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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73657321 No.73657321 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous: >>73577663

>> No.73657452

goddammit OP why

>> No.73657552

reminder to ban everyone from your chat and block them on socials

>> No.73657604

wasp died again

>> No.73659643

Schizo OP again

>> No.73661436


>> No.73661523

Is this the list of everyone to block for raiding and being trolling schizos?

>> No.73661545
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These are the only true wasps

>> No.73661818

And that's a good thing!

>> No.73662568

I am about to give up trying to be a vtuber, I just can't make me a model

>> No.73662742

Give it up Mel

>> No.73663902

Letting me live in your head rent free has made ny cost of living quite low retard. If you keep crying about it like the old stinky fat man you are I might let you kiss my foot as I stomp your filthy face into the ground

>> No.73664390

>40 minutes between the thread being baked and it dying
>letting the thread die so you can change the op

schizos pls

>> No.73666616

I don’t know why the schizo changed the op last thread

>> No.73666979


>> No.73667728

so its there a bigger plan to what you do or you just being stupid for free

>> No.73670033

don't collab with any boy

>> No.73670045


>> No.73672174

Not everyone on the tierlist was in that discord

>> No.73672239

which ones weren't?

>> No.73672316

other way around there were some in the discord not on the list

>> No.73673647


>> No.73673726

What is he planning to stream today?

>> No.73673771

not /wasp/

>> No.73674223

He is wasp

>> No.73674364


>> No.73674825

Because Mel Nekomata did her debut, so she had no reason to keep bumping the topic.

>> No.73675100

Finally got to 26ccv this month. Hurray.
Maybe waspies should stop crabbing and start focusing on content. This goes for the aspies who are reading this too btw

>> No.73675501


>> No.73676187

Besides not collabing with men/GFE , what are other ways to succeed?
also, what do you think about vtubers who take breaks every 30 minutes? I can't speak for very long in a row.

>> No.73676400

ask in /asp/ for real advice

>> No.73676499

if those people knew how to succeed they wouldnt be 1 views

>> No.73677971

>Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing
Here's my advice. Nobody wants to see you 1-4 viewer ass. lewdtubing is only cool when a 5+ viewer does it.

>> No.73678022

go away boy vtuber you are lying

>> No.73678368

My advice is do literally anything you can to increase the number, try to correlate every metric youtube gives you, don't assume causation but do it anyway.
Get to 3x the view count you would be happy with and then you can rest on your laurels why you slowly kill your stream. Of course don't show your real personality or everybody would just leave overnight.

>> No.73678538

>people hated him because he told the truth

>> No.73678832

This is true. It works when the chat is fast but when its just few guys being creepy people will just leave

>> No.73679367

It works for particular fetishes meimeimei comes to mind, cause they are the only game in town. Even despite the one guy in chat who keeps ruining the stream.

>> No.73682311

Up you go

>> No.73683459

I'm looking for en vtubers who don't have a 3D model. Can you guys help me?

>> No.73683504

Kill yourself boy vtuber no one will collab with you

>> No.73686770
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most don't, 3d models are rare
what you want is actually someone who would appreciate it, however
I suggest you to look up who plays VR chat from this tiermaker

I would say from the safe choice is QB since all she has is a vroid anyway AND she is also the most likely to make it big so it will work as advertisement for your product

>> No.73686913

>advertising or begging

>> No.73692348

Why can't you use a fucking normal image

>> No.73692596

Joke threads get joke images

>> No.73698230

wake up

>> No.73701219

Fine damn

>> No.73702450

What kind of asmr can I do without coming off as a whore?

>> No.73702736

all vtubers are whores

>> No.73704014

>waspies kicked out all the "fake" wasps until the thread got like 1 post per hour

>> No.73704100

Comfort/Reassurance ASMR but that requires skill and effort

>> No.73704249

It would still be whorish honestly.

