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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74128325 No.74128325 [Reply] [Original]

Matara's Niji 2.0 plan is going strong !

>> No.74128495

Buy an ad and shut the fuck up /trash/.

>> No.74128543

There has been for a while. Nazuna left months ago.

>> No.74128999

I like everyone who's joined so far

>> No.74129353

There were always more Ex Nijis, The only Ex holos were k-son and nazuna and technically K-son was a thing Before either holo or vshojo so does she even count?, Vshojo has kuro matara (halfsies with mint and quinn), and now M.M, Let it be niji 2.0 they're all whores anyway

>> No.74129427

When will we expect notMika face reveal

>> No.74129594

Honestly can't say i watch any of this people other then iron mouse from time to time

>> No.74130888

Should give geega a try. She's nice to listen to.

>> No.74133588


>> No.74133700

So it was mika?

>> No.74133771

I see holotrannies are still seething over pikamee

>> No.74133845

You know it'll be a year in a few weeks?

>> No.74133876

Yes. It was pretty obvious honestly, there have been no other high profile graduations and only Holo/Niji don't let you take your old model with you. If it was some indie there wouldn't be any speculation.

>> No.74135259

How long until Quinn joins?

>> No.74135526

How many founding members do they have left

>> No.74135604

>Letting a 1view that doxed people in
You're going to get brosemi and doppio sooner

>> No.74135723
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Never. He's too low level. Maybe if he triples his viewers but even then I doubt it. These 3 seemed like a package deal from the start.
5 of the original 7 are still there.

>> No.74135964

>only Holo/Niji don't let you take your old model with you
What corpo (besides VSJ which is only a corpo in the loosest sense) lets graduating talents take their model with them? There have been talents that got to keep their model because their corpo imploded, but that's a very different situation.
(though that doesn't contradict the point you were making.)

>> No.74136071

tsunderia both let graduating chuubas keep their models & let the chuubas that were there when the corp imploded keep their models. cyberlive too iirc?

>> No.74136493

Nobody graduated from Cyberlive, it imploded all at once and everybody got to keep their models because of that. Hadn't heard of Tsunderia doing it, but from what I can tell it looks most or all of the graduates who kept their models/characters owned them in the first place rather than them being commissioned by the company.

>> No.74136663

Lumi & Yuri jumped from Cyberlive to join Phase before it exploded, but Yuri owning her model as an indie didn't save it when she got kicked out of phase. Likewise, I'm pretty sure most/several in Tsunderia got models that Tsunderia created, including ones that were vtubing beforehand.

>> No.74136991
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>> No.74137032

The day Mika and Mysta break up it's gonna be so fucking awkward

>> No.74137052

fuck this got me

>> No.74137510
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It was the last fan art she ever reposted as Mika.

>> No.74137700

It's funny. Every time people ask for proof Quinn doxxed anyone, the stories immediately start changing

>> No.74138204

Whenever someone says "Niji 2.0" it's always some fragile snowflake crying that they speak with no filter instead of catering their stream to actual children and having the most boring, safe streams ever like Hololive does LMAO

>> No.74139084

they will never break up, the sex is just too good.

>> No.74139330

I'm starting to think it was really low and shameless of Mika to collaborate so much with Vshojo after her graduation announcement and then still tell people not to speculate or spread rumors about whether she was going to join the company. If she didn't want people to talk, she shouldn't have made it so obvious.

>> No.74139800

I mean, it's not that she didn't want people to speculate, she just didn't want to get in trouble with her Niji contract.

>> No.74139897

she probably couldn't while still under niji's contract

>> No.74140306
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I'll have to drop Henya if they let him in.

>> No.74140674

Just don't watch collabs with him and close the stream if he shows up. They pay attention to their metrics and will get the clue. Everyone already got the clue which is why he's at sub-1 finana

>> No.74140728

I mean, everyone in VShojo has veto power. if he gets in, that means Henya didn't veto him, which will be a colossal disappointment.

>> No.74141273

So we will have another whole month of Matara talking about how much of a victim she was on niji?

>> No.74141473

If you don't watch her you wont be hurt by history.

