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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73864319 No.73864319 [Reply] [Original]

rosemi is sad.. how do you cheer her up?

>> No.73864356


>> No.73864371

Punch her in the belly

>> No.73864398

I give her a new model and company

>> No.73864455

Get her out of Nijisanji

>> No.73864457

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.73864539

Dick in her mouth and creampies all day. She'll learn the joy of being a mother

>> No.73865075

Buy an ad Phasefag

>> No.73865127

Give her graduation announcement

>> No.73865198

stick my penis in her butt and pee

>> No.73865223

Get her to graduate without needing to spend money

>> No.73865275
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stop being thorny, butas

>> No.73865378
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>> No.73865557


>> No.73865634
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>> No.73865746
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Liggerman will save da wose.

>> No.73865784

Tell her to graduate. Just stay cute and motivated and she'll be better on the other end.

>> No.73865831

Bwutal wape

>> No.73865851

I get this weird feeling she's gonna off herself

>> No.73865866


>> No.73866075

Give her a job at Hololive.

>> No.73868666

penis in pooper until morale improves

>> No.73868992

By impregnating her so she can experience the joy of motherhood

>> No.73869881


Also I buy her a boba tea

>> No.73869924

Piggyback ride

>> No.73869954

did she try watching her intro on loop? That's what always cheers me up.

>> No.73870141
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Why would you watch her when Jelly exists?


>> No.73870177

she should go shopping with luca again :)

>> No.73870253

Jelly is ugly, a furry, a bitch, a guy, a smoker, an atheist, and a monkey.

>> No.73870310
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wdym, she's very happy that she was able to achieve her dream, fuck off fagoon

>> No.73870408

Are the Dragoons in the room with us right now?

>> No.73870466

happy people have to take mental health breaks mulitple times in 4 months?

>> No.73870505

stop trying to sell me on her i'm already watching

>> No.73870520
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>> No.73870554

What does she even have to be sad about? She just had her 3D debut AND the branch had a hugely successful 3D concert.

>> No.73870647

>Says she needs to take a break since she hasnt taken one in a year that wasnt her travelling for AR, 3D
>Dramafaggots spin her words into making her seem "sad"

>> No.73870723

9 minutes of screentime btw

>> No.73871015

>hugely successful

>> No.73871105

>the branch had a hugely successful 3D concert
>hugely successful
>so "successful" that Anycolor is issuing DMCA takedown notices against screencaps of the show
>so "successful" that they privated the free portion of the show as soon as it ended
>so "successful" that Rosemi took a mental health hiatus as soon as it ended (and probably won't return until her graduation announcement stream)

>> No.73871203

Rosemi Loveglock

>> No.73871210

Think about it from Rosemi's perspective. She knows the branch has a serious problem with male viewers. And she just saw 3 female genmates leave the branch and get a huge upsurge in viewers as a result.
The gears must be turning in her mind.

>> No.73871286

I call her the N word to her face.

>> No.73872196

The branch has a serious problem with any viewer who's been following the news since February and has a shred of decency, regardless of their gender

>> No.73872407


>> No.73873119

wose cute

>> No.73873293
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>> No.73873322
File: 698 KB, 2384x4096, __rosemi_lovelock_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_naokomama__a8e37299b1ce0ed96d713e555f8fe726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man. that's just sad. genuinely makes you feel bad for da wose
peepee in poopoo until pregnancy and also graduation

>> No.73873472

what stream is this from?

>> No.73873528

Cum so hard in her face i leave her blind

>> No.73874823
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>> No.73875252

Is this the /wose/ general?

>> No.73875573

>a bunch of retards that don't watch her doom posting and begging
may as well be, all we're missing are the NTR fetishists

>> No.73875736

lmao reposting this to shut history revisionists up

ah, so her break, which happened right after AR live where she got one song, right after her 3D flopped badly even compared to homostars or her coworker's which happened a literal hour before HoloFes and right after she was exposed as a fraud in Tekken, didn't happen because she's feeling sad?
is this a happy break? a "i'm going to focus on my mental health because i've been so happy" break?

>> No.73875797

That's what scares me, desu. I thought Rosemi would attempt far, far sooner than Selen, especially after all the constant fuckups and completely wasted chances that were really not her fault lately.

I don't actually know her history though, and the rosebuds say she's strong, so hopefully she's stronger than a tourist like me thinks she is.

