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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74034943 No.74034943 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.74035008


>> No.74035027

>retard actually confirmed it

>> No.74035029

Haters status? Feeling owned yet?

>> No.74035052

What does her leak taste like?

>> No.74035073

Shems not beating the beggar allegation sis…

>> No.74035094


>> No.74035102

Imagine confirming your e-begging and thinking it's an own

>> No.74035120

Nijiniggers and not knowing when to shut the fuck up, name a better duo

>> No.74035133
File: 338 KB, 412x424, 1690060941904171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millie at her 3D debut

>> No.74035184

isreal btw

>> No.74035203

>Confirms she is begging for superchats
>Confirms they were right all along and she would have begged pubblically
I think you are looking in a mirror about that getting owned sis.

>> No.74035222

Why the fuck would it not be real? Are you dumb?

>> No.74035238

filipino street "food"

>> No.74035257

Hololive not offering their Gamers event stream to Europe and most Asian countries deflection thread

>> No.74035288
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Nijibegging deflection post

>> No.74035353
File: 59 KB, 619x619, dumbass with no style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'll say it.

I now completely believe that concernfag tweet about Selen's last cup of coffee was actually her being completely and genuinely lobotomized, and not just her being a backstabbing cunt. This post is far too stupid for someone who plays any kinda gossip wars to ever make.

>> No.74035360
File: 33 KB, 192x192, finanaQuestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a sec, how is she only finding out about this NOW? Considering how many Nijis are /here/, you'd think one of them would've tipped her off about the leak sooner.
Reimu is a bad friend confirmed?

>> No.74035420

Millie please stop coming here, there is nothing of value on this site.

>> No.74035486

Hololive canceling all their HoloID streams deflection post

>> No.74035491

Retard, it takes almost zero effort to fake a post like that. Don't reply to me again you stupid nigger

>> No.74035551
File: 89 KB, 509x697, 17463939948570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replying to scandanavian ice fishing forum shitpost
They really are terminaly /here/ huh? not even phaseblacked this stupid

>> No.74035562

>Hololive canceling all their HoloID streams deflection post
Thinking people care about HoloID

>> No.74035566

Didn't she learn from the vt parody stream that backfired horribly? I'm worried.
Millie, you can't win in the court of public opinion. Just please your existing fans and let them forget your company's pariah status for a bit.

>> No.74035586

I’ll be honest she is a bootlicker and a butch but at this point I feel we can confidently add retarded. Who the fuck confirms to be a fucking e-beggar?

>> No.74035616

Anon, there's no need to tip off that "4channer"

>> No.74035701

Niji ID doko?

>> No.74035706

>It's ok you probably would've leaked it eventually anyway
Wtf? All the leaks are real? MILLIE IS THE FUCKING LEAKER??????????

>> No.74035722

The only ID that matters is kobo
And maybe kaela if you like watching streams 24/7

>> No.74035728

Oh she knew about it, she though long and hard how to respond to that…and this is the result.
At worse her friend should have stopped her from confirming thr e-begging so blatantly.

>> No.74035727

Here's the thing. When it was leaked, despite all the Nijifag defenders, not a single one of them called it fake because they all knew it was real too.
Also, it's Millie. It fit her way of speaking perfectly, and the inclusion of the comments made it even less likely to be fake.
Lastly, no one is faking anything involving Millie. This is like all the retards who called the Aster leak fake. No, people faking shit would target, Enna, Vox, Elira. Or Doki or Ironmouse or any Holo.

>> No.74035757

do you guys think she leaked it herself

>> No.74035781

Next secret GC stream to epically own da haterz when?

>> No.74035841

at least they have an ID branch lmao

>> No.74035884

no one cares holodrone

>> No.74035922

>implying it wasn't millie herself posting this here

>> No.74035961

Niji truly live rent free on holobrony mind

>> No.74036023


>> No.74036189

It's actually kinda sad how terminally here nijis are, no wonder all of them act like unlikeable subhumans

>> No.74036264

>le ebin own
just... don't post wtf?

>> No.74036274
File: 404 KB, 2848x2556, 1713376513192649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is NijiEN like this. All she had to do was bring up something like her being inspired by Gibara or Debi-sama's 3D debuts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFGtVd7sJPs
and wanting to replicate that. Responding passive aggressively just makes her look like a seething brainlet over what is a pre-recorded 3D Debut.

>> No.74036283

After watching her try to explain how Nijisanji wasn't a black company I'm inclined to agree honestly. Pretty sure Millie really is just a fucking idiot

>> No.74036285

Go watch millie's 3d stream to see if supachats were thrown kek

>> No.74036340

Kek, what a bitch.

>> No.74036347
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1435, Screenshot_20240419-192107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The containment breakers ran with this one

>> No.74036451

>It a niji liver thread
>What about HOLO HOLO HOLO
Who truly living rent free in who mind eh?

