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File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, Lumi GFE .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73616430 No.73616430 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone ever surpassed Lumi in terms of GFE? She’s such a beauty and a soft-talking woman that no matter what she does, she always appreciates her viewers and her viewers are loyal to her to the bitter end? Can any other GFE vtuber compete with Lumi?

>> No.73617660

any other GFE chuuba will do who keep their promise about not having males on stream
>Verification not required.

>> No.73618129

She doesn’t bring male on stream. Pretty sure phase has a no male rule.

>> No.73618237

>he doesn't know

>> No.73621874

Do people actually believe Lumi is GFE? I thought she hate being affectionate or did she change in the past month?

>> No.73623949

not true at all, Pippa has done plenty of Mahjong streams with males

>> No.73627297


>> No.73630664

shondo is the peak gfe experience

>> No.73633014

She won.

>> No.73633618


>> No.73634432

kill yourself

>> No.73635462

Does anyone actually believe this unironically? Phase doesn’t hire males but collabs are left up to the chuubas to decide. Some male collab, some don’t and it’s not really treated as a big deal either way.
t. Phasefag

>> No.73635718

anon, he has ditched you for two days in a row now...

>> No.73635971

a real GF would never get the veibae surgery

>> No.73636049

>She doesn’t bring male on stream
Anon I'm so sorry

>> No.73636780

Maxor is asexual. It doesn’t count.

>> No.73639895

No he isn't?

>> No.73639983

that's like believing shondo is asexual

>> No.73640252

>Lumi with her harem of mods
>Lumi being the fake bitch she is
I know you are shitposting but in case you are being genuine: retard.

>> No.73640924
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Lumi is not GFE because she's already my wife

>> No.73642484

why does phase have like 3 generals on the catalog?
also fuck lumi

>> No.73642586

Purple Lumi > Blue Lumi > Yellow Lumi

>> No.73643598

Lumi is not married, she's waiting for her prince charming.

>> No.73643792

we didn't make it public yet

>> No.73645507

Her new look is so much better.

>> No.73647354

I don't get the issue? Lumi grace her presence to a beta male.

>> No.73647650

>Can anyone ever surpassed
I'm triggered by your Grammar Sir

>> No.73649428


>> No.73649528

Not even the best GFE in Phase lmao

>> No.73650610

Who is the best GFE in phase? Is it Pippa?

>> No.73650729

Why do you guys want GFE so badly? I thought this hobby was about CGDCT. GFE is a waste of space

>> No.73650892

Mono Monet is the #1 gfe chuuba, I can't listen to some of her asmr streams cuz it's too much.

>> No.73651173

I don't know where all those Lumi max GFE threads are coming from.
She's still looking at unicorns with pity and her chat is as anti-GFE as it can be.

>> No.73651483

holy esl

>> No.73652019

Panko just had Russian males on stream. She wouldnt stop talking about them after

>> No.73652065

Lia and Rie

>> No.73652097

why are phasecucks so delusional

>> No.73652106

GFE is always a disaster. I dont want males on stream because as a CGDCT chad, I view chuubas like misguided daughters and want to protect them from predatory men

>> No.73653449

They have the best women.

>> No.73653597

Veibae got a new model? Why is she blonde now?

>> No.73654188

>Pretty sure phase has a no male rule.

And Lumi is very vocal about her male "friends"

>> No.73655091

Slander and lies.

>> No.73655298


>> No.73655936

Tenma collaborates with a Norwegian fleshstreamer pretty often. That's how I found out about Phase, lol

>> No.73657351


>> No.73658142

Hina is a whore and unlike Lumi, isn't pure.

>> No.73658283

Lumi is russian mate. She aint pure

>> No.73658968

Since when?

>> No.73659005
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>> No.73659115

What was 2021 Lumi. 2024 Lumi does gfe

>> No.73659513

Lumi isn't even anime

>> No.73660765

And ignored.

>> No.73660857

since birth, her parents are russian immigrants

>> No.73660891

Hina is interesting. I don't really know what to think about her desu.

>> No.73662766

did she realize it's the only way for her to make any sort of money?

>> No.73663206
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Imagine pinning Lumi down and fucking her tits.

>> No.73663561

Naizuri ohhhhhhhh

But for real, why is she skeletonmaxxing?

>> No.73668172

Damn what a contrast

>> No.73669730

Why would you do that?

>> No.73670127

She's trying the low calorie diet to stay younger

>> No.73670438
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Why would you not?

>> No.73670694

Are you even watching the same Lumi?

>> No.73670699

Lumi doesn’t deserve rape.

>> No.73672536

>she's waiting for her prince charming
She is nearing 30 lol

>> No.73672585

I miss the days when she wasn't scared of carbs...

>> No.73673846

Are any of these girls over 30? Where the fuck are my REAL hags?

>> No.73673895

Shes terrified of milk now too. Fucking ridiculous. Spends wayyyyyy too much time online

>> No.73678936
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Men will really scarf down chocolate milk and white bread then ask why they're balding and wrinkly at 26.

>> No.73679007

Albino is hard gay as well

>> No.73681476

Go on.

>> No.73682079

The Brownie is full of shit. His entire race can't drink milk and cooes by promoting it as some sort of poison. Despite the fact the Vikings were the largest and tallest in Europe on a diet made up of wheat, fish and dairy

>> No.73682098

quick question, i heard b4 lumi exited cyberlive cause she had beef with someone, who was that someone?