>> No.73704545


>> No.73704709

The smart girls don't want to be associated with this shit heap, but enjoy Aleda

>> No.73704842

it was a schizo falseflag and he didnt technically kick anyone away with that, the girls left for their discord all on their own as per usual
it will be a while until we get enough of them to replace them

>> No.73705077

>it will be a while until we get enough of them to replace them
This thread is over. You'd be better off starting another one and calling it something else because this one's brand is in the toilet

>> No.73705156

It wasn't a falseflag because he's right. You disagree because you're a fag from /pcg/ that wants to make this the Lumi thread.

>> No.73705794

Pittiecord is 99% /asp/ies and tourists

>> No.73705849

I seen multiple peoppe get bullied out of posting for just stupid things

>> No.73706131

That was just mel

>> No.73706640

book reading

>> No.73706692

Slutty librarian

>> No.73706731

only if it's smut reading

>> No.73706743

Not our fault all the girls that showed up here were dumb whores.

>> No.73708467

I was archive diving and I need to ask
Who the fuck is Mel?

>> No.73708552

Some dude

>> No.73708554

The better question is "Who isn't Mel?"

>> No.73708590

a vtuber that had like 10 different incarnations that apparently scammed money out of some people. The schizos use her as a scapegoat to claim everyone here is Mel in order to kill the thread. Which worked successfully.

>> No.73708702

Just a boogeyman used to ruin this thread.

>> No.73709052
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>> No.73709209

if that stopped anyone asp would had no posters at all
rather, asp dies or blooms depending if the current aspcord is active/ open to every one
once they start gatekeeping the thread becomes active again
It is not illogical to think this place wouldnt work the same way

>> No.73709501

It hasn't hit bump limit for three threads. You suck at this. Enjoy bumping it all night and thinking you're winning though. Ganbare groomer-kun

>> No.73709563

well nice of you to help him by bumping the thread at least

>> No.73709603

Honestly he needs it so I'm glad to help

>> No.73710130
File: 135 KB, 723x915, veibae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Is lumi a model citizen here?

>> No.73710277

Don't you know she makes half the posts in here?

>> No.73712842

3D models suck and should only be used for events, QB has a nice voice but her shitty vroid makes her unwatchable. even a png would be better.

>> No.73716049

Wouldn't a 3D upgrade be a benefit then?

>> No.73716089

i am now a female

>> No.73716218

Who will the cheenschizo move on to now that there's no more drama to be farmed from him?

>> No.73716256


>> No.73717414

so this year is me saving and buying for my half body live2D debut. I'm just a regular 6 view pngtuber but I'm unsure what all I need/whats standard nowadays? Lore video? Logo? I'm 30 so it's hard to keep up with the kids and the trends. Any advice would be super helpful!

>> No.73717498

if you have over 100k ccv i doubt you need our advice

>> No.73717531

Depends on the quality and the person
If someone here is trying to peddle their 3D models without dropping a link or portfolio, it's probably not going to be any better, or some how worse, than the shit quality Niji proudly put out on display recently. It's quite embarrassing to say the least but 3D is not worth it if it's going to turn out that bad
If it's at any competent corpo's level, then it's a hit or miss. Could be decent when used live, and might need some tweaks and adjustments as time goes on but it's pre-recorded content where 3D corpo models really shine. So take that into account, do skits/shorts. Dont come off as cringe or cliche unless you want to reach Shinunoga E Wa hair flip meme status. Also it could be Ame's "la creatividad" type of models so that could be fun from time to time
And then with indie quality it ranges. It's either a simple yet cute chibi model with an interesting aesthetic or over the top high quality $10k+ titty jiggling monster of a model. There are hardly any in-betweens
But yea depends on how well the vtuber can actually play off of the 3D is the ultimate deal breaker. 3D could be a "benefit" if you're yourself an interesting person

>> No.73717611

You should post in /asp/ too, this thread is filled with trolls and schizos.
But to answer your question, you should look up V4mirai's latest debut to see what debuts look like nowadays, their are very high budget. Otherwise just having slides and talking about yourself is already most of the work done. Since you're a 6 view, you shouldnt be spending so much money on lore videos and logos unless you really have the money to spend, debuts are all about networking and calling in all your friends to check you out more than anything else. You should introduce youself to /asp/ and get some viewers curious to check you out combined with vtubers that you can network with.

