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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73734080 No.73734080 [Reply] [Original]

The horse dramachuuba got roasted by the "Ramadan is a Festival" guy
Can she ever recover from this?

>> No.73734163 [DELETED] 

Oh man, now the nijiniggers will never watch her what will she do

>> No.73734227

>Literally who?
never watched any other vtuber outside holo

>> No.73734250

What did she say?

>> No.73734286

Slow day in Nijinigger land, huh.

>> No.73734344

>never watched any other vtuber outside holo

>> No.73734384

really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point

>> No.73734402


>> No.73734422

>out of context
what a retard, then provide said context when shittalking on your official account
the only "context" your original tweet had, was
a. You didn't bother to watch that ar shitshow
b. You were surprised people heard your voice there

>> No.73734514

Who and who

>> No.73734612
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>> No.73734706

I'm honestly not even sure why he made that first tweet to begin with

>> No.73734769

All vtubers should follow up each tweet they post with an essay thoroughly explaining what they mean

>> No.73734822

nice post brownvtm

>> No.73734825

He doesn't come off as a very intelligent person tbf

>> No.73734919

clop clop

>> No.73734947

>vocals are left in pre-recorded content
>*wink wink nudge nudge*
>omg how dare they
>actually i dont care
>oh ok

Amazing exchange totally deserved a post in the catalog.

>> No.73734971

Not sure about who this dramachuuba is, but the fact of the day is that holoniggers tongue each other's anus

>> No.73734999

It reads to me as a way to wink wink nudge nudge at still being in the Niji concert, why is that such a hard concept to grasp? A fan gets a reply saying they're coping. Kuro says they're wrong and that he was in the concert as a voice. Why is there an entire thread for this, none of you watch him.

>> No.73735029

Not everyone is as dumb as holobrowns, stop judging by yourself

>> No.73735063
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God, dramatubers are becoming so unbelievably cringe I'm starting to reflexively like Nijisanji

>> No.73735081

Original tweet didn't come off as shade to me.
He jokes about his "stalker" a lot, left all his vods up, and everyone knows this shit was recorded over a year ago.
dramafags jumping the gun as always

>> No.73735142

was this a finana Educate yourself moment?

>> No.73735222

This thread is an 'Anon who has autism and cannot infer implications without explicit detail' moment.

>> No.73735259

Once a nijinigger, always a nijinigger I guess.

>> No.73735312

>and everyone knows this shit was recorded over a year ago.
Ironically his former main fanbase, the sisters, are actively trying to argue against this.

>> No.73735470

Yeah, definitely on her for misinterpreting Kuro tweet for the sake of creating "drama".

>> No.73736129

The more dramatubers continue to attempt to milk Nijisanji for drama where there is none the more they just look like desperate Nijisanji haters instead of people with any sort of interest in journalistic integrity
How hard it is to confine your sperging to when they ACTUALLY fuck up?

>> No.73736370

is she a horse or a fox?

>> No.73736510

I hate male chuubas to an indescribable amount.

>> No.73736555

Hopefully they blow off their kneecaps searching for "the next big thing".

>> No.73736632

Hololive fans

>> No.73736668

She's a fox, but people make fun of her because she looks like she has horse ears

>> No.73736818

I mean I think her reading of what Kuro said is what I would have taken from it. I guess you have to remember he's a barely literate retarded menhera. Have no idea what he meant by that original tweet now.

>> No.73736886

So he was in the concert but Selen couldn't post her video because it had pictures of graduated talents? Am I understanding that correctly?

>> No.73737048
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They had to get "approval" for it, which they probably would have, eventually, after like an other week of dicking around. Graduated talents have been in MVs before, although usually closer to their departure date and within the context of being in the same wave.

>> No.73737118

I remember thinking when False made a tweet mocking CONGALUTATIONS and brought up ESL underpaid interns again, that it was a bit below him.