>> No.74141689

Not when she is using other people's history and trying to make it all about her KEK

>> No.74141792

She will be last nijisanji to join Vshojo. I cant see anymore joining because mika was the last vshojo orbiter left in nijisanji.

>> No.74141827

Mint could still happen. Or maybe not.

>> No.74144048

Mint is in the bag.

>> No.74144160

Anon, ask yourself. Why would Henya even give a fuck? Why would you even think she knows anything about /vt/ drama?

>> No.74144237

i could really care less i only watch hololive but if it makes nijifaggots seethe then im all for it

>> No.74144309

anon, almost half of vshojo is ex-niji by now
of course people are gonna call them niji 2.0

>> No.74144371
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>> No.74144395

3 out of 12 is hardly almost half, but ok

>> No.74144401

>12 members 3 ex nijis
>almost half

>> No.74144446

fwiw, she did accidentally show her search history one time, and she had looked up "VShojo drama"

>> No.74144502

numbermonkeys are bad at math... hmmmmm

>> No.74144543

yea it was right before this happened
she was looking up herself when she was being harrassed by troons and didnt get why playing a wizard game would get her hate

>> No.74144592

sooner your shit branch dissolves and you go back to your kpop faggotshit the better

>> No.74144629

Vei isn't a founding member? That surprised me.

>> No.74144819

see >>74144543
I hope Henya doesn't have to go through the extent of doxxing and harassment Sayu had to deal with, she couldn't deal with it.

>> No.74144829

The land fill of vtubing

>> No.74144876

henya didn't have anybody advising her to not play the wizard game last time, she'd probably have listened to management if she'd already been in vshojo. that was a very specific incident, extremely unlikely she'll ever face it again

>> No.74144880

>I mean, everyone in VShojo has veto power.

>> No.74144902

Never. Matara isn't going to waste her nepopick on that loser when mint is running around.
Fuck matara would probably sooner use her nepopick on enna than quinn kek.

>> No.74145049

shitposting and personal bias aside hes a 1-2 view theres a minimum requirement before joining vshojo hes not really qualified

>> No.74145055

vei said it on stream a couple of years ago
it's important to note that vei says a lot of bullshit

>> No.74145102

there might have been years ago if they weren't lying. BUT logically right now there's some level of veto that everyone has but it's more like everyone is able to share concerns they have about a new member (possibly privately to a neutral party that's not one of the talents) and if those concerns can't be ironed out then they won't be able to join

>> No.74145119

are you serious? do you really think that a single online harassment campaign is comparable to a full doxx being a literal sword of damocles over your life in a country with millions of guns? even Henya wouldn't think so, and that's why I'd lose faith in her if she let the faggot in despite all that. yes, kyo/quinn is who doxxed Sayu.
Sayu also confirmed it after being bugged about VShojo on stream for the hundredth time.

>> No.74145157

sayu also did say that she appied twice and got denied twice
1st was due to her poor numbers and when she fixed that the 2nd rejection was because “someone didnt want me there regardless of my performance”

>> No.74145511

>Obsessed with numbers
>Bad with numbers
Really makes you think.

>> No.74145794

My brother in christ it only takes a rock and a towel to go in through the window and her massive penis to knock her up the sticklimb tuber. Fuddys are her last concern. I don't even know where you're from that you have such delusions when everywhere else has rampant break-ins and fatal stabbings or beatings regardless.

>> No.74145840

>There were always more Ex Nijis,
lol no. it took more than a year before vshojo had an equal amount of ex nijis to ex holos.

>> No.74145882
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>to knock her up
who, Henya?

>> No.74145963

>that was a very specific incident, extremely unlikely she'll ever face it again
No, this isn't very specific xitter trannies will always find something to seeth about, "advising" or "restricting" not playing a game just because a very loud minority is screeching and shitting themselves because of a VG isn't "talent freedom" there's still a corporate leash, a dog isn't "free" because her leash is longer than the one of the other dogs.

>> No.74146047

then go complain about holoEN and nijiEN, neither of them played hogwarts while somebody in vshojo did play it against the advice.