>> No.73682483

The entire crew
>awful company conditions
>chuubas wish to quit and restart
>Lumi steps up to polish turd
>chuubas still wish to quit
>Lumi reeeees for sunk cost fallacy
>Lumi and Yuri quit

>> No.73683045

Lumi was misusing company assets for her own benefits.

>> No.73683722

Neither Lumi, nor Cyberlive were innocent. Both were at fault for being retarded. That is what newfsgs seem incapable of understanding

>> No.73684970


>> No.73685373

She left because everyone else was leaving. Like trying to keep a high school class going without a teacher or a school faculty. The students just got on each other’s nerves. There’s no misusing of company funds till you see Yuri in Phase.
Now you fall into the trap and are now the most retarded one of all. Lumi absolved.

>> No.73685776


>> No.73686658

Whore is prostitute. One who exchanges money for sex. Lumi is a shut-in nerd vamping it up for clicks. You are so obsessed with her model’s looks and her voice and overall act, you seethe that you can’t have her. Retard confirmed.

>> No.73686903

>Lumi is a shutin
Do we literally have 12 year olds on this board?

>> No.73687671

>he doesn’t watch streams

>> No.73689130

Lumi lies.

>> No.73692392

>Lumi is a shut-in nerd vamping it up for clicks
You don't watch streams.

>> No.73694134

It doesn't matter.

Uki is literally gay and people still threw a fit when he offcollabed with Pomu and Finana

>> No.73694154

Cgdct gfe is very addictive

>> No.73694358

>Girls night sleepover offcollab
>A fucking male chuuba turns up
>In their room where they will sleep together
I'm not surprised people were upset

>> No.73694500

a surprise off collab in a hotel room is a little different then an shitty interview
both are bad but one is 10 million times worse

>> No.73694710

You both seem to have overlooked the part where he's extremely, unambiguously homosexual

>> No.73694838

CGDCT is just a precursor to gfe anon

>> No.73694916

And? Pomu and Finana could have made him straight.

>> No.73695394

Performers, actors "lie", and vtubers especially have to coddle their fragile fanbase by keeping things from them.
So end it there. You aren't cut out for this if you cannot understand that bottomline.

And the point made in that post is more about the fact she streams form home, orders food, and rarely goes out. Pretty shut in. Doesn't matter if you got her beat by never stepping outside since 2020. shut-in=/=hikikomori

>> No.73698117

I can save Lumi

>> No.73698502
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, doesheknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73700500

No you can’t

>> No.73704355

>chocolate milk and white bread
please keep going, i am bored.

>> No.73704962

She failed the GFE exam by constantly mentioning Xalabussy and Fishfaggot in her streams. She will never be GFE.

>> No.73706155

A-a-acting? P-p-playing a character? What the fuck is that shit.

>> No.73706669

I don't watch gfe vtubers. But IRyS seems GFE

>> No.73706755

I doubt Phase has any retarded rules like that.

>> No.73707834

Because they are retards who can’t stop biting bait and seething about shitposting, and so they throw tantrums and small groups will split off and start yet another thread because they are seething over some shitpost or another.

>> No.73710319

Then why aren't there any male vtubers in phase.

>> No.73710672

All women are GFE

>> No.73712011

I've tried watching pretty much everyone in phase but Lumi makes my skin crawl and I'm not sure I can articulate why.

>> No.73713211

Because they only higher girls?

>> No.73713294

you made a perfectly normal error in your post but i'm still going to point and laugh at you and deride you as a non-native speaker. Ha ha!

>> No.73713394
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>> No.73716246

Lumi is a traditional woman, so maybe like that.

>> No.73717742

lmao, even

>> No.73718277

catch that lemon stealing whore!

>> No.73718786
File: 750 KB, 504x741, 1712892205220993.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can any other GFE vtuber compete with Lumi?
No, not when Lumi really knows how to win back her audience.

>> No.73719012


>> No.73719613

So she showed her nipples on stream?

>> No.73719707

yes, no

>> No.73720689

Dairy scare is a giant meme. There was a reason why mongolians raped chinks. Turns out that dairy and meat make you big and strong.

>> No.73720817

You should look into MarimariunderscoreEn

>> No.73721616

Pippa corrupted her.

>> No.73722791

What a whore.

>> No.73724305

I thought she wanted to be a tradwife. Why is she acting so whorish.

>> No.73725881

GFE retards only likes whores.

>> No.73725901


>> No.73726398
File: 663 KB, 802x824, 1689614592161132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm parasocial about Lumi but the time I spoke with her in discord lives rent free in my head

>> No.73727451

there's a phase-friend like that who wasn't corrupted by her collabs with Pippa, but since she isn't GFE there's no point mentioning her here

>> No.73727471

If you’re talking about uraka, she’s been corrupted

>> No.73729428


>> No.73729543

I'm sure he's probably thinking about Mavia though, or at least that description (kinda) fits her

>> No.73730795

The worse part is that the model in that animation is better than the 3D thing she uses.

>> No.73731352
File: 101 KB, 1024x683, 1713187310328560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Uraka is better at the whore gfe than Lumi. I know some people might pick Panko, but I think Uraka is the one.

>> No.73733266

Uruka is for tomboy experience, fag

>> No.73733713

Tomboys are virgins though….

>> No.73734142

he's gay so it doesnt count