>> No.73737143

Buddy you are so behind. In the time that Selen had her menhera outburst, Maria was able to upload a cover with Pomu in it, Rosemi met up with Nina, and the concert had Mysta, Yugo's, and Nina's voices in it per their permission for the unit songs. Meanwhile Rosemi and Petra couldn't even sing Blacks Out since Selen is in it and she said not to put her voice in the concert.

>> No.73737225

I think it is safe to say that any work created as a Nijisanji Vtuber, including voice related, completely belongs to Nijisanji.

>> No.73737367

This kuro dude should stop being a manchild. If he keeps being this sensitive he should stop being an e-whore

>> No.73737412

That's explains why Doki had to dust off her old as fuck PC until recently. They unironically have legal ownership of your streaming PC.

>> No.73737487

Bro fell off so hard he has to resort to engaging with dramatubers for any relevance, kek

>> No.73737623

I mean that's definitely what the contract says, which makes their delaying of her video seem even more like managerial harassment.

>> No.73737877

>fans says hehehaha I heard kuro's voice in niji thing
>kuro says hehehaha I must have sleepwalked cause people said I was heard at a concert

That's all there is to it. He can't literally say "I used to be Mysta Rias and I recorded that thing you heard" when people inevitably mention his cameo.

>> No.73737991

OP is mad because her Pippa documentary wasn't a hitpiece.

>> No.73738089
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Am I retarded? idk either of these people but I'm guessing Kuro is Mysta? Did Niji use his voice in the shitty convert even though he graduated or something? Where did Rima misinterpretation the tweet from Kuro because I feel like I reached the same conclusion as her..

>> No.73738087

Dude's at the point of responding to dramatubers that's grim

>> No.73738098


>> No.73738097

So about management bully 100% true...
Selen no need perm to put grad member in mv...

>> No.73738263

Thanks for telling everyone that you have severe autism

>> No.73738281

Rima thought Mysta was left in due to nijishitty tech, when he was left in on purpose. Dramatrannies are getting desperate and lashing out at anything, even the nips in charge of music are getting quote retweeted by redditors despite them simply doing commissioned work.

>> No.73738283

Perms from niji itself on if and how.
Selen's problem was this "rule" was introduced and applied to her retroactively when the mv was already done.

>> No.73738332

The horse is dumb as bricks, no need to take her that seriously.

>> No.73738363

>No no no no my fellow Flipoids in Nijinig company has more drama than me!! I need to steal the clout!!

>> No.73738408
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Why did they leave him in but take out the others lol

>> No.73738419

c'mere rima, i got a sugar cube for you

>> No.73738536

Something something favoriting in nijisanji

>> No.73738559

Selen was the only one taken out, Mysta Nina and Yugo were kept in and could be heard on their debut songs.

>> No.73738613

they left Nina's vocals in Ethyria's song too, it's intentional as Mysta and Nina actually graduated and were not fired and unpersoned

>> No.73738622

okay calm down sister,take your meds

>> No.73738671
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No drama, just horse

>> No.73738677

>Hololive fans

>> No.73738823

Dramatubers are fucking stupid, I still hate nijisanji for not getting rid of the false nigger

>> No.73738900

Hima is not a nijisister rumao

>> No.73739015

kill yourself and your whole retarded kind inbred mongoloid. How do YOU know they didn't change the rules after selen left because they themselves realized they fucked up? (That is me being mega generous for niji by the way. assuming they actually did what riku said and changed for the better in his bowing stream)

>> No.73739090

There’s a big difference between talent projects and company projects.
Applying a bit on what record companies does, usually if someone was in a contract with them and they perished, there’s likely a sort of hidden catalog of past projects and stuff lingering around, the label has full ownership in a lot of cases and can do whatever they want with them, it usually involves the Family State, but most of the time is just a Cheeto in the Door, and it’s a simple ye or nah. In this case, it is safe to assume they just owned the snippets of him saying something and they left it in there. Now, for Doki’s case is just mainly Niji being petty with her, there’s really no other way to put it, appearances are fully owned by Niji, and neither Mysta nor Nina own them or would have a saying on it, if there was a case involving snippets (such as Pomu on Marie’s song), there was likely an approval of both parties previously established.