>> No.74146203

a vshojo chose to play it against the advice from management, that's talent freedom
she was free to be harassed for her dumb choice

>> No.74146331

... How thefuck she applied a second time? I call tihs one bullshit

>> No.74146461

the same way she applied the first time, you retard

>> No.74146724

first time was audition... Didn't knew vshojo was doing a second one. KEK

>> No.74146805

There was no 2nd audition. I don't know what the hell they're talking about.

>> No.74146835

Nijiseethe for the Nijimole LMAAAAAAAO

>> No.74146935

Yeah, she didn't even asked and tried to build a bridge.

>> No.74147253

>Someone didn't want to be in Doki's MV which caused her graduation
>"Someone" didn't want Sayu in Vshojo
I miss when people were loud and proud so compromises could be made and understandings had with the fans

>> No.74147420
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Why are all VShojo designs so bad? Every single girl had a very bad degrade in visuals. They just slap bigger tits on them. Are they poor or something? Do good artists not want to work for them? Do they give the girls too much freedom and they fuck it up themselves?

Though Pomu, not vshojo (for now), got the worst of them.

>> No.74147470


>> No.74147512

This is literally me with every Nijisanji and Hololive designs.

>> No.74147604

>not want to work for them
anon, there aren't any model artists or riggers that work FOR vshojo. the individual talents choose who they want to work on their model from the same art/rig pool that indies choose from. vshojo has nothing to do with the vtuber models or designs beyond giving a stipend to each talent that they might use on a model, but they don't have to

>> No.74147659

Geega got a disgusting redesign when she joined VShojo, still don't know what were they thinking

>> No.74147808

You'll find they don't actually care about or watch anyone from VShojo and only care about "epically owning" Nijisanji.

>> No.74147810

According to the leaks, there were a few relationships between niji members that ended amicably, not sure why not the same can happen in VShojo.

>> No.74147875

There's only one ex-Holo in VShojo so that's not exactly hard

>> No.74147876

She already had that commissioned before joining. Wait do people think that vshojo choose the models for their talents?

>> No.74147884

>Do they give the girls too much freedom and they fuck it up themselves?
Yeah, basically they just have shit tastes.

>> No.74147908

I mean, they can't even create a Twitter account, what you expect?

>> No.74147972
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I see, thanks for explaining, anons. Why the fuck would anyone want to go from mommy fox to a cockroach? And wasnt Mika supposed to be into design and fashion? What the fuck is that atrocity of hair?

>> No.74147975

>Do they give the girls too much freedom and they fuck it up themselves?
That's basically it. Say what you want about corpo designs, but they tend to be clean and not overly complicated, which is good for both producing merch and encouraging fan artists to actually draw the girls
Even VShojo fans agree that their girls don't get as much fanart as you'd assume for their size and I imagine part of it is difficulty in drawing.

>> No.74147988

>true talent freedom has never been tried

>> No.74148085

The best are bricked up. They hire and design their own she even had a segment talking about her choices for the design and gave credit to the artist and rigger.

Pomu got a rush job be chill. You can become a rigger or artist yourself if it bothers you. You'll make good money for a nights & weekends hustle since you can rip off vtweeters.

>> No.74148136

Watch Matara's debut she explains it.
You should already know that fashion is painfully subjective.

>> No.74148185

mata chose a cockroach of her own volition and went to a known monstergirl designer to make it work. I can't read her mind but she could have done anything and that's what she wanted. I like nina's design but if anything can be said about mata's it's that it's very unique with the actual insect limbs
I'm guessing mika did design her own or the majority of elements from it, I watched debut and I don't remember her mentioning a designer in the credits and usually they do if they're a significant part of the process. her shirt is cool

>> No.74148271

Flip a coin. Heads, woman moment. Tails, sleeping pills got to her. She already talked in the debut about a significant amount of stuff being influenced by it.

>> No.74148344

Because fox VTubers are dime a dozen, cockroaches are rare

>> No.74148386

Same artist as the Mika design, but nobody tell the tribalists that

>> No.74148469
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Its not about the quality, its the whole identity. A boring maid persona.

I just remembered she shaved her head and dyed it lime green. She obviously has no taste. The artist did a great job though since she still looks pretty good even as a cockroach girl.

