill up the room before they could read it

>> No.74255340

We'll get a live stream of R blowing his brains out if Shondo dies. Stay tuned for that one.

>> No.74255365

>people with least investment leave when streamer goes on permanent hiatus

>> No.74255442

no i'm pretty well aware of that. so if we can't restraint ourselves for even something like this then we don't deserve her at all.

>> No.74255507

That's not going to fly with me. I read through the reply chain and scrolled around in the thread before I even replied. I know better than to come here outside of these cards, so I don't know what kind of autism you people get up to. You made this reply so you obviously care, now explain why I should care or you will fail and this submission will go on the card

>> No.74255564


>> No.74255614

Correct, most here don't. The amount of shoggers who've convinced themselves they have a deep understanding of her that nobody else does and "read between the lines" with anything she'd say is beyond hope
I basically never spoke in chat anyway so ive had the benefit of not being involved with the core fanbase and just appreciating her.
Most I do /here/ I say I wanna see her feet in tights

>> No.74255627

>I posted maybe one time
Hmm, if you say so. I still don't think your behaviour is all that different from the people you claim to hate. Just like >>74254343 says. You do actively try and isolate her from anyone that isn't you, I mean, it's in your whole motto with you winning. The constant attempts at causing infighting in order to remove people you deem unfit to talk with her. You're trying to do the same thing dewd and mouz do but going about it a different less disgusting way. But the intent is the same with both. In a side note, you do seem to get a weird pleasure out of coming here and seeing your name mentioned despite claiming how much you hate coming here.
Switching direction, I'd like to believe your intention with adding your silly win meme to the card is just so if\when she sees the card she knows that part is from you. I don't believe it was done for infighting purposes but maybe I have too much faith. Some reflection is needed I think.

>> No.74255661


>> No.74255717

How new? Welcome to hell ig

>> No.74255788

He's probably just a ligger, shondo loves liggers as well know.

>> No.74255830

It's already been explained that it is made to antagonize other shoggers as troll bait. Why should that be in her card when you've gotten context for why it is? If whoever made it cares, especially the likely candidate, they would submit another version and stop being a narcissistic piece of shit to our wife.

>> No.74255842

There's a sizeable group of shoggers that just don't like him so some of the replies you'll get will be biased.
Kinda cringe to sign so blatantly but imo no harm in adding it to that card. /lig/ signed it by adding liggerman but you can argue it's not the same since it represents a general instead of one person and the tile is pretty funny.

>> No.74255925

So there's no doxing, there's no hidden slight on Shondo in the drawing, it's just a guy with a recognizable art style that people here don't like?

>> No.74255929

>a card from 4chan
I'm sure it'll help

>> No.74255932

i've never tried to isolate her from anyone all i've done is call people out on their bullshit. never claimed to hate coming here either i just think 99% of the posts are worthless garbage. not my fault if im lurking and someone decides to address me. no, i didn't add that to the art to infight it's just meant to be funny. she knows about the meme now anyway since she's referenced it multiple times. it's not that deep

>> No.74256044

>no hidden slight on Shondo in the drawing
It basically is given what the card contains. It has nothing to do with his art style. Like anon said, read the damn thread.

>> No.74256089

>So there's no doxing
>there's no hidden slight on Shondo in the drawing
>i's just a guy with a recognizable art style that people here don't like?
less about the art style and more his catchphrase "I'll win"

>> No.74256121

Shonnegans Wake anon have you read the book? Is it something that I’d need a physical copy for? Is an audiobook cheating? Is it helpful to listen to it being read while you read it? I’ve heard reading it aloud helps with the rhythm of the writing.

>> No.74256192

Shondo would recover faster if she let me nut in her

>> No.74256229

Since Cardanon is autistic and needs context, the "I'll win" shit is essentially his calling card for justifying why he needs to be excessively antagonistic. Putting it on a card that is supposed to be about her is pretty blatant shitty behavior and the fact that he seems unwilling to even fix that shows that another anon is likely larping his submission to frame him.
Unless he fixes it, it is a bait/troll submission.

>> No.74256252

shondo would recover faster if she went to an actual doctor and ate some food

>> No.74256261

shonmdo would recover a lot faster if she let me baby her and hold her

>> No.74256307

card anon please don't be this fucking dumb wtf

>> No.74256344


>> No.74256361

Don't care about the rest of your post, but those 2 deserve to be removed

>> No.74256429

the submitter is a notorious troll who tries to antagonize everone in the community and signs all his posts with the gay little smiley face and has spent the last week or so arguing with people saying that they should just leave her alone and stop trying to talk to her or get attention, despite now attentionseeking with his know signiature

>> No.74256468

i like it

>> No.74256488
File: 512 KB, 519x336, 1685054714043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger in christ, what are you talking about? You are in the same crowd as those in the picrelated, lmao

>> No.74256507

I'm beginning to wonder whether cardanon is actually compiling this card for the right reasons.