So yeah, Nijisanji is insanely stupid but they do work their contracts in their favor, like any company does.

>> No.73739114

so she didn't misunderstand him then

>> No.73739123

Was never once supposed to be in the AR Live.. not even the first time around. He/She/They/Xey were LONG since graduated before it was in the works. Unless you meant Mysta POMU and nina's voices in which case yeah

>> No.73739185

>she somehow takes it as him throwing shade about not being edited out for whatever reason
actual brain damage

>> No.73739220

Was never once supposed to be in the AR Live. You are thinking of pomu's voice during diamond city lights

>> No.73739349

>collab with doxxsagi

>> No.73739359

>He/She/They/Xey were
she was, stupid redditor

>> No.73739436

Another hololive fan. Why does the truth make you seethe so hard, he even named himself after Pekora.

>> No.73739472

Had no reason to even acknowledge his voice was in there. Notnina and Notpomu didn't say anything

>> No.73739487

Why and how would Yugo be in the AR Live when yugo graduated before recording happened the FIRST time around for it?. You are mixing up yugo with pomu

>> No.73739574

Yugo wasn't even in the FIRST AR Live poster that was supposed to release last year with pomu selen nina and mysta. why the fuck would yugo be in the ARLive now unless you are saying yugo recorded some lines for it after graduating

>> No.73739605

Had no reason not to.
He acknowledges and nudges to his past pretty often. It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.73739755

If we (as a community) act spastic to jokes and turn it into drama. We are so fucking doomed

>> No.73739817
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>> No.73739833
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Preach, king

>> No.73739870

Actually seething

>> No.73740038

>it was funded by the company for use with the company
Yeah? That's how it goes if your workplace gives you equipment or pays for equipment for use with the job. This is true in most of the 1st world.
Do you want a real answer or are you being a contrarian faggot for a (You)?

>> No.73740081

>never watched any other vtuber outside holo
>enter non-holo thread anyways

>> No.73740520

fun to check out the plebs sometimes

>> No.73740571

They're basically the same as vegans, they have to let you about their retarded viewing habits whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.73740591

> the guy who thought luxiem was the future
lmao, its called grifting

>> No.73740637

We on vt sister if you want to act uber retarded you might aswell said you from doxxsite/discord

>> No.73740809

>Had no reason not to
Since he keeps seething on at least two account about basically the consequences of his own actions, turns out he had every reason not to.

>> No.73740905

If I didn't know any better, I would've called him a Holoshill.

>> No.73740999

So true sis

>> No.73741021

>male and ex-niji to boot
>vagueposting and bitching about being misunderstood
>a thread made about it
just get rid of this board, this is just fucking grim

>> No.73741060

>get btfo by fucking mysta

>> No.73741134

Based. Just eat popcorn like the rest of us

>> No.73741210

>They're basically the same as vegans,
>holotrannies are vegan
>fauna is vegan
>being vegan literally shrinks your brain

>> No.73741228

Nice try sis, the best outcome is the two destroy themselves

>> No.73741469


>> No.73741501

Can anyone else understand what this dog just said?

>> No.73742279

these retards think i'm arguing about a concert i know nothing about and didn't realize i'm just correcting their american pronouns despite quoting only that part
redditors are so stupid, this is fucking grim

>> No.73742322

yeah but barely.

>> No.73742445

Tomboy horse constantly raids the newstuber horse

>> No.73742450

I thought you fucked off for good after his face+foot reveal, rebecca.

>> No.73742699

I like the horse girl cause she has big tits, I don't like Kuro cause he doesn't have any.

>> No.73742857


>> No.73742955

>Another hololive fan. Why does the truth make you seethe so hard, he even named himself after Pekora
>doxxagi "hololive fan"
who gonna tell this retarded sister guys? LMAO

>> No.73742970

I exclusively watch Hololive and I'm a vegan too. I'm literally better than you.