>> No.73717675

I doubt you're genuinely asking so my advice is to fuck off

>> No.73717844

>Lore video? Logo?
The trend is vtweeting as hard as you can before debuting: do free art as much as possible for bigger chuubas and maybe one of them will like you enough to raid you

>> No.73717886

>You should post in /asp/ too, this thread is filled with trolls and schizos.
yep, if there is one thing asp doesnt have is troll and schizos
Not in its 4 year history they had ever had one, yeeeeep

>> No.73717974

I dont have near those numbers! Maybe one day though!

Networking! I've heard that its the way to do it. It's hard for me since I have a full time job but I guess this is the year that I try my best at it. Thank you for the advice!

I am genuinely asking and I do apologize if my post came across as if I wasn't. Still though, thank you for taking the time to respond! Maybe this is a good example that I need to work more on my communication skills.

>> No.73718100

This thread imploded in the last few weeks thanks to some malicious people so please ignore the posts that are hostile towards you, that is what a lot of people posting themselves here are like nowadays. We're just waiting for the thread to die at this point.

But yeah, break out of your shell and post your links so people will come check you out. Maybe drop in some of the streams of the girls streaming and make friends with them. There's a group of them that just started weeks ago so they are willing to be friends with you if you're nice.
Good luck for your debut and remember to post it everywhere so people can come check you out!

>> No.73718269

if only I knew how to draw haha. I'm so bad with social media too but I'll do my best.

ooohhh okay that makes sense! A younger friend of mine told me to maybe ask for advice here so I wasn't aware. Good to know though! And thank you so much for your words!!

>> No.73718575

It is Mel again.
How do people still have trouble recognizing her writing style?

>> No.73718965

With how you've incorrectly yet confidently used lingo, took toxicity and spun it into criticism, took sarcasm and then admitted to your flaws, and just overall too stupidly nice, it's pretty obvious how new and naive to this place you are. I'd highly suggest giving up and turning back now before you get caught up in something you're not at all familiar with, both vtubing and 4chan.
Be better than everyone here

>> No.73719566

I was hoping it wasnt too obvious haha. Well I'll still take the things people have said as small pieces of advice even yours! Thank you all the same and have a good night!

and who's Mel? Is this the person that anon mentioned earlier about malicious people? I can assure you that's not me. I could never be malicious or mean, it's honestly too hard to do so for me.

>> No.73719762

Whoever sent you to this thread was not being very friendly

>> No.73720038

>and who's Mel?
This is what im talking about
Dont dig deeper or else you'll find yourself hating what you've become, please do it for your own sake or you'll start asking about things you never wanted to know about
This is Mel, now please leave

>> No.73720742

dude why the fuck would you scare her off like that?

>> No.73720803

"She" is a troll

>> No.73721341

Who ever that precious little angel was, she's too good for us and will end up leaving either now or later.
No good wasp worth anything comes to this shithole of a thread after everything that went down. Mel happened and the walls were sprayed brown
All the good wasps went to /asp/, the better ones are already left the site, and the best ones stay in their discords if they've joined/made any.
This wide eyed angel saw "Women" and "Aspiring" then thought "that's me" and now I'm telling her to leave for her own sake

>> No.73722075

Sending people to /asp/ after they made this thread shit is the most cruel and malicious advice anyone can give in this thread

>> No.73723316

Sending Mel anywhere is cruel to the victim

>> No.73724833
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Selling official wasp badges
Only fifty dollars
A cut of the proceeds goes to the latest woman vtuber