>> No.74256585

dacrin said some gay anti shit a few months ago too i remember that baby yoda profile pic

>> No.74256617

if for whatever reason you aren't aware cardanon these faggots have it out for me probably because i either called them out once before or they're the kind of people that would get called out and they have a massive issue with me because i've always been open and not some slimy little two faced weasels like they are

>> No.74256626

What's wrong with this image
>shondo reminds me of X
>menhera joke
>uoh joke

>> No.74256634

>fleece disappears
>dacrin appears
hmmmmm how curious

>> No.74256667

>doesn't watch vtubers but somehow found his way to this general
>is still in the thread hours after asking his question
>uses clipfags as an example of the community
What's your angle? What are you trying to achieve?

>> No.74256726

>I know better than to come here outside of these cards
This says all you need to know about how much Cardanon gives a shit. He would rather let the card get filled with shit flinging retardation then listen to reason and allow the submitter to fix their post?
This is fucking unreal.

>> No.74256774

i made this post

>> No.74256779

If you're doing it for purely the right reasons, why not remove your signature from it?

>> No.74256783

>people have a massive issue with me despite that I act like an antagonizing retard every chance I get lol irl :)

>> No.74256893

Not Fleece. Keep up the effort anon your heart is in the right place.

>> No.74256926

hes not fleece, hes not digikun, hes not darkkal

>> No.74256964

lmao https://twitter.com/WheresDacrin/status/1782437486758600727

>> No.74256970
File: 1.24 MB, 498x261, 1683495064741324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non intrusive birthday card from /lig/
>chill gigachads should have existed since the start of /vt/, shared love for many chuubas, made a koikatsu card for her
>unnecessary get better card from /shon/
>schizo doxposters, infighters who bully shoggers, hymen talk that push away artists, traumadumpers in her DMs/maros
(You) never stood a chance against liggerman

>> No.74256992
File: 1.17 MB, 3336x4096, GBcQV0DXAAEhTuY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im amazed i somehow ended up mentioned in this discussion. it was once though so thanks for making my ego search a let down tonight

>> No.74257016

a certain anti who was posting for months disappeared around the time he did so i'm not so sure he's still around unless he was having an episode

i like the darkkal_ theory personally

>> No.74257018

I can read the thread, all I see is people who think they know who they're arguing with flinging shit not at each other but next to each other in an effeminate, non-confrontational manner. That might look like something to the spergs who read every /shon/ thread, but like I said, I know better than that. So you have to explain it to me from the beginning, like an outsider. If you can't do that, if you can't explain your position to someone who is new to the issue, then you just lose, not only here but forever and always you will lose

If this is true then I understand now why it makes some people in here upset. But him being a thread sperg is not my concern. We have our own sperg in /lig/ called gatorschizo who thinks a 4view VRChat streamer is specifically targeting him by sending his army of secretly male gay mute catgirls into the thread to argue with him and talk shit about his chuuba. He submits tiles to birthday cards regularly, and while some of them get turned down for being indecipherable gibberish, some of them do get accepted. Because despite who he is, this is a place where the idea you represent and how you express that idea matters much more than who you are. If a submission to the card isn't:
>A display of personal information
>An insult towards the chuuba
>Completely unrelated or incomprehensible
Then I see no reason not to include it

>> No.74257026

entire thread is just about grooming attempts
why even exist her at this point

>> No.74257030
File: 279 KB, 353x433, I_LOVE_MY_WIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her already

>> No.74257055

Yeah, aha, sure. FYI, joking that you support pedophilia on this site can and will lead to a permanent ban. So much for a joke, amrite?

>doesn't watch vtubers but somehow found his way to this general
As if knowing that there is a board about vtubers, refugees from which spread cancer to other boards such as >>>/g/ and >>>/v/ , is sacred knowledge
>is still in the thread hours after asking his question
>uses clipfags as an example of the community
>What are you trying to achieve?
I want that gif, it's cute

>> No.74257072

sorry darkkal go back to miwu

>> No.74257108

Yes, I will joke about cunny and you can seethe
Go back to twitter

>> No.74257129

except it's the same people? when the /lig/ card was made /shon/ wasn't around, retard

>> No.74257154

Do your reps, it's been done many times before and she has always loved them.
>99% of the posts are worthless
And yours are the 1% I'm sure, I don't want to shit talk you at all. In fact I don't really mind you all things considered but I do think there's some superiority complex or narcissism thing going on. Your groomer killing crusade is admiral and I would stand with you but, and this is a big but, shondo seems to like them, shondo engages with the current king of groomers and laughs at the groomer jokes, the cuck jokes, the whatever. I hate them as much as you and I find them disgusting. But she doesn't, at least not enough to remove them or ignore them.
So why bother, she can make her own terrible decisions, god knows she's made them multiple times before. Exposing them for being groomers does nothing and seemingly just gets you shunned, banned or both. This post took a turn but I think what I'm trying to say is, I just find it pointless going after people when she actively supports them. It would also go against her wishes.

>> No.74257180


>> No.74257219

????? are you retarded?

