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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 304 KB, 472x472, fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74209628 No.74209628 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel your smile was protected, wuffian?

>> No.74209665


>> No.74209698

what is this compulsion to be mad before anything changes they said the words the EN streams wouldn't change

>> No.74209704

I want to stuff my face into Fuwawa's fat tits so fucking bad, bros

>> No.74209998

HoloID streams in english
HoloEN streams in japanese
When is HoloJP streaming in indonesian?

>> No.74210568

Wait, are you telling me miko doesn't speak ID? What the hell is she speaking then?

>> No.74210913

Swedish or, heaven forbid, Danish.

>> No.74211080

That strange African language with thr clicks

>> No.74211178

fuwawa please give me my smile back, i just want it for a wedding, i swear i will return it when i am done.

>> No.74211231

my smile may be protected but my sperm sure isnt

>> No.74211266

I'm glad they finally opened the pandora's box and are getting it cleared up for the insecure ruffians that somehow still didn't believe in them. If this doesn't make it clear how much fuwamoco care about you, then nothing will. I hope we can finally move on and fully and freely enjoy both EN and occasional JP streams like we did before the schizos and trolls made it weird.

>> No.74211381

Okayu knows some Indonesian iirc

>> No.74213178

any qrd on what happened on fuwamoco latest member stream?

>> No.74213282

I got them pregnant so they have to stream less to take care of my babies.

>> No.74213351

Their worst trait BY FAR is promising shit all the time and just saying things people want to hear before they’ve even thought through the reality of the situation, or potential complications that could arise. It’s genuinely a shitty pickme personality trait they have to constantly keep EVERYONE happy but all it achieves is people getting unnecessarily hurt in the future and makes them look untrustworthy/fake. Stop promising shit and lying ffs.

>> No.74213523

as an adult, no, my smile doesn't need to be protected, i'm more then capable of doing that myself
but i'm sad for the kids that actually believed their bullshit

>> No.74213531 [DELETED] 

fuck it I guess its time to use some of ars dollars to join members

>> No.74213544

They said that they wanted to use all the skills they have in order to numberfag to 1 million before their debut anniversary, so they will be doing more JP collab streams in golden week in jp timezones in addition to the usual EN schedule but they read some scizo saying that he will unsub if they speak japanese more and started crying.

>> No.74213574

every ruffian deserves it
its like buying into a GFE whore that says she loves you during her first ASMR, you are just asking to get swindled and scammed

>> No.74213695

They started crying because they knew ‘that schizo’ was actually the voice of thousands of cowards who feel the same as him. I respect anyone who has the balls to directly call vtubers out.

>> No.74213849

thank you. Is the vod still up? I was planning to join members to check it out

>> No.74213858

>and started crying
No way a thought of a single guy leaving their stream makes two grown women cry unless he was their biggest ATM or something. Either there's more to this, or this screams crocodile tears.

>> No.74213928


>> No.74213956

they probably have seen more that one people say that kind of comment, his was just what broke the camels back

>> No.74214012


>> No.74214062

more like they finally put them down

>> No.74214076

It should be up

>> No.74214083

Doxx sisters got their site nuked so they're shitting this board up.

>> No.74214161

I was already mostly switching to biboo before this but the members stream made the decision final
I don't want bullshit, I want cute girls who stream and respect their core fans thats all

>> No.74214238

> I was mostly watching biboo
>They should respect their core fans

>> No.74214239

i made this post
seriously though i stopped watching them when they decided to be retards about going to japan
this was inevitable

>> No.74214258

anyone have the timestamp from the member stream?

>> No.74214301

timestamp for what?

>> No.74214365

I already knew this bullshit was coming when they said they applied to JP first but the audition they landed was the EN one, Biboo is your best bet if you want someone that respect their fans.

>> No.74214480

the schizo they read here >>74213544

>> No.74214528

not really no

>> No.74214556

Only Mococo cried.

>> No.74214603

It's not over, it's just over for people watching live streams

Australians I guess they're all yours

>> No.74214608

She wasn't there when I got punched in the face.
My smile was NOT protected!

>> No.74214722


>> No.74214771


>> No.74215174
File: 331 KB, 658x1000, 638062177566175594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will hire a green hag to curse your babies so they would die in their womb

>> No.74215348

Mega based

>> No.74216170

>We won't change stream time and languages because the japan move
Oh thank god
>We'll actually do it for numbers
My smile has been damaged. I hope the JP numbers are so shit they come to their senses on how fucking stupid projecting their gigaweeb japanese autism onto 800k subscribers is

>> No.74217223

Im swedish and I can confirm she does idd speak it

>> No.74217420

I feared this but didnt think it would happen, I thought they were smarter than trying to alienate the EN fanbase just for speeding up their 1mil sub goal wtf. Why the hurry your subgrowth is already very good…

>> No.74217453
File: 364 KB, 2437x1800, GIfdVq2bkAQi0cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Business as usual. They've been through worse shit than a few schizo sisters.