>> No.73742997

>Had no reason to even acknowledge his voice
mysta? he is retarded pls andastand

>> No.73743032

What even is this retardation of a twitter thread, my guys?

>> No.73743180

Nijisisters and Holofags are both insufferable hypocrites

>> No.73743756

Based. Going Indiechad is the way to go.

>> No.73743990

This is a call for this lolcow to get trolled... holy shit. No wonder he's always getting 1 guy'd

>> No.73744060

you do realize these corpos are going to go indie too, yeah? Don't get overconfident

>> No.73744138

Oh, my. Horse girl fucked herself trying to farm twitter drama points? Killing all that clout obtained by being on LM streams, DN and parrot.

What did she delete?

>> No.73744211

>>73744138 (me)

>> No.73744228

In a perfect world, you would be stoned for posting this

>> No.73744462

he is dosh acting for some trolling

>> No.73744708

Maybe she should have spent some of the 200k she blew on art assets on a computer she owns.

>> No.73744921
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this but unironically

>> No.73745062
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He's right, drama used to mean something and now dramanegroes are pissing their pants over the AR Live having weird lighting or looking janky sometimes
They had a point with the Selen thing, this is just pathetic

>> No.73745300

Nice try, Phaseshit. Everyone knows it's you.

>> No.73745317

They are just trying to chase the high of the Selen drama.
It's been barren for them since the Luca doc.

>> No.73745409

The more they chase the high the less they'll get and the more they themselves become the lolcows

>> No.73745429

Don't act so surprised. I posted a warning that once dramafags get a foothold they try to spin everything as a drama because that's what sustains them. They will even try to create their own.

>> No.73745469
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>> No.73745594

>waahhh why do dramafags use me for drama waaahh
You're part of one of the most controversial chuuba corpos in history, fuckwad.

>> No.73746988

t. Dramatranny in OP who got btfo

>> No.73747070

>/vt/ has been punching down at niji for years
>suddenly now it's a bad thing when there's a series of gigayabs

>> No.73748838

Why don't you tell us? He's a massive Holofan. Prove me wrong.

>> No.73751060

>/vt/ has been punching down at niji for years
when the hoi polloi rag on a corporation, that's "punching up", esl-chama

>> No.73751900

There was never any "rule" about needing special permissions to use Niji's own IP in the first place. Nijisanji simply made it up ex-post facto as an excuse to explain why they torpedoed the MV.

>> No.73752888

Its less that and more that him and Nina did try occasionally dip their toes into shitting on their former place of employment. Not as much as someone with actual problems like Zaion or someone trying victimize themselves like Kyo or Magni's PLs, but still. So it really shouldn't come off as much of a shock that people have issues trusting Nijisanji EN as a result.

>> No.73756510

Look at these nijisanji AR performances from 2021
The EN version looks objectively worse.
Is there no standard for quality in the niji fanbase? Do they eat every slop they get?
hololive fans were criticizing the camerawork in Connect the World concert, and then Cover reedited it, and they extended the spwn VOD for a bit longer to give everyone more time to watch it.
But I guess a company has to care about its fans first, they barely care about their talents, that's for sure.

>> No.73756716

>he doesn't know

>> No.73757061

Honestly, nijisis or not I think we can all agree vtubing would be better if this faggot and sayu died.

>> No.73758770

Ok, I'll break it down for you
>Pomu was in the concert and they kept her for the chant during Diamond City Lights because they got permission from her
>Nina was in the concert and was a part of God Sees All because they got permission from her
>Mysta was in the concert and was a part of Jazz on the Clock because they got permission from him
>Yugo was in the concert and was a part of Stuck in the Abyss because they got permission
>Selen didn't get to upload her MV because she didn't even wait for management to get permission from Mysta and Nina

Do you understand?

>> No.73758989
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It's hard to edit out voices not recorded in separate tracks. If they could, they would.
Doubt they left them in due to homage.
Selen is a different story, causing them to remove all her sections. Her existence is a reminder that it was not negligible.

>> No.73759240

>sister seethe thread