>> No.73876008

Nijisis as usual sucking the corpo’s dick and not giving a fuck about ghe livers, her entire month has been hell, even Harada seems well gone with all yhe problems he’s having over Tekken bring lambasted for late monetization, why he would keep following someone who doesn’t play the game ofc.
She should get out of there while she still has a fanbase, instead of keeping faking everything is ok and alienating them. Even the Tsunderia bread finally died as proof of how things are changing and Niji is in full decline.

>> No.73876217

>Her dream of having a 9 minute song no one saw because all the fans left are fujo whores.
Sure, that’s why she keeps having mental breaks. She is literally seeing all she hoped to achieve burn over her bully colleagues and management pure incompetence. All posts are literally “get out of there”. This company can’t die fast enough before they kill someone over their shitty behaviour.

>> No.73876433

mating press

>> No.73877432

Go watch Ar Live bud

>> No.73877577

Miki was cuter

>> No.73877619

I think posts telling her to get out are also making her unwell. Plus, being very real, seeing basically everyone that was around Niji's early days but Finana do better than her can't be easy. Selen, Pomu and even Elira dwarf what Rosemi has accomplished. Can't imagine that's also a good feeling. I don't keep up with her much, but at least I think she follows through with projects that personally make her proud of herself, like Rosemi Night Live, the game show stream, her ARG, her little RPG - things that don't really expand her reach and in some cases are borderline wasted effort it doesn't endear people to the point they watch her nor does it make existing fans support her more, but shit like that clearly meant something to her.

>> No.73877674

Make a bunch of burner accounts and sub to her.
And then unsubscribe to see the disappointment on her face.

>> No.73877781

The sad thing is that she's pretty niche in Niji. She's got diehard fans, but those fans had major overlap with everyone else who left, and tourists have no idea what her identity is other than "the cute, inoffensive princess in NijiEN." I hope she can sustain a solo career, but she really seems like she needs other people to foil off of. I hope she gets into another corpo quickly rather than going indie.

>> No.73877816

>Aia came out saying she's annoyed at people telling her to quit
>Scarle has plans until 2025
>Kunai says people who join will be supported
They don't want to leave, get it through your skull.

>> No.73877937

You guys* are fucking mental

>> No.73877955

Then they unfortunately have to deal with the consequences of the company falling down around them.
You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

>> No.73878101

It is what it is. I hope Riku manages, for once in his life, to actually cook something because it does look like the girls are invested in the company and the social circles they've built.

>> No.73878381

I remember when anons said the same to me when I noted that Pomu seems done with Nijisanji.

>> No.73878510

If her plan would be to have basically the same personality, I think it'd just lead to her being overshadowed again. I see your point that she bounces off of others well, but unless she revamps her persona or comes up with a new one it'll be more of the same, but without Kurosanji. Perhaps that's blessing enough.
Also, this>>73877816
>They don't want to leave, get it through your skull.
She put up with Tekken 7 perms autism, got to play Tekken 8 and got noticed by Harada, and afaik has not suffered the same mistreatment by management, or lack thereof, that Pomu and Selen did.
And it makes sense because Pomu and Selen's projects in scope and ambition have been pretty up there to the point no one else in the company bothers.
If she had a problem with the way Nijisanji EN is ran, I think like Mysta, Nina and Mika, she'd have run sometime last year. Idk, I don't really buy the graduation queue thing so much as I do think they have to pay to break their contract and there is probably a non-compete clause which would mean being a wagie for a while.

>> No.73878760

So did you watch a member's streams where she vented and cried over something? Pomu always seemed to tell fans most of what she could; Rosemi on the other hands keeps her cards close to herself.

>> No.73878850

No, I would never pay money to Nijisanji.

>> No.73879394

Doesn't mean it wouldn't be what is best for them all. Just because you want to drink the cult's koolaid, doesn't mean it's good for you. Eventually that place is going to kill someone, and when that happens it'll be the end of all their careers.

>> No.73879421
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>how do you cheer her up
Now why would I want to do a thing like that?

>> No.73879919
File: 242 KB, 852x231, selen_run_rosemi_run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a magic wand, undo all the brain washing she's received in that hell hole and make her realize she's worth something, get her the fuck out of there, and maybe toss her in with her old friends in PC or something.

Short of that, start a massive campaign to get her PL account up to 100K subscribers and hope that does the job that would otherwise require a magic wand.


>> No.73880033

>undo all the brain washing she's received in that hell hole
It's hilarious how people post stuff like this on this board with zero self-awareness

>> No.73880079

Hey, this is definitely a tsunderiafag post.
Know the difference.
I know its harder when they are not talking about feeding or that they are cursed, but atleast try anon.