>> No.74257232

The mental gymnastics on this is pretty impressive I gotta say. You'd think you would listen to the politics of the general that WE run and know more about, but you would rather be ignorant and take any submission despite clear advisory not to. I get you're autistic but that's not an excuse to be retarded, especially when the door is open for him to potentially fix his submission.

>> No.74257250

are you retarded?

>> No.74257295

I'm retarded

>> No.74257301


>> No.74257321

Careful, pedo, your "jokes" will inevitably end up being about real children, I know your kind

>> No.74257357


>> No.74257380

I need to play DnD with her to make up for that one time where nerds bullied her
Im sure she would RP in a way that would be very fun and im sure she would love to crack my introverted shell
God I need olivia in my life

>> No.74257442


>> No.74257452

yes, and playing GTA means you'll become a murderer. we get it, you're retarded

>> No.74257470

>I know better than that.
You are either a deliberate troll or an incredibly arrogant retard. Either way I think it's clear that the card isn't being made in good faith to actually send a positive message to Shondo.

>> No.74257480

I knew going into this that there'd be conflict, I know how desperate some people in this thread are to get at each others' throats and at Shondo's throat. But I did it anyway because I knew there would still be people in here that love her and want to support her during this stressful time. That's why I am here, not to negotiate with "WE" or "the general", it's to salvage what little love and good will that I can from this place

>> No.74257505

>i'm not two faced
>gets mad at people for attention seeking and then attention seeks

>> No.74257532


>> No.74257679

tell me what personal attention i'll get from that card submission besides you sperging? i'd love to know

>> No.74257685

It's not that you know about /vt/ - it's one of the fastest moving boards and people who barely know of 4chan know that it exists. It's the fact you were able to find this specific general, or that you knew that there even was a general for her. Suggests to me you're lying for some reason. And you've stuck around for hours. Odd behaviour.

>> No.74257718

nta, a lot of their worst actions they do a good job at hiding so she might not notice, bringing it up is good so she knows, and the community should know too, they try to groom shoggas too
>it would go against her wishes
that mindset got her in this situation in the first place, she's too naive about it, ignoring bad apples who also infight is worse for her what she wants from those wishes

>> No.74257737

So when we tell you someone's submission is blatant troll/bait, you'd think that would align with your altruistic motives for making this card then. Especially when the changes he could make to it are not only minor, but an indication that he has learned something. You're defeating the entire purpose of the card by letting the very erosion from /here/ taint your card.

>> No.74257739

I already posted a screenshot of some deranged pedophile comparing this pedo enabling streamer to his underage niece. And there's immediately a comment about how said niece needs "correction". Both have plenty of likes. Nigger, you literally can't win this, I'm just right and you're a pedo trying to convince me you're not.

>> No.74257750

oh look, bratty aka tuffnarr made a new alt

>> No.74257826


>> No.74257890

This supposed tourist asking for wiggly is very obviously not a tourist. I wonder who he is?

>> No.74257897

should just keep the card talk in /lig/ desu

>> No.74257912

>It's the fact you were able to find this specific general
>search "shondo"
>0 results
>search "fallenshadow"
>1 result
Just like that. I really think you're a newfag who thinks others don't know how to use the site
>or that you knew that there even was a general for her.
I didn't. I assumed there was one, and I was right.
>And you've stuck around for hours
I like it when people reply to me
And I will probably post the same request in the next thread, because I want this gif

>> No.74257937

I know your kind too, you see a woman with flat chest and cry pedo

>> No.74257960

We have different definitions of what's troll and bait, so let me tell you directly what I don't want on the card:
>Personal information
>Insults or anything else meant to make Shondo feel bad
If a submission falls under those two categorizes then yes I would greatly appreciate your support in identifying that so I can remove it. But if it has to do with the bickering that goes on in here then I don't care

>> No.74257999

Nah, you're wrong

>> No.74258002
File: 66 KB, 268x355, IMG_3820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me what this is I don’t understand

>> No.74258040

I didn't let /swarm/ push me out during Anny's card or /vsj+/ during Silvervale's, I can handle this

>> No.74258048

take your medication

>> No.74258060
File: 6 KB, 118x179, 1695859155970397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74258117

yeah but anyone who matters already has eyes on /lig/ and /lig/ is better moderated such that if they try to start the shit they get away with in here it will be snuffed out

>> No.74258122

Then you have no business making the card on /shon/'s behalf and should have kept it in /lig/. All you're doing is enabling our anti infested general when clearly you are blind as a bat to what goes on /here/. You expected conflict and now that you're getting it. Now that you're greenlighting something like this, it means other troll/bait submissions have the go-ahead.
Use your fucking brain.

>> No.74258152

i have no idea what you mean. there's nothing there.

>> No.74258188

I suppose you could be correct in what you're saying. I just still feel defeated when it comes to that stuff with her, you can point out so much and she either seems to ignore it or just doesn't care. It's hard for me to think of her has naive with this stuff seeing as she's been through it so much and I just assume she learns. Writing that out I do find it funny. Yeah ok, I'll start pointing this stuff out again if I see it. You've slightly convinced me. Although I'll never be able to rid my mind of the past. How she acted before was inexcusable.
