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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74082900 No.74082900 [Reply] [Original]

> Niji
Due to "increase demand", we will allow a person to buy more than 1 ticket for the event !
> Holo
To counter scalpers, scalped tickets will be banned and their seats will be re-sold properly

See sisters. We don't even need scalpers to prove that our event will be a profitable success B)

>> No.74083213

I don't get how reselling event tickets isn't illegal yet.

>> No.74083344

bringing Niji into the conversation for everything Hololive does reeks of dramafag
Niji has been so throughly humiliated in the past year, it's pointless to compare anymore

Hololive won, why care about the lesser company anymore? they're not even 2nd in the west anymore

>> No.74083406

It's hard to enforce, same for scalpers with the new gadgets/consoles

>> No.74083412

criminal thoughts

>> No.74083591

It can't be helped, everyone is hyped up about the upcoming Q4 report shitstorm

>> No.74083620


>> No.74083845

total nijinigger death

>> No.74083922

Nijisanji will win in the long term.

>> No.74083999

In most cases, buying something and then reselling it for profit IS a violation of the intellectual property rights of the vendor or license-holder. It's just not very practical to sue over it because lawsuits are expensive and you're chasing down countless individual randos with barely any money to their name

>> No.74084051

Nijifaggots and Holostars been trying to change Holo into Niji but the moment Niji collapses people …”pls dont talk about it”. Nah bitch I’m not forgetting all those times you said NijiEn was better than Holo and why

>> No.74084096

It has Gura. You know damn well it's gonna sold out immediately in Taiwan.
She's so popular in Taiwan that her collab with sushiro mogged the genshin impact collab

>> No.74084296

Total Nijinig Death
20 more years

>> No.74084434

Here's the solution, if someone is caught reselling, the police get the refund value of the tickets and the event can sell that ticket again to a real customer. The reseller is SOL. This way, there is a financial incentive for the police to enforce it whatever they need to do. It also means it's more profitable to go after the bulk resellers as opposed to a guy who actually can't attend and wants to get his money back.
I'm saying this should be a new international law. In most cases, just forfeiting the tickets should be the punishment, so it wouldn't matter how much networth they have. We know they have the tickets.

>> No.74084550

I hate scalpers as much as anyone else but that kind of legislation would be a massive overreach by a government and would probably have adverse effects for the wider reseller market. It's much better handled by the seller ensuring the purchaser is the end user like what hololive is doing

>> No.74084710

>Here's the solution, if someone is caught reselling, the police get the refund value of the tickets and the event can sell that ticket again to a real customer.
I'm sure giving the police the power to seize property and directly profit off if it won't backfire at all

>> No.74085031

It'd be less bullshit than what the police is already capable of doing. The only thing they can claim is the ticket, this means it's worthless for them to go after anyone that isn't selling like 10+ tickets.
The police have already done this before. Some retard at the start of covid bought all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer from every store in his area and tried to resell it. The police forced the guy to donate everything for free.

>> No.74085581

Ever since the ps5 launch issue with scalpers some japanese companies got fed up quick and really started to take the scalper issue seriously so good on hololive fuck scalper trash

>> No.74085646


>> No.74086329


>> No.74086997

>p-please stop talking about how our beloved black company is collapsing and doing worse
Nah. You faggots deserve all the shit you get.

>> No.74087288
File: 75 KB, 828x374, B0D99822-C94D-4E3F-B0D6-AF88429DDEF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it wrong,
sisters will always bring themselves into the conversation even after that horrendous recorded AR LiVE they still think it was a win for them

>> No.74087484

how long will that be sister?

>> No.74088586
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Top kek

>> No.74090446
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, Gura Scheming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive only grows stronger

>> No.74091446


>> No.74094816


>> No.74095652

>Hololive won, why care about the lesser company anymore?
Pure hate

>> No.74099470

Anon, soccer in Europe can’t beat scalpers and that’s a fucking religion there, you think something like Vtubing can win? Sad but true.

>> No.74099636

Watching Niji is useful for Holo to know what not to do.

>> No.74102159
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>Some retard at the start of covid bought all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer from every store in his area and tried to resell it. The police forced the guy to donate everything for free.
I remember seeing stories on people hoarding and trying price gouge during covid. My favorite one was a guy who bought up all the sanitizer and masks in the area to the point healthcare workers couldn't get any, so when people found out who the price gouging was, they just went to his place and took everything to give to the workers, and when the gouger complained to police, they just went 'lol sucks to be you'.

There was also third party retailers like amazon and ebay who in a rare moment of morality, shut down price gougers forcing fags like pic related be stuck with everything they hoarded.

Scalping can be shut down, the problem is there's no economic incentive to do it most of them time, or it's corporate run, (see Ticketmaster)

>> No.74102519

Vengeance for Aloe, i will not rest until they pay with blood.

>> No.74102612

Probably too hard to enforce.

>> No.74103698

>I don't get how reselling event tickets isn't illegal yet.
Because there are legitimate reasons for doing so, like finding out you can't make it.

>> No.74106791

NTA but very interesting post.
thanks for the info anon.

>> No.74107670

Gamed with a guy in an MMO who makes his living off of scalping. Profitable enough that he buys most of the in-game purchases and spends much time online, though his weekends are often busy.

>> No.74108721

>bringing HOLO into the conversation for everything NIJISANJI does reeks of dramafag
FTFY,this is what nijinigger doing all this time after all

>> No.74108771

>niji win long term
whos gonna tell this retardedsisterchama? lmao

>> No.74111753

nice try scalper
because a niji organ ratted mel out and got her fired over nda. And harrassed aloe, tried to do the same with pekora, korone, mio etc; hell they even harrassed their own like selen, zaion, chihiro, mika, that blue girl, etc

>> No.74112659