Mikas 2nd outfit was peak fashion. And Mika is borderline retarded, but her fashion talk was always on point. Its just disappointing.

I wonder why.

>> No.74148557

Knockers are way too big but whatever. It's a hill no one can win.

She's going to get more outfits down the road so keep up hopes.

>> No.74148654

that's the thing about indies and vshojo, there's no restrictions on models changing. I bet she got a nude base so she can have new outfits done

>> No.74148731

I'd imagine she would have done the sensible thing and had a censored base like Lumi's so they don't go full retard on accident.

>> No.74148865
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Can someone explain twitch to a boomer? Does it really not save old vods? Why the fuck would anyone use it instead of YT?

>> No.74149010

'Nude base' generally means barbie doll.

>> No.74149033

It saves VoDs if the streamer sets their channel that way. They stay up for 2 months though, so YT is still the usual place for storing VoDs for longer. As for WHY you'd use it, it's because it has way better tools both for streamers and live viewers, even if VoD watchers have a worse time

>> No.74149163

Twitch is built for livestreaming and sucks at vods. Youtube is built for uploading videos and sucks at livestreams (but not as much as twitch sucks at VoDs).

Twitch used to not suck at VoDs a decade ago but some minor shit happened and they intentionally nerfed all of their VoDs because they dont want to be responsible for curating them.

>> No.74149205
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>> No.74149231
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Thanks for answering, guys. Dont streamers get money per view? Having vods sounds like free money for the streamer. How bad is YT streaming that they turn away free money source?
Can you elaborate on the tools for viewers? What is something cool I can do on twitch that I cant do on youtube?

>> No.74149277

most streamers have a vod channel on YT

>> No.74149335
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>Why the fuck would anyone want to go from mommy fox to a cockroach?
Because it's sex

>> No.74149364

Second outfits/etc actually have a greater input from the girls than their debut outfits, so that doesn't even necessarily contradict my point
It's still a far easier design to draw art of compared to say, Henya's hair/outfit, and that's coming from someone who would vastly prefer Henya's design to that derpy thing.

>> No.74149443

Generally after 2 months it gets deleted and they usually don't bother to save much of the old stuff so it's basically a should've been there headache if you're busy or prefer binging.

They have partial VOD archives on jewtube. Usually they get the bulk of their traffic within those 2 months

>> No.74149470

Supposedly Twitch VoDs straight up don't give anything to the streamer, so watching VoD reuploads on YT supports them a little more. As for tools, there's stuff like additional emotes from 7tv, an audio compressor tool from ffz, and a bunch of customization options in both

>> No.74149481

But then you split your audience into two platforms. As a YT user, I dont watch VOD channels of twitch streamers, since their YT channel is an afterthought. They dont care about us so why would I care about them? Why wouldnt they just stream on YT to begin with?

Also, cant they easily dualstream to both twitch and YT?

>> No.74149535

Vorebros have been eating good ever since...Or...Have been getting eaten good?

>> No.74149561

Because the streaming itself is a miserable experience on YT according to them. Dual streaming seems like an option, but most streamers I know think it's too much of a hassle to read and moderate 2 chats, and not worth the effort

>> No.74149634

Geega's talked about it a lot. It's separate audiences and demographics that haven't heard of or use the other site at all. You want to engage and have a presence on both to get more people to find you and give you a chance.
It's bad enough moderating one chat.

>> No.74149651

their youtube channel isn't an afterthought, it's an archive. if you want to watch an old stream it makes sense to keep and watch it on youtube since the player is much lighter than twitch's player, but if you're watching live it makes sense to watch it on a platform that's more suited to streaming, which is twitch. twitch is better for discoverability, since you're a youtube watcher I'm assuming you don't watch indies, all the indies are on twitch because the raid system and algorithms are better suited for them. corpos don't need to worry about that so they can do either, so for simplicity it makes sense for them to use youtube so they don't need to worry about hiring someone to make sure the vod channel is up to date

>> No.74149726


>> No.74149783

YT streaming also has quality of life...debuffs, like needing to make a thumbnail for every stream, a waiting room for it, and running the risk of having your stream insta ended by a stray piece of music

>> No.74149795

straight from the electric donkey’s mouth

>> No.74149881
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Do you know whats so bad with it? From what I understand you join your chats with dual streams. So you just get messages from both platforms to a single chat.