>> No.73882339

Roseschizo won again...

>> No.73882372

Yeah, Nijisanji brainwashed me pretty good when they put out a three page attack ad against a popular suicide victim, then, after seeing the predictably negative reaction, decided to do it all over again a few days later, putting their talents on the firing line and destroying careers in the process.

Even if you believe Selen to be a grifting mastermind, that was still an act of pure insanity, and if you don't, then it was an act of pure evil.

But you're just such a woke individual for being just contrarian enough to defend it either way, aren't you?

Nevermind all the other shit they've done, how many times we've heard livers claim they are nothing without the company, and us all watching Pomu gain an imposter syndrome large enough to blot out the fucking sun.

>> No.73882378

He can't keep winning!

>> No.73882789

mucho texto didnt read

>> No.73882855

Anon that's just you

>> No.73882886

>destroying careers in the process
I hope their attempts fail so hard even Vox bounces.

>> No.73883006
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I'll save you Rosemi Sama

>> No.73887192


>> No.73887636
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Matara will go on a trip with a certain rose

>> No.73887746

I know you'll take good care of her, Roach Mother. Poor flower woman needs a break.

>> No.73887772
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>> No.73887894
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I'll be there to cheer her up very soon.

>> No.73888199

>Even the Tsunderia bread finally died as proof of how things are changing
What are you talking about?

>> No.73889651

Buy her ice cream, everyone loves ice cream

>> No.73889763

this is the way

>> No.73890519
File: 3.74 MB, 2189x3370, 38115f68d37e9f64d0b693525a18a27e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back off bitch

>> No.73893056

Graduate her.

>> No.73893361
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well... does she like coffee?

>> No.73894050

Only when I cum in it.

>> No.73895349

Set her free

>> No.73896842


>> No.73897093

>non-compete clause
Kuro and Matara and probably also Mochi send their regards.

>> No.73899066

They didn't break their contract, I am assuming. Non-compete would only apply to those that do.

>> No.73900394

Nothing in the contract to imply it doesn't apply to everyone. Either they are getting special dispensation, or they realize it's unenforceable and are simply ignoring it.

>> No.73901110

So you are implying she is willingly staying in Nijisanji?

>> No.73904733

She deserves it for being in nijisanji

>> No.73906163

The last idol in a see of filth. You could literally make a horror game with Rosemi as the star that silent hills the world around her and all her coworkers reveal themselves to be dark souls like freaks. Final level is on a decaying yacht fighting Riku whose boss mechanic is siphoning thr life out of your health bar that never stops unless you destroy Golden plate horocruxes around the level.

>> No.73908780

or that it only works if they go for another JP corpo but since Vshojo isn't Japanese, it's all good.

>> No.73913481

Sex the rosemi

>> No.73916032
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Sorry but Matara already confirmed her trip with the rose.

>> No.73916408

Tuat's not even new.
As Mikki she did pit a lot of effort.

People mention Selen doing stuff but Rosemi puts as much effort. Using these 3 neurons of hers to max power. That said, she is not rewarded the same. Unfair, but that's life.

>> No.73916451

Push her to the head of the graduation que. Or sex with Harada.

>> No.73916671

She has a lifeboat waiting for her, all she needs to do is jump in

>> No.73916944

either one will do just save her before its to late

>> No.73916988
File: 904 KB, 750x1000, The rrat god cometh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz8pus6.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 26th, 2024
12:00 PM JST

>> No.73917127

Mata and dizzy dominating a tied up rosemi where the first one to make her cum 'wins' her forever.

>> No.73917439

Organizing stuff like art contests and tournies is a different ball game to organizing skits, or an ARG or an RPG. The ARG was done with Fulgur's help, too. For her sake I'd prefer her stuff was easier/less effort because the it'd be sad she spent so much time on something that didn't really advance her career.

>> No.73917831

Oh no she's sad, give her money

>> No.73918587


>> No.73918621

>ARG with Fulgur's help
Timestamp? I watched the stream where she talked a bit about it and she said she worked on it alone but tried to get people to test run a puzzle to make sure it wasn't too hard. I think Fulgur and Aia but they never did it so she was worried if it was feasible or not.

>> No.73919043


>> No.73919996

I'll DM her my cute 2-incher, with a ribbon of course

>> No.73922919

Is she afraid of jumping?

>> No.73922949

anal in the ass.

>> No.73924097

Reassure her that everything will be okay once the tumor is removed. It's time to come home Miki.

>> No.73926615

*rape op*