>> No.74218581


>> No.74219119

Why are you shitting up the board with so many retarded bait threads today?
Captcha: G00K, must be chinks doing this

>> No.74219162

Absolute fucking retard bumping the thread, use sage if you're going to reply to bait posts.

>> No.74219191

>FWMC dedicated to protecting your smile
>You're fine with destroying their smile
What did Ruffians meme by this?

>> No.74219219

Ok roastie.

>> No.74219256

Read the rules newfag, holy fuck

>> No.74219291

>heaven forbid, Danish.
well fuck you too

>> No.74219354

All the seething you are seeing /here/ is nycfo retardation and out of context shit from their paypigs cause they are hella parasocial and autistic, Fuwamoco has not ONCE gone back on their word "we will never cut EN streams for JP streams", They aren't even saying they will cut EN streams for this "golden week" shit, Just that there will be a lot of JP streams next week in ADDITION to EN streams, And you don't need to catch all of them if you don't want to/can't understand them, They never. ONCE. said they are cutting the amount of EN streams they are doing, and they haven't

>> No.74219390

I think you need to retard.

>> No.74219424

>no you
oh, you're also underage

>> No.74219459

That guy counting "BAU"s is gonna be in for a ruff time though.

>> No.74219489
File: 89 KB, 384x448, 1640687486260811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 100% of posters on /vt/ who haven't at least tried to pick up Japanese are retarded and have no right to watch or complain about vtubers who are even remotely close to fluent in it.

>> No.74219498

sorry anon...
I'll commit flip now

>> No.74219521

I sure am smiling at nyfco dying and sisters seething into the stratosphere

>> No.74219563

>isn't capable of pointing out what rule was violated because it doesn't exist.
Telling someone not to bump a bait thread is not "announcing a sage" ESLchama.

>> No.74219573

Is that why there's so much shit on the 'log today?

>> No.74219594

But I don't like the dogs
SEA can have 'em

>> No.74219654

Why would I spoonfeed you? I told you, go read the rules

>> No.74219672


>> No.74219741

Yeah, you are 100% underage

>> No.74219773

She protected my smile with unprotected sex

>> No.74219843

>the evil doxx sisters are invading
Oh boy, even if n***o gets reinstated watch this be the only thing these idiots parrot.

>> No.74219900

they are just being manipulative. if you ever argue with a woman and you have her beat, they sometimes just start pretending to cry so they can still get their way. since women know most guys response would be to try to soothe them instead holding their stance on what they were arguing about. they also call this a women's discount in court, when they tear up. it does help them get a lower sentence.

>> No.74219908

You can keep whining all you like, doesn't change the fact that no rules were broken.

>> No.74219918

most of them still shit up this place at random intervals but the dam really broke this time

>> No.74219947

your safehaven is back, you can stop panicking

>> No.74219952

seething femoid hands typed this post

>> No.74220003

Your safehaven never left and you shouldn't be outside of it unless there's trouble in paradise

>> No.74220057

>rules don't exist when I don't know them
absolute retard

>> No.74220074

They also said nothing would change after they moved to Japan.

>> No.74220103

I love holoJP and their JP senpai. Looking forward to the collabs.

>> No.74220120
File: 1.08 MB, 1725x2475, 1593938545101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my smile

>> No.74220177

Clip or didnt happen

>> No.74220214

If your kind followed those rules everything would be so much better

>> No.74220364

Pay for a membership you stupid faggot.

>> No.74220958
File: 28 KB, 450x450, 1703207530903016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my smile

>> No.74221037

Why are you still here, /baubau/ awaits, at least you could use this time to learn Japanese like the twins.

>> No.74221142
File: 17 KB, 299x408, kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my smile

>> No.74221176

Get back to making your pastries and breeding your dogs.

>> No.74221268

They even care what absolute schizos post at them yet these same schizos use it as proof they dont.
Schizos deserve to be hanged with their own crippling insecurities and mental illnesses.
If FWMC isn't good enough for these people then who the fuck is?

>> No.74221391

If I pay for membership now like others have just to see it, they'll know retardchama

>> No.74221423

>If FWMC isn't good enough for these people then who the fuck is?
to be fair here, literally ever other chubba who doesn't play make believe and pretends to be a furry version of the teletubbies is better

>> No.74221485

I'm not talking about their streaming abilities, I'm talking about their "unicorn friendliness".
Not even losing any en streams and people are lashing out because they're doing some extra jp ones? Who the fuck cares?