That makes sense, but why is there a Twitch audience to begin with if they all can go to YT and have vods too?

Archive is an afterthought. I want to feel like I am interacting with the streamer. A dead channels where some paid free mod reuploads her vods is very much not it.

>> No.74149891

I can see the thumbnail thing being both positive and negative so I don't count it against it, same with the waiting room, but yeah the DMCA on youtube makes it incredibly unsafe

>> No.74149948

YT is a massive pain in the asshole to stream on and it's even worse at the shifting targets that get your stream deleted or your account suspended than twitch is.

>> No.74150025

There's little things like not being able to use emotes from other chats, the way the chat scrolls being harder to read, Twitch streaming just being around for over a decade longer. Both viewers and streamers have preferences that make it so neither platform invalidates the other.

>> No.74150026

Nope, Vei was the first one to join after the 7 original members, about 6 months after the first 7 "debuted"

>> No.74150086

... then you go to twitch to interact with them. twitch also has no lag between chat and stream which doesn't seem to be the case with youtube so that's a big plus. the chat scroll on youtube is very jerky so it's difficult to read. you can use any emote from any channel which makes things feel like wider community instead of sectioned off channels. twitch streamers can do anything they want regarding music as they can use an OBS setting to stream audio that doesn't appear on the VOD, and anything that does accidentally get through will just mute the VOD in that section, not take down the entire VOD like on youtube which sounds like a fucking nightmare
if you prefer youtube over twitch that's fine but youtube isn't better

>> No.74150137
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Cockroaches always get the boot.

>> No.74150169

You say that, but whats so bad about it? They have used it for years with no issues.

The music thing sucks, but dont twitch streamers keep getting banned because twitch refuses to specify their rules and upkeep them arbitrarily? When you video gets taken down because of DMCA but you dont get banned randomly.

Emotes from other chats and chat scrolling is enough to forsake free income from vod watchers?

I dont go to twitch. I dont understand twitch. I simply dont watch them even if I would like to since they clearly dont care about me as their audience. I do like that twitch just mutes the part with DMCAed music. YT needs to learn that.

>> No.74150303

They have dumb copyright issues and bitch about those all the time. Brosemi's 3d got smacked for example.
Twitch was alright it's been getting worse in recent years from bad decisions.

Just go watch them on twitch it isn't even bad.

>> No.74150323

>Emotes from other chats and chat scrolling is enough to forsake free income from vod watchers?
...yes? afaik viewer count barely even makes a difference at some point, let alone VoD views. Most of the income comes from paid subs, merch and sponsored streams

>> No.74150350

One of the major problems with youtube streaming is that the algo exists and it wants every channel to only do one specific thing all the time, and it will punish you if you do anything that is not the same thing you did before. Uploading a curated video like an MV to a streaming channel gives you an immediate massive nerf to that MV for not being another stream, and if the MV is big enough anyway like for Ui the algo inverts and you get a nerf to your streams for not being another MV.

>> No.74150399

the only people getting banned are those who are showing their tits/asses too much or doing borderline illegal stuff. I'm not aware of any cases where a twitch streamer was banned for accidental DMCA, sometimes people will fuck around to find out and stream full episodes of things on purpose but they're asking for a ban on those. watching a clip compilation of a tv show won't trigger a ban, at worst it'll mute that section. if you can show situations of that not being the case though please tell me because I'm genuinely curious

>> No.74150502
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>most streamers I know think it's too much of a hassle to read and moderate 2 chats
Sayu wins again.

>> No.74150646

Bro the violent crime rate in America is massively above most other western countries. No western country has murder rates on the level of shootings in the US. The amount of killings in the US is like more than 4-5x higher than EU. Even fucking asia and the middle east dont come close. Getting doxxed in the US is way more dangerous.


>> No.74150753

Again, why would I go watch them somewhere else if they dont care enough to stream on my platform?