>> No.74036457

There's also Rokumeikan Kiriko and her Reverse Superchat stream.

>> No.74036498

Is dsp still getting donations? Millie wishes she was as successful as him lmao

>> No.74036558


>> No.74036579

>terminally here
>when tribalniggers are literally camping their twitter and breaking containment
woah what a surprise

>> No.74036590
File: 2.21 MB, 1342x1393, 1700328229768767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years ago
Is Millie begging part of her personality?

>> No.74036620

It was even leaked to reddit

>> No.74036837
File: 39 KB, 349x642, db0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie be like

>> No.74036908

is millie hot?
I'd be her sugardaddy if she's at least a 6/10

>> No.74036941
File: 128 KB, 443x312, 1688333137807007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hehehe little do they know I actually need the money

And a mod there deleted it of all things
The livers are mods there btw

>> No.74037487

Risu is great singer

>> No.74037852

Is she really that dumb?
Or did management type that tweet?

>> No.74038923

I was thinking that too, but what would she win doing that? pity points so people donate more and help her against the awfull hacker 4chan?

>> No.74039050

this place lives rent free in her head and it is incredibly sad. After SGC it is obvious everything she does is about owning or calling out here.

>> No.74039201

Millie just set herself up for a really funny self-own if she does worse than Rosemi

>> No.74039207

genuinely what are the people basing their entire personality around 4chan trying to achieve

>> No.74039430
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, 1713518498491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit learn to shut the fuck up already.

>> No.74039494

in her case it is not basing it around here it is about fighting wind mills. She can not do one thing she should do which is not going to /vt/

>> No.74039645

I'm owning the hecking hackers

>> No.74039730

4chan living rent free in Milliewhorefait head, truly, a sad existence

>> No.74039876

Unironically yes.

>> No.74039959

/vt/ lives rent free in all vtubers' heads, even a lot of JP ones.
Says a lot about the industry.

>> No.74039989
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1667272127441427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big mad. It's outrageous how poorly media trained these dipshits are. Why confirm it? Why acknowledge it and draw attention to it? These are not the actions of someone who isn't bothered by it. These are the actions of a cripplingly insecure person who reads every single thing that's ever been said about them.
Millie, since I now know that you're reading this, get off /vt/ and if you don't want to be called out for begging for supas then stop begging for supas.

>> No.74040059

Incredibly ugly and fat actually

>> No.74040228

How the fuck can someone be so unlikeable

>> No.74040256

Millie, if it was true that any publicity is good publicity, then your company wouldn't STILL be losing subs.

>> No.74040279
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>> No.74040348

It's really sad, they fall for the most obvious baits, get angry at them and then post shit like the screen OP shared

>> No.74040441

Do you think she will make more then Rosemi did? She has the Filipino support

>> No.74040504

I think she lost the male Filipino crowd a long time ago.

>> No.74040530
File: 1.39 MB, 2037x1744, 1692663755906404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the retard that brought you the ebin self own 4chan stream, a new instant classic in self sabotage and troll feeding!

>> No.74040557


>> No.74040640

>Ethyria is the worst group in NIJI EN. They should've just kept it to Lazulight and OBSYDIA
Damn they're actually right

>> No.74040708

Remind me, is this the organ that said nijisanji is not a black company and immediately went on to list all the things that define nijisanji as a black company?

>> No.74040709

In their defense, they cannot not be chronically online. The nature of their job requires it.

>> No.74040748

Why are all containment breakers Pippa fags?

>> No.74040781

Vtubers make it a point to pretend to ignore 4chan drama until it leaks to twitter and only respond afterwards.

>> No.74040996

smart, but not as smart when you reveal how terminally /here/ you are with >>74040530

>> No.74041011

She was the leaker lol god she's soo fucking pathetic

>> No.74041077

you can marry her, she lives in angles city, $2 more and she'll lick your asshole

>> No.74041079

Vote on Millie's 3D debut CCV https://strawpoll.com/jVyG8zbXKn7

>> No.74041113

Normalize leaking membership content.

>> No.74041160

calm down, Waggish Plonker

>> No.74042041

She was the mempost leaker all along

>> No.74042895
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>> No.74042954

Yes we know she's /here/ and leaked it herself. No need to make a thread about it.

>> No.74043410

This makes me wonder how many other leaks are just self-imposed.

>> No.74045182

I hate this bitch but credit where credit is due, this was true kino

>> No.74045339

what the fuck did she really kiss petra

>> No.74045370

try -6/10

>> No.74047218

Basically this
Millie: "Who did it? You bastard!"

>> No.74052043


>> No.74056332


>> No.74056401


>> No.74056454

90% of things we post about nijisanji here leaks to reddit these days, been this way ever since the Selen thing blew the doors right open

>> No.74058144

>Begging for money (embarrassing)
>Confirmed leak of tweet begging for money (embarrassing)
You didn't want to be embarrassed, did you?