>> No.74221574

>"unicorn friendliness".
These bitches don't even call us their husbands

>> No.74221644

Nene wouldn't allow it. Besides dogs don't couple like humans, they just fuck around in their pack.
Ruffians are all potential mates in the pack you see.

>> No.74221673


>> No.74222149

Out of curiosity, if moving forward there is diminished en streams, would you also still say that doesn't matter as long as you get something? What is your red line?

>> No.74222282

Frankly they stream more than I can/care to watch anyway.
I don't send vtubers money so personally I don't care. There's loads of other options if I'm not satisfied and I don't expect any vtuber to stram at max output indefinitely.
Disregard me if you like since I'm not sending them money but those that do really should sort out their own insecurities and how they spend their money.

>> No.74222317

>so they will be doing more JP collab streams in golden week in jp timezones in addition to the usual EN schedule
are /vt/ niggers really seething over this small shit?

>> No.74222325

Actual Danish anon? Holy shit, I figured you guys were a literal fucking psyop that didn't actually exist.

>> No.74222396

>I don't send vtubers money so personally I don't care.
You opinion doesn't really matter

>> No.74222742

Very real and organic FWMC posting today, I can't believe they betrayed us like this fellow (Ruffians)

>> No.74223014

The actual things they talked about.
>More JP Collabs and off collabs
>Doing JP only content for Golden Week
>Wanting to 'get to know the JP Ruffians' better and do more for them
>Less streaming overall because of more homework
>'If a stream might make you feel bad, don't watch it' with reasons being time zone messing with your sleep and not being able to understand Japanese
>'If you miss it for one of those reasons, we'll tell you all about it in FWMC morning'.
>If you get upset at any of this and feel your smile isn't being protected, we understand if you want to leave and will be here if you ever want to come back
>Lots of Mococo crying while stuttering all of this out
Couple it all together and that it was in the span of 15 minutes straight of this talk, and you had people freaking out that they were decreasing streams, increasing JP only streams, both collab and for solo, keeping FWMC morning to tell us about what we missed (re: the fun we couldn't have with them), and telling us that they understand if we want to leave. It felt pretty bad in the moment and I didn't stick around for SC reading for the first time ever. Relistening to it, I can only say that time will tell where I actually sit on this debate. The idea of trying to cater to both EN and JP with your solo streams is retarded and if they increase their JP solo streams after golden week to try and keep the few they hook, I'll fucking hate it.

>> No.74223184

>I'm not talking about their streaming abilities, I'm talking about their "unicorn friendliness".
oh, ok
then i literally don't care, i don't give a fuck about unicorns and their retardations or the chuubas that specifically target those, i'm way to old for that shit
>Not even losing any en streams and people are lashing out because they're doing some extra jp ones? Who the fuck cares?
people need to just chill out a bit, but if you're looking for normal, chill opinions i suggest looking literally anywhere else then /vt/
holy shit...

>> No.74223219
File: 3.91 MB, 520x640, 1703087816022047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, All the EOP shitters are about to be filtered so I've never been happier

>> No.74223313

This isnt remotely a 'unicorn' thing, its a 'please dont view your fanbase as a tool' thing. They are explicitly appealing to JPonlys in order to try to boost their sub count so that they can have a pretty 1million to display for their anniversary.

>> No.74223442

(You) are a disingenuous brown and there is nothing based about that other brownoids whiny SC.

>> No.74223905

>hire 2 streamers and let them share a channel
>they stream like 40% of what koyori streams
>they then ditch their audience that pays hand of fist to them for a non paying JP audience

>> No.74223975

>>Less streaming overall because of more homework
if thats true the real problem is only this. en already has had vtubers saying these lame excuses and not streaming. thats the problem. western vtubers tend to be very lazy the moment they feel they "overwork". they dont try to work harder.

theres no problem if they stream hard like pekora, miko, and subaru who already have much more corpo jobs than fwmc and stream much more, even if their jp streams increase. they can offset the increment of jp stream by working harder.

the real problem is that they are already starting to be lazy like other typical en/western vtubers. if you cant agree with it, i dont have any sympathy with you.

>> No.74224413

I'm looking forward to more collabs with JP, that's what I was hoping when they moved to Japan, so I really don't get the anti angle here.

>> No.74224581

Sorry bro, but your language sounds like a fucking Black Speech of Mordor

>> No.74224934

>quite blatantly promised last year that JP streams wouldn't increase and nothing will change
>now they are saying that JP streams will increase and things will change
I love how ruffians forget or ignore this fact

>> No.74225125

You’ve posted this in every thread. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is some kind of faggy discord narrative

>> No.74225353

>admitting to being a non-stream watching threadreader

>> No.74227305