Those girls are not rich enough to refuse free money.

DMCA is very valid. I wish YT handled it that well. That said, it doesnt really cause much issues in streaming, does it? Or do twitch girls just watch Youtube videos during stream? Is that part of their content? Reacting to YT?

>> No.74150816
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>Ironmouse: Good luck bro
>Quinn: thanks Ironmouse, you know YOU were the reason I became a vtuber nudge nudge wink wink... Mouse?

>> No.74150863
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I know. What a loss.

>> No.74150911

Because bookmarking a link is easy?

It causes a lot of issues on YT because it's automated bot responses assblasting your channel out of the blue then you're left in AI chatbot response hell from youtube taking weeks to get through to an actual person who is the most deranged pozzed libtard on the entire west coast with a chip on their shoulder and a spliff in their mouth.

>> No.74150965

sometimes, but something really nice that they can do is during yapping sessions or games with not much going on audio-wise (like minecraft) they can just play whatever music they want. they're not stuck with either silence or pre-approved copyright-free music, they can put on a new album or their favourite old one or just a giant playlist of shit they'd listen to on their own

>> No.74151038

>Let in the dogs, wake up with fleas

>> No.74151638

God she used to have such perfect hair. What was she thinking when she approved the new hair design?

Bookmarking is easy, but I wont get notified that they are streaming. I would have to either visit regularly to check or remember their schedule. I work full time and I dont tune in on streams. I go to YT when I feel like it and see who is streaming or I watch vod/clips.

>> No.74151858

If you can't look at a schedule once a week or get your notifications setup on twitch if you start watching more than one that's on you.

>> No.74152230

>What was she thinking when she approved the new hair design?
She said it herself in the debut that she's the worst kind of client. She's just happy with whatever her commissioned artists make for her.

>> No.74157751


>> No.74161073


>> No.74161254

it is where the trash goes, after all

>> No.74161282


>> No.74163153

The stream peaked at 148.3 Finanas.

>> No.74163888

Did Finana get pinned with being a mocking currency of viewers because her average view count is low?

>> No.74164040

Finana gets pinned by everyone

>> No.74164085

that, and to sabotage finana's egosearching

>> No.74164149

Twitch suspensions are kind of a joke for Vshojo. Especially when a Twitch co-founder is the boss.

>> No.74164198

Twitch suspensions are a joke in general. "Oh no, I got hit with a 1 day ban, welp, see you tomorrow, guys!"

>> No.74164458

Pretty much
The only talents that have been banned in VShojo, were the two ex members: Vei and Nyan. Both got a day because it was their first time getting banned, but both were for stupid reasons over having their hips uncovered or something

>> No.74164584

Demonstrating how none of them were worth watching.
After all, nobody worth watching goes to vshitshow

>> No.74165207

Hime actually got banned the day after debut too. Wonder why.

>> No.74165302

The payout needs to be worth the effort/troubles that may arise. Apparently to many it's not worth it. Simple as that.

>> No.74165523

Ah, the reason she had a Bible on her chest the stream after that, right

>> No.74165894

>finana is ego searching
>is wokey snowflakey
>is chronically /here/ tuber
>is viewcount andy

>> No.74166354

Meanwhile my indie oshi got a 2 week suspension for a very tame 9/11 joke that people like Hasan do every fucking stream.
Twitch is a fucking joke.

>> No.74166659

I mean the pool options are totally different
if you count hitomi chris
>Hololive as a whole only lost 5 people since they started (Coco, Sana, Aloe, Rushia, Hitomi)
>Nijisanji EN alone already lost 7 members in less than 3 years (Yugo, Zaion, Nina, Mysta, Pomu, Selen, and Kyo)

>> No.74166814

alot of small corpos let people kept their models ONLY when the company is being shutdown
the most recent case is Prism Project, which unironically the fact it became news it boosted some of the girls ccv

>> No.74166983

Why Vshojo feels like an ELITE FOUR now

>> No.74167230

in her defense, this is not her fault, the "outfit" is nice and hot, the problem is clearly the retarded FGO artist idea of what a tall woman looks like
